03x10 - Count Your Blessings

Episode transcripts for the TV Show "Diff'rent Strokes". Aired: November 3, 1978 –; March 7, 1986.*
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Series follows Arnold and Willis Jackson, two African-American boys from Harlem taken in by a rich white Park Avenue businessman and widower, Phillip Drummond, for whom their deceased mother previously worked, and his daughter, Kimberly.
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03x10 - Count Your Blessings

Post by bunniefuu »

♪ Now, the world don't move ♪

♪ To the beat of just one drum ♪

♪ What might be right for you ♪

♪ May not be right for some ♪

♪ A man is born ♪

♪ He's a man of means ♪

♪ Then along come two ♪

♪ They got nothin'
but their jeans ♪

♪ But they got
diff'rent strokes ♪

♪ It takes diff'rent strokes ♪

♪ It takes diff'rent strokes ♪

♪ To move the world ♪

♪ Everybody's got ♪

♪ A special kind of story ♪

♪ Everybody finds
a way to shine ♪

♪ It don't matter that you got ♪

♪ Not a lot... So what? ♪

♪ They'll have theirs ♪

♪ And you'll have yours ♪

♪ And I'll have mine ♪

♪ And together we'll be fine ♪

♪ 'Cause it takes
diff'rent strokes ♪

♪ To move the
world, yes, it does ♪

♪ It takes diff'rent
strokes to move the world ♪

Yeah. Well, I'd like very much

To see that property, dorothy.

Why don't I pick you
up saturday, 1:00?


How's your charming daughter?

Ha ha ha. Please tell
kathy I said hello.

Ok. See ya saturday.

Hi, kids. How was school today?

It was ok. All right.


2 Out of 3's not bad.

What happened to arnold?

Wouldn't tell us. I don't know.


Come here.

Yes, dad.

What happened at school today?


You just... You just
said it was terrible.

Now you say it's nothing.

Well, it was nothing terrible.

Come on, arnold.

Tell us what happened. Spill it.

Well, if I spill my guts,

Will you give me
a light sentence?

The judge will take it
under consideration.

What happened at school?

Well, the teacher got mad at me

'Cause I threw an
eraser in class.

Well, I hope you
didn't hit anyone.

Just the teacher.

Arnold, why did you throw
an eraser at the teacher?

Well, I wasn't throwing
it at the teacher.

I threw it at some kids
who were teasing me.

Arnold, either stop
throwing things

Or improve your aim.

What were they teasing
you about, arnold?

This. Our class picture.

Where are you?

Hey, he's not in it. Yes, I am.


See that empty space
right between those 2 girls?


Right below that
empty space is me.

That's what happens
when you're short.

No, no, no.

That's just a
photographer's mistake.

We'll get him to take
the picture over again.

Dad, it's not just the picture.

I'm tired of being called
short stuff and half pint.

And the one I really
hate is fire hydrant.

Don't pay any attention
to them, arnold.

Yeah, they're
probably just jealous

'Cause you're such a fox.

Fox. Another short animal.

Arnold, I wanna
tell you something.

Sometimes kids
can be very cruel.

You have to just
learn to ignore it.

Or better still,

Take it with a sense of humor.

I tried, dad.

If they say something mean like,

"Hey, are you
standing in a manhole?"

I come back with a fast answer.

Like what?

I say, "if you think I'm short,

You should see my wife."

Well, that's a good
come back, arnold.

Yeah, and you could say
she cooks your favorite dish.

Short ribs.

You know, arnold,

A sense of humor
could be a great w*apon.

Dad, there's nothing
funny about being short.

Well, that depends
on how you look at it.

Being short saves energy.


You use less water
taking a shower.

Right, and you don't
have to bend down so far

To put your shoes on.

Hey wait, I got one.

When it rains
you're the last one

To get wet.

I'd rather be tall and damp.

And anyway humor
doesn't always work.

Like yesterday I
was eating lunch

And this big kid comes
up and insults me.

Well did you give
him a fast comeback?

It's kind of hard to
think of something funny,

When a guy is
sitting on your head.

He didn't hurt you did he?

No, but let's face it,

The world's just not
made for short people.

In the classroom I
have to stand on my toes

To reach the blackboard.

In the hallway I have
to stand on my toes

To reach the drinking fountain.

And in the bathroom,

I have to stand on my toes to...

Well, you get the idea.

Well, look at the
bright side, arnold.

You'll be the only kid in school
with muscles on your toes.

Hey, look, arnold,

We know what
you're going through,

But that's all gonna
change as you grow.

Now, in the meantime,
you just have to

Keep your sense of humor

And be patient.

Be patient. Be patient.

I've had it up to
here with patience.

Make that up to here.

I'm tired of being short

And I'm tired of
being picked last

When they choose up for games.

Look, son, not all kids
grow in the same way.

Some kids don't get
their full growth

Till they're older.

How much older?

By the time I can reach a
glass of water in the sink,

I'll be putting my teeth in it.

Just hang in there, arnold.

It'll happen.

Remember, kareem abdul jabbar

Was once your size.

Yeah, the day he was born.

That's it.

That's funny.

Hang onto your sense of humor.

Arnold, you oughta think tall,

Talk tall, and walk tall.

I'll look kinda silly
ducking under doorways.

Kimberly's right, arnold.

Think tall.

Yeah, and watch your diet.

Stop eating all that junk food

And eat healthy foods,

Like fruits and vegetables.

Yeah, and do some
stretching exercises, too.

You... You think that'll help?

Sure it will.


Ok. That's what I'll do.

I'm gonna eat right,

Think tall, and exercise.

I dig.

Before you know it,

I'll be arnold the big.

Arnold, what are
you doing there?

Just what you told me to do.

Stretchin' myself.

It's part of operation tall.

Well, how long you
gonna hang there?

Till my feet touch the ground.

Well, don't over do it

Or you'll have the
longest armpits in town.

Well, time to stretch
the other half.

Lift me up, willis,

So I can hang from my knees.

Uh-uh. I don't want you slippin'

And fallin' on your head.

So what? At least then

I'll be taller by a bump.

What's that?

My timer.

Time for a carrot break.

That's the idea, arnold.

Nothin' better for
you than vegetables.

Really healthy.

Best thing in the world.

Want some?

No, thanks.

You sure these
carrots will help me?

I never seen a
tall rabbit before.

You just keep chompin' away.

I sure hope this works, willis.

Oh, it will.

I mean, arnold, you're
gonna be so tall

That birds are gonna
make a nest in your hair.

Come on.

I mean, really.

They gonna lay
eggs in your afro.

Willis, I don't wanna be a tree.

I'd need a knot hole

Instead of a belly button.

Come on over here
and measure me.

But, arnold, you've only been
doing this for a couple of days.

Yeah, but I feel kinda taller.

My feet are starting
to look further away.


Now, this is how tall you were

When you started 2 days ago.



Wait a minute!

What's the matter?

Better have a quick carrot fix.

Now measure me.


Hey, arnold!

That stretchin' really works.

You've gotten taller.

Oh, yeah. How much?

Almost a whole
entire eighth of an inch.

Oh, boy!

That means by the
end of the week, I'll be...

Wait a minute, willis.

How come I didn't feel
the ruler touch my head?

'Cause I didn't wanna
put a dent in your hair.

Willis, you're just
trying to jive me

To make me feel better.

No, I'm not.

Believe me. If you
keep growing this fast,

Your mouth will be
where your nose is.

You'll have to be careful

That you don't blow out a tooth.

Oh, come on, arnold. Cheer up.

Hi, guys.

Hey, dad, I just measured arnold

And he grew a whole entire

Eighth of an inch.

A whole eighth of an inch.

How about that?

And he doesn't believe me.

He measured my hair.

If hair counted, I
could let it grow

Till I'm 7 feet tall.


I know how you feel, son,

But try not to be impatient.

You're gonna
grow, I guarantee it.

When and how much?

Well, I can't answer that.

Nobody can.

Actually, that's
not quite true, willis.

As a matter of fact, arnold,

There are doctors who
specialize in this very thing.

They're called endocrinologists.

Now that's for me.

Somebody who can
make my ends grow.

They don't make you grow, but

They can tell you how
tall you're going to be.

What do they do?

Stretch you out
like a rubber band,

Measure you, then
let you snap back?

That's an interesting thought.

No, I think what they do is

They take certain tests
and they x-ray certain bones

And then from that,
they can project

What your eventual
height will be.

Well, what are we waiting for?

Let's go see one of
those endocriminologists.

Ok, that's just what we'll do.

I'll call and see

If we can get an
appointment tomorrow.

Thanks, dad.

Oh, great!

Hey, that's terrific, arnold.

But I never thought I'd see you

So happy to go see a doctor.

Well, doctors aren't all bad.

You can stick your
tongue out at them

Without gettin' into trouble.

Boy, this guy's in
a lot of trouble.

Looks like his mother
was scared by a highway.

J-j-just a minute.

This isn't gonna be easy.

Who's gonna tell him?

Well, I will...

With your help.


Here we are, arnold.


What are you doing, arnold?

Trying to keep my
southern exposure

From being exposed.

They oughta make
those things with zippers.

Dr. Roberts has some
very good news for you.

Oh, yeah? What?

Well, let's look at this x-ray.

It's a blow up of your hand

And I'd like to try to
explain some things to you.

First, let's talk about
what we call your epiphyses.

I got epiphyses?

Where'd I pick them up

And how do I get rid of them?

Those are the growth spaces
between the bones on your hand.

We all have them, arnold.

And by measuring
these growth spaces,

We can determine how
tall you're going to be.

How tall am I gonna be?




Ok. 6 Feet and
that's my final offer.

Arnold, according to my tests,

It looks like you are going

To grow to be about 5 feet tall.

What you talkin' about, doctor?

Maybe a little bit
taller than that.

Right, dr. Roberts?

Well, it's certainly possible.

5 Crummy feet?

That's as up as I'm gonna grow?

Maybe a little more.

How much more?

Oh, an inch or two.

Maybe 3.

Wait a minute.

There's gotta be some mistake.

That can't be my hand.

Why not?

It's got white bones.

Arnold, everybody has.

Maybe the x-ray got switched.

I saw once on tv, they were
gonna operate on this guy

And they found out
all he had was acne.

Arnold, look on
the positive side.

You are going to grow that much.


I'll always be the
shortest guy in the picture.

Remember, arnold,
it's not how big you are

That's important.

It's what you are.

Dr. Roberts is right, arnold.

You're lucky.

A lot of kids are much
worse off than you are.

Well, you can get
dressed now, arnold.


Doctor, do you mind if
I use your telephone?

Oh, go right ahead.

Come on. Cheer up, arnold.

Just think, you're gonna grow

A whole foot and a half
taller than you are now.

Swell. I'm a shrimp now

And when I grow up,
I'll be a jumbo shrimp.

Ok, son. Why don't you
get dressed now, ok?

Uh, dorothy?

Phil drummond.

About our appointment
this afternoon,

How about we meet at
my place instead of yours?

No, no, don't
bother with a sitter.

In fact, I'd prefer that
you bring kathy with you

And my son arnold
can keep her company

While we go and
look at that building.

Thanks, dorothy.

See, this could be very
important to arnold.

Well, as a matter of
fact, I'm calling you now...

Ah, willis, will you come on

And stop messing with your hair?

We're going to the
library to study.

Not pick up girls.

Don't rush me, little mama.

A guy never knows when he
might be called into action.

Here we are.

Hi oh, hi.

Hi. Hey, arnold.

You're looking at
a condemned man.


Yeah, of terminal shortness.

What do you mean?

The doctor said the
most I'm gonna grow

Is five feet tall.

Five feet?

Maybe a little more.

I think that's quite
a lot of growth.

Don't you think so, kids?

That much, huh?

Oh, hey, that's terrific,
arnold. Hey, five whole feet,

That's an all right
height, arnold.

Yeah for a kitchen stool.

Come on, arnold,

What's wrong with
being 5 feet tall?

Maybe a little more.

Size isn't all that
important anyway.

Yeah, arnold, a lot
of the great men

Weren't very tall.

That's right.


Alexander, the great.

Woody allen.

Yeah, anyway. Who cares.

Man, he's really taking it hard.

Dad, isn't there
anything they can do

To make him grow taller?

Well his bone structure
determines his height.

They can't do
anything about that.

I'm afraid arnold is just going
to have to learn to face it.

I guess so.

Hey, willis, why
don't we stick around

And try and cheer him up?

We could always go
to the library later.

No, that's all right.

You two go to the library
and do whatever you have to do.

Ok, dad. Bye, dad.

See you later, dad.
Bye, see you later.

Arnold, listen.

A friend of mine, who's
a real estate broker,

Is coming by to pick me
up to see some property

And she's bringing
her daughter with her

And I'd like you to
keep her company.

Do I have to, dad?

I'd consider it a personal favor

If you would entertain her.

Ok. Thank you.

But I feel as entertaining
as a toothache.

Arnold, are you
gonna eat all that?

Why not? If I can't
be 6 feet tall,

Maybe I can be 6 feet wide.

Arnold, would you
answer the door, please?

Ok, dad.


I said hi.

Oh, uh, come on in.

Thought you'd never ask.

I'm dorothy gordon and
this is my daughter kathy.

Hi. I'm arnold.

Hello, arnold.

Hi, dorothy. Hi, phil.

Hi, kathy. Hi, mr. Drummond.

Nice to see you again.

Well, we better run along. Ok.

Make yourself at home, kathy.

I'm sure you'll find that arnold

Is a very good host.

Good, 'cause I'm a
very good guest.

Have fun, kids.

Bye, mrs. Gordon.

Bye, mom. Bye, mr. Drummond.

See ya later.

Wowee. Would you look
at the size of this place?

Wow. This place is humongous.

Our ballet class could
do swan lake in here.

You're in a ballet class?

My mom was a dancer

And she teaches
class one night a week

And I go to it.

But, I mean, do you dance?

Sure, in my mind.

Just think how much I
save on ballet shoes.

Can I get you anything to
drink or eat or somethin'?

Uh-uh. Let's just talk.


Do you like ballet?

Nah, it's just a bunch of people

Runnin' around in
their long underwear.

What do you like to do?

I used to play basketball,

But I gave it up.

How come?

I'm too short.

The only thing I'll ever
slam dunk will be a donut.

Boy, are you on a downer.

What's buggin' you?

I don't wanna talk about it.

Then you don't have to. Ok.

What's buggin' ya?

Well, if you really
have to know,

I got some bad news today

And I'm tired of hearing
how good the bad news is.

What do you mean?

Well, the doctor told me

I'm only gonna be 5 feet tall.

And everybody's trying to
convince me how great it is.

Yeah. It's tough.

Hey, you wanna see my drawing?

Sure. What is it?

A building. I'm gonna
be an architect.

Oh, yeah?

Yeah, and my buildings are

Gonna have ramps
for wheelchairs.

Most buildings don't have them.

Yeah. It must be tough
being handicapped.

Don't ever call me handicapped.

I'm handicapable, turkey.

Oh, boy. Um...

I didn't mean that
like it sounded.

Sometimes my brain is on rewind

And my mouth is on fast forward.

Hey, you wanna see my train?


Come on. It's upstairs.

I'm sorry.

I forgot you were
in a wheelchair.

You forgot I was
in a wheelchair?

Arnold, that's the nicest
thing you could say to me.


Uh, c-can I ask you something?


Doesn't being so cheerful
all the time get you down?

Well, being cheerful
doesn't mean I'm not realistic.

I mean, tracy austin
never has anything

To worry about from me.

Yeah. And in my case,
neither does magic johnson.

Boy, I'll never grow up.

And when I do grow up,

People will still be
looking down on me.

Boy, that's a raw deal.

Maybe so, but I'd give anything

To be a short black
kid who can run.

I'm glad I saw that building.

Well, let me see what else

I can come up with, ok?

Thank you. Hi, kids.

Hi, dad. Oh, hi, dad.

These are my other 2 children.

That's kimberly and willis.

This is mrs. Gordon, kids.

Hi, mrs. Gordon,
nice to meet you.

Hi, how are you?

Uh, where's arnold and kathy?

Arnold? I thought
he was with you.

He wasn't here when we got back

And who's kathy?

Mrs. Gordon's daughter.

Where could they be?

Maybe they're upstairs.

Oh, no, kathy couldn't possibly

Have managed the
stairs in her wheelchair.

Well, they must have gone out,

But don't worry, dorothy,

Arnold's very responsible.

Oh, yeah. And don't
let his size fool you.

If anyone tries to mug him,

He'll bite 'em in the knee.

Besides, who would harm
a little kid like arnold

And a girl in a wheelchair?

I'll go look for them.

I'm coming with you.

Arnold: vroom.

Here they come.

Hi, everybody.

Arnold, where have you been?

We were worried about you.

Why? I had kathy to protect me.

This is my brother willis

And my sister kimberly.

This is my friend kathy.

Hi. Hi, kathy. How are you?

Where'd you go, honey?

To get a triple
dip banana split.

Yeah, with coconut,
strawberry sauce,

And hot fudge, and
whipped cream, and nuts,

And sprinkles and 3
scoops of ice cream.

We would've got the big one,

But we weren't that hungry.

That's what I call self-control.

But you shouldn't have gone out

Without leaving a note.

I guess so,

But in all the
excitement, I forgot.

What excitement?

Kathy was treatin'

And I wanted to get there

Before she changed her mind.

Well, kathy, I guess
we should be going.

Ok, mom. Come on, arnold,

Let's go get my pad.

All right.

Vroom! Vroom!

Well, I hope your idea
to get them together

Did some good, phil.

I hope so, too.
Thanks a lot, dorothy.

You're welcome.

Ok. Here we are.

Well, don't forget
thursday, arnold.

I won't.

Hey, what's thursday?

Kathy's ballet class
is having a recital.

Ballet class?

Yeah, and after the class,

We're gonna get
something to eat.

This time it's my treat.

Unless the big
spender comes along.

Well, bye, arnold.


I want you to have my drawing.

I autographed it.

Well, thanks, kathy.

You're welcome.

Well, I'll see ya thursday.


Bye, arnold.

Come on, mom. Let's burn rubber.

Bye, dorothy.


She's terrific, dad.

Yeah, she is.

And you know somethin'?

I learned something.

You did? What's that?

That you really have
to count your blessings.

That's right, arnold.

You sure do. Every day.

And I got a lot of
blessings to count.

I'm lucky that there
are people who love me

And I'm also lucky
because of my height.

Your height?

Yeah, see, I already got
my rugged good looks,

And my natural charm,

And my winning smile,

And if I was tall,

I'd be impossible to live with.

♪ Now, the world don't move ♪

♪ To the beat of just one drum ♪

♪ What might be right for you ♪

♪ May not be right for some ♪

♪ A man is born,
he's a man of means ♪

♪ Then along come two ♪

♪ They got nothin'
but their jeans ♪

♪ But they got
diff'rent strokes ♪

♪ It takes diff'rent strokes ♪

♪ It takes diff'rent strokes ♪

♪ To move the
world, yes, it does ♪

♪ It takes diff'rent strokes
to move the world, mmm ♪
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