03x16 - Where There's Hope

Episode transcripts for the TV Show "Diff'rent Strokes". Aired: November 3, 1978 –; March 7, 1986.*
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Series follows Arnold and Willis Jackson, two African-American boys from Harlem taken in by a rich white Park Avenue businessman and widower, Phillip Drummond, for whom their deceased mother previously worked, and his daughter, Kimberly.
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03x16 - Where There's Hope

Post by bunniefuu »

♪ Now, the world don't move ♪

♪ To the beat of just one drum ♪

♪ What might be right for you ♪

♪ May not be right for some ♪

♪ A man is born ♪

♪ He's a man of means ♪

♪ Then along come two ♪

♪ They got nothin'
but their jeans ♪

♪ But they got
diff'rent strokes ♪

♪ It takes diff'rent strokes ♪

♪ It takes diff'rent strokes ♪

♪ To move the world ♪

♪ Everybody's got ♪

♪ A special kind of story ♪

♪ Everybody finds
a way to shine ♪

♪ It don't matter that you got ♪

♪ Not a lot... So what? ♪

♪ They'll have theirs
and you'll have yours ♪

♪ And I'll have mine ♪

♪ And together we'll be fine ♪

♪ 'Cause it takes
diff'rent strokes ♪

♪ To move the
world, yes, it does ♪

♪ It takes diff'rent
strokes to move the world ♪


Arnold, when will you be 10?

You know, saturday.

It'd be a shame
to get this close

And not make it.

I'm gonna have
these at my party.

How's your guest
list coming, arnold?

I can't decide if I want
chubby watkins at my party.

Why not? Because
he's the only kid I know

Who eats more than me.

Dad, do you think amy
carter's available now?

I think her whole family
would be available.

At your party, arnold, you
can have whoever you want.

Well, you know it's a very
special birthday for me.

What makes this one so special?

There's a big difference
between 9 and 10.

I'm moving up
into double digits.

Hey, that's right.

Haven't you noticed I've
matured lately. Mm-hmm.

Oh, yeah, I've noticed a couple
of gray hairs in your teddy bear.


Oh, hi, there.

Yeah, just a minute.

Arnold, it's for you.

Susie moore.

Oh, no.

Not the bride of godzilla again.

Ever since she moved
into the building,

She's been on my case.

That's 'cause your
case is so cute.

Tell her I just stepped out

And I'll be back in 20 years.

Arnold, that's not polite.

What happened to the
old double-digit maturity?

I don't get it until saturday.

There you are.

Hi, susie.

No, I can't.

No, I won't.

No, I don't.


Arnold, these long
telephone conversations

Are going to have to stop.

What'd she want?

Aw, she wanted me
to come over and play.

So why don't you?

'Cause she bugs me!

She things she knows everything

And she's always
playing these dumb jokes.

You know, it's
not easy for susie

To be the new kid on the block.

You could try to be
a little nicer to her.

She probably doesn't
have any friends.

With her personality, that's
as many as she's gonna get.

I got it, dad.



Arnold, that is very rude.

You shouldn't do that to susie.

Hi, susie. Come on in.

Hi, mr. Drummond.

Hi, susie. Hi, susie.

I love your glasses.

Thanks. Do I look
like a movie star?

Yeah, kermit the frog.

I think you look
very pretty, susie.

Thanks, willis. You could take

A few lessons in charm
from your brother.

Yeah. I'm the east coast
distributor of charm.

Susie, I told you,

I couldn't come over and play.

I respect that. That's
why I came over here.

You're very lucky, arnold.

You've got a playmate
that makes house calls.

Susie, I can't play
with you here, either.

You're still mad
at me, aren't you?

Me mad? Just 'cause
you tricked me

Into eating a
chocolate-covered grasshopper?

Is that why you were
chirping all night?

Yeah, chirping and burping.

Arnold, I promise I'll
never do that again.

Let's be friends.

Oh, ok.


Ha ha ha ha!

That's not funny.

I thought it was.

And neither was the dribble
glass or the whoopee cushion.

Good-bye, susie.

I've got to get to
work on my guest list.

Guest list? Are
you having a party?

Mouth, you did it again.

Susie, didn't you know?
It's arnold's birthday.

Oh, I love birthday parties.

When is it and what
time should I be here?

It's saturday. Be
here at 7:00 at night.

Arnold, I thought the party
was scheduled for the afternoon.

It is. Get the picture?

Oh, arnold. I love
your sense of humor.

It's so sick.

Thanks for inviting
me to your party.

Don't mention it.

Sorry I did.

You know, those two sure
don't get along very well.

They're always
criticizing each other

And they're always arguing.

You'd think they were married.

Well, you wanted to see my room.

Here it is. Good-bye.

Nice little pad you
got here, arnold.

Look, susie...

Hey, I've got a jigsaw
puzzle just like yours.

How long did it take
you to put together?

Only two weeks.

I did it in two days.

I don't believe that.

Well, actually I
did it in one day,

But I didn't want to
make you feel too dumb.

You're all heart.

You got any eggs at home?

Sure. Why?

Why don't you go
home and suck one.

Ha ha ha.

Do you play backgammon? No.

How about chess?


So what do you play, checkers?

Do I play checkers?

I am the champ.

I love checkers.

I hate checkers.

It's such a kids game.

I'm into grown-up stuff

Like reading the
wall street journal.

Doesn't everybody?
I read that, too.

You read the wall
street journal?

Of course. Great comic section.

They don't have a comic section.

I knew that.

I just wanted to see if you did.

Ha ha ha ha!

What's so funny?

This composition. You
spelled "smooth" with 3 os.

Oh, yeah, on purpose.

When you're writing
about magic johnson,

You don't say he's smooth.

You say he's smoooth.

Let's see what
else you got wrong.

Give me that.

I just want to look it over.

Let go!


Now look what you did.

Two weeks of work.

I can fix it for you in an hour.

It never would have happened
if you weren't such a pest.

Arnold, you're supposed
to make me feel at home.

Good. Go home and
you'll feel at home.

I'll be among the first
to say arrivederci.

You're just mad at me
because I'm better than you.

At what?


Oh, yeah?

Well, I know something
I'm better than you at.


Coming to my birthday party.

Who cares about your
dumb birthday party?

I've got better things to do.

Good. Go do 'em.

You're rude.



If I wasn't so polite,

I'd tell you you
really burn my butt!

Hello, mr. Drummond. Hello.

I'm jack moore.
This is my wife betty.

Hi, jack. Hello, betty.

Hi. We're your new neighbors.

Susie's parents, right? Yes.

Well, please come in.

Oh, thank you.

Excuse the mess.
We're just getting ready

For arnold's birthday
party this afternoon.

Sorry to interrupt, but could
we talk to you for just a minute?

Sure. Please, sit down.

Thank you.

Actually, it's about susie.

She's very upset about not
going to arnold's birthday party.

Not going? Why? She was invited.

Well, she and
arnold had a fight,

And he uninvited her.

Uh, she's been moping around
the house for a couple of days

And just told us
about it this morning.

Oh. I'm sorry. Well,
I'll speak to arnold,

See what I can do about that.

But I can't guarantee
anything. You know kids...

They can be very stubborn.

Well, mr. Drummond, um...

Arnold's party is especially
important to susie right now.

Right now? How do you mean?

Well, uh...

We don't like to burden people
with our problems, mr. Drummond,

But, uh...

We'd like to take you
into our confidence.

Just between us, susie's
a very sick little girl.

She, uh... She has leukemia.

Oh, no.

It's been very hard
on her emotionally.

I can imagine.

It's a difficult
thing for a child,

Being in and out of the hospital

And away from school
for long periods of time.

It makes it almost impossible
to maintain a friendship.

Of course.

She desperately
wants to make friends,

But she just tries too hard.
She thinks she has to show off

To make the kids like
her. And, unfortunately,

It usually just turns them
off like it did with arnold.

I'm very sorry about that,

But it's not like arnold at all.

We know.

Well, if there's
anything you can do,

She would just love
to come to the party.

Say no more.

Leave it to me.

Thank you, mr. Drummond.

Thanks for coming
and telling me.

We really appreciate this.

Not at all. Ok.

Good-bye. Bye-bye.

Arnold! Would you
come here, please?

Dad, you should see
my birthday cake. Yeah?

It has a "10" on
it, and my name,

And "happy birthda."

"Happy birthda"?

I ate the "y".

Arnold, why did you tell susie

You didn't want
her at your party?

Because I don't.
She's a pain in the...

Well, pick any part of the body.

Her parents
stopped by to tell me

She's heartbroken about this.

I really think you
ought to invite her.

Susie happens to be
a very nice little girl.

She's not a girl, she's a space
monster from the planet barf.

Arnold, as a favor to me,

Would you please invite her?

Why should I invite her?

Well, let's just say it's
a neighborly thing to do.

But I can't stand that woman.

She's got a voice
like prune juice...

It goes right through you.

Now, look, arnold...

There'll be lots of
other kids at the party.

You don't have to spend
all of your time with susie.

Please, consider it.

Ok, I'll consider it.

No way!

Now, look, arnold...

But, dad, you
said I could invite

Whoever I wanted, didn't you?

I know, but this is different.

Arnold, I'm afraid I am
going to have to insist

That you do invite
susie to the party.

What you talkin' about, dad?

You heard me.

But, dad, that's not fair.

I'm 10 today. You're not
talking to a 9-year-old anymore.

I'm sorry. Susie is
coming to the party,

And that is the bottom line.

I don't want her
bottom at my party.


And if you try to
make me invite her...

I don't want no party at all.

Man. What a bummer, abraham.

No way am I going
to invite that...

Suzie to my party.

It's like if you were
throwing a party

And invited a piranha.

Hey, arnold. What's this I hear
about you calling off your party?

You know dad's pretty upset.

Well, I'm not exactly
the bluebird of happiness.

Well what about
that food downstairs?

We got a ton of hotdogs,

Gallons of punch, and every
type of chip known to man.

You're going to give
up all that heartburn?

I don't care.

And what about all those
presents you won't be getting?

I don't care about those either.

Arnold jackson doesn't
care about presents?

I guess I'm so
miserable I'm delirious.

And anyway, my pride's more
important than my greed.

How's it going?

It isn't.

Did dad send you up here
to work me over too?

No, dad didn't send me up here.

But I am going to work you over.

Arnold, how could
you be so unreasonable?

Susie isn't that bad.

Ok, so she has a few faults.

Yeah, everything
she says and does.

All you gotta do is spend time
with her for one afternoon.

Come on, she's new here
and she needs a friend.

The only way she'll get a
friend is if she buys a dog.

How could you be so selfish?

I mean, what about your friends?

And they're counting
on your party.

They all bought presents
and they'll have to return them.

It's just not fair, arnold.

I guess that would be unfair.

Tell you what...
I'll let them give me

The presents monday at school.

They won't want to.

Nobody likes a party pooper.

Tell that to dad. He's the
one who pooped my party.

You know, arnold,
you're a tough cookie.

On second thought,
make that a crumb.

Arnold, I've been
thinking it over,

And I guess I don't blame you

For not inviting
susie to the party.


No, no, no, it's your party,

And I was wrong to insist.

You're jivin' me.

Is this one of your
psycho-cological tricks?

No, it isn't. I mean it.

But I still do wish
you would invite her.

I don't understand why
this is so important to you.

Well, it just is, and
I can't tell you why.

You know, son,
there are some times

When you do a favor
for somebody you love

Just because they ask you to.

Man, you're sure
layin' a heavy trip on me.

I don't want to, arnold. I want
you to have a wonderful birthday

And not even worry about this.

I don't know much about guilt,

But I think this is it.

Ok, ok, ok.

I'll invite that little
stinker to my party.

Now you're talkin',
little brother.

Hey, thanks, arnold.
I owe you one.

You know, arnold, you
have a heart of gold.

Yeah, but sometimes
people forget that

Because of my tough exterior.

Hello. Can I talk
to susie, please?

Hello, susie? It's arnold.

About my birthday
party this afternoon,

You're probably busy doing something
better, and it's not gonna be much fun,

But if you want to come and
have a dull time, I won't stop you.

You mean you
still want to come?!


She's coming.

I guess she just couldn't resist
your high-pressure sales pitch.

Don't worry, arnold.
You're gonna have a good time

This afternoon,
even with susie there.

Yeah, but when we play
hide-and-go-seek and she's it,

Don't get mad if I
hide in new jersey.

Okay, everybody!

The bar is open!

Hi, mr. Drummond.

Hi, duffy. You want some punch?

Yes, please, a double.

One double coming up.

This one's on the house.

I'd rather have it in a cup.

Hey, that's my kind of joke.


Hey, hey, hey!

It's the birthday boy!

Arnold, I think it
would be appropriate

If you would say a couple
of words to your guests.

Let's eat!

Ok, g*ng, soup's on!

All right!

Chubby, you and your
mouth sit next to me,

So I can keep an
eye on both of you.

Now, I don't want you doin'
any of your magic. Magic?

Yeah, makin' my whole
birthday cake disappear.

Hey, who's missing?

Oh, yes. Susie moore.

I wonder why she isn't here.

Maybe it's her
birthday present to me.

Arnold, I really think you ought
to thank your guests for coming

And for bringing you presents.

Oh, yeah, right.

Arnold, 'cause you're
such a good friend,

I spent $6.98 for
your present...

Plus tax.

Thanks. I'm worth
every penny of it.

Well, anyway, I want to thank
you all for getting me presents.

I'm sure I'm gonna like them

If you got me what
I told you to get.

So thanks. You're
really all good friends.

I'll eat to that.

You'll eat to anything.


Oh, hi.

Yeah, sure, hold
on a minute, please.

Arnold, it's for you.

It's susie.

Dudley, keep this in protective
custody till I get back.


Oh, yeah? Ok.


Good news!

Susie's not comin' to
the birthday party.

Why not?

What did she say?

It's just another
one of her dumb jokes.

She says she's at the hospital

Gettin' her blood counted.

If that's a joke,
I don't get it.

Yeah. Why would susie
say a thing like that?

'Cause she's a creep.

Arnold, I'd like to speak to
you alone for just a minute,


Uh, you, too.

Um... Be right back.

Um, in the meantime,
eat, drink, and be merry

For monday is school.

Listen, you kids, I have
to tell you something.

Now, I promised
not to repeat this,

But in this case,
I just have to.

I'm afraid that susie
really is in the hospital,

And she's a very
sick little girl.

What do you mean?

What's wrong with her?

She has leukemia.


Oh, no.

Poor kid.

I've heard of that.

What is it?

Well, it's a very
serious blood disease.

Does that mean she's gonna die?

I don't know.

Oh, man.

You know, arnold,
sometimes the way people feel

Affects the way they act.

I should have been
a lot nicer to her.

I didn't have to be so mean.

How can I ever
make it up to her?

Well, I've got an idea.

I recently read a book by a
man named norman cousins.

He had a very,
very bad sickness.

The doctors didn't
think he'd make it.

You know what he did? What?

He laughed.


You mean he cracked up
when he saw the doctor bill?

No, he laughed because
it made him feel better.

And then he began
to search everywhere

For things to make him laugh.

Old movies, funny books,
whatever he could get hold of.

And he fooled the doctors.

He got better.

I've heard of
laughing yourself sick.

But I've never heard of
laughing yourself well.

What do you guys
think of this idea?


Nurse, on p.a.: Paging
dr. Lundsford.

Dr. Lundsford to
surgery, please.

Vell, vell, vell!

And how is our little
patient zis afternoon?


The name is dr. Jackson,

But you can call me doc.


Stick out ze tongue.


I've zeen a better tongue

In a delicatessen window.

Ha ha!

That is good.

Laugh it up or I'll give
you a shot in ze funny bone.

What are you doing here, arnold?

I came to take your pulse.

They already took my pulse.

Where did they take it?

Arnold, my pulse
is on the chart.

Let me see that hand.

Hey! That's a neat beat!

No wonder it made the chart!

Arnold, you're so funny,

But why aren't you at the party?

It can't be over yet.

Of course it's not over yet.

It's just the beginning.

Ok, come on in!

Hi, sweetheart.

Philip: hi, susie!


Wasn't it nice of everybody

To come and bring
the party to you?

Gee, is it ever!

And now for the
plèce de résistance.

Presenting kimberly and
her world-famous fudge cake.

♪ Ta-da ♪

Here come the fudge.

Here come the fudge.

What do you say
to arnold, honey?

I know.

♪ Happy birthday to you ♪

♪ Happy birthday to you ♪

♪ Happy birthday, dear arnold ♪

♪ Happy birthday to you ♪

Don't forget to make a wish.

I already got one.

A real special one.

All right! All right!


Yeah! All right, arnold!

Hey, arnold, you got
'em all out in one breath.

That means your wish
is gonna come true.

You bet it will.

Oh, arnold, I bought you
a present but it's at home.

Don't worry. You'll be
out of this hospital soon,

And I'll come over and get it.

Oh that's wonderful.

Well, I just hate to
break up this party, but

Susie really needs her rest.

But I feel great.

Come on. You don't want
to overdo it, now, honey.

Ok. Feel better soon now, susie.

Bye, susie! Bye, susie!

Bye, susie! Bye!

Bye, susie. Come on, you guys.

Mrs. Moore? Yes?

Can I stay just one more minute?

Sure, arnold.

I don't know how we
can thank you for this.

The look on susie's face

And the sound of her
laughter is thanks enough.

We'll keep a good
thought for susie.

I understand they made
some real breakthroughs

In certain kinds of leukemia,

Especially in children.

It's true.

And now she'll have
an even better chance

With her new doctor. New doctor?

Oh, yeah. He's a
top man in his field.

Dr. Arnold jackson.

Oh, arnold, I'm
so glad you came.

You made me feel much better.

Good. I'll come back tomorrow,

And I know you're gonna get well

On account of my special wish,

But I can't tell
you what it was.

I won't ask what it
was, but thank you.

Well, I better let you
get some rest now.

See ya.

Thanks, arnold, for everything.

Aw, it's ok.

Oh, boy.

Got you again.

♪ Now the world don't move ♪

♪ To the beat of just one drum ♪

♪ What might be right for you ♪

♪ May not be right for some ♪

♪ A man is born ♪

♪ He's a man of means ♪

♪ Then along come two ♪

♪ They got nothin'
but their jeans ♪

♪ But they got
diff'rent strokes ♪

♪ It takes diff'rent strokes ♪

♪ It takes diff'rent strokes ♪

♪ To move the
world, yes, it does ♪

♪ It takes diff'rent
strokes to move the world ♪

♪ Hmm ♪
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