02x03 - Lessons in Civics

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Father Knows Best". Aired: October 3, 1954 - May 23, 1960.*
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The series, which began on radio in 1949, follows the lives of the Andersons, a middle-class family living in the town of Springfield.
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02x03 - Lessons in Civics

Post by bunniefuu »

Announcer: robert young...

And jane wyatt.

With elinor donahue, billy
gray, and lauren chapin...

Good morning,
dear. Morning, dear.

Bud up yet? I called him.

What in the world was that?

I know my kisses are powerful,

But I can't take credit for it.

Here, they started work on
that new highway this morning.

"Mayor mitchell sets off
first blast on highway."

I promised kathy we'd
go down and watch.

Sounds like they're putting
it through our basement.

Mommy, mommy! They've
started already!

I know, I know.

Come on, we'll miss everything!

There's plenty of time. Sit
down, eat your breakfast.

But we won't see them
tear down the building.

Oh, yes, we will.

Kathy, they promised not
to do any serious blasting

Until you get there.
Right, margaret?


Here, you go to work on this.

Ooh, that was a whopper.

What makes it so loud, daddy?

That's dynamite, kitten.
It's noisy but sure.

The best way to tear
anything down is to blast.

You think they might
blast our school, daddy?

I wouldn't count on it, kitten.

Bud, time to get up!

What is dynamite, daddy?

That's what it takes to get
your brother up in the morning.

According to this, margaret,

They're gonna tear out a
whole block of buildings.

I think it's a good idea.

Those buildings have
been an eyesore for years.

Jim, give bud another
call, will you?

Fall out of that bed, bud!

You have to hand
it to the mayor.

He said he was gonna
clean up springfield.

He's certainly doing it.

That was another big one, daddy.

I thought it was the coffee.

Very funny.

Gosh, dad.

You don't have to shake
the whole house to get me up.

I can take a hint.

See what I mean, kathy?

Thanks, all. For what?

For getting me up.

Thank the mayor. What for?

For getting you up.

What'd he do?

He did what I've been
threatening to do for years.

Get you out of
bed with dynamite.

He must've known I had a
civics exam this morning.

Why, today's saturday.

It is? Mm-hmm.

Then why didn't
you let me sleep?

Oh, here, son. Maybe
this will wake you up.

Thanks, mom.

These sure are big eggs.

Try some syrup on them.


Daddy, what's a... Civic?

You mean civics.

What are civics?

No, what is civics.

Well, what is they?

Kathy, eat your breakfast.

Don't you know, daddy?

Of course I know.

Is it a secret?

Civics means...

Well, it's from the
latin word civicus,

Which means "citizen".

Then what?

Well, the government is
divided up into certain groups...

Bud: mom, get
another stack ready.

And these groups are grouped
together for certain purposes.

I don't get it.

Kathy, it's a little difficult to
explain so you'll understand.


Civics is that department
of politic science

Dealing with the
rights of citizenship

And the duties of citizens.

You talk better
when you're asleep

Than you do when you're awake.

Good morning, everybody.

Say, did you hear the dynamite?
Isn't it utterly exciting?

Oh, very utterly.

It's about time they got rid

Of some of those
horrible old buildings.

That's right, princess.

Especially the old meeting hall.

What do you mean,
the old meeting hall?

It didn't say anything
about that in the paper.

Billy told me. Billy who?

Billy mitchell, the mayor's son.

Betty's got a crush on him.

On the mayor?

Oh, don't be silly, bud.

Betty, are you sure?

I haven't got a crush on him!

He's got a crush on me.

Then the mayor was
here this morning.

Bud, be quiet.
Betty, are you sure

Billy said the old meeting hall?

Mm-hmm. His father
said the building's so old,

It's a wonder it
hasn't fallen to pieces.

Oh, he did, did he?

I suppose he'd like to see the
statue of liberty torn down

Because it's so old.

Or the lincoln
memorial, or any one of...

Jim, calm down.

It's just a rickety old shack.

That rickety old
shack happens to be

One of the most treasured
buildings in this town.

It's a memorial... Not only
to the people of springfield,

But to the many great men
who've stood on its steps.

Even george washington stopped
there on his way to new york

For his inauguration in 1789.

I remember when the
city of springfield

Voted to have a plaque put there

In memory of the occasion.

Did you say george
washington, dad?

That's right, son.

Father of our
country? Yes, indeed.

Gee, I didn't even
know you knew him.

Bud, go back to sleep.

They didn't even
have the decency

To ask the people if
that's what we wanted.

Father, don't you
believe in progress?

Of course I believe in progress.

But I also believe in sentiment.

I think it's a crime to
destroy something

That represents the tradition and
history, as the old meeting hall does.

Furhtermore, I want to
see that something is done

To stop this recklessness
of our city officials.

I'm going to appeal
to the people.

I think they should be warned.

Paul revere did it
in the 18th century.

Jim anderson will do
it in the 20th century.

I'm going to make myself heard

If I have to go to
the mayor himself.

And I say to you,
mayor mitchell,

That any time a public servant
thinks he's bigger than the people,

That's the time we
have to take action.

That's the time we have
to make ourselves heard.

That's what I'll tell mayor
mitchell if I ever meet up with him.

To think I voted for that bunch
of incompetents at city hall.

The change from
judge to mayor...

That really turned
mitchell's head. Dad...

This is something that
concerns all of us.

And we should all do
what we possibly can

To stop this chicanery of
our so-called city officials.

And this means you and
you and you, and even you.

Dad... Mark my words.

After next election,

Mayor mitchell will be
standing on the street corner

With a monkey and a hand organ.

I'm going to work now, margaret.

I'll see you at dinner.

Bud: dad.

All right, bud. What is it?

I, uh, I just wanted
to remind you...

Uh, it's saturday. You
don't have to go to work.

I'm not going to work, bud.

I'm going to make a
tour of inspection...

And check the air raid
sirens and b*mb shelters.

Just looks like an
old building to me.

Me, too.

But daddy says he loves it.

He loves what it
represents, kathy.

It holds many
wonderful memories.

Like what?

Well, your father went
to his first dance here.

No wonder he can't forget it.

Did he take you, mother?

No. But he took me home.

That was our first date.

And when we graduated
from high school,

They held the services here.

Oh, I'll never forget.

Your father had been saving
his money for a whole year

In order to buy a new suit.

You mean he had
to buy it himself?

That's right. He
was so proud of it.

And two years later,
he proposed to me.

I was sitting right here.

Did he get down on his knees?

He couldn't!

He was wearing the same suit.

Gee, I wish there was something
we could do for father.

Well, we could
buy him a new suit.

I mean about this
building, goon-face.


Maybe I could do something.

What could you do, squirt?

If I just sat right here,

They couldn't
blow up the building.

Let's don't take a chance.

Come on, kathy. Shall
we do our shopping?


Mother, I have a
few things to do.

I'll see you later.
All right, dear.

Coming, bud? Not right now.

All right, bud.

And another thing...

How do you expect me to
get my work done around here

What that so-called

Keeps bothering me with his
stupid, ridiculous suggestions?!

And furthermore...

All right, all right, I'll wait.

Well, what do you want?

Are you the foreman
of this project, sir? I am.

How soon are they gonna
pull down the old meeting hall?

Tomorrow, if my men can remember

This ain't a tea party
they're invited to.

Any objections?

No, sir. Uh... But
my father has.

You see, he wore his first
new suit on those steps,

And went to his
first dance there.

And that's how he met my mother.

And, well, my father feels...

That you shouldn't
tear down the building.

Look, you tell your father

That if he wants to do anything
about it, to come and see me.

Gee, betty, it's
awfully nice of you

To buy me a malted milk.

Glad to do it, billy.

By the way, how's your father?

Who? Your father.

Oh, him. Since he's been
mayor, I don't see much of him.


Do you see much of your father?

Oh, definitely. We hear
him a great deal, too.

Particularly when your
father spends all of his time

Going around tearing
down buildings,

Destroying people's memories,

Upsetting tradition

And sacrificing
sentiment for progress.

No wonder he's busy.

Billy, do you think maybe
you could talk to him?

Maybe you could persuade him

That he shouldn't tear
down the old meeting hall

Just to put in a new street.

How can I do it
if I never see him?

You can do it.

Besides, I'm buying the malts.

Are you trying to bribe me?

Sort of.

No, I can't. It
wouldn't be ethical.

Is that your final answer?


All right, then, as long
as you're being so ethical,

You can pay for
these malts yourself!

I bought some steak for dinner.

There's nothing
wrong with your father

That a good meal won't cure.


What's the matter with you?

I'm just worried
about father, that's all.

Well, you look like bookends.

You don't think father would
do anything desperate, do you?

Like what?

Maybe he's suffering so
much, he won't come home.

Oh, he'll come home.

Joe phillips had an uncle
that didn't come home one night.

It was his wife's birthday, too.

He stopped in to buy
her a box of candy,

And the candy store was right
next door to a travel agency.

They never heard from him again.

I think maybe
you'd better go out

And get that stepladder and
pail away from the front door

Before your father falls over
it, or we'll never see you again.

Good heavens!

Jim, are you all right?

Of course, dear. Just knocked
the ladder over, that's all.

Gosh, dad, I'm sorry.
That's all right.

He was cleaning up the plaster.

Yeah, I wanted to surprise you.

You certainly did. Thanks, son.

Wait till you hear the
surprise I have for all of you.

What is it, jim?

You remember that
small discussion

We had this morning
about the old meeting hall?

Small? You practically made
more noise than the dynamite.

What about it, father?

I don't like to brag,

But I have a feeling that some
of that noise reached city hall,

Because mayor mitchell has
asked to see me tomorrow morning.

Jim, how wonderful.

Daddy! Shh. Your
father's talking.

Somehow the word
must've gotten to him

That a lot of people are
unhappy with this project.

Well, dad, I did a little
campaigning myself.

I did, too, father.

Daddy! Shh.

He called my secretary
just a little while ago.

As a matter of fact, I
tried to do my bit, too.

I talked to several
members of the p.t.a.

That's nice, margaret.

Daddy, I helped the most.

Well, what did you do, kitten?

I wrote a letter to the mayor.

All by yourself? Uh-huh.

How about that, margaret?
She wrote a letter.

I had a hard time remembering
everything you said,

But I got the part in about
the monkey and the hand organ.

You don't say?

You... What?

I had to look up how
to spell "grafter".

I didn't want to
leave anything out.

Kathy! You wrote a
letter to the mayor?


And you quoted me? Uh-huh.

Word for word.

No wonder he wants to see me.

All right, let's not panic.

After all, kathy did it because
she thought she was helping me.

Didn't you, kathy?

I was being a good civics.


After all, the
mayor is a smart man.

He's not gonna pay any attention

To a letter written
by a little girl.

That's what I thought, daddy,

So I signed your name.

Oh, jim, I think you're
making a very big mountain

Out of a very small anthill.

There's nothing small
about going to jail.

Are you going to jail,
dad? It's very possible.

Writing a letter like that to
the mayor is a serious offense.

But, daddy... Please, kathy!

All you have to is to go to
mayor mitchell and explain.

What makes you think he'll
even give me a chance to explain?

Hey, maybe billy mitchell
could do something.

He's not talking to me. I
made him pay for the malts.

Just tell him that your youngest
daughter wrote the letter.

Then he'll ask where
she picked up the idea.

The mayor isn't a stupid man.

I thought you said he was.

He knows that children
don't have political opinions

They're like parrots. They
repeat whatever they hear.

Daddy... Kathy, don't pester me.

But, daddy, you said...
I know what I said!

Kathy, go... Play or something.

I've got to figure out some
way to get out of this mess,

And you're not helping any.

Jim, don't you think you're
being a little too hard on her?

After all, she's still a baby.

She's old enough
to write a letter.

Gee, dad, I got an idea. Yes?

Why couldn't you say
the letter was a forgery?

Who forged it?


If I just knew all she
said in that letter.

There's only one
way to find out.

Ask the author.

Dad, the mayor would know
what was in it. Why not ask him?

Bud, I'm gonna have to
face him soon enough.

Where did little miss fix-it go?

Upstairs. Upstairs.

Can't do nothin'
right around here.

Nobody loves me.
Everybody hates me.

Oh, kathy, think.

You must be able to remember
what you wrote in that letter.

I told you...
Everything you said.

But I said a lot of things.

It was a long letter.

Excuse me, please.

Leaving for good, is that right?


Are you going to
write sometimes?

I don't know.

You're pretty good
at writing letters.

I'll carry that for you.


Yes, kitten?

I was just trying to help.

I know you were, honey.

But writing unkind
remarks in a letter

Isn't going to help anybody.

If you have something you
want to say to somebody,

Tell them to their face.

But you didn't tell
the mayor this morning

What you thought.

Well, that's different, kathy.

What's said at home, in the
presence of one's own family...

That should be
kept confidential.

Then I shouldn't
have told the mayor

That you said he was a crook.

Kathleen louise anderson, I
said a lot of things this morning,

But I did not say
he was a crook.

I know you didn't.
That was my idea.

What are you going to do?

I think I'd better pack.

She didn't leave anything out.

It seems I also
called him a crook.

Oh, dear. Oh, fine.

Dad, I was just thinking.

If you go to jail,

That means I'll be head
of the house, doesn't it?

Margaret: bud.

How long do you
think you'll be in for?

For life at least. Life?

Now, don't take
it too hard, son.

I'll make arrangements to see
that you get your allowance.

Gosh, dad, you
don't have to do that.

Well, for once, money isn't
the most important thing in life.

I can see you on visiting days

And pick up my allowance
at the same time.

Bud, your father's
not going to jail. Oh.

Well, I'm not gonna win
a medal of honor, either.

Oh, the mayor's not gonna get
angry over a little girl's letter.

He's probably laughing
about it right now.

I'll be he's laughing.
He's laughing so hard

He probably can't make up
his mind whether to hang me

Or send me up before
the firing squad.

This is perfectly
ridiculous, margaret.

There was no need for
all of you to be here.

You're right,
daddy. I think I'll go.

You are the one person
who belongs here.

You might need us
to help explain, jim.

After all, we're your family.

United we stand,
divided we fall.

I feel like I'm going
to be ex*cuted.

Since when is "crook"
spelled with two ks?

I should've had you
look it over, daddy.

You certainly should have.

Mayor mitchell, I'd
like to say a few words.

If I may say so, jim anderson,

You've already said
quite a few words,

Such as... I'm a crook.

I should be standing
on a street corner

With a monkey and a hand organ.

I... I'm... "Incompelent".

Kathy, the word
is "incompetent".

He knows what I meant, mommy.

Oh, so you're the literary
genius of the family.

It's nothing.

I was reasonably sure that your
father didn't write this letter.

He just made suggestions. Kathy!

Mayor: well, that's obvious.

For example, I'm also a...

Uh, starts with a "gr"?

Grafter? Grafter, thank you.

I wish you'd let me explain.

You'll have time later.

First, I have a few
things that I want to say.

So, I'm a grafter.
I'm incompetent.

But let me tell you this.
There is only one thing

That makes public officials
grafters and incompetent,

And that's an incompetent
group of citizens.

People usually get the kind of
government that they deserve.

We're trying to do a
job the best that we can.

But it's up to you
to see that we do it.

We're not mindreaders.

And when we get off on
the wrong foot, tell us.

Not the newsboy on the corner.

And you, mrs. Anderson.

You called practically
every member of the p.t.a.

And complained
about the new street.

Margaret, you did? I did.

And you, bud. Yes, sir?

What good do you think

The foreman of the
construction job could do?

How'd you know about that?

He's my brother-in-law.

I think this whole
situation is ridiculous.

Oh, of course kathy had no
business writing such a letter.

But children hear things,

And, well, often they take
a situation and dramatize it

Until it's completely

We apologize.

All of us. We're very
sorry it happened.

Kathy, say you're
sorry to the man.

I'm sorry, mayor
mitchell... Honest.


You can't help it because
you're a crook, I guess.


You told me to
tell him to his face!

I... I... I think we're just taking
up your time, mayor mitchell.

I'll come back and
clarify this matter.

Oh, wait a minute, jim.

In all fairness to you,

I think you should know
of the few other things

That were included
in kathy's letter.

You mean there's
more? There's more.

Outside of the
miserable spelling,

And the atrocious punctuation,

And the weirdest grammar
that I've ever encountered,

There was one suggestion
that was really making sense.

It reflected adult thinking.

Obviously kathy picked
that up from you, too.

That's the suggestions that the
meeting hall be moved a few blocks.

A small park could
be built around it,

And then it'd become a
monument to springfield history.

And, as I might add, it
took a couple of hours

To decipher that
from her letter.

I told you, daddy.
I put everything in.

Mayor: that was your suggestion,
wasn't it, mr. Anderson?

That's right.

I've always felt that
springfield could use a park.

I've already talked
with the city council,

And they have agreed that
the ideas are not only logical,

But extremely helpful.

Oh. Well...

You realize, of course,
that this is a big job.

First, getting the people to
agree to the bond issue to finance it.

It's worth it, however.

This isn't something
that can be done

In a few minutes.

Somebody will
have to be appointed

And put in charge of it...

And somebody that's willing
to work hard, many evenings.

Well, anyone
who's a good citizen

Should be willing
to take on the job.

Well, we'll see.

As the representatives
of the, uh,

Citizens' committee
to come in, please.

Yes, sir.

Ah, mr. Little.

Would you mind
explaining the plan again?

I'd like to have
mr. Anderson hear it.

Not at all, mayor mitchell.

As representatives
of the citizens' group,

We have decided that
what springfield needs

Is someone who will always
have the good of our city at heart,

Someone who is willing to
unselfishly devote time and energy,

In addition to his regular job.

Someone who will get
the message to the people.

You mean a sort of
modern paul revere?

That's right. Yeah.

Well, jim, do you
think it's a great idea?

Uh... Yes.

Do you have any suggestion

As to who the loyal,
energetic man should be?

Well, I should imagine
someone on the city council

Would fit the job.

Mr. Matthews,
mr. Brown, or... Mr. Little?

Mr. Little, whom did we
decide upon this morning?

It is our privilege to
appoint mr. James anderson

As representative of
the people of springfield.

But... Congratulations, jim.

Now things will be done right.

Yes, sir.

Mayor mitchell. Yes.

Here's a special delivery
letter that just arrived.

It's from your son regarding
the old meeting hall.

He said he hadn't been able to
see you long enough to talk to you,

So he decided to write a letter.

Could you tell my son that he
can have an appointment with me

Tonight at 7:00 for dinner?

And a show. Oh, yes, sir.

Well, young lady?

Has this taught you a lesson?

Yes, sir. I'd better
learn how to spell.

That's right, ed. Thursday
night, 8:00... Board meeting.

I know it's poker night,
but it can't be helped.

We've got to get the ball
rolling on the bond issue

For this new park.


I sure didn't know it
was so much trouble

Just getting a new park.

I hope the mayor's happy. I've been
working every night this week on it.

Under the circumstances, I think
the mayor's been very nice, jim.

Why not? Elections
aren't far off.

I think he's very sweet.

He told billy to ask me
over for dinner sometime.

Why not? He knows you'll be
of voting age in four years.

Oh, jim.

Hey, what's happened to kathy?

Yeah, where is little
poison-pen lizzy?

She had to go down to
the corner. What for?

She had to mail a letter...

To the president.
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