02x08 - Advantage to Betty

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Father Knows Best". Aired: October 3, 1954 - May 23, 1960.*
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The series, which began on radio in 1949, follows the lives of the Andersons, a middle-class family living in the town of Springfield.
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02x08 - Advantage to Betty

Post by bunniefuu »

Announcer: scott paper company
takes pleasure in presenting...

Robert young...

And jane wyatt.

With elinor donahue, billy
gray, and lauren chapin...

That's pretty good.

Oh, why not?

Supposing we put cutie-pie
there on the end in the middle.

I want them the way
they are now, hal.

Leave eula craig in the middle.

She's the captain and the
only veteran on the team.

Okay, gabe, okay. It
was just a thought.

They should be practicing anyway

Instead of wasting our
time on publicity sh*ts.

All right, girls.

Let's have a nice big smile.

Hold it.

That's good.

Don't go away. I want
to get some individuals.

Let's try one of, uh...
What's your name, sweetie?

Betty anderson.

Raise your racket up, like
you're gonna slam a good one.

That's it, high over your head.

That's fine.

Now put out your other arm.

That's it.

Now bend your knee. That's fine.

Now let's see those
great, big, gorgeous eyes.

That's what's wrong
with our tennis, sheila...

We don't have gorgeous eyes.

Gabe: hold it!


Well, look at that!

Success comes to the andersons!

Let me see! Let me see!

What's it say...
"Court charmer"?

Court charmer? Oh, brother.

Let me see! Don't shove!

"Beauteous betty an..."

Hey, get that... Beauteous!

"Beauteous betty anderson,

"Daughter of mr. And
mrs. James c. Anderson

Of 607 south maple,
will carry the..."

Looks like you're
swatting a fly!

Oh, quiet, shrimp.

"In the district
tournament next month.

Teaming with shapely miss an..."

Oh, I hate that word.

Boy, they sure do print
a lot of junk nowadays.

Oh, be quiet, jealous.

I'm not jealous!

"Teaming with shapely miss
anderson in the doubles

"Will be eula
craig, team captain.

Dottie keller and miss craig
are the singles entrants."

I think it's wonderful.
Be sure to keep it.

I had no idea you were the
big g*n on the tennis team.

Oh, I'm not. Eula craig is.

You're the one whose
picture they ran.

I know, and I don't
understand it.

Actually, the only
reason I'm on the team at all

Is because maxine flunked out
and dottie's not so good at doubles.

Heh! I was all they had left.

Well, at least
you made the team.

Heck, I can beat betty.

Oh, is that so?

Why don't we put a dress on you

And let you try out
for the girls' team?

Cut it out.

Or maybe you'd rather
wear lace shorts.

Betty, now that we've
seen the pictures,

Can we go back to bed
and finish our sleep?

Now that we're up, we
might as well have breakfast.

Get an early start for a change.

You girls get dressed,
I'll start the breakfast.

Are you famous now?

Oh, heavens no. This
doesn't mean anything.

They just happened to
pick my picture because...

Gosh, I wonder why
they did pick my picture.

It should've been eula's.

Maybe you got the best racket.

No, no, no.

You've got to follow through.

Follow through.
Don't slap at a ball

Like a beaver slapping
mud into a dam with his tail.

You gotta follow
through, you understand?

Yes, sir.

Eula, take her over
on the other court

And work with miss beaver
of 1955 on that backhand.

Okay. Come on, kid.

Betty: eula?

I guess you saw that
silly picture of me

In the paper this morning.

Well, I mean, I don't know why
they didn't use your picture.

You're the star.

It should've been you, not me.

Come on. We got work to do.

Oh, for heaven's sake.

How'd her picture ever get
into the leighton tribune?

It made practically
all the papers.

The centerville courier,
the rockford argus.

The news services pick up a
picture of a pretty girl pretty fast.

Look, it even made
a st. Louis paper.

Oh, you know, it's wonderful.

We ought to start
a scrapbook for her.

What's going on in
here, a paper drive?

Look, bud. Betty's picture
is in all these papers.

Yeah, what for?

It's that tennis picture.

That thing?!

Wow, they sure must be hard
up for stuff to print nowadays.

Bud, stop it.

Can't you just be happy

One member of our family
has had a little success?

Look at the way she's standing.

She looks like she's
trying to chase butterflies.

Who can play tennis like this?

They'd throw her off the court.

In mason city, she's
a "tennis queen."

Some queen.

Just what do you
think you're doing?

I'm... Playing tennis.

This is the new
form. Isn't it ducky?

Oh, you!

You're a celebrity, princess.

A fella can't open a paper
without seeing your picture.

Yes, I know. That photographer
mr. Berdahl told me.

You don't sound
very happy about it.

Well, it's nice, but...

Oh, I almost wish they'd
never printed my picture at all.

Margaret: why not?

I think it's wonderful.

People have been
calling up all day about it.

Gave me a fine chance to
brag about my daughter.

That's just it, mother.
There's nothing to brag about.

Isn't making the tennis
team worth bragging about?

Yes, but...

Well, eula acted pretty
hateful at practice today,

And I can't blame her.

She's a terrific player, but
she never gets any publicity.

And then a little pipsqueak
like me comes along

And gets the full treatment.

Oh, my star. She
shouldn't blame you.

You didn't print the
picture. It's not your fault.

No, but I almost feel it is.

Well, don't brood.

It'll all be forgotten
in a day or two.

Fame is fleeting indeed.

The thing for you
to do is settle down

And play darn good tennis.

That's just it. I'm
not even doing that.

I made more mistakes
today than I've ever made.

You're probably pressing.
You'll get over that.

Not if eula keeps
acting the way she did.

Well, what did she say to you?

That's just it... She
doesn't say anything.

I guess she never talks much,

But always before, she'd
at least act friendly.

Well, just forget about it.

We'll all try to
help you forget it.

Good afternoon,
girls! Anyone for tennis?

How do you like
my shapely racket?

It's the new type
with the built-in snood.

And it's also neat for
knockin' at the nitwits.

Why, you little... Oh!

Help, dad! Help!

Help! Help, dad!

That kid has a great
talent for bad timing.

What in the world?

Oh, kathy, don't lug
all that junk in here.

It's not junk. I've
gotta get betty

To autograph
these for my friends.

Angel, I don't think it'd be wise to
even mention this to betty right now.

Mention what to
me? Oh, hi, betty.

Will you autograph
this junk for my friends?

'Cause you're famous now.

Famous? Oh, will
this never stop?

Well, do you have
a pen or a pencil?

Um... Yeah!

Here. This one is patty davis'.

Gee, betty, I'm sure happy

You're a famous celebrity now.

Well, I'm glad someone is.

'Cause I'm cleaning
up on it. Huh?

I'm charging the kids
a nickel an autograph.

Why, you coercive little...

Misspell your name on this one.

Misspell it? Why?

That little monster
only gave me a penny.

Okay, that's enough for today.

You kids look better.
Especially you, betty.

Thank you. I felt better.

You still need work
on that backhand.

But it was better today.

Didn't you think so, eula?

Yeah, it was better.

Okay, now, tomorrow we ought
to work on your backhand...

Hello, gabe. How's it going?

Oh, no. Not you again.

Hal: hey, you ought to
welcome me with open arms

After all the publicity I got
for you with cutie-pie's pictures.

Gabe: it's not publicity
we need. It's practice.

Hal: a little publicity
never hurt anybody.

Wait till you hear
the news I got for you.

The sports writers
and photographers

Are having their banquet
on saturday night,

And I swung a little deal to
get you elected queen of it.

See what I do for you, kid?

See you tomorrow, coach.

Hal: don't look so
frightened, honey.

You don't have to make a speech
or anything at the banquet.

Just look pretty.
You can handle that.

I want to get some
more pictures of you.

Let's try one
sitting on the court.

We'll use the net
as a background.

Here, sit on this.

You shouldn't take my
picture. Eula's the one...

Put your hands in back
of you and lean on them.

That's fine. Now
draw up one knee.

Really, mr. Berdahl,
it's eula...

It isn't eula they
elected queen. It's you.

Now, that's fine. Hold it.

No, no, look over here.

Come on. Give me
a great big smile.

Oh, come on. Is that a
way for a queen to look?

Come on, honey. You
can do better than that.

You look like you
just lots a friend.

Come on, honey, give. Give!

Oh, mother! Where
did you find it?

At gorman's. It
was on sale, too.

Get your sticky hands off.

They're not
sticky... Just dirty.

Did you buy me anything, mommy?

No, angel. Betty just
needed something for the...

Gosh, I never get anything.

Well, what's going
on here? A style show?

Oh, hi, daddy!

Did you bring me
anything, daddy?

I sure did, kitten.

A great, big, fat kiss.

And to think women
used to die for my kisses.

That must've been
before my time.

How do you like
my dress, father?

It's for the sports
writers' banquet.

Well, that's pretty fancy.

I'd say the sports writers knew what
they were doing when they picked you.

I think it's pretty.

I just wish I didn't feel
so guilty about going.

Now, betty, you must
stop feeling that way.

But I don't deserve
it. I feel like...

I feel just awful.

Now, look, they
elected you queen

Because you're a
nice-looking girl

And you have a nice personality.

Be glad you're fortunate
enough to have these things.

It's not that. It's...

Things were beginning
to go a little better.

Eula was acting a little
more friendly, I played better.

Then this darned banquet thing
came up right in front of her,

And today things
were worse than ever.

Maybe you're just imagining it.

No, I'm not.

Eula detests me,
I know she does.

Well, if she's that
small a person,

She's not worth fretting over.

Just forget about her.

How can i?

I'm supposed to be
her doubles partner!

Oh, you shut up!

I didn't say a word.

No, no, no, no!

Eula, betty, come here.

I don't suppose you
girls ever rode in a wagon

Behind a couple of horses,

But you know what they are.

Now, if the horses start
pulling away from each other,

Going in different directions,

The wagon wouldn't go anywhere.

Would it?

Well, that's just where you
girls are going... Nowhere.

You're letting sh*ts
go right between you.

Now, what kind of
teamwork is that?

And, betty, you're not even
trying for some of them.

Well, i...

I don't know whether eula
wants me to take them or not.

Just play your
position, that's all.

Well, right now, I doubt if we
could lick a team of trick kangaroos

Equipped with
snowshoes for rackets.

If you've got any
personal problems

Festering inside of you,

Let's get them out in the open.

Dottie. You can't play tennis

With a head full of problems.

Take betty's place. Maybe
we need a new combination.

Yes, sir.

Oh, I think you're
jumping to conclusions.

Tomorrow probably everything
will seem entirely different.

No, it won't. It'll be worse.

Hi, mom. Dinner
ready? I'm starved.

It will be in about a ha...

But, what happened to you?


Bud! Your hands are filthy.

And look at your shirt.

You haven't been
fighting, have you?

Well, I had a little scuffle.

Oh, bud.

Gosh, mom, I couldn't
help it. He started it.

Clever-head made a couple
of cracks about betty...

Said she couldn't
play worth nothin'

And that she's probably
get bounced off the team.

So, i... Bopped him.

Well, I hope you
bopped him real good.


It's true, bud.

I'm no good, and I am
gonna get bounced.

What? You mean I went
through all that for nothing?

Boy, the trouble we guys
go through for dames.

Well, go upstairs and clean up,

Or else you'll be in more
trouble with this dame.

And hurry.

Okay, okay, I'm going.

What's the matter with betty?

Almost knocked me
down, wouldn't speak.

Hi, son.

The coach kicked
betty off the team.

He did nothing of the sort.

Mr. Gabener just wanted to try
dottie with eula for once, that's all.

Naturally, betty
imagined the worst.

Maybe I'd better go up and
have a little chat with her.

Dinner's almost ready.

But there's nothing
to talk about, father.

I've decided to quit the
team, and that's that.

Well, of course,
that's up to you.

But I wonder if that's
what you really want.

I'm practically off
the team anyway.

Oh, I wouldn't say that.

I would. Eula wants me off.

She makes me feel so
uncomfortable, I can hardly stand it.

Yes, you're on a spot
there, and it's rough.

But, quitting, running away...

That doesn't solve any problems.

Who can solve anything?

Eula's just plain hateful.
The whole thing's impossible.

I'm gonna call gabe and quit
before he kicks me off the team.

Tell me more about this eula.

I know she's considered not as
attractive as some of the other girls.

Does this have any effect
on her having dates?

Does she have many? Does
she have any boyfriends?

Well, I wouldn't say her
phone's exactly wearing out

From overuse.

I imagine tennis is
pretty important to her.

She can have it.

Tell me, betty, how important

Is this sports writers'
banquet to you?

I don't know.

If I felt I deserved it,

I'd probably be
thrilled to death, but...

As it is, I don't know.

Life's a funny thing.

Here you are, going to a
banquet you don't care about,

And there's eula not going,

And it would probably be
a real big event in her life.

Too bad there isn't
some way she could go.

Well, that's life.

Come on. Dinner's about ready.

Oh, okay. I'll be
down in a minute.

I want to make a
phone call first...


Well, what luck did
you have with her?

Can't tell yet. She's
gonna make a phone call.

This could be to gabe the
coach, telling him she's quitting,

Or it could be something else.

If I know our daughter, she's doing
a little mental wrestling right now.

Well, they way things are now,

I still feel that
she'd be better off...


Hello? I'd like to speak
to mr. Hal berdahl, please.


Oh, hello there.

Oh, really?

That's a shame.

Well, are you sure you
won't feel well enough

For the banquet tomorrow night?

Hmm. Who?

Eula craig?

Well, I don't know.

We'd rather have something
a little more decorative.

Oh, yeah, I know
how good she is,

But I'm sure sorry
you can't make it, honey.

That wrestling match I
was telling you about...

Betty just won the first fall.

I think we have a
pretty fair daughter.

You just finding that out?

She takes after her old man.

Oh, sure.

Call the children
in. Yes, ma'am.

Eula? This is
betty, and i, uh...

I'd like to talk to
you about something.

Yeah? Well, what is it, kid?

I feel just awful.

I seem to be coming
down with something.

I don't think I can make that banquet
tomorrow night. So, they want you...

If they wanted me, they would've
asked me in the first place.

Sorry, I can't make it.

But, eula, I just
spoke to mr. Berdahl,

And it's all
arranged... Oh, I see.

Okay, good-bye.


If that's the way she
wants it, that's fine.

That's just fine with me!

I'm gonna go to that banquet,
and I don't care who thinks what.

Now, wait, betty, you
don't really mean that.

Oh, yes, I do.

That eula!

No. No, there's not too
much wrong with betty's game

That an encouraging word
from eula wouldn't cure.

See, eula's my problem
child, not betty.

Well, is there anything
I can do or say to betty

That'll help break
down this wall

That's built up
between her and eula?

No, the problem is
what to say to eula.

I can't seem to get
through to her.

Eula could become
a real champion

If she could ever solve
her personality problems.

She has no parents.

Lives with her married sister.

Her sister means well,

But I think she
considers eula a duty.

Gabe, would you mind
if I talked to eula?

I don't know.

I don't want her any more
mixed up than she is now.

I'll be careful.

Well, all right.


I guess you don't remember
me. I'm betty's father.

Oh. Yeah.

I've been hearing some
great things about you, eula.

Looks like you have a good
chance to win the singles this year.

Maybe. I'm gonna try.

It's a shame you're letting
the team down, though.

You should be at
that banquet tonight,

Representing the team.

Oh. I'm busy tonight.

Maybe you ought to
change your plans.

Eula, when you get
to be a champion,

Your life isn't
your own anymore.

You have to share
it with the public.

They're expecting you tonight.

They're not expecting
me. Yes, they are.

Betty's in no condition
to go. It's up to you.

And, eula, you
have a big fat hole

In that pretty
little head of yours

If you pass up this opportunity

To meet all those
sports writers.

They can be mighty
helpful to a budding career.

And it's a pretty good idea
to have them on your side.

But... I don't have a formal
to wear to a thing like that.

Well, that is a problem,

And it's a little
out of my line.

But I think I know where
we can get some good advice.

Come along.

And let's hurry.

Margaret, this is eula craig.

She's the captain and
star of the tennis team.

Oh, how do you do, eula?

I'm very happy to know you.

How's betty? Is
she feeling better?


Uh, eula, will you
excuse me for a moment?

I'd like to run
upstairs, see how she is.

I'll be right back.

Um, betty's talked
so much about you,

I feel as though I know you.

You must be a marvelous player.

Won't you come in and sit down?

Hey, mom, i... Oh, excuse me.

Bud, I want you to meet
eula craig. She's captain...

Yeah, I know.
Golly, look at that!

Are you a three-letter man?

Gee, you gotta be
good to make that.

Hope I can make it someday.

Jim: betty?

Come in.

Betty, i...

What's the matter, father?

Don't I look all right?

You look wonderful.

Too wonderful.

I can't ask you to do it.

Can't ask me to do what?

Betty, I came up here with
the most presumptuous idea.

I apologize.

Just forget about it.

Well, what is it, father?

Oh, I can't even explain it now.

Betty, I had the nerve...

Well, let's face it. I'm
just a meddling old fool.

But you see, I knew
you'd called berdahl

And told him you were ill.

And I brought eula over here...

See, she doesn't
have a formal to wear,

And I thought you might lend...

No! I don't see why I should.

They asked me! If they wanted
her, they would've asked her!

I'm going! And I'll thank you
to stay out of my affairs!

I know I was wrong,
princess. I'm sorry.

And I'll never forget
that tournament last year.

That girl from hillsborough...
What was her name?

Martin. Martin, yeah.

She had you two sets down,

And then you started coming on.

You served four straight
aces. She had her from then on.

Boy, how'd you ever develop
a cannonball serve like that?

I don't know. Practice, I guess.

I've been practicing
ever since I can remember.

I always wanted to play tennis.

Like some girls want to be a
dancer or an actress, you know.

I remember when I was a
little kid over at cherryvale.

I used to practice against
the side of an old barn.


Eula, i, uh...

Well, sometimes a fella
runs up against some things

That are... That are kind
of difficult to explain.

What I mean is...

Well, to be honest...
Betty: father? Father?

Yes? Would you
please send eula up?

No, mother. I think the other
one looks much better on her.

I think I've got a
better one in my room.

I'll meet you downstairs.

Gee, kid, i... It sure
is a nice dress.

But I really shouldn't.

Oh, you look
wonderful in it, eula.

You're gonna knock 'em dead.

Oh, sure.

I'd sure have a heck of a time

Leaping a tennis net in this.

Jim: eula, you'd better
hurry or you'll be late!


Kid, i...

Well, before I go,

I want to tell you that i...

Look, kid, you'd better
hurry up and get well.

You and I have got a
lot of practicing to do

If we're gonna win
that doubles title.

Jim: eula!

Hey! What's the big idea?

Betty: sorry, buster.


You sure got well fast.

Oh, mother. Didn't
eula look wonderful?

And, mother, guess what? The
most wonderful thing happened.

Before eula left, she...

Guess what? I
just made the team.

You're not the
only one. So did i!

Hey! Hey, cut it
out! Cut it out!

Next week, bud wants
an outboard motor,

And since I like to
go fishing myself,

It sounds like a great idea.

I agree, on one condition...

That he take a test.

And it turns out to be a
bigger test than I anticipated...

As you'll see next week,
when again I try to prove that...

Father knows best.

Good night.
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