02x25 - The Grass Is Greener

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Father Knows Best". Aired: October 3, 1954 - May 23, 1960.*
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The series, which began on radio in 1949, follows the lives of the Andersons, a middle-class family living in the town of Springfield.
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02x25 - The Grass Is Greener

Post by bunniefuu »

Robert young...

And jane wyatt.

With elinor donahue, billy
gray, and lauren chapin...

Betty, bud!

Dinner's about ready!

Betty: I'll be right
down, mother.

Bud: coming, mom.

Did you forget me?
Are your hands washed?

Ah, I should've quit
when I was ahead.

Margaret! Oh, margaret?

Hurry, there's something
I want you to see on tv!

Betty, bud, kathy! Margaret!

Jim, what is it?

Oh, hi, honey.

Charlie bradley's on tonight.

Charlie bradley?

I hope we haven't missed him.

Who's charlie bradley?
Never heard of him.

Probably a new quiz show.

There he is. There he is!

Margaret: well, I hardly know
him without his raccoon coat.

How do you get this
excited over davy crockett?

Thank you, ted. I'm
very happy to be here.

Springfield has certainly put
the welcome mat out for me.

Who is he, mother?

College friend of your father's.

It's about time you
graduated, isn't it?

He graduated the same
year I did, bud... 1933.

And after a few words
from our sponsor,

We'll be back to continue
our interview with mr. Bradley.

And furthermore, bud,
charlie bradley happens to be

One of the most successful
men in america today...

As well as being a very
close friend of mine.

And now back to our
guest of the evening,

Mr. Charles bradley.

As you viewers probably know,

Building a steel
plant in springfield

Is just one of
mr. Bradley's many activities.

Work is the prime
motive of his life.

He's one of the truly great
industrial tycoons in america today.

And he went to the
state university here,

And he's a self-made man
who graduated with honors.

Weren't you know as one of
the four musketeers in college?

Yes, that's right,

Thought it seems a
long time ago now.

I was one, too,
margaret. Remember?

I certainly do.

I thought there were
only three musketeers.

Your father was the fourth.

One of the best.

Then there was robert sylvester.

He's now president
of the university.

Who was the fourth
musketeer, mr. Bradley?

That's me.

He lives right
here in springfield.

He does? You know...
James anderson.


I sold him an insurance policy.

He ought to remember me.

What's the matter
with him anyway?

Oh, yes, jim anderson.

Sure, I know him.
He sells insurance.

Well, I see our time is
running short, mr. Bradley.

Thank you very much
for being with us today.

You're welcome, ted.
It was my pleasure.

They would run out of time

Just when they were
getting around to me.

At least he didn't
forget you, dear.

Come on, girls. Let's
see about dinner.

Okay, mother.

Say, dad...

How old did you
say mr. Bradley was?

About my age.

And he was one of the
musketeers? Uh-huh.

And you were a musketeer, too?

I was, bud.


Those bells in your
head are ringing, son.

That's the telephone,
dad. You want me to get it?

No, you stay where you are.

I think I can manage to hobble
over there and answer it.


Charlie! Well, you old...

Well, how are you?

Say, this is a surprise. We
were just watching you on tv.


Yeah? Ha ha ha!

It's charlie... Charlie bradley.

How long are you
gonna be in town, charlie?

Just a few days, jim.

Car's outside, mr. Bradley.

You have just five minutes
to get to the meeting.

Okay, sam.

Say, jim, I'm sorry to
have to cut this short,

But I'm late for a meeting now.

Dinner? Say, I sure
would like that.

Maybe I could make
it wednesday night.

Uh, wait a minute. Sam, what's
my schedule for wednesday?

You have to be at the
governor's house at 7:00.

I'll be there. That's fine, jim.

6:00? Good. See you then.

Bye, charlie. Good-bye.

Well... Is he coming to dinner?

He certainly is...
Wednesday night at 6:00.

I hope he won't mind my cooking.

Oh, honey. A home-cooked
meal to this man

Should be a real treat.

Well, I guess you're right.

It's sure gonna be good
to see old charlie again.

He's a pretty big
wheel, huh, dad?

You bet. One of the biggest.

You see, bud? It pays
to go to college.

You heard the announcer
talk about russ perry?

He started out working
on the college newspaper,

And look at him now... One of the biggest
foreign correspondents in the world.

And robert sylvester... He
didn't have a dime to his name

When he went to school.

Waited on tables to pay
for his room and board.

And now he's president
of the university.


You have the same chance, bud.

To be president?

No, to wait on tables.

Looks like the musketeers
did all right, didn't they, father?

They certainly did.

Famous correspondent,
a big industrialist,

President of a big university.

Gee, daddy, you're
the only musketeer

That isn't a
success, aren't you?


Honestly, kathy.

Women... They're always
saying stupid things.


I didn't mean what I said.

I just meant that... That...

Why, kitten, I know
what you meant.

You just meant
that daddy isn't...

Well, that he, uh...

She just meant that not everyone

Can be a foreign correspondent

Or a president of a university.

Who wants to be famous anyway?

That's what she meant, father.

That's right, daddy.

I don't care if
you're not a success.

Why don't you button up?

Why don't we just
forget the whole thing

And eat your mother's
wonderful cooking?

I know that's always a success.

Yes, miss thomas?

Oh? All right, send him in.

Good morning, mr. Gribble.

Good morning? It's
practically afternoon, jim.

It's only 9:00.

I've been up since 5:00.

Played 18 holes of golf and
closed two business deals.

What have you
accomplished this morning?

Well, I had breakfast,
fixed kathy's roller skates,

Dropped some clothes off
at the cleaners for margaret.

What difference does it make?

Jim, let me tell you something.

This is an age of competition.

The man who wants to get ahead

Has to get up
early in the morning,

Has to beat the other fella,

And he has to be it.

Physical fitness leads
to mental alertness,

And mental alertness
leads to success.

Remember that.

So that's what it takes.

How's that? Nothing.

What can I do for
you, mr. Gribble?

Got a problem,
jim. I've been asked

To find someone to
represent springfield

For the state
educational convention.

Thought you might help me out.

Of course I will.

You know what the job requires?

Someone who's capable
of handling responsibility.

A man well thought-of
in the community.

Someone with good looks.

After all, his picture will be in
newspapers all over the state.

Yes, sir.

Do you know anyone who
fits those qualifications?

You get around. You must know
any number of successful men.

Well, uh... Let
me think about it.

I'll... I'll find someone.

Okay, jim.

But we haven't much time.

Soon as you find the
right man, let me know.

I know you'll be successful.

Look what I've got. What?

It's a book I borrowed
from joe phillips.

How to be a success in business.

What do you want that for?

It's for dad. Joe phillips said

All successful men
in business read it.

Maybe. But you'd better be
careful how you give it to him.

His feelings are
hurt enough as it is.

What do you think I am,
stupid or something?


I'm just gonna leave it
around nonchalantly,

So he'll stumble
over it accidentally.

Hello, dear. I didn't
hear you come in.

Hi, honey.

Somebody left this book on the
floor. It could've broken my ankle.

Well, don't look at me.

I rarely throw my books on the
floor when I finish reading them.

Well, somebody did.

If I may be excused, your honor,

I'll take up dinner.

Next witness,
please? Hi, father.

You didn't happen to leave this
book in the middle of the floor

For your unsuspecting
father to trip over, did you?

Of course not,
father. I wouldn't...

I think I'm wanted
in the kitchen.

Hi, dad.

I see you found the book.

This your book,
bud? Sure thing, dad.

What book?

This book.

How to be a success in business.

Is this for me?

Well, i... I thought
maybe you'd enjoy

Look through it.


Well, I know how
worried you've been

About, uh, not being a success

Like the other
musketeers, and, well, i...

Joe phillips said he had this
uncle who read the book,

And it helped him a lot.

The uncle who's
in jail, no doubt.

No, he's out now.

Maybe the book helped
him to get out, dad.

Look, son, I appreciate
your interest in my problems,

But if you don't mind,

I'd prefer to be a failure without
any help from joe phillips' uncle.

Sure thing, dad.

Anything you do
is all right with me.

I just figured that... Well,
if you're gonna be a failure,

You might as well
be a success at it.

"The key to success...

"Physical fitness leads
to mental alertness,

And mental alertness
leads to success."

Jim, what are you
doing up so early?

Big day ahead, margaret.

I want to get an early start.

Aren't you
overdoing it a little?

It's still yesterday.

Successful men, margaret,

Don't waste their time sleeping.

They get up in the morning...

And get things done.

You know, margaret, it's
never too late to learn.

I've decided that maybe
one of the reasons

I haven't gotten further
ahead in the business world

Is that i... Haven't
tried hard enough.

I think that I've been... Ooh...

Too, uh, reticent when it comes
to asking for something I want.

When gribble asked me to find
someone to represent springfield

At the educational convention,

I should've spoken
up right then.

There's no reason why
I shouldn't be the man.

I fit the qualifications.

I'm capable of
handling responsibility.

I'm well thought-of
in the community.

My picture won't look
too bad in the newspapers.

I didn't know they
wanted a muscleman, dear.

I'm not trying to be a
muscleman, margaret.

But I don't get enough exercise.

I've been promising
myself for months

To start a health campaign.

And now's as...
Good a time as... Any.

Maybe you're right, dear.

But I'm sure too much exercise

Is just as bad as too little.

Don't you think so, dear?

Miss thomas, it's 15
minutes after 9:00.

Where is he?

He overslept?

Hmm. Well, tell him when
he comes in that I'll...

Never mind. He just walked in.

Good morning, mr. Gribble.
Good morning, jim.

Well, have a good sleep?

Well, as a matter
of fact, I overslept.

Well, I suppose now
that you're famous,

You can afford to
sleep late. Famous?

Yes. I heard you were mentioned
on television monday night.

Oh, that.

You've been keeping
things from me, jim.

I didn't know you were a personal
friend of charles bradley.

We just went through
college together.

Have a cigar. No, thank you.

Mr. Gribble, I've been
doing a lot of thinking

Since I talked to you last.

Good. So have i.

About that appointment
to the state convention.

Just what I wanted
to talk to you about.

I'll be we both
have the same idea.

Well, I hope so.

Charles bradley?

Bradley? Of course.

He's a close friend of yours.

He'd do it for you, jim.

And now that he's
building a new plant here,

He's certainly entitled
to represent springfield.

Well, charlie's a very busy man.

Let me tell you something, jim.

Whenever you want
something done,

Go to the busy man.

That's the man who
will always find the time

To do the job.

That's why I can always
depend on you, jim.

Once you get up, that is.

Well, I'll do the
best I can, mr. Gribble.

Good-bye. Good-bye, jim.

Don't tell me you're
reading that book.

So, what's wrong with me
wanting to be a success?

I don't know. You're
not the type somehow.

There's a chapter you
should read. On what?

It says instead of running people
down, you should build them up.

And you could use a
little of that advice, too.

What did I do?

You told dad he didn't
amount to anything.

I did not!

What else does that book say?

Oh, it says a man's
family can be responsible

For his success or his failure.

Are we spensible
for daddy's failure?

Well, we will be if we don't
get with it and start helping him.

How could we help?

Well, by showing how
interested we are in him

And in his work.

By asking him questions,
like he does with us.

Oh, hello, father. I didn't
know you were home.

I came home a little early.
Where's your mother?

She's over at mrs. Davi" borrowing
her crystal for dinner tonight.

I guess we're really
showing off for mr. Bradley.


Did you have a hard
day today, father?

Eh, something like that.

Would you like
to tell me about it?

No, princess, it's
not very interesting.

Hi, daddy!

Hello, kitten.

Did you have a hard day today?

I'd like to hear about it.

Some other time.

And thank you for
fixing my roller skates.

You're welcome.

Thank you very much.

That's all right, honey.

Thank you very, very, very much.


Hi, dad. Hello, son.

Did you have a hard
day at the office?

Why do you ask?

Well, we're interested.

We'd like to know more about
what kind of work you do, too.

What kind of insurance you sell.

All kinds.

Fire? Mm-hmm.

Theft? Automobile? Mm-hmm.


Look, kids, I know there
must be a good reason

For your sudden
interest in my profession,

But since there's little chance of
your going into the insurance business

Within the next hour,

Do you mind postponing this
inquisition for a few years?

But we're interested, father.

So am i... In peace and quiet.

Hello, dear. Hi, honey.

Have a hard day at the office?

If I hear that question
one more time, I'll...


It's all my fault, mother.

I've been bothering father
with a lot of questions.

No, it's mostly my fault.

I started the whole thing.

I'm sorry, dad.

Forgive me, dear.

Well, what is it, jim?

Oh, it's been one of those days

When everything's gone wrong...

When everything seemed
to point to the fact that...

After all the
years, I'm in a rut.

20 Years of hard work,

High hopes, might ambitions...

What have I got?

Remember when I graduated
from college, margaret?

I was the eager beaver
who was gonna go places,

Set the world on fire.

Well, I came close. I sell
insurance to those who do.

Oh, you're trying to measure
success in terms of money, dear.

That's not always the yardstick.

You're a success as a man,
as a husband and a father.

You're a credit
to your community

And to your family.

What more could
you possibly want?

You're just
prejudiced, margaret.

You happen to love me.

Of course I'm prejudiced.

And I do love you...

Just the way you are
and for what you are.

It's amazing what the rights
words at the right time can do.

Especially from
someone you love.

Betty: it's for you, father!

Any other time,
that'd be for betty.


Oh, hello, charlie.

I'm terribly sorry, but I can't
make it for dinner tonight.

The governor called a
meeting earlier than I expected.

Then I have to take off for
new york on the midnight plane.

That's all right, charlie. I
know you're a very busy man.

That's all right.

Of course I'll
explain to margaret.

She'll understand.

Oh, charlie. I know this is
an imposition to ask you,

But do you suppose
you could find time

To represent springfield

At the state educational
convention next month?

I'll do my best,
jim. Let me see.

I'm leaving for europe
next week on a business trip.

Maybe I could fly
back for a week.

It shouldn't take longer
than that, should it?

Fine, jim. Happy
to do it for you.

Thanks a lot, charlie.

I'll get the word
around that you accept.


You mean he accepted
gribble's offer?

That's right.

I didn't think he would
possibly find time.

Margaret, when you
want something done,

Go to the busy man.

He's the one who'll
always find time to do it.

Oh, I'm sorry about
dinner, honey.

I know you went
to a lot of trouble.

Oh, don't worry.

We'll have a party by ourselves.

Can I help? Mm-hmm.

You can help by going outside

And letting me wait on you.

Daddy? What is it, kitten?

I borrowed patty's magic outfit.

You got into enough trouble
with your magic once before.

That was because I was
asking everything for myself.

This time I'm going to ask
for something for you.

Make a wish, daddy.

Uh, what do you want me to wish?

Don't you want to
be like mr. Bradley?

Okay, I'll wish for that.

Say it, then.

I wish I could be
like mr. Bradley.

I thought you might like
something cool to drink, father.

Thanks, betty.

We're playing a game.
Daddy's masking a wish.

He wishes he could
be like charlie bradley.

Charlie bradley has
ulcers. I read it in a magazine.

Go on, daddy.

Well, I don't think I want
to be exactly like him.

He's a very fine person, but he
travels around a lot more than I'd like.

I'll bet he hasn't seen
his family in months.

Mom thought you might like
some of these "hor-dervers".

Thought I couldn't
pronounce it, didn't you?

Thank, bud.

Go on, daddy. Wish.

Ah, we'd better find something
else for me to wish for.

Well, as long as you're wishing,

Wish for a lot of money.

Then you can have
anything you want.

That's it, daddy. Wish
for a lot of money.

Okay. I wish I had
a million dollars.

I wish you did, too.

Well, maybe not a million.

If I had that much, I'd have to
work so hard to pay my income tax,

I wouldn't have any
time left for fun.

So, make it a half a million.

I thought we'd eat
out here tonight.

Fine, honey.

Come on, daddy. Is
it gonna be a million

Or a half a million?

Kathy, I don't want
a million dollars.

Or even a half a million.

I only want enough money to
have a nice home like we have,

Good food, good health,

And enough money to help those less
fortunate than ourselves from time to time.

And enough to raise
my allowance a little.

I might even raise that.


Daddy, don't you want
to wish for something?

I don't have to wish, kathy.

I already have
everything I want.

Margaret. Hmm?

There any chicken
left from dinner?

Not a piece, dear. Sorry.

Oh, good. I was
afraid if there was,

I wouldn't have any room for it.


Pretty late for
callers, isn't it?

Charlie! Hello, jim.

Come on in!

Well, I thought you'd be on
your way to new york by now.

I was supposed to, but I just
had to see you and margaret first.


This is a wonderful surprise.

It certainly is.

It's good to see you, margaret.

Oh, come on in, sit down.

What a nice home you've got.

These go with it, too, charlie.

How do you do, mr. Bradley?

It's nice to know
you, betty, bud.

You're an old friend
of dad's, aren't you, sir?

You bet I am, bud. I've
known your father

A very long time.

You sure have. I... Bud.

I, um, don't know what you
were going to add to that,

But whatever it is, don't.

Yes, sir.

Ever since I told bud we
were two of the musketeers,

He thinks we're relics
out of the stone age.

Well, you know, jim,

Sometimes I feel old
enough to be a relic.

Why don't you two sit down

And I'll bring in some
coffee? Okay, honey.

Charlie, I can't
tell you how much

I appreciate your coming by.

Betty: have we got
company, daddy?

We certainly have.

Kathy, this is mr. Bradley.

Hello, kathy. Hello.

You know, kathy, I have a
little girl just your age.

Why isn't she with you?

I can't take her with
me on business trips.

Does she like to roller skate?

She certainly does.

If you can't be with her,

Who fixes her roller
skates when they break?

You want me to be honest, kathy?

I... I don't know.

I guess I just never
had time to find out.

What's your secret,
jim? What do you mean?

Well, you seem so relaxed,
so completely satisfied.

You're not out trying to beat
your head against the wall as I am.

You know something, jim? I
don't think I'd even know how

To fix a pair of roller skates.

That's all right, mr. Bradley.

Just ask my daddy.
He can fix anything.
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