02x29 - Bud, the Boxer

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Father Knows Best". Aired: October 3, 1954 - May 23, 1960.*
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The series, which began on radio in 1949, follows the lives of the Andersons, a middle-class family living in the town of Springfield.
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02x29 - Bud, the Boxer

Post by bunniefuu »

Robert young...

And jane wyatt.

With elinor donahue, billy
gray, and lauren chapin...

Oh, bud, I thought
you'd gone to school.

Well, i, uh... I feel like
I'm getting a sore throat.

It came on pretty
fast, didn't it?

You were all right when you
left the table a minute ago.

It hit me all of a sudden.

Sore throats can
do that, you know.

He just wants to stay
home from school.

You keep out of this.

You don't seem to
have a temperature.

Come here, bud. Let
me have a look at you.

Say, "ahh."


It looks all right.

Ahh. Seems to be fine.

Well, this isn't the kind of
sore throat you can see yet.

It feels like it's kind
of getting ready.

You go to school, and if it
gets ready while you're there,

You can have the
school nurse look at it.


What's the matter?

You need to stop
sneaking up on people.

Of all the dumb things to do!

Why were you looking
out the window?

None of your business.

What happened? Oh, nothing.

Boy, is he jumpy.

Bye, mommy. Good-bye, angel.

Bye, daddy!

Good-bye, kitten. Have
a good day at school.


What's wrong, bud?

Yes, this reluctance
to go to school?

I got kind of a pain in my knee.

I must've twisted
it or something.

You're in bad
shape this morning.

Yeah, maybe I'd
better stay home...

Well, that was a
short day at school.

What's your problem?

I know why bud
doesn't want to go.

There's a boy out
there waiting for him.

Is he gonna beat you up?

Why don't you keep out of this?

Is there someone out there?

Is that the reason?

Well, I'm not going
to stand for this.

No bully is going
to beat up our sun.

Come on, mommy! Let's
wallop the tar out of him!

I'm going to go out
there... Wait, hold it.

Let's ask a few questions first.

I have a better idea.

Let's hit him first and
then ask the questions.

You run along to school.

But why out the back door?

I think it's better that you do.

I'll miss all the fun!

Run along, angel.

Oh, okay.

Now, who is this
boy out in front?

Eddie jarvis. We got into
an argument yesterday.

We got to shoving
each other around.

You know, like you do.

And then, all of a
sudden, he wants to fight.

You didn't, did you?

No. And then he said,

"I'll meet you after school
under the bleachers."

But you didn't, did you?

Wait a minute, honey.

What's going on?

I thought about it.
And after last period,

I was gonna go by the
bleachers and see if he was there.

Was he? What happened?

Well, I don't know. I didn't go.

Well, I'm glad you didn't.

Will someone please
explain what this is about?

There's some roughneck
outside waiting for bud.

He wants to beat him up.

What are you
waiting for, father?

Why don't you get rid of him?

Bud, remember what
I've always told you...

Never start a fight.

But never run away from one.

Did you agree to meet
eddie under the bleachers?

Yeah. I guess I did.

Oh, this is shameful.
Why even discuss it?

I'll call the boy's mother.

We'll take it up with the principal
of the school if necessary.

If our son can't leave the house

Without being
att*cked by hoodlums...

Is this eddie jarvis a hoodlum?

No, just kind of a tough guy.

Well, you can't hide
from these things, bud.

You've got to meet
the problem squarely.

You're going to have to
face him sooner or later.

You can't avoid it.
But remember this...

There's to be no
bare-fist brawling.

I want you to go
out and talk to eddie.

If he still insists on fighting,

Then you're to go down
to the ymca this afternoon...

Jim anderson...
Let me handle this.

You and eddie go to the
boxing coach, bill neuman.

Tell him you want
to put on the gloves.

Get in the ring down
there and have it out.

When it's over, shake
hands and forget it.

But, dad...

You've got to go
out and face him, bud.

Either you go alone or
I'll take you by the hand

And go out with you.

You don't have to go with me.

I'll go.

Civilization marches on,

Right back to the stone age.

What if the boy doesn't listen?

What if he hits bud?
Relax. I'll watch him.

Why do they have to fight? Why?

I hope you know
what you're doing.

I do, honey. Believe me.

This is a situation
that every boy get into

At some time or another...

When the chips are down
and they have to fight or run.

And bud isn't going to run.

Okay, fellas, out here.

Boy: come on, eddie!

Okay, take it easy and
don't lose your tempers.

Now, no rough stuff.

In case of a knockdown, the
man scoring the knockdown

Goes to a neutral
corner until I count eight,

Then he can resume boxing.

All right, now, shake hands.

Let's go.

Straight left! Straight left!

Let's go, eddie, come on!

Aw, come on, bud, swing! Swing!

Boys: ohh!

1, 2, 3... 4...
5... 6... 7... 8.

That's 8... You can get up now.

9, 10!

It's after 5:00. He
should be home.

Oh, stop worrying,
honey. He's all right.

What if he was hurt?
Things happen in boxing.

You hear about it all the time.

That's professional boxing.

At the ymca, they
use big padded gloves.

Nothing can happen.

Aren't you even a little
bit worried or concerned?

There's no reason to be.

I'm sure bud gave a
good account of himself.

That's all that matters.

I'm not worried in the least.

Bud? Is that you, bud?!

Oh, it's you, betty.


Hello, dear.

Bud home? Not yet.

Have you heard from
him? Is he all right?

Of course he's all right.

Who you women make
such a big thing out of this,

I can't understand.

He wasn't fighting the heavyweight
champion of the world, you know.

Just a couple of kids.

Bud? Bud?


Hi. Well?

How'd it go, son?

Okay, I guess.

Are you all right? Are you hurt?

Oh, leave him alone. He's fine.

Now, sit down and
tell us all about it.

Did you and eddie go to the "y"?

Well, tell us about it.

Nothing to tell.

We got in the ring,
put on the gloves.

That's all.

But then what?

Well, how did it go?

What did you do?


You just stood there?

No, i... Well, I took
a swing, sort of.

Good. Then what did he do?

Punched me in the nose.

Oh, is it broken? Honey, please.

Father, if this is your
idea of how to raise a son...

This is between bud and me.

All right, go ahead.

Make a nice boy
into a savage brute.

Make a k*ller out of him.

Then what happened after
he punched you in the nose?

I sat down. Where?

On the floor.

You got right up
again, didn't you?

No, I stayed there.

You couldn't get up?

No, I could have.

I didn't see any point in it.

You... Just sat there

And took the full count?

If I'd have gotten up,

He would've belted me again.

Well... It's over now.

So let's forget the whole thing.

You run upstairs and
get washed for dinner.

Oh, don't look so depressed.

He knew when he had enough.

Why should he stand up
and get punched again?

Oh, honey, you don't understand.

There's more to this than
just two boys fighting.

It's a lesson in life.

I deliberately
pushed bud into this

To teach him not to
run away from trouble.

And that means you don't quit

The first time you
get slapped down.

Could you teach
him some other way?

Checkers maybe?

Don't worry. I'm not gonna turn
your son into a prizefighter...

Or a "savage brute".

How's the nose?

It's okay, I guess.

Bud, do you feel you really
did your best this afternoon?

Well, I tried. I put on the
gloves like you told me.

But eddie's been
taking boxing lessons.

I looked like a real dope.

All the guys around the
ring were laughing at me

And hollering and everything.

I never boxed before.

And, boy, when you get in there

With a guy who knows
what he's doing...

Wham. I saw a million
stars... All colors.

How would you like
to take some lessons?

Boxing lessons.

Well, I don't know, dad.

I think it'd be a good idea.

Then if you ever get into
another spot like this afternoon,

You'll be sure to
take care of yourself.


We'll go down to the
"y" tomorrow afternoon

And talk to bill neuman.

He'll put you in
one of his classes.

It'll do you a lot of good...

Build you up, sharpen
your coordination,

Give you confidence.

How about it?

Okay, I guess.

Betty: hi, mother. Hello, dear.

Is bud home?

No, he's over at the
ymca again this afternoon,

Taking a boxing lesson.

What's gotten
into father anyway?

Up to now, bud's been a
fairly decent brother,

Halfway a gentleman at least.

And now father's trying
to make a gorilla out of him.

Don't ask me.

Jim: margaret, I'm home!

We're in here, dear!

Hello, princess. Hi.

Hi, honey. Hello, dear.

Is bud home?

No, he's busy over at
madison square garden.

Why are you doing this to him?

Doing what to him?

Trying to make a
fighter out of him.

Look, will you get this
through your head?

I'm not making a
fighter out of bud.

What's he learning in that
boxing class... The mambo?

I explained last
night... Or tried to...

That the whole
purpose of this thing

Is to build up in
bud a little fight.

I don't mean "fight".

I mean determination,
spunk, courage...

Backbone... Call it
whatever you like.

I suppose the only way he can do
this is to become a prizefighter?

Don't use that word.

Betty, come help
me fix the salads.

The idea of bud ever being a
fighter is so utterly ridiculous.

He's not the type,
never will be.

In fact, it wouldn't
surprise me at all

If he didn't even go for his
boxing lesson this afternoon.

He didn't seem to care
much for the idea...

Hey! Guess what?

Guess what happened? Just guess!

I don't dare. What happened?

I got in the class today, and
bill showed me a lot of stuff,

And then I boxed
a couple of guys,

And bill said I did great,

Said I was the fastest
learner he ever had.

Well, good. He said in a week...

Maybe I could box
eddie jarvis again.

Oh, man. Just wait... One week.

Oh, one week! Look out, eddie!

Bong! Ah!

Remember, keep your
chin stuck right in here.

Move out there... Jab.

Keep that left hand out there.

Use your full reach to keep
your opponent away from you.

And you punch straight, see?

Snap that shoulder behind you.

Remember, keep your feet apart,

Elbows in, good
balance. Oh, hi, jim.

Okay, fellas. Pair
up and go to work.

How's it going,
bill? Can't complain.

Got a class of
lightweights here,

And some of them
look pretty good.

Your boy's catching on fast.

So I hear.

Excuse me, mr. Neuman.
What is it, bud?

I asked dad to come over
this afternoon so he could...

Well, you said
maybe in a week or so,

I could go a couple of
rounds with eddie jarvis.

You want to try him again, huh?

Okay. Eddie... Eddie jarvis?

Want to go a couple with bud?

Well, sure.

Maybe I'd better use
one hand this time.

Come on, pigeon.

Boy: there he goes again.

Okay. Okay, now, boys...

No rough stuff.
Don't lose your heads.

Keep your tempers.



Eddie, take him!

One punch, eddie!

Flatten him, eddie!

Come on, eddie!

Come on, bud!

That's it, bud! Keep going!

Okay, that's all, fellas.

Come on, now, shake hands.

Bud, you were great!

That was all right, bud.

Nice going, bud!

Great fight! Great fight!

How'd you like that, dad?

Congratulations, son!

You wouldn't believe it, the way
bud handled himself in that ring.

He went in there
with a job to do,

And, by golly, he did it!

Did he get hurt? Of course not.

He had jarvis on the
run the whole time.

Where were they running?

In the ring. Bud
was all over him.

You never saw
such an exhibition.

And he's only been
boxing for a week.

And you should've
heard those kids.

At first, they booed
him, actually booed him!

Oh, no! But paid no attention.

He just went right into
the ring and went to work.

And within 30 seconds, he
had every kid in the class

Rooting for him.

When it was over,
they stormed in the ring

And actually picked bud
up on their shoulders.

I couldn't even get near him!

You had quite a day.

Me? I had nothing to do with it.

This was bud's victory.

He did all this on his own.

That boy has really
worked, margaret.

And I know this all seems
like nonsense to you,

But you're gonna see a
big improvement in bud.

He's learned a valuable lesson.

From now on, he's
gonna be more confident,

More poised...

Mommy, daddy! Go out
in the front yard, quick!

What's the matter?

It's bud! I saw him from
the upstairs window.

He's coming home,

And a hundred
guys are after him!

What's this? Don't stand there!

Save him! What is...

I gotta go in, guys!
I'll see you tomorrow!

Hear the news, mom?
Did dad tell you?

Yes, he told me.

Hey, what was all that
racket out in front?

It was my fan club... Some
of the guys from the gym.

Your fan club?

Didn't dad tell you?

I knocked out eddie jarvis

In 30 seconds in
the first round.

I don't believe it.

Well, ask dad. He was there.

I cooled him, didn't i, dad?

Well, I wouldn't say
you exactly cooled him.

Well, the guys said it was the
best punch they'd ever seen.

They told me that
after the fight.

You ever see any pictures of
big joe when he was champion?

You know that
short right he's got?

They say I've got it...
Same thing exactly.

Oh, listen to our shrinking
violet, mr. Modesty himself.

I'm just telling you, all
the guys say I'm a natural.

They never seen anybody
learn as fast as I did.

Bud, don't get carried away

Just because you did
fairly well this afternoon.

I'm just telling you
what the guys said, dad.

They say I've got it.
And in this business,

You've either got it
or you haven't got it.

And I have got it.

What's "it"?

That's what it takes
to make you a champ,

To hit the big time
in this business.

What business are
you talking about?

This business... The fight game.

The guys say it's
just a matter of time

Until I hit the big money.

As soon as I win the
amateur title, I'll turn pro.

Knock off a few main
events at the riverside arena,

And after that...
Madison square garden.

Is he gonna be a square
at madison garden?

I forgot the most important
thing I was gonna tell you.

Big ymca boxing
show... Saturday night...

And I'm gonna box carl aimes
for the championship of the class.


So, you weren't gonna make
a prizefighter out of him.

Jim, we can't let
him do that. We can't.

Bud! Come back here, bud. Bud!

We've got to put a stop
to this, and right now.

I'll go down to the ymca and
have a talk with bill neuman.

What do they grow
in madison garden?


Hi, jim. Hello, bill.

What do you think of your boy?

Well, to tell you the truth,

Margaret and I are a
little concerned about him.


Bud's always been
a kind of a quiet

And modest sort of a boy.

Now this little success
he's had in boxing

Has gone to his head.

Suddenly he's changed.
He's a big man now,

Big stuff. He even
has a fan club.

Yeah, I know. He's
riding pretty high.

What about this boxing
show saturday night?

Bud insists he's gonna box
the champion of the class.

That's crazy, isn't it?

Bud wants to do it. I was
waiting to talk to you

To see how you felt about it.

Bud certainly isn't ready to
take on the top boy in the class.

No, he isn't.

But you'll have a hard
time convincing him of that.

It's up to you, jim. I
can tell you this...

He's not gonna get hurt.

I'll be in the ring,
I'll watch the boys.

It's a tough decision to make.

I hate to tell
him he can't do it,

And I also hate to see
him get in there with a boy

With so much more experience.

Hiya, men. Hello, bud.

You know something?

He's gonna be the new champion.

Who told you that? He did.

Well, bill, I guess
there's only one answer.

Let him try it.

There you are, father. Do
you know what you've done?

Well, I've done a lot of things.

Which one are you referring to?

This fight tonight. Everyone
I meet is talking about it.

But must've told
everyone in town.

"I hear your brother's
fighting tonight," they say.

"How do you feel about your
brother being a prizefighter?"

"Are you gonna
be in his corner?"

It's horrible, father, and
you started it the whole thing.

What would you like me
to do about it, princess?

Stop it. Put a stop
to it right now.

Lock bud in his room. I
don't care what you do.

Your father says he
has to go through with it,

So let's say no more about it.

Fighting, mauling each other.

Oh, I hate men.

I got it all set,
daddy! It's all set.

What's this, kitten?

Bud and I got signals

For the fight tonight.

I'm gonna watch,

And when it's time for
bud's knockout attempt,

I'm gonna yell, "now!"

And, oh, bud's
gonna let him have it.


Bloodthirsty little hyena.

You aren't even gonna
be there. I am, too!

I'm sure bud expects
us all to be there.

This is a very
important thing to him.

I think we should go.

I couldn't, jim.

I wouldn't be seen
anywhere near there.

I just couldn't
stand to see bud...

I just couldn't, that's all.

Where's the rest of them?

Well, your mother
and betty, they, uh...

They didn't, uh...
They couldn't come.


Good luck, son. Thanks.

Our next bout,
ladies and gentlemen,

Is something special.

Three rounds of boxing

For the championship
of our junior class.

In this corner, at 125 pounds,

The champion of
our junior class...

Carl aimes!

And in this corner,
at 122 pounds,

From the freshman
class of springfield high...

The challenger, bud anderson!

Okay, carl, bud... You
boys know the rules.

Keep your punches
up, no butting.

Protect yourselves at all times,

And remember...

Bud, are you
listening? Yeah, sure.

In case of a knockdown,
the man who's standing

Goes no a neutral corner
until I wave him back.

Now, shake hands.

Come out boxing.
Have a good match.

Boy: come on, carl.

That-a-boy, bud!
Let him have it!

1, 2, 3... 4, 5, 6... 7, 8...

1, 2, 3... Now!
Now, bud! 4, 5...

Now! Now! 6, 7...
Get up! 8, 9, 10!

Oh, daddy!

I gave him the signal.

I said, "now!"

He didn't hear me.

I remember when he was
beaten by gene tunney.

You know, bud, no
matter how good you are,

There's always someone
a little bit better.

It must've been
pretty embarrassing

For you and mom and sis.

No, we were proud of
you, son. Real proud.

You did your best...
That's all I wanted.

You think they'll laugh at
me when I go downstairs?

Why should they?

There you are.

Be my guest.
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