02x33 - Hero Father

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Father Knows Best". Aired: October 3, 1954 - May 23, 1960.*
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The series, which began on radio in 1949, follows the lives of the Andersons, a middle-class family living in the town of Springfield.
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02x33 - Hero Father

Post by bunniefuu »


Announcer: robert
young and jane wyatt,

With elinor donahue, billy
gray and lauren chapin,


Bud: wouldn't it be great if a big
outfit like that'd come to springfield?

A bunch of big baseball stars like
them ain't gonna bother with this burg.

Maybe nobody's ever asked them.

We're lucky if we get the
maple street tigers to play.

Who are they? My
kid sister's team.

Oh. Hey, sandy, you must've seen

A lot of baseball games when
you was living in brooklyn, huh?

Not so many.

But I did see duke
snider play once, though.

Yeah? He's a great player.

Slammed 42 homers last year.

You know, the all-stars come right
through springfield on their way to duluth.

That's right...
Straight through.

And if they blink their eyes,
they won't even see springfield.

Maybe they could stop off
long enough for one game.

Knock it off, will ya, bud?

You got as much chance
seeing the all-stars play here

As I got teaching
english at yale.

I don't know. Seems
there ought to be a way.

Mm, they only play
the big cities, bud.

It would take somebody with an awful lot
of influence to get 'em to a small town.

I don't know. I'll bet
my dad could swing it.

You flipped or something? He
couldn't get duke snider here

If miss america was refereeing.

I'll bet he could.
Listen to the wind blow.

Okay, you'll see, you'll see.

Hi, boys. All: hi, mr. Bramer.

Hi, dad. You going home?

No, not now, sandy. I'm
on my way to a meeting.


Just wanted to
ride along with you.

Well... All right. Hurry up.
I'll drop you off at the house.

Never mind. It's
okay. I'll walk.

I'll right. I'll see
you later tonight.

What are you doing, honey?

I can't make a nail
stay in that wall.

Hmm? Oh.

Here, let me show
you a little trick.

Kitchen match. See?

I see. Now, watch closely.

Nothing up my sleeves.

Here we go.

Now, take the nail.

There you are. Nothing to it.

You're very nice to
have around the house.

Talents unlimited... That's me.

And now, my fair one, do
you have any other requests

That require the talents
of a genius? Let me think.

Would you like to have the sun rise
at night instead of in the morning?

Or would you like me to gather
all of the stars in the milky way

And have them made into a charm
bracelet to grace your lovely arm?

Hello, son.

Hello, dad.

You... Feeling all right?

Oh, I feel great. And why not?

I got a dad who can do anything.

Oh, I have my moments.

Say, dad... Father!
What is it, princess?

Dad... Father, the most
excruciating thing just happened!

What? The end of
the world? Oh, worse.

Chuck waited until the last minute to get
tickets to see romeo and juliet tonight,

And now the
theater's all sold out.

What can I do about it, honey?

Well, you always know
how to handle situations.

Couldn't you please do something
to get us a couple of tickets?

Please? Please? Please?

Gosh, dad, do something before
she has a nervous breakdown.

A couple of hours before
curtain time doesn't give me

Much time to perform miracles.

Do you think he
can do something?

Anybody that can make a charm
bracelet out of the milky way

Can get tickets to a show.

Hello, mr. Irving?
This is jim anderson.

Fine. I understand you have a
full house for your show tonight.

Pretty tough to
get tickets, is it?

Uh-huh. Nothing
at all. Is that right?

No, it's not for me, but, uh,

A couple of very
special friends of mine

Are pretty broken up
they're gonna miss the show.

I thought you might just happen
to have a couple house of seats.

No, they're for my
daughter and her friend.

Yes, my daughter.

Oh, that's fine, mr. Irving.
She'll pick them up.

Thanks a lot. Goodbye.
Father, you did it!

Oh, you're wonderful!

Oh, thank you so much.

I was lucky. That wasn't luck.

That was because you
know how to get things done.


Gee, dad, you can do
the impossible, can't you?

Sometimes, son.

You know how some parents
are real proud of their children?

Uh-huh. Well, it's just
the reverse with me.

I'm real proud of you.

Well, that's nice to hear, son.

In fact, I bet kippy
watkins and sandy bramer

That you could get duke snider's
all-stars to play an exhibition game

Here in springfield.

I might have known this
build-up was for something.

You can do it, can't you,
dad? No, I “can't do it, dad.”

Well, you like baseball,
don't you? Love baseball.

And didn't you say once that

If people'd go to more baseball
games, this'd be a better world?

That sounds like
something I might've said.

Well, there you are. Where?

On the phone, calling
duke snider to get him here,

Like you got betty her tickets.

Oh, sure. Nothing to it at all.

All I have to do is go
to the phone, pick it up,

Dial the number and say,
“hello, duke? This is jim.

You know, jim anderson
of springfield.”

And he'll say, “jim
anderson? Springfield?”

I'll say, “sure,
duke. That's right.

“You remember me. I was
one of 50 million people

“Who watched you on
television one afternoon.

“And because I know you so well,

I thought you might
do me a little favor.”

Gee, that's great, dad. Great.

Oh, bud, use your head.

Duke snider happens to
be a big name in baseball.

He's also an
extremely busy person.

And I assure you
even if I knew him,

I couldn't get him to
come to springfield.

Gosh, dad, I thought
you could do anything.

Well, look, son, I
hate to disappoint you,

And believe me, I hate
to look like a failure...

Not only to you but to
sandy and kippy as well...

But I can't get duke
snider and his all-stars

To come to springfield.

Okay, dad.

If that's the way it is,

That's the way it is.

And-and don't worry
about what kippy

And sandy'll think.

I'll cover for you.

You know, margaret, sometimes
being a father is frightening.

Being a good one is, perhaps.

The toughest part
is trying to live up to

The faith they have in us.

You should've seen the expression
on bud's face when I told him

I couldn't get snider's
all-stars to come to springfield.

Well, after all, jim,
you're an idol in bud's eyes.

Well, I'm afraid he's discovered
his idol has feet of clay.

Actually, dear, I
thought bud's idea

Of bringing a big-league baseball
team to springfield was a good one.

Of course it's a good idea,
but I can't do anything about it.

Maybe you could if you tried.

You're beginning to sound
remarkably like your son.

That's right, because I happen to
think that you could do anything too.

As chairman of the committee
for the new hospital wing,

You're gonna have to
raise money some way.

Why not bring the all-stars
here to put on a game for charity?

Go on.

Well, it may not be as
difficult as you seem to think.

I read in the paper the other day where
they played a much smaller town than ours,

And for charity.

That happened to be
duke snider's hometown.

So what does that prove?

That he's sentimental.
Oh, margaret.

Mommy. Daddy.

Kathy, what are you doing up?

I need a new baseball mitt.

At 11:00 at night?

I want one when you bring
“slammer” duke snider to springfield.

I'm worried, because he might
not autograph an old one.

Well, then, you can start
un-worrying right now,

Because “slammer” duke snider
isn't coming to springfield.

Kathy, I don't want to
hear anything more about it.

Go back to bed, angel. We'll
talk about it in the morning.

Okay, but I won't
forget it in the morning,

Like you hope.

I wouldn't worry, jim, about
buying a new baseball mitt for kathy.

I don't intend to.

She'll be very happy to have
the duke autograph her old one.

You've been very
nice, mr. Snider.

I'll tell my son and daughter
that at least I talked to you.

It isn't as though we don't
like to play charity games

Whenever we can, mr. Anderson,

But it's simply a
matter of money.

You know how it is. My
boys have to make a living.

But I'll tell you
what I will do, though.

If you can guarantee us
our expenses in advance,

Plus 25% of the profit

Instead of the usual 50,
because it is for charity,

I'll bring the team
to springfield.

Well, that's
certainly fair enough.

Let me see how much
money I can raise, mr. Snider.

I'll call you tomorrow.

All right. Goodbye.

Yes, miss thomas?

There's a mr. Bramer
to see you. “Bramer”?

The city zoning committee?
Oh, yes. Send him in.

Mr. Bramer.

Hello, mr. Bramer.

I feel like I know you
already, anderson.

My boy, sandy, talks
about you all the time.

Oh, you're sandy's
father. Of course.

Well, come in. Sit
down, won't you?

Thank you, thank you.

Ah, that's quite a boy you
have there, mr. Bramer.

Yeah, he's quite a boy.
What can I do for you?

Maybe I can do
something for you.

I understand you're trying
to get snider's all-stars

To put on an
exhibition game here.

That's right. I have been trying
to get them, but it isn't easy.

What's your main problem? Money.

Snider wants a guarantee
of expenses in advance,

Plus 25% of the profits
from the ticket sales,

Which is certainly fair enough,

But I don't have enough time to
get that kind of money together.

How much time you got?

The only day they can
make it here is next sunday.

That is short notice, isn't it?

Yeah, it sure is.

This'd mean a lot to you,
wouldn't it, anderson?

It would mean a
lot to springfield.

It would go a long way toward
completing a new wing on the hospital.

Supposing I put up
the expense money,

Plus the guarantee
for the tickets?

You? That's right.

Well, that's a lot of money
to fork over on a gamble.

Yeah, I know, but
it's a public service.

Springfield needs
a hospital wing.

If I could help, maybe springfield
could help me sometime.

Do you realize the
risk you're taking?

Maybe it'll rain that day.

Maybe people aren't as
anxious to put out the money

For a baseball game
as I think they are.

Any number of things can happen.

If I'm willing to take a
chance, why aren't you?

It won't cost you a cent.

Well, I'll say this, mr. Bramer:

You not only saved the day, you
also saved my reputation with my son.

He thinks I can perform
miracles, you know.

Yeah, I know.

I have a feeling you have another
reason for doing this, mr. Bramer.

You're right, I do.

It's, uh... Well, it's
a personal reason.

My son and I don't seem
to hit it off so well.

I've tried to raise him alone.
I haven't had much help.

I give him anything
he needs too...

Money, clothes, anything.

I don't know what it is.

Sometimes he acts like
he doesn't even like me.

Oh, I'm sure that isn't true.

Kids are funny,
particularly at this age.

Half the time they don't know themselves
what they want or how they feel.

I know how your son
feels about you, anderson,

And I know how my
son feels about me.

Look, uh, some boys

Just don't say how they feel.

They keep it inside of them.

Bud just happens
to be the noisy type.

Well, maybe it's wrong, trying
to buy my son's admiration,

But I know how much it means to all
the kids in town bringing duke snider here.

So if the price of
winning sandy's respect

Is a few thousand
dollars, I say it's worth it.

All right, what do
you say? Is it a deal?

I'd be crazy not to accept.

Fine, I'll have a check
for you in the morning.

Boy, I can't wait to see the
expression on bud's face

When I tell him the news.

There you are, bud.
You've got your wish.

Duke snider is
coming to springfield!

Sure, dad. “Sure, dad”?

Is that all you can say? I
thought you'd be doing nip-ups.

The least you can
do is act surprised.

Why should I be surprised? I
knew all along you could do it.

Well, then, at least
pretend to be surprised,

Just to humor me.


Oh, I don't know how
to look surprised.

Thanks, betty.

Very funny. You could've given
me a “thronberry occasion.”

You just needed a little
encouragement, that's all.

Why don't you pick up
your broom? You dropped it.

Daddy, daddy! You
did it, didn't you?

I always said my daddy
was the greatest!

Oh, boy, oh, boy, oh, boy!

That's what you
mean... “Surprised.”

It'll do, son. It'll do.

I'm the strong,
silent type, dad.

But that doesn't
mean I'm not pleased.

Gee, a big-league baseball game

Right here in springfield.

Who's the guy that's
putting up the money, dad?

Well, for reasons of his own, he wants
to stay in the background right now, son,

But you'll know who
he is in a couple of days.

Kitten, you'd better get
your pitching arm in shape.

You never can tell when duke
snider might need a substitute.

Oh, I'm ready!

Imagine... The biggest baseball
stars in the business right here.

Jim, telephone for
you. Mr. Bramer.

Oh, bud! In the meantime, kathy,

As official paul
revere of springfield,

I want you to tell everybody
about the game on sunday.

You know, mom,
you sure are smart.

Why, bud, what
makes you say that?

Well, I was just thinking.

You might've married someone
else, and then where would I be?


Yes, I'll wait.

Hello, mr. Bramer.

Well, everything's all
set. I checked with snider.

The, uh, newspapers
have the story,

And your name's been
left out, as you wanted.

All we need now is the money,
and that's your department.

You what?

Well, look, if there's any doubt you can't
raise the money, you'd better tell me now.

Snider's practically on his way.

All right, I'll see you then.


Well, you're certainly a knight in
shining armor around here, dear.

I'm afraid a little tarnish
is beginning to show.

What? Something wrong?

I won't know until 9:00
tomorrow morning.

Yes, miss thomas?
Oh, send him right in.

Morning, anderson.
I'm sorry I'm late.

That's all right,
mr. Bramer. Sit down.

Anderson, I may as
well level with you.

This is a lot of money.
I can't argue with that.

And I'm very happy to give
it to you to send to snider.

I think that the good
it'll do is un-measureable.

But I'm a businessman, anderson,

And in return for this money, I feel that
I'm entitled to some consideration too.

Go on. As you know,

I'm a member of the city zoning
commission... Just appointed, in fact.

And if things go the
way I want them to go...

The way you could
help make them go...

I stand to make enough money
so I won't lose on this deal.

Go on.

I help you

Build a hospital
wing for springfield;

You help me swing
enough zoning votes

So I can build a manufacturing
plant where I want to.

And I get my money back.
Now, that's fair enough, isn't it?

One hand washes the
other... Is that what you mean?

Yeah, that's it.

Well, I think there's something
you'd better get straight, mr. Bramer.

Baseball and dirty
politics don't go together.

This isn't dirty politics. It's
business. It's done every day.

I help you, you help me. As a
result, everybody's helped.

As a result, everybody
is not helped.

That's the difference.

And if you think I'm gonna
use the people of springfield

To further your own personal
interests, you're very much mistaken.

I won't do it.

Have it your own way, anderson.

What about your boy?

He's gonna be pretty
disappointed, isn't he?

Remember it was you who
wanted to be a hero to your son.

I already have that distinction.

No wonder mr. Bramer didn't
want his name mentioned.

He waits until the last minute
and then springs the joker.

He knows I can't raise that
much money in two days.

It's impossible. You mustn't
blame yourself, dear.

Oh, what a mess. The kids
disappointed, the hospital,

All the decorations made
for the parade, float...

Daddy! Patty davis just told me

We aren't gonna
have a baseball game!

That's right, kitten. You're gonna have to
get someone else to autograph your glove.

What happened, daddy? Huh?
What happened? You promised!

Father, I just talked to chuck.

He said the game's been
called off. What happened?

Dad... I know, bud.

You want to know want happened.

Well, I'm gonna tell you.

Your father pulled a boner.

I made a mistake.

And let me tell you when I
do make a mistake, it's a lulu.

Fathers make
mistakes, too, you know.

Lots of them.

If fact, it's easy for us to make
mistakes because we're trying so hard

To live up to the perfect
picture you paint of us.

You're going to have to learn
that I'm just an ordinary human being

With a reasonable
amount of intelligence,

Capable of handling
most situations,

But I'm not a superman.

I can't bring about miracles.

This doesn't mean I'm
not going to try to be

As you think I am
or want me to be.

Just don't expect
me to be perfect.

Just because I'm your father
doesn't mean that I'm infallible.

Dad... What is it?

I just came in to
tell you that...

Well, you've got us all wrong.

We don't think you're perfect.


We know you make mistakes.

Why, I can think of all kinds
of mistakes you've made.

There was the time that...

The you took us all out on the boat on the
lake and you dropped the oars overboard.

Remember that? I remember.

And then there
was the time... Bud...

Yes, sir? You've convinced me.

I have? Completely.

Just one more thing, dad.

What's that, son?

We don't care about that
old baseball team coming here.

You can't help it if
something went wrong.

So don't worry about it, dad.

I don't see why you should take
all the blame, dear. It isn't fair.

This is mr. Bramer's
fault, not yours.

I think people ought to know.

If I told people what
really happened,

It would fix bramer
for all time with his son.

He's not doing
too well as it is.

Well, at least I think
bud should know.

Well, I thought
about telling him.

But you know, the wonderful
part about having a son like bud

Is he doesn't expect
me to be a hero father.

He likes my old imperfect self.

If he wants to stay in
this family, he'd better.


Oh, hi, dad.

A little your bedtime, isn't it?

I had some homework to do.

You're home early, aren't you?

A little.

Did you see bud anderson
this afternoon? Uh-huh.

Did he, uh, say anything about
the game being called off?

Mm, not much.

Just that he was disappointed
his father couldn't put it over.

Did he tell you why his
father couldn't put it over?

He said something
about not enough

Tickets being
sold, or something.

And that's all he said? Mm-hmm.

He told everyone how sorry he
was he couldn't get the all-stars here,

That he'd made a mistake about the
schedule and they couldn't get together.

And that's all he said? He
said he'd try again next year.

He talked to me
tonight too, dad.

About what?

About us.

He said I ought to
spend more time with you.

He said you need me.

He was a little
mixed up, though.

I need you more
than you need me.

I... Guess you're
pretty busy, though.

You're right, sandy. I am busy.

Busy doing all the wrong things.

But if you'll have some patience
with me, son, I'll try to change.

First, however,

And this is in view of
our new relationship,

I'm gonna level with you.

It's not going to make
you very proud of me, but...

But I'm gonna tell you anyhow.

I'm responsible for
the game being called.

I'm the man that
anderson covered for.

Gee, dad, you can't
be right all the time.


Do you mind if I try being right
once in a while from now on?

Starting right now?

It's okay with me.

Man over radio: it's a beautiful day
here at the springfield ballpark.

The all-stars are warming
up, ready for their exhibition...

Mother, hurry
up or we'll be late!

Bud: my baseball
cap! I can't find kathy.

Where is she? I don't
know. We can't wait.

The game will start any minute.
Where's my catcher's mitt?

Do I look the type that'd
be wearing a catcher's mitt?

Oh never mind. Mom,
where's my catcher's mitt?

I don't know, bud. The last
time I used it, I gave it back.

Very funny family.

Hello? Oh, yes, mr. Bramer.

Kathy, where are you? It's
gotta be here someplace.

Keep looking, bud. Maybe
you'll run across kathy too.

This is serious. I gotta find it
so duke snider can autograph it.

Father, it's mr. Bramer. He
says no one can find mr. Snider.

He'll show up. Tell him not to
worry. Did you look in the closet?

I hardly think duke
snider'd be in the closet.

I was talking to bud. He's
lost his catcher's mitt.

No, mr. Bramer, he's not in the
closet... I mean, he's not here.

Oh, what a wacky family.

Okay, see you at
the game. Goodbye.

You know, father,
mr. Bramer's very nice, isn't he?

He sure is. If he hadn't come
through with the money,

We wouldn't have been going to
the baseball game today, would we?

That's right. He really
came through. I give up.

One kathy anderson.

Kathy: batter up!

Am I doing it right, mr. Snider?

You're great, kathy.

That's duke snider! He's cute!

No wonder I couldn't find
my mitt. Lunk-head's got it.

That's right,
kathy. Arm straight.

Eye on me.

Now, wind up.

And let 'er go.

Well, there's one good
thing about it, margaret...

Duke snider won't
sign kathy up this year.

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