04x03 - The Model

Episode transcripts for the TV Show "Diff'rent Strokes". Aired: November 3, 1978 –; March 7, 1986.*
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Series follows Arnold and Willis Jackson, two African-American boys from Harlem taken in by a rich white Park Avenue businessman and widower, Phillip Drummond, for whom their deceased mother previously worked, and his daughter, Kimberly.
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04x03 - The Model

Post by bunniefuu »

♪ Now, the world don't move ♪

♪ To the beat of just one drum ♪

♪ What might be right for you ♪

♪ May not be right for some ♪

♪ A man is born ♪

♪ He's a man of means ♪

♪ Then along come two ♪

♪ They got nothin'
but their jeans ♪

♪ But they got
diff'rent strokes ♪

♪ It takes diff'rent strokes ♪

♪ It takes diff'rent strokes ♪

♪ To move the world ♪

♪ Everybody's got ♪

♪ A special kind of story ♪

♪ Everybody finds
a way to shine ♪

♪ It don't matter that you got ♪

♪ Not a lot... So what? ♪

♪ They'll have theirs ♪

♪ And you'll have yours ♪

♪ And I'll have mine ♪

♪ And together we'll be fine ♪

♪ 'Cause it takes
diff'rent strokes ♪

♪ To move the
world, yes, it does ♪

♪ It takes diff'rent
strokes to move the world ♪

Aren't the kids home yet?

I sure hope they
have some luck today.

You know, mr. Drummond, I
really have to hand it to you.

Parents in your position
don't usually suggest

That their kids get summer jobs.

Well, I think it's
important for them

To learn the value of work.

Otherwise, they'd never be able
to collect unemployment insurance.


Funny, huh?

As long as you
pay my salary it is!

Hey, dad, we
did it! I got a job!

Terrific! Doing what?

Working at guido's
pizza house on 63rd street.

I got a job, too, dad!

Wonderful! Who are
you working for, arnold?


I'm gonna be his assistant.

Well, I can see in the first day you've
learned the key to success in business.

What's that?


What kind of work you
gonna be doing at the pizzeria?

We're handing out these
advertising circulars.

See, guido invented this
new pizza that he calls, uh...

United nations pizza.

What kind is that?

Well, it's got... Let's see...

Italian pepperoni,
mexican chile,

Chinese vegetables,
and kosher salami.

It makes you burp
in 4 languages.

Hey, I'm really proud of you guys
for showing that much initiative.

May I look at one of these?

Oh, yeah.

"Eat at guido's...

Our pizza is a gas."

We're living proof. We ate one.

I'll make a bicarbonate
soufflé for dinner.

Hey, kimberly! How's the
job hunting going today?

It didn't. 3 Straight days
of pounding the pavement,

And all I've got to
show for it is blisters.

Don't get discouraged, kimberly.

You'll find a job
like we did today.

Oh, yeah? That's
terrific. Doing what?

Working at guido's
pizza house on 63rd street.

We're passing out these
advertising circulars.

Oh, well, that's
great for you guys.

I guess I must be the
only person in new york

Who isn't working.

There are a lot of people in
new york who aren't working.

Unfortunately, I
voted for most of them.

Don't get discouraged, kimberly.

Yeah, hang in there.

I think you've
tried hard enough.

Why don't I make some calls?

I'm sure I can line
up a job for you

With one of my friends.

Oh, thanks, daddy,

But this is something I
really want to do on my own.

I don't want you handing
me everything in life.

You're always helping me.

You're always asking me.

That's not the point.

I don't want to be known as philip
drummond's daughter all my life.

You'll never pass
for his mother.

I know how you feel. You
want to make it on your own.


Well, I think that's admirable,

But there's nothing wrong with
parents helping their children.

Yeah, right! Don't bite
the wallet that feeds you.

[Telephone rings]



Baum's department store?

Hey, daddy, I applied
there this afternoon.

Yes, she's right here.

As a matter of
fact, she's working.

She's always working.

The girl is crazy about work.

She even works when
there's nothing to do.

Come on, daddy. Don't overdo it.

Here she is, miss 9 to 5.


Tomorrow? Well, sure I could!

Great, I'll see you then.

Ok. Bye-bye.

I did it! I got a
job all on my own!

What is it?

I start tomorrow as stock girl.

Congratulations, sweetheart!

Baum's department store.
That's a very classy place.

You can buy a nice $10
tie there for 50 bucks.

What does the stock
girl do, kimberly?

Oh, you work in the store room

Keeping track of
the merchandise.

But I won't be there for long.

Today stock girl, tomorrow
president of the company.

All right! Right on!

'Cause I've got ambition!

Right on! I've got drive!


I've got determination!

Right on!

And if that don't work out,
you've still got a rich father.

Hey, what are you up to, guys?

We're put...

We're putting my special
stamp on these circulars.

Every time someone brings
one back to guido's pizza house,

We get a bonus of a nickel.

Good! How's it going so far?

So far we owe
the boss 4 1/2 bucks

For the stamp.

Don't worry, guys. You have
to invest money to make money.

At least, that's what my stockbroker
said just before he jumped off the bridge.

Hey, everybody!
Remember yesterday

When I said I wouldn't
be stock girl for long?

Yeah. Well, guess
what happened to me

In the store today?

You got fired?

No. I'm gonna be a model!

A model what?

Come on, guys. Give your
sister a chance to explain.

Ok. Well, I heard about
this fashion coordinator

Miss claremont in the
department store today.

And see, she puts on these fashion
shows every friday afternoon.

And so I went up to
her and asked her

If she'd consider me
for one of the models,

And she said I'd be
perfect. Isn't that great?

That's terrific, sweetheart!

Maybe someday you can support me

In the manner to which
you've become accustomed.

And I still keep my
job as stock girl,

Except I get paid
extra for modeling.

Miss claremont's already
started teaching me how to walk.

You forgot how to walk?

Arnold, there's a
special way models do it.

Oh! I get it.

Like this.

Go ahead, make your jokes.

But I could become famous.

I could wind up on the
cover of a magazine.

Just as long as you don't
wind up in the centerfold.

Yeah, you don't want a
staple in your belly button.

Isn't this wonderful?

I've always dreamed of modeling.

It's such an exciting career.

Gosh, this could lead
to fantastic things!

Honey, honey, honey,
don't get carried away.

You're not brooke shields yet.

Yeah. If your jeans could talk,

They'd have nothing to say.

Adelaide, kimberly's got herself a
second job at the department store.

She's gonna do some modeling.

Isn't that terrific?

Boy, I'll say!

I was gonna be a model
once, but I got turned down.


I was too tall.

What were you modeling?

Well, you see,

They were doing this
wizard of oz window display

At macy's. I was up for
one of the munchkins.

I got beat out by my mother.

Well, nobody's beating me out.

I'm gonna be the best model

Baum's department
store every had...

Maybe the best in the country.

You'll see. Nothing's
gonna stop me.

Honey, ambition's ok,

But you don't want to overdo it.

Yeah. You should have
seen the way you looked

When you were talking just now.

How did I look?

Like you were
getting ready to sing

Don't cry for me, argentina.

[Jazzy piano music playing]

All of these are
originals, of course.

And carol is wearing what
we call our safari look.

Well, so far-y, so good-y.

Pay attention.

Debbie is wearing
the latest from

Our darling sunshine collection,

A darling top
with darling slacks

And darling shoes
and accessories.

You know something, arnold?
I think that's just darlin'.

So do i, darling.

And lastly, the lovely
outfit liza is wearing

Is available in blue,
green, and puce.

What's puce?

Expensive purple.

Thank you, girls.

And now... Now here's beverly.

Beverly is wearing a
lovely one-piece bathing suit.

It's in papery nylon.

I think I'm in love.

Willis, wouldn't you see better

If you put your eyeballs
back in your head?

This inspired design is
cut very low in the back

And very high in the
thigh, as you can see.

I can see, I can see.

Thanks, beverly. That's lovely.

Thank you, beverly!

And now, here's kimberly.

[Cheering loudly]

Kimberly looks simply enchanting in this
modern summer design of tangerine linen.

And now kimberly
will peel the tangerine.

Even I consider that a bad joke.

Kimberly's beautifully tailored
hip-length jacket has one front button

And can be easily removed.

Well... Sometimes not so easily.

You'll see kimberly's wearing
a boat neck t-shirt top...

Heh... If she ever
gets the jacket off.

[Whispering indistinctly]

My sister did that deliberately.

She's always doing
things like that.

She's got the funny
sense of humor.

She even trips over
her own feet at home.

Yeah, yeah. She's
another chevy chase.

Thank you. That's
our show for today.

Remember, all these fashions
can be found on the fourth floor

In the junior miss department.

Thank you.


Hey, honey, you were just great!

Yeah, you sure were, kimberly.

You were super, kimberly.

I was awful.

You mean just 'cause you
couldn't get the button open

And you knocked the plant over?

Nobody noticed that.

I'm a klutz. I failed.

Let's face it. I
bombed at baum's.

Look on the good side, kimberly.

They'll never forget you.


Oh, I'm sorry, miss claremont.
I ruined the whole show.

Oh, no you didn't.

Hello. This is my dad

And my brothers.

Hi. Hi. Hi.

How do you do, miss claremont?

Oh... I think she did just fine.

We've had trouble
with those button holes

From that manufacturer before.

I hope they don't make zippers.

Miss claremont, I'm afraid
kimberly is very upset about this.

Oh, you shouldn't be.
You were charming.

And I thought you handled
the situation rather well.

And you moved beautifully.

Besides that, as
a matter of fact,

You kind of reminded
me of bambi burton

The first time she
modeled for us.

Bambi burton? Hey,
you hear that, daddy?

I reminded her of bambi burton!

Yeah! Fantastic!
Who's bambi burton?

She's only one of the most famous
teenage models in the country.

I really reminded you of her?

Yes, you did, and I
take pride in the fact

That I can recognize
new talent when I see it.

As a matter of
fact, mr. Drummond,

I'm glad you're here.
I'll need your permission.

Oh, really? What for?

Well, we're having a
very special fashion show.

We need 3 girls, and I'd like
kimberly to be one of them.

[Gasps] oh, miss
claremont, really?

Oh, daddy, did you hear
that? Isn't that great?

Wonderful, miss claremont. Not
only do you have my permission,

But we'll be at the show.

Well, that will be quite a trip.

The show is in paris.


Paris! Wow!

Why... Why paris?

Oh, because every year, baum
does a special fashion show

In europe, and
this year, it's paris.

It's only for 3 weeks.

Oh, I can't believe it! I'm actually
gonna be a model in paris!

Terrific! That's exciting!

You gotta let her go.

Wait a minute! Hold it! Hold it!

Paris is a long way from here.

Sure. That's why it's in france.

Be sure to write,
but only in english.

[All shouting] hey, hold it!

Hold it, everybody. Not so fast.

I didn't hear me say yes.

Oh, daddy, you
just can't say no!

Well, honey, that's in a strange
country with a lot of strange people

With a strange accent,

And you'll be all by
yourself for 3 weeks.

Yeah, dad, but look
on the good side.

What's that? While she's away,

I get to use her room.

Mr. Drummond, I can
understand your hesitation,

But I'll be there to
chaperone the girls.

Well, you'll also be very
busy running a fashion show.

Oh, I know what's bothering you.

You think that there are thousands
of lecherous frenchmen out there

Just waiting to hit on me.

Good grief, I didn't
even think of that.

That's another thing.

Oh, daddy, how can you do this?

I want this more than
anything in the whole world,

And I did it all on my own,
and now you say I can't?

I don't want to,
honey, believe me.

But at your age,

There's no way I'm going
to let you go to paris alone.

I'm afraid the answer is no.

Oh, daddy.


Someday you'll understand.

It's not easy being a father.

Being a kid ain't no
bed of roses, either.

[Children yelling in hallway]

[Yelling] listen, everybody!

[Shouting stops]

Kimberly is not
going to go to paris.

Now, I said no at the fashion
show, I said no in the car,

And I said no on the sidewalk.

Don't forget the elevator.

Thanks, arnold. I said
no in the elevator.

And I am now saying
no in the living room.

You're not going
to go 3,000 miles away

All by yourself.

May I ask what's going
on? What's this about paris?

Listen to this, adelaide.
Can you believe it?

I have a chance to
go to paris as a model!

This is my big break!

I may never get another
chance like this again!

How could daddy
be so old-fashioned?

Mr. Drummond, I know I'm not
family, and I don't mean to intrude,

But may I say something?

Go ahead.

You're an old fuddy duddy!

Welcome to the family.

Well, I'm sorry. I
just had to say that.

Look, honey, I don't
want to be the bad guy,

But I'm afraid the
answer is still no.

I know how you feel, kimberly.

I know it meant a lot to you.

Oh, not really.
Only my whole life.

Oh, don't worry, honey.
You'll go to paris someday.

I never thought daddy
could be so cruel.

Oh, he can be cruel, all right.

Like the time he said I couldn't
keep that pet hamster in my room

Because of the smell.

I told him the hamster
would get used to it.

The thing that really bugs me

Is that he suggests I go
out and get a summer job,

So I go out and I
get one on my own.

Now that it can lead to an
entire career, he says no!

Yes, I said you should
get a summer job,

And yes, you did
get it on your own,

But no, you are not
going to go to paris alone.

I already know that.

Yes, but what you don't know is,

The reason that you're
not gonna go to paris alone

Is that we're all
gonna go with you.


Oh, daddy!

Wow! Great, dad!

Thanks, dad!

We get to go. I changed my mind.

I wouldn't deny you
this opportunity.

We'll make it our
summer vacation.

I've got some business
connections over there.

I can do some business, too.

That's great, dad.

You can write it off
on your income tax.

Spoken like a true
son of drummond.

Oh, you're the best
daddy in the whole world.

I know.

You sure are!

Oh, I'm so excited! You'd
think I was going, too!

As a matter of fact,
adelaide, you are.

Oh, daddy!

Pardon me.

Oh, you can be a great help
to me over there with the kids.

Hey, wait a minute!
What about our jobs?

We can't walk out on
guido's pizza house like that.

Oh, we already
worked the whole week.

We're due for a vacation.

I'm sure guido would understand.

You'll get your jobs back.

Oh, what an experience
this is gonna be.

As they say in france, we'll
have the time of our lives...

Only they usually
say it in french.


As a matter of fact,
it might be a good idea

If we get some of those records

And learn a little
french ourselves.

Oui, daddy? Oui.

Yeah. We'll oui, oui
all over the place.

Man on record, french
accent: please bring me

A hard-boiled egg.

Apportez-moi un oeuf
dur, s'il vous plait.

Apportez moo-ah

Une oof door.

How's it going, little frère?

The little frère is nowhere.

My mouth doesn't
make these sounds.

You need french lips.

Oh, arnold, if I can
do it, so can you.

Listen, you'd be a lot safer

If you knew some french.

What if you got lost in paris?

If I get lost in paris,

What good would it
do to walk up to a guy

And say, "please bring
me a hard-boiled egg"?

There it is! Arnold, what are
you doing with my shower cap?

[French accent] this
is not zee shower cap.

This is zee beret.

Well, give me zee beret,
or you'll get zee fat lip.

I get zee message.

What are you getting so uptight

Over a crummy shower cap?

You kids just don't realize
what a tight schedule

Miss claremont has got me on

Now that I'm a
professional model.

I mean, I should be
in the shower by now.

I have a zillion things to do,

And I have to be in bed by 8:00.

Well, excusé moi.

You just don't understand.

You really have to work hard

To get on the
cover of a magazine

Like seventeen.

I still have to file my
nails, tweeze my eyebrows,

And steam my pores.

Oh, wow! And while you're at it,

Soak your head!

That wasn't funny.

I found it amusing.

You know, since you
became this big time model,

You've also become a
big time pain in the fanny.

Yeah. You're always
hogging the bathroom.

Yesterday, I had to go so bad,

I almost had an accident.

Well, if mother nature called,

Why didn't you use the
bathroom downstairs?

Because mother
nature doesn't know

We got a john downstairs.

Oh, you guys are
just picking on me

'Cause you're
jealous of my career

And what lies ahead of me.

Well, if you keep bugging me,

I'm gonna kick
what's behind you.

You've got to stop
hogging the bathroom!

What's all this noise?

What's going on?

The big model is
always complaining

About something.

Well, here's a complaint
you haven't heard.

Daddy, could you please talk
to the boys about their stereo?

They wouldn't turn it down.

Then they had it blaring
at all hours of the night.

I couldn't sleep.

Sleep? It was only 8:00.

Well, why do you have
to go to sleep at 8:00?

Because miss claremont says
I should get my body adjusted

To the time difference
between here and paris.

Besides, I have to
get a lot of sleep.

I can't afford to get wrinkles.

What's wrong with wrinkles?

That's na... That's
nature's way of telling us

We're not dead yet.

If anyone cares, dinner's ready.

Thank you, adelaide.

Listen, guys, it won't hurt you.

Turn the stereo off at 8:00, ok?

Willis and arnold: aw, man.

Or I'll come in and turn
it off with a hammer.

Boy, this modeling job
sure has gone to her head.

Come on, willis. Don't be
too hard on your sister.

This trip to paris is
very important to her.

Isn't it, honey? Right.

It isn't easy being
famous and important.

I've never had any
trouble handling it.

[Doorbell rings]

I'll get it.

Bonjour, miss claremont.

Bonjour, arnold.
[Speaking french]

Uh, willis, you can
take over from here.

Miss claremont.
Come in, come in.

Thank you. Hello, kimberly.


You really started
something here.

It's been kind of a mad house.

Can I get you something?

No, thank you.

I just dropped by to see you.

Uh, I'm afraid I've
got some bad news.

Oh. Well, what's that?

Well, I don't really
know how to tell you this.

I know you've been
counting on it for a long time,

And I know that it's
important to all of you,

But you're not going to paris.

[Deep voice] what you
talkin' 'bout, miss claremont?

Well, I don't understand.

I don't, either. Why
won't she be going?

Well, this incredible
thing happened.

See, bambi burton
became available,

And she wanted to do the show,

So we have to let her do it.

What about the other 2 girls?

Dump one of them.

Oh, they've got more experience.

I'm afraid you've
got to be the one.

But it's just so unfair.

Honey, I know how you feel,

But that's life.

These things happen sometimes.

I'm sure this wasn't easy
for you to do, miss claremont.

It was very nice of
you to take the time

To come and tell us personally.

Yeah. Thanks for
coming over personally

To break kimberly's heart.

Oh, I'm really sorry.

I want to take kimberly,

But the budget only
allows for 3 girls.

Miss claremont,
I have a thought.

We were planning to be in
paris for kimberly anyway.

As long as she's there,

Why couldn't she model
for you at no cost to you?

What do you say, miss claremont?

I think that's a wonderful idea.

Well, I don't.

I'm not going to paris.

Say what?

I got this job on my own,

And I want to succeed on my own.

I don't want you
buying my way, daddy.

I'm not going to paris

No matter how
miserable it makes me.

She's not only
miserable, she's delirious.

Honey, why don't
you think about it?

I don't have to
think about it, daddy.

If I let you pay my way,

I'll never be my own person.

I'll always be philip
drummond's daughter.

Look, miss claremont, I've
still got my job at the store,

And... And I can model
on fridays, can't i?

You certainly can.

And next year when
we go to europe,

I'll make sure that
you go with us.

You've got a terrific
daughter here, mr. Drummond.

Well, the fruit doesn't
fall far from the tree.

I guess that makes
you a lemon, willis.

Bye, boys.

Bye-bye, miss claremont.

Thank you for coming.

Bye-bye, mr. Drummond.

Honey, you made
me so proud of you.

Oh, thanks, daddy.

And, guys, I guess I've been
a little hard to live with

This past week.

Nah. No, you haven't.

Yes, she has.

I guess I just got carried away,

And I'm sorry you won't be
getting that trip to paris.

No big deal.

Why don't we all go
and have some dinner?

And maybe we can get adelaide
to make us a french dish

That I know you all enjoy.

Oh, what's that, dad?

[French accent] zee french
fries with zee ketchup...

Followed by heartburn.

♪ Now, the world don't move ♪

♪ To the beat of just one drum ♪

♪ What might be right for you ♪

♪ May not be right for some ♪

♪ A man is born,
he's a man of means ♪

♪ Then along come two ♪

♪ They got nothin'
but their jeans ♪

♪ But they got
diff'rent strokes ♪

♪ It takes diff'rent strokes ♪

♪ It takes diff'rent strokes ♪

♪ To move the
world, yes, it does ♪

♪ It takes diff'rent strokes
to move the world, mmm ♪
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