04x08 - Health Club

Episode transcripts for the TV Show "Diff'rent Strokes". Aired: November 3, 1978 –; March 7, 1986.*
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Series follows Arnold and Willis Jackson, two African-American boys from Harlem taken in by a rich white Park Avenue businessman and widower, Phillip Drummond, for whom their deceased mother previously worked, and his daughter, Kimberly.
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04x08 - Health Club

Post by bunniefuu »

♪ To the beat of just one drum ♪

♪ What might be right for you ♪

♪ May not be right for some ♪

♪ A man is born ♪

♪ He's a man of means ♪

♪ Then along come two ♪

♪ They got nothin'
but their jeans ♪

♪ But they got
diff'rent strokes ♪

♪ It takes diff'rent strokes ♪

♪ It takes diff'rent strokes ♪

♪ To move the world ♪

♪ Everybody's got ♪

♪ A special kind of story ♪

♪ Everybody finds
a way to shine ♪

♪ It don't matter that you got ♪

♪ Not a lot... So what? ♪

♪ They'll have theirs ♪

♪ And you'll have yours ♪

♪ And I'll have mine ♪

♪ And together we'll be fine ♪

♪ 'Cause it takes
diff'rent strokes ♪

♪ To move the
world, yes, it does ♪

♪ It takes diff'rent
strokes to move the world ♪

81, 82... 83... Come on,
dad, just a few more.

You're almost up to 100, dad!

I feel even older.

What are you doing?

Gasping for breath.

No, I mean you usually
work out at your club.

We're getting him loosened
up for the big race today.

If he gets enough points,

He could win the
athlete of the year award.

That's nice. Well,
don't overdo it, dad.

Ha. Are you kidding? I
could keep this up for... Oh...

2 Or 3 more seconds.

But maybe not that much.

Oh... Whoo...

I'd really love
to win that award.

At my age, that would
be some achievement.

Just getting to be your
age is an achievement.

Hey, guys, you better get ready.

You're gonna be late for school.

You better get ready
too, mr. Drummond.

I don't go to school anymore.

I meant for work.

Don't you do that
anymore, either?

I'm gonna go into the office
a little late today, about 3:00.

Of course, I have to leave at
3:30 to go to the club for the race.

Why do you bother
to go in at all?

Well, I have to set
a good example.

Hey, adelaide,
wouldn't it be great

If dad won that athlete
of the year award?

Sure would.

It all depends on how dad
does in the mile run today.

Last year, dad took third place.

How many were in
the race, arnold?


I was in a race once
with 2 other people.

I came in fourth.

Hey, listen.

I'm in much better shape than
I was at this time last year.

You notice how I've
lost all that old flab?

That's right. Any
flab you see now

Is new flab.

Well, good luck, mr. Drummond.
And if you win that trophy,

I hope it comes
with an oxygen t*nk.

Oh, adelaide.

Listen, I won't be home
for dinner tonight.

They're gonna present the
award at the banquet at the club.

You know, dad,
you deserve to win.

You've really
worked hard for it.

You know, I think I've
really got a chance.

They give the award to the guy
that's shown the most improvement

Since last year.

Well, you sure improved.

That's right. I'm way ahead
of my last year's score

In chin-ups, sit-ups,
and push-ups.

That's great, 'cause you've
got more to push up this year.

I got a lot more energy,
too. More endurance.

And I feel a lot stronger.

Go ahead, feel my muscle.

Ok. Yeah.

I'd love to. Where is it?

Very funny!

Well, let me feel it, dad. Ok.


Hey, that's really hard,
like a day-old bagel.

Hey, you know what the
guys call me down at the club?

L & m. L & m?

Yeah. Lean and mean!

All right!

Gee, dad. I never thought
you'd grow up to be a jock.

Hey, maybe if I win that award,

They'll retire my support hose.

What a great bunch of guys.

You know, willis, I
really love that club.

How come you guys
never come down there?

Well, dad, there's a very good reason
why we've never been down there.

What is it?

You never invited us.

That is a very good reason.

I'll tell you what.
After school today,

Why don't you both come
down and have a workout?

Hey, that's great, dad.

Hey! I may never
be lean and mean,

But I can be spunky and chunky!

Kimberly, I'm sorry I
can't invite you, too,

But it's an all-men's
club, you know.

Only until the e.r.a. Is passed.

Listen, this is
going to be great.

I'll have you guys there to root
for me when I do that mile run.

Hey, it'd be
terrific if you win.

I don't even have to win.

If I can just show an improvement
over my time from last year,

I'll have a good
shot at that trophy.

Well, even if you don't
win that trophy, dad,

We can always have
arnold bronzed.

Man: see you later, fellas.

Hey, look at that, arnold.

Wouldn't it be terrific if
dad's face was in there?

Yeah. But they'd have to
make the ears a little bigger.

You guys want something?

Yeah. Which way is the
gym? Through there?

Yeah. Oh, thanks.

But you can't go in there.

Both: why not?

This is a private club
for members only.

Oh. We know that.
Our dad's a member.

We're entitled to
use the club facilities.

I hope that includes the
toilet, too, 'cause I gotta go.

Well, you're gonna have
to go someplace else.

Look, boys, don't
give me any trouble.

Hey, we're not trying
to give you any trouble.

I told you, this
is a private club.

Yeah, and we told you
our father is a member.

See, look.

There's his name...
Philip drummond.


You can read. Ok,
boys, game's over.

Beat it.

Why don't you let me
go look for my dad?

He'll tell you who we are.

I know who you are...

A couple of smart aleck
kids trying to crash the club.

Now, no kids allowed
in the club. That's a rule.

That's not what our dad said.

And whether you believe
it or not, he is our dad.

Yeah. You think we'd let some
stranger tuck us in every night?

No kids, huh?

What was that? A muppet?

Well, he's older than he looks.

I get the picture.

It's not our age...
It's our color.

You people are getting
to be so sensitive.

I bet we could get in here if we rolled
around in a bin of flour for a while.

Come on, arnold, man. Lets go.

We don't need the
house to fall on us.

I wouldn't mind
if one fell on him.

What about dad, willis?
He's waiting for us.

Yeah. He won't be waiting long

When he finds out what
kind of club he belongs to.

Yeah. I hope the
chimney falls on him, too.


Carl, would you take this
to the dining room, please?

Oh, and put it
behind the lectern.

Be more impressive if no one
sees it before the presentation.

Sure thing, mr. Indecott.

Everything going all right?

No problems, sir.

There were a couple of black
kids here a few minutes ago

But I got rid of 'em.

What did they want?

They wanted to use the gym,

And get this.

They said their
father was a member.

Heh. That'll be the day.

[Upbeat dance music playing]

Hi, guys. What are
you doing home?

I thought you were
going to dad's club.

We were. But the funniest thing
happened to us on the way in.

They showed us the way out.

What do you mean? What happened?

We clashed with
their color scheme.

You know that wonderful
club that dad's so proud of?

That great bunch of guys?

They're a great bunch of bigots.


Yeah. I bet the desk
clerk's so bigoted

He won't even play blackjack.

Willis, did they actually
tell you you couldn't go in

Because you're black?

No. They never have the
guts to say anything like that.

They make up some excuse.

You know, I should have given
that turkey a piece of my mind.

I should have given
him a piece of this.


And some of this.

Ha! Ha!

Right in the you-know-where.

Willis, I just
can't believe this.

Are you sure you couldn't
have misunderstood him?

No way.

This isn't the first time me and
arnold have experienced prejudice.

We've had it all our lives.

Yeah, we've been
black since birth.

I think that there's
some other explanation.

I know dad wouldn't even
belong to a club like that,

And I'm gonna
prove it to you guys.

Who are you calling?

I'm calling the club.

Do you know the name of
the man you guys spoke to?

No, but I can think of a few
names that would fit him.

Just ask for the head bigot.

Hello? Who's the
manager, please?

I'd like to speak with him.

Yes, mr. Indecott?

My employer mr. Willis jackson
is interested in joining your club.

Do you have any restrictions?

None, huh?

Well, that's good, because my
employer happens to be black.

How soon can he become a member?

2,000 And what?

Thanks a lot.

He says there's a big backlog.

Any questions?

I can't believe that in today's world
there's still that kind of prejudice.

It's shocking.

It ought to be illegal.

You know when dad
finds out about this

He's going to be very upset.


He's going to chew
nails and spit screws.

I feel just awful.

Dad really loves that club.

I'd hate to be the one
who'd have to tell him.

You don't have to.

What's a brother for?

Willis will do it.

Guess what!

I came in second! I did it!

I won!

I'm athlete of the year!

When mr. Indecott told
me, I couldn't believe it.

What a great guy!
What a great club!

Yeah. What a great club.


Can't wait to join.

Well, don't just stand there!

Your father is
athlete of the year!

Say something!

Well! Hey!

Hey, hey!

I just can't believe it.

Athlete of the year.

I'm the same guy...

Who used to bounce you on
his knee and get a charlie horse.

Well, come on, g*ng,
tell me how terrific I am.

You're doing a pretty
good job of it by yourself.

Hey, dad, it's terrific,

But listen, there's
something I gotta tell you.

You see, it's just
that... It's just that...

Well, we were all wondering
where your trophy is.

Oh, they're gonna present
that tonight at the banquet

At the club.

But dad, what I
wanted to say was...

Daddy, what we were
all really trying to say

Is that we really
are very proud of you.


Right, arnold?


Right, willis?

Right, dad.

You're the greatest.

Hey, listen, I want you kids
with me at that banquet tonight.

[Laughing] those crazy guys...

They made up a song in my
honor. You want to hear it?

Well, I'll sing it
for you anyway.

♪ For he's a jolly
good athlete ♪

♪ For he's a jolly
good athlete ♪

♪ For he's a jolly
good athlete ♪

♪ In spite of his
varicose veins ♪


Isn't that terrible?

I'm going upstairs
and rest for a while.

Now look, if I rest too long,

Come up and wake
me up, will you?

Oh, oh, by the way...

How come you guys didn't
show up at the club today?

We had homework.
They missed the bus.

Uh, they mean we missed our
homework 'cause we left it on the bus.

Now, look, you don't
have to make up excuses.

If you were too busy
to come, that's ok.

I was kind of disappointed,
but the main thing is I won!

And you will all be there
tonight to see me get my award.

Sure, dad.

♪ For he's a jolly
good athlete ♪

♪ For he's a jolly
good athlete ♪

Why did you stop
me from telling him?

He's got a right to know
what goes on in his club.

Well, of course he does, willis,

But at least we can wait
until after he gets his award.

He's so proud of that trophy.

Well, we can tell him tomorrow.

You think some dumb
trophy is more important

Than getting this
thing out into the open.

He's got a good point, kimberly.

Willis, it's not a
dumb trophy to dad.

He's worked very, very
hard for that trophy.

She's got a good point, willis.


How can you take both
sides of a question?

I may go into politics one day.

Come on, willis. Out of
respect for dad's feelings,

Can you just keep a
lid on it for one night?

Yeah. Let's be considerate.

Instead of ruining
his life tonight,

Let's ruin it tomorrow.

All right, I'll wait.

Thanks, willis.

But I'm not going to
that dinner tonight.

What you talkin' about, willis?

Forget it. I'm not going.

Willis, you've got to go.

I'm not going to a dinner
given by a bunch of bigots.

I'll probably get indigestion.

Willis, just 'cause
they're bigots

Doesn't mean they can't cook.

Arnold, how come you don't
understand what I'm talking about?

At least kimberly has an excuse.

She's white.

Oh, great.

I'm white, so I'm a dummy?

Kimberly's right. Her color has
nothing to do with her being a dummy.

Great. Now you're
insulting me, too.

I'm sorry. I didn't
mean it that way.

Look, willis, I feel just as bad
about this as you do. Honest.

No, you don't.

Then you wouldn't want
me to go to this dinner.

Willis, I don't want
you to go for my sake.

It's just that it
means so much to dad.

They probably won't
let me and arnold in.

Please, willis. For dad?

All right, I'll go.

But don't expect me
to smile and look happy.

I can't pretend.

Sure you can, willis. Look.

See? Now is that happy?

And inside, I'm miserable.

There he is, the
man of the hour.

phil. I thank you.

Where are you going
to put the trophy, phil?

Oh, I'll find someplace

Like maybe on a
chain around my neck.

Hey, that's him, the
jerk who threw us out.

Whoa, willis, just keep cool.

He'll probably try and
burn a cross at our table.

Oh by the way, I'd like
you to meet my family.

This is my daughter
kimberly. These are my sons,

Willis and arnold.

Carl, meet my children.

Hi there!


How you doin'? Hi.

Get to know my sons, carl.

They're gonna be around
here a lot from now on.

Oh, that's...

[Chuckling] just dandy.

Uh... Excuse me.

[People chattering quietly]

Mr. Indecott, could I speak
to you for a moment, please?

Something wrong, carl?
You seem a little nervous.

I'm afraid I made a little goof.

Anyone can make a mistake.
What are those 2 doing here?

That's what I was
trying to tell you.

Those are the 2 kids I
threw out this afternoon.

Turns out they're
phil drummond's kids.

You're joking.

Do I ever joke?

No. You have no sense of humor.

Did drummond raise a fuss?

No. Apparently they didn't
tell him what happened.

Good. Let's make
sure we sit on it, too.

There's the athlete of the year!

Congratulations, phil.

You really deserve that award.

Thank you, george.

And who's this handsome group?

Well, I'd like you to
meet my family, george.

My daughter kimberly,
my sons willis and arnold.

This is mr. Indecott,
the manager of our club.


Hey. Hi.

I haven't seen you
boys around the club.

I'll tell you why you haven't
seen us around the club.


It's because he hurt his leg.

Oh, really? When did
that happen, willis?

Very recently.

Well, if you'll excuse me,

I'll go get things
rolling, phil.

Good idea.

People are getting hungry.

They're starting to
put salt on their fingers.

[Ding ding ding ding ding]

Attention, please.

[Ding ding ding ding ding]

May I have your attention?

Thank you.

I guess you all know
why we came here tonight.

Heh. We came here to
have a free meal. [Chuckles]

And now that we've had
it, you can see why it's free.


But seriously, folks.

We're here to honor the
riverside athletic club

Athlete of the
year, phil drummond.

So without further ado,

I just want to say, phil,
it gives me great pleasure

To present this trophy
to a great club member

And a great sport.

Well, come on up and get it!

Thank you, george.


I want to thank you fellas
for the trophy and the hernia.


I know you don't want to
listen to a long boring speech.

So I'll give you a
short boring speech.

I want to thank
everybody and just say...

That I never could have done
it if it wasn't for the support

Of my family sitting right
over there. Thank you, g*ng.

That's ok, dad.
You're the greatest.

Thanks, arnold. When I grow up,

I hope I'll be exactly like you.

What a nice thing to say.

Remember that when I ask
for a raise in my allowance.

Is there anything nicer than
praise from your own family?

Let's here the other kids, phil.

Well, I guess you're all finding
out what I've always known.

My father's terrific.

Ah, thank you, dear.

Willis, I bet you can top that.

Come on, willis, wouldn't
you like to say something?


I guess there is something
I'd like to say all right.

There goes his bad leg again.


I'll just say it again.

You're the greatest, dad.


Very nice, willis.

Repetitive, but nice.

So I really did want all of you
folks to meet my all of my family

Because I really
am proud of them.

Well, I don't want to
wear out my welcome here

So I'll sign off now.

Thanks for coming out
to honor me tonight,

And I just want to say

That my muscles will be on
display all week in the lobby.

Thanks, phil. You're
a credit to this club...

A club that represents the
spirit of tough competition,

Good sportsmanship,
and fair play...

The same spirit that makes
this country what it is.

And I'm proud to say that
the riverside athletic club

Represents all that's
the best in america.

You mean white america.

[Guests murmuring quietly]


Uh, what my brother
meant, folks, was...

White, red, and blue america!

No, I didn't.

Anybody want to see
my bird impressions?

Caw! Caw! Caw! Caw!

Dad, I'm sorry. I didn't
want to ruin your evening,

But I just can't swallow
what this guy is dishing out.

What are you
talking about, willis?

Well, that guy
over there, carl...

He kicked me and arnold
out the club today.


That's right. He treated
us like a couple of dogs

That made a puddle on the rug.

That's why we didn't get
to see you run your race.

Carl, is that true?

Look, phil, I didn't know
they were your kids.

I mean, I thought...

You thought what?

Uh... I was just following
mr. Indecott's instructions.

Thank you, carl.


Well, I am sorry,

But if we had known
they were your kids,

We certainly would
have made an exception.

An exception? To what rule?

Yes. What rule, george?

Are you telling us that we belong
to a restricted club here, george?


When did that policy start?

Well, it's kind of
an unwritten policy

Reflecting the feelings of
the membership committee.

Who's on that committee?

Ronnie, you're on
that committee.

Did you know about that?

You, too.

George, I'm shocked.

And I'm angry at myself for not keeping up
with what happens in the club I belong to.

Well, folks,

Obviously this wasn't planned.

I suppose when a guy gets
hit by a surprise like this

He has 2 choices.

Either to walk away...

Or to stay and fight.

And I'm sure my family will
agree with me when I tell you

That I intend to stay and fight.

All right! Way to go, dad!

Right on, dad! Tell 'em! Yeah.


There are going to be some
changes around this club,

Both in policy and in personnel,

And very soon.

All: hear, hear!

You will have a fight
on your hands, phil.

Good. I'm in great shape for it.

Anybody else want to leave?

We'll wait.

All right, fine.

Now we can all really
enjoy the rest of this evening.

I'm sorry, dad.

I didn't want to
ruin your evening.

But I just couldn't
hold it in any longer.

You haven't ruined it. You
did the right thing, willis.

Now we've got this
thing out in the open.

Now we can deal
with this... This racism.

You know, daddy, the next thing we've
got to deal with around here is sexism.


Daddy, do you realize that there's
not one female member in your club?

You just wait until the national
organization for women hears about this.

Why, you could be boycotted...

Or worse! Girlcotted.

Well, I wouldn't have any objection
to having women in the club.

Well, if you do, you're not
getting me down here to work out.

Why not, arnold?

I don't want no woman
to see me in my bare butt.

♪ Now, the world don't move ♪

♪ To the beat of just one drum ♪

♪ What might be right for you ♪

♪ May not be right for some ♪

♪ A man is born ♪

♪ He's a man of means ♪

♪ Then along come two ♪

♪ They got nothin'
but their jeans ♪

♪ But they got
diff'rent strokes ♪

♪ It takes diff'rent strokes ♪

♪ It takes diff'rent strokes ♪

♪ To move the
world, yes, it does ♪

♪ It takes diff'rent
strokes to move the world ♪
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