04x12 - Dreams

Episode transcripts for the TV Show "Diff'rent Strokes". Aired: November 3, 1978 –; March 7, 1986.*
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Series follows Arnold and Willis Jackson, two African-American boys from Harlem taken in by a rich white Park Avenue businessman and widower, Phillip Drummond, for whom their deceased mother previously worked, and his daughter, Kimberly.
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04x12 - Dreams

Post by bunniefuu »

♪ Now, the world don't move ♪

♪ To the beat of just one drum ♪

♪ What might be right for you ♪

♪ May not be right for some ♪

♪ A man is born ♪

♪ He's a man of means ♪

♪ Then along come two ♪

♪ They got nothin'
but their jeans ♪

♪ But they got
diff'rent strokes ♪

♪ It takes diff'rent strokes ♪

♪ It takes diff'rent strokes ♪

♪ To move the world ♪

♪ Everybody's got ♪

♪ A special kind of story ♪

♪ Everybody finds
a way to shine ♪

♪ It don't matter that you got ♪

♪ Not a lot... So what? ♪

♪ They'll have theirs,
and you'll have yours ♪

♪ And I'll have mine ♪

♪ And together we'll be fine ♪

♪ 'Cause it takes
diff'rent strokes ♪

♪ To move the
world, yes, it does ♪

♪ It takes diff'rent strokes
to move the world ♪♪

Ok, pretend you got a bite.

Now start reeling me in.

I want to catch a
fish, not a turkey.

Hey, guys, the
bathroom's up for grabs.

Kimberly, what are you gonna do

While we're on that
fishing trip with dad?

I'm gonna have some of my
girlfriends over for a pajama party.

Hey, that's great.

After I catch a few fish,

Maybe I'll come
back and catch a fox.


Am I interrupting anything?

No, I was just showing
arnold how to fish.

Oh, yeah.

Well, uh, listen, guys...

I'm afraid there's
a little problem

With our fishing
trip this weekend.

What kind of problem?

Well, something came
up that I didn't expect,

And I'm afraid I
gotta call it off.

Run that by me again.

I'm really sorry, guys.

Oh, what a shame.

What came up?

I gotta go to canada.

See, our company owns
a big lumber mill up there

Where there's a problem,

And I gotta go up and solve it.

Isn't there somebody
up there who's in charge?

Yep. He's the problem.

What problem can you have
with lumber outside of splinters?

Well, you can have a
manager with a wooden head.

He's got big labor
troubles up there,

And he just can't handle it.

Can't you delay it, daddy?

Oh, no way, honey.
This is urgent.

Oh, I'm sorry, guys.

Look, if it's any
consolation at all,

You can come to my pajama party.

That's no fun.

All you girls do is giggle
and compare bra sizes.

Boy, dad, I was really looking
forward to going fishing.

I been going to the park all
week and playing with worms

Just to get used to them.

Maybe we can go
to canada with you.

There's great fishing up there.

Hey, yeah.

I could just see myself now,

Hauling in a big 20-pound trout.

Unless he hauls me in first.

Listen, I'd like nothing better

Than be able to take
you guys with me,

But I'm afraid I
just can't do it.

After I get to vancouver,

I have to fly to a
number of places

Way out in the wilderness

In one of those puddle-jumper,

Single-engine airplanes.

Believe me, it's
gonna be a rough trip.

The pilot doubles as a priest.

Well, I guess you'd
take us if you could, dad.

We'll go when you get back.

Sure. The fish
will still be there.

Yeah, but I never figured
the big one that got away

Would be you.


No, no!

Leave me alone!


Help! Help!

Oh, no! Get away!


Don't you come near me!

Aah! Aah! Help!

Willis: wake up, arnold.

Arnold, are you all right?

Hey, what's going on in here?

Arnold had a bad dream.

You mean, I was dreaming?

And I'm still alive?

Yes, arnold, and the
whole building knows it.

That's all right.

It's ok.

What were you
dreaming about, arnold?

It was awful.

It was terrible.

It was horrible!

Well, what was it about?

I can't remember.

And I'd like to
keep it that way.

Well, now don't worry about it.

It was probably
something you ate at dinner

That disagreed with you.

I didn't eat that much, dad.

Only the spaghetti
and meatballs we had,

And then some dessert.

Arnold, we didn't have
any dessert tonight.

I did.

A chili dog.

Listen, after eating all that,

Even mean joe green
would have a nightmare.

Ok, son, here we
go, back to sleep.

You're gonna be fine.

Oh, no. No, I won't.

Whatever was in that
dream will be waiting for me.

No, it won't.

Come on, relax.

Here we go.

Just shut your eyes,

And you'll go right to sleep.

You'll see.

Ok, dad. I'll try.

Good night.

Good night, arnold.

Good night, dad.
Good night, kimberly.


Would it bother you
if I whistled all night?

Yes, it would.

How do you feel about humming?

Forget it!


No! No!

Get away!


Get away from me! Help!


Not again.

No! Help!

Arnold, wake up.

Another bad nightmare.

Dad. Dad.

Ok, easy does it.

Take it easy.

All right.

What's the matter? Did
he have another one?

Yes, he did.

It was awful!

It was terrible!

It was horrible!

That sounds like a rerun
of the dream you had before.

It was. But this
time I remember it.

I was trying to get
away from the oogies.

The who?

The oogies.

I was chasing a rabbit,

And they were chasing me.

Arnold, what's an oogie?

They're kind of
hard to describe.

Imagine the biggest, ugliest,
hairiest, slimiest monster

You can think of.


Well, next to an oogie,

That monster's a sissy.

They sound like
bad dudes, all right.

A whole g*ng of
them were chasing me

Across this frozen lake.

Well, why were they chasing you?

They were trying to eat me.

I don't know why.

All I'd make is an
hors d'oeuvre.

Gee, daddy, what does
a dream like that mean?

I don't know.

Well, I know what it means.

It means I'm never
closing my eyes again.

You know, dad, I read

If you can figure out
what a dream means,

You'll stop having it.

Well, it's true

That understanding our
fears helps us to conquer them.

For example, when
I was in college,

I was very worried about
an important math exam

That I had coming up.

The night before the exam,

I had a terrible nightmare.

I dreamed that I
was being tortured

By a big bunch of huge numbers.

It was awful. And
in the morning,

I figured out what it meant.

You see, the numbers
stood for grades

And my fear of flunking.

Once I knew that, I
was able to relax.

Well, how'd you do on the exam?

I flunked, but in a
very relaxed way.

Well, what about my dream?

What did those oogies stand for?

I don't know. When
I was in college,

I didn't take
oogie. I took freud.

What's a freud?

That's sigmund freud, arnold.

He's considered the
father of psychiatry.

Yeah, he's the one that said
everything's related to sex.

Sex? What do the oogies
have to do with that?

Although now that I think of it,

One of them was
a cute little mama.

Even though she had three eyes.

Arnold, it sounds to me

As if you're feeling
better already.

How about getting
back to sleep, all right?

Ok. But as long as I'm up,

I might as well go to the john.


Don't you two think
it's kind of a coincidence

That he started
having these nightmares

Right after I canceled
the fishing trip?

I wonder if he isn't trying
to get some attention.

You know, I think you
might be right, dad.


Wow, that was fast.

False alarm.

When you're nervous,
nothing works.

Well, I'll be flying
to vancouver

First thing in the morning.

I should be at the
mill at campbell river

In the late afternoon.

Good. I'll see you there.


I sure hate to leave while arnold
is still having those nightmares.

Well, the one he had last night

Wasn't as bad as the
one the night before.

When the oogies went to eat him,

He didn't taste good,
so they spit him out.

Yeah, he's been
feeling a lot better

Since he's been sleeping
with a baseball bat.

Darn it, I wish I could
put off this trip.

He's had this terrible
dream for 3 nights now.

It's interfering with his sleep.

It's hurting his schoolwork.

He's even lost his appetite.

That's like ronald
reagan losing his hair.

Mr. Drummond: hi, arnold.

How'd it go today?

Pretty good. Until I
fell asleep in class

During a book report.

Did anyone notice?

Everybody. I was the
one giving the report.

Ok, arnold. That does it.

We're gonna have to do something

To help you get rid
of those bad dreams.

I'll do anything, dad.

One more night
with those oogies,

And I'll be at the funny
farm sucking eggs.

I think a little
professional help

Would be a good idea, arnold.

What do you mean,
professional help?

I think he means you
should see a psychiatrist.

What you talkin' about, willis?

As a matter of fact,
what I was thinking about

Was that nice woman
that helped us once before

When we had a little family
problem. Do you remember?

Oh, yeah, dr. Tucker,
that psychologist.

She was really helpful.

What do I need a shrink for?

You think I've freaked out?

Arnold, dad's not saying

You got a leak in
your think t*nk.

No, of course not, son.

Then what are you saying, dad?

I'm merely saying that she's
more capable than we are

Of helping you figure out why
you're having those bad dreams.

Look, why don't I just
give her a little call

And see if she'll
have a talk with us?

That's a good idea. What
have you got to lose?

Nothing except my mind.

Dad, is there something
really wrong with me?

Oh, no, nothing at all, arnold.

There's nothing to be afraid of.

Remember how well it went
when she helped us before?

Well, yeah, but then we
were all crazy together.

This time I'd be the only
nut on the fruitcake.

Hello. May I speak
to dr. Tucker, please?

Philip drummond calling.

Well, that's really the
whole story, dr. Tucker.

Arnold's nightmares started

Right after I had to cancel
our plans for a fishing trip.

Maybe that's got
something to do with it.

Well, I'd like to talk to arnold

And see if we can
get to the root of it.

I really do appreciate
your coming to the house.

Well, sometimes an office
can be intimidating to a child.

Incidentally, if you want to
charge extra for the inconvenience,

Please don't hesitate.

Oh, well, the bill's
already in the mail.

I see you didn't hesitate.

I'll call arnold.

Arnold! Arnold?

Will you come down here, please?

Arnold, I'm sure you
remember dr. Tucker, don't you?

Yeah. Hi.

Hi, arnold.

Now I'm gonna
leave you two alone.

Don't leave on my account.

I won't be far away.

Well, arnold, it's really
nice to see you again. Sit down.

Shouldn't I lie down? That's how
the shrinks do it on television.

You can do whatever
makes you most comfortable.

In that case, I'll
go back to my room.

Oh, arnold, there's
nothing to be afraid of.

We're just gonna talk, ok?


Tell me, arnold...

Aren't you supposed
to sit behind

With a pad and pencil and a
box of kleenex in case I cry?

Well, arnold,
you're not gonna cry.

No. But I might want
to blow my nose.

Look, first, why
don't we do something

That's a little more
fun than just talking,

Like playing a game?

But first aren't you supposed
to ask me about my childhood?

Like am I weird because
when I was born

The doctor slapped
me on the wrong end?

Well, we can get to that later.

Right now, I want you
to look at these pictures.

What are they?

Well, these are
called ink blots.

Whoever made them
sure was sloppy.

Arnold, I want you to
look at them one at a time

And tell me what
they remind you of.

Now, how about this one?

What's the first thing
that comes to your mind?

A hamburger.

It reminds you of a hamburger?

I haven't had lunch.

When I'm hungry, everything
reminds me of a hamburger.

Well, let's try another one.

Now, what does this
ink blot remind you of?

Well, it kind of looks
like my sister kimberly.

But it's the wrong color.

Well, what about this one?

This looks like an oogie.

I beg your pardon?

An oogie! Didn't my dad
tell you about my dreams?

I was chasing a rabbit, and
the oogies were chasing me.

No. He just said you were
having some bad dreams.

Uh, tell me some more
about these oogies, arnold.

Ok. But maybe you
better lie down, too.

Well, I think that's
all for now, arnold.

How'd I do on those ink blots?

Did I get a good score?

Well, we don't give
grades on this test.

It's to evaluate your emotions.

See, your answers tell me a
lot about your inner feelings.

You mean, like my sex life?

Well, that sort of thing, yeah.

Well, you'll be disappointed.

I'm only 10.

I'll take that into account.

At any rate,

I learned a lot of interesting
things about you, arnold.

For example, how
unhappy you were

When your father had to
cancel your fishing trip.

Yeah. But I'm not
unhappy anymore.

Dad promised to take
us fishing if he gets back.

What do you mean,
if he gets back?

Did I say "if"?

I meant when he gets back.

Arnold, are you
worried about this trip

Your father's going to take?

Why should I be worried?

Well, I don't know.

But we can talk
about it another time.

I'm afraid our hour is up.

No, it isn't. We've
still got 10 minutes.

Oh. An hour of therapy
is only 50 minutes.

And my dad still has
to pay a full price?

We got a strong union.

Arnold, would you get
your father for me, please?


Thank you.

Hey, dad!


Dad, she shortchanged
us 10 minutes.

Thanks, arnold.

Well, how are we
doing, dr. Tucker?

Just fine.

Have you come to
any conclusions?

Yes, I have.

Arnold's worried about you.

Me? Why?

This trip you're going to take,

Is there any sort
of danger in it?

No. Well, I'll be doing a lot
of flying in small aircraft.

I'm not too thrilled about that.

Did you tell arnold that?

I think I did.

Well, that would
explain his anxiety.

The fear of losing a parent is
fairly common in young children.

Arnold's fear is intensified

Because he's already
lost 2 parents.

And now he's
afraid of losing you.

So that's it!

Oh, the poor kid.
He must be terrified.

Well, did you
discuss this with him?

No. I think it would
be more productive

If he could be made to
understand this by himself.

Is there anything I can do
to help with the problem

Until I leave?

Anything you can do to reassure
arnold, to re-enforce the...

I'm gonna do what dad says,

But how much nicer
can I be to arnold?

I'm always nice to him.

Not always. Remember last week

When you two were wrestling,

And he was screaming 'cause
you had your knee in his stomach?

Yeah. Because he had
my nose in his teeth.

Anyway, I was only trying to
show him how to protect himself.

Sure. From people like you.

Well, you should talk.

You could be a lot
nicer to him yourself.

Ha ha! Me?

What have I ever done
to that sweet little boy?

Well, for one thing, you
ratted on him last week

And dad grounded him.

And he deserved it.

You know what he did?

He took my lipstick and
scribbled all over my mirror,

"Kimberly shaves her armpits."

Hey, bro!

Hello, arnold.

We was just talking about you.

Whatever it is, I didn't do it.

No, no, no, no. We
were just wondering

If you'd like to go to a
movie with us tonight.

No. You always want to
go to them kissy movies.

We will go to any movie you say.

How about a nice monster movie?

No, thanks. I can go to
sleep and see monsters.


I'm sorry, arnold.

Anyway, I don't have any money.

Hey, it's our treat.

And pizza afterwards.
Any kind you want.

Why are you two
being so nice to me?

Because we love you.

And you're a
beautiful human being.

I'm the same
beautiful human being

You tried to tie into a
square knot last week.

Sorry about that, pal.

Willis only wanted to
be close to you, arnold.


I'll tell you what.

I'll take you to the basketball
game tomorrow night.

I thought you had a
date with charlene.

Hey, that's right.

So I'll cancel it.

My little brother comes first.

You're gonna take me
out instead of charlene?

The girl who makes you
drool all over your shoes?

You heard it here, bro.

Do you see how much
your big brother loves you?

Willis... Tell me something.

Can I sleep in the bottom
bunk from now on?

No sweat, arnold.

Kimberly, can I read
your diary any time I want?

Sure. But of course, arnold.

Now I know what
dr. Tucker told dad.

She said I'm going
crazy, wacko, bananas!


You're just being nice to me

Before they come
and take me away.

Dad! Dad!

What's the matter, arnold?

Dad, I'm too young
for a straitjacket.

Don't let them take
me to the rubber room.


What did you two say to him?

We only did what
you said to, daddy.

Tried to be sweet.

Maybe we oversweetened him.

What did dr. Tucker say, dad?

Are they gonna wrap
me up in wet sheets?

No, arnold. Just calm down.

All dr. Tucker said was
that you're having bad dreams

Because I'm going
to be going away.

What does that
got to do with it?

Well, you already lost
your mama and your papa,

And maybe you're a little afraid

That something will
happen to me, too,

On my trip.


Then my dreams are about you?

That's right.

But you don't
look like an oogie.

I'm not. I'm the rabbit.

You mean you're the rabbit

Arnold's been
chasing in his dream?

That's right.

And the oogies
represent the danger

He thinks I'll be in on my trip.

And good old arnold
was trying to catch me

To protect me.

I appreciate that, son.

Dad, I'd fight every oogie
in dreamland for you.

I know you would.

Well, arnold, now that
you understand your dream,

How do you feel?

I feel great.

Thanks, dad. What a relief.

Good. Well, listen,

I'm gonna call you
every night while I'm away.

You mean you're still going?

B-but, dad, you won't come back.

Arnold, you just
told me you feel great.

I do. About the dream. Not you.

If you go away, me and
willis will be orphans again.

No, you won't, arnold.

Yes, I will.

And I don't want
to be no orphan.


Gosh, daddy, he's
worse than before.

What are you gonna do, dad?

Well, I certainly
can't leave him like this.

I'll have to cancel my trip.

I'll go and call the office.

Hey, arnold, take it easy.

Nothing's gonna happen to dad.

Yes, it will.

No, it won't.

Because he's canceling his trip.

He is?

That's great.

Now do you feel better?

No, because now
he'll be mad at me.

Oh, arnold, nobody's
gonna be mad at you.

Listen, we all know what
you're going through.

Especially me.

What do you mean?

You were just a little
kid when papa died.

And I was so afraid something
would happen to mama, too,

That I didn't even want her
to go out to go to work.

Well, how long did
she stay at home?

She didn't. Because I never
told her how afraid I was.

Why not?

Arnold, she had to make
a living to take care of us.

Life has to go on.

Well, I don't want it
to go on without dad.

You can't worry about all the
terrible things that can happen to you.

It's a part of life.

And you've got to be
man enough to face it.

You can't stop dad from living.


Willis, did you tell arnold

That I canceled the trip?

Yep, I did, dad.

Hey, guys, you know
what we're gonna do?

We are going to go on
that fishing trip as planned.

Isn't that great?

Yeah, that's
terrific, huh, arnold?

No, it isn't.

Dad, I can't go fishing.

You're gonna be in canada.

Say what?

Willis made me
understand some things.

I really want you to go.

You want me to go?
Are you sure, son?


I'm man enough to handle it.

What in the world
did you say to him?

We just rapped a little.

Well, I could've saved 100 bucks
talking to you instead of dr. Tucker.

I better go cancel
my cancellation

Before they cancel me.

Arnold, I'm proud of you.

I'm proud of you, too, arnold.

I'm sure you can handle it.

I wish I was that sure.

But I'm gonna try.

But, willis, until
dad gets back,

Can I sleep with you?

Sure, arnold, but what for?

Well, if I have
another bad dream,

Your snoring will
blow the oogies away.

♪ Now, the world don't move ♪

♪ To the beat of just one drum ♪

♪ What might be right for you ♪

♪ May not be right for some ♪

♪ A man is born,
he's a man of means ♪

♪ Then along come two ♪

♪ They got nothin'
but their jeans ♪

♪ But they got
diff'rent strokes ♪

♪ It takes diff'rent strokes ♪

♪ It takes diff'rent strokes ♪

♪ To move the
world, yes, it does ♪

♪ It takes diff'rent strokes
to move the world, mmm ♪
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