03x03 - Betty Goes to College

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Father Knows Best". Aired: October 3, 1954 - May 23, 1960.*
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The series, which began on radio in 1949, follows the lives of the Andersons, a middle-class family living in the town of Springfield.
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03x03 - Betty Goes to College

Post by bunniefuu »

♪ ♪

Narrator: robert young...

And jane wyatt.


With elinor donahue, billy
gray, and lauren chapin...

In father knows best.

[Sighs] well, all I can say

Is that I sure envy you.

As a matter of fact,
almost all the kids do.

Oh, why should they?

Well, I don't know it.

Well, it's just that when you
think of going to college, why,

You should go away.

Oh, not stay here and go
to little old springfield j.c.

Well, it's not absolutely
set that I'm going to stay.

It's just, uh, a mid-summer

Looking over the
campus trip, actually.

Oh, you'll be a fool not to go.

Your folks want
you to go, don't they?

Want me to? [Chuckles]

I think two days
after I was born,

Father wanted to rush up
there and enroll me right now.

Oh, you're lucky that
you have a father like that.

You know what my father said

When I casually mentioned
me going to state this fall?

"State," he says,

"I should lay out all that
dough for a four-year low?

Big joke, you see."

Then he says,

"You can waste just as
much time staying right here,

And going to springfield
j.c. For nothing."

[Laughing] betty, hurry up.

Oh, coming.

My father would die
if I didn't go to state.

He went there.
Mother went there.

So now it's a big fat tradition.

You know, I kinda
like the idea myself.

Betty! Coming.

Well, let's go. Let's go.

[Hurried footsteps]

[Canned laughter]

You sound like you're going
to college instead of betty.

No. I just know how
anxious betty is to get there

And look things over.

And, of course, I'll be glad
to see dean walton again.

But why do I have to go?

Because we're all going.

Besides, you'll wanna
look the place over too.

Three years, you'll be
enrolling there yourself.

Do I have to go there?

I was sort of thinking
about engineering school.

Well, you don't
have to go anywhere.

I'd be the last
person in the world

To force you to go to
any particular college.

It's entirely up to
you and to betty.

You're free to choose
any college you want.

Come on, betty, your mother
and kathy are waiting in the car.

We can choose any college
we want as long as it's state.

Well, take care and have fun.

When will you be back?

Oh, we'll be back tonight. Okay.

The main thing we're gonna do
is visit this wonderful old dean

Who practically guided both
mother and father through college.

They wrote him a long
letter all about me.

Oh, gee, you're lucky.

Yeah, I know I am.

But, you know, I'm gonna
miss all you characters.

Oh, look, don't be silly.

Think about what
you'll be gaining.

[Car honking] uh-oh,
there's father,

Old collegiate
ambrose raring to go.

I'll tell you all about it
when I get back tonight.

Call me. Bye. Uh-huh. Bye-bye.

[Doorknob clicks]
[canned laughter]

[Classical music]

♪ ♪

[Birds twittering]

♪ ♪


♪ ♪



Boy, who has to
mow all this lawn?

Bud, this is no time
to be practical.

Look around,
enjoy it, inhale it.

It's a pretty
fair-looking campus, huh?

Gee, it is nice.

Oh, wait till you
see it in the spring.

In april, it's... Uh, well,
you'll go out of your mind.

Well, that won't be a
new experience for her.

There's some cherry
trees right over...

Well, you can't quite
see them from here,

But when they're in bloom... Mm.

When they're in bloom,
you're gonna have an awfully

Hard time concentrating in
your english poetry class.

The classroom looks
out right over those trees!

Well, maybe I won't
take english poetry.

Oh, you have to take that.

Oh, yes, you have to take
that, it's a wonderful course.

It's one of dean
walton's classes.

We both took it. You'll love it.

[Laughs] well,
that settles that.

Daddy? Yeah?

Can I run around?

I'm getting bored
just standing here.

No, I don't want you
to get your dress dirty

Before we meet dean walton.

Yes, let's be moving. Oh, wait.

While we're in here, let's
take a peek at old joyce hall.

Come on.

Isn't it beautiful?

Betty here's where you'll
study ancient greek civilization.

Am I taking that, too?

Oh, you wouldn't wanna miss it.

Oh, who did you have on
that course, mcgovern?

No, he'd left by the
time I took the course.

I had [ph] professor palazzi.

Oh, sure, old palazzi.
Oh, he's gone too.

In fact, I think,

Dean walton is the only one
of the old guard left around.

[Chuckles] oh, betty, wait.

I want you to see yourself
in a couple of months.

Honey, sit down there a minute.



Now there you are, betty,

Sitting there in the warm
sun, swinging your leg,

Pretending to be
studying a book.

That's where I first
saw your mother.

But you hardly looked at me.

I didn't dare to.

With such a lovely sight, I
was afraid it would vanish.

[Chuckles] oh, sure.

Dad? That's the truth.

Dad? Yes?

Let's go see the
football stadium.

This is getting
kind of sickening.

[Canned laughter] you
can see that later.

Betty wants to go in and
see her classroom right now.

Come on.

[Dramatic music]

♪ ♪

No one here. Come on in.



[Laughs] oh.

Looks kind of beat-up to me.

Classrooms at springfield
high are better than this.

Much, much newer.

Bud, newness doesn't
make a college.

It takes a lot of
mellowing to make a college

What it should be.

It has to mellow with age

And, uh, with tradition
and... And, uh, wisdom.

What if it gets so
mellow, it falls down?

[Chuckles] it won't.


Betty, sit down there.
I wanna look at you.

Uh, father, you've
seen me before.

But not in this setting.


Daddy, let's go.

Oh, wait a minute, kitten.

Show me the place
where the kids bop

And drink sodas all day.

Bop all day? There's
no place like that here.

Well, all the colleges
you see in movies have 'em.

Oh, this isn't a movie
college, this is a real one.


Ah, sit down there,
betty, try it on for size.


Well, there you are, honey.

That's you all over again.

It doesn't seem possible
this time has arrived.

Well, we've looked forward
to this day for so long,

I... I can't believe
it's actually here.

But here it is.

Our own little girl,

All grown up, going to
the same school we did.

Walking down the same paths,
sitting in the same classroom,

Taking the same courses,
doing all the things we did.

[Breathes heavily] what a day.

Oh, what a guff.

Come on, dad, let's go.

Yeah, let's go get a soda.

That's what I want,
an ice cream soda.


Look, kids, can't you
let betty enjoy this?

Here it is, the biggest
event in her life,

And you're spoiling it.

But don't rush her.

She wants time to look
things over carefully.

Get the feel of it.

In a few years, you'll
be just as anxious

To absorb all of
this as she is now.

So don't rush her.

I think I can tear myself away.

Let's go.

Okay, on to dean
walton's. [Chuckles]

Oh, you'll just
love dean walton.

Oh, wait a minute.

As long as we're
in the vicinity,

We ought to take a quick
look at the auditorium.

I know betty's
dying to see that.

Oh, yes, that's a
wonderful place.

Or at least, it seems so to
us. We put on plays there.

Betty will love it. Come on.

[Happy music]

♪ ♪

And just look at this
fine presidium arch.

It's just beautiful as you'll
see in any auditorium anywhere.

What is he trying to
do, sell her the building?

The way he's got it built up,
who could afford to buy it?

You know, betty...
In the next few years

When you step out on this
stage to take your vows,

You'll come to have a real
deep feeling for this place.

Won't she, margaret?

Oh, yes, dear.

Jim, I think they must be
doing the merchant of venice

For their summer play.

Oh? By george, you're right.


It could be the court scene.

Betty, you should have
heard your mother do

The part of portia.

Did a great job. Mm-hmm.

"The quality of mercy is not..."

Oh, where is that part?

Practically stopped the
show with that speech.

Well, I did stop it.

I forgot my lines
right in the middle of it.

[Canned laughter]
[laughs] oh, here it is.

Betty, come here.

Ah, you might as well
audition for the part right now,

Because it won't be long

Before you'll be standing
right on this stage

Playing the same
part your mother did.

Oh, maybe they won't do
the merchant of venice again.

Oh, but they have to.

If for no other reason
than for you to play this role.

[Chuckles] you start right here,

Right after shylock says,

"Be merciful, uh, by
what compulsion must i."

Tell me that, go ahead.

Show... Show her how
you... How you started this.

Oh, I can't remember
it now. Come on.

Oh, let me see.

"The quality of
mercy is not strained.

"It droppeth as a gentle rain

"From heaven upon
the place beneath.

"It is twice blessed, it..."

Oh, dear, I can't remember it!


"It, uh, it blesseth him that
gives and him that takes.

"It becomes..." No.

"Tis mightiest in the mightiest,

It becomes the throned
monarch better than his crown."

Keep going.

"His scepter shows the
force of temporal power,

"The attribute to
awe and majesty,

"Where in doth sit the
dread and fear of kings,

"But mercy is above
this sceptred sway,

"It is enthroned in
the hearts of kings,

It is an attribute
to god himself."


Portia, old girl,
you still got it.


You see, betty, that was you.

What did you think of yourself?

Betty, where are you?

Oh. Oh.

Do excuse us.

I didn't know we
had an audience.

Oh, that's quite all right.

I... I'm sure that
shakespeare wouldn't mind.

[Canned laughter]

We're just showing our
daughter around the campus.

She's planning to
enroll here this fall.

Oh, well, I'm glad to hear that.

I'm mrs. Blair of the
drama department.

Oh, how do you do, mrs. Blair?

We're the andersons
from springfield.

How do you do?

We both graduated from state,

And now our daughter's
following in our footsteps.

Oh, I see.

And is she going to take
the dramatic course?

Well, of course, that's
entirely up to her.

Well, there's very
little doubt about it.

It's practically a
foregone conclusion.


Well, judging from
what I've just witnessed,

If she follows in her
mother's footsteps,

Why, uh, she'll do
very well indeed.

Oh, I certainly hope she
does better than that.

Uh, she'll do all right.


We'd like to have you meet her.

All right. Betty,
will you step up here

And meet... Where is betty?

Went out, I guess.

Let's go get an ice cream soda.

[Canned laughter] I guess
she stepped out

To look over some more
of the campus. [Chuckles]

I'll go get her.

Oh, don't bother her
now. Oh, it's no bother.

I'll be right back, excuse me.

[Dramatic music]

♪ ♪

What are you doing out here?


Well, I can see that.

What's been eating you today?

You're not a very
appreciative daughter.

I don't think you're
aware of what mom and dad

Are doing for you.

I'm very aware of what
they're doing for me... To me.

Well, then, why don't you
show a little appreciation

Instead of moping around?

You act like you
don't wanna go here.

Maybe, I don't wanna go here.

What? Are you crazy?

I... I don't know.

But I know now I
don't wanna go here.

My, gosh.

What'll mom and dad say?

That's a big
problem right there.

I know what this means to them.

I can't tell them, it'll
break their hearts.

And don't you tell them either.

I won't.

What are you gonna do?

Oh, I wish I knew.

I thought this was gonna
be such a wonderful day.

And now look at it.

[Dramatic music]

♪ ♪

Boy, I don't get it.

Here you got this great
chance to go to state college

And you wanna chuck
it down the drain

For little old,
e-flat springfield j.c.

Here's everyone out here.

Now, can we go get that soda?

Oh, not right now.

Betty's anxious to
meet dean walton.

And I don't blame her. Oh, gosh.

Oh, you'll love him.

Well, come on, let's
get it over with.

[Canned laughter]

Let them go ahead.

I wanna talk to you.
What's the matter?

Well, just now... Jim!

Jim anderson!

I've been waiting for you!

Dean walton! Ahh.

What have you been doing?

Hiding from me?

By george, dean walton. Jim.

[Laughter] oh, it's so wonderful

To see you. Hi, margaret.


And you know?

You don't look a bit older
than the day we graduate.

Well, now I'll tell
you, margaret.

I just haven't had
time to get any older.

[Chuckles] but, um...

What about this young
lady you wrote me about?

Now she's the one
I am interested in,

Not you, old people.

Oh, yes. [Chuckles]

Well, she's right
here with us. Betty?

Oh, she's so
anxious to meet you.

Talked of nothing
else the whole trip.

I see you brought
the full compliment.

Oh, yes, we couldn't
sneak away without them.

This is betty.

Betty, this is your counselor,
teacher, guide, conscience,

And friend for the next
four years, dean walton.

How do you do, dean walton?

Very nice.

It's not difficult to see

That you're jim's and
margaret's daughter,

And if you follow
in their footsteps,

You're going to do all right.

Who is this little one?

This is kathy.

Another candidate
for our college?

Oh, yes, but probably
not for your department.

I'm afraid she's gonna go
out for the football team.

Oh, well, judging from
our records last season,

We can use her, and
how we can use her.

Well, and we can
use this one, too.

Well, this is bud.

He'll be here in
another three years.

Well, fine, bud.

That's just fine.

But this is no place to
be entertaining friends.

Let's all go over to my place

And we'll have
a nice cup of tea.

[Canned laughter]

Eh, no.

I may be a little low on tea.

I'm afraid I'll have
to send these two

Over to the co-op
store for something...

Like, uh, ice cream soda

[Canned laughter]

Or a banana split.

Oh, I know, that'll be a
great disappointment,

But, uh, that's the
way the ball bounces.

The co-op is just north of
that large building over there.

You can't miss it.

If it's got any ice cream
in it, kathy will find it.

Thank you, mr. Walton.

Come on!

You're a very
understanding soul.


Well, come on.

Let's see if we can
mold this young lady

Into another famous
anderson of state college.


Margaret is right, betty.

You can have four
wonderful years here.

But it's, uh,
entirely up to you.

What you take away
from here depends on,

Uh, what you put into it.

Um, not a very original
thought, but very true.

Isn't that right, margaret?

Oh, yes.

And betty's planning to
put a lot into her college.

She's going to take all
the wonderful courses

Jim and I took.

She's going in for
dramatics and...

[Chuckles] well, we
practically signed her up

For portia in the
merchant of venice already.

Oh, yes.

Your old role.

Yes, we've already
talked to mrs. Blair.

I see, and I suppose you'd want
betty to join your sorority

And the delphian club
and the roister drama club.

Why, of course, how
could it be otherwise?

Oh, I'm afraid jim
would disown her

If she didn't carry on
the name of the andersons

At the delphian club.

Well, he was a charter
member, you know.

Oh, yes, I know, I know.

Oh, thank you, dean. Jim,
why are you so subdued?

Are you worrying about
losing your little girl?

Well, they... They will grow up.

Oh, yes, I know, only too well.

No, i, uh...

I was just remembering
my first day here at state.

It didn't look like much to me.

Uh, i, uh, think it takes
a while to get adjusted

To, uh, realize
what all this means.

But, dean, this definitely
is the only school to go to,

Isn't it?

Well, at least it's, um, one
of the only schools to go to.


But I haven't heard much

Of an expression
from you, betty.

How... How do you
feel about all this?

What's your first
impression of our college?

Oh, it's quite nice.

Oh, quite nice?

Oh, surely you can
do better than that.

Well, it's only the finest
college in the country,

That's all.

And the only one
that has dean walton.

Yes. And in addition to that,

The path here has
been broken for you.

It isn't like going away
to some strange place,

Or even merely staying home
and going to springfield j.c.

Here, we can help
you in so many ways

Because we've been through it.

You... You have a
pattern to follow.

Oh, i... I know I'll like
it here very much.

Dean, you tell her
about the school.


Tell her about, uh,
about the traditions

And... And the value
of each generation

Carrying on those traditions.

Tell her about... Well, tell
her what "state" really means.

Well, it, um...
Well, it means, uh,

Many different things to,
uh, many different people.

Uh, what do you
wanna know about it?

I know some of the answers.

I don't know all of them.

What do you want to ask, betty?

Well... Nothing really.

Well, betty, there
must be something.

Your, uh, courses,
your outside activities?

It's all been fairly well
planned out, hasn't it?

Well, no.

We've talked
over a few things...

Excuse me, but I do
have one suggestion

That may help us in
a constructive way.


Uh, when you wrote me

That you were bringing
betty here for a visit,

I took the liberty of talking
to the registrar's office

And they'd be glad to help betty

Work out a program for the fall,

If she'd, uh, care
to drop over there.

Oh, I think that's a
wonderful suggestion.

It isn't final, of course,
but it will save a lot of time

And her dashing around
on registration day.

Oh, yes.

That's always
such a hectic time,

Especially your first year

When you don't know
your way around yet.

Well, then if, um, betty
would like to do that,

I can call them and tell
them we'll be right over.

Oh, I'm sure she wants to.

Don't you, dear?

Yes, let's do that.

Fine, all right.

Uh, ju... Just excuse
me one moment.

Betty, is something
troubling you?

Uh, no, mother,
everything's fine.

But you don't act like it.

Is something wrong?

Yes, there's
something very wrong.

For some reason,
which I don't understand,

She doesn't wanna
go to school here.

What? Oh, but, i...

What's all this?

That's what I was
trying to tell you

When we were standing there,
and dean walton came along.

I... Well, I don't understand.

Betty, what do you mean "you
don't wanna go to school here"?

This isn't just, uh, a
passing whim of ours.

This is something we've
been planning on for years.

Well, i...

Oh, please understand me.

I... I know what my going
here means to you, but...

Here you have this
wonderful opportunity

To go to this fine school...

And we can help
you so much here.

[Breathes deeply]

That's just the trouble.

I don't want all that help!


Don't you see?

You've been planning
everything for me.

What I'm gonna take, what I'm
gonna do, who I'm gonna see.

But, betty, i...

You said yourself that the
pattern had been set for me.

Well, it's true.

But whose pattern is it?

It's yours, not mine.

I don't wanna have everything
I do measured by your pattern.


Look, betty, we...

I wouldn't feel like I was
going to college at all.

I'd... I'd... I'd merely
be reliving your lives,

Following in your footsteps.

How many times have I
heard that phrase today?

Well, um, betty, i...
I... Can understand

Why you might feel this way.

But I'm also sure that
you don't understand

That we're doing this
for your own good.

But you had your college career.

Now, let me have mine.

Wait, let me finish.

Now, we've been
through all this.

We know what's best for you.

That's right, betty.

We know what it's like.

Then why can't I find out
what it's like for myself

And do it with my own friends?

They'll all be mostly
at springfield j.c.

You see, I don't wanna
be just a carbon copy,

Something pre-cut and
sent out from the factory.

Did you, uh, talk to
the registrar's office?

[Chuckles] before
we go anywhere,

I want to show
you something, jim.

I... I thought you'd
get a kick out of this.

You... You recognize it?

What is it?

Oh, my name is on it. [Chuckles]

Yeah, you wrote it. Huh?

I think you were a sophomore
or junior at the time,

But I thought it was a fairly
good paper worth saving.

"The purpose of education."

Oh, yes, I vaguely
remember this.

Yeah, read it.

It might be interesting to see

What you were
thinking in those days.

Oh, they're probably
waiting for us

At the registrar's
office. Just take a moment.

Go on, read it.

I'd like to hear it.

Oh, well.

"The, uh, purpose of
education is to stimulate,

"Not to regulate.

"To provoke thought,
not to choke thought.

"It is to teach you not what
to think, but how to think.

[Canned laughter]

"Education should
not turn out students

"As though it were
turning out stamped

"And cut particles in a factory.

[Dramatic music]

♪ ♪


"Education should direct
the student down new paths

And not down the old, worn
paths of past generations."

♪ ♪

Yes, that's very
interesting, dean.

May we keep that?

Oh, certainly.

It belongs to you
more than to me.

I, uh... [Sighs]

Well, it... It would be nice
to put in a memory book.

Yes, these things
provoke a memory or two.

Well, if we're going to
the registrar's office,

We better get started.

Uh, dean...

I don't think we'll go
to the registrar's office.

Why not?

Well, you see,

Actually, this was sort of
a, uh, reconnoitering trip,

Just to look things
over, you know.

Oh, I see.

Yes, we want betty to
do what she wants to do.

Her mother and I
our agreed on that.

And what betty wants
to do is to start out

At... At springfield
junior college.

Yes I see.

Yeah, I see.

Well, this, I think,
is a surprise.

But, uh, I think you have
a good idea there, betty.

Very good.

Thank you, dean walton.

And, you know, this has helped
me decide what I wanna be.

Someone broad-minded
and understanding,

Just like my parents.

[Canned laughter]

And instead of putting
three scoops on my banana,

He put four on mine.

Well, great day.

Let's climb in.

Vanilla, strawberry,
chocolate, um,

What was that other
kind? I don't know.

Get in, squeezy.

Uh, that green stuff.



Yeah, that... That's it.

And he put three
kinds of nuts, too.

You can tell us all
about it on our way home.

We'd better hit the road.

Boy, I should go into this
college when I get old enough.

They have just
what I'm looking for.

[Canned laughter]

So, dad. Huh?

Are you sure you
went to this school?

Well, certainly I did.

Well, that's funny

'Cause we met several guys
over at that co-op place

And not one of them
had ever heard of you.

[Canned laughter] oh.

Well, [chuckles]
I'll tell you, son,

I'd even forgotten
who I was myself

Until I read an old paper of
mine, reminding me who I was.

So how could you expect
anybody to remember me?


Isn't that right, princess?

I'll always remember you.

Thanks, princess.

I think it was quite a
tribute that dean walton

Thought enough of this
to keep it all these years.

We ought to frame it.

And hang it,

Where we'll see it never
lose the idea of it again.

You know, it's funny
how that popped up

At just the psychological
moment that it did?

Or did it just pop up?

[Canned laughter] that old fox.

That crafty old...

[Laughs] [canned laughter]

You know, we're
still pupils of his,

Still learning from him.

Now, let's go home before
we flunk any more courses.

[Canned laughter]

[Classical music]

♪ ♪


[Theme music]
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