03x12 - The Family Goes to New York

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Father Knows Best". Aired: October 3, 1954 - May 23, 1960.*
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The series, which began on radio in 1949, follows the lives of the Andersons, a middle-class family living in the town of Springfield.
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03x12 - The Family Goes to New York

Post by bunniefuu »

[Theme music]

♪ ♪

Narrator: robert young...

♪ ♪

And jane wyatt...

♪ ♪


With elinor donahue, billy
gray, and lauren chapin

In father knows best.

And you're always picking
on me 'cause I don't have

Shh! Any good manners.

At least I don't eavesdrop.
I'm not eavesdropping.

I'm just plain listening.

After all, mother and father
are deciding my fate in there.

Well, why do you wanna go
all the way to new york for,

Just to watch your
girlfriend to get married?

I'm not going to just watch.

I've been asked to be
barbara's bridesmaid.

Furthermore, this wedding
is gonna be the social event

Of the new york society season.

Bud anderson, haven't
you got any manners?

You wanna know what's
going on in there, don't you?

Could you see anything? No.

I can't stand this
suspense much longer.

Are you going to
new york, betty?

Oh, I don't know.

I think the jury's deadlocked.

[Canned laughter]

But we have to face it,
dear, betty is growing up.

We can't treat her
like a child forever.

But she is a child.

She hasn't been around.

She doesn't know how to
handle herself in adult situations.

And new york, of all places.

Why can't barbara be
married in springfield

Where her college friends are?

I've told you, dear,

Barbara's aunt lives in new
york and she is giving the wedding.

But new york is a
big city, margaret.

It's full of traps and...
And all sorts of things.

Well, she won't be alone.

She... She'll have supervision.

Oh, we won't be there.

Barbara's aunt is a very
reliable and capable person.

Barbara's aunt.

She's so busy counting her money

She won't have time
to watch out for betty.

Now, jim, listen to me.

The time comes when all
parents have to step back

And let the fledglings
try their wings.

Mm-hmm. All we can do is to...

Is to trust and to hope
that we've given them

The right kind of
background and training,

So they'll be able to
look after themselves.

They don't have to fly so
far the first time, do they?

Can't they just fly around
the backyard for a while?

Now, new york
isn't that far away.

One day's trip.

Well, betty is an adult,
an intelligent person.

She's trustworthy, responsible,
she has good manners.

Why, i... I have
complete faith in her.

[Sighs] okay.

♪ ♪

But I still think
it's a mistake.

I think...

[Canned laughter]

I think our fledgling
just fell out of the nest.

[Canned laughter]

[Comic music]

♪ ♪

[Canned laughter]

♪ ♪

[Canned laughter]

Jim, I wish you'd sit down.

You're making me nervous.

She's been packing
for the last three days.

You think she was
going on a world cruise.

Well, she's enjoying herself.

What time does her
train leave in the morning?

Six o'clock.

When does it arrive in new york?

Four in the afternoon.

And you're sure there's
gonna be someone there

To meet her? Yes, dear.

Oh, that station's probably full

Of all kinds of, uh, creatures

Just waiting to get sweet,
young girls in their clutches.

You mean like the spider
and the fly, huh, dad?

Yes, bud.

Sort of like little miss
muffet who sat on a tuffet

And the spider came by. Yeah.

That's exactly what I mean.

Bud, I wish you'd take
your tuffet upstairs.

How do we know
someone's gonna meet her?

I've told you three times, jim.

Mrs. Huntington's chauffeur

Is gonna meet both betty
and barbara at the station

And drive them directly
to the apartment.

Oh, chauffeur.

What do we know about him?

Oh, only that he's been
with mrs. Huntington

For 35 years.

Uh, well, he's too old to drive.

[Canned laughter] jim.

Mother, which evening
dress should I take?

Evening dress? I thought
this was a wedding?

Well, it is, but I'm gonna
be there five days.

They're not gonna
get married every day.

And she wants to
see new york, too.

Well, I wanted to see new york.

The museum of natural
history, the statue of liberty,

The united nations' building.

I also wanna see a nightclub.


Well, of course. Why not?

Well, she can't go
to a nightclub alone.

I'm not going to.
I have an escort.



Well, isn't that just dandy?

[Canned laughter] who's tony?

He's to be the best
man of the wedding.

He's also ray's younger brother.

Well, that clarifies
everything just fine.

Who's ray? [Canned laughter]

Ray is the man
barbara's marrying.

How old is this, uh,
tony? Uh, what's his name?

Mother, will you take the stand?

I'm exhausted. [Canned laughter]

Dear, when I talked to
mrs. Huntington yesterday,

She said she thought
it'd be very nice

If betty had an escort.

She said that tony is
a very nice young man

And an old friend.

Oh, and barbara said
he's real cute and rich.

I don't like him.
[Canned laughter]

Father, you
haven't even met him.

I don't have to.
I know the type.

Slick, polished,
sideburns, café society...

[Canned laughter]

Spends all of his time in
nightclubs and race tracks.

Probably gambles. Gambler.

[Canned laughter]

[Dramatic music]

♪ ♪

Oh, father, I didn't know you
were gonna miss me so much.


Okay, you win.

Take this one.

It covers you up the most.

[Canned laughter]

Come on, mother.

Help me finish
packing, will you?

All right, dear.

Say, dad...

Whatever you're
gonna say, bud, don't.

[Canned laughter]


What is it?

If this tony what's-his-name
is really loaded,

Maybe he'll fall for betty.

No, he's just an old
friend of the family.

Oh, I don't know.

I read this story once
about a new york millionaire

Who fell in love
with a small-town girl

Just because she was different
than the girls he was used to.

She was sorta dumb and stupid.

Now, I guess that
appealed to him.

She wasn't pretty or anything,
but this millionaire married her

Because he was tired of
beautiful and smart girls.


Well, so who knows?

Maybe this tony what's-his-name

Is looking for
somebody just like that.

And after all,
betty's different.

She's innocent
and not very smart.

[Canned laughter]

Bud, go to bed.

[Canned laughter]

Gee whiz, dad.

You're always telling me to
read a lot and keep up with life.

And then when I do, you get mad.

Good night, bud. Good night!

[Canned laughter]

Isn't it nice that
betty got invited

To go way, way,
way up to new york?

[Breathes heavily] yes,
honey, it's nice?

Real, real, real nice.

[Breathes heavily] I guess.

Well, we're right on time.

I'll get your bags,
barbara. Thanks, bud.

Don't forget your coat, betty.

Oh, I won't, mother. Are
you excited, barbara?

Oh, I certainly am, betty.

I can hardly believe
that I'm through school

And that, in a
week, I'll be married.


Well, I'm so glad you're
going home with me, betty.

I am, too, barbara.

Hello, all set. Let's go.

Come on, kathy.

I wanna throw some rice.

Oh, angel, you can't do
that, but after the wedding.

Thanks anyway, kathy.
I'll save some for you.

Maybe we can,
uh... [Train honks]

Tie some old shoes on
the back of the train.


That would definitely
be an original idea.

Wanna check this
baggage, barbara?

Yes, I better check it.

Oh, thanks, bud.

Oh, you got your purse?

Oh, I have it, mother. Ah.

And, uh, you got your ticket?

Yes. Yes, mother.
Right here, see?

Oh, uh... Uh...

Don't forget what I told you
about carrying too much money.

No, father. [Bell dings]

And call us the
minute you get there,

And reverse the
charges. Yes, mother.

If you need us for
anything, let us know.

Yes, father.

[Station bell ringing]

[Train clanking]

Well... Here's the train.

Well, it... It's
certainly right on time.

[Hissing] goodbye, mother.

I'll miss you. Goodbye, honey.

Be careful. Uh-huh.

I wanna kiss you, too.

Oh, bye, honey.

Take care of
everybody for me, huh?

Will you bring
something back to me?

I will. And maybe I'll catch
the bridal bouquet for you.

Bye, bud. Yeah, well,
so long. So long.

[Canned laughter]


Goodbye, father.
Goodbye, princess.

Be a good girl. Oh, don't worry.

I'll be all right.

Oh, uh, here's, uh, a
little extra money.

I thought you might want
to go shopping one day.

Oh, gee, you're a darling!

Hurry up now.

You better get on the
train before I change my mind.

Come on, barbara.

Goodbye, mrs. Anderson.
And goodbye, barbara.

And thank you so much
for letting betty go with me.


It's sort of like
having a sister.

Ah, we'll be thinking
of you, dear.

Oh. Oh!

Okay, bye. Bye.

Bye. Bye.

Ba... Ba...

Oh, it could be worse, I guess.

She could be leaving for good.

Oh, she'll be back
before you know it.

Unless she elopes with
that new york playboy.

Oh, bud! [Canned laughter]

Margaret, we never
should have let her go.

We must be idiots to turn a
sweet, helpless, young girl

Lose in the world, cold,
cruel world full of strangers

And playboys and, uh...


[Canned laughter]

Jim, well, she'll be
met at the station

By a chauffeur in a limousine.

She'll be the houseguest
of one of the richest,

Most reputable
women in new york.

She'd be staying in a
penthouse on park avenue,

With breakfast in bed and
dinner at the stork club.

Now if that's being turned
out in the cold, cruel world,

Buy me a ticket, too.

[Canned laughter]

[Dramatic music]

♪ ♪

[Jolly music]

♪ ♪

More tea, betty?

Oh, no, thank you.

Oh, you know, mrs. Huntington,

You have no idea what
a treat this is for me.

[Chuckles] quite the contrary,

It's a treat for me.

It isn't often I
have the privilege

Of having young
people around me,

Except when barbara could
get away weekends to visit me.

It doesn't seem right that I
should be getting married now

And leave you, aunt martha.

It certainly is right.

There comes a time
in every girl's life

When she must begin to
think of a family of her own.


[Bell rings]

I'd like to have a
family like yours, betty.

You seem to have so
much fun together

And you all get along so well.

You should be around some time

When bud and I are
having an argument.

I'd even like that.

Oh, I think it'll be pretty
wonderful to live like this,

A beautiful penthouse, new york.

It may be difficult
to believe, betty,

[Phone rings] but you
can get very lonesome

Even in a penthouse.

[Chuckles] I suppose so.

Mrs. Huntington's residence.

Yes, ms. Barbara's right here.

Oh, it's ray.

Oh. [Chuckles]


Hello, darling.

Oh, it's so good
to hear your voice.

Charles, make reservations
for 21 club tomorrow,

Lunch for miss betty and myself.

Oh, of course, I've missed you.

I thought school
would never end.

And also get tickets for one
of the shows in the afternoon.

Tonight would be
wonderful. I think the, um...

And you'll bring tony for betty.

Is there any particular
show you care to see, betty?

Oh, no, any one you'd choose.

Well, we'll decide
later, charles.

Ray wants to know what
you'd like to do tonight, betty.

Oh, i... I don't know.
Whatever you say, barbara.

Well, we could go

To that wonderful little
café tony likes to go out.

And charles, arrange for george

To take her shopping tomorrow.

I want miss betty to see
some of the new york shops.

Either we could
take in chinatown,

Maybe drop in at
lindy's, or the stork club.

[Fanciful music]

♪ ♪


Come in, barbara.

Did your call go through
to springfield, betty?

Not yet. I'm still waiting.

Oh, you look beautiful.

Thank you, betty.

You do, too.

I'm afraid I look a
bit like springfield,

Not much like new york.

You look just right.

And I know tony's
gonna think so, too.


But, well, I'm afraid this stole

Won't be warm enough tonight.

It's really cold.

Oh, I'll be so excited I
wouldn't even notice.


I wish you'd wear this.

Oh, why, I couldn't.

Please do.

If you catch cold here, your
mother will never forgive me.

Of course, i... I wouldn't
wanna catch a cold.

Besides, if you wear this,

You'll be doing
me a favor, betty.


It'll give me an excuse to
borrow my aunt's mink coat.


Well, i... If you put it that
way, i... I almost have to take it.



I'll call you when
tony and ray arrive.


[Fanciful music]

♪ ♪

[Phone rings]

♪ ♪

[Canned laughter]



Hello, sweetheart.

Hello, honey.

Hi, betty!

Hi, sis, what...

A... Are you all
right, princess?

She's fine.

How was the train trip?

Oh, good.

You wha...?


George. Who's george?

[Canned laughter]

Oh, george is the chauffeur.

Oh, la-di-dah.

[Canned laughter]

You did what?

You... You rode
through times square.

You're going shopping
with mrs. Huntington.

You what? On what floor?

The 34th!

Ask her to throw a spitball
out the window and see if...

Stay away from the
edge. She might fall.

Ask her if she can
fly a kite from there.

Can you fly a ki...?

Never mind.



Who's charles?


The butler.


She says to tell you
her bed has silk sheets.

Oh, betty, what are
you doing tonight?

Dinner and dancing
with... With tony and ray?

Ask her when she's gonna see
the museum of natural history?


You're what?

Oh, you're going to a musical
tomorrow and lunch at 21?

And the united nations building,

Tell her not to forget.

Oh, it sounds wonderful, dear.

Wha... What about the
wedding, or are they too busy?

Jim, keep quiet.

Yes, betty.

Yes, we're fine.

Well, call us when
you have time, dear.


Yes, I will.

Goodbye, dear. [Phone clicks]

[Dramatic music]

What'd she say?

That she misses us.

Me, too?

You, too.

♪ ♪

Well, you may serve
dinner now, charles.

I trust madame likes
crêpes suzettes.

I wouldn't be
caught without them.

[Canned laughter] me either.

Say, dad. Yes.

You know that story I
was telling you about,

The one with the millionaire
ran off with a country girl?

Yes, bud.

He had a butler whose
name was craven hearst

And he went around putting
arsenic in everybody's tea.

[Canned laughter]

Would you step into
the dining room, bud,

We're serving tea.

[Canned laughter]

[Doorbell buzzes]

Good evening, gentlemen.

Hello, charles. Good
evening. Charles.


Hello, darling.

Hey, remember me.

Hey, I'm the best man.

Well, that means I should
rate a little attention.

Don't interrupt,
tony. It's bad manners.

Go find a girl of your own, boy.

This one's reserved
for me permanently.

All right, but you'll be sorry

When I don't show up
with a ring on saturday.


Do you go with the apartment?

Just for a few days.

I know I'm a little late
on the introductions,

But, well, this is
betty anderson,

Tony evans.

Hello, betty. Hi, tony.

And, uh, this is ray.

It's nice to know you, betty.

Welcome to new york. Thank you.

And, uh, don't pay
any attention to tony.

He fell out of a tree when
he was 2. It went to his head.


He ought to know. He's
the one that pushed me.

[Canned laughter]

Say, they're playing our song.

May I have this dance?

You may.

[Romantic music]

I better get the wraps.

♪ ♪

So, now, you know
the story of my life.

What's yours?

Oh, uh, i... I think
mine is just starting.

Oh, I don't know.

My father always told
me to beware of the girl

With the quiet ways.

♪ ♪

[Dance music]

♪ ♪

[Romantic music]

♪ ♪

Oh, good morning, charles.

Good morning, miss betty.

Did you sleep well?
Hmm, yes, very well.

Miss barbara said you
might be interested

In reading mr. Winchell's
column this morning.


Mrs. Huntington said
that when you are dressed,

She'll be waiting
for you. Thank you.

[Door closes]

Margaret. Oh!
Oh, jim, what is it?

Look! Look!

I have to read winchell to find
out what my daughter's doing.

Well, it's cheaper than
a long-distance call.

Romance department, seen
dancing cheek-to-cheek,

And so-o-o in love,

Man-about-town, tony evans,

And out-of-towner,
betty anderson...

Dancing cheek-to-cheek.

The minuet went out
some time ago, dear.

I never knew 'so' was spelled
with so many o's before.

This never would have happened

If she gone to the
museum of natural history

Like I asked her to.

Jim, don't get so excited.
You know how columnists are.

After all, this
tony must be news.

But my daughter isn't.

Oh, don't knock it, dad.
Betty must be doing okay.

Maybe this guy will
elope with her after all.

Oh, be quiet.

[Canned laughter]

Margaret, we're
going to new york.

Don't argue. My mind's made up.

Oh, why should I argue?
I'd love to go to new york.

Can I go, too? No.

[Canned laughter]

One fledgling out
of the nest is enough.

[Canned laughter]

I hope you aren't upset
over this publicity, betty.

After all, tony is a fairly
well-known man around new york.

His name appears
often in the columns.

Oh, I'm not upset.

I think it's very exciting.

I'm gonna save it
for my scrapbook.

You like tony, don't you, betty?

Oh, yes, I think he's just
about the finest person

I've ever known.

I can vouch for that.

I've always been
able to count on tony

Whenever any of barbara's
friends have come to visit her.

He always enjoys
showing off new york.

These last few days
have been so wonderful.

And each morning when I wake up,

I'm afraid it's
all been a dream.

I... I just can't believe
it's happening to me.

New york does that
to people, betty.

After all, you're a
young, impressionable girl.

Tony is a charming and
handsome young man.

This is your first
trip away from home.

The surroundings are romantic.

All the ingredients are
here for a romantic holiday.

Just keep them all in
their proper place, betty.

I wouldn't want you to be hurt.

Oh, I don't see how I
could possibly be hurt,

Mrs. Huntington, I'm having
a perfectly wonderful time.

For you, miss betty.

Oh, thank you.

Oh, my goodness!

Mother and father
are coming to new york.

They'll be here tonight.

I wonder why.

I think they read winchell
in springfield, too.

[Canned laughter]

This is tony's favorite place.

We come here all the time.

I'm sorry, it couldn't
be at night, betty.

I'd like to meet him.

Oh, I am too, mother.

But, well, he
told me last night,

He was gonna be busy tonight.

I guess he probably had

A business appointment
or something.

What does he do besides
dance cheek-to-cheek?

He's studying to be a lawyer.

Oh, you have no idea how
exciting all this has been.

I have seen so
much, done so much.

I had no idea it was possible to
accomplish so much in four days.

Neither did i.

Oh, jim,

I've never seen you behave
like this before, never.

Well, I just don't want
our daughter to be hurt,

That's all.

I know more about
life than she does.

I don't want her falling
in love with some playboy

Who makes romance a profession.

Father, tony isn't
what you think he is.

He's a very sincere,
wonderful person.

You have your opinion
and I'll have mine.

Betty, is that
somebody you know?

Yes, I know him.

That's tony.

He looks very busy all right.

Is new york exciting, father?

Oh, honey, i... I can't
stand to see you hurt.

Oh, I'm not hurt, mother.

Not now.

I'm all right.

Let's get out of here.

Come on, princess.

No, father.

There's no reason why
tony shouldn't come here

With another girl.

We're not married, nor engaged.

He never even said he love me.

He spent the last four days
doing everything in his power

To show me a good time.

I'm sure he must have given
up many engagements for me.

He's been charming and
wonderful and considerate.

Oh, you mustn't blame
tony for anything.

[Sighs] blame me.

I'm the one that fell in love.

I fell in love with an exciting
city, a beautiful penthouse,

A prince charming.

I was looking for romance.

Well, of course, I found it.

You see, what I
forgot to do is...

Keep everything
in its proper place.

[Piano music playing]

I know now, father,

Why you didn't think I was
ready to come to new york.

♪ ♪

[Breathes heavily]


Oh, I said, I wanted
you to meet tony

And I can't think of a
better time than right now.

You see, I can walk
right over to his table

And know I'll be welcome.

I've done nothing I
have to be ashamed of...

Nor is he.

♪ ♪

And I was the one who said
our daughter wasn't grown up.

Oh, one nice thing about
our fledglings, dear,

When they fall
out of their nests,

They pick themselves up and fly.


[Theme music]
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