03x29 - Betty, the Track Star

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Father Knows Best". Aired: October 3, 1954 - May 23, 1960.*
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The series, which began on radio in 1949, follows the lives of the Andersons, a middle-class family living in the town of Springfield.
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03x29 - Betty, the Track Star

Post by bunniefuu »

♪ ♪

♪ ♪

- Do you know what you're doing?

- Sure, I know what I'm doing.

- What?

- I'm fixing the
transmission of my car.

- What's a transmission?

- Well, it's the thing
that makes the car go.

- I thought that was the motor.

- Well, this is the
gear shift handle.

And when you wanna
start out, you put it in low.

Now, you're in second,
now, you're in high.

Now, you're in trouble.

- Well, it just slipped
out of its socket.

I... I can get it
back real easy.

If you'll, uh, just put your
finger over this spring here.

- I'm not gonna get
my hands all greasy.

- Come on, will ya?

I don't wanna hold
this thing here all day.

- Find somebody else to
be your grease monkey.

I'm a lady.

- A lady?

Who gave you that idea?

Betty, I'll bet.

Ol' prissy face.

- Hmp.

- If it isn't bad enough,

I gotta have one stuck-up
sister, now, I got two.

- Oh, go blow your muffler!

- Females.

- Wait a minute,
where are you going?

- Upstairs to wash my hands.

You can't wash
those hands upstairs,

I've just done the bathroom.

Go outside and wash them.

- Can't, there's no soap.

- Come here.


- Guess I'm just
a nuisance, huh?

- No, you're a boy.

- Well, at least I'm not
in a stew all the time

About how I look like betty is.

You know, if you took all
the mirrors out of this house,

She couldn't live.

- Well, betty's a girl.

- Yeah, but she overdoes it.

Have you noticed how
she's been getting worse

The last couple of days?

- I wasn't aware of
any great change.

- Are you kidding?

She spends hours sitting
in front of her mirror.

She puts enough grease
on her face at night

To run my car for a year.

Ever see her do
the eyelash routine?

Parting each one
of her eyelashes.

And the way she brushes
her hair, oh, for hours.

She thinks she's a beauty
queen or something.

- Well, betty's have
something on her mind,

I have noticed that.

But she hasn't chosen
to talk to me about it,

And I haven't asked her.

- Oh, princess phazuwidi phazuwi

Doesn't talk to us
peasants these days.

Her gorgeousness is
above that sort of thing.

- Well, it's a quarter to 5.

Betty should've been
home an hour ago.

- Next week is reunion
week at the junior college.

She's probably putting
up signs or something.

Oh, no, she wouldn't
be putting up signs,

Might chip her nail
polish or something.


Well, she's not
here, I'm her brother.

Well, I don't know.

Wait just a minute.

- Well, who is it?
- I don't know.

They want betty, something
about a college shop or something.

- Hello?

- This is mrs. Eldridge

In the college shop at
gorman's department store.

Are you betty anderson's mother?

- Yes, I am.

Betty isn't here at the moment.

- Mrs. Anderson, may I
offer my congratulations.

You must be very
proud of your daughter.

- Well, yes, i...

- We just had a phone
call from the college,

And when I heard that
betty was in the finals,

Well, I just had to
call and let her know

That we're all pulling for her.

- Well, that's very thoughtful
of you, mrs. Eldridge.

See who's at the door, will you?

- I'll get it!

Okay, I'm coming!

- Oh, hello, cutie. Are
you betty anderson?

- No, she's my sister.

- Well, I have a package for her

From the evergreen flower shop.

- Could you give it to her?
- Sure!

- No peeking now.

I won't.

- Well, goodbye, mrs. Eldridge,

And... And thank you
so much for calling.

- So, what was all that about?

- Well, I don't know exactly.

That was the head of the
college shop at gormon's.

She wanted to wish
betty luck in the finals.

- A cute man brought
this for betty.

- Oh. "Congratulations
to the fairest of all,

Compliments of the
evergreen flower shop."

- Fairest of all? Betty?

The guy sent it to
the wrong house.

It says betty anderson.

- Well, it would nice to know
what's going on around here.

- Mother!

- Betty?

- Mother?
- Betty?

- Oh! Guess what happened?

I'm in the finals
for flower queen

Of springfield junior college!

Well, la-di-da!

- You mean, you're gonna
be a new kid and queen?

Well, come on in and
tell us all about it.

- Well, it's for reunion week.

Oh, there must have been
at least 50 girls nominated

For flower queen.

And this afternoon
in the auditorium,

The whole student body

Voted to pick three
girls for the finals,

- And I was one of them!
- Oh!

- You mean to say,
they voted you

One of three prettiest
girls in the whole school?

- I guess that's
what it amounts to.

- Boy, that school's in trouble.

- Oh, betty, I'm
so proud of you.

Why didn't you tell us?

- Oh, I didn't want to, mother.

I had no idea I'd be chosen,

And rather than have
everybody get all excited about it,

And then after...

Oh, well, what's the difference?

It happened and I'm delirious.

- Well, now, that
explains these flowers.

- Oh.

"To the fairest of all."

Oh, well, they probably
said the same thing

To claire and emma jean.

Those are the other
two girls in the finals.

- Flower queen.

- When are they gonna
pick the final one

Who's gonna be the queen?

- Day after tomorrow.

- Aren't they beautiful?

- Oh, I gotta tell the kids.

- Oh, mother, smell 'em.
- Ah!


- Where are you
going in such a hurry?

- I gotta spread the news.
Betty's almost a queen!

- Oh, really? Of what country?

She'll tell you all about it.

I gotta go!

Well, may I enter the
royal courtroom?

If you will forgive my
unforgivable ignorance,

Your highness, what, may I
ask, are you almost queen of?

- Flowers!
- Hmm.

- I'm a candidate
for flower queen

For the annual reunion at
springfield junior college.

- Wonderful!

- She and two others
were chosen out of 50 girls.

Fame has at last
come to the andersons.

Well, when do we
start addressing you

As "your majesty?"

- Don't be ridiculous,
day after tomorrow.

Friday afternoon
is the final judging,

And then the next week

Is the coronation in
the flower pageant.


It's the dream of every
girl in school, I think,

To be flower queen.

Princess petunia.

You know, other guys get
big brothers who are athletes

A... And football stars,
but who do I draw?

A lily of the valley.

That'll do, bud.

- Yeah, hello?

Oh, yeah. Hey, wait a minute.

It's for you.


- See who's at the
door, will you?

- Oh, hi, ralph.
- It may be for betty.

- Oh, well, that's awfully
sweet of you to ask,

But I'm busy friday night.

- Oh, it's awfully sweet
of you to ask, ralph.

Well, I'm so terribly,
terribly popular

And so disgustingly beautiful.

I... I have to bedazzle
myself, really.

- Hi, I guess you're
betty's brother.

- Yeah, I guess I am.

I'm elvia horsen.

- Is betty here?
- Yeah, come on in.

- Oh, I'm awfully sorry,
ralph. Maybe next week. Bye.

- Betty? I'm elvia horsen.

Oh, hello.

- I tried to catch you
before you left school,

But there was such
a mob around you,

I couldn't get through.

- It was awful, wasn't it?

- You probably
never heard of me,

But I'm captain of
the girls' track team.

- Oh, well, I'm happy
to meet you, elvia.

You'll come in, won't you?

- Oh, no, I'll only be a minute.

I stopped by to ask if you
do a favor for the team.

You know, we're meeting
alden j.c. In our field friday,

And it's the big
meet of the year.

I was wondering if you
would pose with the team

Tomorrow morning for
some publicity pictures.

- Oh, well, that's very
nice of you to ask me, elvia.

- It'd be a big help to
us if you would, betty.

You know, the track team girls
were kind of a forgotten bunch.

Not much glamour.

We're not the prettiest
girls in school.

So it's kind of hard
to get newspapers

To run pictures of us.

But with you being the
candidate for flower queen,

It'll be a cinch.

Will you do it?

- Well, if... If you think
it'll help, why sure.

- Oh, gee, thanks a lot.

Well, here, I brought
along the tracksuit for you.

- Tracksuit?
- Yeah, so you'll be dressed

Like all the rest of
the girls on the team.

You've seen those
publicity pictures

Of girls in football
suits and all.

It'll work great!

I'll see you tomorrow
morning on the field at 10:30.

Gee, thanks again, betty.

You're a real sport.

You know, I tried to get claire
and emma jean to pose with us.

You know, the other girls who
are running for flower queen?

And they're just too busy.

Prissy little
snobs, you're real.

Thanks a million.

Well, bye!

- Goodbye.

Claire and emma
jean wouldn't do it.

Oh, no, they are smart,

But old stupid
me, "sure, I'll do it."

Why am I so dumb?

Just plain dumb, dumb, dumb!

- What's all this?

- They'll be parading around
campus, looking gorgeous,

While I'm out at the track field

Looking like last
year's scarecrow.

And I'll have my picture taken.

Oh, I could kick myself.

Have you ever heard
of anything so stupid?

- Well, it's hard to say

Since I don't know what
you're talking about.

- I'm posing for publicity
pictures tomorrow...

In this.

- Publicity for what?

- The girls' track team.

Oh, I'm getting off
to a sensational start

In my race for flower queen.

I'm ruined before
I start. Ruined!

- Relax, princess,
you'll look fine.

- Say, what's that?

- She's posing for publicity
pictures tomorrow

With the girls' track team.

- Oh, yeah? This I gotta see.

The flower that blooms
in the sawdust pits.

Say, better make sure
there's no cops around,

You're likely to get arrested
for impersonating an athlete.

- Okay, thank you, ms. Anderson.

Smart idea getting
her out here to pose.

Makes a good picture.

Uh, not that you girls couldn't
photograph just as good.

- It's just that she's...

- Are we finished now?

- What's the matter?

Your dainty little feet tired?

- Knock it off, gloria.

Let's get one more,

Maybe a shot of betty
starting the 100-yard dash.


- All right, but I still
think if you want glamour,

It would help if I had a
pair of these things that fit.

- If we'd known you were coming,

We'd have whipped
up a gold bathing suit.

- All right, betty,
down a little lower.

Head up!

- You look as much like as a
sprinter as moses' grandmother.

I could beat you with
my feet tied together.

- Let's make this
an action shot.

- When I fire the g*n, start.

Just as if you were
starting to race.

- I'll catch you
on the first step.

Okay, I'm ready.

Get set.


- Good, got it!

- Hey! We got the picture!


- What's the matter? Your
dainty little feet tired?

- Okay, cream puff,
you asked for it!

- I'll be a knock-kneed,
nanny goat!

- What gives?

The anderson girl
isn't a runner, is she?

- She just beat gloria,
the best sprinter we got,

By about five yards.

If that isn't running, I
don't know what you call it.

- Why isn't she on your team?

- Betty anderson
on the track team?

- Yeah.

- The girl is probably gonna
be elected flower queen?

Are you kidding?

♪ ♪

Hmm... I wonder.

It's a thought. Oh, impossible.

But it's a thought.

♪ ♪

I'll tell you why I did it.

That gloria
character made me mad.

She'd been needling me
about being a glamour girl,

Saying horrible things.

And then, the g*n went off

And I started to run
and she started to run.

And I said something to her
and she said something to me,

And away we went.

Oh, I was stupid. I felt like
a fool when it was over.

- Well, where did you ever
learn to run the 100-yard dash?

- I... I didn't.

I've never run
a race in my life,

Especially with
those awful shoes on.

Have you ever seen
them? They have nails in 'em.

- Well, after this episode,

You'll be an even bigger
sensation at school.

Combination flower
queen candidate

And, uh, a 100-yard dasher.

I wish it never happened.

- I'll get it.

- Well, apart from
the foot race,

How did the pictures turn out?

- Ugh! I don't know.

I hope the camera's stuck.

Oh, you should've
seen me in that outfit.

I look like something
out of a keystone comedy.

- Sis, another call
for ms. Buttercup,

Somebody named horseman
or something like that.

- Not elvia horsen?

- Yeah, that's it.

Says she's gotta see you.
Be here in two minutes.

Well, I'm not gonna be here.

- Where are you gonna be?
- In bed.

- Say, what goes on around here?

- Well, briefly it seems your
sister made the dreadful mistake

Of running the
100-yard dash today,

And beating the school
champion by a country mile.


You mean, our betty? Her?

- How do you like that?

- Oh, hey, is it
true? No kidding?

- What true?

- Well, that... That... That you
beat the best girl in the school

In a 100-yard dash?

I don't wanna talk about it, and
don't you talk about it either.

Well, aren't you proud?

- I'm gonna be branded
with this thing from now on.

- Branded?

It's the first good thing
you've ever done in your life.


- Yes?
- Elvia's here.

Oh, no.


- Betty was sensational today.

She's a natural
sprinter. Really, she is.

She has tremendous
stamina, great coordination,

And she's a terrific competitor.

Oh, hi, betty.

- Elvia was just telling us how
well you did on the track today.

- Oh, really?

W... Won't you, uh...
Won't you sit down elvia?

- Oh, no, i, uh,

I just came by to ask you,
betty, if you would, uh...

Oh, why beat around
the bush about it?

We had a meeting
after you left this noon,

And gloria sends her apologies.

And she and the other
girls want me to ask you

If you'll join the track team?

- Join?

- We figured you ran
that hundred today

In close to 14 seconds.

Nobody has ever run it that
fast in springfield... No girl that is.

And nobody in the alden
team has ever made that time.

If you run for us in the meet,

It's a sure first
place in the hundred.

- Oh, I'm... I'm sorry,
but I just couldn't.

- I know it's a
lot to ask, betty,

But, well, it can mean
winning the meet or losing it,

And it's important to
us to win tomorrow.

It means a lot to
the kids on the team,

Especially with reunion
week coming up and all,

And let's face it,

It's our only chance
for a little bit of glory.

Well, I'd like to do
anything I can for you, elvia,

But, well,

Tomorrow is the judging in
the flower queen contest.

Tomorrow afternoon at 5 o'clock,

And this is important to me.

- But the meet will
be over at 5 o'clock.

You have time.

- You shouldn't put
me on the spot like this.

I'm not on the team.

- Look.

It's your school,

And every team is your team.

So the girls' track
team isn't much,

But it's representing
your school,

And every girl on it will
be tearing her heart out

To win tomorrow.

They have a chance to
win if you're with them.

That's what it amounts to.

You can give them
a chance to win.

Are you with us, betty?

Just say you're with us.

All right, I'm... I'm with you.

Atta girl!

We got the hundred
right in our pockets.

We're gonna beat
all of them this year

And you'll be the flower queen.

Well, see you tomorrow
at 2:30 at the girl's gym.

- Oh, betty, - now...

- You're the greatest!

- Well, is it all settled?

- They say it's all settled.

- Oh, betty, if you... If you
really don't wanna do it...

- I will run in the
silly track meet.

I'n not gonna fight it anymore.

The meet is tomorrow afternoon.

The flower queen judging
is tomorrow afternoon

At 5 o'clock.

You figure it out.

- Say, you're gonna be
on the track team, sis?

- Yes, I'm gonna be on the team.

- Well, I'm really proud of you.

Thanks a heap.

- What about the
flower queen finals?

You can't be an ol' track runner

And be a queen at
the same time, can you?

- That, little sister,
is the story of my life.

- Oh, what is she
mourning about?

I don't get it.

Ju... Just tell me.

- She's going to miss
the final judging

Tomorrow afternoon, a
chance to be flower queen.

I can't put it in any
simpler terms than that.

- No, wait a minute.

The judging is
tomorrow at 5 o'clock.

- Why does she have to miss it?
- Dear, she's in the track meet.

- All right, but it'll probably
- be over between 4:30 and 5:00

And then she can go
some place there at school

- And get dressed and...
- Oh, jim, it's not that easy.

- Well, she has a dress,
hasn't she, for the finals?

- But, she planned to
wear the one she wore

At the military ball, but...

- Do you know how long it
takes her to get into a dress?

This is an all-day job.

- Oh, she could jump into it
if she had to, couldn't she?

- Dear, a girl doesn't
jump into a dress.

Not that kind of a dress.

Well, the other the two
girls who are competing

Are probably starting
right now to get ready.

- Okay, then, why don't
we start right now?

I've got an idea.
Where's her dress?

- You're gonna
put it on her now?

- In her closet.
But why are you...

- After betty is asleep tonight,

You sneak it out
and put it in a box.

And, uh, wrap up some
shoes and stockings

And that, uh, other junk.

What are you planning?

- A maneuver called
operation ligety-split.


Uh, I want the phone
number of a family

By the name of horsen.

Oh, bud.

Uh, get a suitcase
out of the basement.

♪ ♪

- Well, this is a
valiant effort, dear,

But I don't see how
she'll ever do it.

- She'll do it.

I've always contended
this business of girls

Taking three hours to get
dressed is pure nonsense.

If she really wants to,

She can get into this
stuff in three minutes.

- Mommy, I can't
find my pajamas.

- Coming!

Well, be sure you pack the
first thing she'll put on, on top.

- All right.

Pack first things first.

- First things last.

- First things last.

- I admire your persistence,
dear, but there isn't a chance.

Why, even if they run the
100-yard dash right now,

Betty couldn't get
dressed in 15 minutes.

- Why not? What is there
to putting on a dress?

- Oh.

- Everything's there
in the girl's gym.

- Dress, shoes, socks.
- Socks?

- All she has to do
is put the stuff on.

- Hey! They're starting
the 100-yard dash.

- All right, kids.

This is it. It's up to you.

Win this one and
we've got the meet.

- Oh, come on, tut, you
can still make the judging.

- Ten minutes, forget it.

- Look, I promised your dad

You'd be in the
auditorium dressed

And looking like
a doll at 5 o'clock.

You're gonna be there.

- But how?
- You heard what she said.

You're gonna be there.

- The 100-yard dash.

For alden, willis and carberry.

For springfield,
stacey and anderson.

- Okay, come on.

- How do you feel, kid?

- Oh, awful and... I'm scared.

My knees are like jelly.

- Look, you beat me once.

Let's see you do
it again. Come on.

- On your marks.

- Oh, come on.

You've got ten
minutes to be a queen.

You've got ten
seconds to win this race.

- Get set...

Go, betty, go!

- Come on, sis!

- Run, betty!

- She's gonna do
it. She's gonna do it.

- Come on.


- Betty, get on here.

You have eight
minutes to get dressed

And be in the auditorium.

- Come on, give me all...

- Where's the suitcase?

- Come on.

- Okay.

- Make it quick.

- Hurry up! Come on.

- Oh, one minute.

She better leave right now.

- Not yet!

- Come on, keep it going.

Keep it going, I
promised her dad.

- Hey!

Why we didn't stay and find out
if betty was made flower queen?

- Well, we couldn't just
hang around the college.

Besides, the election was
only for the student body.

- Well, I'm a student body.

- Relax, kitten, we'll
find out what happened.

- Bud, doesn't fred have a
sister who's in junior college?

- Yeah, I could call fred.

- Kathy, run upstairs
and put the sweater away.

- Hello, fred?

Oh, hi, man. This is bud.

Oh, pretty good.

Say, did you go to
the track meet today?

- Ask him if his sister is home.

- Say, how do you like my
sister on the 100-yard dash?

Kid really did pick 'em up
and put 'em down, didn't she?

Well, I figured she's a
cinch to make the olympics

If she'll train for it.

You know, she's a
natural sprinter.

I've been telling
her that all along.

- Has his sister come home?

- Say, your sister
goes to junior college,

Doesn't she fred?

- Ask him if she's come
home from school yet.

- Oh, well, is she
home from school?

Oh. Yeah, okay.


Well, she's not home
from school yet,

But there's somebody
knocking on their front door

And he thinks it might her
because she always forgets

To take her key, so
he's going to look.

- I give up on fred.

- Oh, wait, honey. Maybe we...

- Yeah? Who was it?

They did?

No kidding. How
do you like that?

- Did she win?
- Who?

- Betty. What did
fred's sister say?

- Oh, that wasn't fred's
sister at the door.

That was pete summers
and his folks gave him

A new carburetor
for his birthday.

Well, now, what did I do?

- Well, we could call the school

And find out if the flower
queen election is over.

- Uh, it's just a
little after 6.

Give her a few more minutes.

- Where is that girl taking
betty on the motor scooter?

- To the gymnasium
to get dressed.

She only had eight minutes.

- Oh, she sure burned
up that 100 yards,

But I'll bet anything
she didn't get dressed

- In any eight minutes.
- Well, I don't know.

Elvia promised she'd be in
the auditorium by 5 o'clock.

- I still don't
think it's possible.

Well, i...

- Elvia.
- Well, where's betty?

Who... Who... What, uh...

- Meet the flower queen of
springfield junior college.


Congratulations, princess!

- Elvia, how did you ever do it?

- Teamwork, mrs. Anderson.

- Teamwork.
- Oh!

- What's this?

Teamwork? How'd
the team missed this?

- You forgot to pack my shoes.
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