01x24 - Cute Faces Are Always Hiding Something

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Gintama". Aired: April 4, 2006 - October 7, 2018.*
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Japanese manga series where aliens have invaded and taken over feudal Tokyo, an unemployed samurai finds work however he can.
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01x24 - Cute Faces Are Always Hiding Something

Post by bunniefuu »

[You've enjoyed "Tuesday E-Jump.

" But we've come to the final episode.


[So today, we'll show you a great time until the very end.


Don't give me that! Do you have any idea what a nuisance your barbarism has become?! Shut up, you old hag! Where do you get off talking to me like this just because I was late with the neighborhood notice?! Kabukicho is a place where the pure and the dirty are mixed together.

That's all the more reason why you have to live according to the rules! That's what you say, granny, but just last week you put out JUMP comics on burnable trash day! Not me! That was the guy on the second floor! You're making too much noise Don't play dumb! Don't get carried away because they call you the Empress of Kabukicho! Hey, keep it quiet, you two freaks.

Do you have any idea what time it is? You're raising my blood pressure.

Shut up, loser!! Decent human beings have already started their day at this hour! You guys think you're "human beings"? Maybe you were a long time ago.

You're going to pay for even thinking you can defy me.

I'm taking him with me.

Go right ahead.


Who is that monster? Like Otose-san, she's one of the Four Royals of Kabukicho The Demoness Mademoiselle Saigo.

["Cute Faces Are Always Hiding Something"]

Girls, we have someone new for today.

Meet Pako-chan.

Oh my, she's cute.

Why's she called Pako? Because she's got naturally wavy hair.

Give me a break, Mama.

She's going to steal all of my customers.

I'm sorry, I have a stomach ache so I'll be leaving early.

You can't escape that easily.

I'll teach you what it means to survive in Kabukicho.

I already know.

I live here.

I'll teach you the noble way of those you call "freaks.

" Really, give me a break.

I'm the main character, you know.

Pound into our new girl how tough it is in this business.

What're you doing, Zura? It's not Zura.

I'm Zurako.

Pops, isn't our tempura soba ready yet? It'll be just a little longer.

A little? Do you know how many instant cup noodles I could've made by now? Calm down, Elizabeth.

Recently the crackdown on lawless ronin has gotten stricter.

Don't do anything that would attract attention to us.

Here you go! Damn you! Did you forget that we ordered before that guy?! Please forgive me, mister samurai.

This is a special customer It's your duty to treat each customer equally! Prepare to meet your maker! Oh come now, mister.

Don't get upset over something like this.

Here, you can have mine.

Shut up, freak! Hey.

Who're you calling a freak? And that's how I ended up here.

Since then, I've been looking for a chance to escape, but Hey, you! Sway your hips more.

Zura, you've been here too long.

You might not be able to return to the streets.

Don't be ridiculous.

I have a duty to save my country! I don't have time to waste fooling around here.

I don't want my country saved by a guy who dances to the beat of a place like this.

Hey, you two.

Zurako, Pako, you're rhythm is off.

Keep dancing like that, and you'll make your customers sick! What're you talking about? This languid look is my selling point, Agomi.

Who're you calling Agomi? Pako, I told you when I introduced you.

This is Agoyo.

No, I'm not! It's Azumi.

You idiots! Come on! Pako, Zurako! If you can't dance, then help out in the hall! Good day, I'm Vaneko.

I'm Wakame.



Hey, hey, what's with those faces? Does this place intend to make me drunk with those faces? That's harsh! I'm so shocked Hey, you with the naturally wavy hair.

I came here to laugh at weirdoes like you! Do something funny, you freaks! What'd you say, bar code head? Want me to pull out every last hair of hope on your head? Stop it, Pako.

Sir, I told you touching or insulting the hostesses was forbidden.

Don't try to make fools out of us!! "More noble than a woman," "Stronger than a man" That's Mama's favorite phrase.

People like us need that kind of pride to survive in this world.

We have to be stronger than anyone or anything.

So are you strong, Agomi? Can that chin of yours break anything? Why're you limiting her strength to her chin? But Mademoiselle Saigo's strength is extraordinary.

He's no ordinary man.

Yes, I hear he used to be amazing back in the day.

What was he called? "White Loincloth Saigo" or something like that.

I don't know what he did, but he was some kind of hero who went into battle wearing a white loincloth.

With only that information, he just sounds like a pervert.

White Loincloth Saigo I've heard that name somewhere before Come on and fight! Your dad's a guy, but he acts like a mom! Maybe you're a girly boy, too! That's why he's such a weakling! Infectious h*m* liquid! Run! Are you all right, kid? Te-Teru-kun! Teruhiko! What happened?! You're hurt! The hospital! We have to get you to a hospital right away! Call Dr.

Red Beard! Dr.

Red Beard! There are lots of Blue Beards around here.

I'm not talking to you jackasses! Beat it! They're just scratches, so I'm okay, Dad I'm not Dad! Call me Mom!! Teruhiko, you've been coming home a lot lately all bruised up.

What've you been doing? Are you hiding something? D-Don't worry, Mom.

I've just been playing samurai with my friends on the way home.

Well, I'm going out to play.

Just a minute! Teruhiko! Kid.

You forgot something.

[To all parents: Notice to Parent for Third Annual Visiting Day]

Don't worry.

I haven't shown it to your father.

Should I have? No Thanks, auntie.

It's not "auntie.

" It's Katsura.

Are you sure it's okay? If your father doesn't come? I want him to come, but You don't want to be teased again? I don't care about that.

I'm used to it.

But I don't want to see Dad get laughed at orhurt.

I love my Dad.

He's fun and can sometimes be a little scary, but Sometimes, I wish Dad was just a normal dad.

[Closed Till Tonight]

Mama, you've had too much to drink! What's eating you, all of a sudden? Leave her alone.

A man drinks until he's wasted, then he can finally sleep.

Don't you mean "woman"?! A woman cries until she cries herself to sleep! Really, Mama, you should stop.

Mama and Pako both.

I really feel terrible for that boy.

With a father like this, you know It would be strange if they didn't pick on him.

Soyou do understand? That makes this easier Well, now you look like one of those anti-social types.

You need to look more like a hopeless father.

Shall I draw a turd on your forehead? What're doing, you Teruhiko's mother died before he was old enough to remember.

From then on, I had to be his mother.

I went too far, and ended up like this.

For that boy's sake, I stuck to my principles.

I've never once regretted my decision, and I don't intend to start now.

Sure, there will be those who laugh at my ugly mug, but my spirit is more beautiful than any man's or woman's.

Yo, so you came.

Weak little girly.

Stop saying that! I'm not weak! And I'll prove it.

Gintoki, I'm going back, after all.

Huh? You sure you're awake? I'm worried about that father and son.

If you stay here any longer, you'll really turn into one of them.

That freak drunk himself to sleep, so this is our only chance.

You can escape anytime, but now is not the time.

Good luck, Zurako.

I'll be praying that you don't spend half of your life away here.

Wait, Pako.

Ow-ow-ow-ow-ow! You're going to rip me in two! Into two new pieces! What is it with you?! Just do what you want by yourself! What're you saying, Pako? Haven't we always fought together as the top tag-team? Hell if I know! The food was bad, but we ate at Saigo-dono's table.

Isn't it the proper samurai way to return kindness? You're saying samurai should get involved in a kid's fight? He's in danger!, What are we gonna do, Yo-chan? I don't care! It was his idea! Ow-ow-ow.

What're you doing? Lemme go! You guys are gross! Zurako, he says you're gross.

What're you talking about? He meant you, Pako.

He meant you Mr.

bleached white face.

Play more outdoors.

What about you? Your face just shouts, "I'm poor!" "Give me back the lunch money you stole.

" Just so you know, it's not our fault.

We tried to stop him, but he did it on his own I don't get it.

Tell us the details.

The details, or I'll shave your head.

It was a test of courage.

There's a test of courage that's popular among us kids.

When we teased him about it, he took it seriously and An abandoned house? It's not an abandoned house.

It's in there.

The other day, we heard a creepy growl Like it was from a beast.

There's definitely something in there.

A haunted house, eh? Hey, Zura, you're pretty good.

How'd you make through such a narrow opening? Huh? This isn't happening.

You can't be serious? No way! What're you doing? I can't move forwards or backwards.

You dumb blonde, that's why they named you Pako.

What was that, you bastard? I'll "Pa" you! Come on, relax.


It's no use.

Leave me here.

I'll live here from now on! It's in here Something mysterious Teruhiko-kun? You're Teruhiko-kun, aren't you? Please say you're Teruhiko-kun! You bastard! You'd just leave me here?! You said you wanted to live there.

Don't worry.

I'll be right back.

I'll buy you a castella cake.

Castella! What would I use a castella cake for?! Zurako! Haven't we always fought together as the top tag-team, up until now? Whatever! I know! That's it! I'll give you my leather jacket with "Samurai" printed on the back.

It's what you always wanted! Who'd wear a tacky jacket like that?! What're you humans doing? Oh I see So a child came in here and hasn't returned since, you say.

And you came here to find him? Recently we've had a lot of kids coming into the yard and causing mischief.

See that tree by the annex? Kids claim that if they can fetch fruit from that tree, it proves they are a real samurai.

It's just like children think up such silly things.

So does this yard belong to you, Squirt? Who the hell are you calling "squirt"? Do you have any idea who this squirt is? Stop it, Jii.

Father said that although we come from different planets, we should always be kind to beautiful women.

Have you forgotten that? Prince, you mustn't be fooled.

After all your father said, he married a homely woman in the end.

Hey! That's my mother you're talking about! My mother! Huh? You You Have we met before? Heavens no! How sick.

Is that the Jomon pickup line? You'll never pick up any Edo women that way, baldy.

Why don't you just croak.

I see I thought we met somewhere before, but I can't ignore a damsel in distress.

How about we assist them in their search? Eh, Jii? Um, I'll pass.

I have a gate-ball match at 4 o'clock.

Old fart.

I'll send you through the gate of Hell.

Prince, there's something I'd like to ask you.

There's a rumor going around the children that a monster lives here.

Any idea what that might be? What was that? That growl?! Something's coming.

This time Something's coming! Pochi, show me some love.

Is this your monster? Pochi is not a monster.

You're in the yard I prepared for my pet, Pochi.

I bought this abandoned samurai mansion, and turned it into Pochi's playground.

You don't have to worry.

Pochi wouldn't hurt a child.

Right, Pochi? Excuse me May I pet him, too? Hey, don't.

Good boy, good boy What're you afraid of? He certainly has a big body, but such a lovable animal wouldn't hurt anyone.

It's an angel.

An angel.

Hey! It's an angel and a devil rolled into one! An angel and devil dancing cheek to cheek!! Pochi is an unusual species I found on a remote planet.

The bottom part is fake, right? Animals lured in by cute faces get eaten by the main part.

What a fabulous organism! And we're in exactly that situation, aren't we? It's fine.

Pochi only eats salami.

Right, precious? He's, you know Just playing.


No way! He just ate your head nub thingy! I'm fine, I tell you.

This will grow back.

Look out! This isn't funny! Yo-chan, this doesn't sound good.

It's going to get those people, too.

Yeah Yo-chan! Where're you going? Yo-chan! Aunties! Hang in there, Aunties! Hey You okay, kid? You really had us worried.

Are you hurt? I could as you the same question! Zura, you really are in sorry shape.

Where'd you put your body? You're just an exposed head yourself.

Namu Amida Butsu.

Shinpachi! Kagura! Sadaharu! Farewell! Calm down.

The two of you have just been buried, that's all.

I see.

There's nothing to worry about anymore.

We've come to save you.

Or should I say, please save us.

Why did you come here, aunties? Never mind that.

We're glad you're safe.


I was hiding up in a tree the whole time.

I didn't dare come down.

Then I saw you being carried off by that thing.

That Pochi, he learned a new trick.

How sweet.

Prince, Pochi does this when he wants to store his food.

What're you going to do about this, you idiot prince?! My life and my gate-ball match are over! Shut up, you old fart! If we get out of this, I'm definitely firing you! Go right ahead.

We're all going to die here anyway.

I'm sorry, everybody.

It's my fault this happened What have I done? I've caused so much trouble for everyone I wanted to somehow prove that I wasn't weak.

But I was so angry that everyone made fun of Dad.

Dad is the way he is, but I know that he has a spirit that's stronger and purer than anyone.

But no one sees that.

They don't even try.

It makes me so angry I'm so frustrated.

You He's coming Pochi, if you have to eat, then eat Jii! I'm all fat and bad for your health! What're you saying?! If you eat me, my bones will stick in your throat for sure! Eat the prince! Hey! Hey! He's coming this way! That's enough! Forget about us and just run away! You'll be k*lled, too! Hey! Are you listening?! Shut up! I'm strong! I won't run away! This is no time to say such things! Hurry! Runnnn!! You are strong We already knew that! You and your dad are both men of strong spirit.

You think nobody can see that? Don't be stupid.

Those who can see that, see it.

At the very least, there are two right here who can see it.

Remember that.

Auntie As if you would know.

M-Mom! I remember now Back during the Amanto invasion, there was a man who wore nothing but a white loincloth when he stormed the enemy battleship.

He fought until that white loincloth was stained crimson with the blood of the enemy.

His exploits are legend.

The Demon, Tokumori Saigo! He's our great Senpai.

M-Mom I'm sorry.

I Idiot! Right now, call me Dad.


You two are fired.

You still can't dance, no matter how much you practice.

If you ever call us freaks again, I won't go easy on you, you hear?! And one other thing If you are ever feeling frisky, come visit the club for a good time.

We'll treat you real special.

He scares me.

Looks like we didn't need to worry.

They're no different than samurai.

They have a path of their own to follow.

My Father-Mother.

My mother is my mother, but she's also my father.

Actually, she's my father, but she's my mother.

Mother has a lot of ladies around her, who call themselves butterflies, but they're really more like moths.

But they're all good people.

I think their spirits are purer than anyone else's.

Mom, everyone.

I hope you remain wonderful moths forever.

I love you all.

The end.

I really should stop coming to Earth.

["Actually, you did want this leather jacket, didn't you?"]

["Hmph! I just accepted it for your sake.



Gin-san, Gin-san! Gin Tama's been renewed for a third season! Really? We have to celebrate! Shall we splurge on sukiyaki, then? The next episode: "A Shared Soup Pot is a Microcosm of Life.
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