01x44 - Mom's Busy, Too, So Quit Complaining About What's For Dinner

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Gintama". Aired: April 4, 2006 - October 7, 2018.*
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Japanese manga series where aliens have invaded and taken over feudal Tokyo, an unemployed samurai finds work however he can.
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01x44 - Mom's Busy, Too, So Quit Complaining About What's For Dinner

Post by bunniefuu »

Elizabeth! [In order to rescue the captured Elizabeth, they are learning the secrets of ninja.


[Now, the Go-Ninja begins their ninja training.

Isn't it a bit late?!]

["Mom's Busy, Too, So Quit Complaining About What's for Dinner"]


Now, I'm going to test your ninja skills.

This place is commonly known as "Ninja Street.

" And we ninja often use it for training.

Every ninja active in Edo, first learned the art of becoming a shadow right here.

But there's nothing here.

It's just an ordinary street lined with shops.

Oh, so you think you can become a ninja at a sports gym?! Die, four-eyed bastard! What?! Why are you acting so sadistic to me? I see.

When learning how to hide, it's best to do it in a place filled with people! That's right.

And, why are you holding that plate of curry? So, what are we supposed to do here? Everyone, look over there! [MINMEIDO BOOKSTORE]

Huh? A bookstore? I see.

We must shoplift some books without being caught by the store clerk Listen.

You've got to buy a porno magazine without being noticed by the clerk or the customers.

What?! What are you taking about? What the hell does that have to do with being a ninja?! This is a good test, officially used at the ninja academy.

Everyone must complete this test before they can become an adult.

That's quite a different meaning of "Adult"! Then, can you do it? You must completely hide all signs of your presence and, without being noticed, quickly judge which is your favorite porno mag.

Then, you have to pay without the cashier noticing you and leave as if nothing happened.

Do you think you can do it? Ah Now we know what's her favorite You guys are too self-conscious.

If that's all I have to do to become a ninja, that's easy.

Watch me.

This is a piece of cakeumcurry.

Watch me.

This is a piece of cakeuhcurry.

Don't drop it! You'll die if you spill it, Curry Ninja! [Note: Roux (spice mix) is used to make curry in Japan.

A parody mix of Roux + Roger]

Rouxger! Rouxger! What's a Rouxger?! I've never heard such an absurd word.

Do you mean "Roger"?! He's fast! It's quite something.

He's even faster than a real ninja Hey, hey.

He might make it He spilled his curry! S-SorryLeader Take careof the rest Curry Ninja! Above all else, I told you not to spill the curry.

I give him a "B.

" He had good speed, but sucky concentration.

Who's next? I'll go! I shall avenge Curry Ninja.

You're not old enough to buy adult magazines, so buy JUMP instead.

Wow! She's like a ninja! So ninja-like! She's ready and willing.

She loves this kind of stuff! Wow! She's in the zone! Come on! Go ahead and buy it! Huh? She's coming back.

What happened? Huh? Is she crying? Gin-chanThere was dog poop on the street.

I'm all icky! Leader, don't worry about it.

I think it's just the curry I spilled No, that stinks! [Get 10 Times More Points]

[Ninja Hattori-kun character]

That's just as bad!! Curry Ninja! Well, I'm the real Curry Ninja now! Don't get so wound-up.

I'll give you an "A.

" I don't need your sympathy grades!! Damn it! That's it! I don't care about being the leader anymore! It can't be helped.

I have to do it I may not look it, but as a kid, I pretended to be a ninja all the time.

Good luck, Gin-san! Huh? Where did Gin-san go? That's gross! No, it's not.

That's a good technique.

One of the real ninja arts, called "Kakuremi no jutsu.

" I'm so proud of Gin-san.

He's such a gifted thinker.

Are you going easy on him?! Teacher's pet! What?! Any objections, Double Curry? What's "Double Curry?" I didn't come up with this yellow suit! Let me tell you something.

It's not made of yellow cloth.

It's made out of a yellowed white curtain.

So it's "Yellowed Ninja.

" Bastard, get over here! I'll tear you apart! Stop, Yellow! Don't disobey my orders! But, Leader! Why is there a garbage bin here? Heck if I know.

Well That's bad, isn't it? It's just our imagination.

No one's actually inside it, right? Maybe so If he were inside, he'd be dead.

Well You're next, Shinpachi-kun.

All right.

Then I'm off.

Oh? Well He's quite smooth Nobody notices him at all Or, maybe Nobody cares about his existence.

He has a non-presence! Come on.

I don't care about ninjas or whatever.

Anybody can do that as long as they're plain.

He really was inside! That's stupid.

I'm glad I didn't do it that way.

This is just I just went to the restroom and tangled with a punk.

It's true.

Seriously Why are you all looking at me like that? [South Town Magistrate's office]

I see Finally Katsura makes his move.

It seems he has gathered a force to free the beast.

They'll most likely attack tonight.

He fell for it The moth is flying into the flame Bakufu's enemy, Leader of the Anti-Foreign rebels, Kotaro Katsura If I get his head, my status in the Bakufu will rise.

I'm counting on you Zenzo Hattori Here we go Ninja Spy Force, Go-Ninja! Forward! [Gin Tama Shippuden]

You know, they say that having moonlight in your butt hole is healthy.

You, watch what you say while we're on duty! Seriously Usually, the butt hole doesn't get any light.

Sunlight also works, but moonlight works a lot better.

You're saying something like that just to antagonize me.

Seriously I heard Hattori-san cured his hemorrhoids that way.

That's enough! Katsura might be here on the magistrate's property.

Well, I was trying to lighten the mood Damn it! I have to pee! Ah! Hey! Really Is this guy really brave or just nuts? Moon! Please cure my hemorrhoids! Ah? The moon is coming closer [SERIOUSLY CENSORED]

Sorry, but you should go see a doctor to cure your hemorrhoids.

White Ninja! Special technique: Ninja Art: "Undercover Strike" It stinks! Hey, What's all the racket? Oh, you! I-Intruder!! The light I can't see anything.

Oh, that's not good.

You need to put on your glasses.

What's this? It stinks! What's this? It stinks! I can't take them off! Is this natto?! Four-eyed Ninja! Special Technique: Ninja Art: "Without Glasses I Can't See Tomorrow" Whoa! No! Am I gonna be like this forever?! No way! Ah, but I might like this, because it feels so good Right, this will be a big hit this year.

Natto glasses.

Huh? Who are you? Holstein Ninja! Special Technique: Ninja Art: "Even though I'm in a Holstein costume, I'm still just a plain guy.

" Really Such a beautiful moon tonight Let's take care of 'em quick and get back to moon bathing! I see.

Then how about some moony-side-up egg curry! Red, Hot! Yellow, Mild! Double Curry Ninja Special Technique Ninja Art: "Throwing Curry In a Hurry" I see.

They're throwing everything into a state of confusion instead of working out an undercover plan.

It's a very good plan for amateurs.

But it won't work against us Real ninja.

Damn it! Where did they go? Find them! Gin-chan! Can you move over more?! My shoulder is sticking out.

It'll get att*cked! They'll get my shoulder!! In my case, all of me is sticking out! They'll get all of me!! Get out, you guys! This is for one person only.

I built this by myself, for myself.

Anyway, why did you make it look like brick?! This isn't New York! If you have any complaints, get out! I'll hide anywhere, even in a sewage canal, as long as it's with Gin-san.

Shut up.

You're bothering me, too! Whatever, you really stink.

Don't touch me! Humph.

I love it when you talk rough You really stink! You smell like natto! Your fingers! Huh? Where's Yellow Curry Ninja? Hey, what are you doing, Zura?! I'm not Zura.

I'm a pine tree! No, no! Impossible! You're totally in the open! Gin-chan, look over there! Elizabeth! Zura, wait! Ah, it's the intruder!! Stop! Hey, look! This wall is strange! Like part of it is in New York! Zura! What are you doing?! White! Everyone! Please stick with me.

It's your fault they found us! [NOTE: This is a spoof of the manga Detroit Metal City.


I'll SATSUGAI you! My curry is going to spill! I'm going to die! Forget about your character, just throw it away! Oh, no If we don't do something, we'll end up getting destroyed.

Sachan-san, do you have any useful weapons? Count on me! This will slow them down! Maki [Note: Makibishi are small, spiked caltrops used by ninja to deter pursuing enemies.


bi shi! Damn it! We can't get any closer with these.

Oh! It worked perfectly as a barrier.

Just as I planned.

That was Ninja Art Makibishi Circle.

You liar! It's stuck in your forehead! Take that! Die! That's totally wrong! That's not how Makibishi are supposed to be used! Magistrate!! They're breaking through the mechanical traps, one after another! At this rate, they'll be here soon.

Don't worry about it.

There's stillthe final room What's this place? Hey! That's! Elizabeth! No! Don't get any closer E-Elizabeth That's too bad.

Elizabeth-chan isn't here.

You are Long time no see, Ayame Sarutobi.

Zenzo Sachan-san, you know this guy? He's a former Oniwabanshu.

Zenzo Hattori He possessed the most feared ninja techniques in the history of the Oniwabanshu.

I'm a freelancer now and I've been working for the big man here.

I'm sorry, but even if you are my ex co-worker, if you insist on sticking with these fools I'll show no mercy.

I don't care if you're a Go-Ninja or what But an amateur ninja can't beat a real ninja.

Even if you are a samurai We arethe strongest five.

Idaten no Gou! [Note: Idaten = a devoted guardian]

Bishamonten no Shuwa! [Note: Bishamonten = the chief of the Four Heavenly Kings]

Benzaiten Kaoru! [Note: Benzaiten = the Hindu goddess of wealth and eloquence]

Komokuten Matsuo.

[Note: Komokuten = one of the Four Heavenly Kings]

[Marishiten = the goddess of heaven and light]

Marishiten, Zenzo Hattori.

We're five are Freelance Battle Squad, The Shinobi Five! Katsura! No, Go-Ninja, this game will soon be over! All members of the Shinobi Five used to work for the Oniwabanshu, and they're very good.

You'll die in front of your beloved Elizabeth-chan.

Elizabeth! Gin-san! We're your opponent JUMP Samurai! Gin-san! I never thought I would meet you in a place like this.

Every time I read JUMP, your face appears in my mind, and it's so annoying! Wait, wait Let's see JUMP JUMP Oh, I've got it! Are you the Isomura-kun to whom I never returned the copy of JUMP?! Wait, let me explain I told you, I'm Hattori.

Hey, you! What?! Don't tell me you forgot about me! So, you're Isomura-kun, right? I'm Ha-tto-ri! Sorry, but I'm not good at remembering a man's face! If that's the case, I don't remember you, either! I don't know who you are! Then There's no reason to fight! Shut up! I don't have to remember you to hate you! Gin-san, be careful! That man is very dangerous You're the one who needs to be careful.

Ah, what wonderful agility! You move just like a monkey.

Oh, I'm sorry.

Do I have to call you Sachan? Osaru-san.

[Note: Osaru-san = monkey girl]

You'rethe ninja academy Madonna, Kaoru-san Waki? I'm sorry, but I didn't recognize you because you're much too flashy.


I didn't know Katsura was such a weakling.

Not only that, but the other two are just kids.

According to my data, our chance of winning is 99.


What do we do? I don't think we can win against real ninja.

Curry, ready! Curry? No! No! Don't say that like it's nothing! What the hell kind of battle cry is that?! Agh!! They've got them too! Has everyone gone insane or is it just me? Unfortunately, we already calculated your chances.

If you strike, you face a 99.

8% probability of being slaughtered.

Shut up! We won't know that until we try! Don't underestimate our Triple Curry! Triple? Does that mean I'm in, too? Hey, am I also a member?! We'll show you the difference between fake and real ninja! Hot! A potato down my back! A potato is dancing on my back! Hot! We used the same technique, but with different resultsThis is the difference in our skills! They're eating it! Good grief Our technique was completely outclassed.

You're more naïve than I thought! You're the ones who are naive.

What Ugh! My stomach My stomach You bastard, What did you do to that curry?! Didn't your mommy tell you not to eat food from a stranger? You dug your own graves by showing off your technique.

Learn common sense before learning ninja techniques.

You, too Leader! What happened?! You, how could you?! I was a little hungry, so I had a bite! You ate it, too?! Well I can overcome this kind of pain.

The kanji character "Shinobi" also means "to endure".

Keep that in mind I'll show you my true ninja technique! Ninja Art, "Shadow Clone Technique"! You'll never figure out which is the real me! You're completely unprotected! Gou! Oh, no! Gou say something And Now it's my turn.

Ninja Art, "Steroid Jutsu!" Grow huge, my muscles! Something got huge, anyway!! This isn't good According to my data, there's a 99.

8% probability I'll be beaten in the next scene.

This scene! H-Hey! What are you guys doing? Hattori! What's is this? I thought you guys were the five greatest ninjas in the world!! That's all wrong.

The Pegasus Meteor Attack is like this Idiot.

It's supposed to look like the Pegasus constellation.

Hattori! What are you doing? This isn't middle school recess! [Note: Parody of the pegasasu ryusei ken technique from the JUMP manga/anime Saint Seiya]

Magistrate! The Pegasus Meteor Attack! It's like this, right? Magistrate! Give him a clear "no" sign! This guy is an idiot! Idiot! Both of you are idiots! Anyway, that technique is done like this! I recorded all the episodes! You know, you were popular with certain boys, but they were all disgusting.

Glasses fanatics Waki-san, your best friend Seki-san She talks behind your back Is that what you call a fight?! Gin-san! We've got to end this quickly! Kagura-chan's been struck by the worst blow ever suffered by a heroine! For some reason, I'm not especially motivated.

I don't care about Elizabeth or if Kagura gets her feet wet.

Just waitit'll I get better, shag-head! I'll poop more than my pants! Leader, you gotta relax! Take deep breaths like me.


What is she, pooping or having a baby?! Everyone's so noisy It's time for the showdown.

All right.

You and I think alike I wish we'd met under different circumstances.

Is that so Well, we already met under different circumstances!! I already told you! He disappeared? Gin-san! Look out! He's below me How annoying.

What's this? Some sort of sweet scent My bodyis numb! How do my roses smell? Ninja Art, "Coiling Aroma Attack!" Paralyzing all who sniff my poison rose! Now, Zenzo! It's time for the final blow! Saru! How can she move?! My technique didn't work? Don't tell me she used the smell of natto to cancel out the scent of my roses?! Ninja Art! I will Natto give up! Wake up, Gin-san! Die! JUMP Samurai! The one to die is you! Zenzo! Zenzo! You're so mean! Zenzo has hemorrhoids! It stinks! Th-This can't beThe Shinobi Five No way I hope Kagura-chan makes it in time.

EliElizabeth! Oh, my goodness! Elizabeth! It's terrible! Absolutely terrible! Oh, no This isawful! Hey, Zura Isn't this kinda weird? It looks like something cottony is coming out That's right.

And there's no blood, either.

Huh? I already told you fools.

Elizabeth-chan isn't here.

Elizabeth-chan was never here!! You still don't you get it? Katsura, that old manmade an Elizabeth doll to lure you here.

You guys were duped.

Zura-kun Hey, Zura-kun What's going on? Come to think of it I forgot that we had a fight yesterday over who'd get Oage in their soba.

[Note: Oage = fried tofu on top of hot soba]

That means she just left the house because of the fight! Gimme a break!! You owe us for all the trouble! Hello! I have something to ask you.

Elizabeth, I've been looking all over for you.

What were you doing? What? The newspaper? Can't you say "no"? They never let up.

I don't have any money for it.

Anyway, I'll be late coming home again tonight.

For dinner, just take some hamburger out of the freezer and nuke it.

Eh, frozen food again? I'm getting tired of it.

It's not fair.

I already know Mom puts on a lot of makeup and goes out with an unknown man to have tasty food.

Now look! You're being selfish.

You made your father angry! Elizabeth, where are you? Elizabeth! [Preview]

Hey, Sadaharu! How did you get so big? The next episode "Walk Your Dog at an Appropriate Speed.

" [Suddenly Sadaharu grows enormous and is the center of media attention.


[And who are Ane and Mone, the self-proclaimed beautiful shrine maiden sisters?]
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