01x47 - Do Cherries Come From Cherry Trees?

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Gintama". Aired: April 4, 2006 - October 7, 2018.*
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Japanese manga series where aliens have invaded and taken over feudal Tokyo, an unemployed samurai finds work however he can.
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01x47 - Do Cherries Come From Cherry Trees?

Post by bunniefuu »

It's a d-d-dream Huh? I can't move.

It's no use Huh? Could it be? Could it be kanashibari? Is it kanashibari? [Note: Kanasibari means to be bound and paralyzed by a ghost.


Huh? Wh-Wh-What's going on? Nah, can't be C-C-Could it be ghosts OhhI don't believe in that.

I absolutely don't believe in that.

I'm not afraid.

How can I be I'm the star.

Once upon a time, I was called the White Demon and the people were afraid of me.

I can't be afraid of a ghost.

Hey, Kagura! I have no voice? I'm talking, but nothing's coming out.

Hey! Hey! I'm having trouble breathing.

I'm struggling to breathe.

Is it a ghost, after all? Is it the ghost's doing? I take back what I said.

I do believe in ghosts! Hey, is someone there? Ghost, are you there? I was wrong.

So please release me from the ghost paralysis.

Please! I'm begging you! Help! Help me please! [For some reason, Gin-san is frozen by ghost paralysis and incapable of moving.


[Is it the work of ghosts? And when will he ever be released?]

Hey, it's morning I can't move I haven't moved Am I going to be like this for the rest of my life? Ghost-san, please answer me! Ghost-san! Ghost-san! Ghost-san! Good morning.

Oh, Shinpachi.

Shinpachi! Help me! Shinpachi.

Shinpachi! Shinpachi! My voice isn't coming out.

I'm talking, but I have no voice.

Morning, Shinpachi.

Kagurait doesn't matter who Save me.

Save me.


Save me.

You look sleepy.

Morning, Kagura-chan.

Huh? Where's Gin-chan? Is Gin-chan still asleep? That's right.

Gin-san's suffering from ghost paralysis.

Shall I wake him up? Hurry and come here! No, never mind.

Gin-san's in kanashibari.

What?! How do you know? How do you know? Why won't you save me even though you know? Kanashibari? What is kanashibari? It's a ghost paralysis.

You're awake, but your body can't move.

It's a very convenient state for the animators.

Convenient? Seems all the anime staff are taking a trip to Kinugawa Hot Spa, so they were talking about creating a 30-minute "Gin-san Meets Ghost Paralysis" episode.

What?! ["Gin-san Meets Ghost Paralysis"]

You can't do that! Oh, I'm free of the ghost paralysis.

Anime staff! You think you can get away with such laziness?! Do it right! [A pollen allergy sweeps across Edo.

Apparently, a plant from another planet is the cause.


[I'm exhausted, achoo! I worked too hard thinking the end was near.


["Do Cherries Come from Cherry Trees?"]

Buekushon! Hakushon! Michael Jackson! Hey, that can't be Michael Jackson.

That was a sneeze.

It's Janet Jackson! Maeda Taison! [Note: A possible word play on Mike Tyson]

Cut it out! Sneeze normally! It's so irritating.

The pollen this year is worse than normal.

Everyone on the street is sniffling and suffering from the pollen.

I wonder why.

Seems it's not cedar pollen.

This year, they think it's a nasty pollen from a plant from another planet.

Shakin' the baby! Hey! Stick to the topic! That's okay, after all, this show is Fiction! No relation to actual persons, groups or events.

Don't worry about unnecessary things! It's too late! Too late, you say? I heard the old hag closed the shop and crawled into bed.

Otose-san? The Otose? You'd think she'd just sprinkle the pollen on her rice for flavor.

The Otose?! I know how you feel.

I heard it's that bad.

We should probably stay indoors.

We're out of tissues.

Shinpachi, go buy some.

Hey! Were you even listening? Never mind, just go buy some.

Buying tissues is all you're good for, anyway.

What did you say, damn bitch! Go home to your planet! Doesn't seem like inside or outside makes any difference.

Where is this pollen coming from? It might be coming from someplace close by.

But there aren't many plants in Kabukicho Hey, are you still alive? Huh? No way.


Shinpachi, someone's here.

Get that.

You're crazy.

Ordering me around like that! Just get it.

Greeting guests is all you're good for.

You make me so mad! You're a champion at that! Bitch! Nobody's home.

We're here, but we're not.

So brazen! Coming, coming, I'll be right there.

Tsk, why is it always me? How do you do? I just moved in next door behind your house.

The name's Hedoro.

It's written "He" as in fart, "do" as in angry, and "ro" as in Robinmask.


I've come today to introduce myself.

I run a flower shop.

Please accept this as token of my goodwill.

I may be a bother at times, but please be good to me.

Well, sorry to bother you.

Scary! Scary! What was that?! Our neighbor Hedoro.

Freaky scary! [Note: A play on "My Neighbor Totoro"]

You think, maybe, that's Hedoro's forest?! What's with that? He's releasing all kinds of pollen into the air.

Well, this explains Edo's pollen allergy epidemic.

No wonder no one does anything about it.

If they complain, he'd probably k*ll them.

Hey, why's that guy have to move in next to us? But he said he was a florist.

Don't be ridiculous! No matter how you look at him, that face is here to conquer Earth! During the day, he's a florist.

But at night, he works on his real job of world domination.

This is way worse than good girl by day, naughty girl by night.

He intends to conquer Earth after weakening the people with pollen.

Seriously? Come to think of it, didn't he leave a potted flower.

There Sadaharu! Sadaharu! Come here quickly! It's going to explode! What? It's gonna explode?! Forget about Sadaharu.

If we don't hurry, poison gas will What? Poison gas?! Sadaharu! I can't just leave him in there!! He's a flower in a storm.

Life is all about farewells.

Neighborhood Notebook.

For god's sake, Catherine! This is no time to be circulating the Neighborhood Notebook! Earth's about to be taken over! Huh? Did your snot infect your brains? Idiots.

What?! Gin-san, trouble! Next house on the list is our neighbor Hedoro-san! You're kidding He really is a florist.

Who'd come to buy from him? Such a scary shop.

But he seems to be having so much fun.

He doesn't look at all like he's here to conquer Earth.

Of course he's happy.

He's growing devil flowers that will be the vanguard troops to conquer Earth.

More importantly, how will we pass him the Neighborhood Notebook? Rock! Paper! Scissors! No way! It's me? You don't have to hand it to him personally.

You don't have to do anything dangerous.

Act like Passerby A and leave it as you walk by.

W-Wait a minute! There's no Passerby A, or B or C or D.

Everyone's too scared to walk around.

Passerby A will clearly stand out big time.

Don't sweat it.

There'll be passersby.


[Note: This is a parody of the manga "Kozure O-Kami" ]



There are no such passersby B and C! Oh crap! Hedoro's watching.

Hedoro's looking right at them! B! C! They're being watched! B! C! What hard luck I've had.

After losing my wife, my son Chan.

This is all he can say.


He really means father, not "Chan.

" After losing his mother, he's had no one but me to rely on.

It can't be helped.

But what will I do if he doesn't learn more words? For example Chan.

Chan chanko chan.

Let me chan.

[Note: Chan-chan-ko is like a padded vest.


What? What? Say that again? Life won't be easy like this.

But I wonder if I should fix it.

It feels good to be called "Chan, chan"-I feel like I'm respected.

What should I do? Father didn't know.

Daijiro's only word, "Chan," did not mean "Father.

" [Note: This is a spoof of Lone Wolf and Cub.


Mother had often told Father: [Note: Chanto means "work like you're supposed to"]

"You need to chanto! Our budget is really tight.

" That's what "Chan" meant.

It had nothing to do with Daijiro loving Father or anything like that.


We don't need any of that superfluous storyline! Huh? Is Hedoro crying?! I'm not quite sure, but now's my chance! Here's the Neighborhood Notebook! This is trouble, big trouble, humongous trouble.

He's sharpening his knife.

It's like a Japanese fairy tale.


Will we be eaten up, chan? My, I appreciate all three of you coming all the way out here just to bring the Neighborhood Notebook.

Please make yourselves at home.

I'll prepare something to snack on.

He's going to snack on us! He's definitely going to snack on us! UherumHedoro-san, I mean Hedoro-sama.

No, just plain Hedoro is fine.

UhI'm sorry about earlier.

I hit you with the notebook.

The strap on my sandal thong broke and I know this sounds like an excuse, but it's the truth.

No, forget it.

It was an accident.

An accident.

More importantly, don't they say a sandal thong breaking is a bad omen? I hope nothing bad happens.

He's about to do something evil.

He's about to bring us bad luck.

UhHedoro-sama? I mean Duke Hedoro.

No, just Hedoro will do.

Uhwe appreciate you entertaining us, but I just received word that my father is in critical condition, so we have to leave immediately What? Why didn't you say so sooner? I'm concerned, too.

Would you mind if I came along? He plans on coming with us! He plans to follow us to the depths of hell and put us in critical condition.

He's planning to put us in critical condition.

Uhno, it's all right.

Dad was a rotten father anyway.

What? Is that so? And just when I thought I'd bring some of my flowers as a get-well gift.

No, really, it doesn't matter.

In fact, I'm hoping the funeral comes quickly.

Is that so? By all means, please use my flowers for the funeral.

I grew these flowers with my heart and soul.

I'm sure they'll lead your father to the land of Perfect Bliss.

Lead him to? Not just his father, but the entire planet.

He's leading us to the land of Perfect Bliss! Hedoro-san, why did you become a florist? I don't look the part, do I? No, that wasn't what I meant It's all right.

I'm fully aware of it! Especially because of the way I look I've always wished I could be a flower.

People always feared me because of the way I look.

So I thought I'd make at least my heart as nice as a flower.

That's why I want to be as close as possible to flowers.

But it seems it doesn't fit me, after all.

I haven't had a single customer yet.

Sakata-san, you and your friends are the only ones who weren't afraid of me.

Sorry, but We're absolutely frightened of you.

Gin-san Do you think maybe Hedoro-san is actually a nice person? No.

The "Gap Rule" applies.

"Gap Rule"? When someone with a ducktail hairstyle does something nice once in a while, his image goes up.

Contrarily, when someone who is ordinarily nice does something even a little wrong, he becomes a villain.

That's the "Gap Rule".

So, what do you think I am?! That makes me a devil in human skin! Which means, Hedoro is actually Wrong! He looks nothing if not hungry! Tonight's dinner is meow-burger.

You guys are too easily fooled when his appearance doesn't match his actions.

"You can't trust a book by its cover" is what stupid people say.

First impressions are what you need to believe! Be inspired.

Feel with imagination! Okay, Kagura! What do you think will be in that pot in a few hours? Uhlots of hot rice? Wrong! This is where we have a problem! I'll show you the correct answer! [A few hours later]

Oh! I think it's just about ready.

Did you see it? Could you see it? What our future looks like? It's pitch black.

No headlights or anything! Forgive me for keeping you waiting.

I'm not very good at this.

No, no, no take your time.

Take forever.

Feel free to lie down.

Make yourselves at home.

When I'm done, I'll wake you up.

Shinpachi! You know what that means, don't you? What'll happen if we fall asleep? Yes! If we fall asleep, we'll be att*cked and end up in the pot! We'll be in the miso soup! Hey! Huh? The more you say not to fall asleep, the sleepier I become.

Is this like what happens the day before a test? If you're aware of it, don't fall asleep! We have no time to lose.

I'll create a diversion to draw his attention! You run like hell! Gin-san.

Look at that.

That's JUMPused to keep his fridge level? JUMP stirs the dreams and adventurous spirit of all men.

Anyone who treats it like that is evil! What kind of reasoning is that?! Are you all right, Sakata-san? That was close You were just about to step on a ladybug.

k*lling is wrong.

Watch where you're going, you two.

You nearly knocked over these daisies.

k*lling is wrong.

Give me inner strength Inner strength Hedoro! We're not letting you take over the Earth! Gin-san, I'm sorry, I'm sorry.

I gave in.

All I can think of is sacrificing you so I can survive.

Out of my way! I can't worry about others when my life hangs in the balance! That's totally cruel! Just tell him, "Gin-chan, I'll live your share for you, so rest in peace"! You're sinister.

Sinister, I say! He's coming! He's coming! Which means, Gin-san is already No! Gin-san? What about the Earth?! Weren't you going to protect Earth? My life before Earth! What's with that?! What's with this house?! Where's the exit? It's a trap.

The house itself is a trap! There! Over there! Ow ow What's the matter, Shinpachi? O-Over there An altar! It is, isn't it? An altar.

A sacrificial altar, right there.

No! I don't want to die yet! But why is there an altar here? Idiot! It's obvious.

It's to make a pact with the Devil and achieve eternal life.


That's right.

Eternal leaf Sakata-san, where did you go? That's odd.

I thought I heard something around here.

Maybe I was wrong.

I have to find them quickly.

So they weren't here I found you! Run! No! I don't want to die a virgin! Shinpachi! If you sacrifice yourself, everything will be okay! What?! Don't decide that by yourself! We'll live your share for you! You're saying the same thing! Wait! He's coming! Climbing up! Then go down! By yourself! Are you people demons?! That's the demon! Please wait! The demon! Look there! A way out! What's this?! Were we this high up? Sakata-san.

I finally caught up with you.



It's been nice knowing you Gin-san Gin-chan If the three of us team up, then we'll have a chance.

Let's end this right.

Let's protect the city of Edoand the Earth.


That's the one last thing we can do.

Let's go! Okay! Oh, a drone beetle.

I'm glad Are you all okay? Yes.

Thank you very much.

And from that day on, Earth lived on peacefully and was not conquered.

And in the streets of Edo, the pollen continued to swirl about.

If there was one thing that did change Fekkushon! Hakkushon! Magic Johnson! Hakkushon! Hakkushon! Setouchi Jackson! [Note: A character in the series "Cromartie High School"]

Edith Hanson! [Note: An American personality on Japanese television]

Ben Johnson! For a while, the only sound one could hear from the normally raucous Odd Jobs was sneezing.


I feel horrible.

Why am I running into that guy everywhere on my day off? Why is that? The next episode "The More You're Alike, the More You Fight.

" [The other story is about the "Kick the Can" game.

Why is it that once you try it, you can't stand to lose at it?]

[Just two more episodes in season one of Gin Tama the anime.

We'll hit the hot spa and give it one last go!]
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