02x08 - When Looking For Things You've Lost, Remember What You Were Doing On The Day You Lost It

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Gintama". Aired: April 4, 2006 - October 7, 2018.*
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Japanese manga series where aliens have invaded and taken over feudal Tokyo, an unemployed samurai finds work however he can.
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02x08 - When Looking For Things You've Lost, Remember What You Were Doing On The Day You Lost It

Post by bunniefuu »

It looks like you're on time.

Of course.

"Trust is No.

1" is Aoki and Co.

's motto.

It holds even truer if you have what we want Sakamoto-sama isn't here? Our boss had something to attend to.

Anyway, did you bring it? Yes.

It's over here.

Now what about you? Two dozen units of what you ordered.

You can verify it yourself.

W-What's this?! W-What's going on?! What are you doing?! Open the doors immediately! T-The money! It's gone!! What?! The goods are gone.

We've been had [Q: Who are the guys that appeared in the opening sequence?]

[Q: Who are the guys that appeared in the opening sequence?]

[Tatsuma Sakamoto (left), Mutsu (right)]

[Sorachi-sensei, happy birthday one day early.

We'll really go "there" this time.


["When Looking For Things You've Lost, Remember What You Were Doing On The Day You Lost It"]

Anyway, the goods and the money were stolen.

When we landed on Earth, our boss wandered off and went missing.

You guys, go do something about it.

Do something? Sympathize with you? Do you want me to make you feel better? You want me to say some kind words? No, Gin-chan.

She wants you to insult her.

She wants you to shower her with bad words.

I'm sure of it! No, she doesn't.

This is probably a request.

Not probably.

It is a request.

A request? Let me remind you that this is a business.

I won't give you a discount just because we know each other.

I have money.

So what does the job entail? What a quick change in his attitude! Take a look at this.

Okay You'll get paid after you finish the job.

Bummer What's this? These are the stolen cargo.

Two dozen Yakuman batteries made from a material extracted from a special mineral from the planet Nasional.

Batteries? They're not ordinary batteries.


One of these is strong enough to power an entire space battleship.

What do you plan to do with twenty of them? It's twenty-four, Gin-san.

I want you to retrieve the batteries and the money, find our boss, and return them all to me.

It's easy to say that, but there's hardly any leads to go on? Edo is big.

It's like trying to find a specific grain of sand in a beach.

They just keep on coming.

What is it this time? If you have something to show us, do it all at once.

The Pleasure Support Club has no idea where they might be.

[Aoki and Co.


[CEO, President Aoki]

If you're going to ask questions, go to the people we were conducting our trade with.

Oh yes.

Also If you're ever in trouble, use this.

And when you find our boss, kick him in the balls for me.

Gin-san, you're going to talk to the company that was part of the trade, aren't you? No Then where are you going? I'm going to go kick someone in the balls.

The balls? Yeah.

Sakamoto-san, right? Do you have any idea where he is? Pretty much.

He's the leader of the Pleasure Support Club, so do you think he's gone off to investigate this himself because he feels responsible? I told you before, didn't I? His head is empty.

Oryo-chan, please marry me! No, thank you! You're right.

It really is empty.

Looks like I won't have to kick him Ow-ow-ow-ow-ow-ow! You're pulling it out! You're pulling it out! You're pulling it out! [Note: In Japanese, "gin" means "silver" and "kin" means "gold.


S-S-S-Stop! Stop, Kintoki! How many times do I need to tell you?! It's not "kin," it's "gin.

" How long are you going to keep doing that? All right! I get it! Let go! So what do you want with me, Kintoki? Were you listening to me? Wait, Gin-san! We won't get anywhere if we keep at this! It doesn't matter if he says "kin" or "gin.

" This is important.

It's going to appear on the test! If someone called your name, wouldn't you hate it if they said, "Kagurazaka-chan.

Ahahahaha"? You'd hate it, wouldn't you? [Note: Kagurazaka is in Shinjuku district in Tokyo.


That really pisses me off.

I didn't say that.

I didn't say I'm going to k*ll you!! I may not look it, but I'm rather busy.

If you don't have any business with me, can I go? We're here because of you, you bastard!! Huh? Batteries? I don't know about that They were stolen from you! Weren't they your company's cargo?! I leave the little things to Mutsu.

There's no use asking me.

I don't have any idea at all.

Oh, the pretty lady over there Want to have some fun with me? No, thank you! That didn't go well Then do you know anything about Aoki and Co.

? Beats me.

I don't know about little things.

Anyway, Kintoki, we haven't seen each other in a while.

Let's party at Oryo's place.

Gin-chan, he's trying to bring us back to where we started.

How long are you going to play village idiot with us? So this is Aoki and Co.

It would be nice if they'd talk to us.

That's why we brought this guy.

Ladies, want to have some fun with me? No, thank you.

The president of the company you were dealing with is here.

You can do something, right? W-Wait, ladies Well, well, Sakamoto-sama.

It's been quite terrible for both of us, hasn't it? Let's get down to business.

Do you have any idea who might have att*cked you? Who knows? Our motto is "Trust is No.


" I don't think we've done anything that would make anyone hold a grudge against us.

But someone att*cked you specifically during your transaction.

I can only speculate that information about the trade was leaked ahead of time.

The same goes for both of us.

Don't forget that we were also victims.

Even so, we're also investigating the incident at the moment.

I'll let you know if we find something out.

I just don't get it.

We haven't found a single clue since yesterday.

All we found was a good-for-nothing president.

He's more like a plant manager than a president.

Say, Kintoki, I'm tired already.

Let's have some sake.

What are you saying? Your Pleasure Support Club asked us to do this.

What's the point in slowing us down? Right, Gin-san? I'll send the bill to Mutsu.

Keep on drinking.

Is it all right to be doing this? We've got no choice.

The client wants us to drink! That's right.

Stop talking about silly things and drink! No.

I'm a minor.

If you can't drink, then eat.

You'll never gain any practical skills by being a malnourished brat.

Another helping of o-chazuke!! [Note: O-chazuke is rice with tea poured on it.


You should do some work, too.

We're having a party today.

Come on, drink, drink! I told you so.

What did you tell me, huh? Something like, "If you drink sake, don't get drunk.

" Then you shouldn't have been drinking in the beginning.

We wouldn't be suffering if we could, right, Kintoki? Sake is all about drinking and getting drunk over and over.

That's what life is all about.

That's no different from what a gambler who's over his head in debt would say.

In other words, they're hopeless human beings.

In the end, today was a complete waste.

It doesn't look that way.

It looks like it was worth making a lot of noise.

Kintoki, do you still remember? I'd never forget.

We'll move on my signal.

Okay Now! All right! What are you doing?! Something's coming!! Jeez.

Your skills have gotten rusty.

Stand back.

I'll handle this.

Tatsuma I'm using this now What are you going to do now? If you move one step Bang! If you leave quietly, I won't do anything to you.


He drove the enemy away without fighting.

We mustn't get into unnecessary fights.

Nothing good will happen whether we win or lose.

Hey What are you doing?! You just let our lead escape, you moron! B-But no one got hurt, so isn't it all right? Don't be stupid! We're right back where we started! You good-for-nothing! Good-for-nothing! Good-for-nothing!! U-Umm What is it?! We're busy right now! Oh You're from Aoki and Co.

Sorry to interrupt you earlier while you were busy.

So what do you want? We're irritated right now, so if it's something frivolous, we're take out our frustrations on him.

If you want to make us feel better, bring us ten kilos of Koshihikari.

[Note: Koshihikari is a type of rice.


Why are you slipping in a demand for rice? I want you to hear about some information I obtained concerning what we discussed earlier.

Information? After conducting our internal investigation, we've discovered the identity of the organization that wanted those batteries.

So which organization is it? It's called Evil Organization.

Evil Organizationwhat? It's an evil organization that's called "Evil Organization.

" Evil Organization Ltd.

So this is what's-their-name's Hideout, huh? It's "Evil Organization.

" It's written in big letters on their sign.

They're a corporation? And they're in the middle of a field What should we do, Gin-san? Don't ask me.

It's tiring for me to use up my energy if I don't have to.

Anyway, let's sneak in from the back.

Hello! I'm from Pleasure Support Club! We just talked about this! Don't do that! He's as flippant as Mikawaya, our neighborhood liquor store! Do you want to act stupid that badly? Do you?! Do you really want to go that far to act stupid?! What are you saying, Kintoki? I was just trying to get those batteries back, if they had them So you've finally come.

Pleasure Support Club You're You're that silver-haired guy!! Gin-chan, do you know him? No.

I don't really remember him.

Are you Isomura-kun, the guy I never gave back the JUMP to? I never expected to meet you here!! You're going to pay with interest for what you did to me!! Looks like they're ready for a fierce battle.

What are we going to do against so many of them? Well, we'll manage Manage? There's so many of them! Shut up.

I said that we'll manage, so we'll manage.

What's with that baseless confidence?! You may not know, but Tatsuma Sakamoto is monstrously strong.

Huh? He was pretty famous during the Anti-Foreigner w*r.

This idiot is strong? Yeah.

He's really strong.

Incredibly strong.

He's stupid, though.

No way! Is that idiot stronger than you? Listen closely.

I never said that idiot was stronger than me.

You don't have to keep calling me an idiot.

That hurts a lot.

This idiot.

What are you blabbing on about?! Get them, my minions!! They're coming! I guess I have no choice.

I said that I'd be using this now.

What's wrong, Tatsuma?! I dropped my pistols.

What?! You're so useless!! Do something, you idiot! Jeez.

Oh well Here.

This is Your subordinate said to use it.

She probably knew this would happen.

Hmm This goes here And this goes here Why are you dismantling it?! Well, when I was holding it He really is an idiot!! Aww man.

Leave that idiot alone.

As expected of the man who crushed our hopes.

He's pretty strong.

What should we do? We have no choice.

We're going to use our secret w*apon.

Yes My, my.

We've finally cleaned up.

As I expected of you, Silver-hair.

I applaud your ability to corner us this far! What is he talking about? He sounds pretty arrogant.

Only monkeys and idiots like high places.

Huh? Did you call me? No, we didn't.

Don't you wonder where your batteries are? Yes.

The batteries are, in a sense, [In a sense, an item that holds enough power to substitute an electric power facility.

A true craftsman's piece created through blood, sweat and hard work.


an item full of so much power that you don't need an electric power facility.

A supreme battery that can only be created by a true craftsman's blood, sweat and hard work!! Ah.

So you do have them after all? If you have them, give them back.

No one's going to give anything back just because they're told to.

Anyway, the fact that we can have a normal conversation means you don't need that megaphone.

You really are an idiot.

Stupid, stupid, stupid! This is no ordinary megaphone.

Watch this and be amazed! Click.

That's a Justaway! No, it's not!! It's our battery-powered ultimate w*apon, the Justank!! Nothing more, nothing less!! Come on.

That's just a rip-off.

The plant manager's going to sue you.

That's copyright infringement.

An evil organization never obeys the laws!! Click.

Let's go, Justank!! W-What is this?! I did it! I finally completed my secret w*apon.

Come on.

If you move, I'll fill you with holes.

Huh? No one's here.

You've been doing that all this time?! Do you understand our current situation? Wow.

That's a big ship.

It's not a ship! It's the enemy! It's a Justank! It's attacking us!! What are you doing?! What's wrong? Are you running away, Kintoki? You're such a coward.

What? Why put it so spitefully? Are we playing chicken? At a time like this? Leave this to me.

Don't tell me you're going to take on that Justank with a single g*n.

Take a look at that.

It has something on its forehead, right? That's The battery! Its weak spot is out in the open! That's just convenient.

Too convenient.

I'm fine that it's convenient.

If we don't make some cool scenes for me, this episode will just be an episode about an idiot.

There! [Stand your ground]

"Stand your ground," huh? You got me there.

What is that?! You and your subordinates are all dimwitted! No, not dimwitted, but rather idiots! They're all idiots! It's pretty rare to see a p*stol that makes a flag come out nowadays! Don't be impressed by that! It looks like you're all out of ideas.

And so I'm going to finish you off.

What's that?! That's the Neo Armstrong Cyclone Jet Armstrong Cannon! It's got a very high-quality finish.

Another rip-off, huh? Say whatever you like.

Neo Armstrong Cyclone Jet Armstrong Cannon! Fire! It looks like this is the end for you! That's Beacon coordinates match.

They're all safe.

It seems we made it in time.

W-What? We are the Pleasure Support Club.

The company that Tatsuma Sakamoto leads! We won't forgive anyone who gets in the way of our business! W-W-W-W-What should we do?! Retaliate! Fire, fire!! W-What?! You managed to make it in time, Mutsu.

That guy Empty? What is the meaning of this? Where did you hide them?! Tell us the truth! I-I really don't know! It was there.

Leaving something as valuable as that lying around while you all fought outside.

That's really dumb.

Someone carried them off while we were fighting.

You probably figured it out already.

The hint is"profit!" Hurry.

Why are you wasting time? Where are you going in such a hurry? You're with the Pleasure Support Club? A night drive? You've got a pretty unsexy companion and truck.

Well, how can I ever thank you for your help? But we didn't find your money or our cargo.

Wellthat's Things seem a little too convenient.

Your correct information led us to solve the case.

But we didn't find the money or the cargo.

In that case, who benefited the most? You have insurance, don't you? Huh? Yeah It's no use playing dumb.

If you lost the money, you'd have the insurance to cover it.

It doesn't hurt you at all.

If the person you hired was crushed, that would be even better.

It would keep them quiet.

W-What? Everything went according to your plans.

But you made one mistake in the end.

Are you insulting us?! It's bold of you to act like a good person.

That's how you were able to manipulate us all.

C-Call the police.

Are you sure you want to do that? I think you're the one who's going to be arrested.

Where's your proof? If you've got the guts to accuse me, you've got to have proof! Proof.

Proof, huh? P-President We know everything you're up to, idiot.

Thank you for helping us in this matter.

You're annoying.

Don't ever bring work to us again.

I'll catch his stupidity if I stay with him too long.

Come to think of it, where's Sakamoto-san? Our boss? Right about now he's Oryo-san, please marry me! No, thank you! Judging from the thickness, there's got to be at least three million in here.

They're all thousand yen notes.

[Note: Meaning each bill is worth about only $10]

[The moment]

[has arrived!]


[Making his move!]

[Gin Tama, The Benizakura Arc, starting next episode.


[Shinsuke Takasugi is finally making his move.

The radical Anti-Foreigner group, Kiheitai.


[What is the Benizakura? An demon sword said to be capable of draining human souls? The greatest danger for the Odd Jobs approaches!!]
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