02x10 - Be Careful Not To Leave Your Umbrella Somewhere

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Gintama". Aired: April 4, 2006 - October 7, 2018.*
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Japanese manga series where aliens have invaded and taken over feudal Tokyo, an unemployed samurai finds work however he can.
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02x10 - Be Careful Not To Leave Your Umbrella Somewhere

Post by bunniefuu »

Hey, are you a part of this ship's crew? Could you show me around? Unless you want me make your head go pop.

Hey, you hear me? [Shinsuke Takasugi leads the Kiheitai.

Bansai Kawakami, also known as Tsunpo.


[Shinsuke Takasugi leads the Kiheitai.

Crismon b*llet, Matako Kijima.


[Shinsuke Takasugi leads the Kiheitai.

Scheming pervert, Henpeita Takechi.


[Shinsuke Takasugi leads the Kiheitai.

The butcher, Nizo Okada.


["Be Careful Not to Leave Your Umbrella Somewhere"]

There's a large moon out tonight.

I thought moon Princess Kaguya might come down tonight But Princess Tomboy showed up instead.

[Note: refers to The Tale of Princess Kaguya.


This is bad.

This guy smells dangerous.

Damn you!! Who are you?! I won't forgive anyone who threatens Shinsuke-sama! Drop your g*n! You think you can win against Matako Kijima quick-draw? Matako, your panties are showing.

I can see the stains.

[Note: Mata is slang for "crotch" in Japanese.


That won't work! Are you trying to distract me?! Well, don't bother! I change it every day! Yeah, yeah, but there really is something on it.

It's so disgusting.

Matako's panties are full of stains.

Bitch! I won't forgive you for insulting me in front of Shinsuke-sama! Shinsuke-sama! She's wrong.

I really do change it daily! See for yourself, kore [Note: Konohamaru in Naruto often puts "kore" at the end of sentences.


You brat! Takechi Senpai, after her! Everyone, don't k*ll her.

k*lling women and children is unworthy of samurai.

So capture her alive.

Senpai! Get your Lolita complex under control! She breaks in here, and you go soft on her?! I don't have a Lolita complex.

I'm a feminist.

Even if she's the enemy, I must be nice to women.

That's the way of the feminist.

What the hell kind of girl is she?! She's super strong! Zura! Where are you?! You're here, aren't you?! If you're here, answer me! Now! Hold her down! Wait for me! I'm coming! Wh-What a kid Oh, no! She's headed for the factory! What is this? Now that you've seen it, we can't let you leave this place alive.



You're awake, aren't you? That's a relief.

You weren't moving at all, so I thought you might be dead.

How do you feel? Are you conscious? Do you recognize me? You're that woman with the chest like a chopping board, right? Why are you here? Because Shin-chan asked me to take care of you.

So why is the person who's supposed to be taking care of me holding a Naginata then? [Note: The Naginata is a traditional Japanese pole arm commonly wielded by women of the samurai class.


Because Shin-chan asked me to.

He said to keep you in bed and stop you from going out.

Stop what? Do you mean my breathing? By the way, where is Shinpachi and Kagura? Well They're out running errands.

What kind of errands? Now, now.

The patient needs to rest.

Let's read JUMP.


You're hiding something I said, don't move.

What are you going to do if your wound opens up again, bastard?! What?! The k*ller is using Benizakura for a Tsujigiri? [Note: Tsujigiri refers to a person or the practice of k*lling innocent people randomly in order to test a new sword or skill.


I'm sorry.

We tried to get it back, but And did you get it? No, I just told you we failed That's terrible! The Benizakura has become an instrument of m*rder!! This is way beyond the "this is bad" level! So, is he all right? Huh? Th-That guy.

You mean Gin-san? Well, he's not dead, but He's not all right either Brother, I don't feel well.

Excuse me.

Hey, what's wrong? Tetsuko? You aren't feeling well? She just told you she wasn't feeling well.

I'm sorry! She's no good at reading the situation.

You're the one who isn't able to.

Anyway, I have something to ask you.

That sword, the Benizakura What is it? I heard it's a demon sword that brings misfortune.

But I think there's more to it than that I don't think it's really a demon sword or something mysterious, and it's Unfortunately, I don't know much about the Benizakura, either.

We were never allowed to touch it and it was sealed deep inside the warehouse.

But I have a theory.

A sword made by a master swordsmith who put his heart and soul into his work just might have a soul of it's own.

Look over there! The continuous drip from that roof has worn a hole in that stone! Even drops of rain can penetrate stone.

What if a world-class swordsmith does the same thing; forging the same spot with his hammer?! What if they pounded the iron tens of thousands of times with only the intent of forging a k*lling w*apon?! A sword like that might be beyond human understanding! Would it be so strange if such a blade had a will of its own? That's what I think! You mean the strength of your father's will transformed cold steel into some kind of monster? Sounds like a romantic story, huh? But the spirits of master swordsmiths dwell in the blades they forge.

The sword is forged with one deadly intention.

To k*ll a person.

That's what makes the sword so beautiful.

And so is the swordsmith who imagines it.

Whether it's a sword or a human being, beauty comes from striving towards a single goal! Elizabeth-san That's Could that be Katsura-san's? [Don't say anything.


Kagura-chan hasn't come back yet.

This morning, only Sadaharu came home with this piece of paper.

It's a little wet and blurred, but it seems to be a map.

I haven't told Gin-san about it.

If he knew she was missing, he'd go after her, despite his injuries.

Hey, where do you think you're going? Ow, ow! Well, I'm just going to pee.

Do it in here! Right here! It's not enough! Not enough! Can I help you? Um Well UmGin-san is currently Over here.

Oh, come on in.

I knew you were coming.

You really overdid it this time.

You took the Benizakura without permission and ran back here with only one arm.

Are you ready to commit hari-kiri one handed? Okada-san.

I should get credit for bringing Benizakura back even though I lost an arm.

You should rethink my diligence in a situation like that.

I think it was a valuable learning experience.

Your selfish behavior the past few days has been too much.

What are you going to do if the Bakufu government's dogs find out about the Benizakura? You're distracting Shinsuke-sama.

First Katsura and now Gintoki Sakata? You're angering Shinsuke-sama by targeting those people.

What were you thinking, anyway? You think you've become a big man? Don't delude yourself! You only defeated Katsura because of the Benizakura Oh, it's nothing personal It's been taking over my body more and more these days.

So it thinks my body is a part of itself.

You'd better be careful how you talk to me.

You came here to tell me the truth, didn't you? At this stage of the game, don't delude us into thinking it's a demon sword.

What is it? Who really made that monstrosity? Okada-san, you They're really bothersome.

We've gathered here under him to overthrow this corrupt government.

We are, so to speak, trying to become legends.

But we're still just Kira kira [Note: Possibly a reference to Kira Kozukenosuke, the lord who was the target of the 47 ronin of Ako.


It's an eyesore.

A real thorn in our side.

Isn't it time for the old legends to die and the new legends to rise up? They're not the ones at his side anymore.

We are.

The Benizakura was created based on my father's original Benizakura.

It's a mechanized anti-battleship w*apon.

Endowed with a kind of artificial intelligence called an "Electric Soul.

" It lives like a parasite and takes over its wielder's body.

It even has the ability to record battles, analyze them and grow smarter.

It truly is alive.

Only one person in Edo could create such a thing.


Stop my brother.

They'reTakasugi isgoing to use it to turn Edo into a sea of flames.

Such insanity.

To create a sword like this in an era of firearms and cannons.

I think a man who boasts about overthrowing the Bakufu with that sword is also insane.

A man who turns his boasts into reality is called a hero.

I don't boast about what I can't do.

You truly are the son of the one-of-a-kind swordsmith, Jintetsu Murata.

It's unbelievable that you created something like this.

I've heard of a black hen laying a white egg, but in your case, it goes beyond that.

Let's show them that the samurai and sword are far from extinct.

I'm not interested in your plots or ambition! A swordsmith lives only to forge k*lling swords! The only thing I can say is There's nothing this sword can't cut! Shinsuke Takasugi.

Are you saying he's the major figure behind Katsura-san's disappearance and Nizo Okada? While we were looking for Katsura-san, we followed many leads, but we never thought we'd find another exclusionist rebel behind his disappearance.

And speaking of Shinsuke Takasugi, he was Katsura-san's old ally, and they fought in the Anti-Foreigner w*r together.

So why would he? According to rumors, Takasugi revived the Kiheitai along with Nizo the Butcher; the g*n fighter Matako "Crimson b*llet" Kijima; that scheming pervert Henpeita Takechi; and the feared swordsman, Bansai Kawakami.

The Kiheitai? It's a volunteer army led by Takasugi.

It's said they fight like ferocious demons.

I also heard that they're secretly developing devastating weapons.

His goal is to most likely form a strong-armed group to launch a coup d'état.

Katsura-san renounced v*olence and seeks to restore Edo's sovereignty by more peaceful means.

Maybe Takasugi was angry with him for his change of heart.

Anyway, we have to do something! Elizabeth-san, let's attack Takasugi's hideout!! Let's avenge Katsura-san! [Calm down.


[Note: The character "mo" is crossed out.

Thus, it originally said mochitsuke, meaning "Pound mochi.


Take Takasugi's head! I see.

Takasugi I don't know much about the situation, but it sounds like your brother is involved in a hell of a mess.

And I can say that your brother used me like a pawn.

He asked me to look for a demon sword because he intended it to drink my blood.

Or he was asked by Nizo, who carries a grudge against me Or maybe it was both.

Either way, it's bad.

And you knew it all along, didn't you? You knew your brother's plan, and yet you said nothing.

And now you're asking me to save him? Your skin is as thick as the monthly Shonen JUMP.

[Note: The monthly JUMP is thicker than the weekly JUMP.

He's asking if she has thick skin.


I'm sorry.

I have nothing to say.

Like you said, I knew everything But I didn't tell you because I didn't want the truth to get out that my brother was involved.

You sound like the little sister who's just trying to protect her brother.

Aren't you ignoring the fact that your brother is an accomplice to m*rder? Gin-san! After all, swords are made for k*lling people.

No matter how much heart and soul you put into its creation, you can't choose its user.

My dead father always said that.

His words are ingrained in our minds.

My brother is an idiot who only cares about making swords.

He wanted to surpass our father, so he was always pounding iron.

Soon after, he started researching machinery to gain greater power.

That was around the same time he begun associating with shady people.

I was vaguely aware that they were bad people, but I didn't stop him.

I told myself that all we needed to do was just forge swords.

That's our job I knew it.

A sword is for butchering people.

It was just a tool for m*rder.

I knew Yet What a shame My brother worked so hard to make that sword And it's being used for such a low purpose.

But things are reaching the point where I can't stop it on my own.

I really don't know what to do.

What should I do? I don't know what to do anymore than you do.

I'm wounded really badly.

And my friend got taken out, too.

So I'm not at my best right now.

Here! I don't want your consolation money.

Just go home.

I don't want any more trouble.

Since Gin-san is out of action, it's up to me.

There's no doubt that Kagura-chan is on that ship.

But how can I sneak aboard? This place is crawling with scary looking ronin.

What should I do? What the hell is that?! Ow That bastard, Nizo.

He's really out of control.

I wonder if that sword is even safe to use.

I could feel the evil in it.

Let me go! Don't think you'll get away with this! Don't come crying to me when you're beaten up by Gin-chan! Geez.

She's already wreaking havoc.

That's why I told you we should get rid of her.

Look at what this brat has done to our men, Takechi-senpai! We can't k*ll her yet.

She has valuable information.

Besides, a girl her age will be in her prime in a few years.

Your Lolita complex is showing again, Senpai.

I don't have a Lolita complex.

I'm a feminist.

Look! Her g*nsh*t wound has already healed in just one night and her extraordinary strength and snow white skin Senpai, please cut it out.

No, don't misjudge me.

I'm a feminist with a healthy affection for children.

That's someone who has a Lolita complex! Never mind.

I don't think you understand, idiot.

You're the idiot.

I'm saying those characteristics are prevalent among the Yato clan.

You should die.

Yato Is that the mercenary clan, Yato? Does that mean she's a professional assassin who was hired to k*ll Shinsuke-sama? Who the hell is she a spy for? Well, no matter what we asked, she kept saying "zura, zura.

" Senpai, she's mocking you.

I don't care whether you're a feminist or have a Lolita complex.

It's really disgusting.

I'll show you how easily I handle this girl.

Hey, you You! Do you understand your situation?! I'll k*ll you! N-No! This girl will be breathtaking in another two or three years.

Don't stop me, Takechi-hentai! I'm your Senpai, not Hentai! Hey, who are you, anyway? You look really suspicious.

You're the most suspicious person I've ever seen in my life! You look like the ideal picture of a suspicious person.

Whoa! What is that person doing?! Oops, she's not human.

Be careful! She's going to get k*lled! [Excuse me.

Would you give me some directions?]

[To the entrance of Hell!!]

Phlegm throughout my body, give me strength! It's so disgusting.

Hey, please stop it! Loogie!! Eat this!! What?! What?! What do you mean "what?!" You spit all over my face.

Hey, why are you only cleaning off my phlegm?! It's said, "If you get phlegm on your right cheek, you should get it on your left cheek, too!" What are you doing?! An intruder! Intruder! Elizabeth! [Hurry, go now!]

Elizabeth Senpai! I'm relieved.

I was afraid you'd try to go out despite your injuries.

You'd die if you went out in your condition.

You're right.

I feel sorry for that girl, but it can't be helped.

You're right.


Please don't overdo it.

If you die, Shin-chan and Kagura-chan would be lost without you, Gin-san.

You're right.

Gin-san, you were pretty wild in your youth, but you've got to start acting your age now, you know? That's enough, damn it! I'm not going anywhere, so just go out and buy me JUMP! The last one you bought was an Akamaru JUMP.

[Note: Akamaru JUMP is the special edition of JUMP.


That's the kind of mistake my mom would make! Yes, yes.

I understand.

I'm sorry.

Watch it, moron! [Wait at the swordsmith's.

-Odd Jobs guy]

I hate to behave like an impulsive punk at my age, but.

[This is my favorite umbrella.

Please bring it back to me in one piece.


Tsk Troublesome woman Stupid man [THE ANTI-Foreigner FACTION UPRISING]






[The next episode "The Sun Will Rise Again"]

[After the Benizakura takes over part of Nizo, it'll become a monster.


[Takasugi's beast continues to cry.

Hurry up, Gintoki.

Before everything is destroyed.

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