02x11 - The Sun Will Rise Again

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Gintama". Aired: April 4, 2006 - October 7, 2018.*
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Japanese manga series where aliens have invaded and taken over feudal Tokyo, an unemployed samurai finds work however he can.
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02x11 - The Sun Will Rise Again

Post by bunniefuu »

"The Benizakura.

" It was forged by, Jintetsu, the best swordsmith in Edo.

But it's said this feared "demon sword" sucks out people's souls.

We, the Odd Jobs Trio, were asked to find the missing sword.

We witnessed Nizo the Butcher using Benizakura for random m*rder.

Gin-san was mortally wounded after an intense fight.

Kagura-chan, who went looking for the missing Katsura-san, hasn't returned.

I kept searching and found a camouflaged ship docked in port.

Moreover, Tetsuko visited the Odd Jobs to report that her brother, Tetsuya, was working with Takasugi's group on a terrible plan to use the Benizakura to turn Edo into an inferno.

[Revenge against Takasugi's group.

The Anti-Foreigner Faction fleet as*ault.


[Takasugi's plans for a coup d'etat Can Gintoki stop it?]

I'm relieved.

I was afraid you'd try to go out despite your injuries.

You'd die if you went out in your condition.

You're right.

I feel sorry for that girl, but it can't be helped.

You're right.


Huh? Please don't overdo it.

If you die, Shin-chan and Kagura-chan would be lost without you, Gin-san.

You're right.

Gin-san, you were pretty wild in your youth, but you've got to start acting your age now, you know? That's enough, damn it! I'm not going anywhere, so just go out and buy me JUMP! The last one you bought was an Akamaru JUMP.

That's the kind of mistake my mom would make! Yes, yes.

I understand.

I'm sorry.

Watch it, moron! [Wait at the swordsmith's.

-Odd Jobs guy]

I hate to behave like an impulsive punk at my age, but.

[This is my favorite umbrella.

Please bring it back to me in one piece.


Tsk Troublesome woman Stupid Man ["The Sun Will Rise Again"]

Is it the Shinsengumi? Don't tell me those Bukufu's dogs found out No, that's not it! That's! Takasugi! You bastard! You're a samurai who has the same ambitions as us, but you k*lled Kotaro Katsura, the leader of the Rebel Factions.

That's unforgivable!! We're not comrades anymore! Our ambitions conflict so we're enemies now! Now suffer the punishment of heaven!! Where are you aiming?! Whoa! What?! Katsura's followers?! Prepare the ship for departure immediately.

If they get off a shot from above, we're finished! They came to avenge Katsura.

Nizo This is all his fault.

It probably is.

But it's more likely they found out about the Benizakura.

I heard that Katsura used to be an exclusionist rebel with radical ideas, but these days, he's renounced extreme v*olence.

I think they're here to destroy the Benizakura, and thwart our plans on behalf of the late Katsura.

No, Senpai.

It's possible this girl is one of their members and this attack is just a diversion.

If that's the case, a rat may have snuck aboard this ship.

In any case, we can turn the tables on them.

Hey, listen up you rebels! We know why you're here! It's this girl, right? We know you want to rescue her! But if you keep sh**ting us you might accidentally hit her.

Takechi-senpai, that's not what was supposed to happen! My expectations were off.

But their cannonball missed so I guess we're even.

No, the screws in your head are missing! You guys are so stupid! I have nothing to do with those guys! You guessed wrong.

How embarrassing! What are you gloating about? You're the one in the most dangerous position.

Whoa! Incoming! Hey, wait! What about me?! Tsk.

She didn't prove useful at all.

Sorry to keep you waiting, Kagura-chan! Shinpachi! Yo.

I hate to bother you when you're suffering.

But your guests have arrived.

You really messed things up.

Now thanks to you, I have to fight these annoying fools before we take on the Bakufu.

I heard you k*lled Katsura.

Moreover, you fought with Gintoki.

You even used Tetsuya Murata.

So? Were you able to collect any good data? Murata must be happy with it.

He'd do anything to make his sword more deadly.

Humph What about you? Your old chum was k*lled so easily so you're feeling sad Or That's an impressive arm you're growing there.

I'm glad you two get along so well together.

You've literally become one.

Hurry up and go k*ll them.

If you wipe them out, I'll forget this matter.

I knew it would eventually come to this.

And Don't ever call Gintoki my chum again.

There're no warm feelings between us anymore.

Say it again and I'll cut right through you and that weird sword.

He was seriously going to k*ll me Who are you?! Hey! Answer me! Matako-san, we'd better focus on running, or we'll end up like that guy! No! I'm falling! Kagura-chan, I came here to save you.

But now I need you to save me instead.

[Note: Kagura imitates Shinpachi's way of nicknaming her Kagura-chan by calling him Pa-chan]

This can't be happening, Pa-chan.

How can you be so easy-going right now?! Shinpachi, I came all the way over here to find Zura, but I failed.

What happened to Zura? Where's Gin-chan? Why is Gin-chan not here? Shinpachi Shi-Shinpachi! Kagura-chan! What's that? That's Nizo! Nizo the Butcher!! What is he going to do all by himself?! sh**t him! Blast him out of the sky!! Hey Does k*lling such small fry satisfy you? I'll destroy everything! If you want to destroy something, why don't we destroy the world? He did that with just one sword Is he a monster?! Shinpachi! Elizabeth! You've made it all the way up here! [I have to take care of something here.


Elizabeth! Hey, hey.

When did this place become a costume party? This is no place for kids.

I'm no kid.

This smell I'm Katsura.

What are you doing?! sh**t him down! We can't! He's moving so fast and the target is too small! Come on, why are we having trouble with just one man?! sh**t him down! sh**t him down! Go, Benizakura! Attention No.

3 fleet, disable steering! Everyone, retreat! Everyone, retreat! How's that? I've come to this stupid world for nothing but with Benizakura, I'll destroy everything.

This is Why now? Hey, hey, hey, hey.

It looks like it's already started.

It's liable to be over before we get there.

One good swing with Benizakura has the same fighting power as 10 warships.

It's impossible for them to stop it.

I don't get it.

Can you compare it to something I'm more familiar with? Its battle strength is equivalent to 1,000 mothers if their boobs were missiles.

Those aren't mothers! A mother is supposed to be nagging, despotic, one-sided, unhearing of others, and Huh?! Then it's not surprising that she can sh**t missiles Take this What's this? It's the sword I forged.

You can't defeat Benizakura with that wooden sword of yours.

Use that.

The blade looks nice, but the hand guard looks like a pile of poo What the hell are you doing?! It's not poop! It's a coiled dragon.

Hey, you! You said "poop" even before I finished saying "poop.

" That means you were aware it looks like poop, right?! Elizabeth-sama! Elizabeth-san!! The ship is ready.

But are you really sure you should go? They've already destroyed two of our ships! And our ship is not capable of loading enough heavy armaments.

I wonder what kind of terrifying weapons they have.

[I have to save those kids.

If they die, I won't be able to face Katsura-san.


You say you won't be able to face him, but Katsura-san is already [I sense a familiar presence aboard that ship.


Elizabeth-san, don't tell me! You mean Can it be?! We can't just stand around! Hurry, head to the ship! Elizabeth-san's hunches often prove right.

Just the other day, I was at the horse races Shinsuke-sama! Shinsuke-sama! Come on, Shinsuke-sama! Oh I didn't expect to see you here.

I didn't expect to meet a dead man.

No way Katsura-san! I had unfinished business so I returned from the underworld.

I can't rest in peace after being slain by a comrade.

Right, Takasugi? Know what I mean? A comrade I didn't know you still thought of us that way.

But that's an unwelcome thought.

You still carry that? I guess we're both fools.

So that's what saved you from the Benizakura.

It's good to cherish old memories.

No, your henchman's incompetence saved me.

He was too eager.

He took my hair, but he left without making sure I was dead.

Some butcher.

You're good at running away and now you're getting better at playing possum.

So, have you come all this way for revenge? Do you think I was the one who sent him? I don't care if you sent him or if it was his own decision.

But I know what you're planning and I can't let you do it.

I'm sending your ambitions to the bottom of the sea.

What's going on?! The factory! The Benizakura! Katsura! You bastard! You'll never get off this ship alive! Until I see the fall of Edo, I can't die.

If Edo is awakened by barbarians like you guys, it would be repulsive.

So I'll k*ll you before the morning sun rises.

The person who's gonna get k*lled is you! We were worried sick about you! And you were hiding inside Elizabeth?! Take that, you inconsiderate jerk!! Since when were you inside Elizabeth, anyway? How long have you been playing us? Hey, wait.

Can't we talk about this later? Look! These guys are about to attack us! Shut up! We're about to attack you! Wait! Calm down.

It wasn't fair that I didn't tell you anything.

I apologize.

I thought the enemy was just after me.

So I thought it would be best if I made my enemy think I was dead.

That's why I didn't tell you anything.

And on top of that, I didn't want to get the others involved in my personal problems.

That's why I disguised myself as But why as Elizabeth?! We can't get near him! He's a whirlwind of death! What are you doing?! That's Hey, thatlooks like it's coming this way.

The ship rammed us! What are they doing?! Takasugi! You ain't getting away with this!! Tsk! Cut them down!! Elizabeth You guys [I can't stand this.


I'm sorry, Katsura-san.

You ordered us not to take action under any circumstances.

But when we heard you were in trouble, we had to do something! We couldn't believe you'd been k*lled and when we heard you were here Stop it.

There's no way I can blame you when you have such apologetic looks on your faces.

In fact, I'm the one who should apologize for keeping everyone in the dark.

[Shut up and fight!]

Katsura-san, you were trying to stop them all by yourself, weren't you? You were trying to convince them to save your one-time comrade, Takasugi, without making a big deal out of it, right? Yet we att*cked and ruined your plan! Now the rift between our group and Takasugi's is even wider! So That's not true.

Something like this was bound to happen sooner or later anyways.

[We'll take care of this, so hurry up and go.


[It's not over yet.


Elizabeth [And please don't disappear again, okay?]

Sorry We can't let you go! Get out of my way! You guys! We'll fight by your side to the bitter end to stop these guys! Zura! You better buy me some snacks when we get back! You guys We won't let you get to Shinsuke-sama.

I'm afraid even a feminist must sometimes become a demon.

When my meticulous plans get ruined I get really angry, damn it.


Zura I want a year's supply of pickled seaweed and the entire series of "Wataru seken wa onishikaine konoyaro" on DVD.

Ah, and food for Sadaharu.

I want Otsu-chan's new album and photo book and Ah, 1,000.

Hey, that's not fair! Then I want ten years' worth of pickled seaweed! Hey, what's with you two Hurry up and go, idiot! Wait! If something happens to you guys, how will I ever face Gintoki?! Are you kidding?! Just show him that freaky hairdo of yours and make him laugh! I can't read you You two are the only odd guys on this ship.

You're neither exclusionist samurai nor Katsura's rebel cronies.

And you're obviously not with us.

What?! Who in the hell are you?! What's your deal? Who sent you, anyway?! Well, if it isn't the dumbest samurai in the universe, you bastard.






[The next episode "On A Moonless Night, Insects Are Drawn To The Light.


[Tetsuya recalls his father's words.

Can Tetsuko save her brother?]

[It's the climax of the Benizakura arc!! How will the battle end?!]
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