03x09 - Some Things Are Better Left Unsaid

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Gintama". Aired: April 4, 2006 - October 7, 2018.*
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Japanese manga series where aliens have invaded and taken over feudal Tokyo, an unemployed samurai finds work however he can.
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03x09 - Some Things Are Better Left Unsaid

Post by bunniefuu »

Whoare you? Where's Utsuzo? He's not here.

He left this world a long time ago.

What?! Was it you? I'm asking you if you're the one who k*lled Utsuzo.

The foolish son won't come out even though Boss dies.

The g*ng will need someone to take his place, right? That's right.

You can't have the unreliable heir take over.

You need someone with sharp skills and a sharp mind.

A real yakuza.

Find him! Drag the river if you have to, but find him! [Utsuzo, who had supposedly locked himself inside the storehouse, is no longer alive.


[Kyojiro Nakamura, the Mashiroi g*ng's junior boss, was next in line.

What secret from the past did this man people called Guardian Dog know?]

Who could have imagined that Kyojiro would be in charge of Boss Mashiroi's funeral ceremony.

The one they call Guardian Dog.

The Boss had only one son, I believe.

I hear they butted heads a lot over him wanting to live an honest life.

They say he ran away from home and no one knows where he is.

Rumor has it that Kyojiro k*lled him.

Who knows what really happened.

Before the Boss took him in he lived like a stray dog.

Hey, he might bite you in the throat if he hears you spreading rumors like that.

How frightening.

["Some Things Are Better Left Unsaid"]

We're asking you where Gin-san went! I don't know what to tell you He hasn't returned since that night.

If you know anything, please tell us! I don't know anything Dammit, you! If you're monkeying around with us, I'll rip out your hair! Kagura-chan, think a little before you speak.

These are scary people.

You're a spunky young lady.

But I don't know anything.

And even if I did, I probably wouldn't tell you anything.

We're not getting anywhere with you.

Call Nakamura-san! Right! We don't want to deal with small fries! Do you people understand what's going on here? Brother doesn't have the time to be bothered by you.

Go on home.

That's enough.

Come this way.

I'll hear what you have to say.

So you're saying that when he learned the Boss died, he left right away? That's right.

His client died.

It's what anyone would do.

Something's odd What do you mean? It's not odd that Gin-san didn't come back, but I can't imagine Gin-san giving up on the job for a reason like that.

The Boss's words were full of sincerity when he said he wanted to confront his son face-to-face.

That's why Gin-san accepted this job.

I'm sure that's how it was.

He commands a great deal of faiththat man does.

Well, most of his life is about slacking, but That's right! Most of his body is made up of sugar and useless syrup, but Gin-chan would never give up halfway on a job! Tell me something.

What is that man to you? He's like family.

Family, huh? Nakamura-sanyou know something, don't you? Let me tell you one thing Nothing good happens when decent people stick their noses into yakuza business with a half-hearted resolve.

That's a warning to you.


You all know why I called this meeting.

I wanted to discuss the Mashiroi g*ng situation.

About a successor? Wasn't there a spirited guy there What was his name now? Kyojiro Nakamura, the Mashiroi g*ng's junior boss.

They call him Guardian Dog Kyojiro.

Guardian Dog? Are you kidding? He's more like a mad dog.

He's sharp and he's got balls.

But It's just a rumor, but However, we do have to decide on a successor.

But we have to set an example for the other gangs.

Okay, it's unanimous.

Is that okay? Brother! Brother.

There's a letter for you.

It's from the organization bosses.

It's been decided.

What? The date for the inauguration ceremony's been set.

Then Yes, they've officially decided that I am the successor.

But I'm worried About what? That rumor's been going around.

Will everything be okay? It's the truth, so there's nothing we can do about it.

Let people talk.

But Brother That's enough! Leave me alone for a while.

There he is! Over there! To survive, I did anything I had toexcept k*ll.

Anything to survive that day Everyone despised, detested and feared me Boss! This is the brat who's been raiding our turf! Around here, he's known as Guardian Dog Kyojiro, a brat so well known that even adults make way to let him pass.

He's a street urchin with no parents and no home.

No one's going to complain-hey, they might even thank us-if we wrapped him up and dumped him in the river.

Guardian Dog.

He certainly does look like a Guardian Dog with those scowl lines between his eyebrows.

You can't form lines like those without going through a lot.

You've suffered a lot, haven't you, kid? That settles it.

I'm taking this dog.

I want to see him lose those scowl lines! There was no enmity or insult.

The first adult who ever smiled at me was a bigger villain that I was.

Utsuzo, come here.

Come From today on, this is your friend, Kyojiro.

Kyojiro? Kyojiro, this is my son, Utsuzo.

He's a yakuza's kid, but he's a weakling.

Look after him for me.

From that day on, the stray dog became a Guardian Dog.

For someone like me, unwanted and hated by everyone, to be needed by someone made me happy.

I didn't mind being a guard dog.

That's how I felt.

What?! Utsuzo was att*cked by the Zannenbi g*ng?! Utsuzo! Daddy! Daddy! Kyojiro! Kyojiro! Boss was more worried about my injuries than about his own sonhis tears felt warm.

The person who taught me- someone with no family-what it meant to be family was you, Dad.

[Inauguration Ceremony]

Dad, I made up my mind that day.

Your blood may not run through my veins.

But I will shed my blood at the same time and for the same things that you do.

Yes, that's what I've decided.

That's what I decided, but Let's not all be so formal.

Drink up.

Only those who work can enjoy the taste of sake.

Of course the work you do is probably only crime.

Yo! Is this a birthday party? Happy birthday.

You're?! I thought we were friends? You could've at least invited me to your party.

I intend to repay you in full for the present you gave me the other day.

I've been in this business a long time and met a lot of strong guys.

But I've never met a guy who returned after getting slashed and shot up like you.

I'm glad you're not a yakuza.

You put on quite a show here.

Those guys are the bosses of our organization.

You'll never get out of here alive.

Is that so? Was it because of the Boss? You intend to take on the entire organization just for the sake of a yakuza you only met once? Yakuza or not, it doesn't matter.

Lawless fellows like you and me have nowhere to go once we've lost our honor and humanity.

You're exactly right.

I may've sunk low, but I'm still a yakuza.

I can't survive in this business if I've lost my honor and humanity.

They're not my guys.

It would appear the inauguration ceremony was just a pretense.

Rumors of my actions have gotten around inside and outside my own g*ng.

The association never had any intention of allowing me to succeed the Boss.

They were after my life.

k*ll me.

It'll be payback for blowing a hole in your belly.

I'll let you take my life.

Having a guy like you take my life rather than those guys would give me something to boast about in the other world.

You came here knowing what would happen, didn't you? You came here to die, didn't you? Honor and humanity? I'd forgotten those words a long time ago.

I have nothing left to protect.

Nothing What? I dare you to say that again! Calm down, Boss! I'll repeat it as many times as you want! I don't want to live with you and your men, Father! If it's a successor you want, there's someone much more suitable! I'll live the way I want to live! Wait! Utsuzo! Father, you have Kyojiro-san! He's got guts, brains and strength! He's a much more decent son than me! Stupid fool! Boss! Young Boss! Young Boss! Young Boss! Come on out! Young Boss! Young Boss! This is so stupid Having him succeed me Maybe I thought that was the way to show my love for my son.

Laugh at me, Kyojiro.

My arms may be good at hitting and threatening people, but they don't even know how to hug their own son.

Young Boss Listen up Don't let the Boss near the storehouse.

Boss will die soon.

Until then, take turns living in the storehouse and don't let him know that the Young Boss is not there.

Understand? Brotherwhere isthe Young Boss? Young boss I k*lled him.

This ishow it should be Boss died without knowing anything.

My duty is Fulfilled.

I have nothing leftto protect.

Wh-What?! Are you doing?! I already repaid you for the hole you put in my gut! Like I told you, I only came to fulfill my obligation to honor and humanity.

I promised the old man, you know.

That I'd bring his foolish son to him.

So draw your sword! Fight! You understand, right, that I'm the guy who tried to take your life! That kind of thing wasn't going to k*ll me.

I was just going along with your lousy playacting.

You I saw right through you.

You're a lousy actor! Was it you? I'm asking you if you're the one who k*lled Utsuzo.

You would k*ll me and shoulder all the blame to keep the secret hidden.

And what's more, you were going to die and take everything to your grave? Stop trying to make yourself look good! If you really think of the old man as your father If you're really doing this for his sake Live.

Bring even a single lousy flower and go visit him at his grave! I won't allow any more of the old man's sons die! I won't let you die! I'll drag you to that old man's grave if I have to! Out of my way! Scumbags! Kyojiro! Kyojiro! Hang on! Hey! Dammit! Wait I'll get a doctor! Don't bother.

It hit me in the worst spot.

Don't be so weak! You're a yakuza, aren't you?! Don't whimper just because there's a hole in your gut! This ishow it's supposed to be.

Ican't face the Boss.

I couldn't protect what was precious to him.

It's divine punishment.

He helped me so much, but I couldn't do a single thing for him in return.

I was a useless Guardian Dog.

Once a stray, always a stray.

When I die, throw my body in a back alley.

It's a death befitting a stray dog.

You're not a stray dog.

The rest of the world might scorn you, but I know the truth.

Even if you had to take all the blame, you protected it until the very end.

You're not a stray dog.

You're a noble Guardian Dog.

Guardian Dog.

He certainly does look like a Guardian Dog with those scowl lines between his eyebrows.

You can't form lines like those without going through a lot.

You've suffered a lot, haven't you, kid? That settles it.

I'm taking this dog.

I want to see him lose those scowl lines! [Preview]

A spy's most dangerous assignment is the undercover investigation.

I will do anything in my power to approach the Unstoppable Kotaro Katsura and round up the Anti-Foreigner Faction.

The next episode "Life is a Test.

" You mean, there's a test for that?! [Though unremarkable, he appears more often than one would expect.

Sagaru Yamazaki of Shinsengumi Investigations.


[When he tries to join the Anti-Foreigner Faction, what test will Katsura give him?]
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