03x16 - Summer Vacation Is The Most Fun Right Before It Begins

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Gintama". Aired: April 4, 2006 - October 7, 2018.*
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Japanese manga series where aliens have invaded and taken over feudal Tokyo, an unemployed samurai finds work however he can.
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03x16 - Summer Vacation Is The Most Fun Right Before It Begins

Post by bunniefuu »

[The Odd Jobs head to Ryugu Palace.

Kamenashi, whom they saved, leads them there.


[The summer vacation special project: The Ryugu Arc Begins this week!!]

Gin-san What is it?! Did you find the suspicious person? He's not here.

People who are not wearing swimsuits and wandering around with cameras are suspects.

He's probably been secretly taking pictures of girls in swimsuits.

I see.

I hope you're really looking for him.

Really, I beg you.

The peace of the beach rests on our shoulders.

That aside, everyone sure makes a big fuss about the beach opening every year.

What are they, stupid? They say that all life forms came from the sea.

Apparently, everyone's unconsciously yearning for mother ocean.

[Coast Guard Headquarters]

An annual return to Ryugu Palace, huh? I'd like someone to take us there.

[Note: Ryugu Palace is the undersea palace of the dragon god of the sea according to Japanese mythology.


Huh? Come to think of it, where's Kagura-chan? She probably went to look for a turtle.

Huh? People are gathering over there.

It's Kagura-chan, isn't it? It looks like she got in a fight.

Let's take a look.

Huh? Don't think I'll let you get away with this.

Stand the hell up! That was for Krillin.

Next is [Note: Refers to Krillin from Dragon Ball.


Kagura-chan! What are you doing?! Are you all right?! Are you all right?! Is he a turtle? What are you thinking, Kagura-chan? How could you pick on a turtle at the beach? That's abusive!! Is he really a turtle? You've got it wrong.

This turtle has been filming us all this time.

Is he really turtle? This girl helped us.

So did you film them? I wasn't filming them.

I was just filming kelp.

Liar!! You were only following around girls!! I wasn't filming them.

Honestly, could you stop making things up? It's really annoying.

All right.

Then, excuse me, but may I check the contents of that video camera? No.

I told you that I didn't film them.

This is an invasion of privacy.

H-Hey! If you didn't film them, then you can show it to us, can't you? It'll clear you of any suspicion.

Gimme that!! Umm I usually only film kelp, but there may be girls on the sides of the videos.

That's safe, right? That's okay, right? No, that's not it.

That's not it.

Actually, I was just filming a swimsuit commercial.

It's a company camera, ya know.

[Coast Guard Headquarters]

Where do you live? Umm, I'm sorry.

Could you please not not tell my family? My wife is going to be laying eggs soon.

She's very sensitive at the moment.

She'll just have to shed tears as she lays her eggs.

I really am sorry.

I really won't do it again.

It's the truth! I swear on kelp!! Really! What kind of oath is that? Is that popular in the turtle world? If something were to happen to the eggs in her belly because of this Even kelp can be washed away by the river currents.

What is that, a proverb? Are they all kelp related? I wish I could eat kelp!! Is that like "I wish I could crawl into a hole"? I have some pickled seaweed.

Oh, thanks.

Oh Gin-san, he has a license amongst his possessions.

It's a boat license.

If you're a turtle--just swim! Maison Kelp, Room 305 Ryugu Palace? Ryugu Palace? You live in Ryugu Palace? Oh Yes.

Actually I'm a guide at the Ryugu Palace Really?! Huh?! It exists? Ryugu Palace really exists?! Huh? It ordinarily exists ["Summer Vacation is the Most Fun Right Before It Begins"]

Long, long ago Urashima caught a voyeuristic turtle [Note: Urashima Taro is the story of a fisherman who rescues a turtle and is rewarded with a visit to Ryugu Palace under the sea.


When he went to Ryugu Palace Could you stop that? Could you stop singing that song? It would be bad if it became folklore.

Yahoo! We get to spend summer vacation at Ryugu Palace! I never thought Ryugu Palace actually existed.

Does that mean Taro Urashima actually existed? Yes.

I don't know him, but a guest the first turtle brought over was called Urashima-san.

We've called all of our guests "Urashima-san" ever since.

Did you hear that, Gin-san?! We're Urashima-san!! Isn't that amazing? We've left our mark in history!! This isn't really important, but you've been referring to us as guests.

You're not going to take money from us, are you? Of course not!! Ryugu Palace is indeed a paradise that only chosen celebrities can visit.

It's the sea's holy land and cannot be entered no matter how much money you pay.

But Turtles, despite their looks, are honorable creatures that fulfill their duties.

Repaying favors like the surging and receding waves is the law of the sea.

"Despite their looks"? There aren't any turtles like you.

As a special offer I'll give you a complimentary all-you-can-drink voucher Make it free!! All right.

As a special offer I'll double the stamps on your point card.

Make it free!! All right.

I'll rub lotion on you for free! [Note: He's holding erotic massage lotion.


What kind of shop are you?! Anyway, how long will it take to get to Ryugu? We've been drifting in the ocean for about two hours.

You have a boat license, don't you? Don't you have a faster boat?! I got into an accident and k*lled a dolphin.

I'm on trial now.

How many times have you been convicted?! Come on.

Give me a break.

At this rate, I'll become an old man before I even open the treasure chest.

Hey, what's with that cruiser? Th-That's Sis!! Kyubei-san!! Oh, Shin-chan, what are you doing out in the middle of the ocean? You, two! Why are you here? I thought you were out shopping with Kyubei-san.

Otae-chan [Note: Parody of Japanese actor, Tatsuya Umamiya.


Kyu-chan I caught a nice swordfish.

Shall I clean it on our way to Ryugu? Wh-What kind of turtle is that?! He's really cool!! He has a golden sheen to him!! He caught a swordfish! He has chest hair!! Is he really a turtle? S-Sis, could it be that you're also We happened to save his daughter from bad men.

He was insistent on inviting us to Ryugu Palace even though we said he didn't have to.

They were a rare brand of wicked men.

Let's get going.

Ryugu Palace gets crowded around this time.

We must hurry.

Oh, yes.

Well, Shin-chan, I don't know what you all are doing, but it's dangerous and you should return to land.

H-Hey, wait Sis, let us on, too!! Sis!! Hey!! What's the meaning of that? Why is there more than one turtle?! I thought it wasn't that easy to go to Ryugu Palace!! What's the deal with that turtle?! Why is there such a difference?! Gin-san, now's not the time to be saying that.

He said that Ryugu Palace is going to be crowded!! We've got to hurry.

Damn it!! We can't let them outdo our summer vacation!! Wh-What the hell is this?! Oh! That's It's Madao!! Hey, what's with that turtle? No one would ever pick on that turtle.

Hey, Gin-san, this turtle saved me when I was about to jump off a cliff.

He's taking me to Ryugu Palace now.

He didn't save the turtle, but was saved instead.

Hasegawa-san, I caught a nice Shikao Suga.

[Note: Wordplay on Kajiki Maguro (swordfish) and Suga Shikao (musician).


Why don't we clean it on the way to Ryugu? What's a Shikao Suga?! How are you going to clean that?! Captain!! There's something flying above us What?! I-Impossible.

That's It can't be It's a giant turtle.

That's a soft-shelled turtle, isn't it? It's a soft-shelled turtle.

That's slightly inaccurate.

No, wait, we're riding in a rowboat for transportation.

His guide is No, that's totally inaccurate [Note: Refers to Momotaro, a hero from Japanese folklore.


That's the wrong folktale.

Gintoki, I never expected to see you here.

What a coincidence.

In return for giving them millet dumplings, they're taking me to Tianzhu.

[Note: Millet dumplings are from the Japanese folktale of "Momotaro" and Tianzhu is from the Chinese legend "Journey to the West.


What country is that folktale from?! Fire!! Hasegawa-san's the one who's going to go to Ryugu Palace! Madao has lost hope.

I'm going to give him a light!! Who'd want to go to Ryugu Palace?! We're going to Tianzhu!! That doesn't exist!! You bastards!! I'm the feared Emperor of the Sea.

You've got some nerve, getting rowdy in front of me!! I'll turn you all into weights for making Tatchan-zuke!! [Note: "Tatchan-zuke" is a brand of Japanese pickles owned by Tatsuo Umemiya, a Japanese actor.


H-Hey, wait!! Why?! We just wanted to go to Ryugu Palace.

Why does this have to happen to us?! Is this Ryugu Palace? This wasn't Ryugu Palace.

Everyone! Gin-san, Kagura-chan, Kamenashi-san! Here There wasn't any extravagant food, beautiful dancers, or Otohime-sama.

My worst summer vacation was about to begin.

[Gorilla News]

Hey, look at that! We have determined that the person who was rescued from the deserted island the other day is Shinpachi Shimura-san, who had gone missing sixty years ago.

[60 years ago]

[Shinpachi Shimura-san]


[Shinpachi Shimura-san]

Excuse me, Shimura-san, but how did you survive on that deserted island? What did you eat? What did you think about? Wasn't there any way to escape? What do you want to do the most right now? I want to see Gin-san and the others.

[Odd Jobs Gin]

[Lingerie Pub]

Hey, sir, want to come in? We have a lot of cute girls.

You'd like to have some fun, wouldn't you? There isn't anyone Everyone's gone They're not anywhere I'm alone I'm alone in the world I was alone even when I awoke from my nightmare.

Taro Urashima grew old while living the fast life in Ryugu Palace.

But I'm going to grow old alone in this place without ever reaching Ryugu palace.

No, I'm not sure I can even survive, let alone grow old.

Furthermore, there's no guarantee that anyone will rescue me.

No, no.

I get depressed when I'm by myself.

I need to think positive!! You need to think positive at times like this, Shinpachi!! I'm sure that Gin-san and the others are alive.

I'm sure they'll come to save me.

Until then, I need to do my best by myself.

Think positive, Shinpachi.

The world is just a reflection of your heart.

One thought can change the way you see the world.

If anything, enjoy this predicament, Shinpachi.

This is a deserted island!! There aren't many opportunities to experience such complete solitude.

My heart suddenly feels lighter.

I realized that it wasn't clothes I had discarded, but rather my mental armor.

Our daily lives wear us down.

We end up placing heavy armor around our hearts in order to get by without being hurt.

What are we afraid of? Now that I've removed my barrier, now that I've let everything loose, my naked heart tenderly accepts everything.

My heart melts in the wind.

My body melts into nature.

The trees, the water, and the sun were all within me.


I am a part of this planet, and this planet is a part of me.

Before I knew it, my sense of loneliness had slipped away.

I had nothing to fear.

I'm Not alone I really wasn't alone.

S-Someone was here.

Y-You washed up here, too, huh Hasegawa-san? Let's ignore what we were doing just now.


I thought that I was completely alone.

I just let loose as if I was the only person in the world.

Well, opportunities such as this don't really exist.

Ka-me-ha-me-ha!! [Note: Parody of Dragon Ball]

Something's wrong.

Maybe I should do it with a little more oomph.

Ka-me-ha-me We didn't see anything.


I thought I was completely alone.

I thought I could practice to my heart's content.

Yeah!! That girl is a lovely angel from the sun! Just a little wild! Say! [Note: Lyrics to the B'z (a Japanese band) song, Taiyo no Komachi Angel.


Umm Everyone likes B'z.

There's nothing to be embarrassed about.

Th-They're always at the top of the charts.

I understand.

She wanted to show that to someone.

That was miraculous, wasn't it? That cloud Laputa's got to be in there!! [Note: Refers to Laputa: Castle in the Sky.


Everyone thinks that when they see a huge cloud.

There's nothing embarrassing about that.

That girl is a lovely angel from the sun! What's this? That cloud There's got to be a crystallized Crystal Takigawa in there.

[Note: Christel Takigawa is a Japanese newscaster.


Oh no.

I stopped in the middle of "SOS"! What the-?! I can't understand any of his actions! I can't sympathize with him.

What is this?! Why was he trying to save this? It's miraculous isn't it? It looks exactly like Crystal Takigawa.

What do you mean by Crystal Takigawa?! What's miraculous is your idiocy!! I ran out of piss halfway.

Does anyone have to go to the bathroom? Why does it have to be in piss?! Anyway, how much did you piss? I'm surprised you drew something this big! I was influenced by Inoue sensei's commercial.

Inoue sensei would never do this!! This is terrible.

Our boats headed to Ryugu Palace were destroyed and we ended up on this deserted island.

It's Tianzhu, not Ryugu.

You be quiet.

It's great that everyone's all right.

What's so great about this? We don't have a boat to escape in or any way to call for help, not to mention food and shelter.

What are we going to do? With this many of us, we'll manage on this deserted island.

For now, we need to think of a way to get off this island and how to survive until then.

Before we do, you should probably choose me as your leader.

Why are you already the leader? First, we should choose a leader to decide how we'll choose a leader.

Then first, we should choose a leader who will choose the leader who will decide how we'll choose a leader.

Hey, this is really tedious!! Our world will become filled with leaders!! This is a bother, so Hasegawa-san is good enough, right? He's the oldest.

We should let him do what he wants on this deserted island.

Don't say that in such an annoying way! I don't want to be the leader!! That's right.

Madao is best left in charge of opening and closing curtains.

Why am I in charge of something that doesn't even matter?! There aren't even any curtains anywhere!! You're in charge of closing the curtains on your life.

Are you telling me to die?! This girl is telling me to die!! What we need right now is food and a place to sleep.

Also, we can't do anything unless we explore this island.

For today we shall split into four groups: the food team, the shelter team, the exploration team, and the curtains team We don't need anyone in charge of curtains!! I want to be on the food team.

I'll cook with the utmost care.

All right, make one more team-the chemical poisoning team.

Poison! Look.

I caught these.

Oh my! That's amazing, Hasegawa-san!! I may not look it, but I'm a man of the sea.

As long as I have a pole and bait, this is nothing.

That's amazing! God gives merits to even the most worthless of people.

So you were praising God But even if we have ingredients, we can't cook We can't start a fire.

I've tried everything.

Tried everything? Looks more like you were fooling around.

You were playing go.

When my father was still alive, we'd gather around the othello or go board and start a fire.

You can't start a fire that way!! Oh yeah, you were smoking, weren't you? Do you have a lighter? Sorry, I dropped it in the ocean.

I was desperate to save these sunglasses.

I see.

That's problematic.

I really want a cigarette.

Do something, Otae-chan.

Oh!! I know.

Hasegawa-san, could you lend me your sunglasses? What? What are you going to do? I just got a great idea Just watch.

Just to let you know, it's probably impossible to start a fire using those lenses and sunlight.

You were going to break them?! Furthermore, you've got matches!! We were supposed to have a wonderful summer vacation at Ryugu Palace.

Why did this have to happen to us? Things like this are nice once in a while.

It's like camping.

Camping? We might not be able to get home.

Just as I expected of our leader.

She isn't upset by any predicament, and, if anything, she's got the guts to enjoy it.

You're a true samurai!! I'm not a samurai.

Don't touch me! Gintoki, why don't you learn a little from our leader? You always complain about silly things.

If you're really disappointed with the status quo, you should join the Anti-Foreigner Faction! Honestly Why are you suddenly trying to get me to join you? Why are you talking to me as if you're my mother? Hey, what's that? It's a giant box.

It looks manmade.

Why is this on a deserted island? Leader, don't touch it!! Courage and recklessness are two different things, leader.

If you're a samurai, don't charge in blindly.

You need to have the strength to stand up to your enemies with the knowledge of how terrifying they are!! You already touched it!! Run away Kagura!! Gin-chan!! Zura!! I'm not "Zura.

" I'm "Katsura"!! What is this smoke?! Hey, are you all right? I'm not "All right.

" I'm "Katsura"!! Gin-chan!! Zura!! Are you all right? Who are you?! [To be continued]

["The Older, The Wiser"]

[Gintoki and Katsura have turned into old men Because of the smoke from a treasure chest (?).


[Otohime, ruler of the Ryugu Palace, has a plot that is slowly coming to fruition.

Can the elderly group stop her?!]

[See you next time.

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