03x29 - Sometimes You Can't Tell Just By Meeting Someone

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Gintama". Aired: April 4, 2006 - October 7, 2018.*
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Japanese manga series where aliens have invaded and taken over feudal Tokyo, an unemployed samurai finds work however he can.
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03x29 - Sometimes You Can't Tell Just By Meeting Someone

Post by bunniefuu »

Excuse me, are you Urara? ["Note from Urara" Please turn the lights on and don't sit too close to the screen when watching TV.


Hi, I'm Shinpachi Shimura.

Why is Okita on a date with her in my place?! Now, now, now, calm down, Pachi.

Uhum Excuse me.

Sh-Shinpachi Did you just sayShinpachi? ["Sometimes You Can't Tell Just By Meeting Someone"]

II'm so sorry! Older sister! I'm so sorry! Then, you're the Shinpachi Shimura who Imy younger sister was corresponding with? I didn't mean any harm.

I had no intention of deceiving you.

I didn't have any lascivious thoughts or anything like that! But she was so dazzling.

Your younger sister was just so hot, so burning hot.

I was desperate to correspond with a girl like her.

Before I knew it, I had sent her pictures and things.

I'm the lowest! The lowest, aren't I?! I'm sorry! I'll never approach your younger sister again! I know.

I knowthat feeling.

Oldersister? I'm the onewho is the lowest.

I'm the one who needs to apologize.

It's all my faultmy fault.

Okay, okay, okay.

I don't know what happened here, but there's no need to be so serious.

Nothing really bad has happened between you two yet, has it? Although I wouldn't know.

You were the one who spearheaded the whole thing! Okay, seems this guy apparently lied to her and stuff, but it was just two young people writing a lot of letters to each other, right? You're the one! You're the one who sent that photo! Shut up, you! Keep quiet, you coward! Naturally, I'm going to give a word or two of advice when my protégé is troubled.

As your mentor, and as an adult.

You were just k*lling time! You understand, don't you, older sister? You came today because you were worried about your younger sister, didn't you? You're shy and withdrawn, but you came out of your shell because you were worried about your younger sister, right? Isn't that wonderful? Eh, Shinpachi? Th-That's not how it was.

I'm not so noble a person.

II No, no, no, no, no, no.

Get out of that mode! Stop that! You might start feeling like you've done something really terrible.

I implore you-stop doing that! Let me help you.

Huh? With what? With seducing Urara.

What? Whaaaat?! No, no, no, no, no, no! What're your talking about?! It's all wrong! We were deceiving Urara.

What's more, we devised foul plans to jump her! Uhthat's why what I'm saying is, even if it's all an act, I don't want that to happen to Urara, so please use me.

For example, if a villain abducts me and you save me right before Urara's eyes That's a great idea.

No, it's not, and you know it! No, it is.

She thinks her older sister is lost, so a villain abducting her is good because it goes with the natural flow.

That's not the point! It's an ethical issue! Are you planning to add to our crimes?! No problem.

Her older sister says it's all right.

You ought to try to understand her feelings a bit.

She must have her reasons after seeing her younger sister happily writing letters.

Hey, Okita-kun, change of plans.

Huh? Don't do anything to Urara.

I'll play the role of the abductor and snatch the older sister right in front of Urara, so you try to stop me and attack, but let yourself be k*lled.

At the moment everything looks hopeless and I'm about to snatch Urara away, Shinpachi shows up and kills me.

"You're so wonderful!" she'll say.

Got that? In other words, you go on normal dates with her.

You're not doing anything funnyto Urara, are you? It's all right.

From the beginning, wasn't it the plan for him to come to her aid before I did anything? Now that you mention it, yeah.

I'm escorting her around like a gentleman.

She seems to be finally getting used to it.

Is that so? Then escort her like a gentleman to my place, and Hey, don't dawdle.

Walk! What kind of escort are you?! Eh?! You're no escort, you're an S-cort, for sadist! There's a delicious diner around here.

Want to go? Why're you speaking normally?! Why aren't you ashamed of yourself?! Oh, here it is.

The diner.

That's no diner! Darn, it's full.

Oh, one seat's open.

Urara, have a bite before we get going.

You don't have to worry about me.

What kind of manners is that?! It isn't "ladies first," is it now? Absolutely not! My, what fine weather.

Tell him something, old man! Why're you making normal small talk?! Yes, it is.

It's already fall.

It's really easy to find what's wrong with this picture! Huh? Okita? Huh? Something seems odd.

Yes, yes, that's right! Huh? What? What is it? Hurry up, old man! That's right! Tell him! Isn't that a new mole on your forehead? It wasn't there before.

Why're you noticing such minute details?! Even she hasn't noticed! Isn't there something else?! Old man, did you, maybe, change cologne? What's an old guy wearing cologne for?! What is the relationship between the two of you? It'sIt's awful.

UUrara isUrara is Gin, in this situation, instead of putting on a bad act, I should squash Okita and save Urara! Shinpachi, don't be hasty! Urara! My god! She's been thoroughly disciplined! She's completely submissive! You jerk, what did you do to Urara in a short time?! Older sister! R-Right.

Save me! Urara! This is quite a fine young lass.

She'll fetch a pretty penny! She looked this way! She looked this way, after all! She can't ignore the danger her actual older sister is A mole.

A mole.

A mole again?! You jerks! How much attention are you going to give moles, eh?! What have you done to her?! Before we even talk about making her fall in love with you, her personality has changed! Sorry.

She awakened to her true nature more than I thought she would.

But anyway, if I tell her to, she'll fall in love with anyone.

No one wants such a false love! I'msorry.

I'm no use to Shinpachi or Urara.

What am I really? I'm so, so sorry! O-Older sister! Hey, Shinpachi! Come to think of it, isn't today the day Shinpachi is supposed to meet that girl he's been corresponding with? How would I know.

I don't remember anything about that.

I hope it goes well.

Once he gets a girlfriend, he'll become more forgiving of Otae.

I don't see Sogo.

I think it was a failure.

Sogo? Now that you mention it That was dangerous! Watch where you're going! I-I'm sorry! Who was that woman? Seemed like she was being chased.

Who are you?! An agent of the Anti-foreigner Faction?! I've secured the vehicle, Master.

Good, well done.

Okay, man, get in quickly.

She can be quite useful.

What're you guys doing?! Oh Keep up the good work.

You too.

I didn't mean that! Okay, let's get going! After your older sister.

Don't be mistaken.

I serve only Master.

What the hell are you doing?! Open the door! Hey! That'sdangerouswaitstop! It's dangerous, so waitstop! Huh? You're the girl in the photo who was corresponding with Shinpachi! Why?! Why is she here? Wasn't she on a date with Shinpachi? Looks like the situation has changed.


I wasn't the one who was corresponding with Shinpachi.

What?! Older sister, where are you? Older sis- That's right, I don't even know the older sister's name.

The older sister is Shinpachi's real pen pal, you say? Yeah.

The reason why the older sister lent us a hand to make things go well with Urara was probably because she couldn't stand it when she saw Shinpachi, who completely fell in love with Urara when he saw her photo.

But there was a lot of interference.

Stop being so insinuating.

It didn't go well.

She blamed herself and ran off somewhere, even though both sides deceived each other.

Sis, when she saw the letters, that shy and withdrawn older sister of mine said she wanted to meet Shinpachi.

Sis must have feelings for Shinpachi.

I think it must've been hard on her.

To think she'd try to help him find love.

Even soshe endured it, saying it was her fault, and that she wasn't of use to anyone.

Maybe she just couldn't forgive herself.

What about Shinpachi? He doesn't know anything.

He went chasing after the older sister without knowing a thing.

Leaving the woman he was aiming for behind? He's not one to act on reason.

If there's a woman crying in front of him, he's the type who would leave the woman he loves to go and wipe those tears.

It's no wonder he's not popular with women.

Then by now, Four-eyes must've found that woman.

Give me back the car.

I'll arrest you for obstructing justice.

I don't have time to be involved with silly puppy love.

Sure you do.

This dude's been totally slacking off from work.

Whether this guy's around or not makes no difference.

This is Sis's first time in Edo.

If she goes somewhere bad and gets into trouble I don't care.

Talk to me after something happens.

We're not a bunch of lousy Odd Jobs who do silly jobs.

Hijikata, you won't have to worry about that.

An incident just happened.

What're you doing?! Don't do anything stupid! Urara.

Look at all those people.

As shy and withdrawn as I am As uncomfortable as I felt standing in front of this many people I've become able to stand before a crowd this big.

Ironic, isn't it? Once I didn't care if I died, and it didn't matter what happened to me.

I was able to change all at once, despite how difficult it once was.

I guess, after all, I just cared too much about myself.

I was the only one I loved and respected.

That's why I was afraid to know what others thought of me.

I was afraid of being hurt, so I ran away and shut myself up in my shell all the time.

I had the support of many people, but I never thought of doing something for someone else.

I only thought of myself.

I did the same thing with Shinpachi.

I sent Urara's photo because I was afraid of being rejected.

Shinpachi revealed his identity to me.

I didn't want to be disliked.

So I desperately tried to hide it.

Yet, I felt lonely because Shinpachi wouldn't be looking at me.

I didn't want him to be taken by Urara.

I'm filthy.

I'm sick and tired of my filthy self.

Sis, wait a minute! Hear what I have to say! Forget it! Just leave me alone! There, you see? Didn't I tell you that blood type [bleep]

women don't listen? [Broadcasting content that may encourage prejudice and stereotypes against different blood types is prohibited.


I told you this would happen.

I'm type [peep]



She heard.

Type [peep]

is your blood type, Hijikata.

No wonder things turned out the worst possible way.

Don't put me with the likes of her! Don't judge people by their blood type! Hey, stop.

They're sticking in her.

They're all sticking into her.

I'm k*lling myself.

Hold it, hold it, hold it! Huh? You're type [peep]

? Type [peep]

have lots of good points, right? Don't pass it on to me.

I haven't really even spoken to her.

Jerk! Aren't you type [peep]

? Just talk about your good points ! If I tell her, it'll be as though I'm praising myself.

That would seem rather strange! You tell her! Why do I have to dig for good points that you don't even have? Shameless jerk! Oh yeah-type peep have no shame! That's right.

Type peep have no shame, so you could live on even if you're filthy.

So don't k*ll yourself! Not helping the cause, man! I'll k*ll myself.

Hold it, hold it, hold it, hold it, hold it, hold it, hold it Um, type peep are, you know, have bangs that look like an upside-down "A," right? That's a total reference to me.

Or rather, is that a good point? It doesn't spread out, and it doesn't dry out.

Are you doing a shampoo commercial?! Listen, gorilla! What's the matter with you? Help me talk her out of it! Huh? Are you crying? No, I'm not crying.

No, you are crying.

I said I'm not crying.

Shut up! What's that? Nothing.

No, it is-could you also be[peep]

? I'm k*lling myself! Why?! I didn't say anything wrong just now, did I? She clearly jumped because she realized she and I are alike, right? This is no time for that! Boss! Let go.

If you won't let go, I will.

Is that so Shinpachi can save you? You jumped off the building as Urara watched, so that Shinpachi could come to your rescue and look good.

Is that your plan? Sorry, but Shinpachi isn't capable of such acrobatics.

Why'd you go this far? I-I'm sorry.

I didn't intend to jump off.

I just went too far, and the momentum Because they were wonderful letters.

From Shinpachi and everyone.

You all wrote them together, right? I could tell.

I've been writing alone all my life.

He's clumsy and unsophisticated, but he's expressive and has a mysterious warmth about him.

The letters all of you racked your brains to write for Shinpachi seemed to convey that.

Those letters weren't written to me.

They were written to Shinpachi, weren't they? My letters were always written to myself.

I asked for someone to rescue me, for someone to extend a hand to me, without ever even looking at the other person.

All I ever looked at was myself.

There was no reason to expect a reply to letters I wrote to myself.

How strange it is.

When a person puts a brush to paper for herself, her writing becomes timid and small, but if she does it for someone else, she can write wonderful words that are stronger and more free.

If it's not for yourself, but for someone else, you can become stronger.

Watching Shinpachi and everyone, made me come to believe that.

Shinpachi made me realize this important truth.

I wanted to do something for him.

It didn't matter if I kept the sender anonymous.

Even if he didn't know they were from me, even if he kept thinking they were from Urara, I wanted to keep on writing letters to Shinpachi.

ButI guess my letters never reached him.



[Tell me your name.


[Next time, I want to send a letter to you.


Shinpachi He knew Your letters reached him, a long time ago.

Will you write him a reply? [It's Kirara.


[We can finally correspond the way we should, Kirara.


Shin, I brought sweets.

Oh, he's napping.

What a mess.


Two forces that have fought continuously since ancient times.

That's right! The Dog Faction and the Cat Faction! Neither is good.

Neither is cute.

The next episode: "Beware of Food You Pick Up Off the Ground" [Again, Sadaharu suffers a loss of appetite.

A worried Kagura (and Odd Jobs) take him to the veterinary hospital.


[There, they meet a mangy old dog, "Kintaro"]
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