03x32 - Fights Often Ensue During Trips

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Gintama". Aired: April 4, 2006 - October 7, 2018.*
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Japanese manga series where aliens have invaded and taken over feudal Tokyo, an unemployed samurai finds work however he can.
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03x32 - Fights Often Ensue During Trips

Post by bunniefuu »

Yes, I know.

They should be arriving shortly.

Yes, we're all busy.

[A request from me, Otose.


[Please turn on the lights and keep your distance from the television when watching the show.


Don't worry.

The one thing I can guarantee is that they're a lively bunch.

But how are things on your side? Oh, the usual.

Everything's the same as before on this side.

Really, nothing's changed at all since the old days.

All right, let's work hard again today! Heh, you're awfully energetic.

Well, of course.

We have to do our best every day so that our customers are satisfied.

Well, don't overdo it.

If anything should happen to you, this inn will It will all be okay.

Because you promised me, right? Yeah, that's right.

Now let's go, Rei.

Okay! It's a promise.

I'll protect this innand you.

We're pretty deep in the mountains.

According to the old lady, it's a hidden hot spring known only to a few.

The hot springs are all booked up during this time of year.

It's like a dream to be able to spend our winter break resting and relaxing in the baths at a place like this.

Otose knows the Okami, so she was able to get us rooms.

Go spend some time relaxing in the baths for a change.

I gotta say, Mrs.

Otose can be nice sometimes.

I have a bad feeling about this.

When that old hag does something like this, there's usually a catch.

When you can't accept someone's goodwill with an open heart, it's over for you.

["Fights Often Ensue During Trips"]

I wonder if we took the wrong road.

There's just this dilapidated old building.

Shinpachi, can't you even read a map? That's strange.

It's supposed to be right here.

Let's see It's called Senbokyo, right? Huh? This sign? [Welcome to the Senbokyo Hot Springs]

Doesn't it say Senbokyo? The paint seems to have run and it looks all eerie, but I thinkthis is the place.

This is a picture of an old man taking a soak.

Are you kidding?! We're supposed to stay in this rundown inn? I mean, is this place really open? I don't see any signs of people.

We'll go look for someone.

Let's go, Kagura.

Hey hey, give me a break! This is definitely a haunted house.

It's really creepy.

Why are there so many crows flying around? I don't have spiritual powers or anything, but it feels sorta, you know.

What do you mean, "you know"? Never mind.

Cut it out, will you? I mean really.

Hey, there's someone.

An employee? Excuse me! Mrs.

Terada from Edo referred us here.

Excuse me! Maybe she can't hear.

That hurts! G-Gin That person She's walking on the snow, yet there areno footprints.

Wh-Wh-What's going on?! Was that a ghost? Huh? A ghost?! No way! Not in broad daylight! No way! Absolutely not! No way, I won't allow it! I absolutely won't allow it! Please calm down, Gin! Pr-Probably when you're this deep in the mountains, there's so much snow that it freezes over and you don't leave footprints.

Oh, you're right.

That must be it.

No way! No way, absolutely not! I won't allow it! I absolutely won't allow it! But she acted a bit strange, didn't she? She didn't hear your voice and Didn't she sorta look semi-transparent? Hey, cut it out, will you?! I said there's no way! What's wrong with being semi-transparent? Even grocery bags these days are semi-transparent! So there must be people who are semi-transparent, too! What? Are you scared? Don't tell me you're scared?! Well, it's okay.

If you insist, we can go home.

Wanna go home? You're the one who wants to go home! Besides, even if we wanted to go home, there's only one bus that passes through this place each day.

We have no choice but to spend the night.

Let's stop this already.

We're here at a hot springs inn.

And look at us.

We're over-imagining things.

Let's try to brighten up and enjoy this.

You're right.

It's our imagination.

Sorry, if I said things to scare you, Gin.

I don't know why you're apologizing.

Scared? What's that? Tell me how that feels! Gin! We found the Okami! Oh, that's good.

See, Gin, they're open for business.

There's nothing wrong with this place.

I'm so sorry.

You arrived already? Thank you for coming so far.


I am the Okami, Oiwa.

Huh? Which is the Okami? Huh, which one? I'm sorry I was late to welcome you.

I run this place all alone, so Ummno, there is someone else.

There's definitely someone behind you.

Someone who's semi-transparent! Hey! What is that?! She's carrying something on her back! Is it a baby? It's a baby, right?! Please say it is! That's what I'd like to think! But it's semi-transparent! It's really semi-transparent! So, what's wrong with being semi-transparent?! In this day and age, even politicians are semi-transparent! They're all involved in shady deals and graft! So there's bound to be a semi-transparent baby! But it's strange.

Sister and Kagura aren't reacting at all! The place isn't so bad.

This is my first time at a Hot Springs.

Anyone would react upon seeing a baby like that! Oh, really? I'm going to get my skin all smooth! They don't see it.

We're the only ones! I didn't believe in spirits But that is a ghost! The Okami is totally possessed by a spirit! No, it's not only the Okami.

What I saw earlier Isn't this hot spring inn like super dangerous?! Don't be ridiculous! A ghost inn?! Impossible.

No way.

Absolutely not.

I will not acknowledge that! I absolutely refuse to believe that! Then how do you explain that thing on the Okami? Well I thought it couldn't be but I think my hunch is right.

That Okami [We named it "Stand" from it being Stand by me!]

is a Stand User.

[No way!]

How can there be a Stand like that, you idiot?! No matter how you look at it, that's a Stand.

I mean, basically, we're Stand Users too.

That's why we were able to see the Okami's Stand.

Hold on! Since when did we become Stand users?! I usually hide it.

But you always show your Stand.

That thing hanging on your ear! That's just a spectacles user! "That thing hanging on your ear"?! You know full well what it is.

They're spectacles! Oh, you call that Stand "Spectacles"? He's pissing me off.

This guy is so pissing me off.

Are you that determined to disavow the existence of a spirit? You're pitiful! I mean, take a look at that! Huh? The spirit is gone.

It wasn't a spirit.

That was a Stand! Huh, where'd it go? Hey, maybe it was an illusion? Are you saying that we were so scared that we saw something that really wasn't there? Well, let's leave it at that.

I don't have the guts to acknowledge such a presence, and then spend the night here.

You're right.

It was just an illusion.

It was a demon that our weak minds conjured up.

We'd better shape up.

We're samurai.

How shameful! Yes.

We can't get lackadaisical just because we've come to a hot springs inn.

Samurai must always be upright and alert! The rooms are quite small.

It's tough for four people, so I prepared two rooms.

Which do you prefer? Japanese-style or western-style rooms? You have western-style rooms? Sleeping on a bed would be nice for a change.

Japanese style! We're samurai, after all! Yes, fine.

You samurai will be in this room.

The room is sealed! Those are clear signs that some giant beast has been sealed inside! What's going on?! Just what happened inside this room?! This is bad.

There is something definitely strange about this inn! The young ladies are over this way.

Err, excuse me! Can we change to western-style? Huh?! But you're samurai.

Well, actually fake samurai as in, sham-urai.

But the ladies took that room.

Why? Is there something you didn't like? Well, rather than didn't like The sliding doors Oh, you didn't like the design of this door? Design? This is the design?! Well, there was a time when I was really into rock.

Rock?! This is punk rock? My name, Oiwa, means rock, you know? And these things were all the rage back then.

Even I was young at one time.

It's not "rock.

" It's something different.

More like "lock.

" [The seals have writing like "forbidden," "taboo," "dangerous," etc.


Oh! Could it be these seals are bothering you? Huh? Umm, yes.

Oh, come on! Is that it? Oh no.

These are different.

Well, these are I hate to admit this to you as the Okami But a guest with a child stayed here before.

And the child misbehaved and put holes in the sliding doors.

Oh! Is that it? So these are to hide the holes? Shh! This is a secret.

You must not tell anyone! Is that all? You should have just told us sooner.

We imagined the worst, Okami! This is no laughing matter.

It was really terrible with holes everywhere.

I taught the boy a lesson after that, for one hour.

Really, I shouldn't have been so harsh on him over a few holes in the sliding door.

Full turn left! Hey! How dare you barge into a lady's room?! Wh-What's this commotion all about? Did something happen? Gin! All clear! I don't see it anywhere.

Okay! Please! Change rooms with us! Huh? I have this sudden urge to stay in a western-style room! We're not samurai or anything, merely pigs! Hey? This is western-style? Didn't you ask for a western-style room? This is a Japanese-style room.

Yes, we asked for one.

But when we entered, we found this Japanese-style room.

I don't know what's western about it.

Now you know, so leave! It's small in here and you're crowding us.

There is no western-style room! W-Western-style room as in that kind?! Why?! Why's there a foreigner Stand over there?! I don't understand! What's with this inn?! This place is full of Stands! What are you shouting about? Stand? Oh, sorry.

It's just something between us.

You're better off not knowing about some things in the world.

There seems to be something up.

Don't try to hide it.

Tell me.

We'll hear you out.

Nothing you say will shock me.

Oh, well Refreshment time! Here you go.

I brought you an afternoon snack.

Oh, thank you very much! But don't trouble yourself.

Oh no, I want you to stay and relax.

Think of this as your own home.

Oh, I prepared the bath, so go and soak anytime.

Yes, thank you.

If you say anything, I'll k*ll you.

Th-The Okami! Wh-What's the meaning of this?! Who is that old hag?! She knows! That Okami knows all about this! Not only that! She was feeding the Stand those peanuts! Man, we've come to a crazy place! This hot springs inn is swarming with those evil spirits nurtured by that old hag.

It's a hot spring inn of death! No way! Gin! Shinpachi! We're leaving! We must get off this mountain immediately! If we stick around here, we'll end up as fodder for the ghosts for sure! Never mind waiting for the bus! We'll make a run for it now! Right! Hey! Is there anyone on that side? Looks like there's been a landslide and the road is blocked.

You won't be able to come down the mountain for a while.

Well, there should be a hot springs inn over there, so ask them to put you up there.

There are rumors that it's haunted, though.

Huh? Why aren't you laughing, too? I'm just joking! Isn't it such a nice bath? This inn looked so old, I was worried at first.

But it's quite nice.

Its age is beginning to appeal to me.

I like the fact that there's no other guests.

It's like we have the whole place to ourselves.

We can do whatever we like.

I can pee in the water and no one will scold me.

I will scold you.

And it seems we're not the only guests.

Kondo, you're here too?! No, you're wrong, Kagura.

The monkeys came from the mountain to soak in the baths.

Maybe they're females who want nice, smooth skin? They're hairy, sneaky ones.

Only their butts are smooth.

Well, it's still a nice hot spring.

Gin, how are you doing on your side? Huh? I wonder if something happened? Gin! Shinpachi! Did you guys get dizzy from a long bath?! Thereare somany.

Oh, you mean there are monkeys on your side too? No.

They're really strange.

What's the matter?! Are you surrounded by guys with tattoos?! Kagura! What if you're right? Sorry, all you tattooed people! I didn't mean to insult you.

But if you're upset, please feel free to throw those two into a pool of cement.

Tattooed people would have been so much better.

I'd be so happy, I'd jump into the cement or into the deep sea voluntarily! Faint! Knock myself out! Gin! Damn it! Why won't I faint?! Stupid! Die! Calm down, Gin! Get a hold of yourself! No way! I so won't get a hold of myself! I'll hang it loosely upside down! I'll wear my pants hanging at the hip.

What's with this hot spring?! What's with those things in the bath?! I've heard that spirits gather where there's water, but this is They're not spirits, they're Stands! Don't call them spirits! Huh? Hey, wait a minute.

On closer inspection, could it be the steam? No, you're wrong.

No, it's the steam.

It's just swirling around and looks like people, semi-transparent people.

Shinpachi, breathe it in.

You'll get morning sickness.

Why're we talking about a pregnant woman now?! I said breathe! What're you doing?! See? There's nothing.

It was the steam.

It was the steam! Oh, you're right.


It was nothing.

Let me just apologize.


Huh? Why? Is something wrong? Oh, nothing.

You just look like you're 100,016 years old.

Hey Gin, they're all gone.

I guess it was the steam, after all.

No, it wasn't the steam.

I can verify that.

I think we should get out, though.

The heat is getting to memyself.

Did you just say you yourself? I myself feel a bit heavy.

Even that looks 100,016 years old! That itself is changed! What'll I do?! Otae will k*ll me! Huh? What're you saying? I'd better apologize once more.

I'm sorry, Shinpachi! Oh, that was a nice soak.

Oh! Sister, Kagura! Look! Our skin is silky smooth! [Cursed]

Who the hell are you?! Who the hell are you?! Which one's which, and who's who?! What are you saying? It's me! And I myself.

And I myself! You're all like that! Why don't we go to our room and play UNO? That sounds good.

Let's play! I wonder if you can beat me! What's going on?! They're all possessed! Hey! Wait! Don't leave me here alone! Hey! Okami! Why youold hag! Damn it! Where the hell did you go?! Come on out! Damn you! Just what do you intend to do with us?! Just what is this inn anyway?! Turn them back to normal! We can use him.

Yes, he'll do fine.

All right, congratulations! You've passed the job interview.

[To be continued]

The next episode: "Briefs Will Unavoidably Get Skidmarks" [For filming the lady's bath scene in today's episode, we got permission from the Okami to have the ladies bathe wearing towels.


[For you viewers, please abide by the rules when bathing.

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