03x37 - It's Your House, You Build It

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Gintama". Aired: April 4, 2006 - October 7, 2018.*
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Japanese manga series where aliens have invaded and taken over feudal Tokyo, an unemployed samurai finds work however he can.
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03x37 - It's Your House, You Build It

Post by bunniefuu »

Our apologies to all our viewers today.

Gin, what are we apologizing for? Well, something unexpected happened.

Remember last year when we had to skip one episode because of the Japan World Series? It really messed up our schedules.

All of a sudden, we had to adjust the number of stories.

So this year, we did something different.

Don't tell me Yes, we're one story short.

Then we didn't have the Japan World Series this year.

So we're short one story.

Therefore, we don't have an on-air episode for you today.

What?! What are we going to do tonight then? Anyway, what did you mean by unexpected?! Hey, staff! Why couldn't you figure this out? Don't worry.

They're writing today's script in the back room right now.

They said we have to ad lib until then.

When did you put in the order? How much longer will it take them to finish? Well, they need about another 29 minutes.

The show will be over by then! On the last recap show, the executives complained to our producer: "Using stills over a long period causes our sales in foreign countries to drop.

It's hard for foreigners to understand unless the picture is animated.

" Are you kidding? Even Japanese have a hard time understanding the original gags in this anime.

It's too late to do something for foreign countries! Th-That's true.

That makes a lot of sense.

Forget about foreign sales.

It sounds like too much.

We should just focus on the immediate broadcast.

Well, that's why I'm concerned about today's show.

It would make no sense to show still pictures with background music for an entire show.

It's not good for foreign countries or Japan.

Oh give it up, will you? Are you supposed to be a spy for someone, Shinpachi? TV Tokyo? Or Dentsu? Dah! Don't be so specific! I understand what the executives meant.

In any case, all we have to do is animate the picture, right? Then foreign sales won't suffer and the executives will be happy.

Everyone understands this is Japanese anime, right? Probably.

All right.

Let's get motivated and move the picture around.

Here we go! Ohhh! Eh You're saying work is not all right, but you're doing fine.

Yeah, kind of.

I have some savings from my last job, so don't worry about me.

I'm all right.

Are you sure? Call me if you have any problems.

Are you really all right? Y-Yeah, sure.

I live in a fairly decent apartment.

Yeah, it's really stylish.

Really? Then why don't I visit soon and clean up your place? No! I don't need you to clean up! I'm sure your room is full of trash, right? I said no! I don't want to bother you.

What? Is there something you don't want me to see? I-It's not like that! I keep my room clean! Really! Then I'm looking forward to it.

I'll see you this weekend.

Ah, wait! Hey, I'm jealous! She said, "Can I come to clean your place?" You got yourself quite a little wife there.

I guess it's about time for you to start over with her.

Why aren't you living together? I mean, go live in that wonderful house.

["It's Your House, You Build It"]

Hello, we'd like to talk to you.

Hasegawa, you're there, aren't you? Hasegawa! [Please don't look for me.



He already ran off.

Debt collectors were pounding on my door, and I skipped out.

That was two weeks ago.

I was all right the first night.

I thought I could find a new place easily.

ButI couldn't find a room for rent anywhere.

Right, I didn't pay my debts or rent.

I kept doing those kinds of things.

So my name wound up on the real estate black list.

Those guys don't mess around.

Nobody will lend me money anymore.

No real estate company will rent me an apartment.

There's no place for me to go here in Kabukicho.

I thought I'd be homeless for just one day.

But Now I'm like like this.

But I think you're looking better than ever.

Dog radio cardboard box.

You're completely covered by the Three Sacred Treasures of the homeless.

You've finally found your lifetime job.

I don't have a lifetime job.

I have no job.

You can change your job in FF3, but the first job, Onion Knight, is the strongest.

It's always the same.

Are you trying to cheer me up? Or do you want me to kick you around? How could you say I'm like Onion Knight? You smell like a rotten onion.

That was a critical hit.

No! I need a place to stay so I can restore my hit points! I can't restore my hit points in a cardboard box! What should I do? If Hatsu sees me like this, we'll never reconcile our differences.

And she'll leave me.

I'd say you have no one to blame but yourself.

I have to do something by this weekend! I need to find a stylish place, even if it's just for the weekend! Can you help me, Gin? I'm sure your name is already on the black list, maybe even in the Death Note.

Oh, yeah.

I'll put your name in my Death Note, then.

See ya.

Hey, wait! Wait! [Real Estate]

Taizo Hasegawa: 38 years old.

Occupation: Onion Knight.

Um, excuse me, but I have to ask What is it you do as an Onion Knight? I just can't remember.

I think I met someone once a long time ago who said he was an Onion Knight.

Um Well It's a job that involves fermenting onions.

I see.

It's kind of like making wine and doing this and doing that, right? Oh, yes.

Something like that.

Oh, I know.

I saw that on TV.

I think it was on that show Professionals.

What? No, it wasn't on Professional.

That was Music something or other.

Music? Oh? Does it look like I'm lying? You think I'm lying? I really know what it is.

No! I believe you! No, you don't.

I noticed some momentary bad feelings between us.

sh**t, if my wife were still alive, she could prove it for me.

She passed away one year ago.

Darn it.

Well, I think I've already heard enough about it.

Hey, old man! The laundry detergent is running out.

Can you get some real quick? I'm working right now! I'm going to k*ll you, old hag! Shut up and die, stupid, old man! Well, I'll show you some properties.

Let's go.

Oh, yes.

Hey, he's going to show me some properties just like that.

Doesn't he have a black list? Anyway, the old guy seems a little nutty.

Who is he? They call him the Messiah of Kabukicho.

His name is Sanzo Fudo.

Umthis isn't it, and so this is Oh, well.

There're a lot of bums like you in town.

Some are chased, and some have a guilty conscience.

They're all in an abyss of misery.

There's a real estate agent who gives them a helping hand and a place to stay.

Fudo is the kind of person who would offer people a place to stay, no matter who they were, just like a Messiah.

Those who are alive.

Excuse me, but can you tell me where this property is? Well, I think he's just not being choosy enough for his clients, right? That old man seems careless.

I'm glad that he'll show us some properties, but I'm a little anxious as well.


Do you have any specific requests for a place? Well, yeah First, the cheapest is the best.

And it's better if it's fancy.

Don't expect much.

Don't forget about your situation right now, Onion Knight.

It's enough that there's a roof over your head when it rains.

But Hatsu is coming.

[1LDK: 1 bedroom, 1 Living room, and 1 Dining Kitchen]

Let's try something cheap, a 1LDK.

Yeah, it's enough for a single man.


I think a single man needs1WGTM.

Huh? What did you just say? O-One3P would be perfect! No, we're not talking about a 3P! I know that.

But I'm getting old, so it's hard to speak in loan words.

Don't worry, I understand your request and I'll take you.

Well, I guess this should satisfy you.

[¬(One)LDK [Dog ¬ pronounced "one" in Japanese]

That's not a 1LDK! Why do I have to live in such a filthy dog house?! Don't you really know what 1LDK means? Of course, I know.

I just thought that was a good doghouse for Hasegawa's dirty mutt.

That's none of your business! Come on, don't get me wrong.

There's no way that a real estate agent doesn't know what 1LDK means.

That's a common term.

We use it a lot.

Why don't you use it then? Let's see We'll use it after we come back from our trip.

Man, 1LDK is the best! No way! We'll just say, "My home is the best.

" Why do you bother replacing it with a complicated word like "1LDK"? I'm sorry.

To tell you the truth, my 1LDK went back to her parents' house.

What are you talking about, 1LDK went back to her parents' house?" A 1LDK is a place, not a person! UmCan you show us some other properties? He doesn't care about a 1LDK anyway, only rent.

Cheaper is better.

Is that right? I'm not sure if 1LDK will come back.

Is that all right with you? What kind of 1LDK are you talking about?! How about this property? It looks good to me.

I'd prefer something more stylish.

I knew you were going to say that.

Don't worry.

This isn't the one I wanted to show you.

This one.

Another doghouse?! No, this is completely different from the last one.

This one is more stylish.

Look! It has can badges! No thanks! I don't need those kinds of accessories! Anyway, why are can badges on a doghouse? What? I bet you don't know what a 1LDK is, do you? That's not rightI said 1LDK is not here.

Stop it! I can't live in that kind of place! That's not even a house for people! Show me a place for people! I see.

That's what you wanted.

Now I know.

Why didn't you tell me that in the beginning? I'm confident in myself with this place.

What kind of confidence are you talking about?! That's enough! This is just a doghouse! It's not even close to a 1LDK.

Did you hear what I said? Yes, I did.

Look over there! See.

A person lives there.

That's not the point! That's not right! I'm a useless, old man.

And I'm a bit of a masochist, but I didn't come here today to play! I'm just looking for a place to live! I can't live in this kind of place! Why are you getting shy? I'm not your master! No one's trying to turn you on! Well, do you have anything a bit better? All right.

In fact, I've got the perfect place for an Onion Knight like you.

Are you sure this time? Almost.

Aren't you going to point it out? Well, there's some truth in what you meant.

I admit it.

Gin, please don't! I know Hasegawa isn't really an Onion Knight, but a Dark Knight.

His job is more like a cockroach knight.

I said I didn't have a job.

And we'll stop being choosy, so please show us a normal and cheap property.

All right.

Then let me show you a good one.

How about that one? What? Are you listening to us?! This is one of the best apartments among my high-end properties.

I said, "Are you listening to me?" This one is always popular and occupied.

But it just now became available.

You're really lucky! And the monthly fee is only three million yen.

This is a really rare opportunity.

I don't need it, but give me a chance to throw some poop on your face instead.

All right.

How about 30,000 yen with a discount instead? Wh-What? They both have "3", so 30,000 yen is a deal.

What kind of random reason do you have for that kind of discount? It's a 99% discount! What? Are you angry? Or maybe you've snapped? Or you're desperate? Actually, the last tenant suddenly left because of his job.

So, the household effects are still there.

And the place wasn't cleaned up.

If you'll dispose or take care of those things, I'll give you the discounted price of 30,000 yen for rent.

Really? Are you sure? That's all I have to do to live here? No problem! We'll take care of it! We'll use all the household effects.

It's a great benefit to us! I'm sure Hatsu will be happy.

That's good.


Well, it's a little bit dirty, as I said.

Good luck.

For what?! Whoa! Thisis O-Obviouslythis was the scene of a m*rder! By "disposal," does he mean dispose of everything at the m*rder site?! And "take care"? Does he mean getting involved in a m*rder? Oh, this is a great view.

I bet the view at night is wonderful.

Why are you so blasé? Look at the mess we're in! What are you so excited about? Can you tell me where the m*rder took place? The blood is all over the place! I wouldn't be surprised if that kid from Case Closed barged in right about now! Eh? Is this blood? I thought this was a custom-painted wall.

It can't be! It's so disgusting! Hasegawa, please calm down.

You said this was a crime scene? Something like that happens only in a TV drama.

I think this place was probably used for gutting a tuna or something.

That sounds even less likely! Why did a tuna have to be gutted here? Moreover, why did the tuna write a dying message? What? This is not a dying message.

So somebody's practicing their calligraphy? It splattered around the room after it worked hard to write NOBORU.

That's pretty painstaking work! Anyway, don't worry about it.

About what? Even if they were m*rder*d, it's no big deal.

Yes, it is! You sound like this is someone else's problem.

I can't live in a place where there was a m*rder.

It doesn't matter what happened in the past.

Now is more important.


There's blood everywhere now that's what I'm really concerned about.

Hasegawa, rooms and women are the same.

Listen to me.

Most pretty girls have already been "done" by some stupid guy at their middle school or high school before we ever meet them.

What are you talking about?! Let's say there's a girl who was unpolished and innocent when she entered school, but after summer vacation, she's got dyed hair and ear piercings.

Again, what are you talking about?! I'm positive about it.

During summer vacation, she met some loser.

In summer, she had so much fun that she was taken advantage of.

Hey! I really don't understand what you're trying to tell me! But even so, would you ask her about it? You wouldn't, right? You would just keep it in your mind.

You'd like to ask her, "What happened to you during summer?" No, you wouldn't.

Because you know she'll hate you if you ask.

It'd be a turn-off for her.

That's right.

When we meet women, we already know those kinds of things.

And it's the same for rooms.

In general, a good room has been "done" already! What do you mean that the room has been "done?" And if you have to inquire about the history of every room you find, you shouldn't bother! Good grief.

I've been working in the real estate business for over 50 years and I never I never thought that I would meet someone who really cared about a room.

Why are you crying? Did any part of that story make you cry? He's exactly right.

The nice rooms are all tainted.

Most likely a m*rder happened there.

You liar! I have never heard anything like that! I think it's something like the magic of the room.

The room is not just for a space to live in, but also a place to catch a person's soul.

As a matter of fact, this is a problem room.

Seven people have already died in here.

What?! I don't know what the cause was, but the people who lived here started attacking each other all of a sudden, and died soon after.

Hey, you! Why did you show me such a bad place?! In fact, you were even trying to charge me rent! I'm really sorry.

I didn't mean it.

I just felt sorry for this room.

Everybody thinks it's cursed.

The room works out well when occupied.

Even if it's a great room, it's just like a hole unless someone lives there.

I know some people call me a Messiah because I save all kinds of people.

But I don't deserve it.

I just wanted to turn all these dumps into real rooms.

I'm so glad that you'll become a real room soon.

Here it is.

I want to give this to you.

You can use this room however you want.

It's totally up to you how you use this room.

I hope you'll I don't think I deserve this offer.

I think this room will be happy when a person who needs a place lives here.

Well, I think a man who takes good care of the room should live here.

It'll make the room happy.

I want you to take this.

I already heard that.

It's not nice to hand it to me and say, "I already heard that"? Sir This is the third time.

No! Enough! I told you I wanted to give it to you.

Just take it already! Who wants such a creepy room?! You can't get rid of it by giving it to someone who's a nuisance! It's not fair! But you're talking about something totally different.

Just take it.

You said, "It doesn't matter what happened in the past.

" Didn't you?! Right from the start, it was your fault because you don't have a job! So, accept the responsibility and just die here! Take it! No! I don't want it, either! Just take it KiKill KillKill KillKill [A couple of days later]

Oh, my! This is a really great apartment.

I wonder how he got the money to afford this kind of place? He didn't do anything fancy, like sending an invitation without a return address Um, oh, here it is.

Hello! I came to clean up.

KiKill KillKill [NOBORU]


People say that your heart grows fonder when you don't see your sweetheart for a long time.

I just noticed that he left me for three months.

Although the show is in its third year, I've only been in three episodes.

I'm in the preview right now, or is it only my imagination? Tune in next time for "99 Percent of Men Aren't Confident in Confessing Their Love" [And also: "People Who Don't Believe In Santa Are The Very Ones Who Want To Believe, You Contentious Bastard"]

[Next week we'll give you two episodes and act like nothing happened this week.

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