04x29 - It Would Take Too Much Effort to Make This Title Sound Like a Text Message Subject

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Gintama". Aired: April 4, 2006 - October 7, 2018.*
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Japanese manga series where aliens have invaded and taken over feudal Tokyo, an unemployed samurai finds work however he can.
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04x29 - It Would Take Too Much Effort to Make This Title Sound Like a Text Message Subject

Post by bunniefuu »

Master How can you be alive? Look, Tsukuyo.

You will watch as one who protects you vanishes.

And a new enemy will be born here to replace your King of Night.

I, Jiraia! By the time you notice that you're caught in a spiderweb, it's already too late.

Now, to finish you off.

With your death, the moon will become whole again.

Gaze at my beautiful moon from the afterlife.

Gin Gin Gintoki ["It's the Irresponsible One Who's Scary When Pissed"]

Jiraia the Spider He is skilled at spinning threads.

And able to turn any place into his web to abuse and destroy as he pleases.

There wasn't a better thief or assassin around.

But that wasn't what made him truly feared.

It was his devotion.

Ninjas aren't like you samurai.

We don't carry any devotion to our masters.

We only trust the skills we've developed.

We'll serve anyone who's willing to pay for those skills.

We sell off our skills, like a craftsman.

It's no different for us Oniwabanshu either.

On the surface, we're said to serve as the Shogun's personal secret agents But to cut a long story short, that's only because the Shogun offered us the highest price.

But he was different.

He was fanatically devoted to the Shogun, and that devotion was his only motivation.

I don't mean the young Shogun in charge now.

When the former Shogun still ruled, he would sacrifice his own body to perform any dirty job, any dangerous job.

He even burned his own face to work undercover.

He abandoned his face, his name his very existence for the sake of being able to change identities at will.

Sacrifice oneself for the country Yeah, it has a nice ring, but a man who's focused on one thing will find himself caught in the darkness before he realizes it.

When the Amanto came twenty years ago, the Amanto hardliners wished to open relations when in reality, they wanted to take over.

As you know, the Bakufu and Shogun were terrified and cracked in no time.

But the same couldn't be said for the team of specialists, the Oniwabanshu.

The hawks said that this was the time to fight and show our skills.

The moderates said that we should accept the decision from the higher-ups, and we had a factional dispute on our hands.

Naturally, for the Shogun, too scared to fight, the hawks would be a nuisance.

A cruel order was delivered.

Every one of the hawks, down to the last clan member, was erased from history.

And for the dirty job of k*lling his own comrades, against armed and skilled men, he was the only possible choice.

Your loyalty is wonderful to behold.

However, your position among the Oniwabanshu is tarnished after k*lling your fellow comrades.

I don't mind.

I have no comrades.

My web only has room for me and my prey.

So they weren't your comrades, but merely prey caught in your web? My lord, that wasn't what I meant.

Spiders do not readily eat their prey.

I know.

They wait for their webbed prey to weaken until it can no longer resist before they feast.

That would be how a normal spider behaves.

I am different.

I do not allow my prey to realize that it's been caught in my web.

I do not weaken it.

I feed it.

Feed them? Like a loyal retainer Like a devoted teacher I sacrifice myself for my prey, Feed it to fatten it up.

And once I have exhausted myself and my prey is fattened up, I finally feast.

That is when I'm filled with indescribable emptiness and pleasure.

The more I offer to my prey, the more beautiful my prey has become, the more rich my prey tastes.

They were not my prey.

They were merely food.

The prey caught in my web right now would be you, my lord.

It was over in an instant.

My old man couldn't even see it coming.

If the old man hadn't foresee the danger and acted as a double, history may have taken a different direction.

Though I can't say if my old man was protecting anything worthwhile.

Jiraia was surrounded by the Oniwaban, and despite receiving critical injuries, he managed to escape.

That was when my old man got his legs jacked, and legs are what make a ninja.

He retired to teach the next generation.

Though he may have just gotten sick of this dirty world.

Jiraia was the monster the Oniwaban failed to eliminate and let loose into the world.

And as my dad's successor, it's my duty to shoulder that responsibility.

Though I wasn't particularly concerned, I did look around for him.

But now that I've actually seen him, I've changed my mind.

I don't want to fight with that sicko.

Take my word for it.

You should give up as well.

His devotion is to his prey.

And right now, his twisted devotion is focused towards his student.

Yo-Yoshiwara Yes, we're in Yoshiwara.

The place where the King of Night once ruled.

The stage I've prepared for you to watch everything unfold.

I shall reignite the flames from four years ago.

This time, the flames won't be an illusion.

This time, I'll burn every last person you depend on to ashes.

Return everything to zero.

When the moon once again rise into the heavens, I shall be the one to devour it.

Stop!! He's willing to sacrifice anything for his prey, for the sake of completing his creation.

Everything around his prey will be used as food.

And when he destroys the fruit of his labor, he feels supreme pleasure.

If you stand around, you'll also become food.

I won't be there to save you this time.

It's a fire! Run for it! Fires are starting all over the place! Look! The fire What is this?! What's going on?! Sorry.

After saving you and bringing you here, it turns out that this was part of his spiderweb.

I couldn't ask for any more.

Huh? Wanna know the only way to survive when caught in a spiderweb? You eat off the spider.

Are you Gin-san! What's going on?! Does this have something to do with the people who took Tsukky? Gin-san, the members of Hyakka are putting out the fires.

Mom was worried about your injuries so she said that you should run away! Thanks.

Shinpachi, Kagura, take care of the fires.

Listen up.

You'd better not let anyone die.

If it gets real bad, you should all ditch the town and run away.

What are you talking about, Gin-chan? Where are you going in that shape?! You're the one who needs to Gin-chan? I don't like it.

I don't like it one damn bit! I'll die before I let that son of a bitch call himself her master! Look, Tsukuyo.

Yoshiwara is burning.

The place you protect, the place you belong is turning to ash.

This will be the last one.

A large quantity of expl*sives has been placed at the end of this thread.

Once I light it, Yoshiwara will be burned to the ground.

Stop! Please stop this! I love that look on your face.

Are you scared of being alone? Do you care so much about yourself? Beyond, you will find that abandoning your sense of self will lead to true beauty and power.

This won't be the end.

You will begin anew from the ashes.

Jiraia!! The threads snapped? Threads running in every direction are snapping one after another.

This vibration Food that doesn't know when to give up, huh? They can no longer move freely after being caught in my web.

And yet they still attempt to resist? Shinpachi! We're cutting down every last of these! We can't let the fire spread any further! We won't let anyone else hurt this town! They've all suffered so much! They've finally won back their own home! Doesn't matter what comes! Doesn't matter how often it comes! We'll hold strong! Don't underestimate the saviors of Yoshiwara! Team one will work on putting out the fires.

Team two will help anyone who didn't escape in time.

Team three will tear down buildings to slow down the fire.

Listen carefully.

The Hyakka don't have enough people to deal with this.

You should all do whatever you can.

We must protect our own town.

Yes, ma'am! Lady Hinowa, have you heard anything about Lady Tsukuyo She'll return.

I'm sure she will.

So we must protect the place she will return to.

The place where she belongs.

Everyone A futile effort.

Struggle as they may, this place is within my spiderweb.

It is impossible to escape from the threads.

It is impossible to survive.

They're all doomed to become food.

You people! No! The bandits are using the fire as an opportunity to! Lady Hinowa! Mom! Kunai? Oh, sorry about that.

I dropped my kunai.

I have no idea what's going on.

I didn't see a thing.

I've been reading JUMP the whole time.

I'm obviously not lending a hand here.

Zenzo-san! Hinowa-san, was it? How much will you offer for my skills? You come to Yoshiwara to sell yourself instead of buying a woman? Heh, I used to think that fuglies were the only way to go, but I guess hotties aren't that bad either.

Don't mind about us.

Get back to work.

This VIP ticket won't be worth anything if the place burns down.

That's reckless! There are too many of them! The bastard stole the big job.

I'll have to make do with this.

I'll show you how scary a real ninja can be.

Pop out your eyeballs and watch carefully.

My moves will be over in a instant.

Zenzo Hattori of the Marishiten has come to play! So they cut of all my threads.

I thought that bugs with spunk would serve as good food, but I may have overdone it Jiraia, I beg of you Please stop this.

Please stop doing this.

It was It was all my fault.

I'll leave this place.

I'll no longer rely on others.

I'll no longer get involved with other people.

I'll live alone.

I'll live as you tell me to.

If that doesn't satisfy you, you can k*ll me.

So please stop this.

Don't hurt Don't hurt my precious friends any more.

I shall sacrifice my very existence for my friends.

No!! That's not what I wanted from you! Why can't you understand?! Why must your soul be so weak?! Why can't you reach my strength?! Why can't you become me? Tsukuyo, do you know why I spent so much time raising you? So I could k*ll you with my own hands.

I devote myself to my webbed prey the way a servant devotes himself to his master.

And then I feast when my prey has become beautiful and succulent.

It's like dominoes.

The more effort put into a work, the more beautiful it is, the more emptiness and pleasure you feel when you destroy it.

Desire which can never be quenched.

It only grows stronger with each new prey.

Do you understand, Tsukuyo? The answer I finally arrived at was you.

I want to k*ll myself.

The mere thought sends shivers down my spine.

There could be nothing better.

What else could give a greater sense of loss? To accomplish this, I needed to create an existence that could be me.

The embodiment of carnage with a strong soul and strong body who could stand alone without relying on others.

I thought you could do it.

But I was wrong, apparently.

I didn't expect you to sink so low.

If I had known this would happen, I would have k*lled you when you were still beautiful.

Such a failure.

I can see that the deaths of your friends won't be enough.

How do I make you become like me? How do I make you become as strong as me? I'll flay the skin off of you.

No one will realize your existence if your body becomes unrecognizable like mine.

Your friends won't recognize you.

You'll be alone in this world, just like me.

I'm sure you'll become as strong as I am.

I'm sure you'll become just like me Hey Get your hands off her.

Get your stinkin' hands off this woman.

Y-You're?! Gi-Ginto Gintoki Take me as your student Ginpachi Sensei! Uh, a question from Junpei Masuda-kun of Kanagawa prefecture.

Hello, Mr.


My name is Junpei Masuda.

I love GinTama.

That is why I'll become a manga artist like Mr.


[Note: Creator of GinTama]

However, I don't draw very well, or I suck, actually.

I always draw pictures of Naruto, but they don't turn out well.

So please take me as your student, Mr.


You probably haven't realized this But well, Junpei-kun You're probably better off asking Mr.

Kishimoto to let you be his student, you know? [Note: Creator of Naruto]


["The More Precious the Burden, The Heavier and Difficult it is to Shoulder it"]

[An encounter with Shoyo in our younger days The master's words]

[See you next time.

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