05x27 - Love Is Neither Plus Nor Minus

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Gintama". Aired: April 4, 2006 - October 7, 2018.*
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Japanese manga series where aliens have invaded and taken over feudal Tokyo, an unemployed samurai finds work however he can.
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05x27 - Love Is Neither Plus Nor Minus

Post by bunniefuu »

The new Gintama anime has been running for half a year.It's already been half a year? We've finally made it through half a year?

The world may change around us, but we're still rolling along here.

Kodokan Dojo

Shin S-Sis...

Shin I-I...

Shin I got myself a g-girlfriend!

Otae What? A girlfriend?

Shin I'm in a relationship with a girl.

Otae R-Really?

Otae I-I see...

Otae In that case, congratulations, Shin-chan.

Shin You approve of our relationship?!

Shin I was up all night, worrying about telling you.

Shin A-Actually, I brought her here so I could introduce you.

Otae Huh?

Shin Will you meet her? I'll tell her to come in!

Otae Wait! She's here?

Otae Isn't it a little early for this?

Shin Don't worry. She's not that fussy about that stuff.

Shin Come in, Momo-san.

Shin Sis!

Shin This is my girlfriend, Momo-san!

Momo Hello.

Love Is Neither Plus Nor Minus

Kusano Right now, Edo is obsessed with the new game Love Choris.

Kusano In this dating sim,

Kusano the game is linked to the real world as events progress in real time.

Kusano When you start the game in the morning, she says good morning.

Momo Good morning.

Kusano At night, she says good evening, and this is only the beginning.

Momo Good evening.

Kusano This game is made so well that Edo is filled with boyfriends

Kusano who can't bear to

{\i}spend a minute away from their little lovers.{\i}

Shin Huh, that's not good.

Shin If you waste all your time because

you can't distinguish between game and reality,

Shin you'll never get a real girlfriend.

Shin Isn't that right, Momo-san?

Shin I wish we could share some of our happiness with them.

Shin Here you are.

Gin It seems that I'm not wanted here, so I'll be making my exit.

Otae Hey, where are you going?!

Gin And I ask you where your brother has gone?

Gin He's trapped in some dimension between game and reality.

Otae He showed up with that thing and said that

Otae he wanted to introduce me to his girlfriend,

Otae and he's been like this ever since.

Kagura It's okay.

Kagura When Sadaharu is in heat, he keeps humping stuffed animals.

Kagura After a while, he'll stop.

Otae That won't work! Shin-chan is in heat all year round!

Gin You girls don't think much of Shinpachi-kun, do you?

Otae Are dating sims supposed to turn men into that?

Gin I wouldn't know.

Kondo You see, Otae-san,

Kondo dating sims are games where the

goal is to score with the many beautiful girls who show up.

Gin Why is this guy showing himself like nothing is wrong?

Gin Why is he acting like he's been up there the whole time?

Kondo In other words, this is the only way to enjoy love

Kondo for men who have no luck with women.

Kagura You would know, wouldn't you?

Kondo In other words, the worse a guy does with girls,

Kondo the more likely he is to get hooked on dating sims.

Kondo So a super S-class cherry boy like Shinpachi-kun will stand no chance.

Kagura A super S-class stalker shouldn't be talking.

Kondo This game was able to completely hook a veteran date simmer like me.

Kondo It is difficult to describe the destructive powers of this game.

Kondo That's what my girlfriend Sayaka-chan said.

Sayaka I'm Sayaka.

Gin Those destructive powers did a number on you.

Otae Th-This can't be!

Otae Does that mean Shin-chan might never return from the dark side?!

Kondo Sayaka-chan!

Gin Did you try to make contact?

Otae Yes, I was looking for a chance to take the game away from him...

Shin What are you doing?

Shin Please don't touch Momo-san!

Kondo He's so mentally unstable that he thinks the game is his girlfriend.

Kondo If you want to reach out to him,

you must join him in his little world!

Gin How do we do that?

Kondo That should be obvious.

Game Welcome to the world of Love Choris.



Blood Type

Game Please begin by inputting your name

as the name of the main character.

Gintoki Sakata.

Gin Hey! Why do I have to play this crap?!

Kondo To bring Shinpachi-kun back to the real world.

Gin Don't give me that crap!

Gin That'll take too long!

Gin How am I supposed to get hooked on a kiddie game?!

Kondo It doesn't matter if you get hooked on the game.

Kondo You just need to be in the same world as he is.

Gin Why don't you go talk to Shinpachi?

Kondo You think Shinpachi-kun is going to listen to me?

Kondo First, you need to choose one of the three heroines.

Kondo Love Choris is a game where you win over one of the

Kondo heroines and engage in a

real-time relationship that is amazingly realistic.

Kondo The first heroine is Sayaka Otakai-chan.

Kondo She is the captain of the railway club that you're also in.

Kondo An excellent student and athlete

who's also Isao Kondo-kun's girlfriend.

Gin Why are you part of her description?

Sayaka I sure like you.

Gin You just happened to choose her as your heroine.

Kondo The second heroine is Momo Anigasaki-san.

Kondo She's one year older than the main character

and the helpful older sister type.

Kondo Shinpachi-kun chose her as his heroine.

Gin Why did he choose an older sister character?

Gin That's pretty disgusting.

Kondo You don't want to choose

the same heroine or people will get jealous.

Kondo Which means you're left with the third character.

Kondo Pinko Shiramizu.

Gin Wait a sec!

Gin This character is noticeably different from the others!

Kondo Pinko-chan is the owner of a Chinese restaurant

that the main character frequents.

Kondo She's a widow who lost her husband, Takuzo, a while back.

Gin This is obviously Pinko!

Gin It's like she's from a totally different world!

Gin Give me Sayaka-chan or Momo-san!

Kondo Hmm, but they will be very difficult.

Gin Doesn't matter.

Gin It feels better when you finally land them!

Kondo No, that's not what I mean.

Kondo To choose a heroine,

you have to sh**t down the one you want.

Gin Why is it a sh**ting game?!

Kondo And it takes a long time before Sayaka-chan or Momo-chan show up.

Gin The hell, it's like I'm Making It Through Pinko!

Kondo Oh, now you've done it.

Kondo You're stuck on Pinko-chan's route now.

Gin There is no other route, is there?

Gin How did you guys get normal heroines?!

Gin Forget it! Let's just get this over with!

Gin I'll just win over Pinko!

Kondo But first...

Kondo You have to decide what you want Pinko-chan to call you.

Gin I don't give a damn!

Kondo It's more fun if you have her call you by that.

Gin If she wasn't Pinko, maybe!

Gin Forget it! Gintoki will do!

Gin This is good enough!

Pinko Takuzo.

Gin She's completely ignoring me?!

Gin She didn't even say my name!

Gin She's still stuck on Takuzo!

Kondo But you can choose between the pronunciations

Takuzo, Takuzo‘!, and Takuzo“!

Gin They're all the same!

Kondo The ones on the right are Takuzo.

The ones on the left are Takuzo“!.

Gin Another choice that involves a sh**ting game?!

Gin They're all Takuzo!

Gin Can I just start this game already?!

Gin Okay! I can finally begin!

Kondo Right, your next choice is about the

catchphrase for Pinko-chan's child, Enari-kun.

Kondo How do you want him to pronounce, "That's not helping, okay?"

Gin Enough is enough already!

Kondo You're going to become his new father.

Kondo It's important to build a strong relationship with her son.


That's not helping, okay?

Kondo The right castle is "That's not helping, okay?"

That's not helping, otay?

Kondo The left castle is "That's not helping, otay?"


Secure WeaponsSecure Provisions

Gin There's no way I have to play a simulation game.

Gin I'm not wasting my time on this shit!

Kondo Man, you don't know how to treat a lady.

Kondo If you turn off the power without saving,

your relationship will suffer.

Gin Huh?

Kondo For example, my game shut down abruptly when

Otae-san laid the smack down.

Kondo When I restart the game...

Sayaka Geez...

Sayaka You just turned off the game again.

Sayaka What was that for?

Gin Huh? What is this? What is this?

Sayaka I told you to be gentle.

Gin What's with her? She's throwing a fit.

Kondo Sorry! Forgive me!

Sayaka You want me to forgive you?

Sayaka Then you have to kiss me ten times.

I'm not jealous or anything.

Kondo Sorry! Sorry! Sorry! Sorry! Sorry! Sorry! Sorry! Sorry! Sorry! Sorry!

Sayaka I love you, Isao-kun!

Kondo And I love you, Sayaka-chan!

Kondo Do you understand the capabilities of Love Choris now?

Kondo They're breathing on the other side of the screen.

Gin B-But they're D.

Gin You should look at yourself in the mirror. I guarantee you'll cry.

Kondo Don't be so stubborn.

Kondo Apologize and patch up your relationship.

Gin I-It's not worth it.

Gin I mean, my girlfriend is Pinko.

Kondo The girls change according to the player's preference.

Kondo That's the best thing about Love Choris.

Kondo She might be Pinko now,

Kondo but eventually, she may turn into the girl of your dreams.

Gin No, no, no. We're talking D here.

Gin Well, I guess...

Gin If you really insist, I might give it another shot.

Gin So, what do I do after I turn it on?

Kondo Didn't you see what happened in my case?

Kondo My girlfriend gave me the cold shoulder

Kondo because I suddenly turned off the game.

Kondo You need to do some sucking up.

Pinko That was just despicable how you turned off the game.

Gin You're right.

She's so mad that she won't even look at me.

Gin That's amazing.

Pinko It's all your fault... All your fault...

Her Enari is cold and stiff now.

Gin Hey!

Gin Cold shoulder?! More like cold Enari!

Gin I can't fix this now!

Kondo It looks like you were too violent when you turned off the game.

Kondo Just apologize.

Gin Uh, an apology isn't going to help!

Enari You want me to forgive you?

Gin I-I'm sorry! Please forgive me!

Gin I didn't mean any harm!

Pinko Then recite the Heart Sutra one hundred times!

Gin No!

Gin Why is my Love Choris so different?!

Gin This isn't a dating sim! This is Resident Evil!

Gin Her son died.

Gin You should wait until she's gotten over the loss.

Gin Uh, doesn't this game move in real time?!

Gin I can't wait two years!

Kondo Well, in any case,

Kondo keep working on winning the heart of Pinko-chan.

Kondo Do your best to turn her into your ideal girlfriend.

Gin Isn't this enough already?

Gin I should be able to communicate with Shinpachi now.

Kondo You really think that this will be enough to save

Kondo Shinpachi-kun from the world of Love Choris?

Love ChorisThe My Wife World Tournament

Kondo You should enter this tournament!

Gin Th-This is...

Gin The My Wife World Tournament?

Kondo Love Choris players from all over the country

Kondo will gather to determine whose girlfriend is the best!

Kondo You must defeat Shinpachi-kun in this tournament.

Kondo That is the only way to bring him

Kondo out of his dream and back to the real world.

Kondo You must shatter his fantasy...

Kondo ...by using your own fantasy!

Odd Jobs Gin-chan

Pinko Wake up!

Pinko It's morning!

Pinko How long are you going to sleep?

Gin Why are you so loud every morning?

Gin I get to decide when I'm going to wake up.

Pinko It must be nice to wake up and go to sleep every day.

Pinko But my son...

Pinko ...will never wake up again!

Gin No more! I've had enough!

Kondo Listen to me.

Kondo You must keep Love Choris by your side at all times,

Kondo including when you're eating and sleeping.

Kondo This will help strengthen your bond.

Gin I did what he said.

Gin It's already the day of the tournament,

Gin but there hasn't been any improvement.

Gin Enari is decomposing in real time!

Gin And this woman is cursing me /.

Pinko I wish you would suffer the same fate as my son.

Gin How is this a dating sim?!

Gin No more!

Gin Kagura's starting to look at me with disgust.

Gin Screw Shinpachi and this tournament!

Pinko I feel the same way.

Pinko Why would I fall in love with the man

Pinko who k*lled my son?

Pinko Honestly, this isn't funny.

Odd Jobs Gin-chan

Kagura Gin-chan, Shinpachi wanted to take the day off.

Gin Oh, really.

Kagura What's going on, anyway?

Kagura Aren't you also playing that dating sim, Gin-chan?

Gin Uh huh.

Kagura Is it really that good?

Gin Well, I'm a grown-up now,

Gin so I can't really say.

Kagura Yeah, it's like not like they're jumping out of the screen or anything.

Kagura I don't get it.

Gin Yeah...

Gin I don't get it either.

Kagura This is why men are called herbivores and

Kagura considered weaker than women now.

Gin I know. Me and my sweet tooth don't get it either.

Kagura Sadaharu, pipe down.

Kagura This is how he acts when there are strangers here.

Kagura Stop that, Sadaharu!

Kagura Gin-chan, Sadaharu won't stop barking.

Kagura Ah, Gin-chan!

Gin What the hell...

Gin What the hell is going on?!

Gin Everywhere I go! Everywhere I go!

Gin Pinko and Enari are there!

Gin It's like I'm really Making It Through with Pinko!

Gin Damn, what's wrong with me?

Kondo Hey, Odd Jobs!

Gin Gorilla!

Kondo What are you doing here?

Kondo The tournament is today.

Kondo Want a ride?

Gin S-Sorry, I appreciate this.

Kondo What's wrong? Why are you so flustered?

Gin Well, there's something crazy chasing me around.

Kondo Something crazy?

Sayaka Oh, no! I'm so scared, Isao-kun!

Kondo Everything's okay, Sayaka-chan.

Gin Hey! What is this?!

Gin Hey!

Gin Why is your girlfriend out in the real world, too?!

Kondo It appears that you can finally see them.

Gin I can finally see them?!

Gin Don't tell me that...

Kondo Of course, I can see Sayaka-chan.

Kondo And I can also see your girlfriend, Pinko-chan.

Kondo I knew you could make it to this stage.

Kondo Other people may think that we're just playing a game,

Sayaka I love you, Isao-kun!

Kondo but this world where we can

see the manifestations of our girlfriends...

Kondo A world only accessible to those who have mastered Love Choris...

Kondo The dimension between game and reality...

Kondo Love Choris Hole!

Gin We're just insane!

Gin Love Choris Hole?!

Gin All this means is that we've spent so much time

Gin playing games that we're hallucinating!

Kondo You're finally on the same level as Shinpachi-kun.

Gin That's a bad thing!

Gin This ain't funny!

Gin This is no longer about saving Shinpachi!

Gin Hey, let me out at the hospital!

Kondo It's true that from the perspective of the real world,

Kondo we have lost our minds.

Kondo But where are we heading?

Kondo Yes, to an otherworldly b*ttlefield of warriors who are

trapped in their fantasies.

Love ChorisThe My Wife World Tournament

Kondo There, fantasy becomes reality!

Gin This is one creepy tournament!

Gin They're all in the Love Choris Hole like nothing's wrong!

Gin They've all been hit by a Dazzle spell!

Kondo A person who hasn't reached the Love Choris Hole

Kondo is like a Soul Reaper in the Soul Society who can't Bankai.

Gin It's supposed to be cool?!

Gin In the real world, these people would be considered total failures!

Kondo These people have reached a high level.

Kondo They have completed their ideal girlfriends.

Kondo But your girlfriend is also standing out.

Gin And not in a good way!

Gin There's no way I can win!

Enari That's not helping, okay?

Gin Of course not.

Gin Because you're dead.

Gin Could you please shut up?

Gin You're scaring me.

Kondo However, she's gradually approaching your ideal girlfriend.

Pinko Watch your back.

Pinko I'm gonna avenge Enari.

Gin You sure about that?

Kondo I see. This would be that new yandere fad, right?

Gin Hell no!

Gin All I see is a psycho old lady and a decomposing Enari-kun!

Gin Hey, I'll trade the decomposing Enari for your Sayaka-chan.

Sayaka No, I like, want Isao-kun.

Kondo I know, right?

Gin Why is this bitch so cute?

Gin Your boyfriend was a yandere in the real world!

Gin Couldn't keep a lid on his load!

Kondo Hey! Don't say that stuff to Sayaka-chan!

A Hey, now. They're starting a fight.

Kyubei Stop this.

Kyubei This is not a place for being jealous of someone else's love.

Kyubei It's a place to be proud of your own love.

Gin You're...

Kondo Is it...

Gin Kyubei...

Both Who the hell are you?!

Gin It's Pinko!

Gin A Pinko who's based off Kyubei!

Tojo Lady!

Kyubei Ayu-tan!

Kyubei Where did you go?

Tojo You're the one who let go of my hand, and then I got lost!

Tojo Wh-Wh-Wha-

Tojo What are you people doing here?!

Gin Yeah, that's what I was about to ask.

Gin And so...

Gin Is that supposed to be Kyubei-kun?

Tojo No way! Absolutely not!

Gin Uh, it's Kyubei.

Gin You obviously failed,

Gin but you clearly based this sad monster off of Kyubei.

Tojo You're wrong, I say!

Tojo I do not have any improper feelings for the Lady!

Kyubei Yeah!

Kyubei I'm not Ayu-tan's girlfriend.

Kyubei I'm Ayu-tan's mama.

Gin Oh, really...

Tojo Hey! Stop talking!

Gin Usually, you're the one looking after Kyubei,

Gin but you actually wanted her to baby you.

Tojo You're wrong!

Tojo I was playing the game, and this just kind of happened.

Kyubei Okay, time to change your diapers.

Gin What kind of playing are we taking about here?

Gin This tournament is messed up.

Gin People's fetishes are on display.

Gin And what do other people think about me?

Gin Hey, let's trade girlfriends.

Sayaka No, I, like, want Isao-kun.

Kondo I know, right?

Gin Cut that out, stupid girl!

Gin That little act isn't cute!

Gin Do it again.

Gin Say, I, like, want Gintoki-kun.

Pinko I promise to, like, avenge Enari.

Gin I wasn't talking to you!

Enari That's not, like, helping, okay?

Gin I wasn't talking to you either!

Gin If you don't stop, I'm gonna beat you down!

Kondo Hey, Odd Jobs!

Kondo Was there a heroine like that in this game?

Gin Huh? Isn't that Sa-chan?

Kondo Looks like her.

Kondo Did someone want her as a girlfriend?

Gin No, nobody would like that sick girl.

Kondo But look, there's her boyfriend.

Sa Where did you go, Pin-san?

Sa Geez, you're not supposed to leave my side.

Gin Who the hell is this Pin-san?!

Gin Why did you turn Pinko into this?!

Gin Isn't this a tournament for showing off girlfriends!

Sa Hmm? I have no idea what you're talking about.

Sa I'm the ideal girlfriend from Pin-san's game.

Sa I don't know anything else.

Gin What's this game called?

Gin How to make annoying girls?

Gin AKA Annoying Girl?

Sa Could you stop that?

Sa My boyfriend is Pin-san.

Sa It's too late for you to be jealous.

Sa It's your turn to suffer the way I did

Sa when the one I loved had been stolen by Pinko!

Gin Why is she here?

Gin She's creating fantasy on top of fantasy.

Sa Let's see if your Pinko or my Pinko wins.

Sa Sit tighty-whitey!

Gin Wait, that's not what this tournament is about!

Gin What's wrong here?

Gin Only freaks are using Pinko!

Gin Let's trade girlfriends.

Sayaka No!

Sayaka I, like, want Isao-kun.

Kondo I know, right?

Kondo Just suck it up and win with your Pinko-chan.

Kondo Sayaka-chan will always be mine.

Kondo Even after death.

Okita Oh, there you are.

Okita Finally found you.

Kondo Sogo, why are you here?

Okita Huh? Kondo-san and the chief.

Kondo Are you also participating in this tournament?

Okita Huh? So are you?

Kondo Of course.

Kondo Don't you see my Sayaka-chan here?

Sayaka Welcome back, master.

Okita How did it feel to serve a man you can't stand?

Sayaka It was very painful.

Sayaka But when I realized that I was being my master's loyal sl*ve,

Sayaka I began to feel happy deep down.

Okita Heh, bitch.

Sayaka Please don't send me away again, master.

Okita Well, we'll see.

Kondo Sakata-kun.

Gin I'm not gonna trade girlfriends with you.

Kondo Please!

Kondo Can you at least give me Enari-kun?!

Enari No.

Kondo What happened to your catchphrase?!

B Wh-Who is that?!

B Why is it so bright?!

A I-It's a goddess!

B Who is her boyfriend?!

B How was he able to raise that girlfriend?!

Gin Sh-Shinpachi?!

N The day has come!

N We will choose the best of the best from the

N ideal girlfriends everyone has painstakingly raised!

N The Love Choris My Wife World Tournament begins now!

Gin Can my puny fantasy defeat his massive one?!

To be continued.

Next Episode Making It Through Love

Gin Next time

Gin Making It Through Love.

The My Wife World Tournament finally begins. Who feels the greatest love for his girlfriend?

Gintoki is faced by difficult opponents in a battle of fantasies. Will he be able to wake up Shinpachi?!
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