05x32 - Space Ururun Homestay

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Gintama". Aired: April 4, 2006 - October 7, 2018.*
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Japanese manga series where aliens have invaded and taken over feudal Tokyo, an unemployed samurai finds work however he can.
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05x32 - Space Ururun Homestay

Post by bunniefuu »

The legendary mercenary tribe, Renho. Elizabeth was in fact one of those white demons.

They lost their planet long ago, and they've been plotting to invade Earth!!

Shin Y-You're...

Saka It's been forever, huh?

Saka How many episodes has it been?

Saka I love the air on Earth.

Space Ururun Homestay

Shin Why?!

Shin Why is the Kaientai here?!

Mutsu I'm glad we were able to make it back in time.

Shin Make it back in time?

Shin So you're also aware that the Earth is being invaded?

Saka I missed my timing with the Taiga drama,

Saka but at least I'm not late for Jin...

Gin You're too late!

Gin That one ended nearly half a year ago.

Kagura We'll throw you down the stairs and end you, so hold on.

Shin Wait!

Shin He just finished falling to Earth!

Shin One more tumble and he'll die!

Zura Wait, Gintoki!

Zura Is that Sakamoto?

Saka That voice...

Saka Are you Zura?!

Saka It's been ages.

Saka How've you been doing?

Zura And you...

Both You've changed so much!

Shin That's wrong!

Shin Is this how cavemen used to greet each other?!

Shin Are you really friends?!

Mutsu There's no point in wasting time on these idiots.

Mutsu Get on our ship.

Mutsu You have business in space, right?

Zura How did you know?

Mutsu Not good. The clouds are picking up speed!

Mutsu Hurry!

Mutsu Or else it'll be too late!

Saka What are you saying?

Saka Jin is still being released on DVD...

Mutsu Stop talking about Jin!

Woman Oh, no. It's raining.

Woman Come inside, Ken-san.

Ken Th-Thank you, madam.

Woman Ken-san, your right shoulder's getting wet.

Woman Come closer.

Ken No, this is fine.

Ken If I let you get wet, the boss will

come down from heaven to give me a licking.

Woman You're still worrying about him?

Woman After his death, you were there to help me run the store.

Woman I'm sure you've noticed how I feel.

Woman I know.

Woman When he died, he entrusted me to you, along with the store.

Woman So why won't you accept my feelings?

Woman You're always so kind to me, but you never say anything.

Woman Why do you have to be so stiff?

Woman How do you really feel about me?

Woman Tell me.

Woman Why won't you say anything?

Woman Say something, please!

Sorry, I can't talk anymore for some reason.


Hana Do you see the chaos in the streets?

Hana The people caught in the sudden storm,

Hana have had their faces replaced by blank masks,

What is this? What's going on?

Hana and they can only communicate by holding up signs.

Uh, hell if I know!!

Hana What is the meaning of this?!

Hana What is happening to Edo?!

C Ana Hanano, is this what happens when someone touches the rain?

C Ana Hanano?

Back to the studio for now.

Zura H-Hey! What's going on?!

Kagura So many Elis!

Zura One, two, three...

Mutsu They've released the seeds.

Mutsu Once their seeds...

Mutsu Those clouds have covered the entire planet,

Mutsu Earth will fall into the hands of the Renho.

Shin So Elizabeth and his brethren are responsible for that rain?

Fumi But first, how do you know about our plan?

Saka The Kaientai have been all around space.

Saka Of course we would know this stuff.

Saka Besides, I'm the one who brought those monsters to Earth.

N Kaientai Space Log O month X day.

N We've welcomed a certain government official aboard the

Kairinmaru to do business.

Saka O-Okay, I got it.

Saka That's a deal.

Mutsu Huh?

Saka After an hour of silent dealing, we were able to strike a deal.

Mutsu Hey, Sakamoto. Are you sure about this?

Mutsu Who is he?

Saka Don't worry.

Saka We both spilled our guts.

Mutsu No, you were the only one who was spilling his guts.

Saka Basically, he wants us to carry some cargo to Earth.

Mutsu Is this cargo supposed to include a bunch of funky-looking creatures?

Mutsu And when did he tell you this?

Mutsu He spent the whole time wheezing.

Saka While you were in the little girls' room,

Saka he pulled out this sign.

Mutsu This is a picture of Earth that's crossed out.

Saka He must have learned that Earth is in danger.

Saka And he wants to protect Earth from that danger.

Mutsu Really?

Mutsu It looks like he's got something else in mind to me.

Saka So first, he must send his pets to Earth to serve as watchdogs.

Mutsu Those watchdogs appear to be attacking humans.

Saka The pets and their owners are having fun on a walk.

Saka I was so touched!

Saka I can't stop crying!

Mutsu That's not called crying.

Saka I never thought that an Amanto would care so much about Earth.

Saka The Kaientai's objective was

Saka to improve relations between Earthlings and the Amanto through business.

Saka Plus, I have a bunch of points saved up at this hostess club on Earth...

Saka Is there anyone else out there to take on this job?!

Saka I now return to the mother planet!

Saka To Smi-

Saka To Earth!

Saka The future of Earth is bright!

Saka Wait for me, Oryo-chan!

Gin How is it bright?!

Gin It's completely dark because of you!

Shin How could you do this?!

Shin You brought the invaders' spies right to our planet!

Shin You're going to destroy Earth because you wanted to visit a hostess club!

Shin They were dropping hints everywhere!

Shin You should have been able to figure out their objective!

Shin And how long are you going to stomp on him, Mutsu-san!

Shin Where are you stomping him?!

Saka Most businessmen tend to suspect other people.

Saka But I do business by trusting people.

Shin You were throwing up the entire time.

Mutsu Since his job is to carry diseases from space to Earth via his crotch.

Saka Mutsu, I'm gonna k*ll you.

Mutsu I did some research since I knew something was fishy,

and look what we discovered.

Fumi Now that you mention it, this ship looks familiar.

Fumi So this is that same ship.

Mutsu As we speak, the people of Earth

are being rendered mute by the transformation into Elizabeth

Mutsu by the seeds that were spread by the agents we carried to Earth.

Mutsu However, this is only the first phase of their plan.

Mutsu Once communications on Earth have been disrupted,

Mutsu they plan on launching a large invasion.

Mutsu We must prevent this from happening.

Mutsu No, place your hand over your heart,

and you'll realize that this is our responsibility.

Gin Don't blame us!

Gin This is all your fault!

Mutsu There isn't any time to whine.

Mutsu We're the only ones who can stop this.

Fumi I see.

So this ship is a Noah's ark, the last hope of the samurai.

Saka Kintoki...

Gin My name isn't Kintoki.

Saka Zura...

Saka It wasn't coincidence that brought you on this ship.

Saka We're the only idiots who are stupid enough

Saka to pick a fight with aliens.

Just as planned.

In less than a day, Earth will be covered by those clouds.

My lord!

A fleet is signaling us...


A signal that can't be picked up by the naked eye or radar?

This signal belongs to the ship we contacted before.

What are they trying to say?

Shin Business?

Saka That's right.

Saka The Renho are known as the legendary mercenary tribe

Saka partially because of how difficult they are to find.

Saka It would be far too difficult to find their mothership in this vast universe.

Saka So I'll make them a deal they can't refuse and draw them in.

Shin A deal they can't refuse?

Shin What are you offering?

Saka Those guys wouldn't be interested in any cheap deals.

Saka However, they can't ignore the offer I've made.

Saka I'm selling Earth!

Shin Selling Earth?!

Saka They're on their way to invade Earth.

Saka They need all the men and weapons they can get.

Saka I'm offering the weaponry and manpower of the Kaientai.

Saka They can certainly use the help.

Saka Ironically, we're considered a neutral party because we helped them before.

Saka This will help greatly.

Saka My razor sharp right-hand-woman can drag negotiations out for a day.

Saka Earth can only hold out for a day at best.

Saka This will be the biggest deal the Kaientai has ever struck.

Saka So before Earth is taken out,

Saka we'll take away their future!

Zura This is Elizabeth's mothership and mother planet.

Zura It's like a fortress.

Zura There are so many Elizabeths...

Zura One Elizabeth, two Elizabeths, three Elizabeths...

Gin Stop that already!

Gin If you fall asleep here, our operation will fall apart!

Gin Listen up.

Gin Do whatever you can to blend in, Zurazabeth.

Zura It's not Zurazabeth, it's Katsurabeth.

Ginzabeth, you should use signs to talk.

One slip of the tongue and the gig will be up. So keep your mouth...



Gin I wouldn't call that a slip of the tongue!


Damn, I forgot to take some medicine.

Gin How can you get motion sickness on such a big ship?!

C-Can't bear the smell of a strange new place. And I can't bear riding a ship.

Gin Stop riding these ships then!

Zura Sakamoto! You still get motion sickness?

Zura I told you to open a window and look far away when you get sick.

Zura And take deep breaths.

Gin That's not a window you just opened!

Gin You just destroyed the purpose of that costume!

Gin Don't look far away!

Gin Don't look far away right now!

Shin Gin-san! Gin-san!

Shin Can we hurry up?

Shin All of us are ready to go.

Gin Sorry, let's go.

Shin Hell no!

Shin Say something, stupid!

Shin Why am I the only one who was painted white with tighty-whities?!

Shin Why am I the only one who doesn't get a disguise?!

Gin Huh? Are you Shinpachi?

Gin I didn't notice.

Gin That's a great disguise, huh?

Saka Yeah, don't worry.

Saka I didn't even notice you were here before you opened your mouth.

Zura Perfect. You'll be fine, Toshio-kun.

Shin Don't call me Toshio-kun!

Shin And you don't want me to be Toshio-kun!

Shin Not unless you want to die, you three stooges!

Fumi That won't do.

Fumi My costume is a little big, so I'll let you inside.

Gin Where are you letting him in?!

Gin The white devil is turning into Char's red Zaku, you dirty woman!

Gin Kagura, let him in yours.

Gin Your costume is too big, right?

Kagura What? I don't wanna.

Kagura I already finished customizing my Alzabeth.

Shin Five sukonbu.

Kagura Fine, I'll let you in for ten sukonbu.

Shin Is this any different from before?!

Shin Shouldn't you cover my face and maybe leave my back exposed?!

Shin Shinpachi is sticking out!

Shin In plain sight!

Kagura Shut up.

Kagura It would be gross if you were on the bottom and your nose started

bleeding all over me.

Shin I'm not gonna get a nosebleed over you, you idiot!

Kagura Eh?! What did you say?!

Hey there.

Hey there.

Are you mechanics?

What are you doing here?

Shin Damn! I'm the only one sticking out!

N-Nothing important...

We were taking a break.

Shin You guys are just trying to save your own asses!

Shin Huh?

Shin I think there's something sticking out of them.

Shin How much of a rush were they in?!

Shin What are you doing in those costumes?!

Shin You're playing Uno, aren't you?!

Shin And what the hell is sticking out of your mouth?!

Shin How are we supposed to explain this?!

Shin What am I supposed to do?!

Hey, what's that sticking out of your head?

Shin Ah! He noticed me!

Shin What do we do? What should I do?!

A pimple.

Shin A-A pimple?!

Shin What kind of explanation is that?!

Shin He's not gonna buy that!

Shin Am I supposed to act like a pimple?!

Mine is also a pimple.

Shin Don't join in!

Shin Yours is something completely different!

Mine is Draw.

Shin Don't start playing again!

Too bad. Draw .

Shin Too bad none of you have any brains!

Shin Stop playing Uno!

Shin Why are there more sticking out?!

Shin What kind of Uno is this?!

Shin It's no use!

Shin We've been found out!

Shin We've so been found out!

Shin Thanks to these idiots, Earth is finished!

We have a long journey to make. Watch your health.

Shin Huh?

Shin Don't tell me that he bought it.

Hold on. I'll give you some Clearasil.

Shin He bought it!

Shin And he's going to give us Clearasil!


This should get rid of it in a jiffy.

Shin Not what I was expecting!

Shin Hey! What are you doing, foolish four?!

Shin Stop! Let me go!

Shin Stop!

Shin I'm not a pimple!

You should feel much better.

It's almost time for dinner. Head to the main hall.


Shin What am I?!

Fumi It appears that we've survived the first challenge.

Fumi We're in the heart of the enemy base.

Fumi But it will only get more difficult.

Fumi In order to stop their plan, we'll need to dig deeper into the military.

Fumi Look.

Are those...?

Fumi Those two generals are known as the Double Dragons.

Fumi The Renho is made up of brigades that are led by captains.

Fumi The entire army is led by the two generals.

Fumi And all of Renho is led by the man

who went from foot soldier to supreme commander.

Fumi The evil lord, Dark Vader.

Fumi He was the one who decided to invade Earth.

Fumi Dark Vader is the strongest Renho,

Fumi who became the supreme commander through a combination of strength and wiles.

Fumi He rules the Renho with an iron fist.

Fumi That is why we aren't allowed to reveal our bodies or speak.

Shin Is that why you turned into a pervert?

Fumi The Renho have been reduced to a tribe of slaves for fulfilling his ambitions.

Fumi We must defeat him, or there will be no future for Earth or the Renho.

Fumi If we can only find a way to reach his throat...

Fumi Oh, no! Stop talking!

Shin Uh, you're the only one who's been talking.

Fumi Don't take this banquet lightly.

Fumi Dark Vader is watching very closely.

Fumi If you drop a single grain of rice, you'll be k*lled on the spot.

Shin What?!

Fumi Don't worry. Just do as I do.

Shin I'm getting really nervous.

Kagura Yay!

Kagura Look, Shinpachi. They have curry.

Shin Don't start celebrating, Kagura-chan!

Shin Please don't put natto on your curry like you usually do!

Shin This curry comes with a red Excitebike on top?!

Shin What's going on?!

Shin What is this?!

Shin Are they trying to ridicule me?!

Shin Was it wrong to order the sweet curry?!

Oh, you chose the sweet curry? You're such a child.

Shin The spicy curry is a black Bungeling Bay?!

Shin What's wrong with this planet?!

Shin Why do they eat Nintendo cartridges on rice?!

Fumi Hurry. Eat your food before it gets cold.

Shin Okay, I'll admit that I've blown on cartridges before!

Kagura Oh, well. When in Rome...

Kagura Shinpachi, let's split this between us.

Shin No, it's impossible!

Shin This isn't edible!

Shin It's a Nintendo cartridge!

Shin It's only bits!

Shin You're only eating the rice?!

Shin Hurry up, Shinpachi. Or they'll get suspicious.

Gin Hey, Shinpachi, Kagura.

Gin You don't need to eat that crap.

Shin G-Gin-san!

Gin This is what you feed your soldiers before the big battle?

Saka They don't respect us!

Zura They expect us to conquer Earth when

they don't even provide us with proper nutrition?!

Fumi W-Wait a moment, guys!

Do you have a Virtual Boy?I'll have FF.Excuse me, can I get DQ instead?

Shin That's not the issue here!

Shin And one of you is completely off!

Ah, found it!

So you don't have a Virtual Boy.

On Screen ,Yahoo! I want my FF Red Wings! But I'll probably throw it all up in the end...

Fumi O-Oh, no!

Fumi Only captains are allowed to eat DQ and FF!

Fumi So the captains also eat Nintendo cartridges?!

Fumi And only the generals are allowed to eat Super Nintendo

Fumi games such as DQ and other FF games!

What are you doing?!

You grunts dare to touch our Super Nintendo cartridges?!

Shin Crap! The generals have snapped!

Shin What are you doing, you three stooges?!

Fumi Look out!

Double Dragons, I apologize. Could you please spare them in return for my Actraiser?

What?! These are your men, General Eren?!

Shin G-General?!

Shin How?!

Shin I thought there were only two generals...

Fumi It can't be!


Fumi He was promoted for his work on Earth...

I was about to recruit them.

You punks got spirit.

Interested in becoming my men?

Zura E-

Zura Elizabeth!

I don't know how you found out about our plan,

but we don't need your help.

Mutsu I beg to differ, Dark Vader.

Mutsu Earth will not fall so easily,

Mutsu for there are unique warriors there that cannot be found anywhere else.

Mutsu The samurai...

Mutsu I believe it will be difficult, even for you, to conquer their warrior code.

We also follow a code.

We Renho always wear white and keep our mouths shut.

Thus, have we established an identity for ourselves.

Mere samurai cannot overcome our will.

Mutsu I suppose. However, you will lose valuable soldiers.

No matter. I have plenty more.

They are nothing more than tools.

Mutsu In w*r, soldiers are certainly expendable.

Mutsu However, when a nation doesn't value the lives of its citizens,

Mutsu it is bound to collapse.

Mutsu You may have a new home,

Mutsu but it will matter little if you lose the seeds for regaining your lost glory.

Why don't you test how useful my tools can be?

With the g*n you carry...

It appears that you Earthlings are the ones who will lose their seeds.

I commend you for having the courage to come alone into enemy territory. I will grant you an up-close view of the destruction of Earth.

Mutsu You're the one who faces destruction.

Mutsu You have no right to be a leader when you call your comrades tools.

Mutsu Don't underestimate the planet of the samurai.

I don't need soldiers or citizens.

As long as I have those, I can conquer the galaxy.

The samurai will soon learn

why the Renho Army soldiers

are feared as the white devils.

Shin Renho Army?

Shin Don't you mean Renho Federation?!

To Be Continued

Next Episode Piggy Banks and Trash Cans

Saka Next time

Saka Piggy banks and trash cans.

So that's why they were called white devils. The Renho Army was actually the Renho Federation.

Wait, what would have happened if Sunrise wasn't the studio making this show?
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