05x47 - Madaodog Madaonaire

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Gintama". Aired: April 4, 2006 - October 7, 2018.*
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Japanese manga series where aliens have invaded and taken over feudal Tokyo, an unemployed samurai finds work however he can.
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05x47 - Madaodog Madaonaire

Post by bunniefuu »

Kabuki District

Who Wants To Be A Madaonaire

N Taizo Hasegawa.

N He's one question away from becoming a Madaonaire.

N Why did he choose to continue?

N A Because he wears sunglasses.

N B Because he has no job.

N C Because this show is rigged.

N D Because he is a Madao.

Madaodog Madaonaire

A Hasegawa!

A Hasegawa!

A Hasegawa, it's headed your way!

B Catch it!

B You better catch it!

C How could you drop it?!

A Hey! It's you kids again!

B The guards are here!

A Wait up!

Nomi Middle-aged dumb-ass oldies,

Nomi also known as Madaos!

Nomi Do you want another chance at life?!

Nomi Do you want to climb up the ladder?!

Nomi Do you have the courage to fight back?!

Nomi This is the show for saving middle-aged dumb-ass oldies!

Nomi Who Wants To Be A Madaonaire?

Nomi Hello. I am your host, Nomi.

Nomi The Madao who makes it to the very end of the game

Nomi will receive ten million!

Nomi Which Madao will walk away with the money, into a brand new life?

Nomi Which of the many Madaos in Edo has been given a chance?

Nomi Come on down!

Nomi Middle-aged darn-amazing oldie!

Nomi Our first contestant lives

on a bench next to the Kabuki District, Hasegawa Taizo-san.

Nomi years old. Unemployed.

Madao Ow!

Nomi It's a pleasure, Hasegawa-san.

Madao Why am I here?

Madao That's what I want to know.

Madao When I woke up, I was lying in the middle

of a dump like a worn-out rag.

Madao All I could remember was that I had lost everything,

that I was trash...

Madao But I held something in my clenched fist!

Who Wants To Be A Madaonaire?Golden TicketA dream come true for Madaos around the country.

Madao A single ray of light in this filthy dump.

Madao Where did it come from?

Madao I couldn't remember, but I followed the light here.

Madao There's one thing I could remember clearly.

Madao My thirst for the ten million.

Madao I'm going to take advantage of this last chance I've been given

Madao and climb out of the garbage heap!

Nomi And so, our contestant was a respectable public servant,

Nomi but then he lost his job, lost his wife, and now he's a Madao!

Nomi Will he be able to claim the ten million and start anew?

Nomi His fate rests upon this game show!

Nomi His quest for the ten million begins with the first question for one hundred thousand!

Nomi First question!

Nomi What was the nickname given to the eighth Tokugawa shogun,

Nomi Yoshimune, who introduced the Kyoho reforms?

N A Tyrant Shogun

N B Winter Shogun

N C Rice Shogun

N D Money Shogun

Madao Uh...

Madao This sounds really familiar!

Madao But I can't remember!

Madao Where have I heard this before?!

Madao Search my memories!

Temple School

Madao It was...

Madao It was when...

A And these were the Kyoho reforms.

New wage systemRice contributionsTax policy

A After introducing these reforms, Yoshimune became known as...

Madao Oh, that's it!

Madao I learned about this in class at temple school!

A Hm, Hasegawa, answer this question.

A What was Yoshimune known as?

Madao He called on me!

Madao D-Does the young me know the answer?


Boy U-Uh...

Madao It's over! He's eating his lunch!

Madao He wasn't even listening to the teacher!

Madao Damn, how am I supposed to know the answer?

Boy Uh...

Madao Huh?

Madao Who's this cute girl?

Madao I don't remember her sitting next to me.

A You have rice on your face.

A Correct.

A He was known as the Rice Shogun, just like you.

Madao Yeah, he's the Rice Shogun!

Madao And I don't recall experiencing this bittersweet episode?

Madao I sat next to this cute girl?

Madao Who is she?

Madao I can't remember.

Madao Can't remember her name or anything...

Boy Teacher, there's an old man struggling outside!

A Stop him!

C Rice Shogun.

Madao I'm over there?!

Nomi Correct!

Nomi The answer is C Rice Shogun!

Nomi Hasegawa-san gets his hundred thousand!

Nomi Oh, Hasegawa-san?

Nomi Are you unhappy about answering correctly?

Madao No wonder I couldn't remember her name.

Madao I was watching the scene from a completely different place.

Madao That brought back some bad memories...

Nomi Next, we'll move on to the question for five hundred thousand!

Madao The battle's just begun!

Madao Pull yourself together!

Madao I don't have time to mope around!

Nomi Second question!

Nomi In the Battle of Sekigahara,

Nomi which general betrayed the western army

Nomi and ensured the eastern army's victory?

N A Tokunaga Hideaki

N B Kobayakawa Hideaki

N C Takizawa Hideaki

N D Sorachi Hideaki

Madao Uh...

Madao I think I've heard this one before, too!

Madao Where?!

Madao Where did I hear it?!

Madao Try to remember!

Madao It was when...

A I see. Then we'll take a vote.

Life Lessons

Madao Yes! This was definitely something I learned at temple school!

Madao I'm sure of it!

A Will you eat the piggy yourselves,

or will you feed it to the lion?

A As you were the ones who raised him, you must decide yourselves.

Madao That's a pretty brutal life lesson!

B Teacher! We can't do it!

Madao Of course!

B We like steak more than pork chops!

Madao That's why you're crying?!

C Yeah! I'm sure lions like beef more than pork!

Madao What are they supposed to be learning here?

Madao Oh, I remember raising various animals at temple school.

Madao I learned many difficult life lessons that

I've completely forgotten.

B At the moment, the vote is evenly split.

B Oh, Hasegawa.

B What's your vote?

Madao Hm? Me?

Madao Which side did I choose?

Madao Please spare me!

Madao That's my final answer!

A How can you betray us at the last second?!

B Are you supposed to be Kobayakawa Hideaki?!

B Kobayakawa Hideaki

Madao They were raising a bum, not a pig.

Off seven days a week.

Nomi Correct!

Nomi The five hundred thousand yen is yours!

Nomi Hasegawa-san is advancing towards the prize!

Nomi Yet he looks to be upset every time he gives a correct answer.

Madao I-I was going to do some hanging around,

Madao when someone stopped me and made me a pet.

Chicken Pig Rabbit

Madao But I never expected to be used in a lesson for kids.

Madao Well, I was doomed to die either way.

Madao B-But every time I reflect upon my memories,

I uncover another hidden trauma.

Madao I climb towards the light in the future,

Madao but the darkness in my past drags me down.

Madao Don't try to stop me!

Madao The ten million yen will be mine!

Nomi That brings us to the third question, for one million yen!

Nomi These Shock Stickers are all the rage in Edo right now!

Nomi Which of the following characters has their hair parted ?

N A Little Fatty

Madao He suddenly switched categories!

N B Cool Body Fat

N C Fried Chicken Angel

Madao I-I won't be able to search my life for the answer to this question!

N D Super Glasses

Madao Wait, is there an answer inside me?

Madao Even when I've never heard these names before?

Chi Sorry, Piggy.

Chi They're so mean.

Chi Arguing about whether or not they should eat you after I saved you.

Chi Something's wrong with them.

Chi I-It's her.

Chi The Rice Shogun girl!

Chi She freed me from the school execution?!

Madao This is the second time you've saved me.

Madao Why are you helping me?

Chi You remind me of my dad.

Chi My dad used to do a lot of hanging around, the way you do.

Chi But I would always stop him.

Chi He ran off, leaving behind his debts.

Chi Mom and I have no money, but it's okay.

Chi As long as we know he's still alive,

we can keep on going.

Chi My dream is to become a massive-asset dat-ass object, or Madao,

Who Wants To Be A Madaonaire?

Chi and participate in this.

Chi I'll be able to pay off our debts,

Chi and Dad might come back after he sees me on TV.

A Dat ass

Chi So I have to study hard at temple school!

Chi But if I run into a question I don't know,

Chi it'll be your turn to save me.

Chi I'll use a lifeline to call you.

Chi So please tell me the answer.

Madao Yes, I made a promise to her.

Madao But before she had a chance to become a massive-asset

Madao dat-ass object, or Madao, the phone rang.

A Hey, it's for you, Hasegawa-san.

A Someone keeps asking for Piggy.

A If she knows this number, she must be an acquaintance of yours.

Madao Huh?

A I can't understand you if you keep crying.

Madao Hello?

Madao Hey, what's wrong? What happened?

Chi Piggy...

Chi When I came home from school, Mom was...

Chi Mom was lying on the floor.

Chi I keep shaking her, but she won't wake up!

Chi What should I do?

Chi Tell me, Piggy... Piggy...

Madao I failed as her lifeline.

Madao All I could do was stare at the stickers on the phone.

Little Fatty

Nomi Hasegawa-san chooses A Little Fatty.

Nomi Is that your final answer?

Hasegawa That is my final answer.

Nomi We'll tell you if he's right after the break!

Nomi Correct!

Nomi A Little Fatty!

Nomi Hasegawa-san has answered three questions correctly!

Nomi He's made it to one million yen!

Nomi Oh! He's fainted!

Nomi Hasegawa-san has looked pale after every correct answer,

and now he's collapsed!

Madao H-How could that have happened?

Madao How could I have forgotten?

Madao I'm such a Madao.

Madao No more...

Madao I don't want to learn how pathetic I am.

Madao This is where I belong.

Madao I don't have the right to escape the garbage dump.

A Hey, are you okay?

B Take him to the infirmary!

Madao Don't have... Don't have the right...

Madao Please give me the next question.

Nomi He stood up!

Nomi After fainting and coughing up blood, he continues on!

Madao I'm okay!

Nomi He wants the ten million really bad!

Madao I want the ten million...

Madao You bet.

Madao I may have lost my will to live,

but my desire for the ten million remains.

A This guy's pretty tough.

B Start making the questions harder.

B It's time to get rid of him.

Madao But I no longer know why I want the money or who it's for...

Nomi Question four!

Nomi Name this constellation.

N A Toilet Minor

Madao I can't quit until I've figured that out...

N B Brave Exkaiser

N C Summer Visor

Chiharu It's so warm inside this cardboard box.

Chiharu It's like a play castle.

Chiharu This is fun!

Madao Was she forcing herself to sound happy,

Madao or was she actually enjoying herself?

Chiharu Piggy, I get to sleep while looking up at the stars.

Chiharu It's like we're camping.

Chiharu Do you know what that constellation is?

Madao She was always smiling.

A Toilet Minor

Nomi Correct!

Nomi Question five!

Nomi Which of the following bento is the most popular at -?

Madao This was all I could manage to do for her...

Nomi Oh, this is the one that everyone says is really good!

Nomi It still looks safe to eat.

Nomi C-Correct!

Nomi Question six!

Nomi Which gachapon is very popular with the kids right now?

Madao Keep looking.

Chiharu Uh-huh.

Chiharu Look! This is the one you wanted!

Madao She always had a smile on her face.

A Kinniguman


Madao I was supposed to be helping her smile,

Madao but it was the other way around.

Chiharu Piggy, I've always dreamed about this.

Madao Huh?

Chiharu Cooking for Dad when he came home early

Chiharu and chitchatting.

Madao Did you call me Dad?!

Chiharu We might live in a cardboard house

and drink tea from empty cans

Chiharu while Dad is always home,

Chiharu but I'm having a lot of fun right now.

Chiharu This is the first time I've felt at home.

Chiharu So...

Chiharu I'll give this to you.

Who Wants To Be A Madaonaire?Golden TicketA dream come true for Madaos around the country.

Madao Isn't that...

Chiharu It's okay now.

Chiharu I got to see Dad...

Madao Hey!

Madao Hang in there! Hey!

Madao Hey!

Madao Come on!

Dad I'm terribly sorry.

Dad I never dreamed that my wife and daughter

would fall ill while I was away.

Dad I should not have insisted on staying away until I found a proper job.

Dad I'll find a way to pay their hospital bill...

Madao Money doesn't matter.

Madao Who gives a damn if you have debts?

Chiharu This is the first time I've felt at home.

Madao It doesn't matter if you live in a dump, as long as you're together.

A Sorry to interrupt, but we're debt collectors.

B Don't give me that crap!

B A piece of shit like you is gonna guarantee their debt?!

Madao I promise to pay it off.

Madao So stay away from that family.

C A bum like you won't have enough money!

D You know where to get some?

Madao You bet.

Madao I've got this piece of paper I dug out of the trash.

A That's bullshit!

Nomi Correct!

D Wriggled around

Nomi Our contestant is on a roll!

Nomi Answering one question after another!

Nomi Hasegawa-san has finally reached seven million five hundred thousand yen!

Nomi He's one question away from ten million!

A I-Impossible!

A How was he able to answer that question?!

B Who is this Madao?!

B Hey! Find an impossible question to give him!

Nomi He no longer has a pained expression on his face.

Nomi What has come over him?!

Madao Heh, nothing's changed.

Madao But I've finally remembered.

Madao I can accept my failures, my pathetic life.

Madao I realize that I'm a hopeless Madao!

Madao Since I forgot a very important promise.

B Use this question!

B This tiny article in today's paper!

B I'm positive that Madao hasn't read it!

Nomi Here is the final question, for ten million yen!

Nomi This is it!

Nomi What is the name of the first victim of the new contagious virus,

Nomi MADAO , who was able to make a full recovery

after treatment on another planet?

N A Nakajima Tomoko

N B Sakurajima Chiharu

N C Kato Shizue

N D Terashima Kyoko

Nomi This is a tough one!

Nomi Can Hasegawa-san answer the question and win ten million yen?!

Madao Excuse me, can I use a lifeline?

Madao I'd like to call someone.

Nomi Hasegawa-san immediately uses a lifeline!

Nomi But do any of his friends know the answer to this question?!

Nomi Nobody's picking up.

Nomi Too bad!

Madao Yeah, hello?

Madao Yeah, it's me.

Madao Sorry about taking so long to call.

Madao This is...

Madao This is Piggy's final answer.

Madao Live a happy life with your mom and dad, Chiharu.

B Sakurajima Chiharu

Nomi Correct!


Nomi He's done it!

Nomi Hasegawa-san has won the ten million!

Nomi Our contestant was acquainted with the girl in the final question!

Nomi A miracle phone call!

Nomi Endless cheers for our Madao!

Nomi No, he is no longer a Madao!

Nomi He is a Miracle Madao who's made it to the top!

A Damn, I'm impressed.

A Then we'll be taking the prize money, big guy.

Madao You can call me Madao.

Madao I still have much to learn

A Don't be so modest.

A There aren't many people who can pay off ten million so easily.

A I hope you can be as quick on the rest of the debt.

Madao Huh?

Taizo Hasegawa is one question away from becoming a Madaonaire. Why did he choose to continue?

A Because he wear sunglasses.C Because this show is rigged.

B Because he has no job.D Because he is Madao.

A The rest of the debt. Twenty million.

A I'm counting on you.

Madao What?!

D Because he is a Madao.

D Because he is a Madao.

Next Time

Kagura What was that, you stupid curlyhead?!

Shin Cut it out already!

Gin Huh? Why are you so mad?

Both Eh?! Do you realize how many weeks it's been since we were last on screen?!

Gedo It's been two years for me.

Both Oh...

Presents Are Meant To Be Given Early

Gin Next time

Gin Presents are meant to be given early.

Shinpachi and Kagura haven't said a word since the Chageath Note episode.

What is the definition of a regular cast member? Nobody even cares anymore.
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