06x07 - Five Pinkies

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Gintama". Aired: April 4, 2006 - October 7, 2018.*
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Japanese manga series where aliens have invaded and taken over feudal Tokyo, an unemployed samurai finds work however he can.
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06x07 - Five Pinkies

Post by bunniefuu »

Sada: These criminals are guilty of murdering Bakufu officials

as well as the leader of those snooping dogs.

Tsu: Stop.

Tsu: We've heard enough, Your Highness.

Gin: We already know the rest of the story.

Hiji: Try to commit a crime that's worthy of this punishment.

Hiji: What crime will you be guilty of?

Gin: The crime of

Gin: ripping off a lord's topknot down there.

Tsu: Are you sure about this?

Tsu: You'll be sacrificing everything for Yoshiwara.

Gin: It's too late.

Gin: I already made a promise.

Tsu: I see.

Tsu: In that case...

Tsu: Promise me this.

Tsu: We will all return alive.

Five Pinkies

Gin: I promise.

Gin: We'll bring the old man back to Suzuran together.

Nobu: Finished with your last farewells?

Shin: Nobume-san?

Shin: Are you joining us?

Nobu: As a survivor of the Mimawarigumi,

Nobu: I must fulfill my mission.

Nobu: Besides...

Nobu: I'll get to cut people up.

Kag: Hey!

Nobu: Out of the way, mobs.

Kag: Or else we k*ll the princess!

All: Your Highness!

A: How dare you disrespect Her Highness?!

A: A hundred executions wouldn't be enough to punish this crime!

Kag: Shut the hell up!

Kag: Zip your stinkin' mouths!

Nobu: Every time someone speaks, I cut off a finger.

Shin: Gin-san, assuming that we manage to survive,

Shin: we won't be able to live in Edo anymore.

Soyo: H-Help!

Soyo: Why is this happening to me?!

Shin: This is the only time her acting has been believable!

Shin: How are we supposed to explain this?!

Nobu: She said to zip your stinkin' mouth.

Soyo: That applies to me, too?

Nobu: How many times did you speak?

Soyo: I-I don't know...

Nobu: Okay...

Nobu: I don't feel like counting, so I'll do this.

Shin: What?!

All: Your Highness!

Nobu: Okay, you talked again, so one more time.

A: We understand! Let them pass!

Nobu: Okay, you talked again, so one more time.

Shin: Enough! That's enough!

Soyo: That went well.

Shin: No, that did not go well, Your Highness.

Shin: The damage to our reputation is irreparable now.

Soy: I was really nervous, but it was funny

how everyone was so surprised, right?

Both: Right.

Shin: The Three Sadisteers can shut up!

Tsu: However, it would be dangerous to continue this charade, Your Highness.

Tsu: Please find a place to hide.

Soyo: Please let me help you see this through.

Soyo: I didn't know what I was doing,

but I was the one chaining Grampy inside the castle.

Soyo: Grampy probably wanted to leave the castle

Caption Yellow,Caption: All right!

far more than I did, but I never noticed a thing...

Caption Red,Caption: Behave yourself, Your Highness!

Soyo: He was always watching over me.

Soyo: So it's my turn to help him.

Soyo: Even if it means he'll scold me for misbehaving.

Kag: Soyo-chan...

Soyo: Let's hurry.

Soyo: My uncle is over here.

Shin: Your Highness?!

Shin: Wait!

Shin: She just knocked herself out after saying she wanted to help!

Odd Jobs,Shin: Odd Jobs

Shin: This looks like a m*rder scene now!

Shin: And why did she write Odd Jobs as her dying message?!

Tsu: We can't let anyone see this!

Nobu: It's faster to destroy the evidence.

Tsu: You're too fast!

Gin: Oops, I really embarrassed myself.

Gin: Wait.

Gin: My embarrassment is faster than my mouth can move.

Tsu: Enough with the Ikkoku-dou!

All: What have you bastards done?!

Shin: There's a whole horde coming for us!

Kag: Hold on, Soyo-chan!

A: k*ll every single one of the rebels!

A: No mercy for the women and children!

Kag: Women and children?

Kag: That's some big talk!

Nobu: Naturally, that scum would be served by scum.

Nobu: This nation has no respect for women.

All: Open fire!

Tsu: Show that you can stop the women you sneer at!

Tsu: Show that you can defend the castle

built upon the tears of those women!

Tsu: Since you've forgotten about them,

Tsu: we'll have to remind you!

A: k*ll them!

Tsu: These women

Tsu: have come to topple a county.

Gin: Good grief.

Gin: We've got three nation breakers with us.

Shin: That sounds tougher than taking on the shogun.

Gin: I'll give you some advice. Call for reinforcements.

Gin: You might be the shogun's personal guards,

Gin: but you're probably too soft from all the peace and quiet to take us on.

Gin: Meanwhile, we're still at w*r,

Gin: fighting for our lives every day against those psychos!

Kag: Gin-chan, how many do we each take?

Gin: One hundred, two hundred...

Gin: Forget it. I'm putting myself to sleep.

Gin: Listen up.

Gin: Stay close together.

Gin: Trust the rest of us to watch your back

Gin: and focus on the enemies in front of you.

Gin: As long as you're standing, we're all standing.

Gin: Become the blade for taking down that wall.

Gin: We're gonna crush the shogun's silly toy box!

Gin: It's time to seize

Gin: this country!

A: S-Stop them!

A: Form a wall!

A: We can't let these rebels get any closer to our lor—

Gin: Weak!

Gin: Weaker than Zazami Original!

Gin: And you call yourselves the shogun's samurai?!

A: W-We can't stop them!

A: Not from the front, the right, the left, the rear!

A: There's no opening!

A: The five rebels are like a giant b*llet!

B: Move!

B: We're going to sh**t down these crazy fools!

B: Fire!

B: Fire! Fire! Fire!

B: W-Watch our flanks!

A: Second round loaded!

A: Blow 'em to smithereens!

B: Again!

B: Hurry up with the next shot!

A: W-Wait! Our comrades are inside!

Shin: That was mean, Kagura-chan!

Shin: Why am I the only one getting this treatment?!

A: Shit! They took the cannon!

Gin: We finally made it to the shogun's place.

Kag: Huh? I don't see an intercom.

Gin: Oh well.

Gin: We'll have to use this.

A: Wait!

A: Not that!

A: Anything but that!

Gin: Shogun-sama!

Gin: Come out and play!

Gin: Sorry to keep you waiting, Shogun-sama.

Gin: The # delivery lady, the courtesan Suzuran, has come to see you.

Gin: And it's too late to request a change.

Gin: Did you wash that filthy ass of yours?

Gin: You won't be getting any sleep tonight.

Sada: Life is filled with surprises.

Sada: You must be the first in history to insult the Bakufu

and sully the Tokugawa name in such a fashion.

Sada: If you intended to beg for mercy, you've only added to your crimes.

Nobu: You are the criminal here.

Nobu: I, Imai Nobume, vice-captain of the Mimawarigumi,

know everything you've done.

Nobu: Tokugawa Sadasada,

Nobu: you are under arrest for the assassination of Bakufu officials.

Sada: A surviving Hitotsubashi dog is talking about

judging me in a court of law?

Sada: How can you judge me when I rule this country?

When I am the law?

Tsu: If we cannot judge you on the surface,

Tsu: we will judge you underground.

Tsu: The woman's tears you spilled in Yoshiwara...

Tsu: The man's blood you spilled...

Tsu: The heavens may forgive you,

Tsu: but the law in Yoshiwara, Lady Death, will not.

Tsu: Release that man.

Tsu: Where did you take him?

Tsu: I just asked you a question!

Oboro: When disaster strikes,

Oboro: some choose to curse the heavens.

Oboro: When misfortune befalls you,

Oboro: it is the will of the heavens.

Oboro: The fate the heavens have dealt.

Oboro: You must silently accept that fate.

Oboro: Our blades serve as the voice of the heavens.

Kag: Who are they?

Nobu: Be careful. That's not your ordinary cult.

Nobu: They're a group of assassins who have served

the rulers of this nation from the shadows for a long time.

Nobu: Men of taboo who were eliminated from central government

Nobu: when we entered a period of peace.

Nobu: When the Oniwabanshu was disbanded,

Nobu: Sadasada turned to them for his shady business.

Oboro: We are the Yatagarasu for the heavens.

Oboro: The Tenshoin Naraku.

Nobu: Oboro...

Nobu: The leader of the Tenshoin and the strongest Naraku warrior.

Nobu: That man is involved in this?

Sada: The one to judge is heaven. In other words, the shogun.

Sada: The earth-crawlers are the ones who are judged.

Sada: That is how the world works.

Sada: You are only allowed to look up at the heavens.

Sada: However, you need not lament.

Sada: The heavens do not always bring disaster.

Sada: The heavens also bring good fortune.

Sada: I believe you were looking for that man.

Shin: Gr-Grampy!

Sada: If you can escape alive, you will be able to reunite him with Suzuran.

Sada: Though I doubt he will survive long enough to reach Yoshiwara.

Sada: Even if he does survive,

Sada: he's lost the pinky he swore on and the arm he used to hold her.

Sada: He should just end his miserable life.

Sada: So much for loyalty when he's betrayed me not once, but twice.

Sada: The heavens are punishing him as a result.

Sada: And now he's literally an earth-crawling worm.

Gin: Hey.

Gin: The pinky he swore on is still around.

Gin: He's got five pinkies right here that are gonna drag you

from heaven to hell.

Grampy: Wh-What are you...?

Tsu: You've endured so much.

Tsu: You've been through so much.

Tsu: I'm sorry that you had to wait so long.

Tsu: But there's nothing to worry about.

Tsu: The moon you have longed for

Tsu: has risen.

Tsu: In the land where you once made a vow,

Tsu: there is a light that will shine through any darkness.

Tsu: This moon will never fall.

Tsu: Shinpachi, Kagura, please guide him.

Tsu: We'll bring up the rear.

Nobu: I'm allowed to cut down whoever I want now, right?

Tsu: Yes, do as you please.

Tsu: In the morning, this will have been nothing more than a dream.

Sada: You're buying time for an old man to escape?

Sada: Do you really think you can escape

Sada: from my grasp?

Gin: I'm not running away.

Gin: Is it gonna be the sun or the moon that sits up in the sky?

Gin: Let's settle this once and for all.

Gin: How about it, heavenly errand boy?

Tsu: Let's go!

Tsu: What are you doing, Gintoki?!

Tsu: Pull yourself together!

Nobu: If you want to die, I'll cut you up right now.

Nobu: You were hit in a pressure point.

Nobu: By a poisoned needle.

Gin: Is it bad?

Nobu: It'll paralyze you,

Nobu: and k*ll you if the poison isn't removed.

Sada: You seem to be struggling.

Sada: It's rare to see someone last so long against you, Oboro.

Oboro: Actually, it's happened once before.

Oboro: There was a demon who chose to oppose the heavens.

Oboro: You still have that same look in your eyes,

Oboro: White Yaksha.

Gin: Yo—

Gin: You're...

Tsu: Gintoki?

Sada: Oh? Do you know him, Oboro?

Oboro: My Lord, he is an orphan of the Kansei purge.

Tsu: Kansei purge?

Sada: Are you from Yoshiwara?

Sada: Then you wouldn't know.

Sada: The Joi w*r...

Sada: When the nation was opened up, the ignorant samurai

accused the Bakufu of selling the country and revolted.

Sada: As our relationship with the Amanto soured, we put down the samurai.

Sada: Ever since, this nation has been in a state of civil w*r.

Sada: As the w*r dragged on, the Amanto began intervening in domestic affairs

under the pretense of cleansing the rebels.

Sada: Ironic that the Joi revolt led to increased Amanto influence.

Sada: And then the Tendoshu instructed the Bakufu to initiate

the deadliest cleansing of the century, the Kansei purge.

Sada: Every last Joi rebel, from the minor agitators to

the public officials, was targeted as part of the purge.

Sada: The brutal crackdown led to a sharp decline in Joi activity.

Sada: Oboro and his brethren were instrumental in that process.

Sada: They were led by his predecessor,

but he was every bit as skilled in the martial arts.

Oboro: My Lord, that wasn't the end of the samurai.

Oboro: While many samurai threw away their swords after losing their leaders,

Oboro: some were plotting to rescue one of those c*ptive leaders.

Oboro: They were these men, the ones known as the last samurai.

Oboro: They were the students of

the evil criminal who dared to oppose the heavens,

Oboro: Yoshida Shoyo.

Oboro: His students took up their swords to rescue their teacher.

Tsu: G-Gintoki?

Tsu: You lost your teacher?

Oboro: Do you recall that name, my Lord?

Sada: Yoshida Shoyo...

Sada: Was there such a person?

Sada: Do you think I remember the corpses of

every worm I stomped on my way to power?

Sada: If he happened to be a major criminal, I might remember him.

Sada: What was his crime?

Oboro: Actually, I can't recall either.

Oboro: I do remember that he taught sword and pen

to some children in the country.

Sada: That was it?

Oboro: However, my Lord, we were told to crush such gatherings

as they might foment rebellion.

Sada: I see. And I was correct to order that.

Sada: Yoshida Shoyo...

Sada: His crime was creating dissenters like him.

Tsu: Wait, Gintoki!

Oboro: Why is the demon who battled the heavens and fell to the ground

Oboro: still wandering around here?

Oboro: Why is the demon who lost everything to the heavens still howling at them?

Oboro: You, all of you, should have learned your lesson.

Oboro: You can shout, you can scream,

Oboro: but your voices will never reach the heavens.

Oboro: And neither will your sobs.

Tsu: Gintoki!

Oboro: Will you make the same mistake again, White Yaksha?

Oboro: You can sit there and watch until you bleed to death.

Oboro: As everything you tried to protect is destroyed again.

Oboro: Shoyo is also watching

Oboro: as the student he sacrificed his life to protect

Oboro: falls apart without protecting a thing.

Gin: Don't you leave...

Gin: Don't you leave!

Gin: You bastards are...

Tsu: Gintoki!

Shin: Kagura-chan!

All: Die!

Gin: Move...

Gin: Move!

Gin: Please...

Gin: Move!

Kondo: Excuse me.

Kondo: What are you doing here so late at night?

Sasa: Excuse me, could you please show me your license?

Kondo: Good evening.

Sasa: This is the police.

Tsuzuku,Caption: To be continued...

Kag: I can't wait for summer!

Kag: I'm so excited!

Gin: No kidding. I'm getting goosebumps already.

Shin: Yup, when we go to the theater this summer...

Both: How many Pokemon will we get?

Shin: You're excited about that one?!

Pinky Swear

Side Bar Top,Caption: The situation is looking grim

Side Bar Bottom,Caption: when the Shinsengumi and Mimawarigumi arrive!!

Side Bar Top,Caption: The revolt that began with five people

Side Bar Bottom,Caption: will reach its climax next week!!
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