07x08 - When Compared to Time in the Heavens, Fifty Years of Human Life Resembles Naught but Dreams and Lottery Tickets

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Gintama". Aired: April 4, 2006 - October 7, 2018.*
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Japanese manga series where aliens have invaded and taken over feudal Tokyo, an unemployed samurai finds work however he can.
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07x08 - When Compared to Time in the Heavens, Fifty Years of Human Life Resembles Naught but Dreams and Lottery Tickets

Post by bunniefuu »

Title: When Compared to Time in the Heavens, Fifty Years of Human Life Resembles Naught but Dreams and Lottery Tickets

Cigs,Sign: Cigarettes

Hij: The usual, Gran.

Cigs ,Sign: Cigarettes

Tix,Sign: Lottery Tickets Available

W: Oh, Toshi-san.

W: Do you have any interest in lottery tickets?

Hij: Have I ever come here to buy anything but cigarettes?

W: That's not what I'm talking about.

W: Look at this.

Lotto,Sign: Monsoon Jumbo Lottery

W: Someone bought a bunch of tickets, but dropped one while leaving.

W: I've been holding on to it all this time.

W: Do you want it?

Hij: Sorry, but I don't have any worthless dreams I'd entrust to a scrap of paper.

W: You really don't know how to have fun, do you?

W: No wonder you burn through more and more cigarettes every year.

Tix,Sign: Lottery Tickets Available

Cigs ,Sign: Cigarettes

W: Nobody actually believes they're gonna win the lottery.

W: It's not about results.

W: The real joy lies in all the fantasizing and dreaming you get to do

W: until the results come in.

W: You ought to quit glaring at your accounts all the time,

Lotto,Sign: Monsoon Jumbo Lottery

W: and just put this piece of paper in your pocket.

W: I'm sure that alone will make the world look a lot different.

Tix,: Lottery Tickets Available

Hij: Give it a rest, Gran.

Hij: Besides, I'm a cop.

Hij: I can't just pocket someone else's lost property.

W: But isn't hanging on to lost items part of a cop's job?

Hij: This is stupid.

Hij: My dreams aren't cheap enough to be bought with a scrap of paper like this.

Oki: What are you reading that's got you so enthralled, Kondo-san?

Kon: Lottery results.

Kon: I bought about ten tickets on a whim.

Kon: I was so close!

Kon: I almost won million yen!

Kon: A samurai must

Kon: achieve his dreams through the swing of his sword alone.

Kon: Most of all, you can't call a dream

Kon: that can be bought with a lottery ticket, with money, a dream.

Kon: A samurai has no need for this puny piece of paper.

Oki: What's with this number?

Oki: Kondo-san, you got everything but the V wrong.

Oki: The winning ticket is V- .

Number,Sign: Pot V-

Oki: If you call this close,

Oki: Hijikata-san was just as close with his V-shaped bangs.

Oki: Right, Hijikata-san?

Hij: What? My hair isn't V-shaped at all.

Hij: I wasn't close at all.

Hij: I don't have any interest in lotteries at all!

Oki: Hijikata-san?

Subtitle,Sign: sh**t, I'm out of cigarettes.

Subtitle,Sign: I'm gonna go buy some.

Kon: T-Toshi?

Kon: Hey, Toshi!

Hij: I-I won!

Hij: I won million!

Hij: You gotta be kidding me!

Hij: The chances of a lottery ticket you randomly happen to get being the winner

Hij: are as astronomical as two guys who randomly happened

Hij: to be born as twins both randomly happening to be gay and not need a pair!

Hij: C-Calm down.

Hij: F-First, I need to cash in Piko and Osugi's pairs...

Hij: N-No, no, no! The lottery ticket!

Hij: B-But should I?

Hij: This is lost property.

Hij: Wasn't I just holding on to it for its owner?

Hij: But not doing anything is dangerous.

Hij: There's no telling when somebody might realize there's million right here

Hij: and come after the lottery ticket.

Hij: For now, it'd be safer

Hij: to invest the million in mayonnaise.

Hij: Right.

Hij: I'll just turn it into a mayonnaise palace

Hij: and mayonnaise pools and look after it that way.

Hij: Real estate and mayonnaise don't fluctuate in value much.

Hij: I'll be able to return it quickly.

Hij: With that decided, I should head to the bank right away.

Mo: That dude's got a lottery ticket worth million!

Hij: Th-This is...

W: Just put this piece of paper in your pocket.

W: I'm sure that alone will make the world look a lot different.

Hij: Th-The world does look different!

Hij: E-Everyone looks like they have mohawks...

Mo: Woohoo! Lottery ticket!

Hij: That's what they look like!

Hij: J-Just putting a scrap of paper in my pocket is making it look like

Hij: the world's filled with mohawked ruffians coming after it!

Hij: What kind of demonic paper did I get my hands on?!

Hij: Calm down!

Hij: This is a hallucination! They're all illusions!

Hij: Get lost, mohawks!

Hij: You are already dead!

Gin: Wh-Whoa there.

Gin: That's dangerous.

Gin: What the hell are you doing?

Hij: O-Oh no!

Hij: W-Well, there was this guy with a mohawk!

Hij: Forget mohawks, this is the last guy I want to meet right now!

Gin: Mohawk?

Hij: A Joi rebel with a mohawk in the crowd!

Hij: I've run into Raoh, of all people!

Gin: I don't really get it,

Gin: but a cop just att*cked a civilian in broad daylight.

Gin: This is gonna be quite the scandal.

Gin: I'd better get around million in compensat—

Hij: Like hell I have million!

Hij: I do not have million!

Hij: I definitely don't have million!

Hij: I swear to god I don't have million!

Gin: I-I know. It was just a joke.

Hij: There are things you shouldn't say even as a joke!

Hij: Apologize!

Hij: Apologize to me and the million!

Gin: I have to apologize?

Gin: I'm in the wrong?

Hij: What's with this guy? Why'd he bring up million?

Hij: Don't tell me... he knows?

Gin: That was a hell of a reaction to the phrase " million."

Gin: Did you buy a lottery ticket?

Gin: Actually, I used what little money I had to buy some dreams, too,

Gin: but they all went up in flames.

Gin: Did you know?

Gin: Apparently that cigarette store on Third sold a ticket worth million.

Gin: I bought ten tickets from there,

Gin: but I seem to have dropped one somewhere.

Gin: I asked the hag, and she said she didn't have a clue.

Gin: When I think that it could've been the one,

Gin: I just can't give up on it.

Hij: I-It was him!

Hij: The ticket that won million was his!

Hij: He really does know everything.

Hij: He's playing dumb, but he's come to take the lottery ticket back from me!

Hij: Why?

Hij: Why did this hooligan of a samurai have to win million?

Hij: I'd rather use the million to wipe my ass and flush it down

Hij: the toilet than hand it over to him!

Hij: He's got something in his pocket!

Gin: Did someone report it to you cops as a lost item?

Hij: Don't tell me...

Gin: I'll file a lost property report, so let me know if you find it.

Gin: From the afterlife!

Hij: Bring it on!

Hij: If that's what you want, you got it!

G: Today's the grand opening of our gardening store!

G: If you'd like... Woo-hah!

Hij: Shit!

Hij: He'd already snuck his men behind me!

G: Aw, yeah! Visit our gardening store!

Hij: No. That's not it.

Hij: Quit spacing out!

Hij: We're getting outta here!

Hij: You've already got hitmen on your tail, too!

Gin: Huh? Hitmen?

Gin: Where?

Hij: Someone must've overheard your conversation with the old lady!

Gin: What are you even talking about?!

Hij: Can't you tell?!

Hij: We are... This lottery ticket is...

Hij: being targeted by some kind of mohawk syndicate!

Gin: What kind of syndicate is that?!

Hij: I can't believe they deployed so many mohawks

Hij: all over town in such a short time.

Hij: Our enemies are clearly mohawk pros!

Hij: And a pretty huge mohawk syndicate, to boot!

Gin: I don't see any mohawks anywhere!

Gin: And what the hell is a mohawk syndicate?!

Hij: Watch out!

Hij: A mohawk's launching an acid attack!

Hij: Watch out!

Hij: A mohawk car's launching a kamikaze attack!

Hij: Watch out!

Hij: Band members with mohawks!

Hij: Get with the times.

Gin: Watch out, my ass! You're the one I should be watching out for!

Gin: Just what the hell are you seeing?!

Hij: Can't you see all those hitmen with mohawks in town?

Gin: I told you, there are no mohawks anywhere!

Hij: No way. You're kidding me.

Gin: I'm not!

Gin: What the hell have you been doing all this time?!

Hij: Don't tell me...

Hij: Was all this an illusion I had because I'm holding this ticket for million?

Hij: Actually, it looks like he doesn't know I have the winning ticket after all.

Hij: I-I see.

Hij: Looks like I've been having a bad dream for a while.

Hij: I ended up showing a pathetic side of myself.

Hij: Please forget it.

Hij: Anyway, I need to visit the bank—

Gin: Hold it.

Gin: It was no dream.

Gin: At the very least, the scandalous atrocities you committed to me weren't.

Gin: Didn't you mention something about a lottery ticket earlier?

Gin: What exactly do you need to visit the bank for?

Bank,Sign: Yotsui Bank

Hij: I didn't win. I didn't win!

Hij: Like hell I won!

Hij: What makes you say I won?

Gin: I didn't say you did, though.

Gin: So you won, huh?

Hij: I told you, I didn't win!

Hij: Go away! Forget all about this!

Gin: How much?

Gin: How much did you win?

Hij: Fine!

Hij: I'll buy you some chocolate parfaits.

Hij: I'll buy you as many as you want, so could you please go away?

R: Hands up.

R: I said hands up.

Hij: Yeah, yeah.

Hij: I've had enough of you illusions already.

Hij: Move.

Hij: You're in my way, you mohawk trash.

Gin: Hijikata-kun, Hijikata-kun!

Gin: These really are men with mohawks.

Hij: Huh?

Bank,Sign: Yotsui Bank

R: Don't make a fuss.

R: If anyone tries somethin' funny,

R: we'll riddle every last one of you with b*ll*ts.

Hij: How did it end up like this?

Hij: I overcame all kinds of mohawk illusions

Hij: and was one step away from cashing in the lottery ticket,

Hij: and then I run into a g*ng of robbers with mohawks just before the finish line?

Hij: I can't tell illusionary mohawks from real ones anymore.

Gin: This has turned into a pain in the ass.

Gin: Aren't you a cop?

Gin: You're not ashamed to watch a crime unfold before your eyes?

Gin: Cops sure are something.

Gin: I'd be going beet red with embarrassment.

Hij: Shut up and keep your nose out of this!

Hij: Right now, I'm no ordinary cop!

Hij: I've got a lottery ticket worth million in my pocket.

Hij: I'm a cop with bait hanging from my entire body!

Hij: If the robbers notice the existence of this lottery ticket...

R: Yahoo! Talk about an unexpected bonus!

Hij: No, it'd be even worse if he noticed it.

Hij: I can't do anything stupid.

Hij: The hostages' lives and million are at stake here.

Hij: I should sit tight and wait for the storm to pass.

R: Aight, y'all.

R: Time to go through your belongings.

R: If you got any valuables, cough 'em all up right now.

Gin: Oh, come on.

Gin: You came to rob the bank,

Gin: and now you're even robbing civilians of their pocket change?

Gin: For robbers, you guys sure are cheap.

R: Who said that just now?

Hij: Keep your damn mouth shut!

Gin: Sorry.

Gin: I tried to stop him, but he just can't keep his sense of justice in check.

Hij: M-Me?!

Gin: That's enough.

Hij: No, I—

R: Cheeky bastard.

R: Let's start with you.

R: Cough up everythin' you got!

Hij: What the hell have you done?!

Hij: I-I can't show them the lottery ticket, no matter what!

R: Hurry up!

Hij: I-If that's how it is...

Bank,Sign: Special Police Shinsengumi

Hij: Will this do?

R: A-A police badge?!

R: You can't be...

Hij: I'm Hijikata Toshiro, vice chief of the Shinsengumi.

Hij: U-Unfortunately for you, the police caught wind of your plan long ago.

Hij: Th-The Shinsengumi already have this bank surrounded.

Bank,Sign: Yotsui Bank

Hij: The moment I give the signal, they'll storm the place.

Hij: You'll all get chopped into pieces.

Kon: Yes! I cut off its tail!

Oki: It's so boring to be off-duty.

Hij: If you don't wanna die, put your weapons down and surrender.

Hij: We won't hurt you.

Hij: Please, believe me!

Hij: Fall for it!

R: Sh-Shit! I can't believe everything got leaked to the fuzz!

R: What do we do now?

R: We don't stand a chance against those man-slayers!

Hij: It's happening!

Gin: Settle down.

Gin: They can't just storm the place so easily.

Gin: You guys have us hostages.

Hij: Whose side are you on?!

Gin: If they could storm the place, they would've done it before you took any hostages.

Gin: Which means they've not fully assembled here yet for some reason.

Gin: Get it?

R: I-I see.

Hij: That's not how a hostage should be acting!

R: By the way, who are you?

Hij: What kind of stance are you taking?!

Gin: Never mind me.

Gin: That said, it's only a matter of time until the fuzz get here.

Gin: If you're gonna run, it's now or never.

Gin: But taking all the hostages with you will slow you down.

Gin: When it comes to hostages,

Gin: just having one who'll help you lose the cops is enough.

Gin: In other words...

R: The cop over there, right?!

Hij: Hold on a second!

Gin: There you have it.

Gin: I'll handle the rest,

Gin: so you guys take care, too.

R: Thank you very much!

Hij: Thank you, my ass!

Hij: He's turned into the leader of the robbers' g*ng now!

Gin: Hijikata-kun, you don't have to worry about the rest, either.

Gin: I'll take good care of it all.

Hij: Th-That bastard! He really had noticed!

Gin: Adios, Mr. Cop-Turned-Cat-Burglar.

Gin: I'm willing to take yen out of the million to buy flowers for your funeral,

Gin: so I hope you rest in peace.

Hij: Wait!

Hij: Wait a second!

Hij: That guy has million!

Gin: Huh?

Gin: What is wrong with you?

Gin: Why'd you tell them about the million yourself?!

Hij: I'd rather give it to them than let you have it!

Gin: Let me have it? It was mine in the first place!

Hij: The old lady gave it to me! Where it was before that means nothing to me!

Gin: Should a cop really be pocketing stuff?!

Hij: That was the old crone! I just got it from her!

R: Quit your fightin'.

R: million...

R: Talk about an unexpected windfall.

R: Tell us where you got it stashed.

Hij: Oh, yeah.

Hij: These guys don't know about the lottery ticket yet.

Hij: U-Uh, well...

Hij: His wealthy grandma passed away recently.

Hij: He ended up getting the entire inheritance.

Hij: Isn't that right?

Gin: Y-Yeah...

Gin: I was quite the grandma's boy, you see.

Hij: That's the way.

Hij: We can still protect it.

Hij: We can still protect the lottery ticket!

R: So, where's that inheritance?

Bank ,Sign: Oedo Hozumi Bank

R: Listen up.

R: Keep yer trap shut and just withdraw the cash.

R: If you try anythin' funny,

R: I'll k*ll him right away.

Gin: Oh, it's okay. You can actually k*ll him right now if you want.

Hij: No, it's not!

Hij: You know what to do, right?

Gin: Like hell I do!

Gin: Where am I supposed to find an account with million?

Gin: Where am I supposed to find a grandma?!

Hij: You can do it.

Hij: I believe in you. I believe you're a grandma's boy.

Gin: The only way to get million is to use this!

Gin: But that would mean protecting the ticket was pointless!

Gin: Oh, hell.

W: Welcome.

W: What can we do for you?

Gin: Uh, I can't show it right now,

Gin: but I'll definitely pay you back with this,

Gin: so could you quietly fork out million for now?

Hij: That was a bank robbery!

Hij: You totally robbed that bank!

Gin: Don't say it like that!

Gin: It was just a loan!

Gin: I gave her a sneak peek at the ticket!

Hij: Reaching into your pocket with a face like that would just make it look like a g*n!

Gin: You should be grateful I saved both the lottery ticket and your life, dumbass!

R: Way to go, bro.

R: I can't believe you stole million without a w*apon.

Hij: They recognized your skills!

Hij: The robbers are tipping their hat to you!

Freeze,Sign: Arrest

C: Pull over, truck!

R: I-It's the fuzz!

R: They've come to throw us in the slammer!

Hij: That's not it, right?

Hij: It's definitely you they're after, right?

Gin: I-I haven't committed any crimes!

C: What's that?

C: A lottery ti—

Hij: You saw nothing, right?

Hij: You never saw a lottery ticket, right?!

C: What are you talking about?!

Gin: You got rid of the cops!

Gin: You put your body on the line to save a g*ng of robbers!

Hij: Don't say it like that!

Hij: I just went to pick it up.

Hij: It was your fault for carelessly throwing it away in the first place!

R: Thanks, dude!

R: You got balls!

R: Let's keep this goin' and escape together!

Gin: There's camaraderie budding over here!

Gin: A sense of solidarity's being created as we speak!

Gin: This is bad.

Gin: At this rate, we're gonna end up joining a band of thieves!

R: We got trouble!

R: The road's blocked off!

R: They anticipated where we'd be and got here first!

R: Hey, what do we do?

Gin: Why are you asking me?!

Gin: Why are you treating us like the brains of this g*ng?!

Hij: All right.

Hij: Now's my chance.

Gin: Hold it right there!

Gin: Where do you think you're going with my lottery ticket?

Hij: We're gonna get arrested along with these guys if we stay here!

Hij: Now's the time to run!

Gin: Screw you!

Gin: This is mine! Leave it here!

Hij: Wait, wait!

Hij: It'll tear! It'll tear!

Hij: You're gonna destroy it!

R: You heard him!

R: We're gonna destroy that wall!

Bo: Uh...

Bo: That's not what we meant!

R: Yeah! We broke through!

R: We got nothin' to be scared of with you guys on our side!

R: Split up and spread out here! Lose the cops!

R: Hijikata-san, Sakata-san...

R: If we live through this and meet again, let's share a drink.

Hij: Don't give me that!

Hij: We totally look like the leaders of a g*ng of robbers!

Hij: If anyone sees us here,

Hij: not only will we lose the lottery ticket, we'll lose everything!

Hij: What the hell's going on?

Hij: Why are the cops coming after us alone?

Hij: Is it another illusion?

Hij: Is this making me see things again?

Hij: Ever since I got my hands on this, the whole world has changed.

Hij: Ever since I got my hands on this, the whole world has gone crazy.

Gin: If we're letting a scrap of paper control us,

Gin: then I guess we've got a lot to learn.

Gin: Let's put an end to this.

Hij: Yeah.

Hij: It's high time we opened our eyes.

Hij: A dream worth million is too much for the likes of us.

Hij: Being controlled by our own dreams is plenty.

Hij: It's too late to regret anything now.

Gin: I won't.

Gin: Because I have million right here.

Hij: Why the hell did you bring that with you?!

Gin: You didn't look like you'd give me the lottery ticket,

Gin: so I figured I could make do with this.

Hij: Are you kidding me?!

Hij: Us being the only ones getting chased wasn't an illusion!

Hij: It was your fault!

Freeze ,: Arrest

Oki: Oh, is that it?

Oki: So you didn't steal that money.

Oki: You just got it back from the robbers, huh?

Bo: Th-That's right.

Oki: I'm sorry.

Oki: It looked for all the world like a conversation between robbers.

Oki: Well, we caught all the robbers,

R: Sakata-san, Hijikata-san, see you in prison!

Oki: so I can write it off as an undercover investigation.

C: Keep it down!

Oki: However, I can't take responsibility for the million that got burned.

Oki: Do you have any ideas on how to pay it back?

Bo: We're gonna go buy lottery tickets.

Snack,Sign: Snack Otose

Preview,Sign: Preview

Sign: Odd Jobs Gin-chan

Gin: Don't cry until the ending.

Sign: Guys With Big Nostrils Also Have Big Imaginations

Gin: Next episode: "Guys With Big Nostrils Also Have Big Imaginations."

Sugar,Sign: Sugar Content

Preview,Sign: Preview

Gin: Finally on air.

Preview Green,Sign: Preview

Gin: We're gonna make a mascot for Kabuki District.

Sign: You Never Accept a New Sentai Series at the Start, But By the Final Episode, You Don't Want It to End

Gin: Next episode: "You Never Accept a New Sentai Series at the Start,

Gin: But By the Final Episode, You Don't Want It to End."

text r: Next week, we try making posters to attract new customers

text l: and making a mascot to improve Kabuki District's image,

text r: but as you might expect, we're already enjoying

text l: walking a tightrope and seeing where the wind takes us.
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