01x13 - Eureeka

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Cyberchase". Aired: January 21, 2002 –; present.*
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Matt and his group of friends use gadgets and follow clues to mysteries and any other problem that comes their way.
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01x13 - Eureeka

Post by bunniefuu »

Okay, there's this really
bad dude named hacker --

Hacker: the hacker, to you!

He wants to take over

The cyberworld
from motherboard.

[ Gasp ]
the three kids
are sucked into cyberspace,

And they use brain power
to help save everybody.

okay, here's the plan.

So they travel
all over and run into all these

Weird creatures...and have all
of these awesome adventures.

It's totally up to them
to save cyberspace.

Can three cool kids and a wacky
bird outsmart the hacker?

Hacker: never!
Matt: there's only one way
to find out!

Tune in
to "cyberchase"!

* Cyberchase!

* We're movin' we're beatin'
hacker at his game

* Don't tell me that he's trying
to hack the motherboard

* We'll get him every time

* Cosmic worlds, freaky places
that we've seen

* We got the power
of one two three four!

* Runnin' in a cyberchase
we'll meet him face to face

* We'll stick together,
all the time!

* Adventures in cyberspace

* The chase is on! Just wait
and c-y-b-e-r- chase!

eureka! The new encryptor chip
is complete!

An exact replica
of the original.

Dr. Marbles will be pleased.

motherboard will be happy, too,
professor archimedes.

all of cyberspace will
be happy.

so long, virus.

so long, hacker.


soon, motherboard, all hope
to defeat my virus

Will be eliminated! The hacker
can smell victory!

I don't smell nothin', boss.
You smell somethin', deedee?

nope. Nothin'.

Listen to me, you hollow-headed

Inside that building
is archimedes.

I want him brought to me--
and the chip destroyed!

Any questions?

oh, no questions. Done!

got it, boss.

they're coming!

reeka! Bring me the chip!

What are you going
to do, professor?

The only thing I can
do to protect the chip:

Activate the emergency defense


retreat into two dimensions?

but you've never gone flat

it's the only way to deny
the hacker!

But you'll be safe the process
will not affect you.

will... You... Come... Back?

If my plan works, my little
friends, but remember,

My return to three dimensions
will be up to you.

Now hurry, take cover!

hey! You hear somethin'?


there's nothin' left but a pile
of sticks!!

hey, the boss said destroy
the chip, right?

Well, you see any chip?
You see any archimedes?

nope, just sticks! Ha! Good
job, buzzy!

let's tell the boss.

maybe your pal achimeemees can
build you a bigger cybercoupe

When he's through makin'
the encryptor chip.

[Dr. Marbles]
your discomfort will end soon,

Cybersite eureka is within

Wu-oh! You see what I see?


oh, this must
be my lucky day.

First archimedes
and the encryptor chip

Are destroyed - and now
I get my hands on dr. Marbles!

Hang onto your hardware, boys!



do something, doc!

[Dr. Marbles]
I'll keep hacker busy! You find
archimedes -

Get the encryptor chip -
and wait for me to return.

but doc, how do I get down
to eureka?!


[Dr. Marbles]
marbles to home page.
Come in, motherboard.

Go ahead, dr. Marbles.

[Dr. Marbles]
we need help!

Never underestimate a cyboid.

Ooof! Ah! I-i gotta work
on my landings!

Man, talk about flat! Where
is everybody?

time to begin archimedes'
return to the third dimension.

how do we do that?

you don't know???

I thought you knew!

if I just knew what
archimeemees looked like -

Maybe I could find him.

what is that?

got me. I never saw one before.

okay, who's there?!!

what if it works for hacker?

what if it's after
the encryptor chip?

get a grip, digit - be brave!
I am brave!

Of course you are!
Of course I am!



hey, didge!

I've never seen one of those,

motherboard said you needed

dr. Marbles is up there

Playin' wild goose chase
with the hacker -

While I pick up the encryptor
chip from archimeemees.

I believe it's archimedes.

yeah, that's the guy.

motherboard sent them! They
must be friends.

maybe they can help us bring
the professor back

Into the third dimension.

what are ya waiting for? Let's
get the chip!

easy there, matster.
I don't know where it is.

The doc didn't have a chance
to tell me.

[Eukie and reeka]
we know!

who are you?

She's reeka.

He's eukie.

if you help us, we help you.

sounds like a plan to me.

hold on, jax! We don't know who
they are.

Why should we trust them?

Maybe it's a trick to stop
us from finding the chip!

yeah! Maybe they work
for the hacker!

no way! We work for professor

if you want the chip, follow

I still don't like it. Why
should we follow them?

you have a better idea?

well, no...

let's go!

you're mine marbles!

hey, guys, over here! There's
some kind of pattern

In the sand - it looks like

what is this, eukie?

it's archimedes' terminal.

It's where he made
the encryptor chip.

these are the walls
of the building.

Yeah, right...walls. If you're
an ant!

so where's the chip?

first we need to rebuild
the building.

but that's not a building!
It's just a pattern -

And it's flat! This isn't
getting us anywhere!

why don't you guys rebuild
the building?

we don't know...how.

but we do know it was here
before it vanished.

Vanished? Hah! That's a good

well, maybe this pattern
was left behind

When the building disappeared,
or whatever happened to it.

but can you make a building
out of six squares?

I don't think so.

even if we could, what
do we use to build the squares?


okay, looks easy enough. Let's
build one of these squares

And see what it tells us.
Grab four of the longest rods

And set them down
on the pattern!

remember, to make a square -

The last end has to connect
with the first.

mine's too short! I can't reach

and I can't reach you!

jax! Drag your end of the rod
over here so it meets mine!

got it! Our ends meet!

Maybe your ends meet -
but I'm out here by myself!

Me, too!

There's no way we can make
this square -

We can't get all these ends

I thought you said this was
going to be easy!

boss, you're too close, we're
gonna crash!

that's the idea, you dippy

[Dr. Marbles]
blasters on full!
Oh no, I'm out of control.

dr. Marbles! Are you all right?

[Dr. Marbles]
a little shaken, but not
stirred, motherboard.

Where are you?

[Dr. Marbles]
cybersite mobius. I don't know
what happened to hacker.

are you mobile?

[Dr. Marbles]
not yet! I can't reboot!

uh, houston, we have a problem!

no kidding! We can't make a big
enough square with these rods -

They're too short! Still think
we can make a building?

when you can't make what you
need, make what you can -

And make it what you need.


That sounds like one
of my quotes!

my dad told me that once.

so what are you saying?
If we can't make a big square -

What can we make with the rods
so that all the ends touch?

maybe these rods can make
a triangle.

Didge, bring your piece over

No, no, all ends have to meet
to make a triangle, remember?

I knew that - I was just
testing you.


there! A triangle.

three sides - three angles -
three corners -

The last end connecting with
the first.

It's a triangle, alright.
What next?

whoa! We must've done somethin'

the inside of this triangle
is solid now!

I can't put my finger through

great. But what do we do with
it? We need a square -

Like the pattern in the sand,
not a triangle.

well, what if we built two
of these triangles

And put them together into
a square?

I'm on it!

okay! We've combined
two triangles into a new shape.

it has six angles,

So it's definitely
not a square.

it's a big bowtie.

hey! I just made another shape
from two short rods

And a long one! Ah, it looks
different from yours.

hmmm, it's different from ours,
all right...

But it's still a triangle.

but look! Your triangle
has the same kind of corner

The square does!

it does? Of course it does!

[Dr. Marbles]
digit! Can you hear me?
Come in.

eh, excuse me. I hear you, doc.
The earthlies are with me.

Where are you?

[Dr. Marbles]
I'm momentarily detained
on cybersite mobius.

Have you found archimedes
and the encryptor chip?

Not yet, but I found pookie
and seeka.

that's eukie and reeka!

Do whatever they say, they work
for professor archimedes.

What happened to the hacker?
Did you lose him?

For the moment, yes. But hurry
and find the chip,

He's out here somewhere!

you heard dr. Marbles--
we don't have much time!

I know! Let's make another
triangle like digit's

And see if we can put them
together into a square!

whoo! Another triangle! Not
enough sides for a square.

Sheesh! Who knew makin'
a square was so hard?

maybe if we move the second
triangle over here.

oh man, that's not a square,

It's got four sides -
but the corners are all wrong!

I don't know, maybe it's just
not possible

To make a square out of two

excuse me, but the boid's onto
somethin' here.

What if you put the two slanty

Of these triangles together...
Like so?

Ladies and gentleman...
A square!

you did it, didge!

way to go!


you sure that's a square?

it's a square - I'll show you.

It's got sides - corners -
right angles -

And every side is the same
length. Just like every square.

archimedes' terminal had sides
just like that.

only bigger! Like that!

let's think about this
for a sec.

How do we use what we have
to make the big square?

make room, I gotta pace!

need some technical assistance,
dr. Marbles? (Laugh)

[Dr. Marbles]
not from you, hacker!

well, you can take your time,
you bothersome bubblehead!

I've already destroyed
the encryptor chip!

tell him!

We broke it up!

We blew it up!

you what??!

We broke it up!
We blew it up!

in other words...
...you did nothing!

Archimedes and the encryptor
chip are still out there!

I knew it was too easy!!

Digit! Hacker 's coming your

We gotta come up with somethin'

I've got it! What if we build
another square out of triangles

- And start filling in the big
square with little squares?

good idea matt!

And he wasn't even pacing.


Now let's push our two squares
together and see what we have.

looks to me like these two

Fill up half the big square.

and if we fill in every one
of these squares

The same way...

the walls of the terminal will
be done!


there it is!

Whatever it is, is this
the terminal!

but it's flat! Whoever saw
a flat building?

because it's flat - it does not
have to stay like that.

follow us!


we're pushing!

it's open!

whoa, look at that thing!

what is it?

a pulleymobile!

archimedes invented it to lift


now this is cool!

see, boss? No archimedes.

no encryptor chip! No nothing!


Someone's coming!!

Let's find out what they're
up to!

dr. Marbles... Is your power

[Dr. Marbles]
almost, motherboard. Shift...
Lock...and enter!

I'm going back to eureka now!

okay, didge, pull 'er up!

I don't know.
To me, flat is flat!

it's working!

boss, looka that!

look what they're doin'!

zip it!

we did it!

we made a wall!

drop the hook down here, didge!

raise 'er, up!

This is truly awesome!

We took a bunch of rods
and put them together...

Made triangles from 'em...

made squares, and even bigger

put them all together
in a pattern,

Pulled them up into the third
dimension, and made a-

archimedes terminal!

the terminal!

archimedes will be very happy.

not as happy as I am!


that's 'the hacker' to you!

Now...where's the chip?!

professor archimedes has it!


put 'em down, hacker!

yeah, they haven't done
anything to you.

you kids make me tremble.
Buzz, delete--

See if the professor is inside
the building!

you see anyone?

I don't see anyone.

eh, nuthin', boss.
If he's there - he's invisible!

let me tell you about
the hacker.

You see, I usually get what
I want.

And when I don't get what
I want,

I get very, very annoyed.

uh, boss...

not now!

The last time I got really






(Kids cheer)

bet achimeemees never did that
with this pulleythingy!

speaking of archimedes...
Where is he?


that's archimedes???

we need to put him back

wow! Archimedes actually made
himself two-dimensional!

That's incredible!

and it's up to us to bring him
back into the third dimension!

we did that with the building -
we can do it again!

Okay, guys, -d time!

wow! Awesome! Cool!

eureka! My retransformation
is a success!

I thank you one and all.

[Dr. Marbles]
I was afraid hacker was coming
back here. It appears not.

well, actually, doc--

[Dr. Marbles]
later, digit. Professor,
do you have the encryptor chip?

of course I do. It's right,
uh, right... Right...

It's gone!




when I two-dimensionalized,
the chip must have have...

I-i don't know, it must
be somewhere out there

In cyberspace!
Oh, this is terrible!

so what are we waiting for?
Let's go find it!

[Dr. Marbles]
you're right jackie,
but there's only room for two!

Scroll down, digit, there's
no time to lose!

but dr. Marbles, we can help!

[Dr. Marbles]
check in with motherboard!
I'm off in search of the chip!

I've been humiliated
...mortified... Vanquished!

now, now. Get over it, boss.
It's no big deal.

yeah, cheer up. Everyone looks
stupid once in a while.

but not me!

The next time I see those kids
I'll turn them into pancakes!

They'll be so flat they'll
never see

The third dimension again!

boss, look! It's marbles!

ah-ha! Redemption is at hand!

Hang on, you bush league

We're back in the game!!

The chase for the encryptor
chip is on!
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