03x11 - Oedipal Panties

Episode transcripts for the TV show "American Dad!". Aired: February 6, 2005 –; present.*
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Series focuses on the eccentric upper middle class Smith family in the fictional community of Langley Falls, Virginia and their four housemates.
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03x11 - Oedipal Panties

Post by bunniefuu »

- Hello, Hercules.
- Opa, Francine! What you want?

Stan's been on a big mission
and he gets home tonight.

I want to do something
special, like prime rib.

No, no, no.

A man, he want lamb.

I give you four kinds of lamb.

Well, you never steer me wrong.

That's because. I want you
and Stan to be so happy.

Marriage was such a
beautiful thing for me.

Until my wife put her bike
on the front of the bus,

and the driver no see her.

But I see her,

every night
when I close my eyes,

with her many beautiful moles
and I think,

"Why, Athena, why?!"

But I'm ready to move on.I'm out there;
I just bought roller blades.

Oh, Hercules,
you'll find someone.

You make me believe.
Lamb is on the house--

No, I can't do that; I got caught up
in moment. You pay me now.

Horny, I'm home!

I mean, honey, I'm horny.

I mean, Francine, I'm horny.

- Oh, Stan, I missed you.
- And I'm horny.

Oh, Stan, don't ever put a bike
on the front of a bus.

Don't worry, baby,
the bus is for foreigners.


Oh, no, not again.

Stay right there!
I'm coming, Mama!

Mama's new boyfriend
just left her.

- Can you imagine?
- Yes,

because it happens
like three times a year.

Three being the average.

Steve taught me averages
with cupcakes.

There, there, Mama.
You don't need him.

Jerry's a jerk.

I don't understand,

we had such a good time
on our first two dates.

Then we were at the movies,

he went to get popcorn
and never came back.

I had to watch the
whole thing by myself.

Adam Sandler had
a remote control.

I didn't know what was happening.

To hell with Jerry.
Any guy would be lucky to have you.

This happens with every gentleman
I see socially.

Maybe I'm just unlovable.


- What's that, dear?
- You're fishing!

Francine, my mother's
very vulnerable right now.

Every guy she goes out with
dumps her on the third date.

And why wouldn't they?
She's all dried up.

Her uterus is
an abandoned theater.

Nothing in there but old playbills
and memories.

Some say there's a phantom
that only comes out at night.

Don't be scared.
It's just a legend.

Is Grandma still sad?

There's the matter of

two bounced ten-dollar
Christmas checks to attend to.

Nope. Still milking it.

Oh, Stan, at least I have you.

You'll always be
my number one man.

And you're my number one gal.

What about me?

I can't put a number on you.

But you're definitely
woman "B" in my life.

Yes, about six-foot,blonde,

not afraid to get down
with a fish.

Oh, and this is very important--

she must be nine months pregnant.


Klaus, were you just ordering a hooker
from the Yellow Pages?

Oh, no, no. I was just,um,
looking to see if

there was a plumber
in the area who could...

Yes! Yes!

I'm so lonely!

I haven't felt the touch of another
human being in six years!

I just wanted to be held!

There, there.
You're not alone.

Thank you, Steve.

Here's a hundred-dollar bill.

Don't look at me, because
I won't look at you.

Oh, look who's got tickets
for the g*n show. Ka-pow!

I cannot go backdown there.

Stan's mom is here after being dumped
for the billionth time

Oh, Betty's here? I love her!

You don't even know her.

Every time she visits,
you're plastered.

I'm sure I don't know what
you're talking about.

Who's crying?

So I've had a drinkin my life.
But I'm sober now.

This is my white month:3

30 days with no alcohol.
Just clean living.

Got the idea from the Swedes.

Amazing people.
Unbelievably shoddy furniture.

Now, who does Betty know me as?

Cousin Phil. Number 302.

God, that woman's manipulative.

She uses her personal drama
as an excuse to come here,

take over Stan's life
and elbow me out.

Threatened by the visiting


You don't know
what you're talking about.

They are way too close.

Francine, is is all in your head.

Just like my wedding to Valerie Harper
was all in my head.

Okay, Roger, you're right.

Stan And his mother's relationship
is perfectly normal.

You know, I have a headache.

You mind going to my medicine cabinet
and getting some aspirin?

Ooh, stairs.

Give me a chance to blast my calves.

What do you do when
your mom's unhappy?

Jerry left her feeling crappy

Sing her a shanty nice and snappy
Wash her in the bathtub

Wash, wash, wash your v-jay
Scrub scrub, scrub your v-jay

Rinse, rinse,rinse your v-jay
Next we'll do your tushie

Wash, wash, wash your tushie

Scrub, scrub, scrub your tushie
Rinse, rinse, rinseyour tushie

We just did your tushie.

I told you it was complicated.

No... no, no, changing plane
sat O'Hare is complicated.

Th... this is

This is just...
Frannie, what is this ?

Well, it all started when Stan
was a little boy...

...and his father left them.

- Is it my fault?
- Stan, look at me.

Kind of.

Don't worry, Mama,
I'll take care of you.

I know you will.

That's my little man Stan.

So, from that moment on,
Betty relied on Stan for everything.

She tried to find love,
but it never worked out.

And Stan was always
the pillow she'd cry on.

So have you talked to Stan
about this?

I've tried, but he doesn't think
there's a problem.

Well, we'll talk to him together.
I'll make him see there's a problem!

Too close to my mother?!

How dare you!
I'm all she's got!

Yeah, Francine!
It's the man's mother for God's sake!

What is wrong with her?

But you were the one who said
we should talk to him.

Yeah, about the possibility of switching
from cable to dish.

I didns gonna get dragged
into your psychodrama.

I vote dish, by the way.

Francine, my mother is not
manipulating me.

Our relationship is
completely normal.

And if you keep up setting me,

then I'll have to retreat
to my safe place between her breasts.

- Roger, what the hell?
- Yeah, I panicked.

Listen, talking to Stan
is the wrong way to go.

- But you said...
- Keep interrupting.That's helpful.

Look, until Betty gets
a man of her own,

she won't let go of Stan.

But she's a disaster at pickingmen,

so we pick one for her.

One who won't blow her off
after three dates.

Roger, that's a great idea.
And I know the perfect guy.


All I ask in return
is that you vote withme on the dish.

Wait, did I make that up
or is that real?

Is there even a vote?
I don't know what's real.

Oh, man, this is not gonna be fun.

Hey, Steve!

- Hey, Klaus, what's up?
- Yeah, this is Klaus.

- How's it going?
- Good.

Okay, look, um...

I don't know if you remember,

but you picked me up a while back...

There's no easy way to say this--

I just found out that I have ick,
so you might have it, too.

Isn't that a fish disease?

Yeah, so I'm just trying
to be responsible.

- I'm calling everyone I've been...
- Everyone?

You told me you hadn't
been touched in six years.

You took the hundred dollars.
No one's a saint here.

- Oh, my God!
- Yeah, well, I'll let you go.

You probably have some calls
to make yourself.


This is gonna be a tough one.


when you were at your
cousin's funeral in Valparaiso,

I had sex with Cynthia.

Stan's coming home soon.

He needs me to be there
to greet him.

This will take one second.

Opa, Francine!
How was the lamb?

Oh, you got the lamb here?
I thought it was a little fatty.

Hercules, I'm sorry,
she doesn't know what she's...

No, she is right.
It was not good lamb.

I wrestle morally, but the man
who bring it is my sister's husband,

so I sell shoddy lamb.

You know your lamb, lady.

I am Hercules.

I'm Betty.

I would love to talk more
about the lamb.

Say, over lamb?

We're laughing about lamb.
We are living!

So the woman,she say,
"no deal."

And then she opened her own case,
and inside was only a penny.

- No!
- Yes! She give up $70,000.

- I would die.
- Don't die.

- ... kiss me.
- Deal.

- Oh, my God, they're kissing!
- I know! I know! I know!

You ever notice how Rolos
make you drool...

- What's going on?
- Stan, now,don't be upset,

but I set your mother up
with Hercules.

No, it's too soon.

Poor woman just had
her heart broken.

Don't you get it? She's as raw
as the Wu-Tang Clan like it.

Oh, Francine,
Hercules is wonderful.

We're going out again
tomorrow night.

I hope this one sticks.

I hope it does too, Mama.

Anything goes wrong
with this guy, it's your fault.

Oh, what could go wrong?

They're both lonely,
they both like each other...

You're a fool
and I'll tell you why.

Grandma Chase-'em-away
always blows it on the third date.


You stole her address book?

That's right. I'm gonna call up
Betty's previous suitors

and find out
what sent them all running.

That way, we can coach her

so she doesn't screw things up
with Hercules.

We're gonna teach that lady
how to please a man.

Oh, I wasn't making a point,
I was just low on potassium.

I can't believe my stupid friends
won'ha out with me.

I told them, as long as
they don't touch me, they can't get ick.

They are totally uncool, Steve.

Oh, look, I'm getting married.

Steve, no.
Don't give me a boy bride.

Ohh... You're teasing me.

You're insinuating I'm gay
because I'm marrying a boy.


Francine! Thank God.
I've beenwaiting for you.

- Roger?
- Meet me in the attic.

I have something important
to show you.

Morning! I was just...
in there.

Oh, look, here's some bologna.

I've been up all night
doing research.

You know Betty's boyfriends?
The ones who keep "leaving" her?

Well, they're not leaving her.
They're disappearing!

Missing. Missing.

Missing. Missing.

Me buying chocolate in Solvang.
Missing. Missing.

- I don't understand.
- They're not breaking up with her!

Betty Smith is a black widow.

She dates and then...
she kills.

What? That's crazy.

No, she's crazy.
Think about it.

She lives for her son's attention.

What better way to get it
than by constantly being dumped.

- We have to tell Stan!
- But he'll never believe us.

He'll have to believe us.
We have proof!

My mother is a k*ller?!

Stan, I know this is hard to hear,
but we have proof.


I don't know what
she'stalking about, Stan.

First you say my mother and I
are too close.

Then you accuse her
of being a k*ller.

Will you stop at nothing
to drive a wedge between us?

No, Stan,
look at the evidence!

I don't have time
for your craziness.

- Roger!
- I'm sorry, Francine.

He's a big, scary man.

Plus, his mother kills men
and eats them.

- She hem?
- No.

It's called exaggeration and
we all do it.

Oh, my God!
We have to warn Hercules!

- Klaus, where's Betty?
- Hercules just picked her up.

They went to
Les Pantalons Fancie for dinner.

they're on date number three!

- We have to go save Hercules!
- And we have to go in disguise.

Right, 'cause otherwise
Betty would recognize us.

I guess, if you need a reason,

I just need to justify my dry cleaning
carousel to my accountant.

- You have an accountant?
- I have an accountant costume.

What's going on?
I can't hardly see.

They seem to be having
a good time.

What is her plan?

How is she gonna do this
in a public place?

That guy's big head's in my way.

Hey, Easter Island!
Move your fat head!

Oh, I know you didn't
just shush me.

Ooh, look, girl!
He's going to the bathroom.

And she's following him.

She right behind you!
Do not go in there, Hercules!

That poor man.
This is all my fault.

- We've got to go save him!
- I agree.

Rightafter my souffl? comes,
I will join you and we will save him

What's this? Honey butter?
This is a good roll.

Hercules! I'm coming!


It's over, Betty!


Francine, I can explain

She's my mommy!

So for 35 years,

you've been k*lling
your mother's dates?

No, I've been abducting them
and dumping them on an uncharted island.

k*lling them?
You've seen too many movies.

After my father left us,
my mother was devastated.

I was all she had,

and I did everything I could
to keep her happy.

But then she started dating again,

and I knew these men would just
break her heart, like my father did.

So I did what any rational,
loving son would do.

When they took her out,
I took them out.

Oh, my God!

I have an amazing capacity
for love.

Anyway, gotta go
kidnap a Greek guy.

Stan, come back!

Where's my mom and Hercules?

I might lose my toes to diabetes,
but it was worth it!

Roger, where's Betty?

Oh, she left with the Greek.

I guess there was some craziness
in the bathroom

he was all like,"Life's too short--
I'm takin' my lady to Greece!"

And she was like,

"I was so scared you weren't gonna
come back from the bathroom. I love you."

Then he yelled, "Oprah!"

and I dropped a peppermint
and I missed the rest.

Oh, my God,
he'staking her to Greece?!

- I'm comin', Momma!
- Stan!

We need to get to the airport!

You go, I gotta get home.
I got termpapers to grade.

Klaus, guess what?

I went online and found out
there's a cure for ick!

You can buy it
at any pet store. Look.

A cure. Hooray.

I had no idea.

That is something of which
I am just now learning.

Oh, my God. You knew.

You knew there wasa cure for ick.

What? Th-th-that-that's crazy.

Why would I infect you
and not tell yout here's a cure?

So, your friends would shun you

and you'd be forced to come home early
and spend timewith me for a change?

How absurd.

Listen to how crazy absurd
you sound.

Do you want to make
cookies with me?

That's exactly why you did it!
You're sick!

You're sick.

Get out!
Go back to your world!

Klaus? What's wrong?

Oh, nothing.
lt's, it's just...

I haven't felt the touch
of another human being in six years.

Oh, you poor thing.

Fish can't get herpes, can they?

All right, what's the fastest way
to the airport?

Should I take the freeway or
should I take surface streets?

Surface streets or freeway?

Surface streets or freeway?
Surface streets or freeway?

- Freeway.
- Surface streets.

Damn it!
Come on! It's green!

I need to make this light!
Get off your phone!

I have to... and now it's red.
Oh, bravo. Bravo!

- Has the 8:00 to Athens left yet?
- They're boarding now.

Excuse me. Trying to merge.

Not trying to get ahead of anybody.
Just merging.

This isn't a contest.
**** you!

Fine! I'll take the shoulder!

Excuse me. Trying to merge.
I'm just trying to... **** you!

I'm coming, Momma.


First time peeing in an airplane.

You're a little nervous.
There's no shame in that.

Just relax, and...

Sir, may I see your ticket?

Blanket? Blanket?

Francine?! But how did you...?

Stan, this is ridiculous.
You have to leave your mother alone.

I will, just as soon as I ditch Hercules
on a deserted island.

Attention, everyone!

Let's all give a big "Opa!"
to Betty and Hercules,

who've just decided
to get married!

- No.
- You see, Stan?

Look how happy she is.

There was a time when you two
needed each other,

but she's moved on
and you have to do the same.

Let her go.

- Or I can s*ab him in the neck.
- No!

Don't touch my mommy!

What do you think you're doing,
young man?

- Saving you.
- Saving me?

I don't need to be saved.

- But Momma...
- Dit! You've been the perfect son,

but I finally have a chance
at happiness and I'm taking it.

But what about me?

Honey, you're the luckiest guy
in the world.

You have a woman who loves you.

- No!

The wonderful woman who's put up
with us for all these years.

Now, I'm gonna need you
to sit back down

because there's an air marshal
pointing a g*n at your head.

Look, I know I was about
to attempt m*rder,

but it's cool, because I'm about
to reconcile emotionally with my wife.

A toast to the happy couple.

- And to my number one gal.
- Oh, Stan.

- Betty!
- That's so strange.

Sounds like someone
shouting my name.

It's the call of the Greek Sirens.

They try to ensnare you
in their web of love.

I think it is working.

It's working on me, too.

You guys wantto keep it down?
I'm trying to watch TV.

I've gone crazy.
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