02x17 - Day 2: 12:00 a.m. – 1:00 a.m.

Episode transcripts for the TV show "24". Aired: November 6, 2001 to July 14, 2014.*
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Counterterrorism agent Jack Bauer fights the bad guys of the world, a day at a time.
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02x17 - Day 2: 12:00 a.m. – 1:00 a.m.

Post by bunniefuu »

I know Tony's running things.

I don't want to speak out of turn.

- I don't know who else to talkto.

- About what? The president's planning military action based on a recording from Ali's apartment.

- Ali claims it was a fake.

- And you believe him.

Sir, it's Jack Bauer for you.

I regret to inform you, Syed Ali has just been assassinated.

I think it has to do with the conversation recorded in Cyprus.

- I don't believe it's genuine.

- OK, I'm aware of his denials.

I'm worried that someone is trying to manipulate you into taking the kind of military action I assume you're about to take.

I told you I had money.

I didn't come here to steal.

- I didn't want to hurt anyone.

- (siren) - Give me the g*n.

- (g*nsh*t) - No.

- We've got the store surrounded.

- Oh, no.


- Put the g*n down and come out.

This is Bauer.

The recording they found, in case you haven't figured it out, is bogus.

- How do you knowthat? - I'm the one who planted it.

- What do you want? - Kate Warner.

You got 30 minutes.

Bring her to the warehouse, just the two of you.

- Where the hell you going? - I don't have time to explain.

- Let's find the time.

- Put the g*n down.

Kate, come on, we gotta go.


Let's go.

(Tony) Jack! - (car alarm) - Come on.

Wait, Jack.

Tell me what's going on.

Do you trust me? - Kate, do you trust me? - Yes.

I will explain everything to you in the car, but we've gotta go now.

- Carrie! - Tony! - What happened? - It was Jack.

I tried to stop him from taking Kate Warner out of here.

- What is it? - My ankle.

- I'll get the medic.

- Call Security.

Make sure they stop Jack.


(phone ringing) Security.

He's at the gate.

- Stop that vehicle! - Hey! Stop! - You OK? - Yeah.

I didn't mean to frighten you backthere.

Let me try and explain everything to you.

The US is preparing to retaliate against the Middle East for what happened tonight.

In a few hours, we'll be involved in a w*r which'll affect every country on this planet.

What does that have to do with me? Ten minutes ago a man called me.

Said he had proof the evidence the president was basing his decisions on was forged.

He wouldn't give me any other information unless I broughtyou to him.

- Who is this man? - I don't know.

That's the problem, Kate.

I don't know who he is.

- What would he want with me? - We've gotta find out.

If I can provide concrete proof that the Cyprus recording was fake, we can stop a w*r.

I will do what I can to protectyou, butyou have to decide now.

You have to decide whether or not you want to accept the risk.

Do you really think we can do this? I'm not gonna lie to you.

This is very, very dangerous.

I'm sorry, I don't know what else to do.

I'm running out of time.

- Did they stop him? - He drove through the gate.

- What's the problem? - My ankle.

Let's take a look.

- Did you call LAPD? - And the FBI.

They're all looking for him.

Could be a torn ligament, maybe a sprain.

It's not broken.

- We've gotta getyou an x-ray.

- Great.

I'll be right back with a first-aid kit.

- You said Jacktook Kate with him? - Yeah.

- I don't think he was working alone.

- What do you mean? Baker was keeping an eye on Kate.

Michelle distracted him just before I found you.

- Distracted him how? - She called him away on paperwork.

That doesn't mean they were working together.

I think it does.

Michelle was talking to Jack right before she went to Baker.

- He might have been setting her up.

- It didn't appear that way.

The vice president's ready for your call, sir.

- When's he meet the British ambassador? - Right after he speaks with you.

The vice president will wantyou to authorise him to inform the ambassador of our deployment.

- He told you that? - You know where Jim stands on this.

He'll want to let everyone know we're on a w*r footing.

Especially the British.

What's your position, sir? Once we bring our allies in on this, it'll make it much harder to recall those planes.

- Put him through.

- The president is ready to speak with him.

- (woman) Right away.

- Thank you.

- (phone rings) - Hello, Jim.

What's the British reaction to the bombing? Everyone is stunned.

Their military is on high alert.

- The British ambassador? - He's waiting to hear from us.

After this conversation, I'm free to inform him about the Stealth bombers? Not justyet, Jim.

It's still premature.

Those planes are due to drop their payloads in a little over four hours.

We're holding off notifying our allies because there's a possibility we may not go through with the attack.

I don't understand.

I have reason to believe the Cyprus audio implicating the target countries was fabricated.

- I thought we proved it was real.

- As did I.

CTU LA is in the process of obtaining intelligence that may show otherwise.

In the process? - Meaning they don't have any proof yet.

- Correct.

Did you run it by CIA? Did they have any indication this thing's a fraud? Not as of yet.

Mr President, you authorised this military action, and justifiably so.

With all due respect, it's too late for second thoughts.

We will not start a w*r on false or incomplete information.

- Say nothing to the ambassador.

- Yes, Mr President.

Mr President I know you trust Jack Bauer implicitly, but to equivocate our response in a matter of this importance because of one man's reservations makes me very uncomfortable.

I'm afraid I'm with Mike on this one, sir.


(over PA) This is Deputy Raynes.

Mr Garcia, we have offiicers surrounding the building.

Your only option is to throw your w*apon out and come out with your hands on your head.

Stay with me.


No! I can't stop the bleeding.

We need to get him to a hospital.

- Please don't let him die.

- We need you to respond.

You need to talkto the police.

Tell them you'll give up.

- We gotta let them in here right now.

- No, I didn't mean for this to happen.

A b*mb went off.

There's gonna be a w*r.

I was just trying to protect my wife.

- She's pregnant.

- I will tell the police that.

- We gotta get out of here! - Mr Garcia, please respond.

Do you have someone in there who needs medical attention? - We can work this out.

- Stay with me.

But firstyou have to put the w*apon down and come out.

Let's walk out of here.

Come out, Mr Garcia.

You're only making things worse by prolonging it.

No! We can work this out, butyou have to work with us.

Oh, please don't die.

- Please don't let him die.

- Please respond.

Why won't they help you, back at CTU? Tony Almeida's in charge.

He's under pressure.

He doesn't think it's a forgery, so he's following the proper protocol.

He's doing what he thinks is right.

- Where are we supposed to meet him? - A small warehouse in Studio City.

- What is it? - We're being followed.

- Who do you think it is? - I don't know.

Hold on.

Turn the ignition off! Putyour hands on the wheel! Putyour hands on the wheel! - You alone? - Yeah.

- Why did you follow me from CTU? - No one's given me any information.

I told you at CTU that my country is being implicated.

I don't know who I can trust.

I saw you take out Tony, who's in charge.

You don't wantyour country to invade mine.

My agenda is not to help your country.

My responsibility is to make sure the president - makes his decisions based on fact.

- My country's not responsible.

Maybe, butAli is a citizen of your country.

He runs his t*rror1st network from there.

Yes, which means he's a criminal to my government just as much as yours.

Why would my country deliberately provoke an attackthat would decimate us? We have everything to lose, nothing to gain.

What do you want? When you broke out, you isolated yourself.

You'll need help.

- Tony.

- Yeah? - What did the doctor say? - I don't know, they think I tore a ligament.

Look Carrie told me that she saw you talking to Jack, right before he took Kate Warner out of CTU.

- Yeah.

Is that a problem? - It depends whatyou were talking about.

What were you talking about? Are you interrogating me? Did you help Jack take Kate Warner out of here? Of course not.

Is that what Carrie told you? I'm in collusion with Jack? - Yeah.

- I don't know what to tell you.

She doesn't know what she's talking about.

Look, Michelle.

It doesn't matter whether you think Jack is right or wrong.

The fact is, this is my command, and what happens here is my responsibility.

- I knowthat.

- So I need you to be honest with me now.

Did you intentionally draw Agent Baker away from Kate Warner? No.

I did not.

- So why would Carrie tell me you did? - Because she'd like to see me out of here.

- And why's that? - Because I don't like her, and she knows it.

- You wanna tell me about it? - No, not really.

- If it's interfering with your work - It's not interfering with my work.

It's not.



Mr Garcia, we are contacting you by phone.

Please answer.

What have I done?! I'm going to prison for the rest of my life.

- You don't knowthat.

- I k*lled a man! It was an accident.

I saw it.

If you turn yourself in now, they'll consider that.

If you don't, it'll get worse.

I've got to get out of here.

(phone ringing) Hey! Don't touch that phone.

- Yeah? - Mr Garcia, this is Deputy Raynes.

Now, whatever the problem is, we can workthis out.

- Now, who's in there with you? - A customer.

A girl.

- OK, is she hurt? - No.

It's the owner.

OK, we have to get him out of there.

It's too late.

Look, I didn't mean it.

It was an accident.

Now, that's OK.

Let's talk about it.

It's because of the b*mb.

Look, there's gonna be a w*r.

I'm trying to get my wife out of the city.

You understand that, right? Your wife is right here.

She's worried aboutyou.

Put her on the phone.

I wanna talkto her.

Ramon, are you OK? Why are you still in there? - Mija I k*lled a man.

- No! It was an accident, but they won't believe me.

You and the baby have to leave now.

It's not safe to be in the city.

Ramon, mijo, come out.

No, notyet.

OK, look, I'm gonna tell the police to take you where you'll be safe.

- I love you.

- (crying) I love you, too.

All right, Mr Garcia, you talked to your wife.

We'd like you to come out.

OK, but I wantyou to do one thing for me first.

What's that? Take her to Monterey.

She's got a sister there.

When she gets there, I'll let the girl go, and then I'll come out.

- What do you want me to do? - I wantyou to stay here.

I'm going in.

If you need to get in touch, there's a cellphone in the centre console.

Press one.

Kate, you OK? Don't forget, I will do everything I have to to protectyou, OK? - Yeah.

- Just stay put.

Drop the w*apon.

Put the w*apon down! All right.

My weapons are there on that table.

I'm unarmed.

Putyour hands behind your head, interlock your fingers.

You knowthe drill.

If that's a Dunlop, it'll pick up a piece of shrapnel that's still in my rib cage.

- (beeps) - Yep, see? Take a seat.

Who are you? Jonathan Wallace, 7th Light Armoured Reconnaissance Battalion, Third Marine Division, Special Ops Detachment Delta, Fort Benning.

Slowly raise your right arm.

Showthe inside of your forearm to me.

- Coral Snake Unit.

- That's right.

So you're the seventh man.

You took outyour unit that was tracking the b*mb so they couldn't stop it.

Why? I was responsible for two things: making sure the b*mb went off, planting the recording to blame it on the three countries.

- To what end? - What else, Jack? To start a w*r.

The end game was always to get the US to attackthe Middle East.

Why? They didn't tell me, but they didn't have to.

These men control oil in the Caspian Sea.

If there's a w*r, their holdings quadruple in value for at least a decade.

At the cost of detonating a nuclear device in the centre of LA? You got it.

What do you want with Kate Warner? About an hour ago, the people who hired me tried to have me k*lled.

Obviously, they didn't succeed, but they took out my transport team.

I need an alternate way out of the country.

Warner Industries has DOD variance.

She can authorise a departure.

So, evidence against the Cyprus recording for your departure.

That's the deal? Yep.

Keep your mouth shut and get out of the car.

Unlockthe door.

Do it now! Come on, get out of the car! You OK? - So where's the Warner girl? - When we're done.

How does the evidence prove the recording was forged? I have the source recordings.

Before they were mixed down to create the fake tape.

(phone rings) - Yeah.

- There was another guy.

I took care of him.

Is he there? It's for you.

Hello? The man you sent to pick up Kate Warner is unconscious.

He's out.

You're lying.

He's six-two, dark hair, pretty nasty scar on his face.


It doesn't change anything.

I got whatyou need and I won't give it to you until you give me Kate Warner.

I'll take you to her.

We'll arrange your charter.

No, no, no.

She can't authorise a charter unless a partner is on board, and right now your people have Bob Warner in custody.

So she's coming with me.

What do you plan to do with her when you reach your destination? I have to dispose of her.

You knowthat.

I can't let that happen.

We're done here.


- Yusuf, do you copy? - We're here.

What do you want me to do? Bring her in.


- Yeah, Mike? - How do I get ahold of Jack Bauer? Last I heard, he was debriefing at CTU.

Why? The president's hesitating with this operation, based on a conversation he had with Bauer.

I wanna to talkto him myself.

Behind the president's back? That is so dangerous.

If I can get some concrete information, I can support the president more effectively.

And if you can't? Then I'll have the conviction to talk him through the situation.

I'm in the dark.

- I'm not sure.

- Lynne Lynne, this is my call.

Your recommendation not to go around the president is duly noted.


(phone rings) (woman) Mr Almeida, Mike Novick, the president's chief of staff, is on the line.

- Mr Novick, this is Tony Almeida.

- Hi, Tony.

I need to reach Jack Bauer.

Yeah, well, we're trying to locate him ourselves, sir.

What do you mean? What's the problem? Jack was here earlier, debriefing from the day's events, when he grabbed a material witness and took her off the premises illegally.

- He also assaulted CTU personnel.

- Why would he do that? Jack's working on a hunch that the Cyprus recording was fabricated.

This is what I wanted to talkto him about.

The president is not giving his complete support to the military action until he hears from Bauer.

- I understand, sir.

- Now, what about the witness he's taken? - How does that factor in? - Her name is Kate Warner.

Her sister was involved with the Second Wave t*rrorists.

We're trying to connect the dots.

That's the other reason we need to find Jack.

The second you make contact with Bauer, you put him through to me.

We're at District.

Yes, sir.

- Turner.

- Carrie.

- What's up? - Yeah, I need to see you.


Yes, Tony? - Where are we on Jack? - His exit wasn't picked up on satellite.

- He hasn't initiated contact with anyone.

- What about Kate Warner? Her house and her father's company are being watched, in case they go there.


Have you talked to Michelle? Yeah.

In fact, I wanted to talkto you about that.

Do you have a problem working in the same office with Michelle? Is that whatyou think? That I'd be making up stories because I have a problem working with her? She and Jack were talking before he took Kate Warner.

They weren't trading recipes.

It was conspiratorial.

All right.

I need you to put a filter on all of Michelle's communications.

E-mails, phone calls, open channels.

I wantyou to let me know when Jacktries to contact her, all right? Done.

(sobbing) (siren) - What's going on out there? - They're taking my wife where she'll be safe.

And then what? - You're gonna let me go, right? - Don't push me.

You got me into this.

- I didn't getyou into this.

- You pointed this g*n at me.

That's howthis whole thing started.

What were you doing with a g*n anyway? Huh? What?! Were you gonna rip this place off? No.

You ruined my life.

It's all your fault.

- Sorry, I shouldn't have taken out that g*n.

- Yeah? Well, why did you? - I was afraid.

- Afraid.

What do you have to be afraid of? Answer me! My daddy died tonight.

The b*mb that went off, he was there.

(phone ringing) What? Your wife's on her way to Monterey.

Everything cool in there? It's not cool.

Make sure my wife gets there.

You don't need to call every five minutes.

OK, Ramon, you need to stay calm.

Now, we're doing exactly whatyou said.

You got to thinkthis through.

You'll be in custody soon.

- I didn't mean to k*ll anybody! - We know.

But what would help your case is if you'd let the young lady out now.

I'm not stupid! She's the only reason you haven't shotyour way in here yet.

And I'll tell you something.

If I see you coming in, I'll k*ll her! You better believe that! You're not a k*ller, Ramon.

You've got no record.

Be smart.

I'll be smart.

You be smart.

Dammit! Get back here! No! No! Open the door! Open it! Open the door! Open it! Help me! Hurry, I'm at the back door! Help! Please! I don't wanna hurtyou, but I will! Mr Garcia, what's going on in there? Oh, my God.

- Mr Garcia, pick up the phone.

- No! No! Please respond, Mr Garcia.



Is there anyone else besides you? - Kate, lookthe other way.

- No, no.

No one else.

There's no one else.

- Come on.

- Wait, the warehouse is that way.

- Jack.

- Yeah, go ahead.

I'll approach in a sweep pattern.

It'll take a few minutes.

Copy that.

- They're gonna be five minutes.

- And here we are without a deck of cards.

You know, I was down at Benning when Samuels tried to recruityou.


He was real disappointed you turned him down.

He said you were a born k*ller.

Is that true? (phone rings) - Turner.

- I got an alarm on the backup server.

- Do you have one? - No.

Must be on your side of the router.

Want me to check the connections? No, you need C-clearance for that.

I'll have to do it.

Right, I forgot.

- Will you give this to Thomkins for me? - Sure.

Thank you.

- Mr President, may I? - What is it, Mike? Jack Bauer took a material witness from CTU and assaulted an agent in the process.

I know how much this country owes him, sir, but he's obviously suffered some kind of emotional collapse.

It would be understandable, given everything he's been through.

But we don't knowthat.

What he did might have been necessary under the circumstances.

We already have incontrovertible proof from Langley that the Cyprus recording is authentic.

Finding Jack Bauer isn't going to change that.

The country needs your energy and attention on what happens after those bombs drop.

We need to prepare for this w*r.

If this recording's not authentic, and Jack Bauer turns out to be right, it'd be a mistake of historic proportions.

- Mr President - That's all, Mike.

Find Jack Bauer.

She'll be here any minute.

Where's the evidence? OK, here's how it's gonna go down.

I take Kate with me.

She sets up the plane.

It picks us up at an airport of my choosing.

When I'm on that plane, I'll call and tell you where the evidence is.

What assurances do I have you'll even call? None.

It's one of those things where you're just gonna have to trust me.

Well, I don't.

Jack, you're the last person in the world I want tracking me down.

(door opens) - Jack, what's going on? - You and I are going on a little trip.

Jack? You have to go with him.

- What aboutyou? - Jack's not coming.

You gave me your word.

I'm sorry it has to be done like this.

Let go of me.

Talkto her, Jack.

Otherwise, I'm gonna have to do this differently.

Kate, remember everything I said to you in the car.

Do what he says, and I promise you, you will not get hurt.

You're giving me up, aren'tyou? (phone rings) - CTU, Dessler.

- Hey.

Hey, it's me.

- Danny, what are you doing up? - I can't sleep.

Are you sure it's safe here? Yeah.

As far as I know, it is.

As far as you know? What the hell does that mean? "As far as I know"? Danny, you know my situation.

You know what, your situation sucks.

You're talking about my life.

The least you could do is tell me whatyou know.

There's nothing to know.

Stay where you are.

- I'll come over tomorrow.

- Don'tyou patronise me! Don'tyou patronise me, cos I want answers.

A nuclear b*mb just went off.

I wanna know if it's safe to stay here in LA.

What about the kids? Don'tyou care about them? Of course.

If there was anything to know, I'd tell you.

Is that right? You didn't tell me about the b*mb.

Did it slip your mind? I already explained it to you.

I wasn't allowed to tell anyone.

You know what? Maybe I should call Carrie.

She'd tell me.

- I thoughtyou weren't speaking.

- We're not.

She's a bitch.

- Danny, I will take care - Forget it.

(sobbing) Don't sh**t me! Please! I'm sorry! Throw the w*apon out the front door, and come out with your hands behind your head.

No! I need more time! My wife's gonna be safe, right? Come on, Ramon, you gotta cooperate now.

You got nobody left in there.

Anybody have a visual on the suspect? No.

Should we hold position? No.

Ever since the b*mb, we got a new call every ten minutes.

We gotta be done here.

Please don't.

Give him time.

He'll come out on his own.

All right, all units go.

Go now, go! - Drop your w*apon! - (g*nshots) No.

(man over radio) Code 4.

Send medical Medical team, go! - Thank you.

- All right.

- We ready? - Yes, we are, Mike.

Mr Vice President, you're on with me and Lynne because the president is being briefed by Ryan Chappelle.

He asked that we go ahead without him.

- Fine.

- How did it go with the British ambassador? Not well.

He knows that we're planning a retaliation against the Middle East, but he's frustrated cos we're not coordinating with them.

I'm sure he'll understand once he gets the facts.

What are the facts, Mike? We've got planes in the air.

Either we're committed or we're not.

If the evidence shows that the Cyprus recording was falsified, the president wants the option of calling those planes back.

You know what it sounds like to me? An excuse to call this off.

Do you believe the president's capable of doing the hard thing, Mike? The right thing? Yes, sir, I do.

He's committed to this action.

All he's doing is making sure every base is covered.

I hope so.

The president will be contacting you as soon as anything develops.

All right, Mike.


You thinkthe vice president is right, don'tyou? If the president turns those planes around, based on the unconfirmed speculation of a single CTU agent, it'll be a disaster.

So what do we do about it? I don't know.

- Where are you taking me? - Get in.

I'm not gonna try and escape.

- I said, get in.

- Kate.

Get in the trunk, for your own safety.

- The tracker's in place.

It's been activated.

- Good.

Jack, it's been a real pleasure.

I'll be in touch.

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