02x20 - Day 2: 3:00 a.m. – 4:00 a.m.

Episode transcripts for the TV show "24". Aired: November 6, 2001 to July 14, 2014.*
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Counterterrorism agent Jack Bauer fights the bad guys of the world, a day at a time.
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02x20 - Day 2: 3:00 a.m. – 4:00 a.m.

Post by bunniefuu »

Jack Bauer just called with some new information.

He has evidence the Cyprus recording is counterfeit.

I'm calling off the attack.

Stopping and restarting military action could cost tens of thousands of American lives.

An acceptable risk if the alternative is waging w*r against three innocent countries.

What do you know about Section 4 of the 25th Amendment? If the majority of his Cabinet feels he's unfit to fulfil his duties, the president could be removed from office.

And the vice president becomes acting president.

As far as I'm concerned, it's Prescott who should be charged with treason.

- I was afraid you'd say that, Lynne.

- Mike! Until you hear from me, do not let her out.

I can lure them away from here.

You and Kate get the chip over to CTU.

Meet me at Moorpark and Vineland.

If I'm not there in 15 minutes, get it to Tony Almeida.

Yusuf! Behind you! He's a damn towelhead.

Stop it! We got the evidence that proves the Cyprus audio was forged.

It's a memory chip containing the original source recordings.

Do not k*ll him until he talks.

Jack, I need the chip.

It's not for sale.

My answer's final.

When Ronnie's finished, you'll give me another.

The chip, Jack.

He's dead.

(TV newsreader) If you are just joining us, the White House has confirmed the blast in the Mojave Desert that occurredfour hours ago at10.

59pm PST was in fact a nuclear expl*si*n.

We'll stitch you up and getyou out of here and on your way.

- What are you doing here? - Looking for epinephrine.

This is a treatment room.

I have a patient - Where's the epinephrine? - Storage room.

Let's go.



Go again.

Increase the joules.

You are not gonna die on me, you son of a bitch.

(phone rings) - That's Kingsley.

You talkto him.

- Yes? - Let me talk to Stark.

- He's a little busy, sir.

- Did Bauer give you the chip? - No, sir.


What's taking so long? It's under control.

What am I hearing in your voice? Answer me, Raymond.

Stark pushed Bauer too far.

He's flat-lining.

Whatever he broke, he'd better fix.

And if Ronnie can't handle it, do ityourself.

- Where's the epinephrine? - The doctor's got it.

- If you don't revive this man, you're dead.

- I need your men to put him on the gurney.

Put him up on the gurney.

Give him as much as he can take.

Let's go! Let's go! What are you waiting for? Do it! Give him the paddles.


Still in v-fib.

Hit him again! Clear.

- It's too late.

It's not gonna work.

- Hit him again! Clear.

Come on.

Come on.

I got a sinus rhythm.

I need a Baxter set and a bag of normal saline.

(coughs) What did Kingsley say? He said I just got promoted.

Hey, Jack.

You thought death would save you.

You're not gonna die until I k*ll you myself.

Now, where is that chip? (coughs) We'll be convening the Cabinet within the hour.

Does the president have any idea what's going on? - I don't think so.

- It's critical he doesn't find out.

It's not going to be that easy.

Lynne Kresge was about to warn him, but I was able to intervene.

Where is she now? I had to put her under guard.

I know it's difficult.

It's difficult for all of us.

- I just hope we're doing the right thing.

- Mike.

Do you thinkthese are the circumstances in which I wish to assume the presidency? You know me better than that.

This country was att*cked, with a nuclear w*apon.

And the president will not commit to a military response.

I hope you're not wavering yourself.


I'm not.


So, your responsibility is to make sure that the Cabinet votes to remove him from office.

I have a responsibility to make sure the vote takes place, not to manipulate the outcome.

Poor choice of words.

But my point is the same.

You're doing the right thing, Mike.

History will recognise that.

(door opens) - Anything from Jack Bauer? - Not that I've heard.

Mike I know you think delaying a military response is the wrong call.

Only because you're relying on a single source.

Jack Bauer says he has evidence that we're being manipulated into this w*r.

I have to give him the opportunity to produce the proof.

If there were anything I could say to make you change your mind There isn't.

Look, Mike, I knowthis is an unpopular decision.

And even though you don't agree either, your standing by me means a great deal.

Send Lynne into my office.

She's drafting my statement.

- I'll see if I can find her.

- What do you mean? She wasn't feeling well.

She took a few minutes' downtime last I heard.

That's fine.

Let her rest.

I'll go over it with Jenny.

Please open this door.

Whoever you are, you are conspiring against the US president.

Do you have any idea what that means? Hello? (knocking) You have no idea what's at stake here.

Please open the door! (man) Hey, get his wallet.

- How much? - A couple of hundred.

- Come on.

- Let's go.

- What's this? - Let's get out of here.

- Come on! - Just take it.

Let's go.

- Get in the car.

I'm driving.

- The chip Wait.

Wait! You took something from him.

It's mine.

Why are you with him anyway? Only thing worse than these bastards is people like you.


No, no, it's not like that.

I just need that plastic case you took from him.

- This? - Yeah.

This? What is it? It's got information on it.

It's not worth anything.

Please, come on.

Give it to me.

What'll you give us for it? I'll pay you.

I've got money.

- How much? - It's not here, it's at my house.

Forget it, Marcus.

Let's just go.

- Where's your house? - Hancock Park.

It's not that far from here.

Come on.

Come on.

Yeah, let's do it.

Let's go getyour money.

- First I'm gonna put him out of his misery.

- No.

No! - This is for messin' with our country.

- (Kate) Oh, please! - No! - Marcus, man, come on.

(click) - (laughter) - (Kate gasps) (Marcus) Come on, let's go.

(grunts) (woman) I'm sorry.

All circuits are busy.

Please try your call again later.

- Give him more epinephrine.

- He's already had too much.

He's strong.

He can handle it.

- Now prepare a syringe of beroglide.

- Beroglide? lt'll collapse his lungs Just do it.

Now, this beroglide stuff, it's amazing.

This will paralyse your diaphragm, and you'll slowly suffocate.

You'll feel like you're drowning, until you tell me where the chip is.

I already told you, I don't know where the chip is.

(man) Kingsley wants to talkto you.

I'll be right back.

- Help me loosen the rope.

- What? - Help me undo the rope.

- I can't do that.

He's on the phone.

The other guys are far away.

They'll just think you're working on me.

- Please.

This is the only chance we've got.

- He'll k*ll me.

He's gonna k*ll you anyway.

These men were willing to k*ll millions of people earlier tonight.

I am the only chance you've got to get out of here alive.

We don't have any time.

Come on.

Do it.

Feed it through the bottom.



He's coming.

- What are you doing? - I had to disconnect his IV first.

- Get the beroglide.

- Yes, sir.

Start him off with 2cc.

(gasping) - Mr Chappelle.

- Hi.

- Is Tony in his office? - He went to IT.

He'll be a minute.

- What's the status on the phones? - Grid's down in most of the city.

- How about wireless? - Cell service is pretty much out too.

- Are you using Satcom? - Yeah.

Save Satcom for your highest priorities.

We're sharing it with half a dozen other agencies.



Hey, Ryan.

Good work.

Good work on what? I know Bauer's trying to change our position on the Cyprus audio.

- That's not exactly true.

- Whatever.

You don't have to explain.

I'm just glad you're not letting the tail wag the dog.

Ryan, uh Jack may not be wrong about this.

He's Wait.


I don't wanna hear that.

We're about to b*mb the Middle East into next Wednesday.

We're supposed to be processing intel to support that.

- I've got most of my people on it.

- I want all your people on it.

Don'tyou think we need to eliminate doubt about the authenticity of this recording? Your department has already authenticated that recording.

Don't make me the bad guy here, Tony.

Mason may have recommended you to direct CTU, butyou'll need my blessing to stay on.

I assume that's whatyou want.

What I want is to do what's right in this situation.

What's right is to followthe chain of command.

Put everyone on domestic response.

(alarm) No! - Goddammit! - Calm down.

(screams) (Palmer) What do you mean, you can't get through to him? - Unreachable? I want him now.

- (woman) I'll try again, sir.

Aaron? - Yes, Mr President? - Close the door, please.

- How many presidents have you worked for? - I came in on Reagan's second term.

I haven't been able to establish contact with my vice president in the last half-hour.

What do you make of that? I wouldn't know howto respond to that, Mr President.

I just pulled our bombers out of the air, against everyone's recommendations.

Now my vice president suddenly is unreachable.

- Should I draw any conclusions? - Sir, I'm not qualified to give an opinion Aaron, you've been doing this nearly 20 years.

You know howthe system works.

Is Prescott planning something behind my back? - I'm going 20-10, please cover position three.

- (man) Roger that.

For what it's worth, I thinkthe choices you've made today have been the right ones.

- That's not what I asked.

- There are always those in the administration who feel that delay is a weakness.

- If enough individuals share this view, then - Aaron.

Is Prescott coming after me? I'm not sure.

Butyou have good instincts, sir.

I'd listen to 'em if I were you.

- Thank you, Aaron.

- Yes, sir.

Max is very unhappy.

Max can be unhappy.

We're all entitled to our feelings.

Peter, spare me your usual metaphysical observations.

Our entire project depends on military action the president just suspended.

- For now.

- Now is all that matters.

Now you're being metaphysical.

Peter Palmer won't be able to stand the political pressure from his own administration, let alone the will of the people.

He's not gonna have any choice but to respond to the nuclear w*apon.

You're assuming that this man Bauer hasn't already delivered proof to his people that the Cyprus audio was false.

Bauer won't be a problem.

- Tell me where the chip is, I'll make it stop.

- You'll k*ll him.


But he'll wish he'd stayed dead.

I'm all done playing games with you.

Nowtell me what I wanna know! Tell me! - They'll hear you upstairs.

- Then shut up and close the door! Fill the syringe and double the dosage.

I'll tell you where the chip is.

Where? (mumbles) Again.

It's in It's in a p What did you say? They're taking the chip to They're taking it where? Stay down.

How much longer has he got before he's dead? As long as 15 minutes.

You tell me who was on the other end of that phone, and I'll make it quick.

Peter Kingsley.

- You wanted to see me, sir? - Yes.

Close the door, please.

Have a seat, Mike.

I've been feeling a little disconnected from my people in the last hour.

I've been managing the Joint Chiefs and Homeland Security.

If you want me closer Notyou, Mike.

Back in Washington.

- Who? - Prescott.

I think he's avoiding me.

With what we've gone through in the last 18 hours, he's just being pulled in ten different directions.

We were, and in some ways still are, on the brink of w*r.

I'm the commander in chief.

When I call, there's only one direction.


I'll get him on the phone right away.

Do that.

Oh, and Mike? This statement that Jenny made a pass on, it's not working.

- What's the problem? - The facts aren't updated.

And I don't think Jenny's been apprised of everything.

I want Lynne to go over it.

Why don'tyou give it to me? I'll get it to her.

Thank you.


It's Mike Novick.

Can you talk? Yeah.

- Are you going forward or not? - Of course.

Nothing's changed.

- The sooner you can execute, the better.

- We're going as fast as we can here.

David Palmer is not a stupid man.

He knows something is going on.

It won't take him long to figure out what it is.

- How does he know? - For one thing, you haven't returned his calls.

- I'll call him now.

- I thinkthat's a good idea.

Mike, I'm counting on you.

You gotta keep him busy until I can get everyone together.

- How much longer? - A half-hour.

45 minutes tops.

The sooner the better.

I'm all alone out here on this.

He's asking about Lynne.

I can't keep up the act much longer.

You won't have to.

Just hold your mud, Mike.

- CTU.


- It's Jack.

I need to speakto Tony.

- J Jack? - (static hiss) Michelle, I don't know if you can still hear me.

Kate and Yusuf have got the chip.

I'm going to Vineland and Moorpark, just in case they're still waiting for me there.

- Michelle? - (static hiss) Dammit.

Jack? Tony? - What's up? - Call just came through from Jack.

- What'd he say? - We lost the signal.

- You try him back? - Yeah.

I put an auto-trace on the number.

See if Dispatch picked it up in the log.

Find out if it was a cell or land line.


Yes, sir.

What's that all about? Jack Bauer tried to contact us.

We lost connection.

I said I don't want Bauer distracting you or your resources.

Whatever he's doing out there is irrelevant.

I'm not so sure it is.

Jack says he's got proof that the Cyprus audio was fabricated.

- He's bringing it here within the hour.

- If he's got proof, let him produce it.

But I wantyou to keep your eye on the ball, Tony.

Jim, we both know you've been one of the most outspoken opponents to my decision to call off this attack.

Any criticisms I may have had have been expressed behind closed doors, out of reach of any public scrutiny.

I know we haven't had a chance to talk one-on-one since all this began.

So if you have something to tell me, go ahead.

There's nothing, sir.

My door is always open, Jim.

If you have something to say, I would expectyou to bring it to me first.

- Of course, Mr President.

- Thanks for getting backto me.

- I still don't trust him.

- What do you want me to do? - Sorry to interrupt, sir.

- What is it? Lynne Kresge is injured.

She fell down some stairs.

- What happened? - We're not sure.

It appears she may have been running from a fire in an upstairs room.

- Is she OK? - On-site physician says she's critical.

Show me where.

So, what'd you find out from Dispatch? Well, Jack called me from a cell.

Came from somewhere between Encino and Studio City.

OK, so he was in an urgent care centre right around here about two hours ago.

- To get to CTU he'd take the 101 or the 5.

- Do you want me to pull up the satellite? No, that would raise a red flag with Chappelle, which is the last thing I need.

What about police channels? If he couldn't contact us, maybe he tried someone local.

Can you monitor those without being detected? Yeah.

- All right.

Focus on the downtown precincts.

- OK.

Yusuf! Jack, they tookthe chip.

What are you talking about? Where's Kate? They took her to her house.

Hancock Park.

She offered to exchange money for the chip.

- Come on, let's getyou out of here.

- Jack, I'm not gonna make it.

- Go and get the chip, Jack.

- Yusuf, just hang on.

Just hang on.

Yusuf, come on.

Yusuf, hang on! Yusuf! Yusuf, I'm sorry.

I'm sorry.

(Marcus) All right, let's go.

Everybody, be cool.

- You live here? - Yes.

- By yourself? - Yes.


I don't have my keys.

- Is this really your house? - Yes.

There's a spare key under the pot.

(alarm) - Get inside.

Get in here! Shut it off.

- She's setting us up, man.

I said, shut it off.

Shut it off! - What's the code? - 51224.

- 51224.

- (alarm stops) Show us where the money's at.

Doctor, what's her status? She sustained neurological damage.

We won't knowthe extent till we get her to the hospital.

- Will she live? - It's too early to say.

- Can I talkto her? - That may not be a good idea.

- I asked the doctor a question.

- You can try.

But she's slipping in and out of consciousness.



Lynne, it's me.

David Palmer.

(Lynne sobs) I'm so sorry.

We're getting you to the hospital, but I need you to tell me howthis happened.

Sir, she took a severe blowto the head.

She has a concussion and she's not coherent.

- She's trying to say something.

- D D D (Palmer) It's OK.

I'm here.

I'm listening.

What is it, Lynne? What is it? It's all right, Lynne.

They're going to take good care of you.

- We need to get her to the hospital.

- Go.

Come on, Tony.

Pick up the phone.

- (woman) I'm sorry.

All services are busy.

- Dammit! - Chappelle's going to find out.

- What are you talking about? He said not to waste time looking for Jack, but that's all you and Michelle are doing.

Why aren'tyou working on the field intel? Don't shine me on.

I'm trying to help you keep your job.

Really? By doing what? - Not saying anything.

- OK.

Then don't say anything.

Um I want something in return.

- And what would that be? - Michelle worked for me at District.

Things worked much better that way.

She's not qualified to be my boss.

That's why things have been so messed up here tonight.

So, uh you want Michelle's job.

Is that what this is about? Yes.

And I assume you wanna keep yours.


Mr Chappelle, could you come over here a second? What do you need, Almeida? Carrie's got something she wants to tell you.

What is it, Carrie? Well? Carrie tried to extort a promotion out of me by promising to keep her mouth shut.

That about right? Mouth shut about what? He and Michelle are still trying to find Jack Bauer.

I was trying to give Tony the courtesy of a warning.

I was gonna tell you, Mr Chappelle That's enough, Carrie.

Get backto work.

Yes, sir.

Thought I made myself clear, Tony.

We're past Bauer.

No, sir.

You are.

I'm not.

I'm director of CTU.

I'm allocating resources to ensure we have all the facts.

If you're not comfortable with me making my own decisions, relieve me of my duties.

That won't be necessary.

- Thank you, sir.

- Don't thank me.

I just don't have anyone to take your place right now.

I don't like insubordination.

(Marcus) Come on.

You better hurry up.

It's there.

- What the hell is this? - There's at least 20,000 euros.

- Euros? - It's European money.

- I look European to you? Where's the cash? - That is cash.

It's as good as dollars.

We want cash money.

You understand me? Marcus? - You thinkthis is real? - No, they keep the fake ones locked up(!) - That's it? - That's it.

Now what do we do? Look, just take it all.

Just gimme the chip.

She knows what we look like.

She knows our names too.

- We had a deal.

- He's right.

We can't just leave you here.

Take everything! I won't tell anyone.

I won't tell the police, I promise.

Just give me the chip! Don't do this.

Let's take the stuff and go.

The second we walk out of here, she's calling the cops.

I can't get locked up again.

- No! - (g*nsh*t) - No! - Gimme that! (silenced g*nsh*t) - Kate, are you all right? - Yeah.

They've got the chip.

- How many rooms at the end of the hall? - Two.

Bedroom and bathroom.

Stay down.

All I want is the chip! My name is Jack Bauer.

I'm a federal agent.

All I want is the chip, and then I'll letyou go.

You shot my friend, man.

You expect me to believe you? Right now you don't have a choice.

You come in here and I'm gonna smash this thing.

I'll put it right under my foot.

We're looking for Jack Bauer.

He was on a cellphone between Encino and Studio City.

We need to find him as soon as possible.

I need everyone to make this priority one.

Ladies and gentlemen, we can begin.

I'd like to thank you for assembling at such short notice.

I'm sure you're all wondering why I've asked you here, why I've asked you to keep the news of this meeting to yourselves.

Excuse me, Mr Vice President.

Shouldn't we wait for the president? President Palmer will be joining us later.

I'm not sure I understand you.

The first part of this meeting will be a closed session.

- Closed to the president? - I'm afraid that's the point of the meeting.

To some of you this will come as a surprise.

For most of you, though, I hope it comes as a relief.

But it is my sincere belief that, based on his response to today's events, David Palmer is unfit to continue as president of the United States.
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