03x07 - Day 3: 7:00 p.m. – 8:00 p.m.

Episode transcripts for the TV show "24". Aired: November 6, 2001 to July 14, 2014.*
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Counterterrorism agent Jack Bauer fights the bad guys of the world, a day at a time.
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03x07 - Day 3: 7:00 p.m. – 8:00 p.m.

Post by bunniefuu »

Previously on 24.

My office has just learned that the woman with whom the President is currently involved, Dr.

Ann Packard, is being accused of helping to fabricate the results of a clinical drug trial.

We got hit hard.

Voters who were on the fence may have just fallen into Keeler's camp.

Well, that is ridiculous.

Once they find out that Ted was lying And how are they supposed to do that, Ann? It's he said, she said.

See, this is politics.

It's not medicine, so do me a favor and stay out of it.

I'm taking over for Tony.

Give me an update.

We're trying to make contact with the chopper.

Now that we have Kyle Singer, and the virus is contained, we need to contact Jack, let him know that the attempted escape of Salazar is pointless.

Salazar's t*rror1st connections are a serious threat to this country.

Both Salazar and Bauer are expendable.

What's going on, Chase? Your dad got out before I could tell him about Kyle Singer.

He and Salazar are on the run.

The only thing that matters right now is getting word to him that the virus has been contained.

That way, he'll turn Salazar over.

Your brother gave the FBI contact instructions in his last call.

He's got a plane circling, waiting to pick you up.

You really are the best, Jack.

No te muevas, no te muevas! Te mato! What the hell's going on? You didn't think I was going to let you just deliver me and leave, did you? Ramon! Adam! Adam, there's something seriously wro I just remembered, I forgot to close that file.

The following takes place between 7:00 am and 8:00 am - Gael, what are you doing? Let me go.

- Sorry, Kim.

- No! - You shouldn't have walked into this.

Calm down.

I have to ask you a few questions, okay? Now, this room is soundproof, so if you scream, it won't do anything but make me mad, and you don't want to do that.

So, we're going to be all right here? What are you doing to my father? I'll ask the questions, huh? You came in here to bring the logs backup to date.

When do they expect you to finish? Don't make me ask you twice.

I don't know, ten minutes.

And after that, what are you working on? Just utility work.


What do you think you're doing? This isn't going to work.

Adam? - Yeah? - I don't know if you've gotten word, but Tony's out of surgery.

I'm trying to head over there in a few minutes.

Well, who's going to be in charge when you're gone? Gael.

I want you to unmount all my directories and transfer them over to his system, okay? Sure.

Anything new on Jack? No.

Our last location on him was the downtown subway station, and Chase lost his trail after that.

Have we contacted LAPD? Yeah.

They're all over it.

So is the local FBI.


I think we're going about this the wrong way.

Jack broke Salazar out of jail because he thought it was the only way to stop the bio threat, but now that we have Kyle Singer, there is no threat.

We should just saturate the media, and maybe Jack will get the message.

But the President made it very clear.

He does not want the public to know about the bio threat.

Not at this point.

We have to find Jack and Salazar ourselves.



Michelle, it's me.

Gael, why aren't you in the teleconference room? The briefing's about to begin.

Yeah, well, Kim bumped into some imbedded no-ops in the log files.

It'll take a few minutes.

She can handle that.

Look, I'm trying to head over to the hospital.

I need you up to speed so you can takeover for me.

I'm on my way.

Thank you.

I'm watching you.

So don't try anything.

Alright? Transfer all blue alert key codes to Gael.

Anything else? That's it.


There is no longer an outbreak threat for the city of Los Angeles.

Kyle Singer, who is being held by Salazar's people, was not carrying the cordelia virus and turns out to be perfectly healthy, but we do know Salazar's organization has the virus, which means finding Ramon Salazar is our top priority.

Thank you for joining us, Gael.

If you're taking over for Michelle, be on time.


I was just saying from this moment on, we are focused on one thing only and that's finding Ramon Salazar.

Adam, where are we on that? Um, after Jack and Ramon ditched the chopper, we lost their trail.

- For all we know, they're still in L.


- Well, they won't be for long.

We suspect they're heading for the Mexican border.

We've contacted the Mexican government as well as Central American allies.

We're asking them to monitor all air quarters.

What about Chase Edmunds? I'm assuming that he's coming back here.

Don't assume anything.

Ramon, have a drink.

You're a free man.

Thank you.

Ramon Hello, Jack.

The party's going well.

I wanted you to know.

There's something else I want you to know.

For some reason, Hector wants you alive.

Maybe he wants to k*ll you himself.

Or maybe he wants to watch me do it.

I'm just not sure I can wait that long.

Ramon, Let's get back to the party.

Come on, the girls.

Sandra is waiting.

- Yeah? - Chase, this is Ryan Chappelle.

What are you doing? Trying to find Jack.

So is the rest of CTU.

Well, I may have a thread.

Tell me.

Jack and I back pocketed some of Hector Salazar's contacts That aren't on the books.

If you have any information, we'll pass it on to another field team, but I want you back here.

Ryan, there's no time for that.

As soon as Jack hands Ramon Salazar over to his brother, they're gonna k*ll him.

- Jack may already be dead.

- Well, I'm not stopping until I know for sure.

Chase, I want you back here now.

Why? Because I just found out Jack's been using heroin.

And since you're his partner, you must have known.

No, I had no idea.

I don't believe you.

I believe you've been covering for him all along.

Sir, the only thing that matters right now is finding Jack, and I can't do that from CTU.

If you even want a chance of keeping your job, you'll get back here now and debrief me on Bauer.

Do you understand? - Yes, I understand.

- Good.

- O'Brian.

- Chloe, is Kim up there? - No.

- Are your logs still lagging by six hours? Let me check.


I thought Kim was supposed to take care of that.

I don't know what Kim is doing.

I don't follow her schedule that closely.

Gael Are you going back to tech one right now? No, not right now.

Why? Uh I just need something from Kim.

It's cool.

I'll get her.

No, no, she's not there.

Yes, she is.

She's backing up logs.

She was, but Chappelle asked her to bring a mirror drive down to networking.

She'll be back in a few minutes.

What do you need? What do I need? I need to find Jack.

We're dead ending everywhere.

Kim's his daughter.

Maybe there's something we're overlooking she can help us with.

As soon as she gets back, I'll send her over, okay? Yeah, okay.

Gael, I had Adam transfer all my directories over to your system.

- You're good to go.

- Thanks.


Oh, hold on.

I want to go over the dispatches from Division.

There's 17 units out in the field.

They're trying to pick up Jack's trail.

And the other 12? Health services, LAX Umm hold on, let me pull up the rest for you.

This is the matrix I used to balance resources.

I'll transfer it to you.

Is Tony out of surgery? Yeah.

Is he going to be okay? Hope so.

- Dessler.

- Michelle, is Gael still with you? - Yeah.

Why? /- I can't get into tech one.

- I'm having trouble with the access code.

Did you change the access codes to tech one? No.

Why? What's going on? - Adam can't get in.

- What does he need? - What do you need, Adam? - I'm looking for Kim and she was in there.

- Did you try calling her? - There's something wrong with the phone.

Can you override the door? Cause it's tweaked.

Yeah, sure.

- What are you doing? - Overriding the access code.

Probably something wrong with the keypad.

Okay, I'm resetting it to 1-2-3-4.

It'll take 15 seconds to sync, though.


Okay, I'm sending everything related to the virus over to volume A.

Where do you want the Salazar file? Kim? Oh, my god, Kim! - Kim? - Adam, it was Gael.

Section 5 is clear.

I have a visual of the subject.

Section 5.

Block him off on the other side! Get down here! Come on! Section 7.

I'm blocking down the east corridor.

I do not have a visual on the subject.

I repeat.

I do not have a visual on the subject.

Please advise.

We need a doctor on section 7.

I repeat! The east corridor! Put it down, put it down! Don't do it.

Put it down, now.

Gael! Don't get in my way, Michelle! External security is already in position.

You're not going anywhere.

You take one step outside, you know exactly what will happen.

Yeah, okay, I will.


What did they say? They haven't found Jack Bauer yet.

Not even sure if he's even still in the city.

He's not in the city.

His plan was to take Ramon Salazar back to his brother to prevent the outbreak.

That's what he's going to do, even if it costs him his life.

You know, David, that's probably true, but there's nothing we can do about that now.

Our intelligence and military services are working overtime on that front, so let them do their job.

We, unfortunately, have other fires to put out.

David, I'm sorry about Ted and the debate.

I don't want to hear it.

It's not your fault.

I was the one that told you to stand up to him, but maybe I was wrong, maybe you should have just paid him off.

You were not wrong.


President we have a lot of work to do.

I still can't believe Gael could be a traitor.

Has he said anything? We haven't gone in yet.

We're sweating him first.

Listen, Ryan, Tony's out of surgery.

I want to be there when he wakes up.

And I need you here.

We just uncovered a mole.

We don't know how badly we've been compromised by Salazar.

But you're handling that.

Anything that spills over, you can give to Chloe.

Chloe's a pain in the ass.

She can do it, at least until I get back.

Fine, if you think you're dispensable.

I just want to be with my husband.

All right.

Thank you.

All right, let's do this.

You had us, Gael.

Now we have you.

Were you working alone, or does Salazar have other moles inside? You know Johnson.

You know what Johnson does.

And you know that sooner or later, you're going to tell me what you know.

The only question is how hard you make this on yourself.

Kim says you were monitoring a plane that had Jack Bauer on it.

Is that true? I have nothing to say.

If it's the last thing you ever do, you're going to tell me where that plane is landing.

What is it, Ramon? Don't you like the girls? Tell me again why Hector wants Bauer alive.

I don't know.

He didn't say, but But but nothing.

Every Time Bauer takes a breath, he's an insult to me.

I spent three months in prison because of his betrayal.

I know, Ramon, and I'm sure that Hector feels the same way.

Then he won't mind.

Ramon, no! Are you giving me an order, Tomas? Ramon, I work for you and your brother.

I love and respect both of you.

Hector instructed me to keep Bauer alive until the plane lands.

And I'm instructing you to sit down.

Why won't you honor the one wish of your brother, who arranged for your escape today? In less than an hour, I am sure that you will get your revenge on Bauer.

We'll see.

Pour me another drink.

Yes, Ramon.


I'm not supposed to talk to you, Jack.

Fine, then listen.

I risked my life getting Ramon out of prison.

You put him in prison.

Pedro, I need to tell Ramon something it's important before he gets too wasted.

You know what he's like.


Got drunk one time¡¦ threw some guy off a plane.

Keeps going like this, you might be landing before we do.

- For god's sakes, listen to me.

- No, you listen to me.

I'm not talking to you.

You're a dead man.



Jack, quit screwing around, Jack.


Bottom line is, I think we can explain the national security issue that pulled you off stage, but the allegation against Ann is going to be a lot harder to handle.

Her ex-husband clearly had his own agenda.

And it shouldn't be difficult to prove that he's a liar.

I understand that, but this is dirty laundry, and we both know the public wants to hear it, and unless you can offer the public something definitive Ann is going to hurt you.

Jerry's right.

Listen, David.

I'm your brother, I'm your advisor and I do have some perspective on this thing.

Now, do you want to hear it? Yes, I want to hear it.

- Distance yourself from Ann.

- Oh, Wayne Before you shut me down, just hear me out.

You used up the public's goodwill with Sherry.

They don't want to hear about you being involved with someone else who's not trustworthy.

You have got to respect the people who voted for you.

Oh, excuse me.

Hello? Ann, it's me, Ted.

We need to talk.

About what? What could you possibly have to say to me? After what you have done, I can't believe you have the audacity to call.

- I'm sorry - Well, that's great.

Now everything's all right.

That's why I called.

Because I want to make it right.

How? How can you possibly undo the damage you've done? Come up in my office.

Come up and I'll explain everything.

I'm not coming over there.

Ann, listen to me.

I have some documents that will prove your innocence.

What kind of documents? Letters and memos.

Please? This is how I want to do it.

I want to give them to you personally.

I promise I won't make a scene.

- I'll send someone over to get them.

- No! Now, we agree it's my way, or I swear I'll burn them right now.

All right, but you'd better not be wasting my time.

Simon, - we need to talk.

- Chase Edmunds.

Sorry, but I'm having dinner right now.

- What do you want? - I want information! - Are you crazy?! - What's going on? Rita, take the kids upstairs.

Everything will be fine.

What do you want? Ramon Salazar broke out of federal prison today.

He's gonna hook up with his brother, Hector.

I told you and your partner Bauer that I'm a legitimate accountant! I don't have any business dealings with the Salazars.

Simon, I did not come here to bust you.

And I am not leaving until I know where Hector is.

Do you understand me? I don't know where Hector is now.

He left Colombia over two weeks ago.

And he didn't tell you where he was going? No.

You're tied into his money flow, right? Yes.

Some of it.

Let's take a look.

Ramon, Hector is meeting us.

Just wait a few minutes.

Ramon, please.

Hector said Are you ready to die, Jack? Back up! Get back or I'll k*ll him! - Get back! - sh**t him, Thomas! sh**t him! If I die, he dies.

Is that what you want Hector to see when you get off this plane? Drop the weapons! Bajen.

Jack, there's no way out of this for you.

He's right.

My brother has an army out there.

We're not in your backyard anymore, Jack.

I'll worry about that.

You just take a seat.

Hey, ladies, don't worry.

Everything's under control.

The party will continue once we're on the ground.

The big American hero.

And what do you think, Jack? That Hector is not prepared for you, huh? Shut up.

Lo tienes? Okay.

Ven aca! Rapido,rapido! Come on! Get in the car! Why do you need so many people to pick up your brother? I want to be prepared when the plane lands.

- Prepared for what? - Whatever.

I haven't heard from Gael.

He should have checked in by now.

- So why don't you call Ramon's plane? - It's too risky.

The Americans are checking everything.

Mas! Armas! Come on! Rapido! Come on! I have to go, okay? Rapido! Come on.

Who else is working with you, Gael? Let me make something clear.

I would love nothing more than to hang you as a traitor and watch you jerk till you're dead.

But I'm a realist.

If there are others, tell me now and we might be able to cut you a deal.

Is that Hector? Adam, bring me a tracking node now.

Now! Hector Salazar's calling.

Kim, grab that laptop.

- Put the socket in C5, Kim.

- Got it.

Hurry up.

Okay, go.

One wrong word, I swear to god, I'll make you regret it.

- Hello.

- Where have you been? Busy.

I don't have a lot of time.

Where is Ramon? On his way to you.

Is he safe? Think so.

What about Bauer? - Don't know.

- What do you mean you don't know, huh?! What are doing there? They put me on something else.

They're watching me.

Call me when you have something.


Did we get it? No.

Damn it.

How you doing? You scared the hell out of me.

I know.

I'm sorry.

How's he doing, doctor? We couldn't have hoped for better results.

He should be on his feet in a few days.

When can he come home? Probably tomorrow.

I just want to keep an eye on him.

Make sure he stays stable.

Listen, uh, doctor.

Could we have a couple minutes, please? - Of course.

- Thanks.


Yeah? Did the President let Salazar out of prison? No.

No, Jack broke him out.

We think he did it so the President wouldn't have to make the hard choice.

- Did he get away? - Yeah.

I have to talk to Gael right away.

What? - Gael? - Yeah.

What, something happen to him? Tony, Gael's been working for the Salazars.

How do you know that? He was using tech one to monitor Salazar's escape.

And then when we found out, he tried to run.

Where is he now? He's still at CTU.

Chappelle and Johnson are questioning him.

No, honey, where are you going? You have to get me over there right now.

No, you're not going anywhere.

Doctor, doctor! Doctor! Mr.

Almeida, what are you doing? Look, I have to get out of here, all right? You can release me to CTU medical if you want.

I can't do that.

All right, look, look! If you're worried about liability, my wife will sign me out.

Look, Michelle, if I ever needed you to trust me, it's now.

You see, these are the bank transfers that he made from his account in Bogota.

They stopped two weeks ago.

Follow the money.

Where did it go? Some of it to a bank account here in L.


A David Gomez.

Yeah, we already know about that.

What else? - That's interesting.

- What? $720,000 deposited.

I've never seen this account.

Where is it? Banco del Oeste.

It's in a town in Mexico.

- Las Nieves.

- Okay, look out.

That's got to be it.


We're done? - Not quite.

- What else? You have a private plane, don't you? Yes.

Clear it for takeoff.

Hey, Kim.

Hey, Chloe.

Did he hurt you? Gael, I mean.


It's crazy.

I mean, he's been here, what, two years and the CIA, five before that¡¦ how does someone like that end up a t*rror1st? I don't know, Chloe.

Listen I want to tell you that I don't think your dad's a bad person.

If I ever said anything to offend you, I'm sorry.

It's okay.


There, I've said it.

- Hello? - Kim, it's me.

Are you alone? Hold on.

Where are you? Chappelle ordered you back here.

Yeah, he did, but listen.

I'm not coming back until I find your father.

How are you gonna do that? I just found out where Hector Salazar is.

Small town in northern Mexico Calledlas Nieves.

I'm sure Jack's taking Ramon there now.

No, Chase, it's the other way around.

- Ramon's taking my dad.

- How do you know that? There was a video feed and I saw it.

They knocked my dad out and dragged him onto a plane.

Well, wait, wait a minute.

A video feed, Kim? I don't understand.

Gael, has been working for the Salazars.

He's been watching everything through Gael? Yes, Gael has been helping the Salazars this whole time.

Was Gael talking? I don't know.

Chappelle's got him now, but I don't know if they're getting anywhere.

I haven't heard anything.

Okay, Kim, CTU has been compromised.

You cannot tell anyone you've talked to me, okay? - What about Chappelle? - Especially not Chappelle.

You cannot go in there alone.

Hector's gonna have an army down there.

No, I will call for backup when the time's right.

I need to hear you promise, you're not gonna tell anyone you talked to me.

I don't know, Chase.

Think about it.

Don't do this to us, Kim.

- There's too much at stake.

- I'm not doing anything to us.

This is about your life¡¦ and my dad's.

Look, I know what this is about, damn it.

Just listen to me.

I have to go dark.

There's no time to argue about it.

Just do this.


Be careful, Chase.


Kim! So, tell me, tough guy, what's the plan? You'll know soon enough.

Come on, we're interested.

Tell the girls.

So you think you're going to land the plane and arrest Hector.


Even the great Jack Bauer can't take 50 men by himself.

Oh, I got it.

You're gonna drop me off, turn the plane around.

Hey, but wait.

You are a criminal in America.


So where will you go? I don't think a third-world country will suit you.

I think that's called a dilemma, Jack.

Shut up.

Adam Where's Chappelle? He's with Gael.

Where? Interrogation 820.

Let's go.

What the hell's going on? I don't know.

Talk to me, you son of a bitch.

Get the door.

Johnson, that's enough.

- Almeida, what are you doing here? - Get him out of the room.

Why? Trust me, Ryan.

Get him out of the room.

You, too, Ryan.

What? I got to talk to Gael by myself, all right? Just trust me on this one.

Michelle, what's going on? Look, I don't care what's going on between you two.

I'm not going anywhere.

I'm staying right here.

Ramon?! Ramon?! Where is Ramon? Where's my brother?! k*ll him.

k*ll Bauer.

Do you hear me? What are you doing, Jack? Your brother tried to k*ll me on the plane! Why all the g*ns?! This is not what we talked about.

Ibajen sus armas! I was worried.

Gael wasn't sure you were on the plane.

Go see your brother.

Hi, brother.

I'm so glad to see you.

What's going on? I don't understand.

I'll tell you all about it in a minute.

I promise.

Good job, Jack.


We have a lot of work to do.

What are you doing, Hector? Come.

I'll explain everything.

- He's in.

- What are you talking about? - Who's in? - Jack.

- What?! - Gael and I have been working with Jack.

We've been trying to get him back undercover with the Salazars.

That signal means he's back in.

I don't understand.

I'll explain everything.

Right now we got to call the President.
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