03x17 - Day 3: 5:00 a.m. – 6:00 a.m.

Episode transcripts for the TV show "24". Aired: November 6, 2001 to July 14, 2014.*
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Counterterrorism agent Jack Bauer fights the bad guys of the world, a day at a time.
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03x17 - Day 3: 5:00 a.m. – 6:00 a.m.

Post by bunniefuu »

Previously on 24.

How much of the virus was released? Enough to k*ll everyone in the building Did you plant any other vials? My assignment was the hotel So there are others.

- Yes, eleven Alvers planted a vial containing the cordilla virus in the ventilation system It went off as Gael was trying to disarm it No one can be allowed to leave the building We have to impose a total quarantine If these people realize what's going on, there will be widespread panic.

They are lying to us.

It's inside the building.

Keep away from the doors.

Stay back.

If you try to leave, I will sh**t you No, you won't He knows who you are, Jack Who knows who I am? Don't presume to tell me about Jack Bauer.

That's what he said If you go against him, you're a dead man.

This is Bauer.

Hello Jack.

I knew you were better than Amador, but you are not better than me.

I need you to put me in touch with a friend of yours.


President, the man in possession of the Cordilla virus has demanded to speak with you.

You are no longer in control of your country, and if you do not use the full power of your office to execute my wishes the virus will be released, and it will be impossible to stop.

The following takes place between 5:00 am and 6:00 am.

Everybody, stay calm.

Stay calm and quiet Look, outside! I want to make one thing clear right now No one leaves this building until further notice In a moment, I will get on the intercom and explain why I need absolute quiet and absolute cooperation.

It reaches the entire hotel? Yes This is federal agent Michelle Dessler In order to survive what's happened, you will need to listen carefully, and follow my instructions.

As most of you already know, an infectious substance has been released in the building and the hotel has been quarantined.

Anyone attempting to leave will be stopped by any means necessary.

If you are in your room, stay there.

If you are anywhere else, return to your room immediately.

Medical assistance will arrive shortly, and be given to anyone who requires it.

The first priority is to go back to your room and stay there.

Thank you.

Ok, folks, you heard the announcement.

Let's make our way back to the elevators.

The elevators are back in operation.

This way, people.

In an orderly fashion, please.

Make your way to the elevators.

Oh, God.

Danny? Danny, oh, no Oh, oh, God Who did this? Who k*lled him? You? You are a federal agent.

You were supposed to protect him Get your hands off me You are going to have to calm down.

I am sorry, but this is just going to make things worse.

You were supposed to protect him Yes, this is Bauer Agent Bauer, Please hold for the president.

Jack Mr.

President The man I spoke to,the one who controls this virus Why did he use you to get to me? I wish I could answer that, sir.

He says he knows me, but right now we haven't been able to ascertain a positive identification.

The only thing I can tell you for certain is that within the last hour, he was in Los Angeles.


He made it clear that he intends to use the threat of releasing this virus to control me and through me the entire apparatus of our national government.

Obviously, we can't let that happen.

I understand, sir.

Find him, Jack We are doing everything we can.

I will keep in touch Thank you With Amador dead, we've got two leads left.

First, whoever this guy is, he says he knows me.

Second, he knows Alvers.

The guy who planted the virus at the hotel? That's right.

I want you to call Tony.

Tell him to get Alvers to give us a physical description as detailed as possible then I want to cross check with the personnel in my service file.

Bauer says he doesn't know who this man is.

But he knows Bauer.


David, how is that possible? I don't know, Wayne, all I know is, they're doing everything they can to find this man Did he give Bauer any indication of what he wants? No.

But he controls enough of the virus to wipe out a significant portion of this country's population.

So, whatever he wants, we don't have much choice but to give it to him At least for now.

Make sure all the exits are sealed off.

I just checked a few minutes ago.

Well, check again.

You don't have to keep me busy, agent Dessler.

I am not going to panic.

I know you won't.

I appreciate all the help you have given me.

I'd just like to know the truth.

Is everyone in this hotel going to die? Not everyone.

A few will be immune to the virus.

But most of us.

What are the chances of survival? I don't know.

I will let you know as soon as I do.

Thank you Dessler Hey, it's me The perimeters are set.


Things are under control right now, but a panic is still possible as more people start showing symptoms.

Yeah, we have to be ready for that especially since the incubation period of the virus is so much shorter than we thought it was.

How are you doing? I am fine so far.

I just¡­ What? Things go crazy.

I had to sh**t a man He was trying to get out of the hotel.

He is dead.

Michelle, you did what you had to do, the only thing you could have done.

You need to stay focused, all right? I know, I am All right, there's something we need you to do.

We need you to find out if Alvers ever saw the man that hired him.

We need a description as detailed as possible.

I am on it.

I will call you right back.

Come on, everyone, move it I am bleeding You don't look too bad so far.

We had a deal I told you what I knew.

You'd k*ll me when I start showing symptoms.

You haven't told us everything you know.

What are you talking about? The man you work for, what's his name? He's never told me his name.

I am dying, I have nothing to gain by lying about it.

When was the last time you saw him? Three hours ago, at a Go parlor in Chinatown.

Tony, I am with Alvers.

We are ready, go ahead.

I want a description.

Mid 30s, Caucasian, about six-one, black hair, brown eyes, lean, no facial hair.

He speaks with a British accent.

You got that? Yeah, we got it.

How long is this going to take? Once the parameters are in, not long.

I just need to cross reference it with personnel that Jack has worked with in the past.

All right, Jack, we uploading the photos for the suspects.

You should have a visual Copy that.

No¡­ No¡­No¡­ He is not there Are you sure? Of course I am sure.

Tony Yeah, I heard We are going to have to widen the search parameters.

The accent might be a mislead.

Maybe he is not even British.

If we drop that parameter, the database will increase by a factor of almost 50.

That's 750 possibilities.

And a fair number of those are missing reliable visuals.

In other words, no head sh*ts.

Tony Yeah, Jack What are the parameters for the search outsisde of accent and appearance? As wide as we could make them.

All living males Change that Change living? Yeah, change it to presumed dead Copy that No¡­ No¡­ There.

That's him Tony, Tony, that's him Jack, you know this guy? My god Jack? Yeah, I know him His name is Stephen Saunders British intelligence lent him to CTU for a mission in Kosovo The one that target Victory Drazen Yeah I was the only one to get out, five other died including Saunders At least that's what I thought I was obviously wrong Tony, I am going to have to get back to you I need a few minutes to think this through Jack, hurry.

Son of a bitch The situation at the hotel seems to be under control.

Now SWAT is in place.

NHS is there, and will start the testing procedures soon.

Any sense that the press has picked up on this? No, David, not so far.

But they are bound to before long.

Containing the virus is crucial, but containing the story that it was released in the hotel is just as important.

If the story breaks, we'll need a plausible cover.

I will work up some scenarios.

Don't use the term ¡°Cordilla Virus¡±.

People have never heard of it, and the unknown creates more fear.

Say it's similar to Legionaire's Disease.

People are familiar with that, and they know it was handled successfully.

Ok Mr.



President Please Thank you Thank you very much Mr.

Palmer What's homeland security's assessment? Sir, we believe the threat level should be raised to red.

Do it.

What about domestic air travel? It is our suggestion that flights be grounded and airports be closed.


President, if your concern is to avoid panic, stopping air traffic might have the opposite effect.

That's better than allowing a widespread release of the virus.

If you shut down those airports, you won't be able to explain it away with Legionnaire's Disease.

We are talking about security issues, Mr.

President, we are not talking about public relations.

And how the public relates to this is a security issue.


President, we'd also advocate shutting down interstate rail and bus traffic in the interest of Listen.

Whoever has these vials could already be in their cars.

Now, we can't shut down every single highway.


President Gentleman Alert the airlines to a possible nationwide shutdown, but wait for my authorization.

Yes, sir.



President, I have a call on one.

One moment, please.

Thank you.



Thank you, Mr.


It's him Okay, that's it here we go, start the trace.

Put the call through, please.

Yes Sir, right away.


President? Yes It's time for your first assignment, a very simple one, but one necessary to our future relationship.

We don't have a relationship.

No, you don't negotiate with t*rrorists.

Well, I don't negotiate with heads of state, so just do as you are told.

Across the street from your building is a mailbox.

Have the secret service open it.

Inside is a package wrapped in black paper.

Have them bring it to you within 10 minutes.

I am not doing anything until you tell me exactly who He didn't stay on long enough Probably knew we were going to try and trace the call.

Send secret service to pick up the package.

All right, David, but it's going to have to be screened for expl*sives and the virus.

Then do it.

Just make sure it's back here in 10 minutes.

All right.

His file is still inactive.

There is no evidence that shows he surfaced after Kosovo.

So, for the past 10 years, he has been letting everyone think he was dead.

I don't think so.

No, if he survived, he'd have been captured and sent to one of their prisons for years.

Jack, if the mission had failed, maybe he was the reason.

He could have betrayed the team, pretended to be k*lled, and gone over to the other side.

You don't know Saunders.

He was a patriot.

Something else happened to him.

Who're you calling? MI-6 Operations.

This is Jack Bauer, I need to speak with Trevor Tomlinson, please One moment.

Hello, Jack Trevor, has CTU brought you up to speed on Stephen Saunders? Yeah, we have got his file up now.

There's no indication that he is still alive.

Trust me, he is.

You are going to want to do a complete forensic protocol search.

That's being done as we speak.

Do you think London would have any additional data? On something like this, no.

It's local.

Ok, one more thing.

He's going to want to deal with people he knows, people he trusts.

See if you can do a quick search on all his past contacts.


Most of them have gone dark or they are confirmed dead.

Oh, here is something.

A name: Diana White.

Ran a high class escort service in Los Angels in the late 80s Catered to diplomats, embassy employees, that sort of thing.

Apparently, she passed a great deal of intel to Saunders, and they became very close.

Even lived together for a while Is she still living in Los Angels? Yes, but she's been inactive in intelligence circles for some time.

Patch her file and every piece of information you are got on her through to my computer.

Thank you I'd like to begin testing the hotel staff.

It would be very helpful if you would go first.

All right.

Ok Name please? Michelle Dessler, CTU.

Here you go.

What's that? Ok, it's a nasal swab.

Every bit as reliable as a blood test, and it can be analyzed much more quickly.

How quickly? We should have the results in two hours.

Thank You.


Right over there.

Right over here, sir.

Sir, step over here.

It's alright, sir.

There's nothing to be worried about This phone is what was in the package from Stephen Saunders.

We scanned it.

It's clean.

Unfortunately, Mr.

President, it's built with what's called a sub-channel chip, designed to received a specific signal that can't be traced.

I understand.

Thank you, Aaron.

Yes, sir.

So this is the way he intends to communicate from now on.

And if we really can't trace the call We can't find him.



You are using your new phone.

Consider it our private line.

And, as you've no doubt been informed.

Don't bother trying to trace my calls.

What do you want? Within the next half hour, you'll hold a televised press conference.

About what? The space program, the price of wheat, it's entirely up to you.

But, at some point, you will use the phrase ¡°the sky is falling.

¡± Use it however you like, Mr.

President, but use it.

He wants me to call a press conference About what, it doesn't matter.

Just use the phrase ¡°the sky is falling¡± David, it's a signal of some sort.

Maybe for an attack, maybe for a wave of att*cks.

Maybe it's just a signal to show that he is in control.

Either way, you can't do it.

You can't give him that kind of power.

You saw what that virus does.

I read the file, yeah A thousand people are dying as we speak, Wayne.

Not just in a file, but in real life, right here in Los Angeles.

And David, I realize that, but the problem But if I don't do what this man says, it will be millions.

We have to buy some time and maybe CTU can find this maniac before things get out of hand.

Call a press conference.


She's there.

thank you.

I will let him know.

Diana White is at home.

Have we got anything new on her? Just more on the list of clientele she handled.

Foreign dignitaries, heads of state, even a high ranking member of the Vatican.

Most with a net worth over $20 million.

Well, her relations with Saunders make sense.

She give him the names of her clients, he blackmails them for information by threatening to reveal who they are.

You think that's how he got the money to finance his operation? I think that's how he financed part of it.

You knew Saunders.

You said he was a good soldier.

What do you think happened? To be honest with you, I don't know.

I still can't believe he survived the blast in Bosnia.

They must have captured him.

Otherwise, he would have resurfaced.

They would have put him in prison, tortured him for God knows how many years.

Now he's holding our government responsible.

But he was a British agent He was on loan to us.

It was a US operation.

No, we left him behind.

I left him behind.

Look, I know you were studying this virus even before it surfaced.

This isn't the same strain.

All right, maybe not exactly the same strain, but related, right? So you must have been working on a cure, a vaccine, or something.

Any research we have is based upon Look, I got a hotel full of people dying out there.

One of them is my wife.

So, don't tell me there is nothing you can do I wish there was.

I am sorry.


What did they say? Anyone infected.

It's a 100% mortality rate.

You know, today, when Michelle told Chappelle that I should stand down because of my wound I barely even spoke to her.

Look, Tony.

I can't tell you that I know what you are going through because I don't But if you need anything, I am here.

Kim, would you excuse us? Of course, here's the file.


Have you cleaned those shared files with Division yet? No, I didn't get to it yet.

I had to take care of something Yeah, I know what you were doing, Tony.

You were calling about Michelle.

She is my wife, Ryan.

I understand that.

But we're shorthanded as it is.

We can't afford Look, I know how to do my job, all right? Yes, but you are not doing it.

You have to move on.

Move on? What are you acting like she is already dead? Yes, I am And so should you.

We're at w*r.


I need your full attention.

If you can't give it to me, go home or maintain a vigil at the hotel.

But if you stay here, I need you to focus.

And the best way to do that is to assume the worst, and make it about getting revenge.

Now, what's it going to be? Are you staying or not? What do you need? I have been hunting for any bank accounts Amador may have used over the past few months on the computer we confiscated at the Go club.

If I can find something, maybe we can follow the money trail back to this Stephen Saunders.

It's offshore or domestic? Both If I find anything suspicious, I will stream it to you.

Coordinate with Division on a substrata overlay.

All right you got it Thanks, Tony Yeah.

Don't fire.

I am a federal agent.

So what? You are in my house.

Don't sh**t.

I just want to show you my identification.

What do you want? I need to talk to you about Stephen Saunders.


Put the g*n down.

You first.

Ok I am gonna put my g*n down.

Just take it easy.

Step out from behind there.

Ok, I am coming out.

Just take it easy.

Stay calm I just want to talk to you.

Now we can talk.

Do you mind if I get dressed first? Go ahead Tell me about you and Saunders.

Stephen always told me he'd protect me.

I was young and stupid and I believed him.

When the work turned ugly, he left me hanging.

What kind of work? It's a figure of speech.

We know you acquired intelligence for Stephen Saunders through your girls.

I provided a service for wealthy men.

How long do you think that would have lasted if I betrayed their confidences? So you're denying that you worked for him.


I don't believe you.

I don't care.

You will.

Come on.

Chase, call Tomlinson.

Tell him we are bringing Diana White in for questioning.

I am not going anywhere without a lawyer.

You are not under arrest.

I am taking you in to MI-6, where you will be interrogated by an agent of a foreign government.

Your constitutional rights no longer apply.

Let's go.

Have you seen Gael? He doesn't have much time left.

So fast Is he in a lot of pain? Michelle, you know the pathology of this virus.

I want to see him.

I wouldn't advise that.

If I have been infected, I have been infected.

There's nothing anyone can do.

That's not what I meant.

Do me a favor Anything Contact my family, and tell them that I love them.

Tell them that I have died quickly.

No pain.

Of course.

Gael I was raised to believe su1c1de is a sin.

No one could blame you, in this world or the next, for ending your suffering.

Are you so sure about that? A few seconds more, that's all I needed.

You know when I was trying to stop the cylinder from exploding I hesitated, just a moment, because I was afraid.

Then I forced myself to move forward.

If only I hadn't hesitated, this might not be happening to me, or to all those poor people upstairs.


Gael, you did everything you could.

I am proud to have worked with you.

You're one of You are one of the bravest men I have ever known.

And I will make sure that your wife and children know that.

Homeland security has raised the threat level to red.

Now, they are in constant contact with the FBI, set to move if ¡°the sky is falling¡± should trigger any kind of suspicious activity.

Is the FAA set to ground flights and close the airports? David, I think that's an overreaction.

That was not my question.

Yes Ladies and gentlemen, the President of the United States.

Please, be seated.

Good morning.

I know the hour is unusual, but so are the times in which we live.

As a result of intelligence on t*rror1st activity gathered by the office of homeland security and other agencies, I am announcing that a threat level red exists throughout the United States.

Therefore, I am ordering the grounding of all domestic and international air traffic, and the closing of airports.

I am not taking this action because the sky is falling, but I'd rather be overprotective than underprepared.

And as always, diligence and calm are your best weapons against the insidious nature of the enemy.

And God willing, we and all those who love freedom will remain safe and secure.

Thank you Mr.

President, can I have a question, please? Excuse me, excuse me.

This is not a Q and A session.

The president has made a statement, and he has nothing more to add.

Thank you very much One moment.

Maybe a couple of questions.




Is the United States currently under attack? This is a preventive measure.

What are you preventing, sir? And do you think the American public will accept the grounding of air traffic based on the rather vague justification you have just given? The exact nature of the threat is something I can't go into at this time.

Hello, Jack.

Trevor, this is my partner, Chase Edmunds.

Chase Edmunds, Trevor Tomlinson And this is Ms.

Diana White.



We've done some additional checking.

She is the registered owner of the address in Chinatown where Saunders was last seen.

But I haven't seen him.

You might want to think that through, Ms.


Do you think he'd put himself on the line like this for you? We've begun vetting the raw data we collected on Saunders.

You sent it off to London yet? No.

It's still in our system downstairs.

London wants us to get as far as we can before transmitting.

Get down Chase, are you hit? I got it in the vest.

Cover me.

Trevor, the Saunders computer file.

What server did you store it on? A5 We have got to get down to the computer room.

Use the stairs.

Go There's no way that Saunders took out this entire place just to k*ll Diana White.

MI-6 has information in their systems that doesn't exist anywhere else in the world.

We need to get it.

I'll get the door.

Room is clear.

Check him out.

Chase What? We got a b*mb How much time? None.

You got to go now.

Go now! Jack, I am not leaving you.

Get out of here It's an order.

Go now.

I got it.

Go, go, go.

Almeida Tony, it's me Gael is dead He was suffering so badly.

No one should have to go through what he did.

Tony, there are children upstairs who are going to die in agony in front of their parents' eyes.

Michelle, unfortunately, there's nothing we can do for them right now.

Actually, there is.

Field Ops has a supply of capsules.

Those capsules are for field agents that are captured.

Yeah, I know what they are for.

They are for committing su1c1de to prevent t*rture, and that's exactly what they'd be used for here.

We can make them available to anyone who's symptomatic.

It will be their choice.

You know I am not authorized to do that.

I am not interested in what's authorized.

Michelle, you are talking about mass su1c1de facilitated by an agency of the government.

I am talking about common decency.

If you could have seen Gael I am calling because¡­ if it was me if I am infected, You know what I want.

We don't have much time.

Gael was the first to die because he was the first exposed, but others won't be far behind.

I will see what I can do.

Thank you Mr.

Chappelle, line 2 Chappelle Ryan, it's Jack.

Almost the entire MI-6 office has just been wiped out.

What? They took out a woman that we believe had recent contact with Saunders.

They also took out most of their personnel, including Tomlinson, which means that Saunders has a much larger organization in Los Angeles than we had thought.

But it also makes them more visible, easier to find.

Have you got anything yet? I don't know.

I am trying to follow the money trail.

I have narrowed it down to a few dozen offshore banks, but it's going to take some time.

Ok, look, one of the things that Saunders was trying to destroy was all the information that MI-6 had gathered on him.

I managed to retrieve the hard drive that has stored that information.

I need you to call London, get their protocols and I want you to assemble a team that's ready to start striping data off of this thing as soon as I get back.

All right, I will put Chloe on it right away.

Ok The su1c1de capsules for the people down at the hotel.

It's going to get pretty bad down there.

It's against every regulation in the book.


Do it.

I've been trying to call Pack, but there's no answer.

He's dead.

So is Young.

Taken out in the MI-6 operation.

And Bauer? He and his partner got out before the expl*si*n.

But the hard drive was completely destroyed? Completely.

What about Diana? Dead I will miss her There is one more thing There have been some inquiries made about the bank in Cayman.

By whom? They're coming from CTU.

A man named Ryan Chappelle.

I know Chappelle.

Apparently, he's quite good at following money trails.

Is he? Carry on.

I will tell the president.

What is it? There was just an attack on the L.


office of MI-6.

Jack Bauer was there at the time.

Is he all right? Yes.

He's on his way back to CTU.

Any indication that the attack was triggered by what I said at the press conference? David, we don't know what triggered the attack.

So it could have been what I said.

How was the attack carried out? By helicopter, and 2 men inside.

All right, so they have to land it somewhere.

I want FAA to coordinate with homeland security and border patrol.

Right away, Mr.


What? I enjoyed your press conference, Mr.


It's good to know the sky's not falling.

What do you want? To give you your next assignment.

A sort of preliminary action to clear the decks before the main event to come.

There's a man named Ryan Chappelle.

Regional director of CTU.

Yeah, what about him? I want him k*lled.

What? At 7:00am.

Have his body delivered to the train yard downtown just off the main line.

It's out of the question.

What a shame.

Before you decide, you might want to drop by the Chandler Plaza Hotel.

Take a good look at what's happening.

Then imagine the same event taking place at hundreds of locations all over the country.

You are insane.

What does he want? David?
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