03x19 - Day 3: 7:00 a.m. – 8:00 a.m.

Episode transcripts for the TV show "24". Aired: November 6, 2001 to July 14, 2014.*
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Counterterrorism agent Jack Bauer fights the bad guys of the world, a day at a time.
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03x19 - Day 3: 7:00 a.m. – 8:00 a.m.

Post by bunniefuu »

Previously on 24.

Tony, its me.

We have a problem.

We just determined a man who was exposed to the virus got out of the hotel Son of a bitch.

Howd that happen? He must have slipped out right before we reinforced the perimeter.

Its likely he had no idea had been exposed.

If we dont find this guy before he becomes symptomatic, we might be looking at an outbreak.

What do you want? To give you your next assignment.

There is a man named Ryan Chappelle, regional director of CTU.

I want him k*lled.

This man Saunders has proven that he will use this virus to inflict mass casualties if you dont do what he says.

How long am I supposed to let him hold this country hostage? Until we catch him.

Saunders called in with another demand.

What does he want now? He wants you k*lled.

Hes threatened to release the virus into the main population unless we deliver your body by 7:00 a.


My god, jack He has proven he will use the virus.

The president didn't have a choice.

Ryan, I think we found Saunders.

apartment not far from here.

Chase is leading a strike team over there now.

Good, Jack.

No one is here.

Saunders, why are you doing this? Even if I told you, you wouldnt understand.

A van will be arriving shortly.

Leave Chappelles body with the driver.

I am sorry, Ryan, we got to do this.

Get on your knees.

I am sorry we let you down, Ryan.

God forgive me.

The following takes place between 7:00 am and 8:00 am.

He is clean.

There is no tracker.

If you try to follow us, Saunders will release the virus.

Wayne Palmer.

This is Jack Bauer Chappelles body has just been picked up by Saunders' people.

Thanks Jack.

Ryan Chappelle is dead I ordered the death of one of our agents, one of our finest.

As unthinkable as that was, I had to buy some time in order to protect civilian lives.

I will not cave in to any more of this t*rrorists demands.

David, unfortunately we are vulnerable as long as Saunders has his virus and is willing to release it.

So far, over 700 people have been infected, and they're all gonna die.

Now, unless you are willing to accept more loss of life, I dont know what else we can do.

He has us in a corner, David.

Convene the Cabinet.

Yes sir.

What did you find? We worked up the money trails that Chappelle had on his system.

Stephen Saunders has been sending $10000 a month to his daughter Jane.

He has a daughter? Yes.

Right here on the screen.

She is 19, she lives in Santa Barbara.

She goes to school there.

All right, find out where she is now.

Call Santa Barbara PD (Police Department), make sure they are on standby.


Tony, its Jack.

Jack, what happened? Chappelle is dead.

Saunders people picked up his body.

black van, no plates.

All right, look, I will see if we can SAT track it.

I already put Adam on it.

Do we have any idea why Saunders wanted Chappelle dead yet? I was just about to call you.

We found a thread that Chappelle was working up on his own.

Looks like Saunders has a daughter.

A daughter? Yeah, the money trail Chappelle was following leads to a Jane Saunders.

What do we know about her? We are still digging up information.

We know she is 19 years old, she goes to school in Santa Barbara.

Is she still there? Yeah.

I was just about to call the Santa Barbara office to have her picked up.

Wait, Tony, Tony, dont.

Thats not the right play.

Why not? Think about it.

We dont know anything about this girl.

We dont know if she even knows who her father really is.

And obviously Saunders is going to everything he can to protect his daughter.

So someone is watching her.

If you want to grab her for questioning, you are going to have to do it without him knowing.

Which means we have to conduct a plain sight swap, switch her out with one of our own agents.

Jack, I dont know that we have the time.

We are going to have to find an agent that looks like the girl within the next half hour.

Right now Saunders is calling all the sh*ts.

If we dont do something soon, we are going to be completely paralyzed.

All right, I will get started.

Chloe, we need to find a Jan Saunders look alike.

I need you to abstract a physical description cross referencing with our CTU agents in regions 2 and 3.

Ok, when do you need it? Right now.

I just started the file on her.

Chloe, just do it for me, please.


Hey, its me.

Did you get the test results? I wont know if I am infected for another hour.

Whats taking so long? They couldnt interpret the result here.

They had to send everything back to the lab.

How are you feeling? I am, I think I am ok.

No nose bleeds? Nothing on your skin? No.

Look, NHS has everything under control here.

I want to keep busy.

How can I help? Adam is working on a citywide containment.

I will have him split off some of his workload on your system.

Open a socket, you can help with NHS deployment.

I will call you later, ok? Yeah, ok.

Michelle is still at the hotel.

I just told her youd send over some of your system updates for her to work on.

Ok, I will send them right over.

Where are we on this guy who escaped from the hotel? His name is Bill Cole, he is an insurance sales rep.

We contacted his wife by phone, but she wasnt being very cooperative.

We did manage to get from her that Cole came home unusually late and left early.

For work? Probably, but his office doesnt open for another half hour, so we are looking for him now.

NHS has just arrived and they will quarantine the house and test the wife.

Who are we sending over there? Chase.

He will be there soon.

Agent Bauer, I have the President for you.

Patch him through.

Jack Mr.

President Stephen Saunders, the man who is in control of the virus, you know him, correct? Yes sir.

I worked with him a number of years ago on a mission that you sanctioned.

The Drazen mission in Kosovo.

The last conversation I had with him, he said there would be other demands.

His exact words: the main event to come.

You have any idea what he means by that? I wish I could tell you, sir.

Right now Stephen Saunders is in a vengeful state of mind.

Any demands that he makes will be detrimental to American security.

What I am asking, Jack, is what will he do if I say no to him? Mr.

President, when I worked with Stephen Saunders, I never thought he was capable of mass m*rder.

Today we know he is.

He still has the virus.

If you dont meet his demands, sir, I believe that he will continue to release it.

Thank you, Jack.

Yes, Mr.


Here is the list you wanted of the top ten agents that could double as Jane Saunders.

None of these are in Los Angeles.

I know.

The closest is CTU San Francisco.

Did you put together a 2nd tier list? Yeah.

You sure this is right? Yeah, I double checked when I saw the results.

Kim Bauer.

Yeah, Kim, could you come up to my office, please Sure.


You are not thinking of using her? We dont have a choice.

Shouldnt you talk to Jack first? Chloe, I will take care of it, all right? Thank you.

Why dont you sit down.


Kim, we need to question Jane Saunders without her father knowing about it.

The problem is, we are pretty sure he has somebody watching her.


What do you need me to do? Well, you are the same age, similar body types, your facial fertures are different, but no so different that we couldnt disguise it from a distance.

You want me to pose as Jan Saunders.

Well, we have better matches, but they are too far away from this office.

So, the bottom line is, you are our best chance.

Now, we dont have much time.

We are still in the early stages of planning this mission, but if all goes according to plan, it shouldnt be too dangerous.

No, I am not going to order you to do this.

I know, and I know whats been going on today.

And if you had a better option, I know youd take it So, I am fine and I will do it.

You sure? Positive Chloe, I am leaving for Santa Barbara in a few minutes, so you are going to need to transfer all my stuff onto your system.

I know everything thats happening, I already pulled your data.


I think its only fair that I tell you.

I told Tony I didnt think you should do this.

Field work isnt learn as you go.

I am not doing this to be a field agent, Chloe, there is no one else.

Yeah, thats why I didnt fight Tony harder.

Not that he would listen to me anyway.

I am not so out of it that I dont know he doesnt respect my opinions on tactical matters.

Ok, look, I have to go.

Ok, I just wanted to let you know how I felt, and I want you to know that I am behind 110% I really hope nothing bad happens to you.

Listen, Chloe, are you coordinating this operation from inside? Of course.

Ok, maybe you should start prepping, because I bet there is about 2 dozen agents still waiting for comm.


I like your energy, Kim.

Use it.

Adam, could you send me a list of all the personnel working on the Jan Saunders operation? I cant do it right now, Chloe, I am monitoring Chase.

Did he find Bill Cole? Not yet, he is interrogating Coles wife.

This thing is out of control.

I already told the people on the phone that Bill isnt here.

I know, I know, but when he was here, did you notice anything out of the ordinary? Was he bleeding from the nose for instance? No, not that I saw.

What about rashes, skin irritation, anything of that sort? No.

Why would you think that hed be sick? He came in contact with some people who are sick at the Chandler Plaza Hotel.

When was he at the Chandler Plaza? Earlier this morning.

No, no, he wasnt.

He was with a client at the office.

He did it again, didnt he? That bastard did it again.

Maam Then I hope he did get something.

I hope that he dies.

Please, Mrs.

Cole, I need you Get out of here.

Get out of my way.


Cole Get out of my way Mrs.

Cole, you need to stay calm, because I cant let you leave.

Agent Edmunds Yeah One of my men just found this.

Where? Wastebasket in the bathroom.

Blood is tacky, which means its fresh.

Then Bill Cole is symptomatic.


I need you to contact every urgent care facility in a 30 mile radius.

Yes sir.

Excuse me.

I have had a nose bleed for about an hour.

I cant seem to stop it.

Did you put ice on it? Yeah.

Didnt do anything.

Try an ER, get it cauterized.

That will take too long.

I got to go to work.

We dont have anything here that will stop that.

All right.


Excuse me.

The swap will take place at the campus library.

She works there in the mornings.

This is a file of relevant personal data.

All right.

Chloe, where is Tony? He is in the teleconference room with Kim.

Why isn¡¯t she working the satellite track with you? Uh, you might want to talk to Tony about that.

When you get into the position, just act naturally Try to look up a place.

Hey, Jack.

What are you doing with Kim? Chloe came over a list of potential matches for Jan Sanders.

Good, so we have got one? Well, you are not going to like it.

It¡¯s Kim.

My Kim? I am not crazy about it either, but she is the only one that matched both physically and geographically.

You are not sending her into the field.

She can handle it, plus she has a safety net.

Find someone else, Tony.

Jack, you said yourself, we need to get Saunder¡¯s daughter without him knowing.

Kim is our best shot at doing that.

She is not doing it.

It¡¯s not up to you, it¡¯s her decision.


I will order her not to do it.

She doesn¡¯t work for you, Jack She works for me Don¡¯t Dad Get out of here.

Please don¡¯t do this, please Get out of here now.

Or I will throw you out myself.

Move Jack You talk it over with your father.

If we have to abort this, I want to know now.

I will be outside.

I know you think you are doing the right thing, but this is not going to happen.

Somebody has to do it.

Someone will, not you I am the best match You are not a field operative I have weapons training.

This is decoy work.

Saunders¡¯ people won¡¯t even come close to me.

Kim, you don¡¯t know what you are talking about.

If everything was to go right in this scenario, which is not a chance I am willing to take You are not taking it, I am The reason why you have got this job, the reason why I gave you this job is so that I an make sure you¡¯d be safe.

I took this job because I wanted it, not because you wanted me here.

I know that this is hard for you, but this is not your decision.

This is my job, better yet, my duty.

I am going to be safe, but I am doing it.

They are ready to go All set Ok, now as soon as we get there, they are going to deal with your hair and makeup.

Remember, we are not trying to fool anyone at close range.

You will be in a position where Saunders¡¯ people can only view you from a distance.


Is your comm.

unit getting a clear signal? Oh, it¡¯s fine.

Kim Yeah? This is a g*n I got for you.

I don¡¯t think you are going to have to use it, but if you do, don¡¯t hesitate.

Ok Come on, let¡¯s go Please be seated.

Thank you for assembling on short notice.

You have already been briefed on the Cordilla Virus that¡¯s now threatening our cities.

What you don¡¯t know is we have 2 new developments.


First, a vial of that virus has already been release.

The Chandler Plaza Hotel, here in Los Angeles, was the site of the first attack.

That situation is being addressed.

Secondly, we discovered the identity of the perpetrator.

His name is Stephen Saunders and he is a former MI6 agent.

Now, apparently, Mr.

Saunders has at least 11 more vials and is threatening to release them unless we meet his demands.


President, what are those demands? So far there have been 2.

The first was for the President to use the phrase ¡°the sky is falling¡± in a press conference.

He then demanded that we terminate one of our own agents.

One of our agents? Why? Well, we are still looking into that.

What was his response when you didn¡¯t comply? It devastates me to tell you that I had no choice but to comply.

A half hour ago, we delivered this agent¡¯s body to one of Saunders¡¯ representatives.

My God.

Millions of lives are at stake.

I am going to need each of your departments to open your files to CTU Los Angeles.

Give them whatever they need.

Tony, I am trying to get into some DOD files for Jack, I need authorization from Cahppelle.

When is he going to be back? He is not.

What do you mean? Could I have everybody¡¯s attention, please? I am sorry to tell you that, Ryan Chappelle was k*lled in the line of duty about a half an hour ago.

I can¡¯t give you any more details, but I will be assuming Ryan¡¯s responsibilities until we hear from Brad Hammond at division.

Now, there will be an opportunity to pay proper respects to Ryan, but now is not the time.

Tony, it¡¯s Chase on line 5.

Thanks Almeida.

Yeah, it¡¯s me.

I am at Cole¡¯s house.

We found evidence he is almost certainly symptomatic.

All right, how many people did he come in contact with over there? Just his wife.

NHS is moving her into isolation right now.

All right, I will let the teams know.

Tony, transfer me to Kim.

She was running a simulation for me.

Yeah, I gave that to Adam.

Kim is out on assignment right now.

What kind of assignment? Well, we are pretty sure that Saunders has his daughter under surveillance, so Kim is gonna take her place when we grab her.

Kim is not a field ops What the hell is she doing out there I don¡¯t want to hear about it, chase, all right? Kim was the only match we had available.

Tony, there is got to be other agents you can use for this.

What the hell are you thinking? No, there aren¡¯t Back off, Chase Where is she now? She is on her way to Santa Barbara with Jack.

Jack signed off on this? First of all, it¡¯s my call.

Secondly, yes, Jack did, but most importantly, Kim accepted the assignment.

Now, I am gonna transfer you over to Adam.


Look, I am sorry about what happened earlier about grabbing you.

I didn¡¯t mean to scare you.

I just don¡¯t think what you are doing is right.

But I need you to understand something in the field I am in command.

You do what I tell you to do.

Do you understand me? Do you understand me?? Yes Ok, good My nose has been bleeding for almost an hour, and I can¡¯t get it to stop.

All right.

Have a seat and fill this out.

How long will that take? There are a couple patients ahead of you, it shouldn¡¯t be too long Thanks TV: As to how serious this illness is, we have no new information and the authorities are not commenting.

We can¡¯t verify this but we are hearing that whatever is infecting the people of this hotel, it¡¯s very serious and possibly deadly.

Body bags have been spotted, and rescue workers are positioned around the Chandler Plaza.

Authority do not give any information regarding the estimated Hey One minute, sir.

No, now.

I need to see a doctor now.

I was at that hotel.

There is something seriously wrong with me Oh, my god, you are him Dr.


The man we are supposed to isolate, he is here Yes We have just identified the body And it¡¯s Chappelle? It's confirmed.

The thumbprint matched the one in his file.


Dump the body.

Yes, sir.

You take care of your problem? Yes, Chappelle is dead.

But CTU is still gonna try to find out what he was working up, so tell Lennox to stay alert, make sure he doesn¡¯t let Jan out of his sight.

Yeah Any problems? No.

She is leaving her apartment now.

She is going to work.

All right, stay with her.

The next few hours are crucial.

I will be here.


President, we have started down a slippery slope here, and unless we are Cut the euphemisms, Jeseph.

What are you trying to say? Sir, we are concerned about the fact that you ordered the death of a high ranking member of our intelligence I don¡¯t think we are here to second guess actions that have already been taken.

Joseph, no one is more aware than I am of the moral ambiguity of my decision.

I did it to buy CTU more time to find Saunders and to delay for as long as possible the slaughter of millions.

I made the decision to protect their future not mine Saunders.

I have to take this.

Yes I have confirmed the identity of Chappelle¡¯s body, Mr.


It will be disposed of respectfully.

We know who you are, Mr.


Whatever you are trying to accomplish, you are going to fail.

Your only chance is to relinquish the virus and hope we don¡¯t find you.

That¡¯s not going to happen.

What is it you want? To make America clean again.

You see, Mr.

President the world hates America and for good reason I won¡¯t bother going into the details, you know better than I the atrocities your nation commits.

But we are going to change all that.

You and I, together, are going to dismantle the military machine that exports its ugliness across the globe.

And how are we going to do that? We will start where the work gets the dirtiest, something I know a little about.

Covert foreign nationals.

In 32 countries across the Middle East and Asia, your government employs grade A through H intelligence consultants.

They are citizens of the countries in which they reside.

They are spies Working against those countries at the behest of the American military machine.

In 45 minutes, I want a list of their identities sent to me by way of a web site Sylviaimports.

com If you fail to cmply, I will release 2 vials of the virus in major cities.

And this time, they won¡¯t be in hotels where they can be contained.

Agent Bauer, Rachel Forrester.

This is Agent Kim Bauer.

She is gonna be doubling for Jana Saunders.

We have already set up a staging area outside the library where she works Is it a safe distance away? Yes, we won¡¯t be detected.

Is she there yet? No.

She will be in a few minutes.

Let¡¯s go ahead.

Let¡¯s go.

Make sure everybody on the block is contacted and nobody leaves their house.

Sheriff¡¯s department is sending officers over to patrol a 3 block area until they get here.

Use your men.

Excuse me.

Excuse me.


Yeah, we found Bill Cole.

- Where? - He is at an urgent care center not far from you.

Laurel Canyon and Moorpark Yeah, I know where that is.

I want you to get over there, get as much as you can off of Cole.

He is pretty agitated, you are gonna have to help him focus.

Tony Yeah Is Kim in play yet? No.

She just landed in Santa Barbara.

All right, I will call you.

Where is Jane now? My people have her under surveillance in the library working behind the reference desk.

How crowded? Well, one of them belongs to Saunders, and their orders are gonna be not let her out of their sight, not for one second.

I know.

We have taken over the surveillance cameras and we have narrowed down a list to about 5 probables.

Ok, get that intel over to Tony Almeida at CTU.

Ok, let¡¯s see her.

Ok, now remember, Kim You are not gonna fool anyone who knows Jane Saunders up close.

I know The staff knows what¡¯s happening But I want you to stay at least and I want you to keep your head down as much as possible.

the wig looks darker than Jan¡¯s hair color.

That¡¯s the best we could do on such short notice.

You are gonna have to match every detail as closely as possible, her life depends on it.


Cole, when you were inside the store, who did you come in contact with? What do you mean, contact? Who did you talk to? Just the pharmacist behind the counter.

How many others? Customers? Yeah, there were some other people there.

How many other people were there? Bill If we do not identify and track down everyone you have come in contact with, we are gonna have a citywide epidemic.

So how many people? I, I don¡¯t know Think! That¡¯s it.

We are now patched against security.

No audio from the system Nothing on B Go ahead, try six This screen go ahead isolate front desk Thank You Oh I am so sorry You are not supposed to have drinks in here.

I am sorry, I will throw it away.

It¡¯s ok Start tracking that man in the red shirt.

I want to know everything that he does.

Yes Sir.

Subject is on camera 4 right now.

I was just about to replace those.

Here you go.

Clear What the hell is taking her so long? Checking all surveillances now Nothing on 1, nothing on 2 Come on Sir, she came out from 4 Kim There is a man handing towards the bookcase at your 3 o¡¯clock, red shirt Might be one of Saunders¡¯ men.

I want you to angle away from him slowly.

Good We just got off the phone with Chase who is with Cole right now.

After Cole left the hotel, he went to his house in Burbank.

He stopped at a gas station on Riverside Drive But it was self service and according to what he told the urgent care unit what his wife confirmed, he didn¡¯t become symptomatic until after he got home.

The nose bleeds and the sweating? Right Here is where the ripple effect starts.

At 7:20, he stopped at a pharmacy and asked the pharmacist Sam Tyler for some medication to stoop the bleeding There were 3 other people inside that pharmacy at the same time Right.

One of them, Anne Schwartz.

She¡¯s has been going to the pharmacy for years, so they had her address on file.

We have sent NHS people to her house.

She has a husband and 3 children.

What about the other 2 customers? ID is unknown.

These people could be anywhere, spreading the disease to anybody they come into contact with It gets worse.

At the urgent care facility in Studio City there were 6 patients in the waiting area when cole came in, who left before the quarantine was put in place.

We are tracking them down But between then and the staff at the facility We could be looking at up to 75 people Just in their immediate families.

If any of these people are in a supermarket or a mall when they become symptomatic This thing is going to be impossible to contain.

We need to identify and find them now.

Also, I need you to coordinate with NHS and HazMat.

We have to set up a quarantine in 2 neighborhoods in the Burbank Studio City area.

Department heads report to Adam.

Looks good, everybody, it looks like this worked.

- Maintain monitering Kim.

Come get me if anything happens.

- I got it.

Thank you, good work What¡¯s going on? who are you? My name is Jack Bauer, I am a federal agent.

You are not in any danger What do you want? We need your help We need to get in touch with your father.

Then get in touch with him.

What do you need me for? We don¡¯t know where he is and we think you do.

What¡¯s this about? You don¡¯t know who your father really is.

First of all, I hardly know my father.

And whatever this is, I know it¡¯s illegal.

You have no right to keep me here.

Release me now, I haven¡¯t done anything wrong You¡¯d better listen to me very carefully, Jane.

Right now your father is engaged in t*rror1st activity against the United States of America.

This morning, he k*lled hundreds of people, and he is threatening to k*ll thousands more.

Now, I can only imaging how difficult this must be for you to believe, but trust me, you are going to cooperate with us.

There is a lot at stake, and there is not a lot of time.

I am not going to do anything.

I want to talk to a lawyer.

There is no lawyer.

There is just you and me.

I don¡¯t know anything about my father.

He comes into town twice a year.

I have dinner with him.

I don¡¯t even know where he lives.

How do you contact him? I don¡¯t.

He calls me.

You are lying to me, Jane.

I¡¯m not Don¡¯t try to protect him.

You are just going to get yourself in a world of trouble.

You are the one in trouble here.

You are the one breaking the law.

You think I am playing a game here with you? Hundreds of thousands of people¡¯s lives are on the line.

You have no idea how far I am willing to go to acquire your cooperation.

What are you threatening to do to me? Where is your father, Jane? I don¡¯t know! Where is your father? Somebody, help me, pleaase Jack What? Red shirt is approaching her desk.

What¡¯s going on? He¡¯s at the desk.

Kim, don¡¯t turn around.

Just stay where you are.

- Where the hell is the librarian? - Alice, get someone to the reference desk now Excuse me Just a minute I, I need some help with, finding a book Just one second - Ok, sweetheart, you are doing great.


- Jus stay calm, until we check this guy out.

Give me a close up on the gentleman in the red shirt at the desk Can I get some help here? I'll be with you in a minute.

Ok, Kim, I want you to slowly get up and try to make your way to the bookshelves in front of you.

Stay out of his eye line until we find out who this guy is.

- Maintain a constant visual on her from monitor 3.

- Get camera 3 on Kim We are panning off her.

Get me another angle.

There is no other angle.

- What¡¯s going on? - Jack, we had her a second ago.

Camera 3 should be panning back on her in few seconds You work here, don¡¯t you? Yeah.

- Could you help me find something in this aisle? - Yeah, no problem.

What is it that you need? You call for help, I will k*ll you right now Who has Jan Saunders? Who has Jan Saunders? I don¡¯t know what you are talking about.

Where the hell is she? Kim Damn it Team two, go, go Get down, get down Kim Kim, step back, step back Radio back.

Tell them the subject is down.

Are you ok? Yeah, fine.

Saunders is going to know we have his daughter.
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