03x21 - Day 3: 9:00 a.m. – 10:00 a.m.

Episode transcripts for the TV show "24". Aired: November 6, 2001 to July 14, 2014.*
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Counterterrorism agent Jack Bauer fights the bad guys of the world, a day at a time.
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03x21 - Day 3: 9:00 a.m. – 10:00 a.m.

Post by bunniefuu »

Previous on 24.

What's going on with Jack Bauer? The operation wasn't completely successful.

They do have Saunders' daughter, but they were unable to remain covert.

So, Saunders knows we have her? No, not yet, but CTU is estimating he will find out within the hour.

The deadline for his next demand is gonna be up here in about 15 minutes.

Now, giving this guy a list of every foreign operative on our payroll is an act of treason.

I will not give in to Saunders' latest demand.

We have run out of time.

We need you to call your father.

And tell him what? Anything.

We just want you to keep him on the line.

- Jane? - Hi, Dad.

What's wrong? I told you only to use this number in an emergency.

Someone is monitoring the call.

They've got her.

There's a man named Jack Bauer with you, isn't there? Hand the phone to him.

You know how many vials I have, and what I am capable of.

You know what I am capable of, too.

Stephen Saunders This is Jack Bauer.

You are completely surrounded.

The President is refusing to capitulate to any further demands.

The only way you are getting out of this thing alive is coming through the front door with your hands on your head.

That's not exactly true, Jack.

I'd like to offer you congratulations on your wife eluding infection from the virus.

How do you know about my wife? I don't know exactly what they are doing to her, Tony.

But I did instruct them to leave her barely functional so that we can return her to you.

There are 5 agents watching the northeast exit of this building.

Send them to the front entrance.

Michelle will be dead if you don't do what I say.

This is Tony Almeida.

What are we doing? Move everyone to the front now.

Get in your car, move to the front of the building Down, down The following takes place between 9:00 am and 10:00 am.

Stephen Saunders, this is your final warning.

Come out of the building now.

Smoke him out Release the tear gas.

Send them in Perimeter teams, move in.

Move in All right, boys, let's go, let's go Move Baker Why aren't you covering the south perimeter? CTU moved us off our position They said you needed us out front.

What are you talking about? Why would they do that? They said the SAT feed showed Saunders moving toward a blind spot in front of the building.

All teams respond.

I repeat, all teams respond.

Any sign of Saunders? Jack, we are in.

There's no sign of him yet.

Who gave you that order? Tony Move your team back to their marks now.

Move - CTU, Almeida - Tony, it's Jack Baker just told me you pulled his team out of position.


I was working off the information I had.

It was bad information.

You should have cleared it with me.

Somebody in my team made a mistake.

I am not going to get into it now.

Tony, that's an unacceptable mistake.

I have tactical command in the field.

If you can't run CTU, you'd better replace yourself with someone who can.

- Chase, check in.

- Yeah, Jack We covered the entire building, he is not here.

Dame it Saunders doesn't seem to be in the building.

What do you mean, he's not in there? He's got to be in there.

He's gone.

What were you just telling Jack about someone in your group making a mistake? Never mind.

Adam, are we sure we tracked Saunders to the right building? Of course we did, Tony He was in there when Jack made that phone call I am pulling up imagery now to see what went wrong I will take care of that.

You stay with Chloe, cover the site teams Almeida.

I hope you covered your tracks and purged the incriminating satellite frames.

I did what you wanted me to.

Now where's my wife? Not so fast.

I like to do things in phases.

You should know that by now.

That was phase one.

Next, we have to talk about my daughter.

What about her? I want her back, of course.

Yeah, well, I want my wife back.

Then there should be no problem.

Where's Jane now? She's on her way here.

She should be here in about 5 minutes.


When she gets there, pick the men to guard her.

Make sure they will follow your orders without question.

If any harm comes to my daughter, your wife dies.

If Jane is not released when I order it, your wife dies.

That's all you need to know.

Are we clear? Tony, are you in there? Tony, President Palmer is on the line for you.

I will do my part.

You do yours.

That's the spirit.

Tony, are you there? Adam, I am here Are you ok? - Yeah, I am fine.

Put the President through.

- Ok,hang on.

This is Tony Almeida.

Please hold for the President.


Almeida I just heard you lost Stephen Saunders.

Is that true? Yes, sir.

Unfortunately, it is.

I thought CTU was certain of his location.

What happened? We are looking into it now, sir.

Does Saunders know we are holding his daughter? Yes, sir, he does.

And she's obviously very important to him.

Is Jane Saunders with you now? No.

She's on her way here right now, sir.


Almeida, I don't have to remind you how much security we are going to need around her today.

She is the only thing that is standing between us and Stephen Saunders controlling the government.

Yes, Mr.


- We're aware of that.

- Good Keep me posted.

Yes, sir.

Thank you, sir.

Senator, Senator Keeler, do you feel this is going to do serious damage to your campaign? Oh, absolutely not.

My record on labor speaks for itself Remeber I voted againt NAFTA And I favor tax incentives for domestic manufacturing.

And what about the other endorsements you lost? Who did he lose? AFL CIO and a couple of veteran groups.

Why? Apparently, they are not pleased with his negative spin on your withdrawal from the debate Now that the threat level has been raised to red, peoplerealize you aren't the one playing politics.

He is.

We can't waste time thinking about the election right now.

The only thing that matters is stopping Stephen Saunders.

Would you come with me, please.

Excuse us, Jerry.

No, Adam, he was in the building.

We found the room he was using.

I just want to know how he got out.

We are working on it, Chase.

I will call you if we get something.

Good What did he say? I don't understand this, Jack We pinpointed Saunders' location.

He disappears into the air.

Now CTU says they are having problems with the satellite.

We are looking into it.

Baker, this is Jack.

I want 2 teams on patrol, 2 more on standby.

Copy? What about us? We will go over to CTU.

I want to be with Saunders' daughter when he calls us back.

All right.

How did Saunders get past us? We had every exit covered.

Did he have access to our tracking systems? CTU, O'Brian Chloe, it's Jack.

What are you working on? We are all trying to pick up a thread on Saunders.

I am analyzing his last phone call to you to see if there's any tell on the carrier.

Is it possible that he wasn't even in the building? That he was just routing his calls through there? No.

He did that earlier at the apartment.

Now that I have his counterfeit signature, he wouldn't be able to do it without our knowing it.


Get back to me as soon as you have got anything.

Something is not right here - This is CTU? - Yes Kim, your father wants you to know that he and Chase are on their way back.

- With Saunders? - No Why not? He wasn't in the building They a re still trying to locate him - They haven't captured my father? - No.

But he knows you have me, right? Yes, he does.

Agent Forrester, Tony Almeida We are going to be putting Miss Saunders in the holding room.

I was told you were setting up a white room for her.


That's changed.

If you walk her to the back, Security will take her from there.

You will be fine, ok? How are you doing? I can't believe that Saunders escaped.

I mean, how could this happen? I thought that he was surrounded.

It happened.

Look, Rae Plachecki's coming here to talk to you.

You're going to have to answer some questions about the sh**ting at the library.

Ok, look, I heard the news about Michelle.

- What news? - That she isn't infected.

Oh, yeah.

I am really glad that she's ok.

That's great.

Yeah, thanks There is on way to be exactly sure.

Some people don't show symptoms for 5 or 6 hours.

- Adam - Didn't they talk to you about your options? They said they could give me a pill Adam, I need to talk to you now Sarah, hold on.

I am talking to my sister right now The one who got infected with the virus? I am not even going to answer that, Chloe.

I am sorry.

I'll just wait here until you are done.

- Chloe.

- Adam, I am sorry, this is really important.

I just need you to finish up as quickly as you can.

Sarah, I am going to have to call you back as soon as I can, ok? Ok - I love you - I love you - What? - I checked with satellite navigation They said there are missing frames and they are certain it's on our end.

What about the back up on the FGA volume? Gone.

Not only that, they cover about 20 seconds.

So if Saunders did escape the building it would be the exact interval So there was a glitch at exactly the wrong moment? Yeah.

What are the chances of that? Not good So I am thinking Saunders has access to our system.

Did you tell Tony yet? No.

I want more information before I go to him.

But I checked with Field Ops, and all their systems are accounted for.

I need you to do the same in Comm.

Do you really think there's someone inside CTU working for Saunders? That's the only thing that makes sense right now So if you could just do that, and then you could call your sister back.

- Hey, Pete, I need few minutes.

- Sure thing How you doing? Why am I being treated like I have done something wrong? I apologize for that.

We are just trying to keep you safe.

This is the one place I am not safe.

I have been thinking about it.

You need me to get to my father, so threatening to killme or harm me is the only tool you have to use against him Tell me I am wrong.

You are right.

We need your father to believe we will do anything to get him.

But we are not going to hurt you.

I give you my word - Your word? - Yeah,my word I run this office and I will personally protect you.

What about Kim's father? They told her that he is on his way back here.

- What about him? - He scares me.

I got the feeling he's willing to hurt me.

Nobody's going to hurt you.

All right? I wish I could believe you.

Almeida - Has Jane arrived? - Yeah - Where is she? - She is here - Put her on.

- No You have my wife, I want to talk to her first You don't give me orders.

You are wrong I have your daughter which means I am in charge.

Now if you so much as touch my wife, I will slit Jane's throat.

Hold on Sorry for your discomfort Hopefully it's temporary.

Uncuff her I am going to let you speak to your husband Tell him that you are ok and you are being treated well.

Nothing else.

Understood? Tony, it's me Michelle They won't let me say much Are you all right? I am fine.

I am being treated well Don't let them do this, don't let¡­ - None of that.

- Michelle Let me speak with my daughter, Mr.

Almeida It's your father.

He wants to talk to you - Dad? - Yes, Jane.

It's me.

They are saying horrible things about you.

That's what they do.

Don't believe any of it The virus in the hotel,it's k*lling all of those people, you didn't do that.

Please tell me that you didn't do that.

Listen to me, Jane.

The US government distorts the truth and destroys lives.

Don't listen to any of it.

It's all lies.

Then you didn't do it? I'd never do something without good cause.

You know that.

That's all.

Let's do these.

What will it take for you to get her out of the building? I have to fabricate some clearances.

It's going to take me about 30 to 40 minutes Contact me as soon as you are clear of CTU.

Take down this number.

You were right.

Someone from Tony's group purged the frames from the surveillance feed.

Do you know who? It was a no name login.

It could have been from here or Division.

I'd better tell Tony so he can lock down the system.

Ok CTU, O'Brian This is Sunny Macer from Health Services.

Sunny, what can I do for you? Have you heard from Michelle Dessler in the last half hour? No, she was sent to your office for observation.

Well, that's actually why I am calling.

I got a message that she asked to be taken to County instead,but she's not at County and she's definitely not here.

We can't get ahold of her.

I will check on it and get back to you.

All right, thanks Davis, get me Mike Redmond.

He's with Michelle Dessler.

All right.

He's not answering What do you mean he's not answering? He's active.

He has to answer.

He's not answering.

Ok, I heard you the first time.

Are you sure about this? Yes, Tony, of course I am sure There's 79 users in your group, and one of them has been playing games with the uplink recording All right, well We are going to have to lock everything down then Well, obviously I agree.

You want me to do it now? Yeah What is it? Something weird is happening with Michelle.

What do you mean? No one can find her, and Redmond's not answering his pages.

That's because I overrode NHS's order.

I didn't want them to know about it.

I am putting Michelle in quarantine in one of our substations so she can still do some work I need every warm body I can get.

What am I going to tell Macer? I will call her.

There's something else I want you to do.

What is it? I am sending you the record of a phone call between Saunders and myself from a few minutes ago.

You just spoke to him? Yeah.

I want you to strip away the carrier signal, see if you can use it to find him.

What about the voice track? No, he scrambled it.

It's useless.

Fine Chloe Do it in tech one, away from everybody.

I didn't want Adam to know about it.

Why not? Well, technically it's his job.

But you are better at it.

Why did you just say that? Because it's true.

Damn it, Mark, you assured me that going on the offensive against Palmer was the right thing to do Now it's backfiring.

Come on, John.

That's not fair Palmer walks out of the debate moments after you brought up the charge against his girlfriend Everyone assumed that he whole national security excuse was just a cover Well, apparently it wasn't The alert level is at red and the airports are shut down - I know.

- All right Palmer still hasn't told the public any of the details about this threat.

Call Alex in the Pentagon see what you can find out about it.

Depending on what it turns out to be, I may need to be proactive and issue an apology.

Yeah What's this about? All right, hold on.

It's Sherry Palmer.

She wants to come here in 5 minutes.

- Why? - She wouldn't say.

Except that it's a high value proposition, and she wants to present it face to face.

Set it up All right, the Senator will be here.

This should be interesting I will off load the systems in Field Ops.

I will be right up.

- Adam, where's Tony? - He's with Jane Saunders Kim's waiting to be debriefed on the sh**ting and I am working with NHS.

NHS? Why aren't you tracking Saunders? I don't know.

Tony put Chloe in charge of that.

- Where's Chloe? - Tech one Why isn't she in Field Ops? You haven't talked to Tony yet? About what? Jack, it looks like someone from Tony's group intentionally wiped out those SAT frames from the Saunders' surveillance - That's how he was able to evade us.

- What? Adam, NHS wants those coordinates now, or they are going to have to widen the quarantine zone.


That's all I know, Jack.

I got to get back on this.

Ok, fine We may be moving you in a few minutes.

- Where? - To Division.

- What's that? - Yeah - Tony, it's Jack.

I need to speak with you.

Meet me outside the observation room.

Yeah, all right.

I will be right back.

Jack,What the hell's going on? Adam just told me that you think you have got someone on the inside working with Saunders.

Well, it hasn't been confirmed yet.

Chloe's working on it.

What's she doing? She's taking a look at status logs, to see if she can find anything out of the ordinary.

Tony, if this is true, we have got to call Division, get Spec Ops down here immediately.

I thought about that.

But I don't want to raise any red flags.

If someone in our group is working with Saunders, I don't want them to know that we are onto them.

Ok, fine.

You and I will work this up together.

But I want division to come pick up Jane so they can continue questioning her.

Good idea.

I will call Brad Hammond, I will meet you in tech one, we'll go through everything with Chloe.

No, wait, Jack Look, I have a 30 minute status call scheduled with Hammond, anyway Why don't you let me tell him and you can go up to Field Ops? Ok, fine Adam.

Is Tony set up for 30 minute status calls with Brad Hammond? - If he is, it's not in the books.

- Thanks.

Thank you very much - John, hello - Sherry How nice to see you.

I don't believe you know Mark Kaner, my campaign manager.

No, I don't.

Only by reputation.

Pleased to meet you.

How do you do? So what brings you here? Well, actually, it's a private mater, John.

Let us have a minute, Mark No problem Please I heard about the endorsements you lost this morning.

Daily fluctuation.

It doesn't mean a thing.

Doesn't mean a thing That's pretty optimistic, John.

No, your campaign is imploding.

By the time the press has a chance to analyze all the mistakes you made last night You will look like a desperate candidate gasping his last breath.

Look, Sherry, if you just came here to insult me, I am rather busy No, no, no, John.

On the contrary.


I, I came here because I can guarantee you a win in November.

John, what I am about to tell you, I will deny to my grave if you try to hold it against me.

So that's clear, right? John, we are clear on that, right? Good David Palmer is an accessory to m*rder.

- Who's m*rder? - Alan Milliken Alan Milliken died of a heart attack.

Yes, he did, but he didn't have to.

His nitroglycerin was just an arm's length away.

But he couldn't get to it because someone kept it from him.

Now how could you possibly know that? Because that someone was me.

Sherry, I think you had better leave right now.

Really? So you can watch your entire career leave with me? If what you are saying is true, I don't want to have anything to do with you.

Oh, come on, spare me, John.

You haven't gotten this far without getting a little dirt under your fingernails.

I don't know what you are talking about.


Of course not.

But for the sake of conversation, just allow me to paint you a picture.

I¡­ Please, it won't take but a moment Just indulge me.

Very well David lied to the Chief of Police last night in order to provide an alibi for me.

And I can prove that he lied.

No, you think about that.

Proof that the President of the United States lied to cover a m*rder.

What kind of proof? Besides my confession? I have the prescription bottle he was reaching for.

I was holding it.

And I have it in a very safe place.

You are talking about incriminating yourself.

You would go to prison.

Yes, I know that.

But so would David David lied to the police to save himself.

It's quite simple, John All you have to do is go to David and tell him that you have this evidence This medicine bottle with my fingerprints on it And I guarantee you David will drop out of the race.

The party will be thrown into turmoil and nobody, I mean nobody will be able to touch you come November.

And for all of this? You will put me on the White House staff.

Nothing so high that it will raise too many eyebrows.

All of this for you to be a mid level staffer in my administration? You and I both know that it would be a little more than that.

So you are saying the casualty estimates have been projected upward.

Yes sir, I am afraid so By a factor of how many? Now that the virus is out of the hotel and not completely contained.

It could be as high as times five All right, thanks, Dan.

Keep me posted.

Yes, sir.

What's it? I just got off the phone with one of my sources over at Keeler's headquarters.

Sherry was there meeting privately with Keeler.

- When? - Just now Meeting Keeler about what? He didn't know.

David So I was hoping you'd have some idea.

I don't know what she's doing.

But we can't worry about that now.

There are people dying here in Los Angeles.

Yeah, well, I don't like it, David - So let me put someone on this.

- No.

I brought Sherry in to fix a problem, and look what happened.

Just let it be.

We will hear soon enough.

What do you see? They are trying to use the open phone switches to find us.

The phone I called him with is shut off.

They can't triangulate me, can they? Not quickly.

But they can try a trial and error process and that could get them close.

And that's what they are doing? Looks like it Then we will have to stop them Come with me Your office is using our last phone conversation to locate us.

How are they doing it? I am committed to getting my daughter back.

You k*ll me and that'll never happen.

That's not the only option.

You are an attractive woman.

I am guessing your husband would prefer you returned without a disfigurement.

I am not telling you anything.

I have to talk to Almeida.

Keep your conversation short.


Let me paint you a picture I have a sharp knife, the tip of which is drawing blood from your wife's face right now.

If whatever you are doing to trace these phone calls doesn't stoop in 30 seconds, she'll be unrecognizable.

O'Brian Shut down the trace.

Shut it down?I am just starting to get something.

Do it now, Chloe.


Let me at least see if I can unscramble the audio No, I need you to hold off for a few minutes.

This doesn't make sense, Tony I thought you wanted me to find Saunders.

I do.

I will explain it to you later.

What are you doing? I am trying to pick up a thread on Saunders.

Somebody in my own group may be working against us, I have quarantine zones springing up all over the place I am treading water here, Jack Why are you lying to me? Lying? What are you talking about? I just got off the phone with Hammond.

You didn't have a status call scheduled.

I screwed up earlier.

The SAT transmission on my system was forged by my own people.

I should have noticed that it wasn't authentic before I ordered Baker off his post, I didn't By the time I realized my mistake, it was too late.

Saunders was gone.

What about the missing frames? They must have been deleted by the same person who forged the SAT transmission.

Look, I know this is big, Jack, and I promise you I will offer my resignation when this day is over.

Right now we got too much going on for me to step down.

Making a mistake is one thing.

Covering it up is another.

I can't let you stay in place.

I am taking over command of CTU now.

I made a mistake, Jack No, Tony You made two Fine.

I will make sure Adam sends over everything I have got to your group.

Tony, I narrowed down the list.

What list? The list of people on your team that can't account for their time when the SAT frames went missing Oh, yeah, right.

Tony, it's very likely that someone on this list is working from within CTU to help Saunders.

Look, Adam, I am not in charge of CTU anymore.

What are you talking about? Jack and I have decided it'd be best if he took over.

Why don't you send that list over to Hammond, all right? Yes I got a problem What problem? Jack Bauer just relieved me of my command Why did he do that? He found out I'd deleted those satellite frames.

Does he know about our communication? No, not yet.

He thinks I am just covering my mistake.

But he's gonna find out soon.

Then I suggest you get my daughter out of there before he does.

Look, I might not be able to do this.

I no longer have any authority at CTU.

You don't' need authority, Tony.

You just need to know that if you don't deliver Jane for whatever reason, your wife will die just like Ryan Chappelle died.

Just like the people at the Chandler Plaza Hotel died.

I am gonna try to get her out, but if I can't If you can't, Michelle dies.

Don't call me again until you have Jane safely away - Dad.

- Kim, I need you to help me with something You are gonna have to clear it with Tony He wants me to debrief with Rae Plachecki about what's going on with Jane Saunders.

Tony just stepped down.

I am acting director of CTU until further notice.

What do you mean Tony stepped down? Tony's hiding something from me.

I need you to help me find out what it is.

Why me? Because right now I don't know who to trust.

I need you to maintain a surveillance on every station here at CTU Anyone who checks in or out, and I also want you to track communications that flag higher than a code 2.

Where do you want me to do that? Field Ops.

Come on.

Thanks Almeida Good news, Tony What is it? I found a way to pull the voice track on the phone call you had with Saunders.

Have you listened to it yet? No.

The algorithm is still running.

But once that's complete, I will be able to do an analysis on the ambient sound and room tone.

All right, good work Adam, I want you to send your volumes up to Kim's computer I have her checking something for me.

Ok Is Chloe still in Tech One? As far as I know, she is.

Have her come up to my office, I need to speak with her.

Ok, I will, Jack Kaufman Yeah, Adam, I am on the line with Chloe We need the password to Etudes 4 It's BCF19 All right, thanks Yeah, Oh, Tony, Jack needs to see Chloe in his office right away.

All right, I will tell her Thank you Where is she? She is here Put her on No You have my wife, I want to talk to her first You have my wife, I want to talk to her first You have my wife? Hello? Hello? ¸ÃËÀ Help, somebody help, I am locked in Tech one, I am locked in Just hold on for a second Everybody, can I have your attention? Just stop working for a second.

I need your attention.

From this point forward, I am taking command of CTU.

That includes Field Ops and all communications.

Tony Almeida has stepped down.

He is no longer in charge.

I am taking Jane Saunders to Division.

Here's the order.

I don't have time to go into details, because right now we have to focus on finding Stephen Saunders.

Come on, Pete, this is the order right here.

You don't believe me, call Division talk to them yourself.

So unless you are working directly with NHS in defining the quarantine zones, I need you to get involved.

Check with your superiors, they will hand out your assignments.

We need to find this guy.


We are leaving right now.

Ok We are going out this way Chase, Chloe hasn't refreshed her current tables in over 15 minutes.

I thought she was working on the main system.

Yeah, she was That's weird She never forgets to do that What's going on? Have you seen Chloe? Yeah, she's over in Tech One Where are all the guards? We don't need those guards anymore.

Why not? I thought you were worried about my father sending men in to get me We have agents on the streets, don't worry about it Kim, why can't I get a feed on Tech One? Hang on Someone blocked it.

We have a hostile inside.

Override the access code now.

Perimeter security, I need a 20 on Chloe O'Brian.

And a priority one sweep of the entire building Cover the back entrance.

Jack Chloe, step away from the computer.

Now Tony locked me in here Saunders has Michelle, he's using her as leverage to get his daughter out.

Don't move Security, this is Jack Bauer I need a 20 on Tony Almeida I repeat, I need a 20 on Tony Almeida Negative, Jack He's not on any of the monitors.

When did he lock you in here? About 2 minutes ago Have security lock down the entire building Adam, I want every SAT within range trained on us.

I want to know everything that's exiting this building Who's watching Jane Saunders? Both guards are down, she's gone Tony Exit security, I need a 20 on Tony Almeida This is Almeida.

We are out.

I have got her How long until satellite finds you? About 30 minutes I will give you further instructions in 20 minutes.

Be at the northeast corner of Taylor and Vine.

Yeah, right.

Call President Palmer, tell him I need to speak with him in person
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