03x23 - Day 3: 11:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m.

Episode transcripts for the TV show "24". Aired: November 6, 2001 to July 14, 2014.*
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Counterterrorism agent Jack Bauer fights the bad guys of the world, a day at a time.
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03x23 - Day 3: 11:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m.

Post by bunniefuu »

Previously on 24.


President, with respect to the death of Alan Milliken, I know you lied.

You told the police Sherry was with you at the time of Milliken's death.

Her fingerprints on this prescription bottle prove otherwise.

What do you want? Your resignation.

Without this, Sherry's got nothing, right? Now, I can call Foxton, and he can make this all disappear.

You mean steal evidence.

Jack, I just heard Tony took Jane Saunders out of the building without authorization.

Saunders has Michelle.

He wants to trade her for his daughter.

Tony, put that g*n on the dash You help me make this trade, I will turn myself in.

Go to prison, whatever is gotta happen.

We don't have a visual on Saunders.

I repeat we don't have a visual on Saunders Keep your teams down.

Stay down I can't Jane, it's ok, come here Team A and B move Move now Stephen I am pinned down Saunders has a helicopter Call in air support now Where are they? It's not going to be that simple, Jack This is Jack Bauer Saunders is in custody.

The following takes place between 11:00 am and 12:00 pm.

We just got verification from Saunders' computer.

There's 11 vials across the country How long till you can give us their location? I am not sure I can.

Saunders applied a sophisticated decryption overlay.

An unauthorized access will auto erase the file structure.

- I will keep trying - Ok Where are the 11 vials? You are wasting your time, and I am not foolish enough to have that information in there.

Where are the vials? In the hands of dedicated men, true believers.

Believers in what? That's the greatest threat to world peace comes from this country.

There's a hotel not far from here where 800 innocent people are dead or dying because of you.

Were they a threat to your world peace? The United States must be forced to retreat within its own borders.

Those people are simply the first casualties of w*r.

What happened to you, Stephen? I was abandoned by the people I worked for As you will be some day But my message will be heard in less than 1 hour What are you talking about? My couriers have been instructed to release the virus at noon.

They are in fail safe mode and they can't be recalled.

Tell us where they are, we will stop them.

That is possible, but only if you agree to my terms.

What are your terms? I have a private jet waiting at Van Nuys airport.

I need to be on it with presidential guarantee of safe passage to North Africa.

Never going to happen.

Then hundreds of thousands will die.

I know what you are thinking, Jack But the Bosnian secret police worked on me for 2 years and couldn't break me Do you really think you will be able to do it in less than an hour? Get me on that plane, Jack You don't have a choice.

Bring me Jane Saunders.

I'm gonna need your g*n, Tony.

Frisk him Hey - You don't have to do that - I have got my orders.

- You take it easy.

He's one of us.

- Not any more What's going on? My orders are to take Almeida into custody.

That's straight from Brad Hammond at Division.

I am sorry, Tony There's nothing we can do right now Just take care of business, Jack I'll be all right He said you wanted to see me? I need you to speak with your father.

What do you want me to say? Try and make it personal.

Try to connect with him.

Tell him you are scared that you don't want him to do this I will try I know what's going to happen, and I know you can stop it Please I wont let them use you to manipulate me Despite everything that's happened I love you And I asking you, please don't let this happen This doesn't make any sense.

It doesn't make any sense to you because you haven't seen what I have seen You don't understand I know you think what happened to you is the governments fault, and maybe it is But the people who are going to die are innocent.

Ant that's tragic, Jane.

But it has to happen for things to change and they must change How can you do something like this? I am doing it for your sake For my sake? For you and your children And after it, the world will be a better place Please, Dad Please Please, don't do this Jane, I don't expect you to understand now.

But one day you will And you will look back and you will thank me for what I have done Yeah Oh, my god Jane Jane We are on the move, get the choppers ready Hello Sherry, Its David Hello, David I have been thinking things over What Keeler offered you, how did you put it? A seat at the table? Yeah, something like that Well, there my be a seat at my table.

Its a little too late for that, David Sherry, I think its in both our best interests for you to hear what I have to offer.

All right, I am listening No, not on the phone In person Where, then? The Oakcliff Building, downtown I know it Good.

I will meet you there in 25 minutes.

That's a short notice, David But you will be there You are in no position to be making demands here Sherry, I have a schedule to keep.

If I start changing things around, it will attract attention and I don't think either one of us wants that.

All right, David I will hear what you have to say Fine Yeah She should be leaving soon to meet me I know shed go for it Oh, she's enjoying having me over a barrel.

I could hear it in her voice Don't worry about that, David If we can find this prescription bottle, all her leverage is gone.

How long will you need in the house The more time we have, the better our chance of finding it I will do whatever I can to keep her there with me All right Wayne, find it Take a look at your handiwork You m*rder*d these people, Stephen Whole families Sometimes a fire needs to be lit in order to put out another fire.

I don't want to hear your justification This is over You are going to tell me how to find the rest of the vials now Or you'll send me inside the hotel? I am prepared to die for my cause, Jack Yeah, I know Chase Yeah, Jack Come in Copy that What are you doing, Jack? Why did you bring me here? Ask your father, its up to him Dad? Tell me how to find your couriers, Stephen Or I am going to put her in that building You wouldn't dare.

She has nothing to do with this Neither do the people in those body bags I am going to do everything I have to stop you from releasing more of this virus.

How could you do this? I am going to give you one chance You are not Tell me how I find them You know you cant do this, Jack You are a government agent Send her in Take her inside now No Dad, stop them Stop it Dad, please No, no, no Everything that happens to your daughter is because of you.

Dad, stop, no, no, no Get her out of there, Jack Jack, get her out of there Where are the vials? Get her out of there How do I find the vials? Dad Let her go Do as I say now, Jack! When your daughter is infected, I am going to make you watch her die Bauer, let her go Let her go You are running out of time, Stephen Stephen, you are out of time Stop, stop, stop, I will tell you Just don't harm her How do I find the vials? Each one is tagged with a GPS locator chip so that I can track them right up until t he moment they are released.

Where are the locator codes? In my head You memorized all 11? Yeah, get her out of there Bring Jane out from the tunnel now.

Let's go Jack, we have picked up 10 of the 11 GPS signals coming off the vials.

Why are we missing a signal? I don't know.

I gave you the correct codes.

Where's the 11th vial? Los Angels What's the target? His instruction were to select a public place where maximum casualties would be inflicted.

What's his name? I know him as Arthur Rabens.

But I am assuming that's not his real name.

We need a description Take him back to holding over at CTU.

I want him working with a sketch artist immediately.

What about Jane? She stays here Kaufman Adam, its Jack I need you to do an all agency search on the name Arthur Rabens.

Saunders believes it might be a alias Ok, I am on it, Jack Has district sent anyone over to replace Tony? Actually, yeah, Brad Hammond just got here right now Ok, let me speak to him One second Mr.

Hammond I have Jack Bauer for you on line 6 Good, thank you Jack I have been briefed on CTU activity to this point We are relaying the coordinates of the 10 vials to local police, NHS and HazMat across the country But we still cant lock on a signal from the 11th vial The 11th vial is in Los Angeles.

The couriers name is Arthur Rabens Although Saunders believes that that might be an alias.

There's no predetermined target Did he tell you the truth Yeah.

Right now he thinks we are willing to k*ll his daughter if he doesn't cooperate.

But our best bet is to lock on to that signal.

I understand everyone in comm.

is working on it Brad, I know you took Tony Almeida into custody.

But now that his wife is safe, I think he might be a real asset to us.

I am sorry, Jack, but there's not going to be any special treatment.

For Gods sakes, Brad Four and a half years ago, I was put in the exact same position as Tony's been put in today.

Victor Darzen kidnapped my wife and daughter, and I went outside of CTU to get them back.

And no one put me in prison.

The circumstances were different And the outcome will be the same, we will prevail.

The entire operation was put at risk because of what he did This operation started a year ago with Gael, Tony and myself.

Gael gave his life, I became an addict just to maintain my cover, and now you are sending Tony to prison? Its wrong Brad, its wrong and you know it.

You should be putting a medal on him not handcuffs.

Jack, you can testify at his hearing.

Right now, we have got work to do.

Where's Michelle? She's here Can I talk to her, please? First thing first Plachecki's coming over from the attorney Generals office to take your official statement.

You are entitled to have a lawyer present.

Look, I don't need a lawyer, Brad I did what I did What you did, Tony, is punishable by the death penalty.

Death penalty What did you expect? You committed treason That was not my intent.

You facilitated the escape of a man who was responsible for the death of Ryan Chappell and almost a thousand civilians, who was contemplating k*lling millions of others.

Then you tried to neutralize the only leverage we had over him, by giving him back his daughter.

So what's the bottom line? I will testify to the fact that your service record is long and for the most part, distinguished.

With luck, the best you can hope for is 20 years Sherry should have left by now Yeah, well, she's taking her time So she can make the President wait.

Wayne Palmer Wayne I told you not to call me I don't have anyone else I am sorry, but I cant help you right now The police are coming back to arrest me, Wayne, for murdering Alan Because they don't believe that Sherry was here I know what happened Then why didn't you tell them the truth? My lawyer says that the President is backing Sherry's story.

Is it true? Is your brother covering for Sherry? I don't know, Julia.

Don't lie to me Listen, I am sorry, but there's nothing I can do for you right now.

Please Just don't, don't hang up.

I will call you as soon as I can, I promise Wayne I am so scared I know, I know We loved each other once Help me I have to go, Julia Wayne I am sorry Chief of Staff to the President of the United States and I am committing a burglary It's an historic moment Foxton, Sherry can never know we were here.

You do what I say, and she wont Lets get to work Jack This is the tactical feed from San Francisco They are apprehending Saunders courier.

He's not breathing He's been neutralized sn*per took him down with a head shot.

We have got it The vial is intact.

Repeat, we have the vial One down, 10 to go You check the kitchen? Yeah, for the second time There is nothing there Well, it looks like Mrs.

Palmer believes in better living through chemistry.

But none of the bottles are Milliken's.

Damn it Relax If she's hidden it here, well find it.

How can you be so sure? Because she's not a professional, and I am Sherry David Lets take a walk Well, actually, I just wanted to get to the point What is it that you have decided? I decided to give you what you want A place in my administration Well, that's what you implied over the phone, but I thought I was here so that you could be a little more specific.

You will be my de facto right hand, involved in all major decisions.

Involved how? On everything from ambassadorial appointments to legislative proposals, you will be one of my primary consultants.

One of your consultants? Right Good-bye, David Why? Where are you going? Back home, because this conversation is over.

Why? That's just not good enough I am not going to be relegated to some informal role so that you can ignore me whenever you choose.

Why don't you just tell me what you want? I want a permanent position, David, in your administration and in your life.

I don't understand I want to be your wife again You what? I don't expect to have the kind of physical intimacy that we used to have, although maybe in time that will come, but I really want be Mrs.

David Palmer again The first lady, right by your side in Washington wherever you go Sherry, I don't know what to say.

You can start by saying yes Or I walk for good Are you prepared to have me be your wife again? Yes Really? Oh, David Oh, God We should talk about the details.

Work out a timeline How we expose this to the public Wait a minute I know you a little better than this, David Something's not right here.

You are making this all too easy There's, there's something else going on I am giving you what you asked for.

No, no, no, you are not You are toying with me And I don't know why, and frankly, I don't care You just consider my offer rescinded.

John Keeler will be the next President of the United States.

Yeah She's on her way back David, we need more time We haven't found anything yet Look, I tried to keep her here as long as I could, but she knew something was wrong Wayne, you should leave We are not done She will be there soon, you have no choice David, hold on There's a safe David, we found a safe in a hidden cellar.

Can you open it in time? Can you get in? Its an Evans Stoller, so forget about cracking it All these electronic safes have manufacturer override codes.

I have a guy who can get them for us.

One of them will work How long Depends on how long it takes to get him on the phone David, we may have just found a way.

You'd better.

You are running out of time.

The suspect has used a titanium clamp to secure the device to a railing.

We are defusing on the site Wilson, what's your status? The suspect's in custody New York Times' men's around.

Virus is contained Yeah Seattle, Las Vegas' secured, suspect's taken down making a phone call Ok, hold on Jack, we got the couriers in Las Vegas and Seattle without incident.

But Saunders man in Denver was making a phone call when he was k*lled.

Did he complete the call? Did he warn the other couriers? We don't know We got to find that out Chloe, I am getting a level 2 SAT transmission from the LA grid Are you sure? What are the coordinates? Alpha 1733 at Delta 401 That's downtown.

Lock in on the SAT field Its done Transfer to my screen Ok This is Jack Jack, its Chloe What do you got? Saunders is telling the truth Rabens is in Los Angeles.

Where? He's on south Flower heading northwest.

We got a location I want you to extrapolate his path.

Cross reference it with a list of probably public targets.

Already done The most likely match is the California Center.

A mall makes sense.

I want you to get units over there to evacuate and secure the area.

We are on our way.

I just tried to see Tony Security said you are denying me access.

He's a prisoner, Michelle.

I'm his wife.

He did what he did to save my life I am aware of that And because of that he's being charged with treason.

Treason? Brad, look, I know that he broke protocol by taking Jane Saunders out of CTU, But he would never have given her up Because of him, we were able to catch Saunders We had Saunders 2 hours ago, and Tony let him escape No one told you? We had Saunders trapped in a building downtown.

We were ready to drop the net, and Tony pulled unites out of position so Saunders could get away.

Brad, it was an impossible choice No, it wasn't Tony has a sworn duty to protect the people of this country Putting your life first was treasons And he's going to prison for it.

Brad I want you to put yourself in his place, Michelle.

If you would have made the same call, you should resign right now.

The target is still moving north at 40 miles per hour How long until we intercept? About a minute How are we doing on the other vials? They got the Flagstaff couriers and the other 2 in Washington.

Rabens is the last one.

Ok, make your next right.

You should be coming up right behind him.

Ok, I am turning right onto Flower.

The target is less than a block ahead of you.

You should have a visual.

Chloe, there's no vehicles within range.

Are you sure the targets still in the vehicle? Of course, he's traveling 40 miles per hour You are closing Target is less than 50 feet ahead of you There's no cars in front of us, Chloe.

You need to recheck your signals.

Its not possible Yes, it is He's underneath us Chloe, the targets on the subway Can you access the MTA's disaster response system? Yes, we can access their control center directly.

Ok, we need to stop the train in the tunnel before it hits the station.

Logging onto their system.

Has Adam been able to turn up a photo on Rabens yet? No, and Saunders hasn't completed the identity sketch.

Ok, they're accepting my request to stop the train in the tunnel just short of the station.

Do you want me to tell MTA to close the station? No, absolutely not.

If Rabens notices anything out of the ordinary, he might release the virus.

I am going to need 20 personnel undercover and a backup HazMat team ASAP.

Okay, we've got men nearby.

I will tell Hammond to order the redeployment.

Yeah, Foxton here.

I've got this codes for the safe.

Ok, give me the first one That didn't work Got another one? Come on, come on, come on Did you hear that? There's a car coming no Sherry is here Look, I need you to be quiet We need to get the hell out of here Quiet The next one Damn it, Foxton, come on Got it Its not here All right, come on.

That's it, lets go What? I didn't come this far to leave empty handed.

Wayne What's going on here? Answer me.

What? Oh, now I understand why David wanted to meet me.

But I am so surprised to find you here doing his dirty work.

I have never done anything to hurt you, Wayne David put you up to this, didn't he? Sherry, I¡­ Answer me, David put¡­ There will be a short delay due to a stalled train ahead.

Chase, what's your location? I am covering the east side of the tracks Copy that.

Chase, I've got a visual on you coming down the stairs.

Everything in place with the MTA? They are ready to move the train into the station.

Team A and B, are you in position? Roger.

We are in position.

Rabens' description white male, dark hair, brown eyes, none descript Chloe, release the train Release the hold on the train, release the train Train doors are opening The target is moving off the train North or south? North Target is moving north All teams remain in your zones.

- Chloe - go ahead can you check the altitude on a GPS signal? If I triangulate.

Positive, target is changing altitude.

Target is moving upstairs.

We have got 10 remaining white males.

Target is now moving west Team A, split off and maintain pace.

Target is now moving south.

Target is now descending.

He's heading to the Seventh Street exit Coming right towards you, Jack Target is heading south I got a visual.

4 white remaining males.

I want all teams to start closing in.

I repeat, all teams start closing in What have you got, Chloe? Target is now moving west Target has stopped moving The target has stopped I have identification on the target White male at my 6 o'clock.

He's looking at the map I am initiating takedown Drop the bag Get on the ground, now.

Don't move What's going on? Where is it? Where's what? Where is it? Chase What are you guys doing? What's going on? I have got the signal.

Should we wait for HazMat No, its either in the vial or we are already contaminated.

What is this? Those aren't mine.

I don't even¡­ Shut up Son of a bitch Its just the transmitter This isn't Rabens.

He knows we are on to him He's still got the vial Shut the station down, now Julia Stay here, I will be right back Where are you going? Just stay here Julia, what are you doing here? The police think I k*lled Alan Well, I told you to keep your mouth shut Its nobody's fault but your own What are you doing with a g*n? You don't want to do this I am going to jail for the rest of my life because of you Julia Julia That isn't true, Julia No, wait.


We're alright here.

You got to put that g*n down No, no, she's the one who should be going to jail My life is ruined, don't you understand that? Julia, please, we can, we can work this out He's right We can work it out Shut up, shut up You have been lying your entire life You are not going to lie your way out of this You are right But right now, Julia, I am telling you the truth I will go to David and he will pardon you.

Now, I was just with him, just now I am going to be his wife again.

He will do whatever I say I promise you, you will not spend one day in jail Isn't that so, Wayne? Julie, listen, you will have everything you have always wanted.

You will have your freedom, you'll have Alan's estate.

You just think about it, sweetie I promise, you will be set for life Good, good.

That is real good That's good My God.


I am so sorry No! Oh, God, no, please Take up position at the end of the platform.

Jack, we have detained everyone in the station.

We shut it down in time No ones left since the train came in Ok, set up a team and start searching the tunnels.
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