03x24 - Day 3: 12:00 p.m. – 1:00 p.m.

Episode transcripts for the TV show "24". Aired: November 6, 2001 to July 14, 2014.*
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Counterterrorism agent Jack Bauer fights the bad guys of the world, a day at a time.
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03x24 - Day 3: 12:00 p.m. – 1:00 p.m.

Post by bunniefuu »

Previously on 24.

Alan Milliken's prescription bottle turned up with Sherry's fingerprints on it.

I can call Foxton.

He can make this all disappear.

All you have to do is give me the ok.

David put you up to this, didn't he? Sherry, I¡­ The police think I k*lled Alan Well, I told you to keep your mouth shut It's nobody's fault but your own Oh, my God.



You committed treason.

You facilitated the escape of a man who is responsible for the death of Ryan Chappelle and almost a thousand civilians.

With luck, the best you can hope for is 20 years Tell me how to find your couriers, Stephen Or I am going to put her in that building You wouldn't dare.

She has nothing to do with this Neither do the people in those body bags When your daughter is infected, I am going to make you watch her die Dad, stop them Stephen, you are out of time Stop, stop, stop, I will tell you Where's the 11th vial? Los Angels What's the target? His instruction were to select a public place where maximum casualties would be inflicted.

The target has stopped moving The target has stopped Drop the bag Get on the ground, now.

Don't move Where is it? Where's what? - Where is it? - Where's what? Chase What are you guys doing, what's going on? I have got the signal.

What are you looking for? It's just a transmitter He's put it on an innocent.

This man is not Rabens.

Shut the station down now The following takes place between 12:00 pm and 1:00 pm.

This is Dessler Michelle, it's Jack We just lost Rabens He dumped the GPS beacon onto an innocent.

Which means he still has the virus? We have to assume so.

He couldn't have gotten very far.

We are sweeping the station now.

We have locked down the entire building We are gonna start moving passengers through monitored checkpoints.

How will you find Rabens? We still don't have a sketch on him.

We need Saunders to make an I.


I want you to move him over from holding to Chloe's station.

We are sending up a live feed, you should have it in a few minutes.

Ok, we will be ready on our end.

Michelle, Gael Ortega's wife Theresa is here All right, Jesse, send her in According to Chloe's statement, you were working in parallel to bring down Saunders, even while you were complying with his demands.

Yeah, that's right I, I gave Chloe a recording of a conversation between Saunders and myself Chloe also said you intentionally scrambled the voice to slow down her progress.

Tony, did you put Michelle's life ahead of public safety or national security? Yes, I did They said he was exposed to a virus Yeah, that's right Did he suffer? No, no, he went quickly Gael He was a hero He tried to stop the virus from being released, and when it was, he just kept working Till the end.

Thank you Thank you Can I pick up his things Of course I will go see what I can do Ok Wait here Kim Yes, Michelle That's Mrs.


Gael's wife I need you to take her to his station, pick up his personal belongings.

Sure Thank you Sit him down Hello Kim, I need you Saunders is here to I.



Well, I am with Mrs.


Michelle said I could reassign anyone I wanted to help me, and I want you, so please don't make me ask again.


I will get Barry to watch her Barry Yeah Please watch Mrs.

Ortega while she gathers Gael's things.


Take as much time as you need.

Thanks Excuse me, Barry Can I get a signature? Oh, sure Thanks Anything else? No, that's it Sir.

If you will just step up to the line Right here Chin up, please, sir Chin up.

Move in closer on 2A Yeah, Jack, it's me Any matches, Michelle? No, nothing yet - How far have you got? - 4C So far, we have gone through the 1st 2 sets of photos.

Next group is uploading now.

Stand by.

It's not him.

Is there anything on this page? No.

That's not him No No Station 3, do we have a match? It's a negative, Jack I don't see him anywhere Head up, sir.

Bring up 5B No, he's not, he's not here All right, bring up the next page What about this one? He k*lled my husband He k*lled Gael Michelle, what's going on over there? Saunders has been shot.

What are you talking about?! Who shot him? Gael's wife Hold on, Jack.

I need medical here now Michelle, what is his condition? Looks critical.

You do everything you can to keep him alive.

He's our only connection to Rabens.

Chase Yeah Jack Talk to me He didn't make it Son of a bitch We will get back to you Saunders has just been shot.

He's dead Don't move, madam, don't move He k*lled Gael Between the information we've gotten from the captured couriers and our own intelligence, We've been able to confirm that Saunders was the sole architect of today's actions.

If we catch this last man Arthur Rabens that'll be the end of the threat And if not, we are back to square one And the virus is back on the market.

Find him - Hello, Wayne.

- Joseph, could you give us a minute?? - Thank you, Joseph - Mr.

President Well, did you get the prescription bottle from Sherry's house? ? Yeah Well, that's good David something horrible happened and I don't¡­ Sherry is dead What? How? ulia, she came in and she she k*lled her, and then she turned the g*n on herself They are both dead? Yeah Listen, I am not going to try to pretend that we can just put this behind us but the fact is¡­ The fact is that politically, we are free of everything Free of Milliken's extortion, his death free of Sherry's involvement.

You are thinking of the politics of this? The mother of my children has just been m*rder*d And the woman that I love just k*lled herself in front of me.

I understand how you feel But there's a story here, David.

There's a story that can tie this all together Alan Milliken was having an affair with Sherry.

Julia found out, and then she k*lled them both No, no, no, I don't want to hear it - Your emotions are clouding - No! David, please, just listen to me.

Leave me alone.

David, please! Jeanie Yes, Mr.

President? Would you get my son and my daughter on a conference line We are going to separate the crowd into units of 10.

I want an officer assigned to each unit.

That officer's gonna be responsible to make sure that no one leaves that unit unless authorized by me or another CTU agent I understand We are also going to search every passenger and I mean every briefcase, purse and pocket.

And we are gonna verify their identification.

We will be here all day - Not if we find him - Yes, sir I want you to initiate another search of the station including the tracks, a mile in each direction.

Thank you Yes sir.

Jack We are locked down We got 2 men at every exit Good Is there anything else we can do right now? No, not until we get an I.


on Rabens.

Jack, listen, about Mexico I hope you know I understand you were just doing your job.

Look, it took me a long time to understand that if you want to do this job well you have to stay detached If you can accept that, you will be fine Yeah Well, I have accepted it That's why I am thinking after today, I am done I don't want to be detached, Jack Not from Kim, not from my daughter I am going to request a transfer to the floor You sure about this? I'd still be serving my country, and take care of the people I care about I owe them that, Jack What did Kim say? I think she's willing to give it a try as long as I am not in Field Ops.

What do you think, Jack? I am the last person you should be asking This is between you and Kim Whatever you choose, I would support You are a good man, Chase Let's go, let's go Moving in, form a line here, sir.

Please, fast, we'll be checking your belongings and your identification You only have 9 people in your unit, Where is the man in the brown jacket? I don't know Chase, we have a passenger unaccounted for This is Jack Bauer, we have 2 LAPD officers down at the northwest exit.

I need transportation to meet me on the corner.

I am a federal agent.

Did you see what happened here? A carjacking - Get a make on the car? - No This is Jack Bauer, we have got a civilian casualty on Hope and Seventh Did you see which way the car went? Yeah, yeah, he went straight down there I need that transportation now Michelle, this is Jack Rabens is out of the station.

I repeat, Rabens is out.

He was headed east on 5th street less than 5 minutes ago I need to I.


a stolen car I want you to get me a DMV readout on a¡­ - Frank Kassar - A Frank Kassar Then I want you to set up roadblocks in a 5 mile radius and coordinate SAT surveillance, traffic cameras, everything we have got Yeah Fred, it's me.

I need to talk to you now All right.

I will be right out.

I need to step out Brad, Rabens is gone He got through the perimeter at the MTA station How the hell did that happen? It doesn't matter how it happened, it happened.

We identified the vehicle he carjacked as a light blue Malibu.

We set up a roadblock and uplinked traffic cams and satellite sweeps But I need Tony to coordinate the data flow with tactical.

There's no downside here, Brad You know he's not a flight risk and he'd be a major asset to the operation.

- I could be brought up on charges if I let Tony out - We can't lose Rabens So unless you want to take responsibility and run tactical yourself You are wasting time, Brad We need you on the floor.

Come on, Chloe, where's Rabens? Just a second, Jack I think I have got a match A light green Malibu, intersection of Fifth and Vanowen.

Ok, we are only a few blocks away, we are gonna head over there now.

Adam, get me a closer shot of that plate.

Doing it now I am back in play, Jack, Michelle got me up to speed Tony, how long till the plate's I.

D'd? Adam, do we have a match? Yes, it's him Jack, it's him Which direction is he headed? East on Del Mar, just past Franklin.

It's this block Right there, right there Tony, we got him.

He's headed south on Manning toward the Chatham Center.

We are going to need backup Copy that Tony, where's that backup coming in from? From the east and from the south on a reciprocal course.

Ok, we just made a right.

We are headed west on De Soto Get that thing out of here now Tony, we have been cut off.

He made a right on to Lawndale.

He's headed north.

We are about 3 blocks behind him Yeah, Jack, we have 3 vehicles in the area ready to cut him off.

Jack, we got him pinned on Chamberlain, just north of Palm Keep him there.

We are 2 blocks away He's running into the middle school on Chamberlain, main entrance.

Tony, we are coming up on the middle school now.

Tony, he's in the school.

Gotta get back to you.

Tell the arriving teams to secure the exits We can't evacuate this school.

We run the risk of losing him.

Let's move.

Hayes, cover the west exit.

- You got anything?? - Nothing Cover your exit.

No one leaves this buildin Chase, take your men and search the auditorium All teachers and students are instructed to remain in their classrooms and lock their doors.

I repeat: remain in the classrooms and lock the doors It's all right, children Chase, it's Jack Second floor is clear.

Do you copy? Chase? No,Chase, just lay still Everything's going to be all right This is the only thing I could do to keep him from escaping with the virus.

Don't waste your time, it's not coming off What are you talking about? Rabens didn't even try to remove it If he could unlock it, he would have Tony, Rabens is dead The virus is in our possession.

But the dispersal device has been activated.

I don't see a timer£¬I have got no idea how long we have got All right, Jack, I need you to find a secure container.

Anything airtight.

I can't do that£¬the device is attached to Chase's wrist.

What? I will explain later.

Right now I need you to put me in touch with one of the teams that's been able to disarm the device already.

All right, I will get back to you.

Hurry Just support the device Jack, I don't know how this is all going to turn out, but I want you to tell Kim that I am sorry.

You got to tell Kim, you tell her yourself We're going to get through this.

You just stay with me.

We are going to get through this.

- Jack, I am patching you through - OK Roger Summers here Roger, my partner had to fasten the dispersal device to his wrist to stop the courier from escaping with it.

I need to figure out how to disarm the timer or remove the clamp Forget about the clamp.

It's titanium£¬ And it's also wired into the tamper proof mechanism.

Fine, then let's disarm the timer.

What do I do? There's a plate at the opposite end of the clamp You need to open that up.

Ok, I see it Chase, stay with me.

Stay with me Ok, I have got the timer.

£¬ You should see 6 wires to the left£¬separate them from each other Ok, done Ok, the furthest to the left should be red.

Cut it without making contact with the others.

You ready? I cut the red wire, but the timer is still counting down That's ok.

The timer will stop with the next cut Locate the green wire.

It's in the group to the right Roger, I don't have a green wire.

What color wires do you have? Orange, yellow, black and purple Jack, the devices don't match Don't panic, and don't cut any more wires until we can figure this out on our end.


We are running out of time.

Jack, you need to go I am not going anywhere without you.

Do it - They are going to call back - You have to They are going to call back It's ok This is Jack Bauer.

We have a man down on the 3rd floor science lab northeast corner of the building requiring medical assistance Emergency, now Could you give us a minute, please? What's going on? I am back in custody.

Hammond's taking me down to Federal.

No, no, they can't do this Not after everything you have accomplished today.

Michelle, I put your well being above the country's Nothing anybody can say will ever change that fact.

But they can't£¬they can't put you in prison.

Yes, they can And they will, for a long time£¬believe me.

- Tony, don't talk like this.

I - Michelle I can't, I won't give up on you Michelle, come on.

Please, Michelle, don't do this Baby, you are alive And nobody else got hurt because of what I did And that's more than I hoped for I can live with that Even in prison Tony, it's time - This is Bauer - Agent Bauer, please hold for the President Jack Mr.

President I wanted to thank you personally Not only for what you have done today, but for everything This country continues to owe you a great debt of gratitude.

Thank you, sir.

I put you in an unimaginable position earlier today, when I asked you to take the life of one of your colleagues.

Please forgive me for that.


President, there is nothing to forgive.

It's what had to be done It wasn't the only sacrifice made today I understand How's agent Edmunds doing? He's in surgery now It's going to be a few days before we know whether or not he can use his hand Well, when he's strong enough to talk, I'd like to thank him personally.

He would appreciate that, sir.

You know, Jack, men and women like you, your courage and level of commitment humbles me.

Thank you, Mr.

President I will let everyone know at CTU that you appreciated the job they did Jack, there's one more thing and please don't discuss this with anyone until it becomes public But I wanted you to hear it from me, personally.

I have decided not to seek reelection.

This will be my only term Mr.

President, I hope you don't mind me saying so, but I think you're making a mistake.

Well, mistake or not, it's what I have decided.

When I am a private citizen, I hope we can become better friends.

That would be an honor, sir Thank you, Jack Thank you, Mr.

President Come Mr.

President, the motorcade's ready Thank you, Eric Thank you, Wayne - Dad - Hey Is Chase going to be ok? The doctors are very optimistic.

They got him into surgery very quickly Oh, thank God Come here I hear you and Chase are going to make some changes.

I am very happy for you I thought you were going to be upset about it I am so proud of you I am sure whatever choices you make will be the right ones.

Thank you, Dad Thank you You going to be ok? Yeah, I am going to be fine.

There's something I have to deal with But I am going to be fine You are going to wait here for Chase to get out of surgery? Yeah I've gotta leave for a little while, - but I will be back - Ok I love you I love you, too, Dad Jack, you there? Jack? This is Jack I just got a call from District They have started interrogating Saunders' courier.

We could use your help - Jack? - Yeah Jack, did you copy? I am on my way.
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