04x04 - Day 4: 10:00 a.m. – 11:00 a.m.

Episode transcripts for the TV show "24". Aired: November 6, 2001 to July 14, 2014.*
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Counterterrorism agent Jack Bauer fights the bad guys of the world, a day at a time.
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04x04 - Day 4: 10:00 a.m. – 11:00 a.m.

Post by bunniefuu »

In three hours, Heller will be tried for w*r crimes against humanity.

If he is proven guilty, he will be ex*cuted in accordance with our laws.

When the trial begins, you may have an opportunity to escape.

You have to take it, even if it's dangerous.

When Dad told me to take the briefcase to Omar, Debbie followed me.

Debbie saw the warehouse where we're holding Heller? Yes.

Father found out and he wants me to get her over here.

You know what that means.

- Debbie, thank you for coming.

- Sure.

I need you to build a firewall around station four.

- Who's that? - Marianne.

I want to make sure she doesn't stray from her area.



The t*rrorists will try and execute Heller in less than three hours.

- Bring him in.

- I don't think that's the right call.

I believe that they'll lead me to Heller and the kidnappers.

Jack Bauer is no longer cooperating with this investigation.

All departments need to work on the capture of Jack Bauer and the hostile he's tracking.

Our first priority is to find these t*rrorists.

I'll need satellite surveillance to track them.

You want me to steal satellite bandwidth from CTU.


Will I have satellite coverage in the next minute or two? It'll take at least five.

I'm gonna have to figure out a way to keep this guy here.

Keep working on it.

Everybody put your hands up now! You, don't move.

Slowly move back to the corner.

Everybody, just stay calm.

We'll be out of here before you know it.

You, hop up on the counter, black out that camera.

Anybody else working in the back? Put your hands up.

Move over there with the others.

Now! - Do you have the IDs of the other two? - If I did, I'd tell you.

- I'll keep you updated.

- Thank you, yeah.

Please do.

Briefing in five minutes.

County just reported that Andrew Paige was taken into their ER.

Paige? The programmer Jack went to pick up? That's not all.

The bodies of two unidentified Middle Eastern men were found at the site.

- g*nsh*t wounds.

- Bauer must have done that to save the kid.

- Where did they find all this? - Moorpark.

It's out of control.

We lose an agent and a witness has been disabled.

- What about the hostile and Bauer? - Still at large.

Erin, we've less than three hours before Heller's ex*cuted in front of the country.

Maybe we shouldn't concentrate on Bauer, pursue other leads.

Except for Heller's son, we have no other leads.

I want all tactical teams working on finding Bauer and the hostile.

You got it.

Keep moving back towards the corner.

Move! - Everybody get down.

Lady, get down.

- Take it easy.

Shut up.

You wanna get through this, you listen to me.

Get down on the floor now.

I want your wallets and your cell phones.

Make it quick.

- Where's yours? - I don't have one.

Where's your cell phone? - What's this? You some kind of cop? - No.

- What do you need this for? - Protection.

I get my money, no one gets hurt.

Do I make myself clear? - You, in the cap, what's your name? - Doug.

Doug, give me your keys.

Which one of these opens the front door? Which one? The brass one.

- There's an electrical problem.

We're closed.

- I just need a pack of cigarettes.

I'm sorry, you're gonna have to go to the gas station across the street.

Thank you.

Is the satellite up yet? No, I have to reposition without Driscoll noticing.

Where are you? - I'm in a Mercury Mart.

I staged a robbery.

- What? It was the only way to stop him getting back on the road.

How long? - It's gonna take ten minutes.

- Son of a bitch.

Please hurry.

- I'll get back to you.

- Chloe, Driscoll's called a briefing.

- I'll be there in a couple minutes.

- Chloe.


- Where are you going? - To a briefing.

- Should I be in that? - No.

- Hi, I'm Marianne.

I'm helping out today.

- OK.

And you are? This is Chloe O'Brian, our senior sys tech.

She doesn't have time to chat either, Marianne.

It's nice to meet you, Chloe.

As some of you know, about an hour ago a hostile abducted a witness, Andrew Paige.

- Do we know where this hostile is? - No, but we have a general direction of travel.

County Emergency Services called this in.

His best route of escape is the freeway.

He'll likely dump his vehicle and try to hijack another one.

This is Andrew Paige.

He was apparently tortured and about to be k*lled when it seems Jack Bauer intervened.

If this took place in the last half-hour, and the hostile continued east, he's somewhere in northeast Ventura County.

We'll coordinate with Caltrans and Ventura sheriffs to set up watch points.

I want every resource on this.

Edgar, lead satellite positioning.

Sarah, you'll coordinate with NSA.

That's all.

Thank you.


I'm sorry about Andrew.

They said there's a good chance that he'll pull through.


And, Chloe, there's nothing you could have done.

- I want you to put a pipe into Chloe's system.

- What for? - She knew about Paige.

- How do you know? Her reactions.

Which means she's been in touch with Jack Bauer.

Well, I'll need her access code.

Doug, get over here now! Open the safe.

- That's it? - Yeah.

Why don't you take it and leave? - I-I won't tell the police.

- When does the armored truck come? About 12:30.

What, you want to rob the armored truck too? Shut up.

Get back in the corner.

Move! He's gonna keep us here another two hours? We have to do something to stop him.


Something is wrong.

Kalil is not answering his phone.

- Maybe he's out of range.

- No, not for this long.

Check with our people in the area.

Find out if anything has happened to him.

Kalil may not be here in time.

We'll have to boot up the routers without him.

Take care of it.

Let my daughter go.

You don't need her.

- She has already been useful.

- Please.

I'll do whatever you want.

I know you will.

That's why we are keeping her.

I don't care if you k*ll me, but if you k*ll her, even your own people will see you as a barbaric pig.

- Is this what your religion teaches you? - Dad, Dad, calm down.

- Are you all right? - I'm fine.

Where's your medication? Your nitroglycerine, where is it? I left it in the car.

My father has a heart condition.

He needs his medication.

- Has Chloe been in contact with Bauer? - No.

Keep watching.

- This is Edgar Stiles.

- Edgar, it's Chloe.

- Why you calling me? - I need to talk to you.

Meet me at Archives.

- When? - Now.

- Why are we meeting like this? - I need you to help me.

With what? - I think Sarah piped into my system.

- Why? Driscoll must have asked her to.

If Driscoll's spying on you, she must have a reason.

I'm not getting involved.

- I've been in contact with Jack Bauer.

- What? - That's right.

So either help me or turn me in.

- I'm turning you in.

- Jack can find Heller.

Driscoll won't let him.

- That's her call.

- She's wrong.

- That's your opinion.

These decisions are not ours to make.

How about if you do it as a favor to me? How many times have I helped you since you started here? A lot.

What about the first two weeks when I did all your work because you were nervous? You owe me.

- This could get me fired.

- Not if I say I ordered you to do it.

Remember, I outrank you.

I'd take the heat.

What do I have to do? I need to reposition a satellite and I need to do it now.

Since Sarah's piping my system we have to use yours.


Send it to Archives Three.

I've transferred my calls there.

I want to know who's in charge here.

I want to speak to the man who was just in here.

- You'll speak to him later.

- No, now.

I am the Secretary of Defense of the United States of America.

You will listen to me.

- Dad, don't make it worse.

- What do you mean? What can be worse than waiting here to be m*rder*d by these lawless, godless thugs? - Dad, calm down.

- I don't want to.

Don't tell me to calm down.

We're here, OK? The best we can do is hope that someone comes and Hope? Hope that we get rescued? We have to do something.

We have to take Argh! Argh! Dad, what is it? What's happening? Dad, just OK, take a deep breath.

Help me.

I think he's having a heart attack.

Dad, you've gotta lie down.

Just lie down.

Dad, are you listening? It's OK.

He's coming.

- Step back.

Step away from him.

- We need to lie him down, please.

- Hurry, you've got to get him - Step away.

Go on.

Get out of here.

- You still with me? - Yeah.

Let's go.

Go back! Go back! Put your w*apon down.


Both of you, hands on your head.

If another one of my men dies, your daughter will be k*lled.

- How many men come with the truck? - Two.

One by the door.

One takes the money.

- They park in the front or the back? - In the front, by the street.

Come on, let's go.

Everybody up, we're moving to the back of the store.

Now! - Stand there.

- The longer you keep us Shut up.

Let's go.

You try that again and I will k*ll you.

You understand me? Get up.

Now! Move to the back of the store.


Everybody in the freezer.


Not you.


Anybody makes a sound, I k*ll all of you.

- Doug, you in there? - Make him go away.

Sorry, I didn't hear you.

I was in the back.

- How come you're closed? - I'm taking inventory.

In the middle of the day? Yeah.

OK, then.

- You're sure everything's all right? - Yeah, fine.

- You don't look fine, Doug.

- I'm just a little tired.

- Thanks.

- You mind if I use the head? It's broken.

Something's wrong.

Are you gonna tell me, or do I have to see for myself? Don't even think about it.

Step inside now.


Grab the counter.

Doug, lock the door.

Give me your keys.

Go over there and get me his g*n and his radio.


Come on.

Take out his cuffs.

Officer, put your hands behind your back.

Cuff him.

Go back to the freezer.

Let's go.

At this time we have no more information regarding the kidnapping of Secretary of Defense Heller and his daughter, Audrey, other than the image you are now seeing My husband and I realize we've been unfair to you.

We've treated you as badly as we have been treated ourselves by certain ignorant people.

Well it was pretty obvious you didn't approve of us going out.

- Is that OK to say? - Yeah, it's OK.

- Well, we hope you'll accept our apology.

- That means a lot to me.

That said, there is something else I want to discuss with you.

What's that? This morning you followed Behrooz to his father's warehouse.


Um I thought Behrooz was seeing someone else.

- I got jealous.

- Oh, I understand, but Mr.

Araz moved his inventory there because he's been robbed a few times and we've been trying to keep that place secret so it doesn't happen again.

- I promise I won't tell anyone where it is.

- Good.

And you haven't told anyone yet? No.

I haven't talked to anyone but Behrooz today.

Well, then, that's settled.

- Thank you for inviting me here, Mrs.


- It's my pleasure.

Has Behrooz ever shown you pictures from when he was a child? No.

Show her, Behrooz.

Have a look at these.

I'll be right back.

Oh, my God.

- That's not you.

- Hm.

It is.

- You were so cute.

- Hm.

- Thank you, Hana.

- You're welcome.

- Have you been following this, Mr.

Araz? - Secretary of Defense James Heller Yes.

It's horrible.

It makes it so difficult when people from home do these unspeakable things.

I agree.

- Yes.

- The girl didn't tell anyone.

- Are you sure? - Yes.

- Good.

It'll be taken care of, then? - Soon.

Have Behrooz do it.

He created this problem, he should solve it himself.

- I agree.

I'll call you when it's done.

- Thank you.

Two Charles Nine, there's a 211 in progress at 2221 Mill Road, cross street Cedar.

Two males seen leaving the bank with shotguns.

Respond code three.

Two Charles Nine, do you copy? Stand back from the door! - Step back.

- Do you copy? - You.

Are you unit nine? - Yeah.

You tell them you're on your way.

One wrong word and I will k*ll you.


- Two Charles Nine - Help! We're being robbed! - We have help on the way.

- Get up.

Now! - Now would be the time to let us go.

- Shut up.

These people are your responsibility.

You better start talking to them.


- Has Chloe had any contact with Bauer yet? - No.

- Could her work be on his behalf? - No.

I've been watching her system.

Chloe is not stupid.

Assume she's taken measures to protect herself.

Maybe she's coopted the help of someone else inside.

I'm not quite sure how much of my time you want me to devote to this.

I expect you to be able to walk and chew gum at the same time.

Chloe's loyal to Bauer.

There's a good chance she's helping him.

Find out how.

What are you doing? That looks like a satellite.

- It was.

I mean it is.

- A satellite for what? - We're trying to find Bauer.

- Division's doing that.

I'm just going over it.

Sometimes they miss data.

- Do they know that you're doing that? - Yeah, they know what I'm doing.

Here, call them if you don't believe me.


I don't have to call anybody.

Do what you have to do.

I will.

Do me a favor.

There's a chance that Jack might try to contact Chloe.

- If you see or hear anything, call me, OK? - Why would Jack try to contact Chloe? - He just might.

Let me know.

- Sure.

- Edgar Stiles.

- Edgar, what did she want? She wants to nail you to the wall.

Remember our deal.

If you get caught, you don't take me with you.

And if I get caught, you say you ordered me to do this.

You don't have to repeat the deal.

Did you reposition the satellite? I'm working on it.

Leave me alone.


We'll use our own people for that.

- Hang on, Ed.

Yes, what is it? - Your daughter's on line two.

- I'm busy.

Tell her I'll call her back.

- She says it's important.


Ed, I'm gonna have to get back to you.

OK, bye.

- Maya? - I need you to come home.

- What's wrong? - I'm having a bad day.

- Have you been taking your medication? - No.

If you don't take it you're going to feel bad.

It numbs me.

I don't like it.

- Do you like feeling like this better? - Come home.

- I can't, Maya.

- Why not? Listen.

I want you to take the pills and I'll call you back as soon as I can.

- You promise? - Of course.

What are you gonna do? - I'll take my pills.

- Good.

- Do you love me? - You know I do.

Then why don't you say it? I love you, Maya, OK? - I do.

- OK.

All right.


Behrooz, can I see you for a moment? Yes.

I'll be right back.

I talked to your father.

We both agree you have to be the one who'll take care of this.

- She didn't tell anyone.

- We're fortunate that's the case, but she still saw the warehouse, and she could tell the authorities about it if she's ever brought in for questioning.

This is riskier than letting her live.

If she disappears, her mother will call the police.

By the time this day is over, the police will be too busy to look for a runaway girl.

Now, take it.

Don't make me bring your father into this.

Just take her to the basement and do it.

Don't think about it.

Get it over with.

- Behrooz? - Hey.

- Everything OK? - Yeah.

I want to make a copy of this one.

Can I take it home and scan it? Sure.

- We need to get out of here.

You're in danger.

- From who? - Don't ask questions, just come with me.

- What? Behrooz? Trust me, Debbie.

- We're OK.

Come on.

- I can't.

- Why not? What's wrong? - I don't know.

Answer me, Debbie.

What's wrong? Come on, Debbie.

What's wrong? - Get up, Debbie.

We need to go.

Come on.

- Please help me.

What's wrong? Debbie, come on.

Debbie, what's wrong? - What did you do to her? - I didn't expect you to be able to do it.



Come on, Debbie.

Debbie! Give me the g*n.

Give me the g*n.

Hey! I am so disappointed in you.

Yeah? This is Sergeant McGrath.

You're surrounded.

You should know that I've got hostages.

I will k*ll them if you use tear gas and send your men in.

Let's not go there yet, OK? Who do you have in there? The owner, two men and a woman.

- What about Officer Dotson? - Yeah, I got him too.

You only need one hostage.

Keep Officer Dotson and let the others go.

I need to think about that.

Yeah? - I've got satellite coverage.

- OK, good.

The suspect will be free in five minutes.

He'll be on foot on Route 11.

I'll find him.

One of you is coming with me.


Come here.

Put your hands up against the rack.

Now! Everybody else, to the back of the cooler.

Move! Open the door.

Lock the door with the chain.

Now, I will let you go as soon as we are clear.

If you try and be a hero, I'll k*ll you.

Understand? - I understand.

- Good.

Let's go.

- Which car is yours? - The blue Lexus.

Unlock the door.


Tell those officers to put their weapons down and step back.


We'll try and help you through this.

- Tell them to do it now! - OK, drop your weapons and move back.

- Stand back! - Do it.

Step back.

Get into the car.

Open the door.

Come on, open the driver's door.

If you try and follow me, I will sh**t him.

On my count, get in.

One, two, three.


Go! Go! Call in a roadblock.

Suspect driving east on Route 11.

One hostage.

Move the rear-view mirror to the right so I can see out the back.


- When do you let me go? - When I feel like it.

- Who are you? - What do you mean? You don't seem like you need to rob a Mercury Mart.

That Mercury Mart was a money drop.

There was supposed to be 18 grand in that safe.

How did you know that? We're done sharing.

I'll not forget your face and I've got your license.

You talk to the police, it's not gonna be hard to find you.

Do you understand me? I won't tell them a thing.

OK, pull over here.

Now! Get out of the car.

Move! Start running.

Now! O'Brian.

- You got him? - Yeah.

Download his position to my PDA.

Stay reachable.

I will.

I'm sorry, could you repeat that? Hold on a second.

- Ms Driscoll.

- Yes, Sarah? You have a phone call from your neighbor.

A George Kliavkoff.

It's about your daughter.

- What line? - Six.

It's Erin.

- There's been another incident with Maya.

- What's happened? She came into the back yard and started screaming at Evan again.

- Is Evan OK? - Yes.

Fortunately I was home.

But this is the end.

I've got to protect my boy.

- Did you call the police? - Yes.

They're on their way.

- Where's Maya now? - She went back to your house.

- I'm very sorry.

This will not happen again.

- It can't, Erin.

Ms Driscoll? Is everything all right? No, it's not.

- Is there anything I can do to help? - Yes.

Call LAPD Westside and find out who they dispatched to pick up my daughter.

She has a condition.

She suffers from schizophrenia.

There was an incident with one of my neighbors.

What would you like me to do? Tell the officers to cancel the call.

I'll take care of it.

Yeah, I don't think that's possible.

They have to follow through.

- CTU has pre-emptive privilege over local.

- Only in a national security situation.

Sarah, I'm asking you to do something.

Should I ask someone else? No.

I'll do it.

Send a unit over to my house.

One medic, one field agent.

- Bring Maya back to our clinic.

- Yes, ma'am.

Thank you.

Yeah, I got it.


I found Jack Bauer.

- Where is he? - Somis.

He's tracking the hostile.

- Now he's using satellite.

- How do you know that? DOD complained that someone was stealing bandwidth.

I took a look at the imagery and found him.

All right.

Bring them both in.

Who logged on to that satellite? Chloe.

Chloe, why are you logged on to an active DOD satellite? - All right, you're done here.

- Whatever.

I was gonna quit anyway.

You're not fired, you're arrested.

Call security.

Edgar, lock up her systems and take control of all her files.

- Yes, ma'am.

- I want you to call Jack Bauer now.

- Yeah? - Driscoll wants to talk.

- What? - Hello, Jack.


Look, I've got some information for you.

The hostile's name is Kalil Hasan.

Stand down.

It's over.

Erin, Hasan is free.

He's looking for a car and a phone.

Once he has those things he'll lead us straight to Heller.

- You can't be sure.

- You've got him on satellite.

Bombard the area with a receptor beacon.

Send a team to pick up the hostile.

If you do that, everything I've done will mean nothing.

- I'm glad you finally figured that out.

- Erin.

- Take Ms O'Brian into holding.

- Ma'am.

Edgar, you have it up on satellite? Yeah.

The hostile's flagging down a car.

- Need some help? - Yeah, I just, uh Curtis, give me the feed down here.

- Sarah, what's the load on the cell tower? - About 40 to 50 calls.

Put personnel on every call.

Let's see if he contacts someone.

- Yes? - Omar, it's me.

- Where have you been? We've been worried.

- Everything's fine.

I'll explain later.

- Where are you? - I'll be there within the hour.

- Is the broadcast on schedule? - Yes.

We're about to prepare Heller.


- Edgar.

- Not now.

Yes, now.

How do you feel about what's happening to Chloe? - What do you mean? - She'll not just lose her job.

- She might go to prison.

- Why do you care about all this? I overheard the conversation you had earlier.

I know you were working with her.

- What do you want? - I want your attention whenever I need it.

Thanks, Robin.

Ms Driscoll, we got the call.

Put it on speaker.

Cue it from the top of the call.

Omar, it's me.

- Where have you been? We've been worried.

- Everything's fine.

I'll explain later.

- Where are you? - I'll be there within the hour.

- Is the broadcast on schedule? - Yes.

We're about to prepare Heller.


Looks like Jack was right.

Tell the teams to stand down for the time being.

We'll keep tracking Hasan by satellite.

Son of a bitch.

- Dammit.

- Get out of the car.

Get out of the car and put your hands in the air.

- Step out of the vehicle now.

- Come on.

Come on.

- Get out of the car now.

- Get your hands up and step out of the vehicle.

- Suspect is armed.

- Step away from the car.

Down! On your knees.

Put your palms down.

Put your chest flat on the ground.

Keep your hands down, all the way down.
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