04x05 - Day 4: 11:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m.

Episode transcripts for the TV show "24". Aired: November 6, 2001 to July 14, 2014.*
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Counterterrorism agent Jack Bauer fights the bad guys of the world, a day at a time.
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04x05 - Day 4: 11:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m.

Post by bunniefuu »

I am the Secretary of Defense of the United States of America.

You will listen to me.

Put down your w*apon.

If another one of my men dies, your daughter will be k*lled.

- We need to get out of here.

You're in danger.

- From who? Don't ask questions, just come with me.

Debbie, what's wrong? Debbie, Debbie, what's wrong? What did you do to her? - O'Brian.

- Is the satellite up yet? No, I have to reposition without Driscoll noticing.

Where are you? I'm in a Mercury Mart.

I staged a robbery.

Tell those officers to put their g*ns down and stand back.

- I need you to help me.

- With what? - I've been in contact with Jack Bauer.

- What? - That's right.

So either help me or turn me in.

- This could get me fired.

I know you were working with her.

- What do you want? - I want your attention whenever I need it.

Chloe, why are you logged on to an active DOD satellite? - All right, you're done here.

- I was gonna quit anyway.

I want you to call Jack Bauer now.

- Driscoll wants to talk.

- Stand down.

It's over.

Erin, Hasan is free.

He's looking for a car and a phone.

Once he has those things he'll lead us straight to Heller.

Son of a bitch.

- Get out of the car.

- Get your hands up and step out of the vehicle.

Do we still have a sat visual on Kalil Hasan? West of the 14 on Route 11.

Average speed, 62 miles per hour.

I want traffic workups.

We can't let anything prevent him from reaching his destination.

Key the tactical teams to Jack's location.

- Want me to pre-empt that with Division? - Yes, we'll run point.

I can pull up those tactical teams for you, if you want.

You can't.

That requires a level-three channel.

You don't have that kind of clearance.

I have a Sergeant Paulsen from the Sheriff's Department on line one.

He says it's important.

Sergeant Paulsen.

This is Erin Driscoll at CTU.

I have a man named Jack Bauer in custody.

He claims he works with you.

Is that true? - Yes, it is.

- He just robbed a convenience store.

Claims it was part of some undercover operation to delay a suspect until satellite coverage could be established.

- That's also true, Sergeant.

- It'd be nice if you communicated with us.

There were some national security issues involved.

I'm sorry for any inconvenience.

May I speak to Mr.

Bauer? All right.

Uncuff him.

Thank you.

- Tell me that you didn't arrest Hasan.

- No.

He's still in the vehicle, we're tracking him.

An intercepted phone call indicated he's headed for the site where Heller's held.

You'll need me to coordinate things on the ground.

We can get Heller and Audrey out of there, but we need to work together.

We have to find Heller before this trial starts.

That's the right move, Erin.

He's our only option.

All right, you're in, but you coordinate through me.

And Jack, make this work.

I will.

Please advise Sergeant Paulsen of the new chain of command.

- Yep.

- In my capacity as director of CTU, I'm vesting Jack Bauer with the authority to control this part of the operation.

Consider him in charge.

- Yes, ma'am.

- Thank you.

You're the new boss.

Tell me what you need.

The vehicle the hostile was driving was stolen.

If there's an APB on it, - I need you to get CHP to cancel it.

- Get on it.

I left my CTU vehicle at the convenience mart.

- I'll have it brought right over.

- Thank you.

- Hasan's making another phone call.

- Patch it through to Jack.

- Bauer.

- It's Edgar Stiles.

Hasan's making another phone call.

I'm patching it to you.

- Yes? - It's Kalil.

I'm on my way.

- How much longer? - About a half an hour.

The broadcast must begin on time.

- Any problems? - Nothing I couldn't handle.

How are you coming with the servers? Duman and Farez are managing, but they could use your help.

- I'll be there soon.

- All right.

- Did Heller sign the confession? - Yes.

He didn't want to, but we used his daughter.

Did you k*ll her? Not yet.

- What's the ETA on my vehicle? - Any second, Agent Bauer.

I'll see you soon.

Play it back.

- Tell your men to stay on channel three.

- Got it.

Dad, you did what anyone else would have done in your position.

- I embarrassed my country.

- You signed a piece of paper.

AII lies.

Everyone will know that you signed it under duress.

It's more than a piece of paper.

This trial is gonna be a spectacle, broadcast all over the world.

Designed to humiliate and degrade this country.

Dad, there's still time.

There's no sense in deluding ourselves.

There's less than an hour.

If we're gonna do anything, we have to do it now.

We've done everything that we can.

Not quite.

What do you mean? What if I'm not alive? They can't put me on trial.

If I'm dead, their goals go right out the window.

And they'll be viewed as nothing more than common assassins.

- Dad.

- Listen to me.

Even if I say what they want me to say, they're not gonna let me go.

They're gonna put me in front of a camera, humiliate me, and then they're gonna k*ll me with the whole world watching.

There are people on the outside looking for us.

You cannot give up.

I have to do something while I still can.

And I need you to help me.

Help you? The chain between your handcuffs.

See if you can get it up and around my neck.

- No.

- I can't do it myself.

I don't have any leverage.

But you can pull from back there.

- Dad.

- I'm counting on you to help me.

- Stop it.

Stop it.

Stop it! - Give it a try at least.

Try it! I won't do it.

I won't do it, Dad.

There's a gas pipe.

- If we could break it - No.

Break that, you die too.

Do you think that they're gonna let me out of here alive? Do you? They're gonna k*ll me, too.


Together we can do this.

We can do it.

OK? Please.

Let's try it.

Almost there.


That's good.

- You ready? - Yeah.

- I love you.

- I love you, too, honey.

I want a full analysis on both these voices.

- OK.

I'll have it done in ten minutes.

- OK.


- Edgar.

- What, Marianne? - What's a level-three channel? - A log on for all systems, tactical, district and division.

- I want it.

- What do you mean? - I want clearance for a level-three channel.

- Only Driscoll can authorize that.

I don't care.

I want it.

Just because you overheard Chloe and me, doesn't mean I'm your bitch.

I'm done being scared of you.

- Ms Driscoll.

It's Marianne.

- Yes, Marianne.

What is it? I have further information regarding Chloe circumventing your authority.

- I'm listening.

- I don't think she was acting alone.

Who was she working with? I'm not sure.

I found an echo on her call log.

Every time she spoke to Jack, there was someone else on the line.

That's an automated behavior.

It doesn't mean anyone else was on the line.

Is that the extent of your suspicions? Yes.

I'm sorry to have bothered you.

- You're sick.

- You're gonna go to Driscoll, and you're gonna tell her you need some help.

And you're gonna ask her to issue me a level-three channel clearance.

- Unit Three, this is Bauer.

Do you copy? - Copy.

- Back off another 200 yards.

- Roger that.

- Jack.

- Yeah.

The marines are leaving base.

Have Chloe collate the satellite images.

Chloe's in a holding room.

She's been suspended.

- We could use her help.

- It's under control.

Curtis can collate them.

Chloe was just doing what I asked her to.

- She was supposed to be working for me.

- I understand, but Jack, it's one thing for you to disobey me in the field, but for someone who works for me here at CTU to betray me I can't reactivate her.

It's a nonstarter.

Anything else? No, nothing else.

- We have a situation here.

- I realize that.

I can do the math.

- The math? - The protocols were violated.

Someone has to take the b*llet.

Jack's indispensable right now, and I'm not.

- Took a lot of guts to do what you did.

- I trusted Jack.

A lot of people around here trust Jack.

Doesn't mean they'll risk their careers for him.

I have a suggestion.

I'm gonna leave this room, call Admin.

They'll fax over some resignation papers, and you sign them.

- And then what? - And then nothing.

- I walk out? - You walk out.

No jail? No sanctions? That's right.

Though if you need a letter of recommendation for your next job, you probably should get it from Jack, not me.


Sound like a plan? Yes.

For God's sake, pull yourself together.

She knew nothing.

You didn't have to k*ll her.

Yes, I did.

Because you didn't have the courage to k*ll her yourself.

Courage? To poison a girl who did no harm to you at all? Your father's home.

What are you doing? She's already dead.

If he doesn't see a b*llet wound, he'll ask questions.

Do you want him to know you tried to help your girlfriend escape? Do you want him to know you failed him again? Move away.

Take it.

Take it.

Behrooz, take it! Take it.

This has to stop, Behrooz.

You are my son, and I love you, but I cannot let you destroy everything.

Everything we've worked so hard to achieve.

I know this was difficult for you.

But it was necessary.

He'll dispose of the body tonight, after dark.

Meanwhile, move her car.

Park it somewhere where it won't be seen.

Then come straight back here.


What? - You got your level-three channel clearance? - Yes, I did.

So we're done, right? I mean, I don't think I should have to keep doing things for you.

Why do you need a level-three clearance? You may be happy tapping at a keyboard forever, but I'm not.

I've an opportunity here to get ahead, and I intend to use it.

That's mine.

I'll be right back.

I'm more insulted you thought I wouldn't notice than by the fact you spied on me.

Driscoll ordered me to do it.

Next time, use a Newman filter so the subject doesn't see red lights flashing everywhere.


Bye, Edgar.

Could you cover for me for just a second? Chloe.

Could you guys give me a moment, please? - I'm really sorry this happened.

- Don't worry.

- Driscoll doesn't know you were helping me.

- She doesn't? I'm the one who got you into this.

I'm not gonna sell you out.

Thank you.

You're a geek, Edgar.

But you're a good guy.

Stay that way.

- I don't really have a choice.

- I guess not.

Good luck today.

You're gonna need it.

Assuming he continues driving west, what are our potential target areas? Hasan will reach one of four residential communities and two industrial areas.

Data mine those areas.

Search for any suspicious activity in the last six months.

Citizen complaints, known associates, everything.

Jack, the hostile's stopping on an intersection.


I got him.

Yo, Mohammed.

That's your name, right? Ain't that what they call all you people? - I'm just trying to get home.

- Be nice if all y'all went home.

Three men have approached Hasan's vehicle.

- Edgar, can you enhance this? - Hang on.

- I don't want any trouble.

- Too late, Mohammed.

Don't slip up.

I'm watching you.

Say nothing, got that? You three.

Stay right there.

The police have got to stay clear.

I ordered a cancellation of the APB on the truck.

It may not have gotten out yet to all the local CHP branches.

If they detain Hasan, he'll never lead us to Heller.

Put me through to CHP.


I have a priority call for local dispatch.

- Do you wanna move this vehicle, please? - Yes, sir.

Step out of the truck, please, sir.

What's going on here? Working some things out between him and I.

That's all.

- Is that right? - Yes, sir.

You three, stand by your car.

Come on.

We're gonna lose him.

Get me CHP now.

Wanna tell me what's going on here? There's really no problem, Officer.

They're upset about what happened this morning.

Sorry about that, sir.

- May I go now? - Just bear with me one minute.

- Why don't you go ahead and call this in? - Copy that.

Jack, I have local CHP dispatch.

- Patch 'em through.

- This is Officer Calvert.

I cancelled an APB on a yellow pick-up truck, license plate number four, Los Angeles, Independent, nine, four, five.

I see it in the system.

I haven't had a cancellation.

One of your officers is questioning the driver.

It is imperative that that driver not be detained any longer.

We'll get you on your way as soon as possible.

It's just routine.

Don't let those guys get to you.

They're just punks.


I understand.

I think everybody's been a bit jumpy today, with everything that's going on.

Thanks for your patience.

It won't be another minute.

6214, come in.



- 6214, there's a 10-22 on the 2-15.

- Roger that.


We're all clear.

Have a nice day, sir.

Thank you, sir.

He's moving.

- He's making another call.

- Pipe it through to Jack.

Jack, Kalil's making another call.

Finish the set up, and let's do a test.

Yes? - We may have a problem.

- I'm listening.

The police ran the plates of the vehicle I'm driving.

- And? - They let me go.

- Jack, are you getting this? - Yeah.

- What is the problem? - This is a stolen car.

- Maybe the owner hasn't reported it yet.

- Maybe I'm getting help from people who wanna make sure I get there.

Do not jump to conclusions.

A police officer was approaching me, his hand on his g*n.

He got a call, suddenly there's no problem.

We can't take any chances.

He's not gonna lead us to the site.

The best we can do is take him alive and break him.

All units.

Move in.

I repeat, move in.

OK, I've got a visual.

Set up a roadblock at mile-marker 15.

It has been an honor working with you, Omar.

The honor has been mine, Kalil.

Come on.

Allah Akbar.

Allah Akbar.

No! He drove head-on into another vehicle.

He was our only lead.

Edgar, were you able to trace the call? OK.

We're gonna switch gears, since we've lost our only lead.

Kalil Hasan committed su1c1de en route to Heller's location.

Have they recovered anything that might help? It's too soon to tell.

They're still putting out the fire.

How much time do we have before this trial? Ten, fifteen minutes.

- Sarah Gavin.

- It's me.

- It's Jack.

- Put him on speaker.

Go ahead.

I'm sifting through the wreckage, there's not much intact.

Hasan said he was 30 minutes from his destination 20 minutes ago.

- Do we have a maximum perimeter? - Edgar? A radius of 60 miles, centered at Acton.

We're dispatching choppers to survey the area.

That'll take too long.

Use the satellites, conduct a thermal scan.

Won't work.

There's a high concentration of electric power transmitters.

The satellite can't distinguish the servers.

Those transmitters have been there for years.

Lay a scan against the previous grid pattern.

We can identify any new thermal activity.

- We can start the scan immediately.

- Do it.

We're using the satellite to check the thermals.

Keep the line open.


The clinic wanted me to tell you that your daughter has arrived.

Thank you.

All right.

Everyone reset your systems.

Let's get back on track.

I have to take care of something.

Check in with Division, they're expecting an update.

- Everything all right? - I had to bring my daughter to the clinic.

- Is she OK? - She's fine.

Call Division.

What are you working on? Personnel allocations and tactical generals for the teams.

Every time I look over here, you're talking to Edgar.

What's that all about? Just trying to learn the ropes, Curtis.

Today is not the day to make career moves on people, Marianne.

You should be thinking about how to help us stop Heller from being ex*cuted.

- Come on, Curtis.

Give me some credit.

- Save it.

I know how you think.

Just leave everybody alone, and help us get through today.


Thank you for helping me out.

They said Maya's arrived.

She's in the exam area.

We're about to do a workup.

She's been on Thorazine.

She stopped taking it.

- How long ago? - Based on this morning, at least a few days.

- What? - She was fixating on a neighbor’s kid.

- What does she do? - She walks into their yard, gets verbally abusive.

- We'll take good care of her.

- Thank you.

- Maya.

- I'm so happy to see you.

I was going crazy.

Why did you go over to Evan's? I know you said not to, but he was throwing things against the fence.


He plays with a ball.

He's seven years old, sweetheart.

I don't care how old he is.

He should know better.

Are you gonna talk to his dad about this? Come here.

Look at me.

You're not thinking clearly, honey.

You've got to put it out of your mind.

Dr Kaylis is gonna help, and you're gonna feel better very soon.

- Why don't we go home, right now? - We can't, honey.

Why not? There's a little trouble here in LA, and I have to take care of it.

- Are you gonna be OK? - Yes, I'm gonna be OK.

And you're gonna be OK.

I love you so much.

- I love you too, honey.

- I love you.

- It's gonna be OK.

- Mm-hm.


It's OK.

It's OK.

- Yes.

- Kalil is dead.

Dead? How? He was being followed here.

He martyred himself.

Without hesitation.

And the servers? Have they been reconformed for the broadcast? Duman is doing his best.

I think we'll be all right.

- If you need help, I can come.

- No, no, no, no.

It is too risky.

If the servers don't work correctly, we're in trouble.

This trial is only the beginning.

I know that as well as you, my friend.

But there's no need to worry.

Everything will go as planned.

- You've checked out the briefcase? - It's fine.

I was afraid it might be damaged, in the train crash.

The case is very strong.

There's no problem.


Then you can get started.


I smell gas.


Get them out.

Now! Come on.


Let's go.

Take them out.

Come on.

Put them down.

Put them down now.


Open the door.

Now! Come on.

Do whatever it takes to revive him.

Keep trying.

I know you.

She recognized me.

She has to be k*lled.

She will.

In good time.

Go do your job.


- Jack, it's Erin.

- Yeah.

We got the results from the scan.

One site matches the criteria.

- Where? - An old industrial park, three miles from you.

- Exact address? - Off a service road, south of Brock.

I'll set up the area.

Where's the marine strike force? I'll get back to you soon as I'm on site.

Download the schematics of the building and send them to me.

Edgar's on it.

- Pick the rest of these up later.

- Yes, Mr.


- What is it, Robert? - CTU thinks it's identified the location where the t*rrorists are holding Heller.

- Where? - A compound in Santa Clarita.

There is a problem.

The teams may not get there in time to prevent the broadcast, and even they do, there is a good chance the secretary will be k*lled in any rescue attempt.

Well, we have no choice but to hope and pray that you're wrong.

We do have a choice.

The secretary's death would be tragic, but his execution on American soil, broadcast to the world, would be far worse.

It would be a humiliation for the country.

Perhaps the worst in our history.

I'm well aware of that.

But unless you have some solution, I'm missing the point.

The solution is, we make a pre-emptive strike.

Assuming we locate the site in time, we destroy it.

- We k*ll our own secretary of defense? - To prevent the public spectacle of his death.

He's going to be k*lled anyway.

Jim Heller is a good friend.

A loyal public servant.

You expect me to k*ll him to save face? Not yours, sir.

The country's.

If we look impotent in this situation, we'll only encourage more att*cks.

And if I may say so, sir, having known Jim Heller many years myself, if he were here, - he'd be the first to endorse this plan.

- The public will never accept it.

All the public will know is the secretary died during a rescue attempt, which is more palatable than letting him be ex*cuted with the whole world watching.

It's a woman.

I don't know her.


- Who is she? - It's Debbie's mom.

- Go back.

Stay there until she leaves.

- What are you gonna do? Go.

- It's the girl’s mother.

- What? - Mrs.

Araz? - Yes.

- I'm Karen Pendleton, Debbie's mother.

- Oh, good to meet you.

Call me Dina.

It's good to meet you.

My husband and I are very fond of Behrooz.

He's one of the few boys who seem to know the meaning of "please" and "thank you".

Oh, I'm looking for Debbie.

This is my husband Navi.

This is Debbie's mother.

- Oh, she's a very lovely girl.

- Thank you.

We got a call from our dermatologist.

She missed her appointment.

Is she here? We haven't seen her since yesterday.

- She was on her way to see Behrooz.

- There must be a misunderstanding.

- Perhaps she stopped off.

- No, she knew she had this appointment.

It'll take weeks to reschedule.

- Is Behrooz here? - He is studying.

- Maybe he knows where she is.

- I doubt it.

He hasn't left his room all morning.

School is very important to him.

That's her phone.

I know the ring.

Many Many phones sound alike, Mrs.


No, she downloaded that ring specially.

It's one of her favorite songs.

- No, that's definitely her phone.

- Mrs.


It was my phone.

Debbie and I downloaded the same ring when we started going out.


Do you know where she is? She said she had a doctor's appointment this morning, and we're supposed to go to the movies later.

I'm sorry about this.

I'm just worried.

If you do see her, will you have her call me? - Oh, yes.

Of course.

- Of course.

- I told you not to interfere.

- It was her phone.

I shut it off.

He took care of it, Navi.

She went away because she believed him.

Let's hope so.

Get in the car.

Follow her.

Make sure she doesn't go to the police.

All right.

Have you worked up the rescue approach? We're running up scenarios now.

What are the probabilities of finding the secretary and his daughter? The data's fuzzy, but at best guess, they're in the west end of the building.

- Together? - We don't know.

We need a team split - one for the secretary, one for his daughter.

We discussed that, but it was rejected.

- What are you talking about? - It comes from the president.

There'll be very little time to secure the hostages.

Our priority is to get Heller.

- That doesn't make sense.

- I don't like it, but those are the orders.

Jack, they're about to begin the broadcast.

I'm almost there.


We are about to embark on a process of justice that will forever change the world.

Our people will finally be liberated from the tangle of corruption that has been choking them for centuries.

No longer will justice be the propagandist tool of the power elite.

It will once again become the instrument of the people, delivered through true believers, whose courage to use the sword has made this day not only possible, but inevitable.

I've taken the liberty of having a laser-guided m*ssile programmed and prepped.

- All that remains is for you to give the order.

- How long between my order and impact? The fighter's in the air, it needs to get in range.

No more than ten minutes.



without prejudice.

For we will be judged, the same as our enemies, as our prisoner shall be judged today.

Do it.

Let Driscoll know.

Today is the day the United States of America will be tested It's been authorized, ma'am.

Yes, I understand.

Yeah? - Ms Driscoll for you.

- What's your position? I'm on site.

Jack, stand down.

What are you talking about? The president wants to take out the building with a m*ssile strike.

- With the secretary and his daughter inside? - Yes.

Let me speak to the president.

I've been trying to get through to him.

I'm sorry.

You're gonna have to clear the area.

Jack, don't go in there alone.

Jack, talk to me.

The air strike's already been ordered.

Get out of there.
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