04x09 - Day 4: 3:00 p.m. – 4:00 p.m.

Episode transcripts for the TV show "24". Aired: November 6, 2001 to July 14, 2014.*
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Counterterrorism agent Jack Bauer fights the bad guys of the world, a day at a time.
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04x09 - Day 4: 3:00 p.m. – 4:00 p.m.

Post by bunniefuu »

The Americans have been able to shut down most of the reactors.

I'll have to manage the override personally.

Make sure those six melt down on schedule.

Is there anything I can do? Take care of your mess.

I give you my word.

My wife and son will be dead by the end of this day.

- I'm not afraid of Father.

- You should be.

He tried to k*ll me, and then he did this to you.

You're going to need to set things up on your end.

All right.

What do I do? Divert suspicion.

Someone inside CTU is leaking information to someone on the outside.

Ms Driscoll, what's going on? - You're under arrest, Gavin.

- For what? You've been passing classified information.

Thousands of lives are at stake.

Where are the people who control the override? I swear I don't know anything.

- Yeah? - We've got a match, Jack.

His name is Henry Powell.

He was a computer consultant for McLennan-Forster.

They designed the device controlling the power plants.

You're going to fly me out of here.

Drop the w*apon now! Now! Put him in the back.

He's dead, Jack.

Dammit! You got the wrong one.

Sarah's not guilty.

It's Marianne Taylor.

You're under arrest.

- Excuse me, Curtis.

- Not now.

All right.

Coordinate that with NRC.

Copy me on six-zero-Baker.


- I warned you about her.

- What are you talking about? Marianne Taylor.

I said she was trouble and it was a mistake to let her work here.

You said you weren't comfortable working with her.

You didn't say you were having a relationship with a spy.

How could I have known? Don't play that card with me.


Then don't have an "I told you so" attitude.

- Now we both have to deal with this.

- Division? That's right.

They're gonna want a timeline - from how Marianne got in here, down to the high-security files that she was able to access in a very short period of time.

- Can we have a conversation off-book? - Go ahead.

Neither of us should compromise our authority with Division.

- Agree or disagree? - Agreed.

Marianne did an excellent job in establishing her credentials.

All we need to do is leave out some of the details in how she managed to get in here.

I don't like anyone holding something over me.

Neither do I.

How long will it take you to adjust the files? Two minutes.

I'll call Division in five.

Explain to me how this mole, Marianne Taylor, was able to infiltrate CTU.

- We're still investigating.

- Who does she work for? - We don't know.

- Find out.

We will, as soon as she's conscious.

She's being treated here.

- Treated for what? - An attempt on her life.

- Who tried to k*ll her? - We don't know that either.

But whoever it was, they're more than likely connected with the theft of the override.

Jim, we need to find that override now.

What's the latest from the NRC? They reported the San Gabriel Island reactor's about to go critical.

What's the time frame? Meltdown within the hour.

We're evacuating the San Gabriel zone.

The population affected is less than 100,000.

Hopefully, most are already on the move.

All right.

Expedite the process as much as you can.

Yes, sir.

Jack? Erin, Powell's dead.

He was hit by a sn*per when we arrested him.

- Get anything from him before he was k*lled? - No.

But I got his last ten cell phone calls.

He called two numbers repeatedly.

We traced one of them to Marianne Taylor.

- Powell was working with Marianne? - Apparently.

- What about this other number? - Hold on.

- I'm gonna need you to trace it through CTU.

- OK.

Go ahead.

- I'll get back to you as soon as I've got an ID.

- I'll be standing by.

Edgar? I need you to run a locate on this number.

- It's a cellular account.

- Location? - I need to ping the number.

- How? It has to ring at least four times for triangulation.

Jameson can have me set up in a couple of minutes.

- Who is it? - Navi.

Navi? - What are you doing here? - Looking for Dina.

- Why would Dina be here? - She hasn't called in the last hour? No.

What's going on, Navi? - Why are you blocking the door? - I'm not.

Let me in.

- She's not here.

- You're lying.

You're hiding her.

No, I'm not.

Navi, no! You have no right to come in here like this.

She is not here.


That is my bedroom.

You can't go in there! - What's going on here? - Nothing.

It's OK.

Navi, please.

Please go.

This is none of your business.

Why don't you hike it on out? Please, don't interfere.

You can either walk out of here or I'm gonna throw you out.

- I said go! - No, Navi.

Please, no! Navi, don't, please.

Get back inside.


Don't tell my husband, I beg of you.

You disgust me.

Navi Dina's not here.

What about the hospitals? - Nothing so far.

- Keep looking.

- Is it your father? - I can't tell.

Don't answer it.

- We got it.

- Where? - A hotel in Chatsworth.

- Download the coordinates to Jack.

Here's the backup.

- Yeah.

- We've traced the call.

Hold on a second.

- I got it.

We're less than ten minutes out.

- I'll have a tactical team in place.

Thank you.

The body's by my car.

He was taken out by a sn*per from the roof.

I want you to take your photographs, get the body back to CTU as fast as possible.

- Come on, Tony.

We gotta go.

- Wait, Jack.

- Look, I think I'm done here today.

- What are you talking about? CTU backup's here.

You don't need me any more.

I need you to see this through with me.

I appreciate that, but you don't have to prop up my ego.

This isn't about you.

If we don't find the override device in an hour, we'll have six nuclear disasters.

So please, get in the car.

Let's go.

Mom, we've got to get you some help.

I'm OK.

I'm sorry.

This is my fault.

Your father shot me, not you.

Because you were trying to stop him from k*lling me.

Everything that's happening today, what we've all been fighting to achieve, it's more important to him than anything, or anyone.

But not to you.

Mom? - I need to get you something for the pain.

- I'll be fine.

I just need to rest.

- I can get it from Naseem.

- No.

The hospital he works at is near here.

I'll be right back.

Naseem doesn't know why we were really living here.

Mom, he's your brother.

I'll tell him you need it, and nothing else.

I promise.

I'll be right back.

- Just hurry.

- I will.



We have a meltdown.

San Gabriel Island reactor's just gone critical.

- Core material is now airborne.

- I thought we had more time.

Ms Driscoll, Derek Rosner, the engineer at San Gabriel Island, is on with the NRC.

One of their generators exploded, cooked their comm lines.

- We may only have a few seconds.

- Patch us in.

- What's going on? - We've had a meltdown in San Gabriel Island.

All attempts to contain the core failed.

We're trying to bypass the reactor trip, but that's not working.


Rosner, this is Erin Driscoll from CTU.

Can you hear me? Yes, ma'am.

Secretary of Defense James Heller is here.

What are your radiation levels? We're at 500 REM right now.

That's ten thousand times the dose of an x-ray.

At this REM rate the radiation will get stronger and will spill into the atmosphere until the core is exhausted.

Son, you've done everything you can, now get out of there.

Evacuating won't make any difference, sir.

We've already been exposed.

We've lost them.

Can we re-establish the link? Have we analyzed the cloud's movement? We're waiting for NGS to get a satellite refresh.

- Get on the phone, have them expedite.

- I will.

After rerouting evacuation instructions.

- Can't someone else do that? - No.

We're short of manpower.

A government spokesman has confirmed that the nuclear reactor at San Gabriel Island is in full meltdown.

Emergency personnel are on site, attempting to rescue workers exposed to radiation.

You're not listening.

I've been trying to get through to the evacuation zone for ten minutes.

I need you to link me in to access the emergency bandwidth.

I need it now.

- All right.

Stand by.

- Thank you.

If you are on the road or awaiting .


here are some items you and your family might need.

- Hello? - Mom.

Hello, Edgar.

- Have you seen the news? - I'm watching it now.

Why aren't you evacuated by now? - You know I don't have a car.

- Where's Margaret? I tried to get her but the lines are busy.

I'm surprised you got through.

- What about one of your neighbors? - By the time I got outside they were all gone.

Listen to me.

I'm gonna make some calls.

I'm gonna get someone there to help you.

I want you to sit and wait for my call.

Can you do that? Yes.

I don't really have a choice.

- I'll call you back.

OK? - OK, honey.


We've delegated that to Murphy's group.

I'm not interested in that.

We don't have the luxury of miscommunications.

Someone from my office will coordinate between state police and the National Guard.

Set up the conference call in ten minutes.

Thank you all.

- Are you OK? - Yeah.

How are you holding up? Considering the situation we're in I'm doing fine.

The truth of the matter is we do not have the manpower to handle this mess.

- Tell me what I can do.

- I've prioritized evacuation protocol, but I need someone to keep the state police and the National Guard from interacting.

All right.

I'll stop the guard at the 75th-mile marker and let the police take over from there.

We'll maximize room for civilian traffic.

I wish we had some other way to get those people out of there.

There's nowhere else to route them.

Jack has got to find the override before the rest of these reactors go critical.

Hey, Jack.

Good to have you in the field again.

- Thanks, Lee.

You remember Tony Almeida? - Yeah.

- I don't know what he's doing here.

- I want him here.

He's not authorized to be in the field.

I'm going through that door first.

I want him there to back me up.


Get another vest.

- You got a visual on the suspect? - We got a fiberoptic camera inside.

The manager says there's a midforties female and a teenage male.

Possibly mother and son.

Both Middle Eastern.

We need them alive.

They're no good to us dead.

- I've been briefed.

- Let's go.

- We got a visual on the woman.

- What about the kid? I haven't seen him yet.

We gotta go, now.

- You ready? - Go.

Don't move.

Drop your w*apon! Where is the override? Tell me who's got it! Tell me.

Now! - Agent Castle! - Stand down! Lee, stand down! - I'm gonna get her to talk.

- She'll go into shock before she does.

Agent Castle, step outside.

Now! I want her prints and photograph send over to CTU immediately.

- He has no right to give me orders.

- Hey, come here.

He did the right thing.

She was willing to k*ll herself.

- She'd die before she gave in to force.

- We need to get her to talk now.

- And we will.

- What do you have in mind? We need to find some leverage.

- CTU, Hudson.

- It's Jack.

Put me through to Erin.

Come here.

Come here.

Let me see your arm.

- Driscoll.

- We have a suspect.

I'm sending fingerprints and photographs.

Run a profile.

Send me all databases and electronic communications.

- Got it.

- Thank you.

Hey, I understand your concerns about Almeida, but for me, please, just give him a break.

OK, Jack.

- Jack? - Thanks.


This is a b*llet wound.

Probably a couple of hours old.

The evacuation appears to be in full swing, with delays on all routes.

Excuse me.

The nuclear emergency team has just emerged from the plant.

We can see them here on our sky cam.

They seem to be going through some kind of decontamination process here.

Their mission under these circumstances is probably just to try and limit - Behrooz.

- Uncle Naseem.

You all right? Yeah, I think so.

It's a disaster.

Everyone's panicked about radiation poisoning.

They all want iodide pills.

Is that why you're here? No.

I need pain medication.

It's for my mother.

She couldn't reach her doctor, so she wanted me to get it from you.

- What's wrong with her? - It's her back.

- She needs a prescription.

- I told you, she couldn't reach her doctor.

I'll see what I can do, OK? Just have a seat.

- Yes? - Navi, it's Naseem.

- Hello.

How are you? - Well.

But Behrooz showed up at the hospital.

- He seems disturbed.

- Is Dina there too? No.

He says he needs pain medication for her, but he's acting very strange.

I'm sorry you have to be involved in this.

- Involved in what? What's going on? - Behrooz may be taking dr*gs.

- It's been getting worse.

- I'm sorry.

- Me too.

- What do you want me to do? - Keep Behrooz there until I can come for him.

- How long will you be? - Fifteen minutes.

- I'll do my best.

Please, Naseem, don't let him leave until I get there.




The government is asking people to remain calm and exit Excuse me, Ms Raines.

I'm Edgar Stiles.

- Sorry.

- We have a noncompliance problem.

aren't going where they should, and another 25% don't know they're in the evac zone.

However you need to do it, make sure it gets done.

- What is it? - It's my mother.

She lives near San Gabriel Island.

She's in a wheelchair and missed her call to evacuate.

Maybe the National Guard can get her.

The area commander said he couldn't spare anyone.

- I'm sorry, I'm not sure what I can do.

- Here's his number.

I thought that maybe if you called him Look, I hate asking for special treatment, I wouldn't normally ask, but she's my mother.

- I can't make any promises.

- Just promise me you'll try, OK? All right.

I want you to give her something for the pain but make sure she stays lucid.

Understand? - Have you found out who she is yet? - Yeah.

She is Dina Araz.

She emigrated to the US five years ago.

Became a citizen two years ago.

Married to Navi Araz, also a naturalized citizen.

Owns an electronics store in Carson.

They have one son, Behrooz, 17.

Junior at the local high.

No criminal records.

- Not on any watch lists? - Must have slipped under the radar.

Send teams to the house and the store, see what we can find.

- Yeah? - Jack, it's Driscoll.

- Homeland Security - Hold on, Erin.

I can barely hear you.

- Go ahead.

- After the attack this morning, Homeland Security has been archiving communications in the LA area.

They pulled up a call that may explain how Dina got shot.

Erin, I'm gonna put you on speaker phone.

Hold on a second.

You're on.

This conversation happened two hours ago, between the mother and the son.

He wants me dead because I messed up with Debbie.

Behrooz, that's not possible.

Your father would never want to hurt you.

It's true.

Tariq told me everything.

- He was lying.

- No, he wasn't.

Mom, I don't know what to do.

You have to help me.

Where are you now? I'm near the Metro link station on Lassen in Chatsworth.

- Are you using Tariq's car? - Yes.

- Hide it.

I'll pick you up there in a half-hour.

- Hurry.

That's it.

Let me know the minute you get something from her.


We got our leverage.


How long have you been planning this operation? Two years? Five years? Ten? All this planning for one day.

You do realize, if all the reactors melt down hundreds of thousands of people will die.

Every w*r has casualties.

These people don't know about your w*r.

These people are innocent.

No one is innocent.

You really believe that? As strongly as you believe in what you believe.

So I won't waste your time or mine trying to explain something you can never understand.

Maybe I understand more than you think.

I doubt it.

I know that something happened today to challenge your commitment to your w*r.

You weren't willing to let your son become a casualty.

That's why you were shot.

Protecting him from his father.

I understand that.

I know what it's like to watch your child be threatened and feel helpless to do anything about it.

Right now Behrooz is out there alone.

And you and I know he's not going to last very long.

His father will find him then k*ll him.

There is another option.

If you were to help us find the override device, we will protect your son.

So he can spend the rest of his life in prison? No.

So he can walk away from this immune from prosecution.

- How? - Mrs.

Araz, your son is a minor.

He's 17 years old.

I can get him a legal and binding pardon signed by the President of the United States.

You don't have the authority to do this.

I can reach the president.

If you provide us with the information that allows us to find the override device in time, I am confident that the president will sign that pardon.

This offer expires the second another reactor melts down.

Do you understand me? You don't have a lot of time.

I would think about this.

Show me this document, and I'll help you find what you want.

Can we rule out this boy's involvement with the t*rrorists? No.

It's likely he knew of his parents' plans and that he helped them.

You're asking me to grant clemency to a t*rror1st.


President, I don't think we have a choice.

In all of my experience, I believe that we have to give in to her demands.

- Have you tried negotiating? - We don't have time.

In two hours, five reactors will go critical unless we find the override device.

She is our only link.

I'm uncomfortable with this, but I trust your judgment.

I'll release the letter.

Thank you, Mr.


Make sure that document is nonbinding.

Yes, I understand.

I'll get back to you on the redeployment figures.

Ms Raines? - Did you talk to them? - Yes.

- I'm sorry, they can't get your mother.

- Why not? They're five miles off the highway.

- They know where she is.

- What's the problem? Thousands of people are stuck.

It's taking the police and the National Guard to move them.

- So, who cares about one old woman? - They have to save the most number of lives.

If my mother were rich or a politician, they'd find a way to save her.


I need another switching station to that number.

Do you need it? - No, I've got it logged.

Hold the line.

- Thank you.

- Go ahead, please.

- Mom.

- Hello, honey.

- I can't get anyone out there to help you.

- I've done everything I could.

I did.

- I'm sure you did.

- It's OK.

- It's not OK.

The fallout's coming towards you.

It's 15 miles away.

I know.

I'm watching it on the news.

And I know what to do.

There's nothing you can do.

You can't stuff towels under the door.

- That's not what I'm talking about doing.

- What do you mean? They talked about radiation poisoning.

That's not something I want to go through.

Especially since there's only one way it can end.

Honey, I want to end things on my terms, as opposed to all that pain and suffering.

Mom It's the right thing to do.

It's the only thing, you know that.

No, I don't.

You have been a wonderful son, Edgar.

You've been a gift to me and your father.

It's OK.

I'm going to a better place, and I'll see you there.

But not for a long time.

You've got a lot ahead of you, great things.

Maybe I can get someone to you.

You've got a very important job to do there.

A lot of people are counting on you.

So I'm gonna hang up now.

And I want you to know how very, very much I love you.

Mom Ma? Edgar, where are you going? Edgar? - I have to get out of here.

- What? My mother lives next to the San Gabriel Island plant.

She wasn't able to evacuate in time.

We have five other reactors that are on the verge of melting down.

- I need you at your station.

- I don't care.

You better start caring.

You have a choice - obey orders or end up in a jail cell.

You'll arrest me for saving my mother's life? If what you're saying is true, there's nothing you can do for your mother.

But there are thousands of others who you can save.

If your mother were here, what would make her proud? What would she want you do to? - She'd want me to help.

- Then don't you think you should? We're ready to go.

We're just setting up a comm line.

This is a pardon for your son signed by the president.

- This is acceptable.

- Where is he? He is at Lindauer Memorial Hospital.

It's not far.

Set up a perimeter around Lindauer Memorial.

I want you to call him, tell him we're coming to pick him up.

Give her the phone.

We have to record the call.

- Hello? - It's me.

Where are you? Waiting for Naseem.

I don't know why he's taking so long.

Don't worry about that now.

Things have changed.

- What do you mean? - Listen carefully, Behrooz.

Government agents found me.

I'm with them now.

Behrooz, they know everything.

Behrooz, just a few more minutes, OK? But it's all right.

Everything is going to be all right.

- I made a deal.

- What are you talking about? You're going to be OK.

You won't be arrested, or even named in any of this.

I don't understand.

I'm going to help them stop your father.

You are? Yes.

You said that I would be OK.

But what about you? We'll talk about that later.

Right now these men are coming to pick you up.

I want you to go with them.

- Are they making you say this? - No.

I don't know who these people are.

I want to be sure they're not forcing you to say this.

I'll come with them.

You'll know when you see me.

OK? - I'll meet you outside.

- No.

Tell him to go to the emergency room, where it's crowded.

- Did you hear that? - Yes.

I'll see you in a few minutes, Behrooz.


We're transferring the suspect.

I want to set up a protective cordon now.

Let's go.

Uncle Naseem, I have to go.

What about the pain medication? My mom's gonna get it from somewhere else, but thanks for trying.


- I can't let you go.

- Why not? - I spoke to your father.

- What? - He told me you need help.

- You don't know what you're talking about.

- I gave your father my word.

- My father is a t*rror1st.

- Stop talking crazy.

- I swear.

- You're talking nonsense.

- I'm not.

He's behind the kidnapping and the reactors melting down.

We're all involved, my mother and me.

We've k*lled people.

Your father will be furious when he hears this.

My father's coming here? No! Behrooz! I tried to stop him.

You broke my heart, Behrooz.

You broke my heart.

If you k*ll me, Mother will tell them everything.

- Tell who? - The police.

She's with them.

- I don't believe you.

- It's true.

She wants me to be safe.

If you k*ll me, she will ruin everything you're doing.

If you don't believe me look outside.

They're coming to pick me up.

- Help! - Shut up.

- Tony, did you notify Security? - No.

Something is wrong.

Set up a level-three cordon around the hospital.

- I'm going with you.

- No, you're not.

- What's going on? - A pharmacist has been shot.

Who are you? Jack Bauer.

I work with CTU.

We've been tracking the sh**t.

Where is he? Someone radioed in from C Wing.

A Middle Eastern man has a hostage.

- A 17-year-old boy? - I think so.

What are the possible exits? He'll end up in the east parking garage.

We got men heading there.

Tell your supervisor to tell his men to back off.

No one makes contact.

Understand me? Hang on a sec.

- Yeah? - It's Jack.

Navi is here.

He's k*lled his wife's brother.

- What about the boy? - I don't know.

Lock down exits.

He's headed for the parking garage.

Meet me on the east of the building with backup.


We're going to the east of the building.

Backup teams there now.

- What happened? - We're still looking for your son.

- There's more, tell me.

- Mrs.

Araz, we're gonna find your son.

I hate you.

I've always hated you, and the only reason I never said so was because I was afraid of you.

But I'm not afraid of you any more.

- Get in.

- Go to hell.

Get in! We're in the garage.

We've secured the exit.

- I'm almost there.

Can you get an ID? - Nothing yet.

Let me see your hands! Put your hands where I can see them, now! - Careful! - Drop the g*n! - You'll hit the boy.

- Let the boy go! We can work this out.

I will put my g*n down if you give me the boy.

AII I want is the boy.

- Stay back! - Put the g*n down! Put the g*n Tony, stop the car! - Behrooz! - Mom! Keep her in the car.

That stairwell leads to the basement.

He's got to go down.

Set up a link with CTU now! Copy that.

Call CTU, we need backup.


Araz, calm down.

We'll get your son.

We've uploaded the plans to you.

There are only three exits from the basement.

We've got all entrances and exits covered.

He's trapped.

- Let's try to open up a negotiation.

- My husband won't negotiate.

- Why's that? - He doesn't need to.

He has to assume I have agreed to help you in return for my son's safety.

- He can't stay down there forever.

- He won't.

In two hours, all the reactors will have gone critical.

After that, it won't matter what I tell you, and he can k*ll my son.

I am only helping you to save his life.

I believe in our cause, and if you can't save my son, I am happy to see the reactors melt down.

Did you get that?
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