04x10 - Day 4: 4:00 p.m. – 5:00 p.m.

Episode transcripts for the TV show "24". Aired: November 6, 2001 to July 14, 2014.*
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Counterterrorism agent Jack Bauer fights the bad guys of the world, a day at a time.
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04x10 - Day 4: 4:00 p.m. – 5:00 p.m.

Post by bunniefuu »

San Gabriel Island reactor's just gone critical.

Core material is now airborne.

I thought we had more time.

At this REM rate the radiation will get stronger and will spill into the atmosphere until the core is exhausted.

Son, you've done everything you can, now get out of there.

Evacuating won't make any difference, sir.

We've already been exposed.

Jack has got to find the override before the rest of these reactors go critical.

I know about you and him, and I am not OK with it.

- You and I aren't together.

- We were trying to work things out.

Yeah, I tried.

But you kept putting it off.

- What did you say to Paul? - That I'm filing for divorce.

- Somebody set me up.

- Thousands of lives are at stake.

Where are the people who control the override? - Talk to me, Sarah.

- I'm not a spy.

Erin, Powell's dead.

He was hit by a sn*per when we arrested him.

- Get anything from him before he was k*lled? - No.

But I got his last ten cell phone calls.

He called two numbers repeatedly.

We traced one of them to Marianne Taylor.

You're under arrest.

Don't move.

Drop the w*apon! Listen carefully, Behrooz.

Government agents found me.

I made a deal.

- I don't understand.

- You're going to be OK.

I'm going to help them stop your father.

You broke my heart.

If you k*ll me, Mother will tell them everything.

If you don't believe me look outside.

They're coming to pick me up.

- Drop the g*n! - You'll hit the boy.

- Behrooz! - Mom! That stairwell leads to the basement.

He's got to go down.

Set up a link with CTU now! If you can't save my son, I am happy to see the reactors melt down.

Did you get that? - Driscoll.

- Erin, it's Jack.

Araz is on the move.

We're ready to move in now.

Dad, you're choking me.

Jack, it's Jim.

Bring us up to speed.

We've a hostage situation involving one of the men involved in the att*cks.

We're pulling up his ID now.

His name is Navi Araz.

He was granted American citizenship five years ago.

- Who's the hostage? - His 17-year-old son, Behrooz.

He broke ranks.

Father sees him as a liability.

Araz knows we have his wife.

He's worried that if he kills the boy, she'll cooperate with us.

- What does she say? - She'll help us find the override and stop the nuclear meltdowns if we rescue her son.

So the father'll stall and keep the kid alive until the reactors blow.

That's right.

We already lost one in California.

Can we trust this woman to help us? She'll do everything she can to protect her son.


Whatever you need, you got.

Just get that kid.

Erin, I need a thermal satellite scan of the building.

We're looking for two heat sources in remote areas of the basement.

- I'll call you as soon as we have something.

- Yeah.

You're running out of time.

Save my son.

Bring her with us.

We're gonna need her.

I said get on the floor.

You're not my son.

Why? Because I don't want to k*ll innocent people? Because you're weak, and you stand for nothing! I always saw you as something more.

And now I don't even recognize you.

Will that make it easier for you to k*ll me? - Yes, it's me.

- Did you find your son? Yes.

- Is he dead? - Not yet.

Is there a problem, Navi? Government agents arrested Dina and surrounded the building.

I need the boy for leverage, but I'm not sure I can hold them off.

- Has Dina told them anything? - I don't think so.

And she won't, as long as I don't k*ll the boy.

How much more time do you need to melt down the plants? - One hour, maybe two.

- Why? Why so long? They have programmers trying to prevent meltdown.

We have to manipulate each plant individually, and that takes time.

I'll hold them off as long as I can.

I know you will.

- Yeah? - We've found Araz and his son.

We have two readings in the north wing of the basement.

- What's there? - Laundry room.

- How many ways in? - One, but there's a laundry chute.

- Is it accessible? - From the third floor.


We're on our way.

We got him.

He's in the laundry room.

I need two teams to the north wing.

Set up a hard perimeter.

- I need a fast line and a rappelling harness.

- Copy that.

Lee, get me Dina Araz.

- We're putting her into play.

- Got it.

Where are the latest timing estimates? Right here.

These are from 40 minutes ago.

They update every 15.

I'm sorry.

I'm upset about my mother.

You have to put your emotions on hold.

- We're in a crisis.

- My mother just died.

I can't put that on hold.

I'm sorry, that was callous of me.

But I'm really depending on you now, Edgar.

Please come through for me.

- I'll get those figures as soon as we're done.

- Thank you.

Bring me up to speed.

- We're trying to hold off the meltdowns.

- How's that going? Our programmers can slow it down, but they won't be able to stop it.

We still have to find the override.

Jack has a suspect cornered in a medical facility, and we're fairly certain that this man is a key architect in today's events.

- Can we take him alive? - Unknown.

- Marianne Taylor? - Curtis is interrogating her.

- I want to call my lawyer.

- Really? - I do have rights.

- Yeah? Henry Powell had rights too.

I don't know any Henry Powell.

The one who helped the t*rrorists obtain the override.

He's right here.

Want to say hello? Bring him in.

God, you're sick.

Sick bastard.

- CTU didn't k*ll him.

- Well, then, who did? The people who planted the b*mb under your car.

They've caught up with you.

Even if we let you go, you'd be dead in 15 minutes.

Get him out of here.

Your only chance to survive is to tell us what you know.

- I want a deal.

- You get to live.

That's your deal.

All right.

- Who did you and Powell work for? - I don't know.

I only dealt with him.

Why'd he send you into CTU? To cover his tracks if it became necessary.

And after Audrey Raines saw him at the warehouse it became necessary? Yes.

Did he work directly for the t*rrorists? Or someone associated? - I told you, I don't know.

- I need names who can get us to the override.

I don't have any names.

- But I can get 'em for you.

- How? Powell kept a file on his computer in his office downtown.

It was a An insurance policy, in case either of us ever needed a bargaining chip.

- Give me the code.

- It can't be accessed externally.

It requires a thumbprint identification, either his or mine.

Since he's dead, it'll have to be mine.

- All right, you set? - Yeah.

- We've found them.

- Where? Laundry room.

Our satellite picked up two thermal images.

- Then Behrooz is still alive? - Yes.

I need you to distract your husband.

I'll take you to the basement.

You'll call your husband, - keep him on the line as long as possible.

- All right.

Let's go.


- You ready? - Ready.


Keep going.

Six feet.

Four feet.

Three feet Stop.

All right, come here.


Make the call.

And remember, keep him on as long as you can.

- Yes? - It's Dina.

- Where are you? - In the hospital.

- What have you told them? - Nothing.

And I'll keep my mouth shut if you release our son.

- You know I can't do that.

- At least promise me you won't k*ll him.

Navi, please.

He's our son.

You turned him against me.

Our sacrifice is nothing compared to the martyrs who have given all for our cause.


He can still be of service.

- Is he still alive? - Yes.

And he will remain alive as long as you remain silent.

How am I to trust you now? We planned this mission together.

We thought it out with one mind.

But you betrayed me.

Don't tell me that! I have visual on the suspect.

The boy is still alive.

I'm ready to proceed.


Your conspiracy with him is over.

I won't allow you to continue it in front of me.

The boy is all I have, the only thing that keeps them from storming through that door.

Of course it's true.

But in the end, he'll wind up a martyr just the same Slowly retract the rig.

I'm in position.



you'll suffer even worse.

You'll have to live knowing that everything you loved is dead.

Your son, your brother Yes.

Your brother too Don't move.

Get up slowly.

Put your hands on your head.

Stay with her.

Put your hands on your Hostiles engaged! I repeat, hostiles engaged! I don't want to have to k*ll you, but I will.

Now get up, slowly.

Interlock your fingers.

It's OK, son.

Just put the g*n down.

It's over.

It's over.

Drop the g*n! Drop the g*n! Please, son, put the g*n down.

Hands on your head.

Turn around.

Yeah, copy that.

Move in now.

Behrooz, are you all right? I k*lled him.

I did it, I k*lled Father.

Your son is safe.

He's alive.

We did what you asked.

- Now where is the override? - I don't know that.

I have an address where work behind the att*cks was done.

That's not the deal we made.

That's all I know.

I can only tell you what I know.

- What's the address? - 24878 Alvert Street.

- What's there? - It was a drop-off, the place we got our final assignments.

It was the last place I saw the men who took possession of the override.

- When was that? - Yesterday.

Send in a team.

Tell them to set up a perimeter.

No one goes in.

- You got it.

- These two? Until we know she's not lying, they come with us.

So this Marianne Taylor claims she has to access the file personally? - Yes, she does.

- And do you believe her? I'm not sure.

The polygraph indicates that she's telling the truth.

But in my opinion, she may be a sociopath.

- Are you a psychologist? - No.

But I have had dealings with her before.

Dealings that might affect your judgment? - No.

- We have to check it out.

Question is, how? I can spare an operative from the cyber unit, and a security team.

- What do you think? - Curtis should go.

- I need Curtis here.

- The computer file may be important.

Someone with experience needs to examine it firsthand.

I agree.

Send Curtis with a security team.

You'll have to figure out how to do without him till he gets back.

Yes, sir.

- I don't like this.

- Neither do I, but those are our orders.

- Get it done and get back quick as you can.

- OK.

You OK? Anything you need? I'm fine.

You understand, Sarah, I had no choice.

You were identified as a threat to security and I acted accordingly.

- I would've hoped you had more faith in me.

- Personally, I do.

But the evidence was brought to me by the secretary of defense, I couldn't ignore it.

- So what happens now? - You can go home and rest.

No one would blame you if you did.

But if you're up to it, I could use you on the floor.

The San Gabriel Island reactor went into meltdown less than an hour ago.

The five remaining plants are critical.

I need my best people in play.

I'll go back to work.

Thank you, Sarah.

It shouldn't be too complicated.

Security is light.

- I have a key card for Powell's office.

- How long will it take? Five minutes to download the data.

- We're looking at a 15-minute operation? - Approximately.

If I think you're stalling, taking longer than you should, I will take action.

You got that? Raise your leg.

Don't make me do it for you.

- Curtis, I'm not gonna run.

- Then you won't mind wearing it.

Can I put my foot down now? Yes.

Look, I realize that after today you have a hard time trusting me, - but to pull this off you have to - I don't have to do anything.

Except retrieve the data your boyfriend hid, and put you in jail for treason.

- Is that what you really want? - Without a doubt.

Curtis Get your hand off me.

I spoke with Mike at the DOD office.

Who do you want to bring in to help with their load? Things are too unstable for me to leave here.

I checked with their logs and they're gonna need someone soon.

- How are you holding up? - I can handle it, if that's what you mean.

Dad, it'll be fine.

- Why don't you head over there then? - OK.

I'll call you from there.

- Sarah, you're back.

- Yeah.

- I heard some rumors about what - I'll be all right.

Just bring me up to speed.


We're still trying to find the override.

- It's the only way to stop the meltdowns.

- What have you got out of Marianne? She has access to a computer with data about the override.

- Which computer? - She's taking Curtis to it.

- They let her out? - He's got a security team with him.

- And we trust her? - She's trying to cut a deal.

Curtis can take care of her.

We need to support Jack.

- Agent Bauer? Agent Solarz.

- Agent Almeida.

- Set your perimeter? - Nothing is going anywhere.

- Any activity? - No.


I want to keep this surgical.

We'll be the insertion team.

Your men maintain backup.

- You ready? - Yeah.


We're clear! - Dina must have lied.

- I don't think so.

She wants to save her son.

Then they've cleared this place out.

Bring in a forensics team now.

I want fingerprints.

Yes, sir.

Tony? What is it? Go.

It's clear.

That's the train they att*cked this morning.

So that's how the t*rrorists got a hold of the override.

Jack? They planned the kidnapping here.


The location Jack is searching isn't on any agency watch list.

- Well, I'm having a hell of a time.

- Why? The building's owned by a company owned by another company that's owned by an LLC.

Wait, hold on.

Galaxy Financial? I've heard that name before.


I want that in a separate file.

We'll handle the kidnap another day.

I only want things pertinent to the override.

- OK, I'll have it up on the system.

- OK, thanks.

I need to talk to you I'm sorry.

Just give me a minute.

- Yeah? - Jack, this is Sarah from CTU.

I got something on that address you gave to Edgar.

- What is it? - Ownership of the building is complicated, but I recognize one of the corporations.

- Which one? - Galaxy Financial.

- Never heard of it.

- Neither did I until this afternoon.

When Paul Raines came in I ran his clearance.

- What does he have to do with the company? - He's a general partner.

Audrey's husband owns the building used to plan this morning's att*cks? - According to this, yes.

- Where's Audrey now? - She's on her way over to DOD.

- Patch her through to me.

- Yeah? - This is Sarah from CTU.

I've got Jack.

- Hold, please.

- All right.

- You're on.

- Audrey, it's me.

- Hey.

Did you find anything? - The building was used to plan the att*cks.

That's a great find.

- There's something else.

- What? The company that owns the building Galaxy Financial.

Ever heard of them? - No.

Should I have? - Your husband's the chief financial officer.

What? - I need to find Paul now.

- Paul had nothing to do with the kidnapping.

Maybe not.

But his name's all over the paperwork, and because of his relationship to your father he has to explain.

I don't know where he is.

He left CTU without saying anything.

- Can you reach him? - Yeah.

- I have his cell phone number.

- Call him, keep it personal.

Don't tell him what I know.

I just want you to tell me where he is.

Five power plants could still melt down.

If Paul has any information, we have to follow through with it.

You know that.

- All right.

- Please get back to me as soon as you can.

OK, I will.

- Hello? - Hey.

Paul, it's Audrey.

- Wasn't expecting to hear from you.

- I know.

I just Look, I didn't like the way we left things between us.

I didn't care for it much either.

Look, uh I'm glad you called, but I'm about to check out.

- Where are you going? - What difference does it make? Look, I was thinking about what you said, how we've got so much going on for us.

- I thought you wanted a divorce.

- Yeah, I thought so too, but I just You know, Paul, today was the first time that we've seen each other in months, and I don't know, maybe it took a while for it to sink in.

Maybe you're right.

Maybe there is something there.

You know this is what I want, more than anything.

Then let me come over.

I don't want to have the most important conversation of my life over the phone.


I'm at the Westmore Hotel, room 408.

- All right.

I'll be there soon.

- Good.

I'll wait for you.

No one goes down there till the forensic team get here.

When they do, I want fingerprints, trace DNA, fiber samples, everything.

- I understand.

- OK.


I need to follow up a lead on my own.

I need a favor.

I need you to take Dina and her son back to CTU and head the interrogation.

They'd never let me set foot in CTU, even if I wanted to.

Listen to me.

You're the only one I can trust.

Last two hours, I've watched my friend come back to life.

- It's not that simple, Jack.

- I can get you reinstated.

But I need to know now, is that what you want? I don't know.

Maybe I was wrong.

You saved the daughter of the secretary of defense, my boss.

You do know that, right? Jack.


I'll do it.


Agent Almeida will be driving your car.

- Yeah? - Jack, I spoke with Paul.

He's at the Westmore downtown, room 408.

I'm heading over there now.

Let us handle this.

We don't know Paul’s connection yet.

He could be dangerous.

He was on his way out the door.

I had to make something up to keep him there.

- Fine.

I can get there instead.

- I'm only minutes away, and he knows that.

He's not gonna stick around if I don't show.

Audrey, I don't feel comfortable with you going in alone.

Jack, he won't suspect.

He wants to talk about the marriage.

- Look, I'll keep him there until you get there.

- No.

It's not an option.

- Jack, just get there as soon as you can.

- Audrey.

Audrey! I just got off the phone with Jack.

He wants Almeida reinstated.

Do you have a problem with that? Considering what he's done today, I have no problem with that.

- Good.

- Sir, you said you spoke with Jack? - How long ago was that? - 10, 15 minutes ago.

Why? We have some new information I'd like to share with you.

- We found a connection to the t*rrorists.

- What kind of connection? - Paul Raines.

- My daughter's husband? One of his companies owns the building Jack just searched.

- The building they planned the attack from? - That's the one.

- Has anybody gone to pick him up? - We have teams on the way to his hotel, but he was about to leave.

We kept him there under a false pretence.

False pretence? What's that mean? Jack told us that Audrey's meeting Paul in his room.

Jack's on his way over.

- What? - She'll keep him there till backup takes over.

Unacceptable! How could you let this happen? This was her choice.

Jack did everything he could to stop her.

- When did you find out about this? - Five minutes ago.

That's when you should have told me.

- Want me to look into it? - Yeah.

Find out.

- Tell me what you know about Paul Raines.

- Why? - What's his connection to all this? - How should I know? Look, Curtis, I wish I knew something that you could use.

Believe me, I'm quite clear it's my only way out of this.

But I don't know any more about Paul Raines than you do.

- How much longer? - We're about five minutes out.

Raines' part in all this is being investigated as we speak.

- If your name turns up linked to the kidnap - It won't.

I'll do everything I can to find something on Powell's computer to help you.

Maybe something about Paul Raines will be on there.

- Yeah? - You're seeing Paul by yourself?.

- It's the only way to keep him here.

- If Paul was involved - Look, Paul would never hurt me.

- Strong evidence suggests he was involved, which means he is dangerous.

- Look, I don't believe he is.

- You don't know what he is, Audrey.

I lived with him for eight years.

I know him.

Yeah, I thought I knew him too.

Audrey, I forbid you to do this.

Dad, I'm sorry, I'm already here.

- Mr.


- That's right.

- Erin Driscoll, director of CTU.

- How are you? This is Mrs.

Araz, and her son Behrooz.


Araz needs medical attention.

Take care of it, then interrogate them.

- We've told you everything.

- We'll see.

You're going to need these.

- I'm sure you're aware of my history here.

- Not an issue.

Jack Bauer and Secretary Heller both vouch for you.

That's enough for me.

All right.

Thank you.

Jack thought it'd be a good idea if I headed up the interrogation.

That makes sense.

You've had the chance to observe them firsthand.

If there's anything you need, let me know.

That man I was just talking to is Tony Almeida.

Keep an eye on him, let me know if he goes off protocol.

I'm particularly interested In communication between him and Jack or Secretary Heller.

That's right.

- I'm seeing how things work around here.

- How do things work around here? You can care less about me being falsely accused and tortured.

You feel squeezed out, and you need allies.

That's why you were so nice to me.

We're facing a crisis today, Sarah.

And our first priority is to deal with it successfully.

- Is that a problem for you? - Not at all.

But after what I went through today, if you want help, I need something too.

- And what's that? - I want my arrest expunged.

Not explained by an official letter in my file, expunged.

And I want a promotion.

Two pay grades.


Come on in.

I'm glad you came.

- Can I get you something? - Sure.

I had them send up your favorite champagne.

Tell you the truth, I wasn't sure you'd really come.

- Why wouldn't I? - You were so adamant about ending things.

Your turnaround was just a little surprising, that's all.

How about you? I hardly hear from you for about six months, then you see me with another man and you're pouring Dom Perignon? Shows what a fool I am for not realizing what I had.

It also shows that I still have feelings for you.

And you must have some for me, too.

Otherwise you wouldn't be here, right? I would hate to think that you were playing some kind of game with me.

- I don't play games, Paul.

- Good.

To new beginnings.

New beginnings.

Miss Driscoll? It's Jack on line three.

Jack? - Backup teams at the Westmore yet? - No, they're in traffic.

I'm still a couple miles out.

If your teams get there first, tell them not to waste time.

I want them in that room.

Why not put some fiber optics in, get a better position? If Paul’s involved, he'll be nervous.

I don't want anything to tip him off.

- I don't want Audrey in any more danger.

- OK.

I'll pass that along to Tactical.

- Has Curtis questioned Marianne about Paul? - She says she doesn't know anything.

But they're about to get into the computer files.


Thanks, Erin.

It's right down this hall and to the left.

Stay alert.

This place may not be as empty as it seems.

- What? You think this is some kind of trap? - Yes.

I do.

Like you said, Curtis, this is my only chance to stay alive.

I'm not gonna blow it.

So relax.

It's all clear.

This'll only take one minute.

Here it is.

AII I have to do is reformat and then we can download the data and get out of here.

- Oh.

- What? - The file has a second password.

- Do you know it? I think so.

But it's strange.

Get your hand away from the g*n.

Take it away.

The files are still secure.

I- I didn't give them anything.

I Now put the g*n down.

Put it down.

Your name is Curtis Manning.

You work for CTU.

Tell me how far along you are in your investigation.

- What investigation? - Of the override.

Have they discovered where it is yet? You're an American, and you're working with the t*rrorists? Who are you? I'm gonna ask you one more time.

What does CTU know about the override? Fine.

Or I could move to Washington.

I could turn West Coast operations over to Ben Simon.


Yes, I heard you.

Turn West Coast operations over to Ben Simon.

- What do you think? - I don't know.

You'd have to decide whether or not he was Not Ben Simon.

What do you think of me moving back east? Oh, um Well, I, um I don't know.

I feel like I'm doing all the work here.

You said you wanted to talk.

You're not talking.

These things take time, Paul.

Well, maybe talking isn't what we should be doing.

Why are you looking at me like that? - You're my wife, for God's sake.

- You can't believe I came to sleep with you.

OK, you didn't come here to sleep with me or to talk with me.

Why did you come? I just I thought that maybe we could spend a little time together.

It'd be nice.

On a day like this? All hell's breaking loose and you thought it'd be nice? I really wasn't thinking when you called, was I? What's really going on? What? Are you spying on me? - Are you doing something to spy on? - What is that supposed to mean? - I just I think I should go.

- I think you should stay.

- Please just let me go, please, let me - No.

No! Take your hands off of her! You set me up! Audrey, get behind me.

Put your hands on your head now.

Now! - What do you want? - I want answers.

Well, I'm not talking to you.
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