02x02 - Fruit Picking Day / Daniel is Big Enough to Help Dad

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Daniel Tiger's Neighborhood". Aired: September 3, 2012 – present.*
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Inspired by `Mister Rogers Neighbourhood', `Daniel Tiger's Neighbourhood' features 4-year-old Daniel Tiger who invites a new generation into the Neighbourhood of Make-Believe.
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02x02 - Fruit Picking Day / Daniel is Big Enough to Help Dad

Post by bunniefuu »

- Hi, neighbor! Today is Fruit
Picking Day! We're going

to the Enchanted Garden
to pick fruit.

And then, we're going to help
my Dad build a playhouse.

We have a lot to do today. I'm
glad you're here. Be right back!

♪ It's a beautiful day
in the neighborhood ♪

♪ A beautiful day
for a neighbor ♪

♪ Would you be mine,
Could you be mine ♪

♪ Won't you be my neighbor?

- ♪ It's Daniel Tiger's

♪ A land of make-believe

♪ Won't you ride
along with me? ♪

- ♪ Ride along

- ♪ It's Daniel Tiger's

♪ So much to do,
so much to see ♪

♪ Won't you ride
along with me? ♪

- ♪ Ride along

- ♪ I've got lots of friends
for you to meet ♪

♪ In this land of make-believe

♪ A friendly face
on every street ♪

♪ Just waiting to greet you
♪ It's a beautiful day
in the neighborhood ♪

♪ A beautiful day
for a neighbor ♪

♪ In Daniel Tiger's

- Hi, neighbor! Today
is Fruit Picking Day!

I hope we get to pick

Do you like strawberries?

They are my favorite fruit.

- Hi, Daniel! Are you excited
to pick fruit for the whole

- Yes! I can't wait!

- Me neither.

- Hi, Trolley!
- Hello, Trolley.

Here we go.
- Trolley, please take us

to the Enchanted Garden
for Fruit Picking Day.

You're going to love it.

- ♪ We're going to
the Enchanted Garden ♪

♪ To pick some fruit
Won't you ride along with me? ♪

- ♪ Ride along! Won't you
ride along with me? ♪

- Here we are!
- Thanks, Trolley!
- Bye, Trolley!

- I can open the garden door,
Dad. I just have to press
red roses.

Count with me!

One... two... three!



Hi, Miss Elaina.
Your fruit hat looks yummy!

- Thanks, Toots! It's got my
faaaavorite fruit on it!

- Your hat has so many fruits.
Which one is your favorite?

- ALL of them! Cha-cha-cha!


- I see Prince Wednesday!

Hi, Prince Wednesday!
- A royal hello!

- Ahem! My family and I
would like to welcome everyone

to Fruit Picking Day!

Yes, yes! I declare that today

we will pick...

juicy red cherries!


crunchy green apples!

- One special golden pear!


- Let the fruit picking

- Huh?
- Commence is a fancy
word for... begin!

- Ok, Toots,
I'm going straight

for the special
golden pear!

- Daniel, Daniel,
Daniel! Let's find

some red cherries!
- Ok!

We need to find some cherries!
Which tree has the cherries?

Look! Way up in that tree!
I see cherries!

- Let's try to pick one!
- Let's go!

Here I go! Whoa!

- C'mon, Prince Wednesday!
You can reach!
- Almost got it!

- Did you get a cherry?
Did you get a cherry?
- Nope. No cherry.

- I can try. Reach the cherries!

- Did you get a cherry?
Did you get a cherry?
- Nope.

No cherry.

- We're not big enough
to reach the cherries!

- Does somebody need
a big brother?
- Thanks.

But I wish I was big enough
to pick a cherry myself.
- You know what I learned

when I was a little prince?

♪ Everyone is big enough

♪ Big enough to do something


- ♪ Everyone is big enough

♪ Big enough to do something

- But...what am I
big enough to do?
- Well... whoa!

You could help me...
carry these cherries!
- Got them!

- Phew! Thanks.
- Look, Daniel,

we're both big enough
to hold cherries!

- And I know another thing
you're big enough to do.
- What?

- Take the cherries over to Dad!
- Oh yeah,

we're big enough to
do that too! Grr-ific!

- Here are some cherries!
- Excellent work!

Now, will you kindly collect
some crunchy green apples?

- [both]: Ok!

- Hiya, Toots! I haven't found
the special golden pear yet...

but I think I'm close!
- [both]: Good luck!

- Hmm... now we need
green apples.

They are my dad's faaavorite!

Which tree has the green apples?

There! That tree!

- Oh yeah! Let's try and reach
the apples! Here I go!

- Reach for the apples!
- Apples!

Let me try
something else. Ahem!

I, Prince Wednesday,

royally command you apples
to come down from that tree!

Please? Pretty please?

- Grrr... We're just
not big enough!

Do you ever feel like you are
not big enough to do

what you want to do?

- I wish we were bigger. I wish
we were really really big!

- Ha, ha, ha! Heeey,

that gives me an idea! Do you
want to make believe with me?

Let's make believe
that we are really,

really big!

♪ Here I am, grown-up size

♪ Reach the fruit way up high!

♪ Here I am, as big as a tree

♪ Give my friends a ride
Whoopee! ♪

♪ Here I am, up in the sky

♪ Wave to the airplanes that
fly by! It's great up here!
Way up high! ♪

Wasn't that grr-iffic?

- These green apples are my
favorite! Coming through! Whoa!

- Got it!
- Good catch! Whooooooa!
- Got it!

- Hey, you two are really fast!
- We weren't big enough
to pick the apples,

but we are big enough
to catch the apples!

- ♪ Everyone is big enough

♪ Big enough to do something!
- Heh, heh, heh!

- ♪ And we're big enough to
carry apples to King Friday! ♪

- [all]: Together!

- Hello, hello, hello!
Here are the apples!

- Wonderful! All we need now
is my favorite...

- The special golden pear!

- [both]: The special
golden pear!
- I'm on it, Toots!

- Will you help us look too?
Will you?

Let's go!

Looking, looking. Hmm... Oh!

Hey, do you see that?

There's something shiny
under these tree roots.
- Oh!

It's... It's...
- [all]: The special
golden pear!

- It must have
fallen off the tree!

Oh no! My hand
is too big, it won't fit!

- You are too big to get
the golden pear?
- I am too big.

Prince Wednesday, ahem, do you
think your hand can fit?
- I don't know...

- Try!
- Try it, Toots!
- Ok, here I go...

I can fit my hand through
the roots! I can feel the pear!

- I think I can do it!
I've got it!

- Good job!
- Tiger-tastic!
- Boomer-ific!

- ♪ Everyone is big enough

♪ Big enough to do something

Like reach the golden pear!
- Let's go give it
to King Friday!

- Alrighty! Do you want
to carry it, Miss Elaina?

- Do I?! So special...

I'm carrying the special
golden pear! Dun-da-da-da!

Here's the special golden pear.

- Boop-she-boop-she-boop!

- So, which one of you found it?
- Well,

Daniel found the pear, I reached
in to get it, and then Miss
Elaina carried it to you!

- I'm glad you were all big
enough to do your part!

- Now... everyone,
please march your way over

to the banquet table, for
our Fruit Picking Day Feast!

[cheering, humming]

- Yum!
- Yummy!
- Marvelous!

- Delicious!

♪ I just love being my size

♪ Because little kids
do big things ♪

♪ I can lie in the green grass

♪ And make friends
with all the ants ♪

- ♪ I just love being my size

♪ Because I can sit
on someone's lap ♪

- ♪ Because everyone
is big enough ♪

♪ Big enough to do something

- ♪ I can hide
behind the bushes ♪

♪ When we play hide and seek

♪ I can thank my mom
for loving me ♪

♪ With a little kiss
on her cheek ♪

- ♪ Because everyone
is big enough ♪

♪ Big enough to do something

- ♪ Everyone is big enough!

♪ Big enough to do something

♪ Big enough to do something


- Let the fruit
eating commence!

- Commence is a fancy
word for begin!

- Mmm!
- Yummers!
- Delicious!

- Thanks for helping me find
all that fruit! You were
big enough to help me.

What else are you
big enough to do?

I'm big enough to do this.
Ugga Mugga!

- When I walk around my house
I see cool things to do.

My sister drives a car.

My dad fixes the garden.

Mom hangs things on the wall.

They say I'm too little.

Everybody is big enough
to do something!

I could help unpack the car.

I could help Dad
plant his garden.

- If you see any big rocks, we
don't want to put them in there.

- I help my mom
keep things straight.

Everybody could do something!

- Hi, neighbor!
Just wait until you see

what my Dad's doing. Follow me!

Ha, ha, ha! Tada! My Dad
is building a playhouse!

Dad! My playhouse
looks grr-ific!

- Thank you, Daniel.
Hi, neighbor!
- Is it all done?

- Nope, I still have to put
the door on the house. See?
- Ohh!

How will you do that?
- Well, I'll use my hammer.

- Can I do it?
Can I use the hammer?

- Aw, I'm sorry, Daniel;
I don't want you to get hurt.

A hammer is a grown-up tool.
You're not big enough to use
those yet.

- Oh. I'm not big enough.
- But...

♪ Everyone is big enough

♪ Big enough to do something
How about you help me

by holding the door?
- Ok!
- Ok, little helper tiger,

let's tie this on!
- ♪ Everyone is big enough

♪ Big enough to do something

I'm big enough to hold the door!
- Holding the nail, and here
we go with the hammer.

And, now another one.

- All right. Will you give
the door a try for me?
- Open!

Helloooo! Close!
Goodbye! Ha, ha, ha!

Yup. The door works!
- Grr-ific! Now we need
to paint the door.

What color door do you want?
- How about... red,

just like on our real house?

- Ah, great choice.
- Ok, I'll go get it.

Hmm... which one
is the red paint?

There it is!

- Thanks, helper tiger.
- Am I big enough to paint
the door?

- You sure are! I'll do the top,
and you do the bottom. Deal?

- Deal!
- Heh, heh, heh!
- This is cool!

♪ Paint, paint, paint, paint!
- ♪ Paint, paint-a-rooo

- ♪ Paint, paint, paint,
paint, paint, paint ♪

- I looooove paint.

Heeeey! Do you want
to make believe with me?

Let's make believe...
that we could paint
with our whole bodies!

Ha, ha, ha!

- ♪ Paint, paint, paint,
paint-a-roo-do-doo ♪

♪ Paint, paint, paint
just me and you, do-doo ♪

♪ We can paint with our hands,
we can paint with our feet ♪

♪ Just painting with friends
is such a treat ♪

♪ So let's get together and
paint a rainbow up in the sky! ♪

- ♪ Paint, paint, paint, paint
- ♪ Paint, paint, paint, paint

- ♪ Paint, paint, paint, paint
- ♪ Paint, paint, paint, paint

- ♪ A rainbow in the sky!


Wasn't that grr-ific?

Painting here!

- How's it going down there?
- Tiger-tastic. I'm done

I did the whole
bottom of the door.
- Good work, Daniel!

You didn't miss a spot!
- Grr!

- Now let's get the blue paint
for the window.

- Ok! I'll get it. I'll get the
blue paint.

Where is the blue paint?

There it is!

Here you go, Dad. Can I
paint some blue too?
- You sure can.

Paint away!
- ♪ Paint, paint,
paint, paint-a-rooo ♪

♪ Paint, paint, paint,
paint-a-roo ♪

- Ok, now we need some yellow
paint for the doorframe!

- Ok! I'll get some
yellow paint.

Where is the yellow paint?

There's the yellow paint!

Here you go, Dad.
- Thank you.

- ♪ Paint, paint,
paint, paint-a-rooo ♪

- Now, let's see. Have we got
everything we need?

- I think so... Oh wait!

My playhouse needs a doorbell!
Ding dong! Ding dong!

- Of course! I mean, what would
you do without a doorbell?

I mean, really!
- Ha, ha, ha! Can I add
the doorbell all by myself?

- Ah, I need to use my
screwdriver, and that's
a grown-up tool too.

- Another grown-up tool?

Does that mean I can't be
your helper tiger anymore?
- Nope!

After all...
♪ Everyone is big enough

♪ Big enough to do something

And you're big enough to help!
- ♪ Everyone is big enough

♪ Big enough to do something

- Hmm, let's see...
I'll need a bell.
- I'll get it!

Where's the bell?

There it is!

- And my pencil.

- Where's the pencil?

There it is!

- And finally, the glue.
- Glue!

Uh oh... no glue!

- No glue? Oh, will you please
be my helper and go find
the glue?

I think I left it
in the kitchen.
- Ok!

♪ Everyone is big enough

♪ Big enough to do something

And I'm big enough
to find the glue!

You can help too!
Do you see the glue?

There it is! Mom?

Hi, Mom! I need
the glue for Dad.

- Oh, well I'm using it
to fix this cabinet door.

In fact, would you mind
helping me for a minute?
- I can help you!

I'm a helper tiger today!
Did you know that, Mom?

- You are a helper tiger! Now,
will you hold the door open

while I put on the handle?
- Sure, Mom, I'm good at that!

- Ok, now I'll use the glue,

put a little dab on it there,

and then I get the handle,
and almost finished... whoops!

I dropped the handle.
Now, where did that thing go?

- I see it!
All the way down there!

- Hmm, my hand is too big
to reach under there!
- I can help!

My hand is just
the right size!

- Thank you, Daniel!

- Holding the door!

- And see, the glue
kept the handle in place

and now I use the screwdriver
to put the screws in.

- You're a good fixer, Mom.

- And you are a good helper!

♪ Everyone is big enough

♪ Big enough to do something

- And I'm big enough to help
fix a cabinet.
- Yes, you are!

Now, here's the glue you needed!
- Thanks.

Dad! Dad!

Got the glue!
- Thank you,

my helper tiger. Now hold this
for me, ok?
- Ok.

- You see, the glue will hold
the bell in place while
I use the screwdriver.

Finished! Ok, give it
a ding-dong!

I mean try.
- Yeah!
[Ding dong!]

It works! Ding dong,
ding dong, ding dong!

- Helloooo? Is somebody
at the door?
- Me!

I'm at the door of
the playhouse Dad built!

- Oh my, it is a wonderful
playhouse. Nice job, Dad!

- And nice job, Daniel!

You were a great helper tiger
with the playhouse.

- And you helped me
with the cabinet door.

- ♪ Everyone is big enough

♪ Big enough to do something

- And you were big enough
to help in so many ways!

That's my tiger.

- ♪ Everyone is big enough

♪ Big enough to do something

- ♪ You can help build a
playhouse by getting my tools ♪

- ♪ I can reach in spaces
that are too small for you ♪

- ♪ You can choose the color
and paint half the door ♪

- ♪ If you pick me up I can
paint higher than before ♪

- ♪ 'Cause everyone
is big enough ♪

♪ Big enough to do something

- ♪ You can help me bake a cake
by mixing up the batter ♪

- ♪ If you have a spill I can
help clean up the splatter ♪

- ♪ You can help water
the flowers with the hose ♪

- ♪ I can put away the dishes,
just show me where they go ♪

- ♪ 'Cause everyone
is big enough ♪

♪ Big enough to do something

♪ Everyone is big enough

♪ Big enough to do something

- Hey, I know something else
I'm big enough to do...

play in my playhouse!
Ha, ha, ha!

Playhouse, playhouse!
I love my new playhouse!

[Ding dong!]
Someone's at my playhouse door!

Who iiiiiiissssssss it?
- Hi there.

- Hi, Dad! Want to
come in and play?
- Well...err...

I'll try!

- Daaad! You're too big
to fit in my playhouse!
- Heh, heh, heh!

You're right! I guess...
♪ Everyone is big enough

♪ Big enough to do something

And I'm big enough to...
stay right here!

- I like being big enough
to play inside my playhouse!

What are you big enough to do?
Everyone is big enough
to do something.

Ugga Mugga!

- ♪ It's such a good feeling to
play with family and friends ♪

♪ It's such a happy feeling
when they lend you a hand ♪

♪ You wake up ready to say

♪ I think I'll make
a snappy new day! ♪

♪ It's such a good feeling

♪ A very good feeling,
a feeling you know ♪

- ♪ That I'll be back
when the day is new ♪

♪ And I'll have
more ideas for you ♪

♪ And you'll have things
you'll want to talk about ♪

♪ I will too

♪ Because it's you I like

Hi. I'm helping my dad
wash the car!

There's lots of ways
you can help at home.

- ♪ 'Cause everyone
is big enough ♪

♪ Big enough to do something

♪ 'Cause everyone
is big enough ♪

♪ Big enough to do something

♪ 'Cause everyone
is big enough ♪

♪ Big enough to do something

♪ 'Cause everyone
is big enough ♪

♪ Big enough to do something

- See, it's fun to help!

Especially when
you're getting wet!
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