01x07 - The Moon Rocks!

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Bubble Guppies". Aired: January 24, 2011 - present.*
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Series follows a "school of fish" as they attend school in an underwater classroom.
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01x07 - The Moon Rocks!

Post by bunniefuu »

[Upbeat ukulele music]

bubble guppies!

- Hi.
It's me, molly.

And it's time for...

- ♪ Twinkle, twinkle,
little star ♪

♪ How I wonder where you are

- Hey, gil.
What are you doing?

- I'm looking through
a telescope.

- What do you think gil
is looking for?


He's looking for a star
through his telescope.

- Yeah, but I don't see
any stars anywhere.

♪ Twinkle, twinkle,
little star ♪

♪ How I wonder where you are

- Maybe you should look down.

- Down?

All: it's time for
bubble guppies!

♪ Bub-bub-bubble

♪ Gup-gup-guppies

♪ Bubble bubble bubble

♪ Guppy guppy guppy

- Bubble!
- Bubble!

- Guppy!
- Guppy!

Clap! Clap!

bubble guppies!

- I'm molly.

- I'm gil.

- I'm goby.

- I'm deema.

- I'm oona.

- I'm nonny.

- Arf! Arf!

bubble puppy!

All: ♪ bub-bub-bubble

♪ Gup-gup-guppies

♪ Bubble bubble bubble

♪ Guppy guppy guppy

- Bubble!
- Bubble!

- Guppy!
- Guppy!

Clap! Clap!

bubble guppies!

Clap! Clap!

Bubble guppies!

- Hi.

There's a good one.

I'm collecting rocks.

This is my rock collection.

This one is smooth.

And this one is rough.

And here's a shiny pebble.

I don't have one like this.

It's going to go right here.

I like collecting rocks.

- Wow.

Take a look at that.

- Let's go look.

What are you looking at?

- We're looking at the moon.

- The moon?

Do you see the moon?

Both: right there.

- Yeah, the moon's up there.

It's really far away.

- But take a look at it
through the telescope.

- Okay.

Now it looks like
it's really close.

- Telescopes make things
that are really far away

Look like they're close.

Pretty neat, huh?

- Uh-huh.

Are there rocks on the moon?

- Rocks?
There sure are.

- If I ever go to the moon,

I'm going to get a moon rock
for my collection.

Thank you for letting me use
your telescope.

- You're welcome.

- Bye.

- Goby, aren't you forgetting

- Oh, my rock collection.
Thank you.

- You're welcome.

- Come on.

[Cheery instrumental music]

- Hi.

- Hi.

- Hello there.

- Arf!

- Hello.

All: good morning, mr. Grouper.

- Well, good morning, everyone.

- Mr. Grouper, I saw the moon
through a telescope.

- You did?

Have you ever seen the moon?

- The moon's cool.

- Did you know there are rocks
on the moon?

Both: on the moon?

- In outer space?

- Mm-hmm.

- I wish we had a telescope
so we could look at outer space.

- Me too.

- Well, you don't have to have
a telescope.

You can see some things in
outer space just by looking up.

- Really?
- Like what?

- Let's think about some things
we can see in space.

Today goby saw the...

- Moon.

- That's right.
The moon.

And at night you can look up
at the sky

And see lots of twinkling...

- Stars.

- Right.

And I know a star that you can
also see during the day.

It's big, bright,
and warm,

And it's called the...

- Sun.

- The sun is a star?

- Yep.

The sun is just a regular star.

- It just looks bigger
because it's closer to us

Than the other stars.

- Far out.

- ♪ In our solar system

♪ Everything keeps
spinning around ♪

♪ Yeah, yeah

♪ The planets in their orbits
and the moon ♪

♪ Kinda our cosmic
town-own-own ♪

♪ Jupiter is gassy,
and venus is bright ♪

♪ Mercury's hot,
neptune's cold ♪

♪ But earth is just right

♪ There's one force
in the middle of it all ♪

♪ Our source of light and heat

♪ A big fiery ball

♪ Sun, sun,
beautiful sun ♪

♪ Sun

♪ We move around you slowly

♪ 'Cause you are our only one

♪ You're our sun

♪ We soak up your light
till day turns to night ♪

♪ Showing other suns
much farther away ♪

♪ They dance in our skies
until the next day ♪

♪ When night fades as you rise

♪ Our beautiful sun

♪ Asteroids and comets and gas
are all just floating around ♪

♪ Peaking through our
telescope glass ♪

♪ So many sights to--
ooh-ahh ♪

♪ But during the day
when you shine up high ♪

♪ You're the warmest thing
to see in the whole sky ♪

♪ Yes, during the day
when you shine up high ♪

♪ You're the brightest thing
to see in the whole sky ♪

♪ Yeah, during the day
when you shine up high ♪

♪ You're the biggest thing
to see in the whole sky ♪

♪ And your gravity
keeps moving us around ♪

♪ Sun, sun,
beautiful sun ♪

♪ Sun,
we move around you slowly ♪

♪ 'Cause you are our only one

♪ You're our sun

♪ We soak up your light
till day turns to night ♪

♪ And stars appear
and twinkle away ♪

♪ I wish I might,
I wish I may ♪

♪ When night fades as you rise

♪ Our beautiful sun

[Cheers and applause]

- We're going to
the moon pizzeria.

- Come on.

- Hi, what can I get for you

- We'd like to share
a full moon pizza, please.

- Okay.
One full moon pizza coming up.

Both: mmm. Pizza.

- Since you're going to share,

You each get the same number
of pizza slices.

- So how many slices will I get?

- Well, first we need to see
how many slices

Are in the whole pizza.

Count with us.

All: one, two, three, four.

- There are four slices.

Both: and there are two of us.

- I need to give the same number
of slices to each of them.

- So how many slices
should each of us get?

Both: two.

- Two?
I think you're right.

Let's count and find out.

- Here's one slice for gil,

And once slice for nonny.

Here's another slice for gil,

And another one for nonny.

- Now let's count.

One, two slices for me,

And one, two slices for gil.

- Now we have the same amount
of pizza.

I have half of the pizza.

- And I have the other half
of the pizza.

- I'll take these two.

And you can have those two.

- Hmm.

Do I still have half
of the pizza?

Both: yes.

- Yep, any two of the four
slices is still half the pizza.

Both: thank you.

- And thank you for helping me
divide a whole pizza in half.

- Excuse me.
What time is it?

- It's time for lunch.

- ♪ What time is it?

♪ it's time for lunch!

- ♪ What time is it?

- ♪ It's time for lunch!

- ♪ What time is it?

- ♪ It's time for lunch!

- ♪ It's lunchtime!

- ♪ Hey, what's for lunch?

- Hey, molly.

What did you get for lunch?

- I got pizza,
and a banana for dessert.

- I got a sandwich
and a cookie.

What did you get, deema?

- I got a sandwich too,

And for dessert I got...
An ice cream sun-dae?

Both: a sun-dae?


- You can't eat the sun.

That's silly.

- The moon is pretty cool.

It's really big and round.

- Pizza.
- Kind of like a pizza.

- Oh, that's for me.

I was looking at the stars
through my telescope

And I got hungry.


Mmm. Pizza.

- Pizza?
- Uh-oh.

pizza! Pizza! Pizza!

- Ahh!

- Let's go, molly.
We're playing outer space.

- Come on.

- ♪ Sun, beautiful sun

♪ You move around me slowly

♪ 'Cause I'm the only one


- Mr. Grouper,
what are you doing up there?

- I'm the sun.
- And we're planets.

- What's a planet?

- A planet is like a giant ball
in outer space.

We live on a planet.

- We live on a giant ball?

- That's right.

We live on a planet
called earth,

And it's round like a ball.

- This is what the earth
looks like.

- That's right.
This is where we live.

And there are seven other

That move around the sun too.

- All the planets together
are called the solar system.

- What are the other planets
like, mr. Grouper?

- Oh, they're all very different
from earth.

Let's think about what
the other planets are like.

We live on a planet called

Earth has oceans and mountains
and lots of...

- Trees.

- That's right.

Earth is the perfect place
to live.

But the planet mercury
is really close to the sun

So it's very hot.

But the planet neptune
is really far from the sun,

So it's very...

- Cold.

- Brrr!

The planet neptune is very cold,

And planets come
in different sizes.

Mercury is small, but jupiter
is really, really...

- Big.
- That's right.

Jupiter is the biggest planet
in the solar system.

- Come on, everybody.
Let's orbit.

That's what you call it
when planets go around the sun.

Get up and dance with us.

♪ Up in the sky,
way, way high ♪

♪ Things go in circles,
and gravity's why ♪

♪ Planets and moons turn,
I have found ♪

♪ Do you wanna make rings?

♪ Let's orbit around

♪ Move your hands in a circle,
make 'em orbit ♪

♪ Move your hands in a circle,
make 'em orbit ♪

♪ Then do it again
so we absorb it ♪

♪ Move your hands in a circle,
make 'em orbit ♪

♪ Move your hands in a circle,
make 'em orbit ♪

♪ Move your hands in a circle,
make 'em orbit ♪

♪ Then do it again
so we absorb it ♪

♪ Move your hands in a circle,
make 'em orbit ♪

♪ Up in the sky,
way, way high ♪

♪ Things go in circles,
and gravity's why ♪

♪ Planets and moons turn,
I have found ♪

♪ Now so do you

♪ Let's all turn around

♪ Round, round, round, round,
round, round ♪

[Cheers and applause]

- Line up, everybody.

- It's time to go outside.

- ♪ Outside
- come on.

- ♪ Outside

♪ Outside, everybody, outside

♪ Line up, everybody

♪ Line up, line up

♪ Line up my
gup-gup-gup-gup guppies ♪

♪ Everybody get out

♪ Get, get, get up

♪ Get out
get everybody ♪

♪ Go outside

♪ Here we go here we go
here we go ♪

♪ Everybody line up

♪ Here we go outside

♪ Everybody let's go
g-go go g-get out out ♪

♪ Out, out, out, out, out, out,
outside ♪

Bubble guppies!

- I'm in alien from outer space.

- Me too.

- Once upon a time...

There were two space aliens.

Both: from outer space.

- [Yawns]

I'm sleepy.

Let's land on a planet
and take a nap.

- [Yawns]
good idea.

- So the aliens headed
their flying saucer

Into the solar system,

When suddenly a giant
space monster appeared.

- [Shouts nonsensically]

- A space monster!

- [Blabbers nonsensically]

- Let's get out of here!

- So the space aliens went to
hide on the planet mercury,

The closest planet to the sun.

- [Babbles]

- But the planet mercury
was too hot.

- We have to get off this planet
before we get cooked.

[Spaceship revving]

- [Blabbers]

- Oh, no!
The space monster again.

- We've got to find
another place to hide.

- What's the farthest planet
in the solar system from here?

- The farthest planet
is neptune.

- Let's hide there.

- [Shouts nonsensically]

- So the space aliens went
to hide on the planet neptune.

- [Babbles]

- But the planet neptune
was so far from the sun,

It was freezing cold.

- [Shivering]
we can't stay here,

Or we'll turn into ice.

- [Blabbering]

- He's back.

We've got to find another planet
to hide on,

And quick.

There are three planets

That are closer to the sun
to choose from:

Venus, earth, and mars.

- We need your help.

Which of these three planets
do you think we should hide on?


[Lightning crackles]


[Birds chirping]

Or mars?

[Wind blowing]

- Which planet?

- That one.

- Right.
Earth looks just right.

- [Shouting nonsensically]

- Quick!
Let's hide on earth.

- Sorry!

- So the aliens went to hide
on planet earth.

- [Blabbers]

- I think we lost him.

- Oh, earth is such
a beautiful planet.

- [Yawns]
the perfect place for our nap.

- But just as they were
getting comfortable...

- [Babbling]

- Oh, no!

The space monster found us.

- [Blabbers]

- I've had just about enough
of this.

- [Babbles]

- Hey, space monster,

What's the problem?

Can't a space alien take a nap?

- [Blabbers]

- He sure is cranky.

- [Yawns]

- Hey, maybe he needs a nap.

- Is that it?
Do you need a nap?

- Mm-hmm-hmm.

- Oona, please get out
the space blankies.

- And so the space aliens
and the space monster

Took a nice nap on
the beautiful planet earth.

And they all napped
happily ever after.

- All right!
- Yay!

- Some of the planets
are little,

And some of the planets
are really big.

- Behold!

The biggest planet: mercury.

- Mercury isn't
the biggest planet, gil.

It's the smallest.

- [Whispers]
oh, okay.

Introducing the giant planet:


- Mars is bigger than mercury,

But it's not the biggest planet.

- [Whispers]
what's the biggest planet?

- Jupiter.
But, gilly, I wouldn't--

- Behold,
the biggest planet of them all:


[Ground rumbling]




- Molly, we're going to go see
the stars and planets

At the planetarium.

- Come on.

- Hey, everyone.

Welcome to our planetarium.

- That's cool.

- Look at the ceiling.

- Come in, everybody,
and take a seat.

Hello again, goby.

I see you brought your
rock collection.

- Uh-huh.

In case in find a moon rock.


- Now, everyone, sit back
and get ready

To travel into the solar system.

- Are we really going to go
into outer space?

- No, but it is going to feel
like it.

All: wow. Cool.

- Earth,
the planet we call home,

But tonight we'll leave our home
and journey into the sky,

As together we explore...

The solar system.

[Triumphant orchestral music]

- Yahoo!

- There's the moon.

- ♪ We're leaving the planet
where we're from ♪

♪ Look out, solar system

♪ Here we come

♪ Asteroids, moons,
and comets blazing ♪

♪ Planets and stars,
all so amazing ♪

♪ Space, beautiful space

♪ I love to see your stars
a-blazing ♪

♪ With such amazing grace

♪ Outer space

♪ We've been to the moon
and maybe one day soon ♪

♪ We'll even visit a planet
like mars ♪

♪ The moon and the sun
don't seem so far away ♪

♪ Now, what a place

[Engine powers down]

- Uh-oh.

We've gone all the way to
the edge of the solar system.

I'm not sure how to get home
from here.

- You mean we're lost?

- Uh-oh.
- We're lost?

- We need your help.

Which one is planet earth?

Both: right there.

- That's it.
That's the earth.

- ♪ Earth, beautiful earth

♪ The big blue ball
that's home to us all ♪

♪ The place of all our births

♪ Our beautiful earth

[All cheering]

- We hope you enjoyed our tour
of the solar system.

Thank you for coming,

And we hope to see you here
at the planetarium again

Really soon.

All: thank you.

- That was great.

- Thank you.
- Bye bye.

[Excited chatter]

- Goby.

Aren't you forgetting something?

- My rock collection.

Thank you.
- You're welcome.

- Goby, don't you want to make
sure they're all still there?

- Hey.
Where'd that come from?

It looks like a moon rock.

- From the moon?

- It looks like one to me.

- Awesome!
- Cool!

- Well, let's get going,

[Captivated mutterings]

- Wow.

- Huh.
I wonder how that got there.

[Excited chatter]

- Wow, there's a lot up there
in space.

The moon and stars
and all the planets and--

- [Monotone] I am an alien
from the solar system.

- Uh, gilly, there aren't any
aliens in our solar system.

- I am not gilly.

I am a real, live alien.

- Well, okay.

What planet are you from, alien?

- Uh, I can't remember.


- Is it earth?
- No.

- Mars?
- No.

- Jupiter?
- Yes.

It is jupiter.

[Ground rumbling]



♪ Bub-bub-bubble

♪ Gup-gup-guppies

♪ Bubble bubble bubble

♪ Guppy guppy guppy

- Bubble!
- Bubble!

- Guppy!
- Guppy!

Clap! Clap!

bubble guppies!

Clap! Clap!

Bubble guppies!


- ♪ 'Cause you are our
only one ♪

♪ You're our sun

♪ We soak up your light
till day turns to night ♪

♪ I wish I may,
when night fades as you rise ♪

♪ Our beautiful sun
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