01x11 - The Legend of Pinkfoot

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Bubble Guppies". Aired: January 24, 2011 - present.*
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Series follows a "school of fish" as they attend school in an underwater classroom.
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01x11 - The Legend of Pinkfoot

Post by bunniefuu »

[Upbeat ukulele music]

All: bubble guppies!

- Hi.
It's me, molly.

And it's time for...

- [Snoring]

- Hmm.

Do you hear someone snoring?

- [Snoring]

I hear it too.

Come on.

Gil, are you in there?

- [Snoring]

- Gilly?

- Wha?
Who's there?

- [Giggles]
gilly, it's me.

It's time for--

- Hang on.
I'm coming out.


- What's wrong?

- I can't get out.

I think the zipper's stuck.


I got it.


- Gilly, are you okay?

- It's time for bubble guppies!

♪ Bub-bub-bubble

♪ Gup-gup-guppies

♪ Bubble bubble bubble

♪ Guppy guppy guppy

- Bubble!
- Bubble!

- Guppy!
- Guppy!

Clap! Clap!

bubble guppies!

- I'm molly.

- I'm gil.

- I'm goby.

- I'm deema.

- I'm oona.

- I'm nonny.

- Arf! Arf!

bubble puppy!

All: ♪ bub-bub-bubble

♪ Gup-gup-guppies

♪ Bubble bubble bubble

♪ Guppy guppy guppy

- Bubble!
- Bubble!

- Guppy!
- Guppy!

Clap! Clap!

Bubble guppies!

Clap! Clap!

Bubble guppies!

- Hi, there.

- [Snoring]

- Who's sleeping?

Guppies: he is.

- Yeah,
he's sleeping in a tent.

He's waking up.

Come on.

- [Yawns]
good morning, deema.

- Hi.

Did you sleep here all night?

- We sure did.

Rise and shine, crab scouts.

- Good morning.

- Good morning.
- Good morning

- Why were you sleeping
out here?

- We're camping.

- Camping?

- That's right.

We set up our tents and ate
dinner around the campfire.

- Yeah, then we all
sat around the fire

And heard
the spooky story called

The legend of pinkfoot.

- Pinkfoot.

- I like spooky stories.

- And we made s'mores.

- S'mores are made
with chocolate, marshmallows,

And graham crackers.

I love s'mores.

Do you?

- Oh, s'mores are delicious.

- Mm-hmm!

- Okay, crab scouts, line up.

Forward, march.


Bye, deema.


- Bye.

I want to go camping.

Forward, march.


Come on.



- Hello.

- Hi.

- Hello.

- Arf!

- Hi.

good morning, mr. Grouper.

- Well, good morning, everyone.

- Hup-two-three-four-five-six.


[All giggling]

- We saw the crab scouts.

They were camping.

- Oh, I like to go camping.

- What's camping?

- It's like a sleepover

- I like sleepovers.

- You also get to tell spooky
stories around a campfire.

- I like spooky stories.

- Me too.

- Mr. Grouper, what else
do you do when you go camping?

- Let's think about what you do
when you go camping.

Well, you stay warm
when you sleep inside a...

- Sleeping bag.

- That's right,

And you carry
everything you need in your...

- Backpack.

- Yep, everything has to fit
inside your backpack.

And when you go camping,
you gather around the campfire

And roast...

- Marshmallows.

- Marshmallows;
then you can make s'mores.

Mmm, there's nothing
like camping outside.

- ♪ Get in the car,
drive out of town ♪

♪ Head into the great outdoors

♪ Where the sky's the roof,
trees are the walls ♪

♪ And the earth
will be our floor ♪

♪ Where there's a trail
instead of a street ♪

♪ And we'll use our feet
to get where we're goin' ♪

♪ Camping out,
camping outside ♪

♪ Camping out

♪ Where the world feels wide

♪ Camping out

♪ We'll let nature
be our guide ♪

♪ When we're camping,
camping outside ♪

♪ Take in the view from a canoe
on a lake or a stream ♪

♪ You can breathe fresh air,
use a rock for a chair ♪

♪ Drink water from a canteen

♪ Cooking s'mores by the fire

♪ As the moon climbs
higher and higher ♪

- We're gonna get in tents.

- ♪ Camping out,
camping outside ♪

♪ Camping out

♪ Where the world feels wide

♪ Camping out

♪ We'll let nature
be our guide ♪

♪ When we're camping,
camping outside ♪

♪ Sleep under the stars,
play songs with guitars ♪

♪ Bring your flashlight
'cause it gets dark at night ♪

- ♪ All right

- ♪ Camping out,
camping outside ♪

♪ Camping out

♪ Where the world feels wide

♪ Camping out

♪ We'll let nature
be our guide ♪

♪ When we're camping,
camping outside ♪

[Cheers and applause]

- Before we go camping,
we have to get supplies.

Come with me
to the outdoor store.


Is anyone here?

I'm going camping,
and I need some supplies.

- Supplies!

- [Giggles]

- Hi, welcome
to goby's outdoor store.

May I help you?

- Yes, please.

I'm going camping.

- Well, you're going to need
something warm to sleep in.

Right this way.

I have three things
to choose from:

A moose, a sleeping bag,
and a towel.

- Hmm, which one do you think
will keep me warm

While I sleep outdoors:
a moose,

A sleeping bag,
or a towel?

- A sleeping bag.

- Right, the sleeping bag.

- Excellent choice.

A sleeping bag keeps you warm
while you sleep.

[Thunder booming]

sounds like it might rain.

You're going to need something
to get inside of

So you won't get wet.

Lucky for you, I have
some great items to choose from:

A doghouse, a raincoat,
and a tent.

- Which one of these things
is the best to get into

If it rains while I'm camping:

A doghouse,

A raincoat, or a tent?

- A tent.

- Right; if it rains,

I can get inside the tent
to keep me dry.

- Another excellent choice.

- Thank you,
and thank you

For helping me choose
the right camping supplies.

- Supplies!

What time is it?

Both: it's time for lunch.

- ♪ What time is it?

♪ it's time for lunch!

- ♪ What time is it?

- ♪ It's time for lunch!

- ♪ What time is it?

- ♪ It's time for lunch!

- ♪ It's lunchtime!

- ♪ Hey, what's for lunch?

- Hey, oona,
what did you get for lunch?

- A turkey sandwich
and a granola bar.


What did you get, goby?

- A cheese sandwich
and trail mix.

What about you, nonny?

- I got...
A sleeping bag of chips?


- [Laughs]


- It's a bag of chips.

- They're asleep.

- When you go camping,

It's important to bring
the right camping supplies.

First, you need to take
something warm to sleep in,

Like a sleeping bag.

- Got my sleeping bag.

- Uh, gilly, why don't you
roll up your sleeping bag?

- Roll it up?

- Yeah, like this.

It makes it
much easier to carry.

- That's a good idea.

Molly, look out.

There's a wild animal
in my sleeping bag!

- Arf!

- Does that sound
like a wild animal to you?

- Arf!

- No, that sounds
like bubble puppy.

- Be careful, molly.

- Arf! Arf!

- Ahhhhh!


- Come on,
we're playing camping.

- We're roasting marshmallows.

- We're going to make s'mores.

- Mmm, s'mores.

Hey, have you told
the legend of pinkfootyet?

- What's the legend of pinkfoot?

- The legend of pinkfoot
is a really good spooky story.

- I like spooky stories.

- It's the story
of a giant pink shrimp

Who lives in the woods
and likes to eat s'mores.

His name is...pinkfoot.


- Tell us the story, goby.

- No, don't tell it yet, goby.

- How come?

- I want you tell us
the story tonight

Around a real campfire.


- Anybody want
to go camping tonight?

I do. Yeah.

- Come on. Let's go.

yeah. All right. Come on.

- Uh...
You got everything you need?

- What do you mean?

- Well, we're gonna need
to take some things with us

On our camping trip.

- We have our backpacks on.

- Yep, but you're going to need
something in them.

- Like what?

- Let's think about
what you need to take with you

When you go camping.

We're going to sleep outside
in the woods tonight,

So we'll need to bring...

- A tent.

- That's right.

And we're going to eat
outside tonight,

So let's pack some...

- Hot dogs.

- And tofu dogs.

- Mm-hmm.

- And don't forget:
it gets dark at night.

- That's right,
so you have to bring a...

- Flashlight.

- Come on, put on your backpack,
and let's dance.

♪ Out in the woods
on a camping trip ♪

♪ So grab your water bottle
and take yourself a sip ♪

♪ Everyone take a sip.
Drink. ♪

♪ Everyone take a sip.
Drink. ♪

♪ Everyone take a sip.
Drink. ♪

♪ What else have you got
in your backpack? ♪

♪ Out in the woods,
yeah, it gets dark at night ♪

♪ So you've got the power,
so shine your flashlight ♪

♪ Everyone shine your light.
Shine it. ♪

♪ Everyone shine your light.
Shine it. ♪

♪ Everyone shine your light.
Shine it. ♪

♪ What else have you got
in your backpack? ♪

♪ Out in the woods,
there isn't a bed ♪

♪ So roll out your sleeping bag
so you can rest your head ♪

♪ Everyone roll out your bag.
Roll it out. ♪

♪ Everyone roll out your bag.
Roll it out. ♪

♪ Everyone roll out your bag.
Roll it out. ♪

♪ So that's what you've got
in your backpack ♪

[Cheers and applause]

- Line up, everybody!

It's time to go outside!

- Come on!
- Outside!

♪ Outside, everybody, outside

♪ Line up, everybody

♪ Line up, line up

♪ Line up my
gup-gup-gup-gup guppies ♪

♪ Everybody get out

♪ Get, get, get up

♪ Get out,
get everybody ♪

♪ Go outside

♪ Here we go here we go
here we go ♪

♪ Everybody line up

♪ Here we go outside

♪ Everybody, let's go,
g-go go g-get out out ♪

♪ Out, out, out, out, out, out,
outside ♪

Bubble guppies!

- I'm a moon scout.

- I'm a moon scout too.

- I'm a moon scout three.

- Once upon a time,

There were three moon scouts
who went camping

On the dark side of the moon.

- This is moon scout
coming in for a landing.

Ahh, the moon,

The best place for a moon scout
to go on a camping trip.

- It's dark.

- It's the dark side
of the moon.

but we're scared of the dark.

- That's why I brought
these flashlights.

Both: thanks.

- And here is a flashlight
for you.

- Just keep your eye out
for the moon bear.

- Yeah,
he likes to take flashlights.

- No one really knows why.

- [Growls]

- Okay, moon scouts.

Let's go find a good place
to camp for the night.


- So the moon scouts
headed across the moon

To their campsite.

- This looks like a good place
to set up camp.

Let's unpack our backpacks.

- Hoo-hoo!

- What was that?

- It's the moon bear.

- I don't think
it's the moon bear.

Let's shine our flashlights
and see

What's making that sound.

Hold your flashlight out
like this.


Flashlights on.

- Hoo!

- It's just a moon owl.

- Hoo-hoo!

All: hoo-hoo.

- Make the moon owl sound
with us.

All: hoo-hoo, hoo-hoo.

- Hoo-hoo!


- Now let's unpack our tents
and sleeping bags

And finish setting up camp.

- So the moon scouts finished
setting up their campsite.

[Raccoon chittering]

- Did you hear that?

- It's the moon bear!

- I don't think
it's the moon bear.

Hold your flashlight out
like this.


Flashlights on.

- [Chittering]

- It's just
a little moon raccoon.

- Aww, he's cute.

- Come on, moon scouts,

Let's roast
some moon marshmallows.

All: mm-hmm.

- [Growls]

- Did you hear that?

- I don't think that sound
was a moon owl.

- And I don't think that sound
was a moon raccoon.

Both: it's the moon bear!

- [Growls]

- There it is again.

Let's shine our flashlights
and find out

What's making that sound.

Hey, my flashlight's gone.

- Gone?

W-what do you mean "gone"?

- How could your flashlight
just disappear?

- My flashlight's gone too.

- So is mine.

- We can't go camping
without our flashlights.

You still have
your flashlight.

Help us find the moon bear.

- Hold your flashlight out.

- Ready?

Flashlight on.

- [Growls]

- Do you see him?

- [Growls]

- There he is!

You found him.

- And he has our flashlights.

- Thanks for your help.

- Excuse me, moon bear.

May we have
our flashlights back, please?

- Hmm-mm.

- Please let me have
our flashlights, moon bear.

We need them.

- Hmm-mm.

- Yeah, it's dark.

- Mm-hmm.

- Don't you like the dark?

- Mm-mm.

- That's it.

The moon bear
took our flashlights

Because he's scared
of the dark.

- It's okay to be scared
of the dark, moon bear.

- You just need
a flashlight of your own.

- Mm-hmm.

- You can keep one flashlight,
moon bear,

But you have to share
the others with us.

- Ohh.

- Thank you.

- Arr-hee-hee-hee-hee.

- I think he feels better.

- Would you like to camp out
with us tonight, moon bear?

- Mm-hmm.


- And so the moon scouts
and the moon bear

Sat by their moon campfire
and roasted...

moon marshmallows.

- And they lived
happily ever after.

[Cheers and applause]

- When you go camping,

It's important
to bring a backpack

To carry all the stuff
you need.

- Yep,
I packed all my stuff.

Got it right here
in my backpack.

- What did you pack, gil?

- Camping supplies:

My tent, some hot dogs to eat,
a flashlight.

Molly, I think
there's something in there.

It could be a raccoon.

- [Giggles] do you know
what's inside gil's backpack?


- Arf!

- A raccoon!

There's a raccoon
in my backpack!

Look out, bubble puppy,
a rac...


- [Giggles]

- Come on, you guys.
We're going camping.

- Come on.



- We're going to our campsite.

March with us.



♪ When we're camping,
camping outside ♪


- ♪ And now it's time
to roast some marshmallows ♪

♪ So we can make s'mores

All: mmm, s'mores.

- Yeah,
and that means it's time to tell

A spooky campfire story.

All: spoooooky.

- Tell us your story, goby.

- Okay,
this is the story of...


All: pinkfoot.

- Ahem...

Legend has it
that when you go camping

And the moon is full...

[Owl hooting]

And if you make s'mores...

Then pinkfoot might come.

And if he does...

[Crackling noise]

- What was that?.

- It's coming from over there.

- Maybe it's...pinkfoot.

- Everybody, get out
your flashlights.

Help us find out
what's making that sound.

Hold your flashlight out
like this.


Flashlight on.

- It's the crab scouts.

- Hi, everybody.

All: hi, crab scouts.

- We thought you were pinkfoot.

- Whoo-hoo-hoo,

That's our favorite
spooky campfire story.

Sit down, crab scouts.

- Go ahead, goby/
finish the story.

- Well...

And if you make s'mores
on a night like tonight,

When the moon is full,

Then you might get a visit
from none other than...


- Then what happens?

- Hey, wait a minute.


- Shh, goby's not finished
with his story.

- Thank you.

And if you give pinkfoot
a s'more...

He'll sing a song for you.

- Is that true?

[Mariachi music]

- ♪ Graciasfor the story ♪

♪ Many thanks for the snack

♪ Each time you make s'mores

♪ I'm sure to come back

♪ If you roast
your marshmallows ♪

♪ By the light of the moon

♪ And make s'mores
for pinkfoot ♪

♪ Then I'll come to you soon

All: ♪ he'll come to you soon

- Well, molly,

I finally got my backpack
all packed.

- It looks kind of heavy.

- It is kind of heavy.

I don't know why.

I only packed things I'll need
on a camping trip.

- Arf!

- I think I know
who's in there again.

- Not again.

- Arf!

- Wait a minute.

If bubble puppy's there...

- Then who's in here?

- I only packed
camping supplies.

- Supplies!


- Arf!

[Together] ♪ bub-bub-bubble

♪ Gup-gup-guppies

♪ Bubble bubble bubble

♪ Guppy guppy guppy

- Bubble!
- Bubble!

- Guppy!
- Guppy!

Clap! Clap!

bubble guppies!

♪ Cooking s'mores by the fire

♪ As the moon climbs
higher and higher ♪

- We're gonna get in tents.

- ♪ Camping out,
camping outside ♪

♪ Camping out

♪ We'll let nature
be our guide ♪

♪ When we're camping,
camping outside ♪
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