01x12 - Gup, Gup and Away!

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Bubble Guppies". Aired: January 24, 2011 - present.*
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Series follows a "school of fish" as they attend school in an underwater classroom.
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01x12 - Gup, Gup and Away!

Post by bunniefuu »

[Upbeat ukulele music]

bubble guppies!

- Hi, it's me, molly,
and it's time for--

- [Mimicking engine]

- It's time--

- [Mimicking engine]

Gil airlines to molly.

I'm coming in for a landing.

- [Giggles]

What is gil pretending to be?

- [Mimicking engine]

- Yeah, gil's pretending
to be an airplane.

Molly to gil airlines.

You are cleared for landing.

- [Mimicking engine]

[Mimicking brakes squealing]

Ladies and gentlemen, thank you
for flying gil airlines.

We hope you enjoyed your flight,
and now...

Both: it's time
for bubble guppies.

All: ♪ bub-bub-bubble

♪ Gup-gup-guppies

♪ Bubble bubble bubble

♪ Guppy guppy guppy

- Bubble!
- Bubble!

- Guppy!
- Guppy!

Clap! Clap!

bubble guppies!

- I'm molly.

- I'm gil.

- I'm goby.

- I'm deema.

- I'm oona.

- I'm nonny.

Arf! Arf!

bubble puppy!

All: ♪ bub-bub-bubble

♪ Gup-gup-guppies

♪ Bubble bubble bubble

♪ Guppy guppy guppy

- Bubble!
- Bubble!

- Guppy!
- Guppy!

Clap! Clap!

bubble guppies!

Clap! Clap!

Bubble guppies!

- Hi.

- Hello.

[Engine whining]

What's making that noise?

Yeah, an airplane.

Come on.

- Look at all the airplanes.

- It's an airport.

Excuse me.

- Hi.

- Are you going on an airplane?

- I certainly am.

I'm the pilot.

I fly the airplane.

- Wow.
- Cool.

What's that?

- Those are my wings.

Every airline captain has them.

Both: cool.

[Engine roaring]

- It's loud!

- That's because planes
have enormous engines.

The engine makes the plane go.

- I wish I could go
on an airplane.

- Me too.

- Have you ever been
on an airplane?

It sounds like fun.

- Ladies and gentlemen,

Flight is now boarding
at gate three.

- That's my flight.

I have to go get on board.


Both: bye.

- This is captain deema
to captain gil.

Prepare for takeoff.

- Let's fly.

[Both mimicking engine]

- Come on.

- Hello.

- Hi.

- Hello.


All: good morning, mr. Grouper.

- Well, good morning, everyone.

[Both mimicking engine]

- This is pilot deema
coming in for a landing.

- Oh, this is mr. Grouper
to pilot deema.

You are cleared for landing.

You too, gil.

[Both mimicking engine]

[All laugh]

Arf! Arf!

- Mr. Grouper, have you ever
been on an airplane before?

- I sure have.

It was really exciting.

We flew way above the clouds.

Both: above the clouds?

- What was it like, mr. Grouper?

- Let's think about what
it's like to fly on an airplane.

First you have
to get on the airplane.

So you have to go to the...

[Engine whining]

- Airport.

- You go the airport.

Then you get on the plane,

And you sit down in your seat
and fasten your...

- Seat belt.

- That's right.

And when the plane takes off,

It's fun to look at the clouds
outside of the...

- Window.

- That's right.

Then a flight attendant
will bring you a snack,

Like your very own bag of...

- Pretzels.

- Mmm.

Then you can sit back
and enjoy your flight.

- Attention all passengers,
your flight is now boarding.

- ♪ Today we're gonna
take a trip ♪

♪ We're packing up our stuff

♪ Gonna bring my favorite book

♪ The tickets are right here
in my hand ♪

♪ Have we got everything?

♪ We better go
and take just one last look ♪

♪ There's a honk from outside

♪ The taxi cab has arrived

♪ He's gonna give us a ride
to the airport ♪

♪ Gonna get on a plane

♪ A really, really fast plane

♪ Nothing wrong with the train

♪ But today we're gonna fly

♪ A thousand miles to go

♪ Over mountains with snow

♪ Clouds floating below
the wings of our ♪

♪ Planes are flying all around

♪ They're waiting
on the ground ♪

♪ For us to get on

♪ But first we check our bags,
then we ♪

♪ Go through security

♪ Hurry up
and put your shoes back on ♪

♪ Got to rush to the gate

♪ Don't want to be late

♪ Run down the jetway
'cause we're ♪

♪ Gonna get on a plane

♪ A really, really fast plane

♪ Nothing wrong with the train

♪ But today we're gonna fly

♪ A thousand miles till land

♪ Over beaches of sand

♪ The ocean's glistening

♪ Then I'll bring
my tray table down ♪

♪ And sip a glass of juice

♪ While reading mother goose

♪ Got my seat belt on

♪ Everything's real calm

♪ Miles in the air

♪ In my comfy chair

♪ Gonna get on a plane

♪ A really, really fast plane

♪ Nothing wrong with the train

♪ But today we're gonna fly

♪ Yeah, today we're gonna fly

♪ Today we're gonna fly

♪ Yeah, today we're gonna fly

[Cheers and applause]

- My friends would like
to take a trip on an airplane.

Both: mm-hmm.

- Come with us
to the airline ticket counter.

- Hello, and welcome
to shrimpy airlines.

- Hello.

My friends would like to take
an airplane trip today.

Both: mm-hmm.

- Wonderful.

Attention, passengers.

Shrimpy airlines
is now ready for boarding.

Right this way, please.

Here comes your pilot now.

Both: good-bye, nonny.

- Good-bye, shrimp.

Excuse me, but that airplane
doesn't look ready to fly.

- Yeah, I think this airplane
needs something so it can fly.

Just a moment, please.

Which of these things does
the airplane need so it can fly,

Wings, a feather, or a balloon?

Both: wings.

- Right, an airplane's
got to have wings.


That should do it.

Shrimpy airlines is now ready
for takeoff.

- Hmm.

An airplane has
to roll down the runway

Before it can take off.

- One moment please.

Which of these parts will help
the plane roll down the runway,

Is it the propeller, the wheels,
or the ball?

Both: the wheels.

- The wheels?

Let's see.



Shrimpy airlines
is ready for takeoff.

- I think this plane still needs
something to make it go.

- What else does an airplane
need to make it go?

Both: an engine.

- Of course.

An airplane has to have engines
to make it fly.

Now, that's more like it.

- This is your captain speaking.

Shrimpy airlines is now ready
for takeoff.

[Engines whining]

[Engines roaring]

Both: bye.

- Excuse me, what time is it?

Both: it's time for lunch.

- ♪ What time is it?

♪ it's time for lunch!

- ♪ What time is it?

- ♪ It's time for lunch!

- ♪ What time is it?

- ♪ It's time for lunch!

- ♪ It's lunchtime!

- ♪ Hey, what's for lunch?

- Hey, oona,
what'd you get for lunch?

- I got a veggie sandwich
on whole wheat bread.


What did you get, deema?

- I got a turkey and cheese
in a pita.


What did you get, nonny?

- A bagel.

- What kind?

- "Plane."

[All laughing]

All: a "plane" bagel?

That's silly.

- A "plane" bagel?

That is silly.

- Ladies and gentlemen,

Please take your seats
and fasten your seat belts.

- Molly, time to sit down
and get ready for takeoff.

- Hey, look.

You can move the seat.

Forward, backward.
- Gilly.

- Forward, backward.

- I don't think you should
play with the seat.

- Forward, back more,
forward more.

- Gilly.

- Back more, forward.
- Gil.

- Oof.


- Are you okay?

- Yeah, I'm okay.

- [Laughs]

- Attention, passengers.

Deema airlines is now ready
for boarding.

- Come on.

- Passengers,
please take your seats

And fasten your seat belts
for takeoff.

- Arr!

- What was that?

- That's the pirate.

- Arr!

- I think you mean "pilot."

- I'm a pirate pilot.


- I want to be a pilot too.

- Okay, gil.

You can sit up here next to goby
and be the copilot.

That's the person who helps
the pilot fly the plane.

- Mr. Grouper,
how do airplanes fly?

- Well, let's think about
what makes airplanes fly.

The part sticking out from the
side of a plane is called the...

- Wing.
- That's right.

The wings help lift the plane
into the sky.

And the thing
that helps the plane

Go really fast is called the...

[Engine whining]

- Engine.
- Yep.

The engines help the plane
go fast enough to fly.

And when the pilot and copilot
are ready to land the plane,

They lower the...

- Wheels.
- Right.

The wheels on a plane
are called the landing gear.

- Ladies and gentlemen,
this is your pilot speaking.

Please prepare for takeoff.

Get up and dance with us.

[Pulsing dance music]

Let's stick out our wings
and fly.

All: ♪ stick out your wings
and fly ♪

- Steer right.

All: ♪ stick out your wings
and fly ♪

- Steer left.

All: ♪ stick out your wings
and fly ♪

- Go straight.

All: ♪ stick out your wings
and fly ♪

- Take off.

All: ♪ everybody come now
let me hear that engine roar ♪

♪ Let me hear that engine roar

♪ Let me hear that engine roar

- ♪ Come on, let me, let me,
let me, let me, let me ♪

All: ♪ hear that engine roar

- Take off!

All: ♪ land the plane
on the runway ♪

- Easy now.

All: ♪ land the plane
on the runway ♪

- You got it.

All: ♪ land the plane
on the runway ♪

- Smooth landing.

All: ♪ land the plane
on the runway ♪

All: ♪ everybody come now
let me hear that engine roar ♪

♪ Let me hear that engine roar

♪ Let me hear that engine roar

- ♪ Come on, let me, let me,
let me, let me, let me ♪

All: ♪ hear that engine roar

[Cheers and applause]

- Line up, everybody.

- It's time to go outside.
Come on.

- ♪ Outside,
outside ♪

♪ Outside, everybody, outside

♪ Line up, everybody

♪ Line up, line up

♪ Line up my
gup-gup-gup-gup guppies ♪

♪ Everybody get out

♪ Get, get, get up

♪ Get out
get everybody ♪

♪ Go outside

♪ Here we go here we go
here we go ♪

♪ Everybody line up

♪ Here we go outside

♪ Everybody let's go
g-go go g-get out out ♪

♪ Out, out, out, out, out, out,
outside ♪

Bubble guppies!

- I'm a pilot.

- And I'm the copilot.

- He helps me fly the plane.

- Once upon a time,

There was a pilot
and a copilot.

- Ladies and gentlemen,
this is your pilot speaking.

We hope you enjoy today's flight
to sunny treasure island.

- Excuse me, captain.

I think there's someone
following us.

- Following us?

- Arr, I'm an airline pirate.


This is your pirate speaking.

Prepare to be boarded.


- Uh-oh.

- We have to get out of here
before that pirate gets us.

- Roger that.

- Help us fly the plane.

Put your arms out like this.



- Arr!
Come back here!

- Oh, no.
Now let's turn the other way.



- Arr!

- He's still following us.

- We need to go faster.

- What will help the plane
go really fast,

The wings, the engines,
or the wheels?

Both: the engines.

- You're right.

The engines
make the plane go fast.

[Engines roaring]

- Arr!
Come back here!

[Engines roaring]

- He's still following us.

- Oh, no.

Then we're going to have to lose
him in those clouds up ahead.

Attention, pirate.

Prepare to be lost
in the clouds.

- Arr!

Arr, clouds.

[Engines whooshing]





- I think we lost him,

- Roger that.

And look,
there's treasure island.

We're almost there.

[Light beeping]

- Uh-oh.
We're all out of gas, captain.

- We have to land
this plane now.

- Which button will help us
roll down the runway,

The wings, the engine,
or the wheels?

Both: the wheels.

- Right.

But which button
will lower the wheels,

This one, or this one?

Both: this one.

- You're right.

This is the down button.

- Hurry, push the button.

- We did it.

- Yes.
- Yay! Hooray!

Treasure island flight
coming in for a landing.

- So the pilot and the copilot

Landed safely
on treasure island.

- Good work, copilot.

- Thank you, captain.

And thank you for your help.

- Arr!

Both: the pirate!

- There you are.

- He found us.

- Why are you chasing us,

- Because I have something
to show you.

Look over thar.

Both: treasure!

- Look, nonny, golden wings.

- Thank you.

- [Dejected] arr.

- What's wrong, pirate?

- What's so good about treasure

If you don't have friends
to share it with?

- We'll be your friends, pirate.

- Yeah, would you like
to fly with us?

- You could be our co-pirate.

- Co...pirate?


Roger that.

- And so the pilot,
the copilot,

And their co-pirate flew away
in their airplane

And lived happily ever after.

[All cheering]

- Working on an airplane
is really exciting.

The pilot and copilot
fly the plane,

And the flight attendants make
sure everyone finds their seat.

- Passengers please be seated
for departure.

- Departure?

That means the plane
is going to take off soon.

- Hi, molly.
- Hi, gil.

- I'm going to sit
in the front row.

- Gil, remember what happened
the last time

You played with your seat.

- Don't worry.

I'm just trying
to get comfortable.

Hey, it won't go forward.

- Passengers,
please return your seats

To the upright
and locked position.

- Come on. Forward.

[Metal creaking]



[Crashing sounds]

I'm okay.


- Hey, molly, mr. Grouper
is taking us to the airport.

- Cool.

- We're going to the airport?

- Yeah. Come on.

- Ladies and gentlemen,
flight is now--

- Over here, guys.

- Cool.
- Wow.

- Whoa, look at the airplane.

- It's really big.

- It sure is.

- Hey gil, look.

- Hi.

- Who's that?

- That's our friend the pilot.

She flies the whole airplane.

All: wow.
- Awesome.

- I wish we could go
on that airplane.

- Yeah, that would be awesome.

- Paging passengers
deema and gil.

Passengers deema and gil,

Your flight is now boarding
at gate blue nine.

Both: our flight?

- What flight?

- Also passengers molly, goby,

Oona, nonny, and mr. Grouper,

Your flight is now boarding
at gate blue nine.

- Hurry, guys.

The plane is about to take off.

[All cheering]

- But which one is our gate?

- We need your help.

We have to find gate blue nine
so we can get on the airplane.

Which one is gate blue nine?

Both: that one.
- You're right.

- Passengers, your flight is now
boarding at gate blue nine.

- Let's go.

All: we're going on a plane.

[All speaking at once]

- Ladies and gentlemen,

We'd like to welcome you aboard
guppy airlines flight .

All: ♪ oh yeah,
we're on a plane ♪

- This is your pilot speaking.
Please fasten your seat belts.

All: ♪ yeah, we're on a plane

- Flight crew,
prepare for takeoff.

All: ♪ yeah, we're gonna fly

- Here we go, everybody.

All: ♪ yeah, we're gonna fly

[Engines roaring]

♪ Oh yeah, we're gonna fly

- Hi, passengers.

Both: hi, captain.

- Welcome aboard my airplane.

I have something for you,

Your very own set of wings.

Both: wow, thank you.

We got wings.

All: ♪ oh yeah,
we're gonna fly ♪

♪ Fly, fly, fly, fly, fly, fly

♪ Yeah, yeah, yeah,
we're gonna fly ♪

♪ Fly, fly, fly, fly, fly, fly

♪ Yeah, we're gonna fly

[Engines whooshing]

- I can't believe
we got to go on an airplane,

And we even got wings
to prove it.

- Yeah, that was really cool,
and look.

- Gilly, aren't those
to tell the pilot

Where to park the airplane?

- I don't know,
but look, they light up.

♪ Yeah, we're gonna fly

♪ Fly, fly, fly, fly, fly, fly

♪ Yeah, we're gonna fly

- Gilly, I wouldn't do that
if I were you.

[Engines rumbling]



- [Laughs]

All: ♪ bub-bub-bubble

♪ Gup-gup-guppies

♪ Bubble bubble bubble

♪ Guppy guppy guppy

- Bubble!
- Bubble!

- Guppy!
- Guppy!

Clap! Clap!

bubble guppies!

Clap! Clap!

Bubble guppies!

- ♪ Got to rush to the gate

♪ Don't want to be late

♪ Run down the jetway
'cause we're ♪

♪ Gonna get on a plane

♪ A really, really fast plane

♪ Nothing wrong with the train

♪ But today we're gonna fly

♪ Today we're gonna fly

♪ Yeah, today we're gonna fly
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