01x14 - Boy Meets Squirrel!

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Bubble Guppies". Aired: January 24, 2011 - present.*
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Series follows a "school of fish" as they attend school in an underwater classroom.
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01x14 - Boy Meets Squirrel!

Post by bunniefuu »

[Upbeat ukulele music]

bubble guppies!

- Hi.
It's me, molly.

And it's time for...

- [Whistling]

- Hmm.

It's time for...

- [Whistles]

- Who's making that sound?


- [Whistling]


- [Whistles]
- [screams]

Both: it's time
for bubble guppies.

♪ Bub-bub-bubble

♪ Gup-gup-guppies

♪ Bubble bubble bubble

♪ Guppy guppy guppy

- Bubble!
- Bubble!

- Guppy!
- Guppy!

Clap! Clap!

bubble guppies!

- I'm molly.

- I'm gil.

- I'm goby.

- I'm deema.

- I'm oona.

- I'm nonny.

Arf! Arf!

bubble puppy!

All: ♪ bub-bub-bubble

♪ Gup-gup-guppies

♪ Bubble bubble bubble

♪ Guppy guppy guppy

- Bubble!
- Bubble!

- Guppy!
- Guppy!

Clap! Clap!

bubble guppies!

Clap! Clap!

Bubble guppies!

- Hello.

- [Chittering]

- Was that a squirrel?

- [Chittering]

- Yeah.

I like squirrels.

- [Chittering]

[Continues chittering]

- Hello, squirrel.

- [Chittering]

- I think he lives in that tree.

- I think you're right, nonny.

- Hi, mr. Langoustine.

- He's been collecting
those acorns all morning.

- [Chittering]

- Here you go.

- [Chittering]

- [Giggles]

- It looks like
you made a friend.


My newspaper.

- I'll get it.

- Thanks, nonny.

It's a little windy
for me today.

Let's see.

Here we go.

This one's for paper.

See you later, nonny.

- Good-bye.

- Bye, squirrel.

- Good-bye, squirrel.

- [Chittering]

- For me?

- [Chitters]

- Thank you.

- [Chitters]

- Bye.

Come on.

- Hello.

- Hello.

- Hi.

- [Barks]

- Hello.

All: good morning, mr. Grouper.

- Good morning, everyone.

- Hello.

- What you got there, nonny?

- It's an acorn.

A squirrel gave it to me.

- What are you gonna do with it?

- You should plant it

So it can grow into a tree.

- That's right.

An acorn is a seed.

And if you plant it
in the ground,

It could grow
into a tall oak tree.

- Yeah, then squirrels
could live there.

- That's right.

All kinds of animals
like to live in trees.

- Like what?

- Let's think about some animals
that live in trees.

The small furry animal
that lives in trees

And likes to eat acorns
is called a...

- [Chittering]

- Squirrel.

- That's right.

Squirrels build their nests
way up in the branches.

And up in the branches,

You might also
find the nest of a...

- [Chirping]

- Bird.

- Right, a bird.

And tree branches
are also covered with leaves

Which are good to eat
if you happen to be a...

- [Crunching]

- Caterpillar.

- Right.

All kinds of insects
like to live in trees.

- I like trees.

- Me too.

- ♪ Please, mr. Tree, please

♪ Tell me your name

♪ What kind of tree are you?

♪ Please, mr. Tree, please

♪ What are you like?

♪ Do you change in the fall

♪ Or do your leaves
stay that shade of green? ♪

♪ Do you know what I mean?

♪ Frogs and snakes
and monkeys too ♪

♪ Would love to find
a tree like you ♪

♪ Where they can
have a comfy nest ♪

♪ Take a nap and get some rest

♪ Squirrels like to sit
and eat ♪

♪ Acorns, their favorite treat

♪ Bunnies hide
in roots down low ♪

♪ Keeping warm
from winter's snow-whoa ♪

♪ Hey, hey, hey, mr. Tree

♪ Just what would we do

♪ If we didn't have you

♪ Or palm or oak or spruce?

♪ Who'd clean the air

♪ Or make the shade?

♪ And how would buildings
get made ♪

♪ Without lumber?

♪ I wonder

♪ Just what we would do

♪ Think of all the things
we couldn't eat ♪

♪ When we want a healthy treat

♪ Apples, cherries, apricots,
peaches, plums ♪

- And more, lots!

- ♪ Almonds, mangoes,
olives too ♪

♪ Figs and dates
- oh, yeah, thank you.

- ♪ Man, we're still not
close to through ♪

♪ But for now
that will have to do ♪

- Oh, man, I'm still hungry.

- ♪ Hey, mr. Tree, hey

♪ Such a pleasure today

♪ To stop and get to know you

♪ And oh,
we're so glad that you grow ♪

♪ In our yards and parks

♪ With all
your different parts ♪

♪ Leaves, branches, bark

♪ And your roots below

♪ Oh, mr. Tree, oh-ho

Both: ♪ tree-eh-he-hee

- ♪ Oh, mr. Tree, oh-ho

- ♪ Tree-eh-he-hee

- ♪ Oh, mr. Tree, oh-ho

- ♪ Tree-eh-he-hee

[Cheers and applause]

- [Chirping]

- My friend the bird
needs a place to live.

Come with us to find her a home.

- Hello.

- Hello.

- Is your bird friend
looking for a home?

- [Chirps]

- She says, "yes, please."

- I have just the place.

This tree would make
the perfect home for any bird.

Let's take a look
at what's available.

- Okay.

I have space

Up at the top of the tree
in the branches.

Oh, and look.

I even have some space
down here near the roots,

In case she'd like to hide.

Do any of these appeal to you?

- Hmm.

I don't know.

- No problem.

Let's see
what the computer says.




It says here

That birdies
like to make their homes

High above the ground.

- Where in the tree do you think
the birdie would like to live:

The top of the tree
in the branches

Or at the bottom of the tree
in the roots?

Both: the top.

- The top.

Up in the branches.

- [Chirping]

[Both giggle]

- She likes it.

Thank you.

- My pleasure.

- Bye-bye, birdie.

- [Chirps]

- Hello.

This bunny is looking
for a nice place to live.

- You've come to the right tree.

There you go.

Home sweet home.

- Does that look right to you?

Both: no.

- Let's check the computer.

Okay, it says here

That bunnies like to eat grass

And they like to live in places
they can hide.

- Where do you think
the bunny would like to live:

The top of the tree
in the branches

Or at the bottom

Down under the roots
near the grass?

Both: the bottom.

- Yeah, down at the bottom
near the roots

Is close to the grass
and a really good place to hide.

- Right this way, sir.

I think some bunny
likes his home.

[Both giggle]

- Thank you.

- You're welcome.

- Excuse me.

What time is it?

- It's time for lunch.

- ♪ What time is it?

♪ it's time for lunch!

- ♪ What time is it?

- ♪ It's time for lunch!

- ♪ What time is it?

- ♪ It's time for lunch!

- ♪ It's lunchtime!

- ♪ Hey, what's for lunch?

- Hey, gil, what did you get
for lunch today?

- I got macaroni and cheese.

What did you get, oona?

- I got macaroni and cheese too.

What about you, nonny?

- I got macaroni and...


[All laugh]

- Macaroni and trees?

- Tree-rific.

- Trees make good homes
for all kinds of animals.

- Here, bunny, bunny, bunny.

Come on, bunny.

Come out and play with me.

- What are you doing, gil?

- Did you know that bunnies
like to live in trees?

- Uh, well, lots of animals do.

But bunnies
don't live up in branches,

Do they?

No, but sometimes they live

Down in the ground
underneath the roots.

- Here, bunny.

Come down, little bunny.


I don't think
there's a bunny in that tree.

- [Chirps]

- [Screams]

- [Chirps]

- [Giggles]

Come on.

What are you drawing, nonny?

- My friend
the squirrel's tree.

- [Giggles]
he's cute.

- Mr. Grouper,
do the squirrel face again.

- Okay.
I am a squirrel.


[All laugh]

- Mr. Grouper?

Can I have
another piece of paper, please?

I want to draw something else.

- You know,
if you turn your paper over,

You can draw on the other side.

- Awesome.

- That way, you save paper.

And when you save paper,
you save trees.

- Mr. Grouper,
I already used both sides.

- Well, you want to keep it?

- Hmm...no, thank you.

- Then you can recycle it.

- What's "recycle" mean?

- Recycling means
turning something old

Into something new.

- That's right.

When we recycle things,

They can get used again

Instead of just being
thrown away.

- Where does this go?

- Right here
in the recycling bin.

See this?

This means recycling.

We should recycle paper

So not as many trees
need to get cut down.

- Paper comes from trees?

- It sure does.

A lot of things we need
come from trees.

- Like what?

- Let's think about
what we get from trees.

A lot of the fruit we eat
grows on trees,

Like red, juicy...

- Apples.

- Yep.

And other kinds of fruit
grow on trees too,


- Bananas.

- Yep, and we also use trees

To build things
that are made out of...

- Wood.

- That's right.

Wood comes from trees,

And we use wood to make paper.

- And if we recycle paper,
that helps save trees.

- Did somebody say "recycle"?

Well, come on!

Get up and dance.

We're gonna separate the paper
from the plastic!

♪ We're gonna separate the paper
from the plastic ♪

- ♪ Separate the paper
from the plastic ♪

- ♪ Then rinse those bottles
fantastic ♪

- ♪ Rinse those bottles
fantastic ♪

- ♪ Clap your hands

Clap! Clap! Clap!

♪ Crush those cans

♪ And separate the paper
from the plastic ♪

♪ Come on

♪ Let's get recycling

♪ Put the stuff

♪ In the recycle bin

♪ Paper and plastic

♪ Glass and cans

♪ Recycle

♪ And then
let's clap our hands ♪

Clap! Clap!

♪ Come on

♪ Let's get recycling

♪ Put the stuff

♪ In the recycle bin

♪ Paper and plastic

♪ Glass and cans

♪ Recycle

♪ And then
let's clap our hands ♪

♪ Paper and plastic

♪ Glass and cans

♪ Recycle

♪ And then
let's clap our hands ♪

Clap! Clap!

[Cheers and applause]

- Line up, everybody.

- It's time to go outside.

- ♪ Outside

♪ Outside

♪ Outside, everybody, outside

♪ Line up, everybody

♪ Line up, line up

♪ Line up my
gup-gup-gup-gup guppies ♪

♪ Everybody get out

♪ Get, get, get up

♪ Get out
get everybody ♪

♪ Go outside

♪ Here we go here we go
here we go ♪

♪ Everybody line up

♪ Here we go outside

♪ Everybody let's go
g-go go g-get out out ♪

♪ Out, out, out, out, out, out,
outside ♪

Bubble guppies!

- We're tree people.

- We live in a tree.

- Once upon a time...

There were three tree people

Who lived way up
in the branches of a bingo tree.

Day after day, the tree people
enjoyed bingo fruit

For breakfast, lunch,
and dinner.

All: mm!

- Until one day,

A fruit fly showed up.

- I like to eat fruit.

And this bingo fruit
looks delish.



[All munching]


[All gasp]

- Someone wasted a bingo fruit.

- They're only taking one bite
and then throwing it away.

- [Belches]


- Excuse me, sir.

don't waste the bingo fruit.

- Why not?

There's plenty of it.

- He's not even
eating the whole fruit.

- He's wasting it.

- But the fruit fly didn't care.

- [Gobbling]

- We have to stop him.

- Come on.

- So the tree people
hurried up the branches

To stop the fruit fly.

- Look out for the thorns,
you guys.

We have to go under them.

All: under.


- [Munching]

- Look out.

- Ooph!

- We need your help.

Tell us
when to jump over the fruit

And go under the thorns.

Come on.

All: under.


- [Gobbling]

All: over.




- We made it.

- Oh, no.

He ate all the bingo fruit.

- No, he didn't.

There's one left.

- Mm.

- Hey, mister.

don't waste the bingo fruit.

- Why not?

There's plenty more.

All: uh-uh.

- You ate all of it.

There are none left.

- None left?

What do we do?

They can't be all gone.

[Frenzied buzzing]


I made a mistake.


- I have an idea.

But you're going
to have to help us.

- So the tree people
and the fruit fly

Collected the seeds
from all the bingo fruit

And planted them in the ground.

And those bingo fruit seeds

Grew into
beautiful bingo fruit trees.

All: mm-mm!

- Now, don't waste it, you guys.

[All giggle]

- And so everyone
enjoyed their bingo fruit,

And the fruit fly never wasted
a single bite again.

And they all
lived happily ever after.

[Cheers and applause]

Trees are important to everyone,

Especially the animals
that live in them.

- Here, bunny, bunny, bunny.

I know there's a bunny
in that tree.

- Gil, he probably
wants to be left alone.

- Bunny.


- Gil, not just bunnies
and birds live in trees.

Other animals make their homes
in trees too.

- Oh, yeah?

Like what?

- Uh, like bugs

And caterpillars.

- Caterpillars?


- [Giggles]

It's getting windy.

- Molly, come on.

We're going to the park.

You can meet my squirrel friend.

- Okay. Let's go.

- Wow.

This place is a real mess.

- Look at all the garbage.

- It must have been
really windy here.

- [Gasps]

Oh, no.

- Is that where
your squirrel friend lives?

- Uh-huh.



- Look.

All his acorns fell.

- Squirrel.

Where are you?

I don't see him anywhere.

- I'm sure he's okay, nonny.

My goodness,
this place is a mess.

- Can we help clean up the park?

- Why, sure you can.

- That's a great idea.

Let's clean up the park.

[All agreeing enthusiastically]

- Squirrel.


Where are you?

- Well, I think we're done.

- Did we get everything?

- Let's take a look.

If you see something
that we need to pick up,

Say, "pick it up."

- You're right.

Here's some newspaper we missed.

I'll get it.


Stay still.

Come back here, newspaper.

You're going
into the recycling bin.

- [Chitters]
- eek!

- Squirrel!
You're okay!

I was really worried.

- [Whistles]

- I picked up
all your acorns for you.

- [Chitters]

- Hello.
- Hey, it's a squirrel.

- Hello.
- Hi, squirrel.

- [Chitters]

- Hello, squirrel.


[All laugh]

- [Chitters]

[Chittering continues]


- What's he doing?

- He's using the newspaper
to rebuild his nest.

- He's recycling it.

- [Chitters]

[All laugh]

- You guys did a great job
cleaning up the park.

- You sure did.

And don't think
it went unnoticed.

[Intermittent siren bursts
and motors purring]

Ladies and gentlemen,

The president of the squirrels.

[Intermittent siren bursts
and motors fade]

- [Chittering]

- What's he saying?

- He says, "nonny, for your work

"In helping gather up
our squirrel friend's acorns

"And for your contribution
in cleaning up our park,

"It is my honor to present
to you and the bubble guppies

The golden acorn award."

All: ooh!

- [Chittering]
- "congratulations."

- Thank you, mr. President.

- [Chitters]

[Laughter and applause]

- [Chittering]

- [Laughs]

- I'm glad nonny
found his friend the squirrel.


Uh, gilly.
- Shh.

I'm a tree.

- A carrot tree?

- Bunnies love carrots.

- [Giggles]
yeah, but gilly--

- Here, bunny.

Yummy carrots.

- [Chirping]

- [Screams]

- [Crunching]

- [Giggles]

All: ♪ bub-bub-bubble

♪ Gup-gup-guppies

♪ Bubble bubble bubble

♪ Guppy guppy guppy

- Bubble!
- Bubble!

- Guppy!
- Guppy!

Clap! Clap!

bubble guppies!

Clap! Clap!

Bubble guppies!

- ♪ And oh,
we're so glad that you grow ♪

♪ Oh, mr. Tree, oh-ho

Both: ♪ tree-eh-he-hee

- ♪ Oh, mr. Tree, oh-ho

- ♪ Tree-eh-he-hee

- ♪ Oh, mr. Tree, oh-ho

- ♪ Tree-eh-he-hee
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