01x15 - Have a Cow!

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Bubble Guppies". Aired: January 24, 2011 - present.*
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Series follows a "school of fish" as they attend school in an underwater classroom.
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01x15 - Have a Cow!

Post by bunniefuu »

[Upbeat ukulele music]

bubble guppies!

- Hi, it's me, molly,

And it's time for...

- [Snoring]

- Do you hear someone snoring?

- [Snoring]

- Yeah, I do too.

Come on.

- [Snoring]

- It's gil.

- [Snoring]

- Gil, wake up.

It's time for bub--

- [Grunts]


- Shh.

- [Crows]

- [Gasps]

It's time for bubble guppies.

♪ bub-bub-bubble

♪ Gup-gup-guppies

♪ Bubble bubble bubble

♪ Guppy guppy guppy

- Bubble!
- Bubble!

- Guppy!
- Guppy!

Clap! Clap!

bubble guppies!

- I'm molly.

- I'm gil.

- I'm goby.

- I'm deema.

- I'm oona.

- I'm nonny.

Arf! Arf!

bubble puppy!

♪ Bub-bub-bubble

♪ Gup-gup-guppies

♪ Bubble bubble bubble

♪ Guppy guppy guppy

- Bubble!
- Bubble!

- Guppy!
- Guppy!

Clap! Clap!

bubble guppies!

Clap! Clap!

Bubble guppies!

[Sitar music]

[Lively music]

- Hi.

- [Cow moos]



- Who's saying "moo"?

[Together] a cow!

- Yeah, that sounds
like a cow.


- [Moos]

- [Giggles]

Hello, cow.

- [Moos]

- [Laughs]

There ya are, butterscotch.

- [Moos]

- Her name's butterscotch.

- Oh, what are you doing
all the way down here?

You should be resting
in the barn, mama.

- Mama?

I thought her name
was butterscotch.

- It is, but I call her mama

Because she's going to have
a baby soon.

- A baby?

- Mm-hmm.

Isn't that right,

- [Moos]

- [Chuckles]

What's the baby's name
going to be?

- Hmm.
I don't know yet.

What do you think
it should be?

- Hmm.


- Ha, pudding?

- Mm-hmm.

Butterscotch and pudding.


- [Moos]

- I think
butterscotch likes it.

- [Moos]

- Come on, mama.

Let's get you
back to the barn.

- Bye, butterscotch.

- [Moos]

- Moo.


Come on.

[Lively music]

- Hello.

- Hi.

- Hello.

- Hi.

- Arf!

[Together] good morning,
mr. Grouper.

- Good morning, everyone.

- Moo.

Guess what we just saw,
mr. Grouper.

- Hmm.

A cat!

- No.

- Oh, I know.

A moo-oose?

[Together] no!

- We saw a cow.

Her name is butterscotch,

And she's going to have
a baby.

- [Gasps]
I love baby animals.

- Me too.

I want to go to the farm.

- Yeah, I want to see
all the animals.

- What kind of animals
are on a farm?

- Let's think about it.

Hmm, what kind of animals
are there on a farm?

Well, molly saw a...

- [Moos]

- Cow.

Her name was butterscotch.

- And the animal on the farm

That likes to roll around
in the mud

Is called a...

- [Oinks]

- Pig.

- That's right.

Pigs say, "oink, oink, oink."

- What about the animal
that says, "buck, buck, buck"?

- Oh, that's called a...

- [Clucks]

- Chicken.

- Yep, there are lots
of chickens on the farm.

- And horses.

- And sheep.

- And roosters.

[Both crow]

- The person who takes care
of all these animals

Is called...

The farmer.

- That's right.

The farmer takes care
of the whole farm.

- ♪ From sunup to sundown

♪ A farmer tends his farm

♪ The sound of a rooster

♪ His morning alarm

[Rooster crows]

♪ No, it ain't always easy

♪ Working all day long

♪ From sunup to sundown

♪ We sing the farmer's song

♪ Milk the cows
first thing each day ♪

♪ Feed the horses
a bale of hay ♪

♪ Eggs from chickens,
wool from sheep ♪

♪ When you care
for the animals ♪

♪ There's no time to sleep

♪ From sunup to sundown

♪ A farmer tends his farm

♪ The sound of a rooster

♪ His morning alarm

[Rooster crows]

- ♪ No, it ain't always easy

♪ Working all day long

♪ From sunup to sundown

♪ We sing the farmer's song

- ♪ Rides his tractor
across the field ♪

♪ Works all day
to grow our meals ♪

♪ Corn, potatoes, carrots,
and wheat ♪

♪ Up from the ground
so many things to eat ♪

- Yee-hah!

- ♪ From sunup to sundown

♪ A farmer tends his farm

♪ The sound of a rooster

♪ His morning alarm

- [Rooster crows]

- ♪ No, it ain't always easy

♪ Working all day long

♪ From sunup to sundown

♪ We sing the farmer's song

♪ From sunup to sundown

♪ We sing the farmer's song


- I can't find my pig

Let's go to the animal caller
and see if she can help.

- Hi, there.

And hello to you, farmer.

- Hello.
I lost my pig.

Can you help me call him?

- Sure, I can.

They don't call me
the animal caller for nothing.

[Phone rings]

You said a pig, right?

- Mm-hmm, a pig.

- Hello.

Ah, buck, buck, buck?

Buck, buck, buck?

[Hangs up]

He hung up.

- I don't think
he understood you.

Does a pig say,
"buck, buck, buck"?

[Together] no.

- Well, what sound does
a pig make?

Oink, oink, oink?

I'll try again.

[Phone rings]


Hang on a moment please.

Help me call the pig.

Say, "oink, oink, oink."

Okay, piggy.
See you in a minute.

- [Oinks]

- Piggy!

Thanks, animal caller.

- Just doing my job, ma'am.

- Come on, piggy.

- [Oinks]

- Hello, farmer number two.

- Hello.

- Is there an animal
I can call for you?

- As a matter of fact,
there is.

I'm trying to find my horse.

Can you call him for me?

- A horse?
Of course.


That rhymes.

[Phone rings]

It's ringing.

Ah, yes.

Moo, moo, moo,
moo, moo?

[Hangs up]


- Does a horse say,
"moo, moo, moo"?

[Together] no.

- You're right.

What sound does a horse make?

- Neigh.

I'll try again.

[Phone rings]


Hang on a moment please.

Help me call the horse.

Say, "neigh."

- [Neighs]

- I've been looking all over
for you.

Thanks, animal caller.

- My pleasure.

- And thank you for helping me
call my horse.

- [Neighs]

- Excuse me.

What time is it?

- It's time for lunch.

- ♪ What time is it?

♪ it's time for lunch!

- ♪ What time is it?

- ♪ It's time for lunch!

- ♪ What time is it?

- ♪ It's time for lunch!

- ♪ It's lunchtime!

- ♪ Hey, what's for lunch?

- Hey, farmer oona.
What did you get for lunch?

- A cheese sandwich with carrots
and a glass of milk.

What about you, farmer goby?

- A hardboiled egg
and an apple.


What about you, farmer nonny?

- Cheese and tractors?

Both: cheese and tractors?


- Cheese and tractors?

You can't eat that.

- I can't wait
to go to the farm

And see butterscotch
and all the other animals,

Pigs and chickens...

- Buck, buck, buck, buck,
buck, buck, buck.

- Speaking of chickens...

- I'm not a chicken.


- Oh, I get it.

You're a rooster.

- Yup,
roosters are boy chickens.


[Hens clucking]




- [Laughs]

- Come on, piggy.
It's time to eat.

- Oink, oink, oink.

- [Laughs]

Both: oink, oink, oink.

- Come on.

Both: oink, oink, oink,
oink, oink.

- Neigh!

- Quack.

- I'm a cow.

- Like butterscotch.

- Moo!

- Howdy, cow.

- Mr. Grouper,
you be a cow too.

- Okay.



- I'm the baby cow.


- Hi, baby calf.

I'm going to name you

- Moo!

- Hi, pudding.

- Moo!

I'm hungry.

- When baby cows are hungry,
they drink milk.

- So do i.

Do you drink milk?

- Milk is yummy.

- A lot of food we eat
comes from the farm.

- Like what?

- Let's think about what kind
of food comes from the farm.

Cows give us...

- Milk.

- That's right.

The farmer gets milk
from cows.

And chickens give us...

- Eggs.

- Yup, farmers collect eggs
from chickens.

But not all the food
that comes from the farm

Comes from animals.

Farmers grow vegetables like...

- Carrots.

- That's right.

Carrots grow in the ground,

And the farmer pulls them up.

And farmers also grow
delicious, crunchy...


- Lots of food
comes from farms.

Come on, farmers.

Get up and dance with us.

♪ If you want to get milk,
I'll tell you how ♪

♪ You better go out
and find a cow ♪

♪ Milk, milk,
milk that cow ♪

♪ Cow, cow,
milk that cow ♪

♪ We get our milk
fresh from the farm ♪

- Let's go!

- ♪ If you need some eggs,
where do you pick 'em? ♪

♪ You better go out
and look under a chicken ♪

♪ Pick 'em, pick 'em,
pick 'em from a chicken ♪

♪ Chicken, chicken

♪ Pick your eggs
from a chicken ♪

- ♪ We get eggs fresh
from the farm ♪

- Let's do it.

♪ If there aren't any carrots
lying around ♪

♪ You better pull 'em up
from the ground ♪

♪ Carrots, carrots,
pull them from the ground ♪

♪ Ground, ground,
pull carrots from the ground ♪

- ♪ Fresh carrots
from the farm ♪

- Let's go.

♪ Milk the cow

♪ Pick the eggs

♪ Pull the carrots

♪ We get our food fresh
from the farm ♪


- Line up, everybody.

It's time to go outside.

♪ Outside

♪ Outside

♪ Outside, everybody, outside

♪ Line up, everybody

♪ Line up, line up

♪ Line up my
gup-gup-gup-gup guppies ♪

♪ Everybody get out

♪ Get, get, get up

♪ Get out,
get everybody ♪

♪ Go outside

♪ Here we go here we go
here we go ♪

♪ Everybody line up

♪ Here we go outside

♪ Everybody let's go
g-go go g-get out out ♪

♪ Out, out, out, out, out, out,
outside ♪

Bubble guppies!

- I'm a farmer.

- And I'm the farmhand.

- That's the farmer's helper.

- Once upon a time,

There was a farmer and the
farmhands who grew some carrots.

- Well, farmhand, those are
some fine-looking carrots.

I'm off to milk the cow.

While I'm gone, keep an eye
on those carrots.

Make sure that a bunny
doesn't come and steal them.

- A bunny?


If you see a bunny,
say, "bunny."

Do you see a bunny?



Come back here with that carrot,

- But the bunny got away.

- Oh, no.

Now there's only one carrot

- What happened, farmhand?

- Well, boss, looks like
we've been outsmarted

By a very clever bunny.

- We need a bunny barricade.

- And so the farmer
and the farmhands got out

The bunny barricade.

- Activate
the bunny barricade.


Nobody can get through
the bunny barricade.

[Ground rumbling]

That's no bunny.

it's a giant robot rabbit!

- And look who's driving!

- [Laughs]

- Oh, no.

We have to save the carrot.

Quickly, farmhand.

Get the carrot,
and we'll hide in the barn.

- Yes, boss.

[Ominous music]

- There's only one thing
that can stop

A giant robot rabbit.

Both: a giant robot carrot.

- Makes sense to me.

- We have to build one.

- And so they got to work
building a giant robot carrot.

- Almost done.

[Ground rumbles]


- [Laughs]

- Oh, no.
The pieces are all messed up.

- Help us put the pieces

We need to line up
these carrot pieces

From largest to smallest.

Which one is the largest?

- Yeah, this one.

- Remember, we're lining them up
from largest to smallest.

Now which piece comes next?

- Yeah, this is
the next largest piece.

It goes here.

Which piece comes next?

This piece goes here.

- [Rabbit laughs]

- Hurry, the giant rabbit's
going to get us.

- [Laughs]

- Okay, the smallest piece
goes last.

It goes here.

Does that look right to you?

No, that's not right.

We need to turn it around.

- That's it--
the perfect giant robot carrot.

Hurry, farmhand.

Buzz the giant robot carrot.

- Okay, boss.


- And so the giant robot rabbit
went away,

And the farmer and the farmhands
were safe with their carrot.

- We did it, farmhand.

We kept the carrot safe.

- We sure did, boss.

Now what do we do?

- Only one thing left
to do, farmhand.

Both: eat the carrot.


- And they all lived
happily ever after.

[Together] hurray!

- Being a farmer looks exciting.

Oh, hey, gil.
What are you doing?

- [Whispering] I'm hiding
from those chickens.

- Oh, yeah,
the chickens.

That reminds me,
you want to hear a joke?

- Ah, sure.

- Knock, knock.

- Who's there?

- Cock-a-doodle.

- Cock-a-doodle who?

- What?
I can't hear you.

- Cock-a-doodle who?

- Could you say it
a little louder?

- Cock-a-doodle who?


[Hens clucking]


- [Laughs]

- Hey, molly.
Come on.

We're going to the farm.

- Maybe butterscotch
had her baby.

- Tonight
a very special surprise

From the home
of corn, milk,

And all your favorite
farm animals,

Farmer joe's farm.

- What do you think
the big surprise is?

- I don't know.

- Maybe butterscotch
had her baby.

- I think we're about
to find out.

- Ladies and gentlemen,

Pigs, horses, and chickens,

Please welcome farmer joe.


- Thank you.
Thank you.

And welcome back to the farm.

This is a very big night
for all of us here,

And I know you're just
as excited as I am.

May I have
the envelope, please?

Ladies and gentlemen,

Butterscotch the cow
and her brand-new baby!

[Cheers and applause]

- Butterscotch!

Where is she?

- Butterscotch?
Where are you, girl?

- We need your help
to find butterscotch.

Help us moo.


[Together] moo!

- [Cow moos]

- It's butterscotch.

- [High-pitched moo]

- That didn't sound
like butterscotch.

- It's coming from back there.

- Come on.

- [Moos]

- Here she is.

- [Moos]

- [High-pitched moo]

- Butterscotch had her baby.

[Together] aww.

- Adorable.
- It's a baby calf.

- Hello, little calf.


- Moo!

- Hello, little...

Does it have a name?

- Of course she does.

[Drum roll]

Ladies and gentlemen,

Please welcome the newest member
of our farm family,


- Hello, pudding.

- [Moos]

[Together] hi, pudding.

[Excited chatter]

- Well, thank you for joining us
here at the barn, everyone.



- Wow, molly.

Pudding is the cutest baby calf
I've ever seen.

- She sure is.

- She was so cute.


- You sure are good
at making animal sounds, gilly.

- Listen to this.


[Hens clucking]

Oh, no.



♪ bub-bub-bubble

♪ Gup-gup-guppies

♪ Bubble bubble bubble

♪ Guppy guppy guppy

- Bubble!
- Bubble!

- Guppy!
- Guppy!

Clap! Clap!

bubble guppies!

Clap! Clap!

Bubble guppies!

- ♪ No, it ain't always easy

♪ Working all day long

♪ From sunup to sundown

♪ We sing the farmer's song
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